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Application of Principles in Modern Teaching

By: James McGarvey, MBA

Doctoral Candidate of Grand Canyon University

To fail to acknowledge the more recent changes in the evolution of education would be a

gross misunderstanding for any organization. Realizing that we serve an entirely different

generational demographic (in education today) is the key to being successful in any topic of

instruction. Similarly important is the integration of the current needs and values of the

generation that is receiving the instruction into said pattern of instruction. No longer is it feasible

in any subject, to simply ³teach´ students a variety of information. An instructor, professor,

educator, must learn how to ³enhance´ each student¶s learning abilities with concrete

information obtained from consistent sources. According to Miriam-Webster, the definition of

³enhance´ is to: ³| | 

    | || | |

c While this may have seemed like normal dynamics for any application of instruction, on

the part of an instructor or professor, it is certainly conducive of the entire culture of learning in

the 21st century. When we apply the concept of simply ³teaching´ information to our students,

we are merely allowing them to receive information that may or may not be beneficial to them.

With the concept of ³teaching´ in mind, Webster defines it as ³  | ´.2

Essentially, an instructor may (or may not) be successful in passing along the content of

the theory they specialize in. The degree in the past, to which a student was judged, in

accomplishment, was the knowledge that an individual obtained from the instructor and was able

to effectively regurgitate back. While such an emphasis was justifiable in the past, with the

cultural shift in addressing the generational needs toward the Generation Y needs, an individual

must employ a significant dynamic to achieve significant results with this generation.


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Generation Y is the fastest growing generation, currently boasting of 70 million plus,

with individuals currently entering the work force, and relying on the present higher educational

system to meet their education needs.3 The interesting facet to the integration of Generation Y

into the present higher educational system is that Generation Y individuals seek a much deeper

level of education and pattern of information communication, possibly due to the intensity of

technology in their everyday interactions. Generation Y tends to be extremely focused on

achievement oriented goals towards education, simply because the previous two generations

relied strictly on the principles of hard work to be successful and move forward.4 With such an

earnest dedication to education, the dynamics of education have evolved to facilitate the change

in educational patterns to the needs and patterns of Generation Y. With the influx of not only

Generation Y, but also Generation Z currently entering educational processes, it crucial to all

educational facilities to focus their instructional efforts on meeting the needs of these

Generations. While Generation Z (also called the ³I-Generation´) claims 18% of the

generational mainstream, and demands ³instant gratification´, their pattern of behavior also

demands a more interactive ³enhanced´ (by definition) instructional philosophy.5

This leaves the question of developing an adequate instructional process and pattern that

embraces the needs of the Generation Y and Z characteristics, while also conveying important

information dynamics. How do instructors ³enhance´ their teaching technique? It can be broken

down in three succinct logical steps.


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First, the foundations of any new educational strategy or theory must be well established

on foundational principles of education and philosophy. Applying the principles of Maslow¶s

Hierarchy of Needs6, we can continue to assess the potential future needs of the individual, while

also applying older educational theories such as the Cognitive Flexibility Theory (R. Spiro)7 The

careful evaluation of both theory and individual needs must be carefully evaluated to build a

significant foundation for the new strategies in instruction.

Second, at times regardless of our own personal feelings about change, we must embrace

the differences and needs of a different generational demographic. While it may be ³out of our

comfort zone´ to change a method or pattern of instruction, our own personal attitude has as

much impact on our success as an instructor as the style to which we are presenting the

information. In a famous public address, Pastor and Theologian Charles Swindoll stated

³Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education,

than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or

say or do.... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.´8 As

instructors, professors, and educators we have the power to be successful based on our reaction

to new strategies and theories within the characteristics of education. We need to realize that the

needs and differences in today¶s students are far different than that of five or ten years ago. Only

by understanding these differences and embracing them with a positive attitude can we


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Third, and finally, as instructors we must apply practical experience to the classroom

setting to develop an atmosphere conducive to learning and instructing the students in a practical

way. With the evolution of education and the generational differences, students want to

understand and embrace how the information is pertinent to them and how it will help them

better themselves and their life. Ultimately, this is how we drive the vision and purpose of

Daymar College, enhancing our student¶s lives, by ³Changing lives, one student at a time´.c

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