Anda di halaman 1dari 55

Isogeometric Analysiss

Knot utility

Gauss points data

Gausspoint[q_] := Block[{Gp, w},
If[q  1, {Gp = {0.000000000000000},
w = {2.000000000000000}}];
If[q  2, {Gp = {- 0.577350269189626,
w = {1.000000000000000,
If[q  3, {Gp = {- 0.774596669241483,
w = {0.555555555555556,
If[q  4, {Gp = {- 0.861134311594053,
- 0.339981043584856,
w = {0.347854845137454,
If[q  5, {Gp = {- 0.906179845938664,
- 0.538469310105683,
w = {0.236926885056189,
If[q  6, {Gp = {- 0.932469514203152,
- 0.661209386466265,
- 0.238619186003152,
w = {0.171324492379170,
2 TestFinished.cdf

If[q  7, {Gp = {- 0.949107912342759,
- 0.741531185599394,
- 0.405845151377397,
0.949107912342759 },
w = {0.129484966168870,
If[q  8, {Gp = {- 0.960289856497536,
- 0.796666477413627,
- 0.525532409916329,
- 0.183434642495650,
w = {0.101228536290376,
If[q  9, {Gp = {- 0.968160239507626,
- 0.836031107326636,
- 0.613371432700590,
- 0.324253423403809,
w = {0.081274388361574,
TestFinished.cdf 3

If[q  10, {Gp = {- 0.973906528517172,

- 0.865063366688985,
- 0.679409568299024,
- 0.433395394129247,
- 0.148874338981631,
w = {0.066671344308688,
{Gp, w}

Knot generation
NonUniformKnot[nn_, p_] := Block{t, m, j, k, n},
n = nn - 1;
m = n + p + 1;
t = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}];
Forj = 2, j ≤ n - p + 1, j ++,
t〚j + p〛 = ;
For[k = m - p + 1, k ≤ m + 1, k ++,
t〚k〛 = 1;

4 TestFinished.cdf

Evaluate knot
EvaluateKnot[knot_] := Block[{p, n, i},
p = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[knot], i ++,
If[knot〚i〛  0, p = p + 1];
p = p - 1;
n = Length[knot] - p - 1;
{n, p}

(*Return the number of NURBS functions and their degree*)

Repeated knot
KnotR[nn_, p_] := Block[{KnotRef, i, KnotR},
KnotRef = NonUniformKnot[nn + p - 1, p];
KnotR = KnotRef;
For[i = p + 2, i ≤ nn + p - 1, i ++,
KnotR〚i〛 = Table[KnotRef〚i〛, {k, 1, p + 1}];
; KnotR // Flatten

Reduce knot
(*Include 1 & 0*)

ReduceKnotR[knotR_] := Block[{l, i, KnotReduce, count},

l = Length[knotR];
count = 1;
KnotReduce = Table[0, {i, 1, l}];
KnotReduce〚1〛 = knotR〚1〛;
For[i = 1, i ≤ l - 1, i ++,
If[knotR〚i + 1〛 ≠ knotR〚i〛,
{count = count + 1; KnotReduce〚count〛 = knotR〚i + 1〛}]
Table[KnotReduce〚i〛, {i, 1, count}]]

(*Not include 0 and 1*)

KnotReduce[knot_] := Block[{k, r},

k = ReduceKnotR[knot];
r = Table[k〚i〛, {i, 2, Length[k] - 1}];
TestFinished.cdf 5

Insert knot

Findk[knot_, t_] := Block[{k, count, i},

count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[knot] - 1, i ++,
If[knot〚i〛 ≤ t < knot〚i + 1〛, count = i]
]; count

KnotInsert[ctp_, knot_, t_] :=

Block{n1, n2, m, i, p, Q, a, k, count, temp, newctp, newknot, ctpout},
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[ctp];
newctp = ctp;
k = Findk[knot, t];
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
count = 0;
Q = Table[0, {i, 1, p}];
Fori = k - p + 1, i ≤ k, i ++,
t - knot〚i〛
a= ;
knot〚i + p〛 - knot〚i〛
temp = (1 - a) ctp〚i - 1〛 + a ctp〚i〛;
count ++;
Q〚count〛 = temp;
count = 0;
For[i = k - p + 1, i < k, i ++,
count ++;
newctp〚i〛 = Q〚count〛;
newknot = Sort[{knot, t} // Flatten];
newctp〚k - 1〛 = {newctp〚k - 1〛, Q〚Length[Q]〛};
newctp = newctp // Flatten;
ctpout = Table[{newctp〚i〛, newctp〚i + 1〛}, {i, 1, Length[newctp], n2}];
{ctpout, newknot}

KnotInsertM[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{ctpn, knotn, i},

{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert[ctp, knot, t〚1〛];
For[i = 2, i ≤ Length[t], i ++,
{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert[ctpn, knotn, t〚i〛];
{ctpn, knotn}
6 TestFinished.cdf

KnotInsert2Dx[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{m, n, i, l, ctpnew, knotnew},

{m, n, l} = Dimensions[ctp];
ctpnew = Table[0, {i, 1, m}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
ctpnew〚i〛 = KnotInsert[ctp〚i〛, knot, t]〚1〛;
knotnew = KnotInsert[ctp〚1〛, knot, t]〚2〛;
{ctpnew, knotnew}

KnotInsertM2Dx[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{m, n, i, l, ctpn, knotn},

{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert2Dx[ctp, knot, t〚1〛];
For[i = 2, i ≤ Length[t], i ++,
{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert2Dx[ctpn, knotn, t〚i〛];
{ctpn, knotn}

KnotInsert2Dy[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{Tctp, m, n, i, l, ctpnew, knotnew},

Tctp = Transpose[ctp];
{m, n, l} = Dimensions[Tctp];
ctpnew = Table[0, {i, 1, m}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
ctpnew〚i〛 = KnotInsert[Tctp〚i〛, knot, t]〚1〛;
knotnew = KnotInsert[Tctp〚1〛, knot, t]〚2〛;
{Transpose[ctpnew], knotnew}

KnotInsertM2Dy[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{m, n, i, l, ctpn, knotn},

{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert2Dy[ctp, knot, t〚1〛];
For[i = 2, i ≤ Length[t], i ++,
{ctpn, knotn} = KnotInsert2Dy[ctpn, knotn, t〚i〛];
{ctpn, knotn}

Elevate knot
Cc[i_, p_] :=
i ! (p - i) !
TestFinished.cdf 7

KnotElevate[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block{m, p, i, Q, knotn, ctpn},

{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
Q = Table[0, {i, 1, p + t + 1}];
ctpn = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctp] + t}];
For[i = Length[ctp], i > 0, i --,
ctpn〚i + t〛 = ctp〚i〛
Fori = 1, i ≤ p + t + 1, i ++,
Cc[j, p] Cc[i - 1 - j, t] ctp〚j + 1〛
Q〚i〛 = Sum , {j, Max[0, i - 1 - t], Min[p, i - 1]}
Cc[i - 1, p + t]
knotn = NonUniformKnot[m + t, p + t];
For[i = 1, i ≤ p + t + 1, i ++,
ctpn〚i〛 = Q〚i〛;
{ctpn, knotn}

KnotElevate2Dx[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{ctpn, m, n, k, i, knotn},

{m, n, k} = Dimensions[ctp];
ctpn = Table[0, {i, 1, m}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
{ctpn〚i〛, knotn} = KnotElevate[ctp〚i〛, knot, t];
{ctpn, knotn}

KnotElevate2Dy[ctp_, knot_, t_] := Block[{ctpy, ctpn, m, n, k, i, knotn},

ctpy = Transpose[ctp];
{m, n, k} = Dimensions[ctpy];
ctpn = Table[0, {i, 1, m}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
{ctpn〚i〛, knotn} = KnotElevate[ctpy〚i〛, knot, t];
{Transpose[ctpn], knotn}
8 TestFinished.cdf

Evaluate knotR
EvaluateKnotR[knotR_] := Block{l, count, i},
l = Length[knotR];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ l, i ++,
If[knotR〚i〛  0, count ++]
 , count - 1

(*Return the number of node, and the degree of functions*)

h-refinement utilities
href[knot_] := Block{Rknot},
Rknot = ReduceKnotR[knot];
Rknot〚i〛 + Rknot〚i + 1〛
Table , {i, 1, Length[Rknot] - 1}

(*Just for Bazier form i.g. [0 0 0 1 1 1] from the beginning*)

(*h-ref deu*)
href1[step_] := Table , {i, 1, step}
step + 1

(* h-refine gian knot*)

href2[step_] := Block{a, scale, r},
a = Table[i, {i, 1, step}];
scale = Sum[a〚i〛, {i, 1, step}];
r = TableSum a〚j〛, {j, 1, i}, {i, step - 1};

(*h-ref co knot*)
href3[step_] := Block{a, scale, r},
a = Table[i, {i, step, 1, - 1}];
scale = Sum[a〚i〛, {i, 1, step}];
r = TableSum a〚j〛, {j, 1, i}, {i, step - 1};

(*deu quanh [0,a], deu quanh [a,1]*)

TestFinished.cdf 9

sref[step_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href1[step];
k2 = (1 - a) href1[step] + a;
{k1, a, k2} // Flatten

(*deu step 1 quanh [0,a] deu step 2 quanh [a,1]*)

sref[step1_, step2_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},
k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (1 - a) href1[step2] + a;
{k1, a, k2} // Flatten

(*gian-co quanh diem a*)

sref1[step_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},
k1 = a href2[step];
k2 = (1 - a) href3[step] + a;
{k1, a, k2} // Flatten

(*co - gian quanh diem a*)

sref2[step_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},
k1 = a href3[step];
k2 = (1 - a) href2[step] + a;
{k1, a, k2} // Flatten

(* gian trong [0,a], deu trong [a,b], co trong [b,1] *)

sref3[step1_, step2_, a_, b_] := Block[{k1, k2, k3},
k1 = a href2[step1];
k2 = (b - a) href1[step2] + a;
k3 = (1 - b) href3[step1] + b;
{k1, a, k2, b, k3} // Flatten

(* co trong [0,a], deu trong [a,b], gian trong [b,1] *)

sref4[step1_, step2_, a_, b_] := Block[{k1, k2, k3},
k1 = a href3[step1];
k2 = (b - a) href1[step2] + a;
k3 = (1 - b) href2[step1] + b;
{k1, a, k2, b, k3} // Flatten
10 TestFinished.cdf

(*co trong [0,a], deu trong [a,b], deu trong [b,c],

deu trong [c,d], gian trong [d,1]*)
sref5[step1_, step2_, step3_, step4_, step5_, a_, b_, c_, d_] :=
Block[{k1, k2, k3, k4, k5},
k1 = a href3[step1];
k2 = (b - a) href1[step2] + a;
k3 = (c - b) href1[step3] + b;
k4 = (d - c) href1[step4] + c;
k5 = (1 - d) href2[step5] + d;
{k1, a, k2, b, k3, c, k4, d, k5} // Flatten

sref6[step_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href1[step];
k2 = (1 - a) href1[step] + a;
{k1, k2} // Flatten

(*gian, co*)

sref6[step1_, step2_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href3[step1];
k2 = (1 - a) href2[step2] + a;
{k1, k2} // Flatten

(*deu, co*)

sref7[step1_, step2_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (1 - a) href3[step2] + a;
{k1, k2} // Flatten

(*deu1, deu2*)

sref8[step1_, step2_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (1 - a) href1[step2] + a;
{k1, k2} // Flatten


sref9[step1_, step2_, step3_, step4_, step5_, step6_, a_, b_, c_, d_, e_] :=
Block[{k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6},
k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (b - a) href1[step2] + a;
k3 = (c - b) href1[step3] + b;
k4 = (d - c) href1[step4] + c;
k5 = (e - d) href1[step5] + d;
k6 = (1 - e) href1[step6] + e;
{k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6} // Flatten
TestFinished.cdf 11

Points utility
cpt2Array[ctp_] := Block[{ctpArray, m, n, q, p, i, j},
If[Length[Dimensions[ctp]]  3, {m, n, q} = Dimensions[ctp]];
If[Length[Dimensions[ctp]]  4, {m, n, q, p} = Dimensions[ctp]];
ctpArray = Table[0, {i, 1, m n}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n, j ++,
ctpArray〚n (i - 1) + j〛 = ctp〚i〛〚j〛;
]; ctpArray

Node ultility - Finding boundary condition nodes

Find a specific node

FindNode[p_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, ctpVector},
ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
index = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[p  ctpVector〚i〛, index = i]
]; {index, ctpVector〚index〛}

Find nodes with a determined X coordinate

FindNodeX[p_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, count, r, ctpVector},
ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
r = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpVector]}];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[p  ctpVector〚i〛〚1〛, {count = count + 1, r〚count〛 = i}]
]; {Table[r〚i〛, {i, 1, count}], Table[ctpVector〚r〚i〛〛, {i, 1, count}]}

Find nodes with a determined Y coordinate

FindNodeY[p_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, count, r, ctpVector},
ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
r = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpVector]}];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[p  ctpVector〚i〛〚2〛, {count = count + 1, r〚count〛 = i}]
]; {Table[r〚i〛, {i, 1, count}], Table[ctpVector〚r〚i〛〛, {i, 1, count}]}

Find nodes with around Δy of a determined Y coordinate (for steel determine,

12 TestFinished.cdf

Find nodes with around Δy of a determined Y coordinate (for steel determine,

for distributed loading)
FindNodeAY[x_, y_, Δy_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, count, r, ctpVector},
ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
r = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpVector]}];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[ctpVector〚i〛〚1〛  x && y - Δy ≤ ctpVector〚i〛〚2〛 ≤ y + Δy,
{count ++, r〚count〛 = i}]];
{Table[r〚i〛, {i, 1, count}], Table[ctpVector〚r〚i〛〛, {i, 1 count}]}

Find nodes with around Δx of a determined X coordinate (for steel determine,

for distributed loading)
FindNodeAX[x_, y_, Δx_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, count, r, ctpVector},
ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
r = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpVector]}];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[ctpVector〚i〛〚2〛  y && x - Δx ≤ ctpVector〚i〛〚1〛 ≤ x + Δx,
{count ++, r〚count〛 = i}]];
{Table[r〚i〛, {i, 1, count}], Table[ctpVector〚r〚i〛〛, {i, 1 count}]}

FindNodeΔX[xmin_, xmax_, y_, ctp_] := Block[{i, index, count, r, ctpVector},

ctpVector = cpt2Array[ctp];
r = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpVector]}];
count = 0;
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ctpVector], i ++,
If[ctpVector〚i〛〚2〛  y && xmin ≤ ctpVector〚i〛〚1〛 ≤ xmax,
{count ++, r〚count〛 = i}]];
{Table[r〚i〛, {i, 1, count}], Table[ctpVector〚r〚i〛〛, {i, 1 count}]}
TestFinished.cdf 13

NURBS 1D utility (for truss element - note that truss is declared in space 2D)

The NonUniform B-Spline functions and its derivative

NUBS[knot_, ζ_] := Block{m, p, NN, dNN, t, term1N, term2N, term1DN, term2DN, k, i, II},
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
NN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
dNN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
t = knot;
ForII = 1, II ≤ p + 1, II ++,

Fori = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
NN〚i, 1〛 = Piecewise[{{1.0, t〚i〛 ≤ ζ ≤ t〚i + 1〛}}];
(*k=1 equivalent to zero order, so we need to minus 1 with the degree
indicator in comparision with the fomulas k start with zero*)
Fork = 2, k ≤ p + 1, k ++,

Ift〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛  0, {term1N = (ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛, term1DN = NN〚i, k - 1〛},

(ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛 NN〚i, k - 1〛
term1N = , term1DN = ;
t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛 t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛
Ift〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛  0, {term2N = (t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛,
term2DN = NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛},
(t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛 NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛
term2N = , term2DN = ;
t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛 t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛
NN〚i, k〛 = term1N + term2N;
dNN〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (term1DN - term2DN);

{Table[NN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[dNN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}]}
(*k = 1 equivalent to zero order,
so we need to plus 1 in order to get the right order of output functions*)

14 TestFinished.cdf

Getting the value of the NonUniform B-Spline functions and its derivative
GetNUBS[knot_, ζ_] :=
Block{m, p, NN, dNN, t, term1N, term2N, term1DN, term2DN, k, i, II},
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
NN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
dNN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
t = knot;
ForII = 1, II ≤ p + 1, II ++,

Fori = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
NN〚i, 1〛 = Piecewise[{{1.0, t〚i〛 ≤ ζ ≤ t〚i + 1〛}}];
Fork = 2, k ≤ p + 1, k ++,

Ift〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛  0, {term1N = (ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛, term1DN = NN〚i, k - 1〛},

(ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛 NN〚i, k - 1〛
term1N = , , term1DN = ;
t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛 t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛
Ift〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛  0, {term2N = (t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛,
term2DN = NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛},
(t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛 NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛
term2N = , term2DN = ;
t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛 t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛
NN〚i, k〛 = term1N + term2N;
dNN〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (term1DN - term2DN);

{Table[NN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[dNN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}]}
(*k = 1 equivalent to zero order,
so we need to plus 1 in order to get the right order of output functions*)

TestFinished.cdf 15

The NonUniform B-Spline functions and its high order derivative (for non-local
strain model)
NUBSHD[knot_, ζ_] :=
Block{m, p, NN, d1N, d2N, d3N, t, term1N, term2N, term1DN, term2DN, k, i, II},
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
NN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
d1N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
d2N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
d3N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];

t = knot;
ForII = 1, II ≤ p + 1, II ++,

Fori = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
NN〚i, 1〛 = Piecewise[{{1, t〚i〛 ≤ ζ ≤ t〚i + 1〛}}];
(*k=1 equivalent to zero order, so we need to minus 1 with the degree
indicator in comparision with the fomulas k start with zero*)
Fork = 2, k ≤ p + 1, k ++,

Ift〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛  0, {term1N = (ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛, term1DN = NN〚i, k - 1〛},

(ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛 NN〚i, k - 1〛
term1N = , term1DN = ;
t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛 t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛
Ift〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛  0, {term2N = (t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛,
term2DN = NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛},
(ζ - t〚i + k〛) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛 NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛
term2N = , term2DN = ;
t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛 t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛
NN〚i, k〛 = term1N - term2N;
d1N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (term1DN - term2DN);
d2N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (D[term1DN, ζ] - D[term2DN, ζ]);
d3N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (D[term1DN, {ζ, 2}] - D[term2DN, {ζ, 2}]);

{Table[NN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[d1N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}],
Table[d2N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[d3N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}]}
(*k = 1 equivalent to zero order, so we need to plus 1 in
order to get the right order of output functions*)

16 TestFinished.cdf

Getting the NonUniform B-Spline functions and its high order derivative (for
non-local strain model)
TestFinished.cdf 17

GetNUBSHD[knot_, ζ_] := Block{m, p, NN, NNp, d1N, d2N, d3N, t, term1N,

term2N, term1DN, term2DN, term1Np, term2Np, term1DNp, term2DNp, k, i, II},
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot];
NN = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
NNp = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];

d1N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];

d2N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];
d3N = Table[0, {i, 1, m + 1}, {j, 1, m + 1}];

t = knot;
ForII = 1, II ≤ p + 1, II ++,

Fori = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
NN〚i, 1〛 = Piecewise[{{1, t〚i〛 ≤ ζ ≤ t〚i + 1〛}}];
NNp〚i, 1〛 = Piecewise[{{1, t〚i〛 ≤ ζζ ≤ t〚i + 1〛}}];
Fork = 2, k ≤ p + 1, k ++,

Ift〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛  0, {term1N = (ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛, term1DN = NN〚i, k - 1〛,

term1Np = (ζζ - t〚i〛) NNp〚i, k - 1〛, term1DNp = NNp〚i, k - 1〛},
(ζ - t〚i〛) NN〚i, k - 1〛 NN〚i, k - 1〛
term1N = , term1DN = ,
t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛 t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛
(ζζ - t〚i〛) NNp〚i, k - 1〛 NNp〚i, k - 1〛
term1Np = , term1DNp = ;
t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛 t〚i + k - 1〛 - t〚i〛
Ift〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛  0, {term2N = (t〚i + k〛 - ζ) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛, term2DN = NN〚i + 1,
k - 1〛, term2Np = (t〚i + k〛 - ζζ) NNp〚i + 1, k - 1〛, term2DNp = NNp〚i + 1, k - 1〛},
(ζ - t〚i + k〛) NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛 NN〚i + 1, k - 1〛
term2N = , term2DN = ,
t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛 t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛
(ζζ - t〚i + k〛) NNp〚i + 1, k - 1〛 NNp〚i + 1, k - 1〛
term2Np = , term2DNp = ;
t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛 t〚i + k〛 - t〚i + 1〛
NN〚i, k〛 = term1N - term2N;
NNp〚i, k〛 = term1Np - term2Np;
d1N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (term1DN - term2DN);
d2N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (D[term1DNp, ζζ] - D[term2DNp, ζζ]) /. {ζζ  ζ};
d3N〚i, k〛 = (k - 1) (D[term1DNp, {ζζ, 2}] - D[term2DNp, {ζζ, 2}]) /. {ζζ  ζ};

{Table[NN〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[d1N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}],
Table[d2N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}], Table[d3N〚i〛〚p + 1〛, {i, 1, m}]}
(*k = 1 equivalent to zero order, so we need to plus 1 in
order to get the right order of output functions*)

18 TestFinished.cdf

NURBS1D (adding rotational term)

NURBS1D[knot1_, ζ1_] :=
Block{mm1, pp1, NonUBS, DNonUBS, NURBS, DNURBS, N1D, DNURBSζ, w1D, W, DW, i},
{NonUBS, DNonUBS} = NUBS[knot1, ζ1];
{mm1, pp1} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];
w1D = Table[1, {i, 1, mm1}];
NURBS = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}];
DNURBS = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}];
W = Sum[NonUBS〚k〛 w1D〚k〛, {k, 1, mm1}];
DW = Sum[DNonUBS〚k〛 w1D〚k〛, {k, 1, mm1}];
Fori = 1, i ≤ mm1, i ++,
NonUBS〚i〛 w1D〚i〛
NURBS〚i〛 = ;
DNURBS〚i〛 = (DNonUBS〚i〛 W - NonUBS〚i〛 DW);

Getting NURBS1D (adding rotational term)

GetNURBS1D[knot1_, ζ1_] :=
Block{mm1, pp1, NonUBS, DNonUBS, NURBS, DNURBS, N1D, DNURBSζ, w1D, W, DW, i},
{NonUBS, DNonUBS} = GetNUBS[knot1, ζ1];
{mm1, pp1} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];
w1D = Table[1, {i, 1, mm1}];
NURBS = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}];
DNURBS = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}];
W = Sum[NonUBS〚k〛 w1D〚k〛, {k, 1, mm1}];
DW = Sum[DNonUBS〚k〛 w1D〚k〛, {k, 1, mm1}];
Fori = 1, i ≤ mm1, i ++,
NonUBS〚i〛 w1D〚i〛
NURBS〚i〛 = ;
DNURBS〚i〛 = (DNonUBS〚i〛 W - NonUBS〚i〛 DW);

TestFinished.cdf 19

Evaluate the support domain of each 1D NURBS function

NURBS1DDomain[knot1_] := Block[{S, n, q, k, l},
{n, q} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];
S = Table[0, {i, 1, n}];
For[k = 1, k ≤ n, k ++,
S〚k〛 = {knot1〚k〛, knot1〚k + q + 1〛};

Evaluate the patch (macro element) for 1D knot

macro1D[knot1_] := Block[{k1, i, m1D},
k1 = ReduceKnotR[knot1];
m1D = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[k1] - 1}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[k1] - 1, i ++,
m1D〚i〛 = {k1〚i〛, k1〚i + 1〛};
; m1D

Getting index of NURBS 1D functions

NIndex[N1Domain_, patch1D_] := Block[{NoE, EINX, k, i, L},
NoE = Length[patch1D];
L = Length[N1Domain];
EINX = Table[0, {i, 1, NoE}, {j, 1, L}];
For[k = 1, k ≤ NoE, k ++,
For[i = 1, i ≤ L, i ++,
If[! ((N1Domain〚i〛〚1〛 ≤ patch1D〚k〛〚1〛 && N1Domain〚i〛〚2〛 ≤ patch1D〚k〛〚1〛) ||
(N1Domain〚i〛〚1〛 ≥ patch1D〚k〛〚2〛 && N1Domain〚i〛〚2〛 ≥ patch1D〚k〛〚2〛)
, EINX〚k〛〚i〛 = i]
20 TestFinished.cdf

Modification Nindex - neglect the zero influential functions

NModify[NNE_] := Block[{Eo, temp, l, i, j, n, m},
{n, m} = Dimensions[NNE];
l = 0;
For [i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
If[NNE〚1〛〚i〛 ≠ 0, l ++]];
Eo = Table[0, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, l}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n, i ++,
temp = 0;
For[j = 1, j ≤ m, j ++,
If[NNE〚i〛〚j〛 ≠ 0, {temp ++; Eo〚i〛〚temp〛 = NNE〚i〛〚j〛}];
; Eo

Getting the control point of element

GetXe1D[Nindex_, ctp_] := Block[{ctpA, m, n, Xe, i, j},
{m, n} = Dimensions[Nindex];
Xe = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n, j ++,
Xe〚i, j〛 = ctp〚Nindex〚i, j〛〛;
]; Xe

Getting modified Nindex with boundary condition

BCIndex1D[NI_, BCI_] := Block[{m, n, NInBC, i, j},
{m, n} = Dimensions[NI];
NInBC = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}];
For[i = 1, i <= m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j <= n, j ++,
If[NI〚i, j〛 < BCI, NInBC〚i, j〛 = NInBC〚i, j〛];
If[NI〚i, j〛 == BCI, NInBC〚i, j〛 = - 1];
If[NI〚i, j〛 > BCI, NInBC〚i, j〛 = NI〚i, j〛 - 1];
]; NInBC
TestFinished.cdf 21

Assembly 1D
Assembly1D[Ke_, NInBC_] := Block[{m, i, j, k, n1, n2, m1, m2, Kt},
m = Max[NInBC];
Kt = Table[{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[NInBC];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ n2, k ++,
If[NInBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1 && NInBC〚i, k〛 ≠ - 1,
Kt〚NInBC〚i〛〚j〛〛〚NInBC〚i〛〚k〛〛 = Kt〚NInBC〚i〛〚j〛〛〚NInBC〚i〛〚k〛〛 + Ke〚i〛〚j〛〚k〛];

Getting the stiffness matrix in 1D (neglect the vertical displacement if the truss
system is 1D)
K1D[Kspace_] :=
Table[Kspace〚i, j〛, {i, 1, Length[Kspace], 2}, {j, 1, Length[Kspace], 2}];

Modify obtained displacement (include the displacement at boundary

Getu1D[up_, BC_] := Block[{uout, i},
uout = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[up] + 1}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[up] + 1, i ++,
If[i < BC, uout〚i〛 = up〚i〛];
If[i  BC, uout〚i〛 = 0.];
If[i > BC, uout〚i〛 = up〚i - 1〛];
]; uout

Change the total displacement to individual displacement of each element

Getue1D[utotal_, p_] :=
Table[Table[utotal〚i + j〛, {j, 0, p}], {i, 1, Length[utotal] - p, p}];
22 TestFinished.cdf

NURBS 2D utility

NURBS2D (adding rotational term)

NURBS2D[knot1_, knot2_] :=
Block{NonUBS1, DNonUBS1, DNURBS1, NonUBS2, DNonUBS2, DNURBS2, i,
j, w2D, N2D, W, DWζ1, DWζ2, DNURBSζ1, DNURBSζ2, mm1, mm2, pp1, pp2},

{NonUBS1, DNonUBS1} = NUBS[knot1, ζ1];

{NonUBS2, DNonUBS2} = NUBS[knot2, ζ2];

{mm1, pp1} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];

{mm2, pp2} = EvaluateKnot[knot2];

w2D = Table[0.1, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

N2D = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

DNURBSζ1 = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];
DNURBSζ2 = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

W = Sum[NonUBS1〚k1〛 NonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},

{k2, 1, mm2}];
DWζ1 = Sum[DNonUBS1〚k1〛 NonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},
{k2, 1, mm2}];
DWζ2 = Sum[NonUBS1〚k1〛 DNonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},
{k2, 1, mm2}];
Fori = 1, i ≤ mm1, i ++,

Forj = 1, j ≤ mm2, j ++,

NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 w2D〚i〛〚j〛
N2D〚i〛〚j〛 = ;
DNURBSζ1〚i〛〚j〛 =
(DNonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 W - NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 DWζ1);
DNURBSζ2〚i〛〚j〛 = (NonUBS1〚i〛 DNonUBS2〚j〛 W - NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 DWζ2);


TestFinished.cdf 23

Getting NURBS2D (adding rotational term)

GetNURBS2D[knot1_, knot2_, ζ1_, ζ2_] :=
Block{NonUBS1, DNonUBS1, DNURBS1, NonUBS2, DNonUBS2, DNURBS2, i,
j, w2D, N2D, W, DWζ1, DWζ2, DNURBSζ1, DNURBSζ2, mm1, mm2, pp1, pp2},

{NonUBS1, DNonUBS1} = GetNUBS[knot1, ζ1];

{NonUBS2, DNonUBS2} = GetNUBS[knot2, ζ2];

{mm1, pp1} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];

{mm2, pp2} = EvaluateKnot[knot2];

w2D = Table[0.1, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

N2D = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

DNURBSζ1 = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];
DNURBSζ2 = Table[0, {i, 1, mm1}, {j, 1, mm2}];

W = Sum[NonUBS1〚k1〛 NonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},

{k2, 1, mm2}];
DWζ1 = Sum[DNonUBS1〚k1〛 NonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},
{k2, 1, mm2}];
DWζ2 = Sum[NonUBS1〚k1〛 DNonUBS2〚k2〛 w2D〚k1〛〚k2〛, {k1, 1, mm1},
{k2, 1, mm2}];
Fori = 1, i ≤ mm1, i ++,

Forj = 1, j ≤ mm2, j ++,

NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 w2D〚i〛〚j〛
N2D〚i〛〚j〛 = ;
DNURBSζ1〚i〛〚j〛 =
(DNonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 W - NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 DWζ1);
DNURBSζ2〚i〛〚j〛 = (NonUBS1〚i〛 DNonUBS2〚j〛 W - NonUBS1〚i〛 NonUBS2〚j〛 DWζ2);


24 TestFinished.cdf

Change to NURBS function matrices into vector form

NVector[N2D_] := Block[{Nv, m, n, k, i, j},
If[Length[Dimensions[N2D]]  2, {m, n} = Dimensions[N2D]];
If[Length[Dimensions[N2D]]  3, {m, n, k} = Dimensions[N2D]];

Nv = Table[0, {i, 1, m n}];

For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n, j ++,
Nv〚n (i - 1) + j〛 = N2D〚i〛〚j〛;
]; Nv

Getting DOF2
DOF2[NN_] := Block{Nresult, i},
Nresult = Table[0, {i, 1, 2}, {j, 1, 2 Length[NN]}];
Fori = 1, i ≤ 2 Length[NN], i = i + 2,
Nresult〚1〛〚i〛 = NN ;
Nresult〚2〛〚i + 1〛 = NN ;

Matrix Ultity - Change the matrix (support domain or macro element) into the
vector form
DomainVector[S_] := Block[{Nv, m, n, i, j, Sv},
{m, n} = {Dimensions[S]〚1〛, Dimensions[S]〚2〛};
Sv = Table[0, {i, 1, m n}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n, j ++,
Sv〚n (i - 1) + j〛 = S〚i〛〚j〛;
]; Sv
TestFinished.cdf 25

Evaluate the support domain of each 2D NURBS function

NURBS2DDomain[knot1_, knot2_] := Block[{S, m, n, p, q, k, l},
{n, q} = EvaluateKnot[knot1];
{m, p} = EvaluateKnot[knot2];
S = Table[0, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, m}];
For[k = 1, k ≤ n, k ++,
For[l = 1, l ≤ m, l ++,
S〚k〛〚l〛 = {{knot1〚k〛, knot1〚k + q + 1〛}, {knot2〚l〛, knot2〚l + p + 1〛}};
]; DomainVector[S]

Evaluate the macro element for 2D knot

macro2D[knot1_, knot2_] := Block[{k1, k2, i, j, m2D},
k1 = ReduceKnotR[knot1];
k2 = ReduceKnotR[knot2];
m2D = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[k1] - 1}, {j, 1, Length[k2] - 1}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[k1] - 1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ Length[k2] - 1, j ++,
m2D〚i, j〛 = {{k1〚i〛, k1〚i + 1〛}, {k2〚j〛, k2〚j + 1〛}}
]; DomainVector[m2D]

Modification Nindex - neglect the zero influent functions

(*NModify also works*)

ZeroOff[Nin_] := Block[{count, out, i},

count = 0;
out = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[Nin]}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[Nin], i ++,
If[Nin〚i〛 ≠ 0, {count ++, out〚count〛 = Nin〚i〛}]
; Table[out〚i〛, {i, 1, count}]
26 TestFinished.cdf

Getting index of NURBS 2D function

N2DIndex[N2DDomain_, marco2D_] := Block[{NOE, EINX, k, i, L},
NOE = Length[marco2D];
L = Length[N2DDomain];
EINX = Table[0, {i, 1, NOE}, {j, 1, L}];
For[k = 1, k ≤ NOE, k ++,
For[i = 1, i ≤ L, i ++,
If[! ((N2DDomain〚i〛〚1〛〚1〛 ≤ marco2D〚k〛〚1〛〚1〛 &&
N2DDomain〚i〛〚1〛〚2〛 ≤ marco2D〚k〛〚1〛〚1〛) ||
(N2DDomain〚i〛〚1〛〚1〛 ≥ marco2D〚k〛〚1〛〚2〛 &&
N2DDomain〚i〛〚1〛〚2〛 ≥ marco2D〚k〛〚1〛〚2〛) ||
(N2DDomain〚i〛〚2〛〚1〛 ≥ marco2D〚k〛〚2〛〚2〛 &&
N2DDomain〚i〛〚2〛〚2〛 ≥ marco2D〚k〛〚2〛〚2〛) ||
(N2DDomain〚i〛〚2〛〚1〛 ≤ marco2D〚k〛〚2〛〚1〛 &&
N2DDomain〚i〛〚2〛〚2〛 ≤ marco2D〚k〛〚2〛〚1〛))
, EINX〚k〛〚i〛 = i]

Getting the control point of element

The consitent matrix (plane strain)
EE 1-2ν
Cs = {1 - ν, ν, 0}, {ν, 1 - ν, 0}, 0, 0, ;
(1 + ν) (1 - 2 ν) 2

The consitent matrix (plane stress)

Getting modified Nindex with boundary condition (similar to 2D function of
truss space)
Assembly 2D (concrete only)
Assembly2D[Ke_, NInBC_] := Block[{m, i, j, k, n1, n2, m1, m2, Kt},
m = Max[NInBC];
Kt = Table[{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[NInBC];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ n2, k ++,
If[NInBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1 && NInBC〚i, k〛 ≠ - 1,
Kt〚NInBC〚i〛〚j〛〛〚NInBC〚i〛〚k〛〛 = Kt〚NInBC〚i〛〚j〛〛〚NInBC〚i〛〚k〛〛 + Ke〚i〛〚j〛〚k〛];
TestFinished.cdf 27

Assembly 2D (concrete reinforcement)

Assembly2D[KCon_, ConIn_, KSte_, SteIn_] := Block[{m, i, j, k, n1, n2, m1, m2, Kt},
m = Max[ConIn];
Kt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[ConIn];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ n2, k ++,
If[ConIn〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1 && ConIn〚i, k〛 ≠ - 1, Kt〚ConIn〚i〛〚j〛〛〚ConIn〚i〛〚k〛〛 =
Kt〚ConIn〚i〛〚j〛〛〚ConIn〚i〛〚k〛〛 + KCon〚i〛〚j〛〚k〛];
{m1, m2} = Dimensions[SteIn];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ m2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ m2, k ++,
If[SteIn〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1 && SteIn〚i, k〛 ≠ - 1, Kt〚SteIn〚i〛〚j〛〛〚SteIn〚i〛〚k〛〛 =
Kt〚SteIn〚i〛〚j〛〛〚SteIn〚i〛〚k〛〛 + KSte〚i〛〚j〛〚k〛];
Kt // ArrayFlatten

Plate element (p=2 IGA standard element)

Knot and NURBS2D and its derivative

m = 2; p = 1;

knot1 = NonUniformKnot[m, p];

knot2 = NonUniformKnot[m, p];

N functions for both displacement and enhanced equivalent strain

approximation (DOF2D is added)
GetN1D[ζζ1_] := Block [{Ne, DNeζ1},
{Ne, DNeζ1} = GetNURBS1D[knot1, ζζ1];
Ne = {{Ne〚1〛, 0, Ne〚2〛, 0, - Ne〚2〛, 0, - Ne〚1〛, 0},
{0, Ne〚1〛, 0, Ne〚2〛, 0, - Ne〚2〛, 0, - Ne〚1〛}};
28 TestFinished.cdf

GetN1D[i_, ζζ1_, ζζ2_] := Block [{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, Ne},

{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];
Ne = NVector[NNe];

GetN1D[ζζ1_, ζζ2_] := Block [{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, Ne},

{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];
Ne = NVector[NNe];

GetN2D[ζζ1_, ζζ2_] := Block [{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, NN, Ne},

{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];
Ne = NVector[NNe];
NN = DOF2[Ne];

First Jacobian
GetJ1[ctp_, ζ1_, ζ2_] := Block[{ctpn, NN, Xa, DXζ1, DXζ2, NNe, Ne, DNζ1, DNζ2,
DNeζ1, DNeζ2, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, DetJ1, δζ1δX1, δζ1δX2, δζ2δX1, δζ2δX2},
ctpn = ctp // Flatten;
{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζ1, ζ2];
Ne = NVector[NNe];
DNeζ1 = NVector[DNNeζ1];
DNeζ2 = NVector[DNNeζ2];

DNζ1 = DOF2[DNeζ1];
DNζ2 = DOF2[DNeζ2];

DXζ1 = DNζ1.ctpn;
DXζ2 = DNζ2.ctpn;
(*First Jacobian*)
DetJ1 = DXζ1〚1〛 * DXζ2〚2〛 - DXζ1〚2〛 * DXζ2〚1〛;
TestFinished.cdf 29

B matrix of displacement approximation (2D form) i-th component

GetB2D[i_, ζζ1_, ζζ2_, ctp_] :=
Block {ctpn, NN, DXζ1, DXζ2, NNe, Ne, DNζ1, DNζ2, DNeζ1, DNeζ2,
DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, DetJ1, δζ1δX1, δζ1δX2, δζ2δX1, δζ2δX2, B},
ctpn = ctp // Flatten;
{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];

Ne = NVector[NNe];
DNeζ1 = NVector[DNNeζ1];
DNeζ2 = NVector[DNNeζ2];

DNζ1 = DOF2[DNeζ1];
DNζ2 = DOF2[DNeζ2];

DXζ1 = DNζ1.ctpn;
DXζ2 = DNζ2.ctpn;

DetJ1 = Abs[DXζ1〚1〛 * DXζ2〚2〛 - DXζ1〚2〛 * DXζ2〚1〛];

(*first derivative of jacobian component*)
δζ1δX1 = DXζ2〚2〛;
δζ2δX1 = DXζ1〚2〛;
δζ1δX2 = DXζ2〚1〛;
δζ2δX2 = DXζ1〚1〛;
(*B matrix*)
B = {{DNeζ1〚i〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚i〛 δζ2δX1, 0}, {0, DNeζ1〚i〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚i〛 δζ2δX2},
{DNeζ1〚i〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚i〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚i〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚i〛 δζ2δX1}};

30 TestFinished.cdf

B matrix of displacement approximation (2D form) full component

GetB2D[ζζ1_, ζζ2_, ctp_] :=
Block {ctpn, NN, Xa, DXDζ1, DXDζ2, NNe, Ne, DNζ1, DNζ2, DNeζ1,
DNeζ2, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, DetJ1, δζ1δX1, δζ1δX2, δζ2δX1, δζ2δX2, B},
ctpn = ctp // Flatten;
{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];

Ne = NVector[NNe];
DNeζ1 = NVector[DNNeζ1];
DNeζ2 = NVector[DNNeζ2];

DNζ1 = DOF2[DNeζ1];
DNζ2 = DOF2[DNeζ2];

DXDζ1 = DNζ1.ctpn;
DXDζ2 = DNζ2.ctpn;

DetJ1 = Abs[DXDζ1〚1〛 * DXDζ2〚2〛 - DXDζ1〚2〛 * DXDζ2〚1〛];

(*first derivative of jacobian component*)
δζ1δX1 = DXDζ2〚2〛;
δζ2δX1 = DXDζ1〚2〛;
δζ1δX2 = DXDζ2〚1〛;
δζ2δX2 = DXDζ1〚1〛;
(*B matrix*)
B = {{DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX1, 0, DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX1, 0,
DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX1, 0, DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX1, 0},
{0, DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX2, 0, DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX2,
0, DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX2, 0, DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX2},
{DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX1,
DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX1,
DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX1,
DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX1}};
{B, DetJ1}

TestFinished.cdf 31

B matrix of improved equivalent strain approximation (1D form) full

GetB1D[ζζ1_, ζζ2_, ctp_] :=
Block {ctpn, NN, DXζ1, DXζ2, NNe, Ne, DNζ1, DNζ2, DNeζ1, DNeζ2,
DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2, DetJ1, δζ1δX1, δζ1δX2, δζ2δX1, δζ2δX2, B},
ctpn = ctp // Flatten;
{NNe, DNNeζ1, DNNeζ2} = GetNURBS2D[knot1, knot2, ζζ1, ζζ2];

Ne = NVector[NNe];
DNeζ1 = NVector[DNNeζ1];
DNeζ2 = NVector[DNNeζ2];

DNζ1 = DOF2[DNeζ1];
DNζ2 = DOF2[DNeζ2];

DXζ1 = DNζ1.ctpn;
DXζ2 = DNζ2.ctpn;

DetJ1 = Abs[DXζ1〚1〛 * DXζ2〚2〛 - DXζ1〚2〛 * DXζ2〚1〛];

(*first derivative of jacobian component*)
δζ1δX1 = DXζ2〚2〛;
δζ2δX1 = DXζ1〚2〛;
δζ1δX2 = DXζ2〚1〛;
δζ2δX2 = DXζ1〚1〛;
(*B matrix*)
B = {{DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX1, DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX1,
DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX1, DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX1 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX1},
{DNeζ1〚1〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚1〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚2〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚2〛 δζ2δX2,
DNeζ1〚3〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚3〛 δζ2δX2, DNeζ1〚4〛 δζ1δX2 + DNeζ2〚4〛 δζ2δX2}};

B matrix of cohesive interface element (1D form) full component

GetB1D[ζζ1_, ctpIe_] := Block [{NNe, DNNeζ1, Bc, LL},
{NNe, DNNeζ1} = GetNURBS1D[knot1, ζζ1];
Bc = {
{NNe〚1〛, 0, NNe〚2〛, 0, - NNe〚2〛, 0, - NNe〚1〛, 0},
{0, NNe〚1〛, 0, NNe〚2〛, 0, - NNe〚2〛, 0, - NNe〚1〛}
LL = Norm[ctpIe〚1〛 - ctpIe〚2〛];
{Bc, LL}
32 TestFinished.cdf

Ultility function for post-processing

Modify total displacement (included BC nodes) for getting uelement function

Getum[u_, uBC_] := Block[{umodify, ut, i, j},
ut = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[u] + 1}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[ut], i ++,
If[i < uBC, ut〚i〛 = u〚i〛];
If[i  uBC, ut〚i〛 = 0];
If[i > uBC, ut〚i〛 = u〚i - 1〛];

GetumM[u_, BC_] := Block[{ut, i},

ut = Getum[u, BC〚1〛];
For[i = 2, i ≤ Length[BC], i ++,
ut = Getum[ut, BC〚i〛];
]; ut

Getting displacement of every element

Getues[ues_, uInBC_] := Block[{m1, m2, ue, i, j},
{m1, m2} = Dimensions[uInBC];
ue = Table[0, {i, 1, m1}, {j, 1, m2}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ m2, j ++,
If[uInBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1, ue〚i, j〛 = ues〚uInBC〚i, j〛〛]
ue〚i〛 = {{ue〚i, 1〛, ue〚i, 2〛},
{ue〚i, 3〛, ue〚i, 4〛}, {ue〚i, 5〛, ue〚i, 6〛}, {ue〚i, 7〛, ue〚i, 8〛}};
]; ue

Getting displacement of interface element

Getues[ues_, uInBC_] := Block[{m1, m2, ue, i, j},
{m1, m2} = Dimensions[uInBC];
ue = Table[0, {i, 1, m1}, {j, 1, m2}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ m2, j ++,
If[uInBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1, ue〚i, j〛 = ues〚uInBC〚i, j〛〛]
ue〚i〛 = {{ue〚i, 1〛, ue〚i, 2〛},
{ue〚i, 3〛, ue〚i, 4〛}, {ue〚i, 5〛, ue〚i, 6〛}, {ue〚i, 7〛, ue〚i, 8〛}};
]; ue
TestFinished.cdf 33

Function for changing the improved ϵeqivalent of the whole system to the
improved ϵeqivalent of system of element
Getϵeqims[ϵimeqs_, ϵInBC_] := Block[{m1, m2, ϵeqe, i, j},
{m1, m2} = Dimensions[ϵInBC];
ϵeqe = Table[0, {i, 1, m1}, {j, 1, m2}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ m2, j ++,
If[ϵInBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1, ϵeqe〚i, j〛 = ϵimeqs〚ϵInBC〚i, j〛〛]
]; ϵeqe

Getting displacement and strain of every element at GP

GetϵeGP[ue_, Xe_, p_] := Block{ζ, α, BB1, BB2, BB3, BB, BBt, i, j, ϵ, u, J1},
ϵ = Table[0, {i, 1, p}, {j, 1, p}];
{ζ, α} = Gausspoint[p];
Fori = 1, i ≤ p, i ++,

Forj = 1, j ≤ p, j ++,
ζ〚i〛 + 1 ζ〚j〛 + 1
{BB, J1} = GetB2D , , Xe;
2 2
ϵ〚i, j〛 = BB.(ue // Flatten);


34 TestFinished.cdf

GetuϵeGP[ue_, Xe_, p_] :=

Block{us, ϵs, ζ, α, BB1, BB2, BB3, BB, BBt, k, i, j, ϵ, u, NN, J1},
us = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ue]}];
ϵs = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ue]}];

ϵ = Table[0, {i, 1, p}, {j, 1, p}];

u = Table[0, {i, 1, p}, {j, 1, p}];
{ζ, α} = Gausspoint[p];
Fork = 1, k ≤ Length[ue], k ++,

Fori = 1, i ≤ p, i ++,

Forj = 1, j ≤ p, j ++,
ζ〚i〛 + 1 ζ〚j〛 + 1
{BB, J1} = GetB2D , , Xe〚k〛;
2 2
ζ〚i〛 + 1 ζ〚j〛 + 1
NN = GetN2D , ;
2 2
u〚i, j〛 = NN.(ue〚k〛 // Flatten);
ϵ〚i, j〛 = BB.(ue〚k〛 // Flatten);

us〚k〛 = NVector[u];
ϵs〚k〛 = NVector[ϵ];
; {us, ϵs}

GetϵeGP[uelement_, Xe_, p_] := Block{ζ, α, BB1, BB2, BB3, BB, BBt, ii, jj, ϵ, J1},
ϵ = Table[0, {i, 1, p}, {j, 1, p}];
{ζ, α} = Gausspoint[p];
Forii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,

Forjj = 1, jj ≤ p, jj ++,
ζ〚ii〛 + 1 ζ〚jj〛 + 1
{BB, J1} = GetB2D , , Xe;
2 2
ϵ〚ii, jj〛 = BB.(uelement // Flatten);


TestFinished.cdf 35

Getting equivalent strain of each element (for non-local model)

GetϵeqeGP[ϵeqim_, p_] := Block{ζ, α, NN, ii, jj, ϵ},
ϵ = Table[0, {i, 1, p}, {j, 1, p}];
{ζ, α} = Gausspoint[p];
Forii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,

Forjj = 1, jj ≤ p, jj ++,
ζ〚ii〛 + 1 ζ〚jj〛 + 1
NN = GetN1D ; ,
2 2
ϵ〚ii, jj〛 = Sum[NN〚k〛 ϵeqim〚k〛, {k, 1, Length[ϵeqim]}];

; NVector[ϵ]

Original geometry
LL = 10 10-3 ;(*Length of the bar*)

aa = 1 10-3 ;(*high of the bar*)

Δaa = 0.001 aa;(*high of the initial cracl*)

bb = 1 10-3 ;(*Initial crack length*)

cc = 0.05 LL;(*Length of crack*)

ctp =
aa 3 aa aa 3 aa
LL, + Δaa, LL, , {LL, aa}, LL - bb, , LL - bb, , {LL - bb, aa},
2 4 2 4
aa 1 3 aa aa 1 aa
cc, ,  cc, , {0, aa}, cc, ,  cc, , {0, 0},
2 2 4 2 2 4
aa aa aa aa
LL - bb, , LL - bb, , {LL - bb, 0}, LL, - Δaa, LL, , {LL, 0};
2 4 2 4
Graphics[{Line[ctp], Line[Transpose[ctp]]}]

{6, 3, 2}
36 TestFinished.cdf

k1 = NonUniformKnot[6, 1]; k2 = NonUniformKnot[3, 1];

1 2 3 4
0, 0, , , , , 1, 1
5 5 5 5

0, 0, , 1, 1

sref2[step1_, step2_, a_] := Block[{k1, k2},

k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (1 - a) href1[step2] + a;
{k1, k2} // Flatten

sref5[step1_, step2_, step3_, step4_, step5_, a_, b_, c_, d_] :=

Block[{k1, k2, k3, k4, k5},
k1 = a href1[step1];
k2 = (b - a) href1[step2] + a;
k3 = (c - b) href1[step3] + b;
k4 = (d - c) href1[step4] + c;
k5 = (1 - d) href1[step5] + d;
{k1, k2, k3, k4, k5} // Flatten

1 2 3 4
{ctpn, knot1n} = KnotInsertM2Dyctp, k1, sref58, 31, 6, 31, 8, , , , ;
5 5 5 5
{ctpn, knot2n} = KnotInsertM2Dxctpn, k2, sref28, 8, ;
(*Get double*)

knot2n // N
{0., 0., 0.0555556, 0.111111, 0.166667, 0.222222,
0.277778, 0.333333, 0.388889, 0.444444, 0.5, 0.555556, 0.611111,
0.666667, 0.722222, 0.777778, 0.833333, 0.888889, 0.944444, 1., 1.}
TestFinished.cdf 37

knot1n // N
{0., 0., 0.0222222, 0.0444444, 0.0666667, 0.0888889, 0.111111, 0.133333,
0.155556, 0.177778, 0.2, 0.20625, 0.2125, 0.21875, 0.225, 0.23125, 0.2375,
0.24375, 0.25, 0.25625, 0.2625, 0.26875, 0.275, 0.28125, 0.2875, 0.29375,
0.3, 0.30625, 0.3125, 0.31875, 0.325, 0.33125, 0.3375, 0.34375, 0.35, 0.35625,
0.3625, 0.36875, 0.375, 0.38125, 0.3875, 0.39375, 0.4, 0.428571, 0.457143,
0.485714, 0.514286, 0.542857, 0.571429, 0.6, 0.60625, 0.6125, 0.61875, 0.625,
0.63125, 0.6375, 0.64375, 0.65, 0.65625, 0.6625, 0.66875, 0.675, 0.68125,
0.6875, 0.69375, 0.7, 0.70625, 0.7125, 0.71875, 0.725, 0.73125, 0.7375, 0.74375,
0.75, 0.75625, 0.7625, 0.76875, 0.775, 0.78125, 0.7875, 0.79375, 0.8, 0.822222,
0.844444, 0.866667, 0.888889, 0.911111, 0.933333, 0.955556, 0.977778, 1., 1.}

{90, 1}

{90, 19, 2}

ctpv = DomainVector[ctpn];

{1710, 2}

CTP = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[0.005], Point[cpt2Array[ctpn]]}, Axes  True]


0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010

Graphics[{Line[ctpn], Line[Transpose[ctpn]]}]



Discretization geometry
NDomain = NURBS2DDomain[knot1n, knot2n];
m2D = macro2D[knot1n, knot2n];
DomainIn = N2DIndex[NDomain, m2D];

DomainIndexE = Table[ZeroOff[DomainIn〚i〛], {i, 1, Length[DomainIn]}];

38 TestFinished.cdf

ctpe = GetXe2D[DomainIndexE, ctpn];

{1602, 4, 2}

Boundaray condition - Constraint and Loading

{bcindex, BCPoint} = FindNodeX[0, ctpn];

ubcIndex = {2 bcindex - 1, 2 bcindex} // Flatten // Sort

{1595, 1596, 1633, 1634, 1671, 1672, 1709,
1710, 1747, 1748, 1785, 1786, 1823, 1824, 1861, 1862}

{Pindex1, PPoint1} = FindNode[{LL, aa}, ctpn];

{Pindex2, PPoint2} = FindNode[{LL, 0}, ctpn];

PPoint = {PPoint1, PPoint2};

PIndex = {2 Pindex1, 2 Pindex2};

BC = Graphics[{Black, PointSize[0.02], Point[BCPoint]}, Axes  True];

Domain = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[0.01], Point[DomainVector[ctpn]]}, Axes  True];

Show[Domain, BC]

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010

PC = Graphics[{Black, PointSize[0.02], Point[PPoint]}, Axes  True];

Show[Domain, PC]

0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010

Modified Nindex of concrete for 1D (enhanced equivalent strain) and 2D

GetNIndex2D[Index_] := Block[{NMo, i, k, m, n, re},
{m, n} = Dimensions[Index];
re = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, 2 n}];
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ n, k ++,
If[Index〚i, k〛  - 1, {re〚i, 2 k - 1〛 = - 1, re〚i, 2 k〛 = - 1},
{re〚i, 2 k - 1〛 = 2 Index〚i, k〛 - 1, re〚i, 2 k〛 = 2 Index〚i, k〛}
]; re

uhIndexE = GetNIndex2D[DomainIndexE];
TestFinished.cdf 39

BCIndex[NI_, BCI_] := Block[{m, n, Nout, i, j},

{m, n} = Dimensions[NI];
Nout = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}];
For[i = 1, i <= m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j <= n, j ++,
If[NI〚i, j〛 < BCI, Nout〚i, j〛 = NI〚i, j〛];
If[NI〚i, j〛 == BCI, Nout〚i, j〛 = - 1];
If[NI〚i, j〛 > BCI, Nout〚i, j〛 = NI〚i, j〛 - 1];
]; Nout

BCIndexM[NI_, BCI_] := Block[{m, n, Nout, i, j},

Nout = BCIndex[NI, BCI〚1〛];
For[i = 2, i ≤ Length[BCI], i ++,
Nout = BCIndex[Nout, BCI〚i〛 - i + 1];
]; Nout

uhIndexEBC = BCIndexM[uhIndexE, ubcIndex];

External force
GetForceE[NindexEBC_, BC_, PIndex_, PValues_] := Block[{PM, m, n, fexte, i, j, k},
{m, n} = Dimensions[NindexEBC];

PM = PIndex;
For[j = 1, j ≤ Length[PIndex], j ++,
For[i = 1, i ≤ Length[BC], i ++,
If[BC〚i〛 < PIndex〚j〛, PM〚j〛 = PM〚j〛 - 1]
fexte = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}];
For[k = 1, k ≤ Length[PIndex], k ++,
For[i = 1, i ≤ m, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n, j ++,
If[NindexEBC〚i, j〛  PM〚k〛, fexte〚i, j〛 = PValues〚k〛]

fuextee =
GetForceE[uhIndexEBC, ubcIndex, Table[PIndex〚i〛, {i, 1, Length[PIndex]}], {1, - 1}];

Interface points
{InterfaceInd, InterfacePoints} = FindNodeΔX1.1 cc, LL - bb, , ctpn;
40 TestFinished.cdf

{172, 191, 210, 229, 248, 267, 286, 305, 324, 343, 362, 381, 400, 419, 438, 457, 476, 495,
514, 533, 552, 571, 590, 609, 628, 647, 666, 685, 704, 723, 742, 761, 932, 951, 970, 989,
1008, 1027, 1046, 1065, 1084, 1103, 1122, 1141, 1160, 1179, 1198, 1217, 1236, 1255,
1274, 1293, 1312, 1331, 1350, 1369, 1388, 1407, 1426, 1445, 1464, 1483, 1502, 1521}

InC = Graphics[{Blue, PointSize[0.005], Point[InterfacePoints]}, Axes  True];

Show[Domain, InC]






0.002 0.004 0.006



GetInterfaceElement[ctpn_, InterfacePoints_, InterfaceInd_] :=

Block{IntIndE1D, IntIndE2D, nn, i, ctpv, ctpIe},
ctpv = DomainVector[ctpn];
nn = Length[InterfaceInd];
IntIndE1D = Table0, i, 1, ;
IntIndE2D = Table0, i, 1, ;

ctpIe = Table0, i, 1, ;
DoIntIndE1D  = {InterfaceInd〚i〛,
InterfaceInd〚i + 1〛, InterfaceInd〚nn - i〛, InterfaceInd〚nn - i + 1〛};
i+1 i+1 i+1
IntIndE2D  = 2 IntIndE1D  - 1, 2 IntIndE1D  // Flatten // Sort;
2 2 2
i+1 i+1 nn
ctpIe  = ctpvIntIndE1D , i, 1, , 2;
2 2 2
{IntIndE2D, ctpIe}

{IntIndE2D, ctpIe} = GetInterfaceElement[ctpn, InterfacePoints, InterfaceInd];

TestFinished.cdf 41

ModifyInterfaceIndex[InterfaceE_, BC_] := Block[{InterM, n1, n2, i, j, k},

{n1, n2} = Dimensions[InterfaceE];
InterM = InterfaceE;
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ Length[BC], k ++,
If[InterfaceE〚i, j〛 > BC〚k〛, InterM〚i, j〛 = InterM〚i, j〛 - 1];

IntIndE2DBC = ModifyInterfaceIndex[IntIndE2D, ubcIndex];


CrossProduct[A_, B_] := Table[A〚i〛 B〚j〛, {i, 1, Length[A]}, {j, 1, Length[B]}]

Assembly functions
Assembly functions

AssemblyK[Ke_, InBC1_, InBC2_] := Block[{m, n, i, j, k, n1, n2, n3, m1, m2, Kt},
m = Max[InBC1];
n = Max[InBC2];
Kt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, n}];
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[InBC1];
{n1, n3} = Dimensions[InBC2];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
For[k = 1, k ≤ n3, k ++,
If[InBC1〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1 && InBC2〚i, k〛 ≠ - 1,
Kt〚InBC1〚i〛〚j〛〛〚InBC2〚i〛〚k〛〛 += Ke〚i〛〚j〛〚k〛;
42 TestFinished.cdf

External force
Assemblyf[fϵe_, InBC_] := Block[{m, i, j, k, n1, n2, m1, m2, fϵt},
m = Max[InBC];
fϵt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}];
{n1, n2} = Dimensions[InBC];
For[i = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,
For[j = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,
If[InBC〚i, j〛 ≠ - 1, fϵt〚InBC〚i〛〚j〛〛 += fϵe〚i〛〚j〛];

Damage law of cohesive zone

EE = 0.1 109 ; ν = 0.3;

h = 0.5 10-3 ;

(*Plane strain*)

EE 1-2ν
CC = {1 - ν, ν, 0}, {ν, 1 - ν, 0}, 0, 0, ;
(1 + ν) (1 - 2 ν) 2

Kn = 5 1010 ; Ks = Kn;
tult = 106 ;
Gn = 100;

(*Asumption : Shear and Normal cohesive are the same*)

uns = ; uss = uns;
unc = 2 ; usc = unc;

Solving process
External loading
R = Assemblyf[fuextee, uhIndexEBC];

TestFinished.cdf 43

Intial value
GetKInitialS[ctpe_, ctpIe_, CC_] :=
Block{k, p, J1, ii, jj, ζG, α, Kuue, Kde, , B2D, Bc, LL, D, ζN},
p = 2;
{ζG, α} = Gausspoint[p];

Kuue = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpe]}];

Kde = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpIe]}];
D = {{Ks, 0}, {0, Kn}};

Fork = 1, k ≤ Length[ctpe], k ++,

Forii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,

Forjj = 1, jj ≤ p, jj ++,
1 + ζG〚ii〛 1 + ζG〚jj〛
{B2D, J1} = GetB2D , , ctpe〚k〛; (*3x8*)
2 2
Kuue〚k〛 = Kuue〚k〛 + J1 h α〚ii〛 α〚jj〛 Transpose[B2D].CC.B2D;



ζN = {0, 1};
Fork = 1, k ≤ Length[ctpIe], k ++,

Forii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,
{Bc, LL} = GetB1D[ζN〚ii〛, ctpIe〚k〛]; (*2x8*)
Kde〚k〛 = Kde〚k〛 + LL h Transpose[Bc].D.Bc;

{Kuue, Kde}

{Kuue, Kde} = GetKInitialS[ctpe, ctpIe, CC];

44 TestFinished.cdf

GetwIn[uIn_, ctpIe_] := Block[{w, ζp, α, ii, BB, LL, n, i, p},

n = Length[uIn];
p = 2;
w = Table[0, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, p}];
ζp = {0, 1};

For[i = 1, i ≤ n, i ++,
For[ii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,
{BB, LL} = GetB1D[ζp〚ii〛, ctpIe〚i〛];
w〚i, ii〛 = BB.(uIn〚i〛 // Flatten);
TestFinished.cdf 45

GetDM[wIn_] := Block{n1, n2, n3, ωn, ωs, i, j, wwIn, qn, qs},

{n1, n2, n3} = Dimensions[wIn];
(*Notice this*)
wwIn = wIn;

ωn = Table[0, {i, 1, n1}, {j, 1, n2}];

ωs = Table[0, {i, 1, n1}, {j, 1, n2}];
qn = Table[0, {i, 1, n1}, {j, 1, n2}];
qs = Table[0, {i, 1, n1}, {j, 1, n2}];

Fori = 1, i ≤ n1, i ++,

Forj = 1, j ≤ n2, j ++,

IfwwIn〚i, j, 1〛 < uss, {ωs〚i, j〛 = 0; qs〚i, j〛 = 0},

wwIn〚i, j, 1〛 - uss usc
IfwwIn〚i, j, 1〛 ≤ usc, ωs〚i, j〛 = ;
wwIn〚i, j, 1〛 usc - uss
usc uss
qs〚i, j〛 = , {ωs〚i, j〛 = 1;
wwIn〚i, j, 1〛2 (usc - uss)
qs〚i, j〛 = 0};

IfwwIn〚i, j, 2〛 < uns, {ωn〚i, j〛 = 0; qn〚i, j〛 = 0},

wwIn〚i, j, 2〛 - uns unc
IfwwIn〚i, j, 2〛 ≤ unc, ωn〚i, j〛 = ;
wwIn〚i, j, 2〛 unc - uns
unc uns
qn〚i, j〛 = , {ωn〚i, j〛 = 1;
wwIn〚i, j, 2〛2 (unc - uns)
qn〚i, j〛 = 0};


{ωs, ωn, qs, qn}

46 TestFinished.cdf

AssemblyKd[Kde_, IntIndE2DBC_, uhIndexEBC_] :=

Block[{m, ii, jj, kk, Kdt, Kcct, Kddt, n1, n2},
m = Max[uhIndexEBC];
Kdt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];

{n1, n2} = Dimensions[IntIndE2DBC];

For[ii = 1, ii ≤ n1, ii ++,
For[jj = 1, jj ≤ n2, jj ++,
For[kk = 1, kk ≤ n2, kk ++,
Kdt〚IntIndE2DBC〚ii, jj〛, IntIndE2DBC〚ii, kk〛〛 += Kde〚ii, jj, kk〛;
]; Kdt

Kuut = AssemblyK[Kuue, uhIndexEBC, uhIndexEBC];

Kdt = AssemblyKd[Kde, IntIndE2DBC, uhIndexEBC];

GetInitial[λ_, Kuut_, Kdt_] :=

Block[{Ktotal, Ke, u0, u0e, u0eIn, ω0e, q0e, ϵ0e, u0eGP, Kuue, wIn, ωs, ωn, qs, qn},

u0 = Inverse[Kuut + Kdt].(λ R);

u0e = Getues[u0, uhIndexEBC];
u0eIn = Getues[u0, IntIndE2DBC];

wIn = GetwIn[u0eIn, ctpIe];

{ωs, ωn, qs, qn} = GetDM[wIn];
Print["Max shear damage :", Max[ωs]];
Print["Max normal damage :", Max[ωn]];

{u0, u0e, wIn, ωs, ωn, qs, qn}

sc = 0.01;

{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n} = GetInitial[ sc, Kuut, Kdt];
Max shear damage :0

Max normal damage :0

TestFinished.cdf 47

GetK[ctpIe_, wIne_, ωs_, ωn_, qs_, qn_] :=

Block{p, ζp, Kde, Kdde, Kcce, k, ii, Bc, LL, D, CC, DD},
ζp = {0, 1};
p = Length[ζp];
Kde = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpIe]}];
Kdde = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[ctpIe]}];

Fork = 1, k ≤ Length[ctpIe], k ++,

Forii = 1, ii ≤ p, ii ++,
D = {{Ks (1 - ωs〚k, ii〛), 0}, {0, Kn (1 - ωn〚k, ii〛)}};
DD = {{- Ks wIne〚k, ii, 1〛 qs〚k, ii〛, 0}, {0, - Kn wIne〚k, ii, 2〛 qn〚k, ii〛}};

{Bc, LL} = GetB1D[ζp〚ii〛, ctpIe〚k〛];

Kde〚k〛 = Kde〚k〛 + h Transpose[Bc].D.Bc;
Kdde〚k〛 = Kdde〚k〛 + h Transpose[Bc].DD.Bc;

{Kde, Kdde}

AssemblyCO[Kde_, Kdde_, IntIndE2DBC_, uhIndexEBC_] :=

Block[{m, ii, jj, kk, Kdt, Kcct, Kddt, n1, n2},
m = Max[uhIndexEBC];
Kdt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];
Kddt = Table[0, {i, 1, m}, {j, 1, m}];

{n1, n2} = Dimensions[IntIndE2DBC];

For[ii = 1, ii ≤ n1, ii ++,
For[jj = 1, jj ≤ n2, jj ++,
For[kk = 1, kk ≤ n2, kk ++,
Kdt〚IntIndE2DBC〚ii, jj〛, IntIndE2DBC〚ii, kk〛〛 += Kde〚ii, jj, kk〛;
Kddt〚IntIndE2DBC〚ii, jj〛, IntIndE2DBC〚ii, kk〛〛 += Kdde〚ii, jj, kk〛;
]; {Kdt, Kddt}
48 TestFinished.cdf

Pure Newton Raphson solving

GetNext[u0_, u0e_, w0e_, ωs0_, ωn0_, qs0_, qn0_, λ_] :=
Block{Kde, Kdde, Kdt, Kddt, Kt, Pt, Δu, RR, u1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, u1eIn},
{Kde, Kdde} = GetK[ctpIe, w0e, ωs0, ωn0, qs0, qn0];
{Kdt, Kddt} = AssemblyCO[Kde, Kdde, IntIndE2DBC, uhIndexEBC];
Kt = Kuut + Kdt + Kddt;
Pt = λ R - (Kuut + Kdt).u0;

Δu = Inverse[Kt].Pt;
RR = ;
Print["Convergence criterion :", RR];
u1 = u0 + Δu;

u1e = Getues[u1, uhIndexEBC];

u1eIn = Getues[u1, IntIndE2DBC];

w1e = GetwIn[u1eIn, ctpIe];

{ωs, ωn, qs, qn} = GetDM[w1e];
Print["Max shear damage :", Max[ωs]];
Print["Max normal damage :", Max[ωn]];

{u1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, RR}

GetNextStep[u_, ue_, we_, ωs_, ωn_, qs_, qn_, λ_] :=

Block{i, RR, u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n},
i = 0;
RR = 10;
{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n} = {u, ue, we, ωs, ωn, qs, qn};
WhileRR > 10-3 , {
If[RR ≥ 30 || i > 20, Break[]];
i = i + 1;
Print["Step : ", i];
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, RR} =
GetNext[u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ];
{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n} = {u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n};
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ}

Chrisfield arc-length control

GetNextC[u0_, u0e_, w0e_, ω0s_, ω0n_, q0s_, q0n_, λ0_, upre_, λpre_, s0_] :=
Block{Kde, Kdde, Kdt, Kddt, K11, K12, K21, K22, Kt, P1, P2, Pt, Δ, Δu, Δλ, RR,
λ ω ω λ }
TestFinished.cdf 49

u1, λ1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, u1eIn, Sλ, s, RR1, RR2, K1112, K2122, S2},
{Kde, Kdde} = GetK[ctpIe, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n];
{Kdt, Kddt} = AssemblyCO[Kde, Kdde, IntIndE2DBC, uhIndexEBC];

Sλ = 104 ;

s= (u0 - upre).(u0 - upre) + Sλ (λ0 - λpre)2 ;

K11 = Kuut + Kdt + Kddt;

K12 = - R;
u0 - upre
K21 = ;
λ0 - λpre
K22 = Sλ ;

Max[Abs[K11], Abs[K12]]
S2 = ;
Max[Abs[K21], Abs[K22]]

K1112 = Join[K11, Transpose[{K12}], 2];

K2122 = S2 {K21, K22} // Flatten;
Kt = Join[K1112, {K2122}, 1];

P1 = λ0 R - (Kuut + Kdt).u0;

P2 = S2 (s0 - s);
Pt = {P1, P2} // Flatten;

Δ = Inverse[Kt].Pt;

Δu = Table[Δ〚i〛, {i, 1, Length[Δ] - 1}];

Δλ = Δ〚Length[Δ]〛;

RR1 = ;
RR2 = ;

Print["Convergence criterion of u: ", RR1];

Print["Convergence criterion of λ: ", RR2];

u1 = u0 + Δu;
λ1 = λ0 + Δλ;

u1e = Getues[u1, uhIndexEBC];

u1eIn = Getues[u1, IntIndE2DBC];

w1e = GetwIn[u1eIn, ctpIe];

50 TestFinished.cdf

{ωs, ωn, qs, qn} = GetDM[w1e];

Print["Max shear damage :", Max[ωs]];
Print["Max normal damage :", Max[ωn]];
Print["Loading factor :", λ1];

{u1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, λ1, RR1, RR2}

GetNextStepC[u_, ue_, we_, ωs_, ωn_, qs_, qn_, λ_, s_] :=

Block{i, RR1, RR2, u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s,
q0n, λ0, u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1, upre, λpre},
i = 0;
RR1 = 10;
RR2 = 10;
upre = 0.9999 u0;
λpre = 0.9999 λ;
{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0} = {u, ue, we, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, λ};
WhileRR1 > 10-3 || RR2 > 10-3 , {
If[RR1 ≥ 30 || RR2 ≥ 30 || i > 30, Break[]];
i = i + 1;
Print["Step : ", i];
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1, RR1, RR2} =
GetNextC[u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0, upre, λpre, s];

{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0} = {u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1};
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1}

Dissipated energy control

GetNextD[u0_, u0e_, w0e_, ω0s_, ω0n_, q0s_, q0n_, λ0_, upre_, λpre_, τ0_] :=
Block{Kde, Kdde, Kdt, Kddt, K11, K12, K21, K22, Kt, P1, P2, Pt, Δ, Δu, Δλ, RR,
u1, λ1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, u1eIn, p, τ, RR1, RR2, K1112, K2122, SF},
p = 2;
{Kde, Kdde} = GetK[ctpIe, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n];
{Kdt, Kddt} = AssemblyCO[Kde, Kdde, IntIndE2DBC, uhIndexEBC];

Max[Abs[K11], Abs[K12]]
SF = ;
Max[Abs[K21], Abs[K22]]

τ= R.(u0 λpre - upre λ0);

K11 = Kuut + Kdt + Kddt;

K12 = - R;
TestFinished.cdf 51

K21 = (R λpre);
K22 = - R.upre;
K1112 = Join[K11, Transpose[{K12}], 2];
K2122 = SF {K21, K22} // Flatten;
Kt = Join[K1112, {K2122}, 1];

P1 = λ0 R - (Kuut + Kdt).u0;

P2 = SF (τ0 - τ);
Pt = {P1, P2} // Flatten;

Δ = Inverse[Kt].Pt;

Δu = Table[Δ〚i〛, {i, 1, Length[Δ] - 1}];

Δλ = Δ〚Length[Δ]〛;

RR1 = ;
RR2 = ;

Print["Convergence criterion of u: ", RR1];

Print["Convergence criterion of λ: ", RR2];

u1 = u0 + Δu;
λ1 = λ0 + Δλ;

u1e = Getues[u1, uhIndexEBC];

u1eIn = Getues[u1, IntIndE2DBC];

w1e = GetwIn[u1eIn, ctpIe];

{ωs, ωn, qs, qn} = GetDM[w1e];
Print["Max shear damage :", Max[ωs]];
Print["Max normal damage :", Max[ωn]];
Print["Loading factor :", λ1];

{u1, u1e, w1e, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, λ1, RR1, RR2}

52 TestFinished.cdf

GetNextStepD[u_, ue_, we_, ωs_, ωn_, qs_, qn_, λ_, s_] :=

Block{i, RR1, RR2, u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s,
q0n, λ0, u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1, upre, λpre},
i = 0;
RR1 = 10;
RR2 = 10;
upre = 0.9999 u0;
λpre = 0.9999 λ;
{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0} = {u, ue, we, ωs, ωn, qs, qn, λ};
WhileRR1 > 10-3 || RR2 > 10-3 , {
If[RR1 ≥ 30 || RR2 ≥ 30 || i > 30, Break[]];
i = i + 1;
Print["Step : ", i];
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1, RR1, RR2} =
GetNextD[u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0, upre, λpre, s];

{u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, λ0} = {u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1};
{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1}

Iteration data
(*pure newton raphson*)

{u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, λ1} =

GetNextStep[u0, u0e, w0e, ω0s, ω0n, q0s, q0n, 2 sc];

{u2, u2e, w2e, ω2s, ω2n, q2s, q2n, λ2} =

GetNextStep[u1, u1e, w1e, ω1s, ω1n, q1s, q1n, 4 sc];

{u3, u3e, w3e, ω3s, ω3n, q3s, q3n, λ3} =

GetNextStep[u2, u2e, w2e, ω2s, ω2n, q2s, q2n, 6 sc];

{u4, u4e, w4e, ω4s, ω4n, q4s, q4n, λ4} =

GetNextStepC[u3, u3e, w3e, ω3s, ω3n, q3s, q3n, λ3, 0.1];

{u5, u5e, w5e, ω5s, ω5n, q5s, q5n, λ5} =

GetNextStepC[u4, u4e, w4e, ω4s, ω4n, q4s, q4n, λ4, 0.1];

{u6, u6e, w6e, ω6s, ω6n, q6s, q6n, λ6} =

GetNextStepC[u5, u5e, w5e, ω5s, ω5n, q5s, q5n, λ5, 0.1];

{u7, u7e, w7e, ω7s, ω7n, q7s, q7n, λ7} =

GetNextStepC[u6, u6e, w6e, ω6s, ω6n, q6s, q6n, λ6, 0.1];

{u8, u8e, w8e, ω8s, ω8n, q8s, q8n, λ8} =

GetNextStepC[u7, u7e, w7e, ω7s, ω7n, q7s, q7n, λ7, 0.1];

{u9, u9e, w9e, ω9s, ω9n, q9s, q9n, λ9} =

GetNextStepC[u8, u8e, w8e, ω8s, ω8n, q8s, q8n, λ8, 0.1];
TestFinished.cdf 53

(*Dissipated Energy control*)

{u10, u10e, w10e, ω10s, ω10n, q10s, q10n, λ10} =

GetNextStepDu9, u9e, w9e, ω9s, ω9n, q9s, q9n, λ9, 10-6 ;

{u11, u11e, w11e, ω11s, ω11n, q11s, q11n, λ11} =

GetNextStepDu10, u10e, w10e, ω10s, ω10n, q10s, q10n, λ10, 10-6 ;

{u12, u12e, w12e, ω12s, ω12n, q12s, q12n, λ12} =

GetNextStepDu11, u11e, w11e, ω11s, ω11n, q11s, q11n, λ11, 10-6 ;

{u13, u13e, w13e, ω13s, ω13n, q13s, q13n, λ13} =

GetNextStepDu12, u12e, w12e, ω12s, ω12n, q12s, q12n, λ12, 10-6 ;

{u14, u14e, w14e, ω14s, ω14n, q14s, q14n, λ14} =

GetNextStepDu13, u13e, w13e, ω13s, ω13n, q13s, q13n, λ13, 10-6 ;

{u15, u15e, w15e, ω15s, ω15n, q15s, q15n, λ15} =

GetNextStepDu14, u14e, w14e, ω14s, ω14n, q14s, q14n, λ14, 10-6 ;

{u16, u16e, w16e, ω16s, ω16n, q16s, q16n, λ16} =

GetNextStepDu15, u15e, w15e, ω15s, ω15n, q15s, q15n, λ15, 10-6 ;

{u17, u17e, w17e, ω17s, ω17n, q17s, q17n, λ17} =

GetNextStepDu16, u16e, w16e, ω16s, ω16n, q16s, q16n, λ16, 10-6 ;

{u18, u18e, w18e, ω18s, ω18n, q18s, q18n, λ18} =

GetNextStepDu17, u17e, w17e, ω17s, ω17n, q17s, q17n, λ17, 10-6 ;

{u19, u19e, w19e, ω19s, ω19n, q19s, q19n, λ19} =

GetNextStepDu18, u18e, w18e, ω18s, ω18n, q18s, q18n, λ18, 10-6 ;

{u20, u20e, w20e, ω20s, ω20n, q20s, q20n, λ20} =

GetNextStepDu19, u19e, w19e, ω19s, ω19n, q19s, q19n, λ19, 10-6 ;

{u21, u21e, w21e, ω21s, ω21n, q21s, q21n, λ21} =

GetNextStepDu20, u20e, w20e, ω20s, ω20n, q20s, q20n, λ20, 10-6 ;

{u22, u22e, w22e, ω22s, ω22n, q22s, q22n, λ22} =

GetNextStepDu21, u21e, w21e, ω21s, ω21n, q21s, q21n, λ21, 10-6 ;

{u23, u23e, w23e, ω23s, ω23n, q23s, q23n, λ23} =

GetNextStepDu22, u22e, w22e, ω22s, ω22n, q22s, q22n, λ22, 10-6 ;

{u24, u24e, w24e, ω24s, ω24n, q24s, q24n, λ24} =

GetNextStepDu23, u23e, w23e, ω23s, ω23n, q23s, q23n, λ23, 10-6 ;

{u25, u25e, w25e, ω25s, ω25n, q25s, q25n, λ25} =

GetNextStepDu24, u24e, w24e, ω24s, ω24n, q24s, q24n, λ24, 10-6 ;

{u26, u26e, w26e, ω26s, ω26n, q26s, q26n, λ26} =

GetNextStepDu25, u25e, w25e, ω25s, ω25n, q25s, q25n, λ25, 10-6 ;

{u27, u27e, w27e, ω27s, ω27n, q27s, q27n, λ27} =

GetNextStepDu26, u26e, w26e, ω26s, ω26n, q26s, q26n, λ26, 10-6 ;

{u28, u28e, w28e, ω28s, ω28n, q28s, q28n, λ28} =

GetNextStepDu27, u27e, w27e, ω27s, ω27n, q27s, q27n, λ27, 10-6 ;
54 TestFinished.cdf

{u29, u29e, w29e, ω29s, ω29n, q29s, q29n, λ29} =

GetNextStepDu28, u28e, w28e, ω28s, ω28n, q28s, q28n, λ28, 10-6 ;

{u30, u30e, w30e, ω30s, ω30n, q30s, q30n, λ30} =

GetNextStepDu29, u29e, w29e, ω29s, ω29n, q29s, q29n, λ29, 10-6 ;

{u31, u31e, w31e, ω31s, ω31n, q31s, q31n, λ31} =

GetNextStepDu30, u30e, w30e, ω30s, ω30n, q30s, q30n, λ30, 10-6 ;

{u32, u32e, w32e, ω32s, ω32n, q32s, q32n, λ32} =

GetNextStepDu31, u31e, w31e, ω31s, ω31n, q31s, q31n, λ31, 10-6 ;

{u33, u33e, w33e, ω33s, ω33n, q33s, q33n, λ33} =

GetNextStepDu32, u32e, w32e, ω32s, ω32n, q32s, q32n, λ32, 10-6 ;

{u34, u34e, w34e, ω34s, ω34n, q34s, q34n, λ34} =

GetNextStepDu33, u33e, w33e, ω33s, ω33n, q33s, q33n, λ33, 10-6 ;

{u35, u35e, w35e, ω35s, ω35n, q35s, q35n, λ35} =

GetNextStepDu34, u34e, w34e, ω34s, ω34n, q34s, q34n, λ34, 10-6 ;

{u36, u36e, w36e, ω36s, ω36n, q36s, q36n, λ36} =

GetNextStepDu35, u35e, w35e, ω35s, ω35n, q35s, q35n, λ35, 10-6 ;

{u37, u37e, w37e, ω37s, ω37n, q37s, q37n, λ37} =

GetNextStepDu36, u36e, w36e, ω36s, ω36n, q36s, q36n, λ36, 10-6 ;

{u38, u38e, w38e, ω38s, ω38n, q38s, q38n, λ38} =

GetNextStepDu37, u37e, w37e, ω37s, ω37n, q37s, q37n, λ37, 10-6 ;

{u39, u39e, w39e, ω39s, ω39n, q39s, q39n, λ39} =

GetNextStepDu38, u38e, w38e, ω38s, ω38n, q38s, q38n, λ38, 10-6 ;

{u40, u40e, w40e, ω40s, ω40n, q40s, q40n, λ40} =

GetNextStepDu39, u39e, w39e, ω39s, ω39n, q39s, q39n, λ39, 10-6 ;

{u41, u41e, w41e, ω41s, ω41n, q41s, q41n, λ41} =

GetNextStepDu40, u40e, w40e, ω40s, ω40n, q40s, q40n, λ40, 10-6 ;

{u42, u42e, w42e, ω42s, ω42n, q42s, q42n, λ42} =

GetNextStepDu41, u41e, w41e, ω41s, ω41n, q41s, q41n, λ41, 10-6 ;

{u43, u43e, w43e, ω43s, ω43n, q43s, q43n, λ43} =

GetNextStepDu42, u42e, w42e, ω42s, ω42n, q42s, q42n, λ42, 10-6 ;

{u44, u44e, w44e, ω44s, ω44n, q44s, q44n, λ44} =

GetNextStepDu43, u43e, w43e, ω43s, ω43n, q43s, q43n, λ43, 10-6 ;

{u45, u45e, w45e, ω45s, ω45n, q45s, q45n, λ45} =

GetNextStepDu44, u44e, w44e, ω44s, ω44n, q44s, q44n, λ44, 10-6 ;

{u46, u46e, w46e, ω46s, ω46n, q46s, q46n, λ46} =

GetNextStepDu45, u45e, w45e, ω45s, ω45n, q45s, q45n, λ45, 10-6 ;

{u47, u47e, w47e, ω47s, ω47n, q47s, q47n, λ47} =

GetNextStepDu46, u46e, w46e, ω46s, ω46n, q46s, q46n, λ46, 10-6 ;
TestFinished.cdf 55

{u48, u48e, w48e, ω48s, ω48n, q48s, q48n, λ48} =

GetNextStepDu47, u47e, w47e, ω47s, ω47n, q47s, q47n, λ47, 10-6 ;

{u49, u49e, w49e, ω49s, ω49n, q49s, q49n, λ49} =

GetNextStepDu48, u48e, w48e, ω48s, ω48n, q48s, q48n, λ48, 10-6 ;

{u50, u50e, w50e, ω50s, ω50n, q50s, q50n, λ50} =

GetNextStepDu49, u49e, w49e, ω49s, ω49n, q49s, q49n, λ49, 10-6 ;

{u51, u51e, w51e, ω51s, ω51n, q51s, q51n, λ51} =

GetNextStepDu50, u50e, w50e, ω50s, ω50n, q50s, q50n, λ50, 10-6 ;

{u52, u52e, w52e, ω52s, ω52n, q52s, q52n, λ52} =

GetNextStepDu51, u51e, w51e, ω51s, ω51n, q51s, q51n, λ51, 10-6 ;

{u53, u53e, w53e, ω53s, ω53n, q53s, q53n, λ53} =

GetNextStepDu52, u52e, w52e, ω52s, ω52n, q52s, q52n, λ52, 10-6 ;

{u54, u54e, w54e, ω54s, ω54n, q54s, q54n, λ54} =

GetNextStepDu53, u53e, w53e, ω53s, ω53n, q53s, q53n, λ53, 10-6 ;

{u55, u55e, w55e, ω55s, ω55n, q55s, q55n, λ55} =

GetNextStepDu54, u54e, w54e, ω54s, ω54n, q54s, q54n, λ54, 10-6 ;

{u56, u56e, w56e, ω56s, ω56n, q56s, q56n, λ56} =

GetNextStepDu55, u55e, w55e, ω55s, ω55n, q55s, q55n, λ55, 10-6 ;

{u57, u57e, w57e, ω57s, ω57n, q57s, q57n, λ57} =

GetNextStepDu56, u56e, w56e, ω56s, ω56n, q56s, q56n, λ56, 10-6 ;

{u58, u58e, w58e, ω58s, ω58n, q58s, q58n, λ58} =

GetNextStepDu57, u57e, w57e, ω57s, ω57n, q57s, q57n, λ57, 10-6 ;

{u59, u59e, w59e, ω59s, ω59n, q59s, q59n, λ59} =

GetNextStepDu58, u58e, w58e, ω58s, ω58n, q58s, q58n, λ58, 10-6 ;

{u60, u60e, w60e, ω60s, ω60n, q60s, q60n, λ60} =

GetNextStepDu59, u59e, w59e, ω59s, ω59n, q59s, q59n, λ59, 10-6 ;

usys = {0 u0e, u1e, u2e, u3e, u4e, u5e, u6e, u7e, u8e, u9e, u10e, u11e, u12e,
u13e, u14e, u15e, u16e, u17e, u18e, u19e, u20e, u21e, u22e, u23e, u24e,
u25e, u26e, u27e, u28e, u29e, u30e, u31e, u32e, u33e, u34e, u35e, u36e,
u37e, u38e, u39e, u40e, u41e, u42e, u43e, u44e, u45e, u46e, u47e, u48e,
u49e, u50e, u51e, u52e, u53e, u54e(*,u55e,u56e,u57e,u58e,u59e,u60e*)};

usys >> usys;

λsys = {0, λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4, λ5, λ6, λ7, λ8, λ9, λ10, λ11, λ12, λ13, λ14, λ15, λ16,
λ17, λ18, λ19, λ20, λ21, λ22, λ23, λ24, λ25, λ26, λ27, λ28, λ29, λ30, λ31,
λ32, λ33, λ34, λ35, λ36, λ37, λ38, λ39, λ40, λ41, λ42, λ43, λ44, λ45, λ46,
λ47, λ48, λ49, λ50, λ51, λ52, λ53, λ54(*,λ55,λ56,λ57,λ58,λ59,λ60*)};

λsys >> λsys

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