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Bài 1:

I. Social interaction
1. What kinds of music do you like? => My favourite kind of music is pop. I like listening to
Vietnamese pop songs sung by Dam Vinh Hung, Dan Truong and Tuan Hung.
2. When do you often listen to music? => I often listen to music at night, after having dinner and
help my wife do some housework.
3. Do you think that music can change the way we feel? Why or why not? => Yes, I think that music
can change the way we feel. Personally, listening to happy songs while being sad is the best way
to turn up my mood. Sometimes, I dance along with the exciting songs and forget the sad things
I’ve just had or thought about. Of course, there are songs that make us feel sad when listening
to, for example, the songs telling about parents’ love for us that we listen when being far away
from home.
4. Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? => Yes, I like playing computer games. I
think playing computer games is a good way to entertain. I also meet new friends while playing
5. What are the bad effects of playing computer games? => If you play computer games too much,
it can harm your eyes. There are some computer games with violent or sexy images, content
that can change your character, especially kids’ character and behavior. Also, when you spend
too much time playing computer games, you may not have time to be with your family, your
friends and you may harm your other social relationships.
6. How much time should people spend on playing computer games? Why? => I think it’s very hard
to tell how much time a person should spend on playing computer games. Personally, I suggest a
person play computer games twice or three times a week, and only 2 hours each time.
II. Solution discussion

Situation: Mary wants to buy a modern equipment to supper for her study. Three items are
suggested: a smart phone, a laptop, a tablet. Which one do you think is the best choice? =>

III. Topic development

Computers have changed our lives in a better way. => Nowadays, it is very common to see a person
with computer at home or public places such as coffee shops, libraries, etc. One of the reasons why
computers are so popular is that they help people a lot in work and also in daily life.

People use computers to entertain, for example, to listen to music, to play computer games, to
watch news, entertaining videos or to read books online.

Besides, computers help students a lot when studying. There are many online education programs
now that students are still able to follow without going to the classes. Students can also get a lot of
information that help them study better by using a computer connected to the Internet.
Computers also help people work more efficiently. People use computers instead of papers to note
down things

- How popular are computers in your country? => Computers have become very popular in my
country. Nowadays, it is easier to buy a computer and it is also necessary for a person to have a
computer. Almost everyone aged 15 and above have a computer or laptop. …..????

Bài 2:

I. Social interaction:
1. What sports do you play? => I play football and skip.
2. How often do you play sports? => I skip almost every day and sometimes I play football with my
friends and my colleagues.
3. Do you like playing sports? Why/ why not? => Yes, I like playing sports because it helps me to
build a healthier body. I always feel better after playing sports. Also, I can meet new people
when playing sports.
4. Do you like watching films? => Yes, I love watching American or Chinese films when I have free
5. What kind of film should you watch when you are sad? => It depends on the kind of film you like
to watch. Not everyone have the same favorite kind of film. Personally, I like watching comedy
films when I am sad because those films make me laugh. When I laugh, I forget bad things that
6. Do you think films can affect the way people feel? Why/ why not? => Yes, I believe that films can
affect the way people feel. Like I said before, comedy films make people laugh and therefore
they forget unhappy things that happened to them. Some sad movies can make people feel
emotional and even cry. Also, some romantic films help you believe in love and have a more
positive look to the world outside.
II. Solution discussion

Situation: Peter is going to his friend’s birthday party, and he plans to give his friend a present. He is
considering three options: a comic book, a school bag, and a dictionary. Which present do you think
is the best choice? (chọn món quà cho người bạn)

I think Peter should choose a comic book to give to his friend as a birthday present.

First of all, I think a school bag is not a good choice because Peter may not know which kind of
schoolbag that his friend likes. It can also be too pricey that Peter would not be able to buy.

Secondly, a dictionary is not an interesting present to give. Peter’s friend may already have a
dictionary and another dictionary is not necessary.

Finally, a comic book will definitely make Peter’s friend laugh and feel happy. He can also read it
with his friends at the party. Everyone laugh together and it will be an awesome party.
III. Topic development

Topic: Public transports should be free for everyone.

Nowadays, in many countries, people prefer using personal means of transport than public
transport. One of the reasons for this is that people have to pay more money to use public
transports compared to using their own vehicles. In order to encourage more people to use public
transports, it is necessary to make public transports free for everyone.

When more people use public transports, the amount of personal motorbikes and cars decreases
which reduces traffic jam and air pollution also. In Viet Nam,

Bài 3:

I. Social interaction:
1. What kind of food do you often have for breakfast? => I usually have “pho” with beef for
2. Do you prefer traditional food or fast food? Why? => I prefer traditional food because I have
eaten it since I was a kid. In my opinion, Vietnamese traditional food has its own flavor that no
food from any other country can copy. When I eat fast food, I can’t find that special flavor and
to some extent, I don’t like fast food.
3. What food can make people healthy? => Some kinds of food can make people healthy such as
vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and peanuts and some kinds of meat.
4. What do you like doing with your family? => I like playing sports with my family. I usually play
football, volleyball and badminton with them. I also like reading books and playing games with
5. Who do you love most in your family? Why? => I love my mom the most in my family because
she gave birth to me and has raised me to the person I am today.
6. Do you like staying at home with your family or going out? => I always try to be at home with my
family as much as possible. I feel happy when being with my family members. Being with them,
talking with them and playing with them are the only time when I feel the most relaxed and
II. Solution discussion

Situation: Jane is thinking of choosing a foreign language to study. She is considering three options:
English, Chinese, and Japanese. Which language do you think is the best choice?

 I think Jane should choose English to learn as a foreign language because English is easier to
learn than Chinese or Japanese. Besides, English is a popular language all around the world. It
seems to be that everyone can speak English nowadays. Jane should learn English so that she
can easily communicate with people from other countries. When Jane wants to apply for a job,
being able to using English well will help her have a higher change to get that job.
III. Topic Development

Topic: People should be responsible for air pollution

 Nowadays, in some countries, it is unhealthy for people to even just breathe because the air is
too polluted. It cannot be denied that people have been making air pollution worse and worse.
People are cutting more and more trees

Đề viết. (250 words)

1. Có nên miễn phí giáo dục hay không? (Free education)

Nowadays, a good education is one of the most important things a person can pursue. Some people
believe that education should be free for everyone, others disagree. In my point of view, I believe
that education should be free and supported by the government for many reasons.

Firstly, when education is offered for free, it will increase the equality of opportunities. One of the
biggest reasons why students drop out of schools, colleges or universities is that they cannot afford
the tuition fee. In theory, students may take out loans or work part-time to pay the fee. However, it
will be a burden for their family and themselves as well. Spending too much time working or being
too tired after work may also affect their studying.

Secondly, free education will encourage more people to attend and this will benefit society. This is
because it will lead to a more educated and productive workforce. Many more jobs today are
knowledge-based or require advanced technical skills than they do in the past. A better educated
workforce would also be the main factor for a country’s economic growth and at the same time
increase tax revenues. Researches have generally shown that those countries that have a better
educated population have higher levels of innovation and productivity.

In conclusion, I agree that all education should remain equally available to everyone regardless of
income. This is not only fair, but will also ensure that countries can develop into the future with a
well-educated workfore.

2. Con người phải có trách nhiệm với biến đổi khí hậu (responsible for climate changes)
3. Con người nên sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transportation)

Nowadays, it is an upward trend for people to use private vehicles than public transportation. Even
though having own means of transport could provide people with greater convenience, I believe
that using public transportation could give people more benefits for some reason.
The first advantage of public transportation is that it will reduce the traffic jam issue. For example, in
order to reduce the traffic density, Seoul government provides many public transports which are as
comfortable as private ones. As a result, people are more attracted to use public transports.

Secondly, using public transports could contribute to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emission
which has been the main cause of global warming. Everyone who is taking his or her own vehicle is
causing some individual pollution. In addition, many public transportation systems such as train,
cable cars do not cause the same energy waste.

Along with reducing air pollution, public transportation is also more fuel efficient, which contributes
to an overall decrease in the amount of energy necessary for transportation.

Finally, public transports offer people an affordable cost to travel. For example, people who use
public transports do not need to spend money on vehicle maintenance and parking fee, which
makes travelling using public transports is much cheaper than private vehicles.

To sum up, it is evident that using public transports brings considerable benefits to the community
as a whole and to its users in particular.

4. Trẻ em không nên ăn đồ ăn nhanh (children – fast/junk food)

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