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Nina Spitler 1


I.Describe the Class
 Fifth grade class of 20 students.
 Six students with learning disabilities that attend the resource room.
 Two students in gifted and talented.
 One student as a second language learner.


 Students will identify the different cloud formations.

 Students will describe the function of each cloud.
 Students will conduct cloud observations over several days and take notes in their
 Students will write a report.
 Students will prepare a group oral presentation.
 Students will use technology to create a slide show.
 Students will use technology to conduct research.
 Students will demonstrate at least 85 percent accuracy when identifying clouds.


 The teacher will present the new material by going over what they remember
about the water cycle on the previous chapter.
 The teacher will then explain to the students that the goal of the project is to be
able to identify different cloud formations.
 Students will be placed in groups of four to conduct observations and do research
 The groups will prepare an oral presentation along with a slideshow using
Microsoft Office Power Point.
 Each student will also create a written one-page report on the cloud that was
individually assigned to them.
 Students will be graded on group participation, oral presentation, and written


 Student journals
 White paper
 Laptops will be provided to the students
Nina Spitler 2

V.Grouping Structures

 There will be four students in each group.

 Teacher will group students according to their abilities and cognitive levels.
 Teacher will mix high functioning students with lower functioning students to balance
diversity and use peer tutoring.


 Students with learning disabilities will be grouped with higher functioning students.
 Students with learning disabilities will be provided dictionaries and one on one
assistance, if needed.
 Gifted students will create a visual presentation for the class.
 Second language learning student will be provided with a partner.
 Second language learner will be provided with one on one assistance, as needed.

 After student presentations, at the end of the week, students will be tested on their ability
to identify cloud formations.
 The teacher will collect the tests and pass them out randomly to different students.
 Students will grade their peers and then return it to them for immediate feedback.
 The teacher will later collect the tests and go over them to make sure the grading is
correct and assign a letter grade.
 The students will receive their final grade by the end of the day.

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