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Contemporary Diagnosis and Management

of Patients With Myocardial Infarction in the
Absence of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Jacqueline E. Tamis-
ABSTRACT: Myocardial infarction in the absence of obstructive
Holland, MD, FAHA,
coronary artery disease is found in ≈5% to 6% of all patients with
acute infarction who are referred for coronary angiography. There Hani Jneid, MD, FAHA,
are a variety of causes that can result in this clinical condition. As Vice Chair
such, it is important that patients are appropriately diagnosed and Harmony R. Reynolds,
an evaluation to uncover the correct cause is performed so that, MD, FAHA
when possible, specific therapies to treat the underlying cause can be Stefan Agewall, MD, PhD
prescribed. This statement provides a formal and updated definition Emmanouil S. Brilakis,
for the broadly labelled term MINOCA (incorporating the definition MD, PhD, FAHA
of acute myocardial infarction from the newly released “Fourth Todd M. Brown, MD, MSPH
Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction”) and provides a clinically Amir Lerman, MD, FAHA
useful framework and algorithms for the diagnostic evaluation and Mary Cushman, MD, FAHA
Dharam J. Kumbhani, MD,
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management of patients with myocardial infarction in the absence of

obstructive coronary artery disease.
Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren,
Ann F. Bolger, MD

yocardial infarction in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease John F. Beltrame, BMBS,
(MINOCA) was first documented >75 years ago when autopsy reports PhD, FAHA
detailed myocardial necrosis in the absence of significant coronary ath- On behalf of the American
erosclerosis.1,2 The pioneering angiographic studies by DeWood et al3,4 reported Heart Association Inter-
a prevalence of nonobstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) in ≈5% of patients ventional Cardiovascu-
with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This figure was subsequently confirmed in lar Care Committee of
several large AMI registries5 and in a large meta-analysis in which 6% of AMIs oc- the Council on Clinical
curred in the absence of obstructive CAD.6 Cardiology; Council
The term MINC7 or MINCA8 (myocardial infarction with normal coronary arter- on Cardiovascular and
ies) was initially coined to describe these patients and later evolved to MINOCA9 Stroke Nursing; Council
to encompass patients with evidence of atherosclerosis that is not considered suf- on Epidemiology and
ficiently severe to compromise myocardial blood flow. Accordingly, MINOCA is ini- Prevention; and Council
tially considered at the time of angiography as a working diagnosis until further as- on Quality of Care and
sessment excludes other possible causes for troponin elevation. The management Outcomes Research
of patients with MINOCA will vary depending on the underlying cause, for which
an extensive evaluation should be undertaken in all patients.
Unfortunately, despite many reviews10,11 and a contemporary position statement Key Words:  AHA Scientific Statements
◼ angiography ◼ coronary artery
from the European Society of Cardiology,12 some clinicians still suppose that the ab- disease, nonobstructive ◼ coronary
sence of obstructive CAD excludes the possibility of an AMI. Great variability exists vasospasm ◼ microvascular disease
◼ myocardial infarction ◼ spontaneous
in the manner in which patients with suspected MINOCA are evaluated and treated. coronary artery dissection
The extent of the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies implemented often depends
© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.
on local nonstandardized practices and varies according to hospital resources. Fur-
thermore, there is no clear consensus in the medical community about how best to

Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670 TBD TBD, 2019 e1

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

address situations in which local resources do not permit (2) multiple atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic

more advanced diagnostic testing. Finally, there is limited causes with heterogenous pathophysiological mecha-

agreement regarding the long-term medical management nisms can cause MINOCA12,16; and (3) unlike AMI-CAD,
of patients with MINOCA. there is a paucity of dedicated studies examining MI-
The purpose of this statement is to provide a formal NOCA and therefore a lack of evidence-based therapies
and updated definition for the broadly labelled term in these patients.12 Given the aforementioned supposi-
MINOCA (incorporating the definition of AMI from the tions, standardization of the definition of MINOCA is
newly released “Fourth Universal Definition of Myo- clinically pragmatic, has operational utility, and serves
cardial Infarction”13) and to provide a clinically useful a key purpose in promoting clinical awareness and re-
framework and algorithms pertaining to the diagnostic search into the condition.
evaluation and management of these patients. The European Society of Cardiology12 developed
the first international position article on MINOCA and
proposed the following MINOCA criteria: (1) AMI cri-
EPIDEMIOLOGY teria as defined by the “Third Universal Definition of
Clinical studies have reported a prevalence of MINOCA Myocardial Infarction”19; (2) nonobstructive coronary
of 5% to 6% of AMI cases,6 with a range between 5% arteries as per angiographic guidelines,20 with no le-
and 15% depending on the population examined.5,6,14–16 sions ≥50% in a major epicardial vessel; and (3) no
Although MINOCA can present with or without ST- other clinically overt specific cause that can serve an
segment elevation on the ECG, patients with MINOCA alternative cause for the acute presentation. Funda-
are less likely to have electrocardiographic ST-segment mental to the definition of MINOCA is the diagnosis
deviations and have smaller degrees of troponin eleva- of AMI with an elevated cardiac biomarker, typically a
tion than their AMI counterparts with obstructive CAD cardiac troponin >99th percentile of the upper refer-
(AMI-CAD).14,16 ence level with a rise or fall in the level on serial assess-
The demographic and clinical characteristics of MI- ment. Although elevated troponin levels are indicative
NOCA patients differ from other patients with AMI. MI- of myocyte injury with release of this intracellular pro-
NOCA patients are usually younger6,14–16 than patients tein into the systemic circulation, the process is not
with AMI-CAD. In a large systematic review, the average disease specific and can result from either ischemic or
age of patients with MINOCA was 58 years, compared nonischemic mechanisms. Given this limitation of the
troponin bioassay, the “Fourth Universal Definition of
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with 61 years among those with AMI-CAD.6 Women

are disproportionately represented among individuals Myocardial Infarction” (by the Joint European Society
with MINOCA5,6,14–18; they make up close to 50% of the of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology/Ameri-
MINOCA population but only 25% of the population can Heart Association/World Heart Federation Task
with AMI-CAD.6 Women presenting with AMI are more Force for the Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarc-
than twice as likely as men to have MINOCA, whereas tion) recently redefined the concept of myocardial in-
men presenting with AMI are more likely than women jury.13 Similar to myocardial infarction, the hallmark of
to have AMI-CAD.5,6,14,15,17,18 MINOCA is also more likely myocardial injury is an elevated troponin beyond the
to occur in patients of black, Maori, or Pacific race and 99th percentile of the upper reference level. However,
Hispanic ethnicity.5,14,16 these entities differ conceptually, because myocardial
The prevalence of traditional CAD risk factors and injury is attributable to nonischemic mechanisms of
clinical features also varies among patients with MIN- myocyte injury (eg, myocarditis), whereas myocar-
OCA versus AMI-CAD. MINOCA patients have a lower dial infarction arises from ischemic mechanisms (eg,
prevalence of dyslipidemia than their counterparts with plaque disruption or supply-demand mismatch). The
AMI-CAD.6,14,16,18 Other traditional CAD risk factors, clinical diagnostic challenge is to delineate these enti-
such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tobacco abuse, ties, because patients with myocardial injury can pres-
and a family history of myocardial infarction, are less ent with symptoms that mimic myocardial infarction
frequent in MINOCA patients,14,16,18 although this has at the initial presentation.
not been consistently observed in all studies.6 With this revised concept of AMI, the term MINOCA
should be reserved for patients in whom there is an isch-
emic basis for their clinical presentation. Thus, in the
DEFINITIONS evaluation of patients with a suspected AMI (based on
cardiac biomarkers and corroborative clinical evidence),
Key Issues in Defining MINOCA despite the absence of obstructive CAD, it is imperative
The rationale for defining MINOCA as a distinct entity is to exclude (1) clinically overt causes for the elevated tro-
based on key clinical observations and premises, includ- ponin (eg, sepsis, pulmonary embolism), (2) clinically over-
ing the following: (1) Patients with MINOCA generally looked obstructive disease (eg, complete occlusion of a
have a better prognosis than patients with AMI-CAD6; small coronary artery subsegment resulting from plaque

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

disruption or embolism, or an overlooked ≥50% distal static and can vary between angiograms as a result of

stenosis of a coronary artery), and (3) clinically subtle non- changes in vasomotor tone or dissolution of coronary

ischemic mechanisms of myocyte injury that can mimic thrombi.22 In accordance with this pragmatic angio-
myocardial infarction (eg, myocarditis) (Figure  1). Once graphic approach, it is useful to categorize MINOCA
these have been considered and excluded by use of avail- patients into those with angiographically normal
able diagnostic resources, a diagnosis of MINOCA can be coronary arteries (ie, no angiographic disease) and
made (Table 1). This diagnosis is inherently descriptive and minimal lumen irregularities (angiographic disease
should prompt physicians to seek an underlying diagnosis. <30% stenosis) and those with angiographically mild
The angiographic 50% threshold definition for to moderate coronary atherosclerosis (≥30% but
obstructive disease is somewhat arbitrary but both <50%). This somewhat arbitrary delineation is sup-
pragmatic and consistent with previous American ported by earlier data suggesting that patients with
Heart Association/American College of Cardiol- a larger atherosclerotic burden on angiography have
ogy coronary angiography guidelines.20 Although a poorer prognosis.23 Although there are limited data
an obstructive lesion is strictly a pathophysiological evaluating the role of fractional flow reserve (FFR)
concept that requires physiological evaluation, func- testing in MINOCA patients with moderate stenoses,
tional assessment is not routinely undertaken in all FFR may be considered in select patients with bor-
patients undergoing coronary angiography, and clini- derline “obstructive” disease based on extrapolation
cal decisions are often made on the basis of visual from data in stable patients that showed that up to
angiographic estimation of lesion diameter stenosis. one-quarter of patients with 30% to 50% stenosis
Yet it is important to realize that this approach to have functionally significant stenoses when mea-
classification of lesion severity is extremely subjec- sured using FFR.24 If FFR is used, we propose that
tive, with substantial interobserver variability.21 Fur- only patients with FFR findings >0.80 be included as
thermore, the angiographic severity of a lesion is not a working diagnosis of MINOCA.
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Figure 1. Clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of MINOCA.

CAD indicates coronary artery disease; CMRI, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; cTn, cardiac troponin; FFR, fractional flow reserve; IVUS, intravascular ultra-
sound; LV, left ventricular; MINOCA, myocardial infarction in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease; MR, magnetic resonance; OCT, optical coherence
tomography; and SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection.
*Consider FFR.

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

Table 1.   MINOCA Diagnostic Criteria therefore not pragmatic to recommend it as an essen-


The diagnosis of MINOCA is made in patients with acute myocardial tial step for the diagnosis of MINOCA. After excluding

infarction that fulfills the following criteria: alternate diagnoses, the clinician arrives in the green
1. Acute myocardial infarction (modified from the “Fourth Universal section of Figure 1, where a diagnosis of MINOCA or
Definition of Myocardial Infarction” Criteria) CMRI-confirmed MINOCA can be made. In specialized
   Detection of a rise or fall of cTn with at least 1 value above the 99th centers, the clinician may consider additional studies to
percentile upper reference limit elucidate the underlying cause(s) of MINOCA. It is im-
   and portant to recognize that the order of the diagnostic
   Corroborative clinical evidence of infarction evidenced by at least 1 evaluations advised might not always follow the algo-
of the following: rithm provided. For example, CMRI might be performed
     Symptoms of myocardial ischemia after intracoronary imaging.
     New ischemic electrocardiographic changes Several aspects of this working-diagnosis pathway
     Development of pathological Q waves are noteworthy:
    Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new
• Clinically overt presentation: The initial presenta-
regional wall motion abnormality in a pattern consistent with an tion might provide an obvious clinical context for
ischemic cause the diagnosis (eg, myocardial injury associated
     Identification of a coronary thrombus by angiography or autopsy with septic shock) that would not be considered
2. Nonobstructive coronary arteries on angiography: MINOCA, so that no further diagnostic evaluation
   Defined as the absence of obstructive disease on angiography (ie,
is required.
no coronary artery stenosis ≥50%) in any major epicardial vessel* • Access to cardiac investigations: Some cardiac
    This includes patients with: investigations (eg, CMRI) might not be readily
     Normal coronary arteries (no angiographic stenosis)
available in some centers, so that the diagnosis of
MINOCA may need to be made on clinical grounds
     Mild luminal irregularities (angiographic stenosis <30% stenoses)
alone. However, consideration should be given to
    Moderate coronary atherosclerotic lesions (stenoses >30% but
these alternate diagnoses even in the absence
of advanced imaging. Notably, although the use
3. No specific alternate diagnosis for the clinical presentation:
of CMRI is strongly encouraged, the absence of
   Alternate diagnoses include but are not limited to nonischemic myocardial necrosis on CMRI does not neces-
causes such as sepsis, pulmonary embolism, and myocarditis
sarily exclude MINOCA as a diagnosis, because
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cTn indicates cardiac troponin; and MINOCA, myocardial infarction in the a lack of myocardial necrosis on CMRI has been
absence of obstructive coronary artery disease.
*Note that additional review of the angiogram may be required to ensure reported in patients with other findings that sup-
the absence of obstructive disease. port MINOCA.25
Adapted from Agewall et al12 by permission of the European Society • Dynamic diagnosis: With further evaluation, the
of Cardiology, copyright © 2016, The Author; and from Thygesen et al,13
copyright © 2018, American Heart Association, Inc. differential clinical diagnoses may change. For
example, an initial diagnosis suggestive of takot-
subo syndrome based on left ventricular imaging
The “Traffic Light” Sequence for the studies may later change to MINOCA if CMRI dem-
Diagnosis of MINOCA onstrates myocardial necrosis. Similarly, an initial
Figure 1 provides a clinical algorithm for the diagnosis diagnosis of MINOCA may later change to myocar-
of MINOCA. The initial evaluation in patients with sus- ditis on the basis of CMRI findings.
pected AMI and nonobstructive CAD involves careful • Takotsubo syndrome: The mechanism (ischemic
consideration of the clinical context and the exclusion versus nonischemic) responsible for this intriguing
of clinically overt causes for a myocardial injury that led disorder remains uncertain. Criteria for takotsubo
physicians to an initial diagnosis of AMI but on further syndrome require the wall motion abnormalities to
review was not likely a result of an ischemic event (red be transient, and therefore, early in the course, the
section of Figure 1). If AMI remains the clinical diagno- working diagnosis might be MINOCA. The “Fourth
sis of choice after this step, the clinician should exclude Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction” does
potentially overlooked obstructive CAD by re-reviewing not consider takotsubo syndrome a myocardial
the angiogram and consider further investigation to infarction,13 and therefore, we have categorized
exclude clinically subtle nonischemic mechanisms of takotsubo syndrome separately for uniformity.
myocardial injury (yellow section of Figure  1). Cardiac Although takotsubo syndrome can clinically mimic
magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is recommended MINOCA, it appears to be a distinctly different
as a key investigation in MINOCA because it can ex- syndrome and therefore should be considered
clude myocarditis, takotsubo syndrome, and cardiomy- separately.
opathies, as well as provide imaging confirmation of • Evaluating ischemic mechanisms: Invasive coro-
AMI. However, CMRI is not widely available, and it is nary imaging and functional testing can provide

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Figure 2. Specific causes.

SCAD indicates spontaneous coronary artery dissection.

therapeutic direction for patients with MINOCA encompasses plaque rupture, plaque erosion, and cal-
(eg, use of calcium channel blockers in coronary cific nodules. Plaque disruption can trigger thrombus
spasm) and should be used selectively after consid- formation that leads to AMI via distal embolization,
eration of the benefits and risks. superimposed coronary spasm, or perhaps, in some
• Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD): cases, transient complete thrombosis with spontaneous
The diagnosis of SCAD is usually made after careful thrombolysis. The angiographic appearance may sug-
review of the angiogram. If obstructive disease is gest plaque disruption; for example, haziness or a small
noted, this would eliminate a diagnosis of MINOCA. filling defect. Plaque disruption can only be definitively
However, on occasion, SCAD is only recognized diagnosed with intracoronary imaging, preferably with
after intracoronary imaging is performed, and the higher-resolution optical coherence tomography
hence, imaging may be needed to firmly establish (OCT) imaging or, to a lesser extent, with intravascu-
the diagnosis, especially in SCAD subtype II (diffuse lar ultrasound (IVUS). Coronary computed tomography
long, smooth, tapering nonobstructive lesions).26 angiography does not provide sufficient detail of the
luminal interface. Plaque rupture is defined as fibrous
cap discontinuity leading to a communication between
SPECIFIC CAUSES plaque cavity and the coronary lumen. Compared with
Atherosclerotic Causes of Myocardial plaque erosion, plaque rupture is associated with a
higher frequency of thin-cap fibroatheroma and disrup-
Necrosis tion in nonculprit lesions27 or non–infarct-related arter-
Plaque Disruption ies. Plaque erosion is defined as a thrombus contiguous
Coronary plaque disruption is common among MI- to the luminal surface of a plaque without signs of rup-
NOCA patients (Figure 2). The term plaque disruption ture.27 Plaque erosion is a distinct entity caused primarily

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

by endothelial erosion, compared with plaque rupture To date, plaque rupture and erosion have only been

caused by inflammation.28 The mechanisms underlying reported among patients with MINOCA with some evi-

plaque erosion are currently poorly defined but appear dence of atherosclerosis on angiography; for instance,
to be related to apoptosis of endothelial cells and loss luminal irregularities or plaque causing <50% stenosis.
of endothelial contact with the underlying extracellular Given the frequent presence of plaque disruption in pa-
matrix29; this process can be promoted by several trig- tients with MINOCA undergoing invasive imaging stud-
gers, such as coronary spasm.30 On pathological evalu- ies, the authors recommend that if available, OCT or
ation of sudden death cases, plaque erosion was as- IVUS imaging be performed in patients with MINOCA
sociated with more late-stage thrombus (versus early, and evidence of nonobstructive atherosclerosis on an
<1-day-old thrombus for plaque rupture)31 and more angiogram. OCT has better resolution and is the prefer-
frequent distal embolization.32 Plaque erosion could able modality.
have an important pathophysiological role in MINOCA
patients, because angiographic evidence of obstruction Nonatherosclerotic Causes of Myocardial
in major epicardial vessels is not evident in these pa-
tients, and the myonecrosis may result from distal em-
bolization. Calcified nodule is defined based on OCT Epicardial Coronary Vasospasm
imaging criteria as a signal-poor region with poorly de- Coronary artery spasm is defined as intense vasocon-
lineated borders that protrudes into the arterial lumen; striction (ie, >90%) of an epicardial coronary artery re-
it is the least common cause of plaque disruption and is sulting in compromised myocardial blood flow. Coro-
more common in older patients.33 nary vasospasm can occur either in response to drugs
Plaque disruption is noted on IVUS in approximate- or toxins (eg, cocaine, fluorouracil) that result in hyper-
ly one-third of patients with MINOCA.25,34 Reynolds et reactivity of vascular smooth muscles or spontaneously
al25 reported plaque disruption using IVUS in 16 of 42 because of disorders in coronary vasomotor tone. Vaso-
women with MINOCA (38%); plaque rupture was pres- spastic angina is a clinical disorder manifesting as rest
ent in 11 patients, plaque ulceration (a crater in plaque angina associated with a dynamic ST-segment elevation
not meeting criteria for rupture) in 4 patients, and both pattern on ECG as a result of coronary artery spasm.40
plaque rupture and ulceration in 1 patient. Some patients Although the disorder was first described by Prinzmetal
had multiple ruptured plaques, as has been observed in et al41 in patients with obstructive CAD, it is more often
patients with AMI-CAD.35 Ouldzein et al34 found a 37%
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considered in patients with nonobstructive coronaries.

rate of plaque rupture in a cohort of 68 patients with Prolonged vasospastic episodes can also result in MI-
MINOCA. The prevalence of plaque disruption might be NOCA. Vascular smooth muscle hyperreactivity appears
even higher than previously reported if higher-resolution to be a central pathophysiological mechanism, with the
imaging (eg, OCT) is used, particularly given that plaque relative roles of the endothelial and adventitial layers in
erosion is not detected by IVUS.36 Furthermore, in the modulating this hyperreactivity (particularly in relation
aforementioned studies, imaging was performed on 1 to inflammatory mechanisms) rapidly evolving.42
or 2 coronary arteries rather than all 3 arteries, and iden- Coronary vasospasm is a common cause of MINO-
tification of the AMI culprit vessel on angiography can CA. In one study, coronary vasospasm was diagnosed
be particularly challenging in MINOCA patients. Plaque in 46% of patients with MINOCA undergoing provoca-
disruption was located in a vessel segment that appeared tive testing.43 There is a predilection for vasospastic an-
angiographically normal in nearly half of the cases with gina among Asian patients compared with whites.6,44
rupture or ulceration, although all patients with plaque Among patients with MINOCA, postdischarge (up to
disruption had evidence of at least minor atherosclero- 6 weeks after AMI) provocative testing for vasospasm
sis somewhere on the angiogram.37 The frequency of suggests a higher prevalence of vasospastic angina in
plaque erosion in MINOCA has not been established, be- Japanese (81%) and Korean (61%) patients than in
cause published studies have used IVUS rather than OCT. whites (15%).6
This entity has been observed in MINOCA patients by the The diagnosis of vasospastic angina typically requires
authors, and it is likely that plaque erosion is a common the documentation of coronary artery spasm. Although
cause of MINOCA, as it is in patients with AMI-CAD.38 spontaneous episodes may be fortuitously document-
Plaque erosion is more common in women, smokers, ed,40 provocative spasm testing is often required to es-
patients with single-vessel disease, and younger patients tablish the diagnosis. Over the years, a number of cor-
with few risk factors for CAD.29 Plaque erosion is also onary spasm provocation testing methods have been
more common among young women who died sudden- developed, but the gold standard technique involves
ly in pathological series of sudden cardiac death, which is administration of high-dose intracoronary acetylcholine
interesting given the predilection of MINOCA for young- boluses (20-100 μg administered as an intracoronary
er patients and women.39 MINOCA with calcified nodule 5-mL bolus over 20 seconds), with the epicardial coro-
has been reported but seems to be rare.33 nary artery response evaluated by invasive contrast an-

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

giography.45 This method has been validated in patients of microvascular spasm diagnosed during provocative

with spontaneous episodes of spasm45 and widely used spasm testing, when chest discomfort and ischemic

in Japanese and Korean clinical practices but has been electrocardiographic changes are induced by acetylcho-
restricted to specialized centers in Europe and the Unit- line provocation in the absence of epicardial coronary
ed States. spasm48; or (3) impaired coronary blood flow, as mea-
European and US centers have been reluctant to per- sured with a corrected TIMI (Thrombolysis in Myocardial
form routine provocative testing after reported deaths Infarction) frame count. (This is also known as the coro-
occurring in the 1970s with ergonovine provocative nary slow flow phenomenon, an angiographic phenom-
testing.46 These were undertaken as bedside tests with enon that can occur spontaneously and is characterized
often intermittent electrocardiographic monitoring as a delayed passage of angiographic contrast [requiring
alone, with sublingual nitrate as the principal treatment ≥3 beats to fill a vessel] at rest.) Coronary hemodynamic
for any induced spasm. This contrasts with contempo- studies have shown increased basal microvascular re-
rary catheterization laboratory–based provocative test- sistance in patients with coronary slow flow phenom-
ing during which acetylcholine is used (very short half- enon.52 In clinical practice, combined assessment of epi-
life), spasm is documented angiographically (ie, before cardial spasm and microvascular disease might be most
significant ischemic electrocardiographic changes), and practical using combined testing, where available.
intracoronary nitrates are rapidly administered. With Coronary microvascular dysfunction can be detected
this contemporary approach, large spasm registries in 30% to 50% of patients with chest discomfort and
have reported an acceptable level of safety in provoca- nonobstructive CAD on invasive coronary angiography.51
tive testing of stable patients, with no reported proce- It is more commonly seen in women and patients with
dure-related deaths, although significant bradyarrhyth- cardiovascular risk factors (eg, increasing age, diabe-
mias or tachyarrhythmias were induced in up to 6% tes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, or dyslipidemia).50
of patients.47,48 This is comparable to the prevalence of MINOCA is distinct from ischemia with nonobstructive
arrhythmias reported during spontaneous episodes of CAD; the latter occurs in stable patients who do not
spasm,47,48 which suggests the arrhythmias were a result have myocardial infarction.50 There is limited overlap
of the vasospastic episode rather than the provocative between MINOCA and ischemia with nonobstructive
testing itself. However, until recently, spasm provoca- CAD. For example, among patients with microvascular
tive testing was seldom performed in MINOCA patients coronary disease, few are found to have evidence of
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during their index admission. Montone et al43 reported prior AMI; only 26 of 340 women (8%) with stable mi-
the first safety data for early provocative spasm testing crovascular disease undergoing CMRI in the WISE study
in a study of 80 patients with MINOCA undergoing pro- (Women’s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation) had magnetic
vocative spasm testing within 48 hours of admission. resonance imaging evidence of myocardial scar.53
Provocative spasm testing revealed positive results in Microvascular dysfunction can be a cause of isch-
37 patients (46.2%). Procedure-related arrhythmias oc- emia but can also be a sequela of myocardial injury of
curred in 5% of patients, and no major adverse events, an ischemic or nonischemic origin. For example, a stress
including death or recurrent infarction, were reported. cardiac magnetic resonance study of 40 female patients
with MINOCA reported that two-thirds of patients had
Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction
an inducible perfusion abnormality,54 which implies the
Although the epicardial coronary arteries are easily vi-
presence of coronary microvascular dysfunction. How-
sualized via coronary angiography and amenable to re-
ever, stress perfusion abnormalities were seen in pa-
vascularization therapies, the coronary microcirculation
tients with any reason for myocardial edema, including
(vessels <0.5 mm diameter) is not easily visualized yet
myocarditis. Thus, the challenge to identifying the role
accounts for ≈70% of the coronary resistance in the
of microvascular dysfunction in MINOCA is to deter-
absence of obstructive CAD.49 Microvascular dysfunc-
mine whether it is a cause of the AMI or a consequence
tion can potentially contribute to the pathogenesis of
of it. Although invasive assessment for microvascular
MINOCA and is divided into endothelium-dependent or
dysfunction can be considered in patients with MINO-
-independent dysfunction.
CA, it might not conclusively delineate the reason for
Clinical disorders of coronary microvascular dysfunc-
the acute presentation. Therefore, the role of coronary
tion have largely been described in patients presenting
microvascular dysfunction in MINOCA requires further
with stable angina.50 A standardized definition for mi-
investigation, with limited studies evaluating the roles
crovascular angina has been established and includes
of microvascular angina, microvascular spasm, or the
patients with ischemic chest discomfort, nonobstructive
coronary slow flow phenomenon in these patients.
coronary arteries, and an impaired coronary flow.51 Im-
paired coronary flow can be determined by any of the Coronary Embolism/Thrombosis
following: (1) coronary flow reserve <2.0 in response Coronary thrombosis or embolism results in MINOCA
to vasodilator stimuli such as adenosine51; (2) evidence if it involves the microcirculation or if partial lysis of the

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

epicardial coronary thrombus results in nonobstructive sistently present at least 12 weeks apart, because

angiographic disease. This can occur with or without a transient abnormalities are not clinically significant.

hypercoagulable state. Venous thrombosis is a more common presentation,

Hypercoagulable disorders that result in coronary and among those presenting with arterial thrombo-
thrombosis can be divided into inherited and acquired sis, stroke is 4 times more common than AMI (which
causes. Inherited thrombophilia is prevalent in the gen- occurs in ≈5% of patients).69 Among patients with
eral population (eg, factor V Leiden [in 5%], elevated coronary embolism, one study reported 7.5% had an-
factor VIII/von Willebrand factor [in 25%]), with varying tiphospholipid syndrome.70
prevalence by race/ethnicity.55 Acquired hypercoagu- HIT occurs when antibodies develop against hep-
lable states include thrombotic thrombocytopenic pur- arin-platelet factor 4 complexes. It is more common
pura (TTP), the autoimmune disorder antiphospholipid after exposure to unfractionated heparin than to low-
syndrome, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), molecular-weight heparin and can result in an intense
and myeloproliferative neoplasms. In a systematic re- hypercoagulable state accompanied by venous or arte-
view examining the use of thrombophilia testing in MI- rial thrombosis, especially in recently instrumented ves-
NOCA patients,6 factor V Leiden or activated protein sels.71 The platelet count is not always low in HIT and
C resistance followed by protein C or S deficiency was is rarely severely low; diagnostic criteria for HIT require
most commonly observed (in 12% and 3% of patients, a decline to <50% of the pre-heparin count, so not all
respectively). It is reasonable to consider the inherited patients are thrombocytopenic.
hypercoagulable states in patients with MINOCA, es- Myeloproliferative neoplasms, such as polycythemia
pecially in younger women.56–62 A case-control study of vera and essential thrombocythemia, are rare clonal he-
362 young women reported an odds ratio of AMI of matologic diseases that have venous or arterial throm-
3.7 associated with factor V Leiden and an odds ratio bosis as common manifestations.
of 3.8 for the prothrombin 20120A,57 whereas another
study including 1670 men and 210 women with AMI Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
<45 years of age suggested lower risks of 1.7 and 1.3, SCAD is a relatively uncommon nonatherosclerotic
respectively.63 It is important that testing for coagula- mechanism of AMI; however, it is a common cause of
tion factor levels be performed after the acute-phase AMI among women <50 years of age.72–74 Although
illness has resolved and that patients be aware of the most patients with SCAD have some obstruction to
strengths and limitations of testing and understand its flow, occasionally the arteries can appear normal or
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implications for family members.64 Diagnostic testing near normal because of gradual tapering of the ves-
for inherited coagulopathies in patients with suspected sel, and hence, this should be considered as a possible
MINOCA is preferably performed in consultation with a cause for MINOCA. It remains possible that with greater
hematologist and can include several tests (eg, factor V use of intracoronary imaging, SCAD that is not angio-
Leiden, prothrombin 20210A, factor VIII, protein C ac- graphically obstructive will increasingly be recognized
tivity, protein S activity, antithrombin, lupus anticoagu- as a cause of MINOCA.
lant, and a comprehensive panel for antiphospholipid The obstruction to coronary blood flow in SCAD is
antibodies). generated by a separation of the media and adventitial
TTP is a thrombotic microangiopathy characterized vascular walls associated with intramural hematoma pro-
by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and profound trusion into the lumen. It can occur in single or multiple
thrombocytopenia65 and is an infrequent cause of MI- coronary vessels. The exact mechanism of SCAD is not
NOCA.66 It should be suspected in cases of AMI occur- entirely known, and the primary source of the dissection
ring together with thrombocytopenia and hemolytic (intimal or medial) is still controversial. SCAD might rep-
anemia, when there are schistocytes on the peripheral resent an intrinsic underlying vasculopathy that could be
smear. A report from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample compounded by a precipitating stressor associated with
(2007–2012) inclusive of 8203 TTP hospitalizations a catecholamine surge, such as emotional stress, ex-
reported an AMI rate of 5.6% in patients with TTP, treme physical activities, and sympathomimetic drugs.75
but it is unclear how many of those fit the MINOCA The strong association between SCAD and other vascu-
definition.67 lar diseases (eg, fibromuscular dysplasia) supports this
Antiphospholipid syndrome is a heterogenous dis- theory.73 Initial reports linked the incidence of SCAD to
order characterized by autoantibodies against pro- pregnancy, in which SCAD was found to occur antepar-
tein-phospholipid complexes that promote a hyper- tum, early postpartum, and late postpartum.76
coagulable state. The diagnosis requires presence of The exact incidence of SCAD is controversial, be-
thrombosis or pregnancy complications along with cause many events can be missed or misdiagnosed.77
characteristic laboratory abnormalities (lupus anti- SCAD was initially estimated to occur in ≈1% of pa-
coagulant or serological tests for antiphospholipid tients with acute coronary syndromes, but a more ac-
antibodies).68 Laboratory abnormalities must be per- curate estimate of its prevalence in patients with acute

e8 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

coronary syndromes may be higher, in the range of infarction in patients with MINOCA is made when a

1.7% to 4%. Within a population of women <50 years plausible cause exists (eg, tachycardia, anemia, hy-

of age presenting with acute coronary syndrome, the potension) in the absence of clinical, angiographic,
prevalence of SCAD could be up to 35%.73,77,78 For all or invasive imaging modalities that would otherwise
the aforementioned reasons, it is difficult to accurately support a different diagnosis.
determine the incidence of SCAD in patients with MI-
SCAD should be suspected mainly in young women MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES
presenting with acute coronary syndrome or sudden The management of AMI with obstructive CAD
cardiac death. The angiographic appearance can vary is well established, with detailed evidence-based
from a near-normal coronary artery to arterial wall con- guidelines for both ST-segment–elevation myocardial
trast staining with multiple radiolucent lumens or dif- infarction85 and non–ST-segment–elevation myocar-
fuse stenosis of varying severity, including <50% steno- dial infarction.86 In contrast, the management of MI-
sis.79 The appearance of tortuosity, including corkscrew NOCA has a limited evidence-based literature, with
appearance and multivessel symmetrical tortuosity, is no prospective randomized, controlled trials under-
also characteristic of SCAD.80 However, a definitive di- taken to date. Given these therapeutic shortcomings,
agnosis can require intravascular imaging such as IVUS it is important to define the management strategy for
or OCT demonstrating the lack of significant athero- patients with MINOCA, which includes careful con-
sclerotic plaque and the presence of dissection and in- sideration of the following: (1) emergency supportive
tramural hematoma. Because of the superior resolution care; (2) a working diagnosis approach for patient
of OCT, OCT is the preferred imaging modality when evaluation; (3) cardioprotective therapies irrespective
evaluating a patient with suspected SCAD,78 although of the cause of the MINOCA; and (4) cause-targeted
care must be taken to avoid the possibility of contrast- therapies.
induced hydraulic extension of the dissection during
OCT imaging.
Emergency Supportive Care
Supply-Demand Mismatch
An important number of MINOCA patients can require
The “Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarc-
emergency therapies for life-threatening arrhythmias or
tion” (2018)13 describes type 2 myocardial infarction
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cardiogenic shock. Although revascularization is a cor-

events as those secondary to an ischemic imbalance.
nerstone therapy for AMI-CAD, it is not a therapeutic
This is a heterogeneous category that includes many
option in patients with MINOCA. Therefore, the astute
of the pathophysiological mechanisms mentioned
clinician must always consider the possible causes for
previously (eg, coronary spasm, thrombosis) and
MINOCA, especially in the initial setting, and immedi-
other systemic conditions resulting in supply-demand
ately address the underlying mechanism responsible for
mismatch (eg, tachyarrhythmias, anemia, hypoten-
a patient’s compromised condition. For example, in the
sion, thyrotoxicosis). Several studies have shown vari-
case of ventricular arrhythmias as a result of refractory
ability in the categorization of myocardial infarction
spasm, coronary vasodilator drugs are the treatment of
events as type 1 or type 2,81,82 which in part reflects
choice and should be initiated promptly.
the moderate agreement (at best) among trained cli-
nicians when classifying AMI types.83 This variability
was further evident if the classification extended be- MINOCA: A Working Diagnosis
yond those with obstructive CAD.84 The diagnosis of It is imperative that the diagnosis of MINOCA be con-
a type 2 myocardial infarction, as opposed to myo- sidered as a working diagnosis to elucidate the un-
cardial injury, requires other corroborating evidence derlying cause of the clinical presentation. This needs
(Table 1), including ischemic symptoms or signs and a to be undertaken at 2 levels, to (1) exclude disorders
rise or fall in troponin levels. The presence of CAD is mimicking an AMI and (2) identify the underlying cause
not necessary for the diagnosis. This diagnosis should responsible for the MINOCA. Table  2 summarizes the
not be liberally given to all patients with an elevated extensive array of specific therapies that must be con-
troponin level in the setting of hypotension or tachy- sidered in patients suspected of having MINOCA.
cardia without other findings to suggest myocardial
ischemia. Tachyarrhythmia-associated AMI is one of
the common causes of type- 2 myocardial infarc- Cardioprotective Therapies
tion,82,83 although sometimes it is difficult to distin- All patients with AMI-CAD (ST-segment–elevation myo-
guish whether the tachyarrhythmia is a cause or a cardial infarction and non–ST-segment–elevation myo-
consequence of the MINOCA event in a particular pa- cardial infarction) require secondary prevention therapies.
tient. In general, the diagnosis of a type 2 myocardial These include conventional cardioprotective medications

Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670 TBD TBD, 2019 e9

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

Table 2.  Management of Patients With a Working Diagnosis of MINOCA


Underlying Mechanism/Clinical Disorder Selective Diagnostic Investigations* Selective/Empirical Therapies†


Clinically overlooked ischemic or nonischemic presentations (mimicking MINOCA)

 Branch “flush occlusion” or severe branch Angiographic review Antiplatelet or anticoagulant (depending on cause)
stenosis (from coronary embolism/thrombus or Consider intracoronary imaging to identify plaque Statin
ruptured plaque) rupture or dissection, or de novo thrombus β-blockers
echocardiography review (screen valves for
ACE inhibitors/ARBs (in presence of left ventricular
endocarditis; left atrium and left ventricle for
dysfunction, and possibly with preserved EF)
thrombus source and tumor; the possibility of a
PFO should also be evaluated)
  Spontaneous coronary artery dissection Angiographic review Aspirin
Consider clopidogrel
  Takotsubo syndrome Left ventricular angiogram ACE inhibition
Contrast CMRI Medical or device therapies for heart failure/left
ventricular dysfunction
Consider β-blockers
 Cardiomyopathies Contrast CMRI Medical or device therapies for heart failure/left
ventricular dysfunction
 Myocarditis Contrast CMRI Medical or device therapies for heart failure/left
ventricular dysfunction.
Consider immunomodulatory and
immunosuppressive therapies
Ischemic presentation (MINOCA)
  Plaque disruption Angiographic review Aspirin
Intravascular imaging (IVUS or OCT) High-intensity statin
β-blockers (in presence of left ventricular
dysfunction, and possibly with preserved EF)
ACE inhibitors/ARBs (in presence of left ventricular
dysfunction, and possibly with preserved EF)
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Consider clopidogrel/ticagrelor
  Coronary artery spasm Resolution with coronary vasodilators (eg, Calcium channel blockers
intracoronary nitroglycerin) Other antispastic agents (nitrates, nicorandil,
Provocative spasm testing cilostazol)
Blood toxicology testing Consider statin
Review of medication and nonprescription drug
use (eg, migraine medications, cocaine)
  Coronary microvascular dysfunction Angiographic review Conventional antianginal therapies (eg, calcium
Coronary microvascular functional testing channel blocker, β-blocker)
Unconventional antianginal therapies (eg, l-
arginine, ranolazine, dipyridamole, aminophylline,
imipramine, α-blockers)
  Coronary embolism/thrombus Angiographic review Antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy
Intravascular imaging (IVUS or OCT) Other targeted therapies for hypercoagulable
Thrombophilia screen condition

  Spontaneous coronary artery dissection Angiographic review Aspirin

Intravascular imaging (IVUS or OCT) β-blocker
Consider clopidogrel
  Supply-demand mismatch Review history for potential stressors Treatment for underlying condition

ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CMRI, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; EF, ejection fraction; IVUS,
intravascular ultrasound; MINOCA, myocardial infarction in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease; OCT, optical coherence tomography; and PFO,
patent foramen ovale.
*These are selective and targeted investigations and should be considered in addition to routine evaluation for patients with suspected acute myocardial
infarction, including clinical assessment, ECG, cardiac biomarkers (with troponins preferred), and echocardiogram.
†These are selective and targeted therapies and should be considered in addition to cardioprotective therapies, lifestyle changes, and cardiac rehabilitation.

(dual antiplatelet agents, statins, angiotensin-converting tion. The secondary prevention therapies largely target
enzyme [ACE] inhibitors /angiotensin receptor blockers the atherothrombotic process. In MINOCA patients,
[ARBs], and β-blockers), risk factor modification with however, the atherosclerotic burden is reduced or mini-
nonpharmacological therapies, and cardiac rehabilita- mal, which calls into question the value of routine use of

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Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

some of these therapies. These therapies should there- the observational cohort study of patients enrolled in

fore be considered on an individual basis in patients with the SWEDEHEART registry15 did not support the use of

MINOCA. For example, antiplatelet therapy and statins dual antiplatelet agents, this analysis was performed on
are strongly recommended for MINOCA patients with the overall MINOCA cohort, without discerning those
plaque disruption (type 1 AMI), but their routine use in with confirmed plaque disruption from those with oth-
type 2 AMI is uncertain and may be contraindicated (eg, er causes for MINOCA. A second antiplatelet agent may
β-blockers in patients with coronary spasm). be reasonable based on extrapolation from AMI clinical
To address this issue, Lindahl et al15 undertook a trials that did not require confirmation of obstructive
stratified propensity analysis of 9138 patients with CAD and that showed an incremental benefit from the
MINOCA enrolled in the SWEDEHEART registry (the addition of a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor to aspirin.87,88
Swedish Web-System for Enhancement and Develop- It is not our practice to routinely stent patients with
ment of Evidence-Based Care in Heart Disease Evalu- MINOCA and plaque rupture or erosion. This is sup-
ated According to Recommended Therapy), evaluating ported by a small study of patients treated with dual
the relationship between treatment with (1) statins, (2) antiplatelet therapy alone, which showed an accept-
ACE inhibitors/ARBs, (3) β-blockers, and (4) dual anti- able 1-year revascularization rate of 5.7% in patients
platelet therapy and the composite of all-cause mor- with MINOCA who were treated medically.89
tality or hospitalization for reinfarction, heart failure,
Epicardial Coronary Vasospasm
or stroke. After a mean follow-up of 4.1 years, there
Calcium channel blockers are the cornerstone therapy
was a significantly lower event rate associated with the
for patients with coronary spasm given their mecha-
use of statins (hazard ratio, 0.77 [95% CI, 0.68–0.87])
nism of action on calcium transduction, documented
and ACE inhibitors/ARBs (hazard ratio, 0.82 [95% CI,
ability to suppress angina symptoms in vasospastic an-
0.73–0.93]) and a trend for a lower event rate with
gina patients,90 and evidence showing their absence is
the use of β-blockers (hazard ratio, 0.86 [95% CI,
an independent determinant of cardiovascular events
0.74–1.01]). The use of dual antiplatelet agents was
in vasospastic angina.91 In patients with refractory va-
not associated with a lower event rate (hazard ratio,
sospastic angina, the use of 2 calcium channel blockers
0.90 [95% CI, 0.74–1.08]). The results from this ret-
(operating via different receptors) has been shown to
rospective analysis provide some support for the use
alleviate symptoms.92 Although short-acting sublingual
of cardioprotective therapies (except dual antiplatelet
and intracoronary nitrates are beneficial in acutely al-
agents) in patients with MINOCA, although we await
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leviating coronary spasm, the benefits of long-acting

the results from randomized, controlled trial data be-
nitrates are less clear,45 possibly because of issues with
fore any strong recommendations can be made. The
nitrate tolerance. Other agents shown to effectively al-
MINOCA BAT (Randomized Evaluation of Beta-Blocker
leviate coronary spasm include nicorandil (a potassium
and ACEI/ARB Treatment in MINOCA Patients) aims to
channel opener that also has nitrate properties) and ci-
randomize at least 3500 MINOCA patients to treatment
lostazol (a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor).45
with ACE inhibitors/ARBs and β-blockers or matching
placebo. This study will examine all-cause mortality and Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction
cardiovascular events at 1 year and should provide us The management of coronary microvascular dysfunction
with important information regarding the benefits of is limited, because revascularization therapies are not
routine cardioprotective therapies in MINOCA patients. an option, and many conventional antianginal vasodila-
Of note, in any MINOCA patient with any evidence of tor drugs are less effective on the microvasculature than
atherosclerosis, modifiable CAD risk factors (such as on large epicardial vessels.49 Furthermore, the mecha-
smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlip- nisms responsible for the microvascular dysfunction dif-
idemia) should be treated aggressively. fer between patients with this heterogeneous disorder,
which could account for the discordant results between
clinical trials49 that have included patients with ischemia
Cause-Targeted Therapies
with nonobstructive CAD rather than MINOCA. Among
Plaque Disruption the conventional antianginal therapies, calcium channel
MINOCA patients who are determined to have plaque blockers and β-blockers have been shown to be benefi-
disruption should be prescribed cardioprotective ther- cial in alleviating symptoms, whereas nitrates are less
apies in accordance with the AMI guidelines,15 with effective.49 In addition, several small randomized, con-
aspirin being the mainstay initial therapy because the trolled clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of a
pathogenesis is similar to that of AMI-CAD. Treatment variety of unconventional antianginal therapies, which
should be identical for plaque rupture and plaque ero- exert their benefit by improving endothelial function
sion, because no distinction is made between these 2 (eg, l-arginine,93 statin therapy,94 enalapril95) or pro-
entities in current American Heart Association/Ameri- moting microvascular vasodilation (eg, dipyridamole,96
can College of Cardiology AMI guidelines.85,86 Although ranolazine97) or via a visceral analgesic effect (imipra-

Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670 TBD TBD, 2019 e11

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

mine,98 aminophylline99). These studies largely excluded ly focus on the treatment or reversal of the inciting

patients with AMI, and clinical trials specifically focus- cause. Additional cardioprotective therapies should be

ing on the management of patients with MINOCA who individualized to each patient’s clinical scenario.
have coronary microvascular dysfunction are required.
Coronary Embolism/Thrombosis PROGNOSIS
It is open to speculation whether lifelong anticoagu-
The prognosis of patients presenting with MINOCA
lant or antiplatelet therapies are justified in MINOCA
depends on the underlying cause and is currently un-
patients who have evidence of coronary embolism/ der active investigation. Most studies have shown that
thrombosis. This requires more detailed investigation. MINOCA patients have better outcomes than their
Coronary thrombosis is usually treated with antithrom- AMI-CAD counterparts.5,6,10 However, this finding is
botic therapies and sometimes antiplatelet therapies. not consistent among all reports. In the VIRGO study
Certain conditions require additional therapies; for ex- (Variation in Recovery: Role of Gender on Outcomes of
ample, TTP is treated with plasma infusions supported Young AMI Patients),16 patients with MINOCA had simi-
by apheresis to allow plasma exchange, along with lar 1-month and 1-year mortality rates and comparable
adjunctive therapies including steroids and rituximab. quality-of-life measures as patients with AMI-CAD. The
This has resulted in a markedly increased survival65 for Korean Infarct Registry showed that MINOCA patients
patients with TTP. Patients with HIT should avoid sub- had a similar risk of major adverse events as AMI-CAD
sequent exposure to heparin molecules. Because of the patients with single- or double-vessel angiographic dis-
complexity of the conditions described, a formal con- ease.103 Furthermore, there is a substantial risk of recur-
sultation with a hematologist should be considered. rent events during follow-up of MINOCA patients that
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection is higher than what is observed in the general popu-
There is currently no randomized prospective study ad- lation without cardiovascular disease.14 Approximately
dressing the appropriate treatment of SCAD in the acute 25% of patients with MINOCA will experience angina
or postacute phase. In the acute phase, it is common in the subsequent 12 months, which is similar to the
practice to avoid the use of percutaneous coronary inter- frequency reported in patients with AMI-CAD.104
vention or stenting unless the patient is unstable or pre- In the ACTION-GWTG registry (Acute Coronary
senting with ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network Regis-
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with a completely occlusive coronary artery.100 This recom- try–Get With The Guidelines), in-hospital mortality in
mendation is based on observations that in most cases, 19 000 MINOCA patients was 1.1%, with no sex differ-
coronary segments with SCAD heal spontaneously, and ences observed.5 A meta-analysis of MINOCA studies
revascularization is associated with high complications, demonstrated similar results, with a pooled in-hospital
such as propagation of the dissection and intramural he- mortality rate of 0.9% but a pooled 12-month mortal-
matoma. Medical management of SCAD is also not well ity rate of 4.7%.6 In the ANZACS-QI registry (All New
established. These patients are commonly treated with β- Zealand Acute Coronary Syndrome–Quality Improve-
blockers and aspirin. Observational data indicated lower ment), death or AMI occurred in 4.6% of MINOCA
risk among patients with SCAD prescribed β-blockers.74 patients over 2 years compared with 2.2% of age- and
The use of anticoagulant and dual antiplatelet therapy in sex-matched subjects without cardiovascular disease
the immediate management of medically treated SCAD or diabetes mellitus.14 In the SWEDEHEART study
remains controversial. These agents theoretically pose (mean follow up, 4.1 years), mortality was 13.4%;
an increased risk of bleeding and propagation of the 7.1% of patients experienced another myocardial in-
hematoma/dissection plane. On the other hand, some farction, 4.3% had ischemic stroke, 6.4% were hospi-
researchers argue that the intimal tear encountered in talized for heart failure, and hospitalization for bleed-
some SCAD patients can be prothrombotic and that the ing occurred in 3.6%.15 Interestingly, less than half of
use of a moderately potent P2Y12 inhibitor such as clopi- all deaths were classified as cardiovascular. One-year
dogrel may be reasonable.101 The use of other cardiopro- mortality in young patients with MINOCA is reportedly
tective medications should be individualized based on the lower (1.7%).16
patient’s specific risk factors and left ventricular abnor- Predictors of in-hospital mortality in MINOCA are
malities (eg, wall motion, CMRI findings, decreased ejec- similar to those in AMI-CAD (eg, age, higher troponin
level, renal dysfunction, heart rate, blood pressure, pe-
tion fraction). Although not proven in long-term studies,
ripheral arterial disease).5,105 Interestingly, the presence
some experts recommend that patients avoid strenuous
of ST-segment elevation on the ECG and presentation
exercise and future pregnancies.102
with heart failure or shock were more strongly predic-
Supply-Demand Mismatch tive of in-hospital death among patients with MINOCA
It is intuitive that the management of a MINOCA event than among those with AMI-CAD.5 There are limited
resulting from a supply-demand mismatch would large- data on outcomes of MINOCA patients based on the

e12 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

presence or absence of angiographic atherosclerosis or Additional research is needed to determine the op-

specific underlying causes. timal therapy for individuals with MINOCA based on

the specific cause of the syndrome in those for whom
a cause is identified and in those with MINOCA of un-
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND clear origin.10 Large, multicenter randomized clinical tri-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS als are needed to determine the efficacy of traditional
agents used in the secondary prevention of AMI at im-
It is likely that the newer high-sensitivity troponin as- proving short- and long-term clinical outcomes. Candi-
says will increase the number of patients appropri- date therapies to be investigated would include typical
ately and inappropriately diagnosed with MINOCA. secondary prevention medications after AMI, such as
Therefore, we wish to emphasize the importance of β-blockers, ACE inhibitors/ARBs, statins, and antiplate-
following the proposed algorithm so that only ap- let agents, as well as calcium channel blockers, which
propriate patients are identified as having MINOCA. directly address coronary artery spasm but are not part
Clinicians should consider a working diagnosis of of the typical secondary prevention regimen after AMI.
MINOCA only in those patients who have a clinical Although our proposed algorithm attempts to im-
presentation suggesting a true AMI as defined by the prove the appropriate identification of patients with
“Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction” MINOCA and the underlying cause, the evaluations
(2018)13 (ie, a clinical presentation consistent with outlined here are neither sensitive nor specific, and un-
myocardial ischemia and a rising or falling pattern of til more data become available, clinical judgment and
cardiac enzymes). individualized care are essential.
Currently, because of the lack of a specific diag-
nostic code, it is difficult to identify and track patients
with MINOCA in administrative databases and many CONCLUSIONS
large registries. Although there is an International
MINOCA is a distinct clinical diagnosis with many dif-
Classification of Diseases–Tenth Revision code that
ferent pathophysiological causes. It is essential that
refers to “other MI” (I21.9), this code is not specific
healthcare professionals become familiar with this
for MINOCA. The evaluation of patients with MINOCA
syndrome so that patients are appropriately identified
frequently requires additional studies (eg, CMRI, IVUS,
and treated. A working diagnosis of MINOCA should
OCT, physiological testing, hematologic testing), and
Downloaded from by on March 27, 2019

only be considered in those patients with a definite

therefore resources, to define its underlying cause. AMI (defined according to the “Fourth Universal Defi-
As such, we advocate for a MINOCA-specific Interna- nition of Myocardial Infarction”),13 nonobstructive dis-
tional Classification of Diseases–Tenth Revision code ease on coronary angiography, and no other clinical
that is separate from traditional AMI diagnosis codes. entities that would lead to myocardial injury without
This would provide the ability to detect patients with ischemia. The optimal evaluation for patients with a
MINOCA, for clinical research and billing purposes, diagnosis of MINOCA, after the exclusion of other
and would enable hospitals to pursue higher levels of causes for troponin elevation, should be aimed at de-
reimbursement, if necessary, to offset the cost of ad- termining the specific cause for each patient so that
ditional diagnostic studies in these patients. To bal- targeted therapies can be used. It is our hope that this
ance the increased use of resources needed to estab- newly revised definition of MINOCA and the proposed
lish the underlying cause of MINOCA, we hope that algorithm for its assessment will lead to a better un-
by identifying the cause, providers will more efficiently derstanding of the prevalence and treatment of the
target disease-specific therapies, ultimately leading to various conditions that result in MINOCA and to im-
an improvement in clinical outcomes and lower down- proved clinical outcomes.
stream costs.
As mentioned previously, the angiographic assess-
ment of a lesion and a physician’s determination of le- ARTICLE INFORMATION
sion severity are often subjective, with substantial vari- The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or po-
ability in reporting of severe lesions. For this reason, it tential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship or
a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel.
is unclear at the current time whether all moderate le- Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete and
sions (ie, 30%–50%) should undergo FFR. Although we submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be
propose consideration for FFR assessment in selective, perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.
This statement was approved by the American Heart Association Science
appropriate cases, future studies are needed to deter- Advisory and Coordinating Committee on December 11, 2018, and the Ameri-
mine the number of patients with presumed MINOCA can Heart Association Executive Committee on January 14, 2019. A copy of
who have functionally significant stenosis and whether the document is available at by using
either “Search for Guidelines & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area.
there is a role for the routine use of FFR in patients with To purchase additional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail kelle.ramsay@
a working diagnosis of MINOCA.

Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670 TBD TBD, 2019 e13

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as fol- development, visit Select the “Guide-

lows: Tamis-Holland JE, Jneid H, Reynolds HR, Agewall S, Brilakis ES, Brown TM, lines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication Development.”

Lerman A, Cushman M, Kumbhani DJ, Arslanian-Engoren C, Bolger AF, MD; Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/
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coronary artery disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Asso-
ciation. Circulation. 2019;139:e00–e00. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670.
The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific
statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by the The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr Ashish Correa for providing the exqui-
AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines site illustration depicting the various causes for MINOCA.

Writing Group Disclosures

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Group Other Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Jacqueline E. Mount Sinai Saint None None None None None None None
Tamis-Holland Luke’s Hospital
Hani Jneid Baylor College of None None None None None None None
Stefan University of Oslo None None None None None Presentation* None
Agewall (Norway)
Cynthia University of P20 grant support (funding None None None None None University
Arslanian- Michigan School to develop and evaluate of Michigan
Engoren of Nursing a cognitive training and School of
educational intervention Nursing
to improve self-care (associate
management in adults with professor)†
heart failure)*; R21 (funding
support to develop tailored
life-sustaining decision
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support intervention for

stroke surrogate decision
makers [Co-I] 5% × 1 year)*
John F. The University of The Hospital Research None None None None None None
Beltrame Adelaide (Australia) Foundation (not-for-profit
charity)†; National Medical
and Research Council
(government research funding
organization)†; AstraZeneca
(investigator-initiated grant
on slow flow)†; University
of Adelaide (investigator-
initiated grant on slow flow)†
Ann F. Bolger University of None None None None None None None
California, San
Emmanouil S. Minneapolis Heart Osprey†; Regeneron†; American Heart Abbott None MHI Abbott None
Brilakis Institute, Abbott Siemens† Association Vascular†; Ventures† Vascular†
Northwestern (associate editor, Boston
Hospital; VA North Circulation)*; Scientific†;
Texas Health Cardiovascular CSI†; GE
Care System and Innovations Healthcare†;
University of Texas Foundation (board Medtronic*
Southwestern of directors)†;
Medical Center Elsevier (royalties)*
Todd M. University of None None None None None None None
Brown Alabama at
Mary University of None None None None None None None
Cushman Vermont

(Continued )

e14 TBD TBD, 2019 Circulation. 2019;139:00–00. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000670

Tamis-Holland et al Diagnosis and Management of Patients With MINOCA

Writing Group Disclosures Continued

Writing Speakers’ Consultant/

Group Other Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Dharam J. University of Texas None None None None None None None
Kumbhani Southwestern
Medical Center
Amir Lerman Mayo Clinic None None None None None Itamar None
Harmony R. New York Abbott Vascular (unpaid; None None None None None None
Reynolds University School donation of OCT catheters)*
of Medicine

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if
(a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the
voting stock or share of the entity or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than
“significant” under the preceding definition.

Reviewer Disclosures

Other Speakers’
Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Advisory Board Other
Joseph S. University of None None None None None None None
Alpert Arizona
James A. UT Southwestern Abbott Diagnostics† None None None None Ortho Clinical None
de Lemos Medical Center Diagnostics*;
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Siemen’s Health
Care Diagnostics*
Kristian A. Aarhus University None None None None None None None
Thygesen Hospital (Denmark)
Laura F. University of None None None None None None None
Wexler Cincinnati
Harvey D. Auckland City Sanofi Aventis†; Omthera Sanofi* None None None SAHMRI (lecture
White Hospital (New DalCor Pharmaceuticals fees); ESC
Zealand) Pharmaceuticals†; (Committee (travel and
NIH†; Eisai member)†; accommodation)*;
Inc†; Omthera Esperion AHA (travel and
Pharmaceuticals† Therapeutics accommodation)*;
Ltd* SANOFI/Regeneron

This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more
during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns
$10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

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