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Soal: The biggest living animal in the world is the blue whale. It weighs about 150 tons, the same as 40 big trucks. It is over 30 meters long, the length of three buses one behind another. Just the whale’s tongue weighs 3.8 tons and its heart is about 450 kilograms. A baby blue whale weighs more than 3 tons when it is born and gains 90 kilos a day during its first year. ‘An adult whale eats between 900 and 4,100 kilograms of food each day. The whale swims slowly through the water with its mouth open and thousands of tiny fish and plankton swim into it. However, the whale can't swallow anything larger than a shrimp. Whales live in water, but they are not fish. They are mammals and they cannot stay under water for too long. Blue whale can dive for an hour, to a depth of 105 meters, but they need to surface to breathe. When they surface, they blow a stream of 8 or 10 meters up in the air. Blue whales are the loudest animal on Earth. Their call is louder than a jet and can travel for hundreds of miles across the ocean. They use their calls and songs to communicate with other blue whales. 1. What is the function of whales’ calls and songs? A. To breathe, blowing a stream. —_C. To communicate with other whales. B. To get more food D. To eat tiny fish and plankton 2. “Itis over 30 meters long, the length of three buses....." (Paragraph 1) What is the word “it’ refers to’? A. Blue whale. B. Shark. C. Fish D. Starfish 3. “However, the whale can't swallow anything larger than a shrimp.” (Paragraph 2) What is the synonym of the word ‘swallow’? A. Devour. B. Open. CC. Vomit. D. Taste

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