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Vol. 44 No.

4 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D) April 2001

Low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoir conductive model

Dual water clay matrix conductive model in the north area of Tarim Basin, Xin-
jiang, China

PAN Heping (ìä<)1, WANG Jiaying (¥ø)1, FAN Zhengjun («ÿ‹)2,

MA Yong (ô )2, LIU Jianhua (¡Ù)2 & LI Mingqiang (9\œ)2
1. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China;
2. Northwest Petroleum Company, CNSPC, Lanzhou 830011, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Pan Heping (email:

Received February 5, 2000

Abstract Shaly sands reservoir is one of the most distributive types of the oil(gas)-bearing res-
ervoirs discovered in China, and low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs are mostly shaly sands
reservoirs. Therefore, shaly sands reservoir conductive model is the key to evaluate low resistiv-
ity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs using logging information. Some defects were found when we stud-
ied the clay distribution type conductive model, dual-water conductive model, conductive rock ma-
trix model, etc. Some models could not distinguish the conductive path and nature of microporosity
water and clay water and some models did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of
clay volume. So, we utilize the merits,overcome the defects of the above models, and put forward
a new shaly sands conductive model—dual water clay matrix conductive model (DWCMCM) in
which dual water is the free water and the microporosity water in shaly sands and the clay ma-
trix(wet clay) is the clay grain containing water. DWCMCM is presented here, the advantages of
which can tell the nature and conductive path from different water (microporosity water and free-
water), in consideration of the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume in shaly sands.
So, the results of logging interpretation in the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs in the north of Tarim Basin
area, China with DWCMCM are better than those interpreted by the above models.
Keywords: logging evaluation, the north area of Tarim Basin, low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoir, dual water matrix
clay conductive model.

The oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs in the north area of Tarim Basin, China, are the gray fine and
middle-course shale sands, whose porosity and permeability are good with big thickness. There
are two kinds of oil(gas)-bearing shaly sands reservoirs: general and special. The resistivities
the water bearing formations. The resistivities of some oil(gas) formations in general oil(gas) ones
are lower than those of the shale in the vicinity. The resistivities of the other oil(gas) formations in
the general ones are higher than those of the shale stratums and those of water stratums, but the
resistivities are lower than the resistivity range of the common oil(gas) formations. Based on the
significance of low resistivity[1], the oil(gas) formations in the well section basically belong to low
resistivity oil(gas) stratum.

We have studied a wide-range logging information and core analytical sample information in
this paper and extracted the characteristics of the water-bearing, oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs and
their physical properties. The main reasons to cause the reduction of the resistivity of oil(gas) res-
ervoirs are high mineralized formation water with low resistivity, high bound water saturation and
high developed micro-porosity. In addition,we have found that the resistivity of oil(gas)bearing
decreases as the clay content increases. This influencing factor is the comprehensive result of the
first, second and third influencing factors.
Zeng Wenchong indicated that the factors to reduce the resistivity of oil(gas) formation in
China are[2,3] high and very high mineralized formation water, a large shale and grain-fracture po-
rosity(double porosity structure), etc. However, the factors in various oil fields are different[4,6].
The factors indicated in this paper are clearly different from those of the other oil fields. Therefore,
to evaluate oil(gas) formation using logs, geophysicists must consider the respective characteris-
tics of various oil fields, and that the conductive model of shaly sands reservoir is the key of
evaluating low resistivity oil formation using logs.

1 Commentation of shaly sands reservoir conductive model

Archie (1942)[7] provided a good experiential equation for computing the water saturation
of sands, but Archie equation (AE) was established on that rock matrix does not conduct electric
current and there are only pure rock matrix and saturated liquid in sands. So, AE cannot be used
for determining the water saturation of all rocks, for example, shaly sands. The problem of shaly
sands is one of the most important problems among non-Archie problems, and this problem has
not yet been resolved preferably. Many experts have brought forward their hypothesis to establish
various shaly sands reservoir conductive models, and developed it quickly. Many shaly sands
conductive models have been set up and in general, the models can be grouped into clay distribu-
tion type conductive model, dual water type conductive model, rock matrix conductive model, etc.
The form of shaly distribution can be sorted into laminated shale, dispersed shale and mix-
ture(or total) shale[8]. Poupon et al. (1954)[9] developed the laminated shaly sands conductive model
in which the electric current through laminated shale and sands was considered to be parallel con-
nection strictly. Alger et al. (1954)[10], who put forward dispersed shale conductive model, indicated
that clay only disperses in porosity space and can be taken as a part of porosity. The total (or mixture)
shale conductive model was established by Dewan et al. (1983)[11] who reported that some parts of
clay contained oil or gas and shale could be regarded as the power sands whose rock grain was very
small. The above models are the representation of shaly distribution type conductive model, and they
were extended and spreaded on AE, and they were established based on the rock component volume
model and the principle of paratactic electric resistance. Geophysicists, who established the above
models, considered the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume, but did not distinguish
nature of the porosity water among rock grains and that of the microporosity water in shale, and they
thought that two kinds of water were a free electrolyte of the same nature, and the conductivity of
348 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D) Vol. 44

shaly sands was the paratactic conductive result of two kinds of water.
The WS model of Waxman, Smits et al. (1968,1974)[12,13] was based on Hill and Mill-
bun(1956)[14] research work. Clavier et al. (1977)[15], who presented the dual water model, pre-
sented that shaly sands have two kinds water, clay water and free water (far water), and the con-
ductivity of shaly sands was the paratactic conductive result of clay water and free water, but
WS(DW) model exists in some flaws as follows: it did not consider the clay distribution type and
the mount of clay volume and the shale grain conduction (Charles, 1995,1996)[16,17]; modelized
shale into clay water and clay; did not consider far water in shale (Zeng, 1991)[18]; mixed clay wa-
ter with bound water, and bound water contained clay water and microporosity water (Kuijper et
al. 1996[19] and Charles, 1995). In a word, it is clearly improper for WS(DW) model to take such a
complicated problem of shale conduction as a mere problem of only clay water conduction.
The conductive rock matrix model (CRMM) was established by Givens (1987)[20] indicating
the two parallel conductive networks which are the free liquid conductive network and the rock
matrix conductive network. The rock matrix can conduct electric current because it contains con-
ductive mineral and(or) bound water. Givens (1989)[21] considered the microporosity to be the
main part of low resistivity oil(gas) formation and modified this model. Givens presented three
parallel conductive networks, i.e. the free liquid conductive network, rock matrix surface and/or
rock matrix mineral, but he considered that microporosity might be saturated by water and took
the latter two networks as one network. The model developed by him in 1998 is materially the
same as that established in 1987. CRMM indicated the conduction of rock matrix, challenging the
conventional AE, and that the characteristic of three parallel conductive networks differed from
the other shaly sands conductive models. However, some defects exist in CRMM, they are (1) it is
not a fact to consider the rock matrix conductive surface not depending on the type and mount of
clay in shaly sands; (2) CRMM took the clay grain and sand grain as a network, but the significant
difference between the component and physical property of clay grain and those of quartz grain is
clearly obvious; (3) CRMM indicated the problem of the microporosity water conductive electric
current, but did not deal with it.
In the above models, some did not distinguish the conductive path and nature of the micro-
porosity water and clay water; some did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of
clay volume; some confused clay water and bound water and regarded the complicated problem of
clay conduction as the problem of only clay water conduction; and some indicated the problem of
microporosity water conductive electric current, but did not deal with it. However, we can obtain
important points from the above commentation: (1) free water can conduct electric current; (2) the
clay grain with clay water can conduct electric current (Charles, 1995 1996 and Givens, 1989);
and (3) microporosity water can conduct electric current (Zeng Wenchong, 1991 and Givens,
1989). It is noticeable that chipping reservoir can be grouped into supcapillary porosity, caplliary
porosity and microcapillary porosity. The pipe diameter of microcapillary porosity is less than
0.2 µ, and the porosity in clay belongs to this capillary known as microporosity. The water in mi-

croporosity does not flow because there is big appeal round water, but there exists the more de-
veloped microcrack with width being less than 0.1 µ ( Zheng, 1989)[22] . Although the water in
crack does not flow, it is no doubt that electric current flows through crack. Therefore, the micro-
porosity in clay is of no effect on flow seepaging, but the validity of electric current flowing in
microporosity can be affirmed sufficiently.
To evaluate low resistivity oil(gas) formation in this area, we have established a new shaly
sands conductive model dual water clay conductive model in which the characteristic and
the cause of formation of the shaly sand low resistivity reservoir have been considered.

2 Establishment of low resistivity oil(gas) reservoir conductive model in the north area of
Tarim Basin

2.1 Ideation of the dual water clay matrix conductive model

In a word, diffrerent models have different advantages, and shortages. To develop the model
which is not only fit for evaluating the low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoir using logs, but
also has the characteristic of universality, we have made full use of the advantages of the above
models and made up for the disadvantages of the above models. Several hypotheses are proposed
for the dual water clay matrix conductive model.
2.1.1 Water in porosity. There are two kinds of water, i.e. free water and microporosity wa-
ter. The water among matrix grains of sands (quartz) is free water. Vw and Φw are respectively
the relative volume of free water porosity and the porosity of free water. The water among micro-
porosity in clay is microporosity water (microporosity water exists among clay microporosity). Vb
and Φb are respectively the relative volume of microporosity and microporosity.
2.1.2 Oil(gas) in porosity. There is oil or gas in shaly sands. Vh and Φh are called respec-
tively the relative volume of porosity and the porosity of oil or gas in reservoir.
2.1.3 Clay matrix. Vsh is defined as the relative volume of clay matrix. There is clay water
on the surface of clay matrix, and based on the theory of CRMM and shale sands grain conductive
method, the clay matrix with water can conduct current.
2.1.4 Sands matrix. Vma is defined as the relative volume of sands matrix grain(quartz). We
suppose that sands matrix grain does not conduct current.
2.1.5 Several porosities. a) Efficiency porosity φ (i.e. the porosity among sand grains) is the
sum of the free water porosity and the oil(gas) porosity, i. e. φ = φw +φh. b) Total porosity is de-
fined as the sum of efficiency porosity φ and the mocroporosity, i. e. φT = φ +φb. c) The total po-
rosity with clay.
On the basis of the theory of Alger et al., the clay mineral only distributes in porosity space.
Because the dispersed clay or shale is filled in porosity space (clay disperses on the surface of
quartz grain and clay volume takes up one part of the porosity among sand grains), clay can be
regarded as a part of liquid and taken as a part of porosity, and then the total porosity can be ex-
350 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D) Vol. 44

pressed as φz = φT +Vsh.
What is necessary to indicate is that the clay relative volume Vsh in this paper can be obtained
by the method with which the formation clay relative volume Vsh′ deducts the microporosity
relative volume, i.e. Vsh = Vsh′ − Vb. The main reason is that clay contains microporosity water
and the microporosity in formation exists mostly in clay.

2.2 Establishment of dual water clay matrix conductive model

Based on the above consideration and
several hypotheses, we have designed the
equivalent volume model of DWCMCM
shown in fig. 1, where Vma, Vsh, Vw, Vb and Vh
are respectively described as the relative vo-
lume of rock matrix, clay, free water, micro-
porosity water and oil(gas). VΦ is efficiency
Fig. 1 The equivalent volume model of the dual water clay
porosity volume. VΦT is total porosity volume, matrix conductive model (DWCMCM).

i.e. VΦT = Vw + Vb + Vh. ΦT is total porosity, ΦT = Φw + Φh +Φb. Vz is the porosity volume with
clay, Vz = VΦT +Vsh. Φz is the porosity with clay, Φz = Φ + Vsh. VZR is total conductive volume, VZR
= Vsh + Vw + Vb. V is total volume (note: V = Vma + Vsh + Vw + Vb + Vh=1, Φz = VΦ / V + Vsh / V= Φ +
Vsh).Vw, Vb and Vsh are parallel connection.
1 1 1 1
= + + , (1)
rz rw rb rsh
where rz, rw, rb and rsh are respectively known as mixture conductive liquid, free water,
microporosity water and clay resistance. We can make use of the following relation equation.
(i) r = RL/A, (2)
where r, R, L and A are defined respectively as resistance, resistivity, length and cross section
surface. For example rz = RzL / Az and rz, Rz, L and Az are respectively the resistance, the resis-
tivity, the length and the cross section surface of mixture conductive liquid.
(ii) Definition of mixture conductive liquid saturation is Sz = VzR / Vz, and using AE, we have
Rt b
I= = , (3)
Fz R z S zn

Fz = , (4)

where a and b are the parameters of related lithology, commonly a is 1 and b is l, m is called cemen-
tation coefficient or structure coefficient related to the porosity structure and the rock cementation
extent and currently m is equal to 2. n is known as saturation exponent related to the distribution
state of oil, gas and water in porosity space. n varies from 1.0 to 4.3, and usually n is equal to 2. Fz is
described as the formation factor related to mixture conductive liquid. I is the resistivity coefficient.

(iii) The total water saturation is the sum of the free water saturation and the microporosity
Swt = Sw + Sb = Vw / VΦT + Vb / VΦT. (5)
By deducing and clearing up the above the following holds
a 1  φ ( S − S b ) φ t S b Vsh 
= (φ t S wt + Vsh ) t wt + + .
 (6)
R t φ zm φ z2  Rw Rb Rsh 
The total water saturation can be determined from eq.(6),
1/ n
 x2  x
S wt = − y + z − , (7)
 4  2
 
where x = b w + sh w + sh − S b , (8)
Rb Rsh-t -t

V S R V R 
y = sh  b w + sh w − S b  , (9)
-t  R b Rsh-t 
aR w
z= . (10)
R t-t2 (-t + Vsh ) m − 2
Free water saturation is as follows:
S WT − S b
Sw = . (11)
1.0 − S b
From eq.(7) to eq.(11), the clay relative volume Vsh in this paper is equal to Vsh′ − Vb, i.e. Vsh = Vsh'
−Vb. Vsh′ can be calculated by spontaneous electromotive force logs or by gamma ray logs. Vb can
be obtained by the relative volume of bound water Vwi minus the relative volume of clay water
Vclay, i.e. Vb = Vwi − Vclay . Vwi can be determined by the relational equation of Swi and φ. Vclay can
be determined by the equations provided by Ruhovets et al. (1982)[23] and Claver et al. (1982).
Microporosity saturation Sb= Vb / VΦT = φb / φT, and φ T = φ + φb, φ b= Vb / V and V = Vma +Vsh +Vw +
Vb +Vh=1. Rw can be calculated by the methods of spontaneous electromotive force logs, visual
formation water, water sample analysis, etc. The determination of Rb can use the bound water re-
sistivity computed by the method that is the same as dual water model.
The resistivity range of clay measured by Bussian et al. (1983)[24] is Rsh = 2.5  3.5 ( m),
so, the calculation of Rsh can be based on the practical shale resistivity. m, n and a can be deter-
mined by statistics of the rock eletricity information.

3 The relationship between the dual water clay matrix conductive (DWCMCM) and the
other models

3.1 The relationship between DWCMCM and AE

AE is fit for sands reservoir without clay but with non-conductive matrix. When Vsh =0, Sb =
352 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D) Vol. 44

0 (microporosity mainly exists in clay) and Φ = ΦT , DWCMCM can be degenerated into AE.
1/ n
 aR w 
Sw =   . (12)
 R -m 
 t 
This is to say that DWCMCM, which is the same as AE, can be used for determing the water
saturation of sands without clay.

3.2 The relationship between DWCMCM and DW

If we order Vsh = 0 in DWCMCM, DWCMCM can be changed into
S wt = ( y 2 + x)1 / n + y, (13)
S wt − S b
Sw = , (14)
1.0 − S b

S R  S ( R − Rb )
where y = − b w − S b  / 2 = − b w , (15)
 Rb  2Rb
aR w
x= . (16)
R t-Tm
When Sb is replaced by Swb and Rb by Rwb, the above equation is the right one for calculating Sw using
DW. However, in DWCMCM: 1) DWCMCM can distinguish the conductive path of microporosity
water and clay water because Sb is not equal to Swb. 2) DWCMCM considers the distribution type
and the volume of clay because Vsh is not equal to 0 . The two points are just the disadvantages of
DW, but DWCMCM developed in this paper can sarmount the disadvantages of DW.

3.3 The relationship between DWCMCM and dispersed clay conductive model
Setting Sb = 0 and Sw = Swt in DWCMCM, DWCMCM can be changed into
1/ n
 x2  x
Sw = + y − , (17)
 4  2
 
V ( R + Rsh )
where x = sh w , (18)
aR w
y= . (19)
R t- (- + Vsh ) m − 2

It is this equation that calculates Sw in the dispersed clay conductive model. However,
DWCMCM can distinguish the conductive path of microporosity water and free water because Sb
is not equal to 0, and the conductive path of microporosity water and clay water. These are the
shortages of the dispersed clay conductive model, which can be offsett by DWCMCM.

4 Analysis of applying effect

In the north area of Tarim Basin, the sorted criteria of shale sands oil(gas) and water forma-

tion are
Oil(gas) formation: Φ 10%, Sw 55%;
Oil(gas) along with water formation: Φ 10%, Sw = 55% −70%;
Water-contained oil(gas): Φ 10%, Sw=70% −85%;
Water formation: Φ 10%, Sw 85% .
Table 1 lists the interpretation results point by point using DWCMCM, which can be com-
pared with the testing result. The well names labeled with “A”, “B”, “C” are respectively the
wells A, B and C of the oil field. The following can be concluded from the table.
Table1 Comparison of the interpreted results and the tested oil results
Reservoir parameters Tested results
Well output
Depth/m Φ Sw Vsh tested forma-
name Type
(%) (%) (%) tion depth oil gas
(m3/d) (m3/d)
A1 5403.7 5421.4 20 23 42 5 16 oil(gas) 5411 5415 254 52000
A2 5403.1 5427.6 22 24 40 2 20 oil(gas) 5413 5417 256 62186
A3 5405.5 5423.0 25 30 41 2 30 oil(gas) 5411 5415 161.9 33755
A4 5410.6 5420.0 24 20 42 2 25 oil(gas) 5414 5418 192.8 15000
A5 5386.5 5423.5 23 20 50 5 30 oil(gas) 5410 5415 180 35000
A6 5404.5 5420.5 23 27 30 3 20 oil(gas) 5412 5417 64.3 1812
B1 5510.2 5525.4 22 30 40 10 20 oil(gas) 5513 5516 71 4212
B2 5515.5 5530.0 25 40 57 8 20 oil(gas) 5520 5524 137.4 49500
C1 5540.0 5556.5 25 40 56 2 15 oil(gas) 5542 5546 51.23 0.33
C2 5541.5 5555.5 24 30 50 2 20 oil(gas) 5545 5556 208.8 9800

The water saturation computed by DWCMCM is satisfactory, and the average water satura-
tion of the above reservoirs listed in the table is less than 50%. The conclusion of point by point
interpretation using DWCMCM matches with the results of the tested oil. We have interpreted the
logs information of 30 wells in three oil fields using DWCMCM, and have compared the sorted
results of oil(gas), water formation and the tested oil result. Moreover, the consistency of the two
results is 85%.
Fig.2 compares the water saturation interpreted by DWCMCM with that tested by core sam-
ples (the core water saturation is converted by the core capillary press). The average water satura-
tion interpreted by DWCMCM is 26.88%. The average core water saturation tested by core sam-
ples is 24.59%. The absolute error between the two results is 2.29% and the relative error is 8.5%.

5 Conclusions

1) We have studied CDTCM, DW, CRMM, etc. These models have respective merits and
shortages. Some models did not distinguish the conductive path and nature of the microporosity
water and clay water and some did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of clay
2) We have utilized the merits,overcome the defects of the CDTCM, DW, CRMM, etc., and
put forward a new shaly sands conductive model dual water clay matrix conductive model
354 SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D) Vol. 44

Fig. 2. Comparison of the water saturation interpreted by DWCMCM and that tested by core samples.
1, The water saturation interpreted by DWCMCM; 2, the water saturation converted by core.

(DWCMCM) in which dual water is the free water and the microporosity water in shaly sands and
the clay matrix(wet clay) is clay grain with water.
3) The discussion of relationship between DWCMCM and AE, DW and dispersed shale con-
ductive model indicated that AE, DW or dispersed shaly conductive model are only the special
example of DWCMCM, and DWCMCM has more universal significance.
4) The water saturation of logging interpretation by DWCMCM is satifactory, and the inter-
pretation conclusion matches with the result of the tested oil.
Acknowledgements This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
49474235) and Northwest Petroleum Company (CNSPC) Foundation of China (Grant No. 9806). We thank Science & Technol-
ogy Department and Well Logging Center of Northwest Petroleum Company of China for their backing up the research work and
providing information.

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