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6-5-2019 Thank Russia for Winning World War II – Abel Cohen – Medium

Thank Russia for Winning World

War II
Abel Cohen Follow
May 8, 2018 · 23 min read

Until 1945 this is how U.S. kids pledged allegiance to the ag.

The USA fought a quarter of the war that the USSR did and then
opened fire on them at the end. In Europe, D-day was calculated to halt
our ally’s advance to the west; not liberate it from German white
supremacists. And we waited to invade until 11 months before the war
was over because our richest racists found a way to keep doing business
with the aryans until 1945. We should not take credit for victory in
Europe; the soviets barely held on essentially alone for three years
against Hitler’s armies. Thankfully his ego and the steppe winter would
stop them, because America certainly didn’t!

Similarly in Asia, the atomic bomb was a racist travesty timed to stop
our ally’s advance. It was not to save American lives from an invasion of
Japan some claim had to happen immediately in order to beat the
Russians to Tokyo after we lost Berlin to them. In true corporatist
fashion, much of this war was brought to you by the Japanese sneak
attack on a Pacific island our sugar companies had only seized from its
natives a mere 50 years earlier in 1893; not to save Europe’s 1/24
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beleaguered Jews, godless Slavs or the Chinese and Ethiopians who

first faced militant fascism in 1933–35.

Bucharest 1944: Look at that sick, state of the art tank the UK was so kind as to give the Russians
under lend-lease: a real game-changer.

Yet the tired trope remains that we both won that war and saved those
people, because we sent Russia loads of made-in-America trucks and
planes to die in while fighting it for us! But actually, America’s war
department itself at the time publicly admitted otherwise in a re-
educational pamphlet for demobilized GIs coming home: “Lend-lease
provided only 10% of British war equipment, and certainly a lesser
proportion of Soviet materiel.” That’s right: in 1945, the pre-Pentagon
openly admitted Russia bore up to 90% of its own wartime industrial

Considering both the widespread anticommunism of the time as well as

racist anti-Russian sentiments held by nazi sympathisers and
collaborators, downplaying lend-lease is an unsurprising departure
from the official narrative; but it also doesn’t do much for the image of
a charitable west bankrolling the USSR despite its moral shortcomings.
FDR may have sought to maintain the alliance, but less than a week
after he died — as our soviet allies crashed into Germany racing for
Berlin — U.S. ambassador to Russia Averell Harriman raced to
Washington hoping to find a more sympathetic anti-commie ear in new
president Truman. He did, so he told him: “Mr. President, we are faced
with a barbarian invasion of Europe.” 2/24
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Several days later when soviet foreign minister Molotov stopped in to

see the president on his way to the first convocation of the UN in San
Francisco, Truman insulted him so badly that an apocryphal story
emerged to meet the ideological needs of cold warriors on both sides.
Wherein the noble communist revolutionary says: “I have never been
talked to like that in my life.” And the crude imperialist capitalist
warmonger pedantically rebukes him: “Carry out your agreements and
you won’t get talked to like that.”

Although this likely never happened — Truman’s ghostwriters

attributed these words to the men out of artistic embellishment to
make his biography more exciting — the way in which both sides soon
instrumentalized it to reinforce their worst suspicions of each other was
a sinister omen of what’s to come: mutually assured destruction for the
rest of all-time. Our perspective on this troubled and troubling history
is skewed; we should realign it.

A fraction of the war

Colonialist shitheads who rule us all convinced America to get behind

sending thousands of young marines to their deaths on
unpronounceable Pacific islands no one ever heard of or thought about
since. Because the Japanese had the nerve to attack our recently-stolen
sugar plantation naval base at Pearl Harbor; not because they’d been
death-squad gang-raping millions of Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos,
Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indians and
Micronesians for 10 years. Our island-hopping campaign to liberate
those strange natives was an exercise in imperial vanity; GIs didn’t limit
their violent racism to the Japanese enemy, but also openly
discriminated against those they ostensibly fought to free.

This flight of racist fantasy unexpectedly wasted many heartland lives

far from the hometown when the dehumanized Japanese turned out to
be a formidable and tenacious foe. Freeing more subhumans they
disliked a generation later in the jungles of Nam, middle and urban
America’s lower class draftees averaged 240 combat days a year;
including both the Pacific and European theaters, it was only 10 in
WWII. For comparison, there are several other ways to conceptualize
how relatively meager America’s role in the European war was.
Notwithstanding soviet incompetence and cruelties like sending
unarmed soldiers into battle, stunning discrepancies exist between U.S.
and soviet experiences; exposing a shameful truth: 3/24
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Munich 1938: SS loyalty pledge. Most of these aryan stormtroopers died in the east on their mission
to resettle and repopulate the Soviet Union. But not before raping and killing at least 20m

More Uzbeks than Americans died. 14% of Russia’s prewar population

was wiped out. Fascist invaders laid waste to 2k towns, 70k villages,
40k miles of railroad and 100k collective farms; it was a race war to
ethnically cleanse millions of square miles of land to build a new
civilization atop the ruins and ashes. In Stalingrad, only one building
still stood after the battle. Russians individually fought four nazis to
every one that allied soldiers faced; over a geographical area several
times larger. In less than one month in January 1945, nazis killed
almost as many soviets as Americans died in all theaters of the whole
war. On a typical day at the end of the European theater, the red army
killed 800 nazis; allies, a mere 60. Out of the 5.5m German soldiers to
die in the war, the red army killed 3.5m of them. And at the very end of
it, the USSR lost 80k at the battle of Berlin. During that same period,
team USA lost only 9k conflict-wide. Most saliently, of the war’s 70m
dead almost half were on the eastern front; where at its hideous
mystical aryan height, 15–20m soldiers annihilated much of mankind
between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas. This was where the
Holocaust happened. For the year the western front really only lasted,
less than 5m troops fought there and civilian casualties were

Collaborators and sympathizers

My fellow Americans, it wasn’t our fight; it was everyone else’s and we

did our damnedest to let them have it as long as possible. Stop
mythologizing a war against the nazis we didn’t wage until the very last 4/24
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minute and hence expropriating it from those who did. Soviets signing
non-aggression pacts with aryans and Japanese out of desperation to
postpone an imminent assault on Slavic civilization doesn’t diminish
the tragic sacrifices of nearly 30m dead Russian peasants. In reality,
America waited as long as it could to join the war: until the nazis and
communists killed as many of each other as possible before stepping in
to valiantly save them all. Then we dropped atomic bombs to finally
end it, while at the same time seizing the opportunity to fire the first,
stupid opening shots of the next one.

U.S. interest in the war was insofar as it was in the interests of our
companies. Interwar president Calvin Coolidge’s 1925 quote that the
business of America is business took on sinister new meaning 15 years
later, when nazi planes dependent upon unique fuel sole-sourced from
the Rockefeller family’s Standard Oil company — tetraethyl lead and
hydrogenated coal — bombed the same American vessels trans-shipping
it through London ports during the blitz. Then onward to fascist
Portugal and Spain, through vichy France threading the needle
between the naval warfare zones of the Mediterranean and North seas,
for eventual Swiss delivery to Rockefeller’s single buyer: the third reich.
Rockefeller fuel also powered nazi operation Barbarossa’s tank
blitzkrieg that almost overwhelmed Moscow; wonder why Russians are
still so sensitive about this shit. 5/24
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1922: Page four of the Bridgeport, Connecticut Telegram

There was was an abundance of traders and traitors too numerous to

adequately list. ITT may have done business with nazis until 1945 and
Standard’s secondary stockholder after only Rockefeller himself was IG
Farben — the Germans who manufactured zyklon-b killing gas for the
death camps. IBM designed and built basic computers that helped the
SS make 7m Jews inhale it. Dupont, General Motors and Ford also all
made a killing off the shoah. Pioneering aviator glory-hound Charles
Lindbergh and rabid antisemite industrialist Henry Ford led a million
America first fascists. Weimar newspapers accused Ford of financing
the rise of the nazis. Ford and Hitler kept photos of each other on their
desks. And six months before Japan hit Hawaii, Lindbergh filled
Madison Square Garden with heartland nazi sympathizers eager to
hear his Hitler apologia.

Less well-known fourth reich financial institutions like the Dulles

brothers’ law firm Sullivan and Cromwell or international lenders like
Prescott Bush’s Union Bank did business with the reich until at least
1944. Then their murky flirtations with powerful nazis like industrialist
Fritz Thyssen or prince reduced to pauper by two world wars
Maximillian Egon von Hohenlohe finally ran afoul of the trading with
the enemy act. When the soviets broke out from Stalingrad, U.S.
isolationists were shocked out of their torpid stupor. Future CIA 6/24
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director Allen Dulles was so shaken by this unexpected turn of events

that he launched an operation called Sunrise to strike a separate secret
peace with SS commander Karl Wolff and then fight together with the
nazis against the soviets to save western civ from the subhuman
mongoloid barbarians beyond Moscow. Again, why so sensitive Russia.

Commie untermenschen would soon occupy the ruins of Berlin; maybe

Paris and Brussels shortly thereafter. And this fear led the Rockefeller,
Ford, Dupont, Dulles, Bush, Luce, Hearst, Harriman, Kellogg, Brown
and Root families and their friends to overlook death camps out of
expedience in the fight against international Jew communism. Irene
Dupont told the American Chemists Society in 1926 they should create
a race of supermen. He subsidized U.S. fascist cells too; one was the
American Liberty League financed by 200 millionaires with 1m
members. These were the crackpots who hatched a 1933–34 plot to
overthrow FDR. Dupont also set up the Black Legion that terrorized
striking GM workers in depression-era America to stay away from
unions and work even without pay. In such men’s estimation, nothing
was too low to be anti-communist. So they hired the best consultants
available: SS who just escaped the war-zone aided and abetted by the
myriad collaborators littering postwar governments everywhere.

1942 outside Kyiv: SS and Ukrainian collaborators execute jews. One of the einsatzgruppen
executioners took this picture and sent it back to Germany, but a Polish resistance member working
for the occupation government intercepted it in a Krakow mail room and got it to London where it
added to the evidence of what the nazis were doing. It still wasn’t enough; allies never did bomb the
camps, or the many railroads leading to them.

After the war aryan supremacist, antisemite true believers infested

Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, the shah’s Iran, baathist Arabia,
South American fascist juntas, the Vatican and even Red Cross. These
collaborators built ersatz nazi escape networks known as ratlines to get
war criminals out of Nuremberg’s jurisdiction and away from the
crimes they just committed against humanity. Some didn’t even have to 7/24
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leave; our commandos and wall street just started working with them
again right away where they found them in the shambles of postwar
Europe and erected Germany’s intelligence service upon this distasteful
history of shameless collaboration with un-humbled SS vets, who came
to brazenly call themselves ODESSA (the organization of former SS
members) and helped create two iconic U.S. institutions: NASA and

As the soviets occupied east Germany, German masterspy Reinhard

Gehlen drove south to the Alps and buried his intel files before
surrendering to the Americans and negotiating the terms of his future
Nato service with this secret anti-commie stash. Once allies took the
bait, he worked on behalf of CIA for the rest of his life leading west
Germany’s secret police. In north Germany, other pre-CIA commandos
launched poperation Paperclip to whisk top nazi rocket scientists like
SS major Wernher von Braun off to Florida, where they built NASA the
rockets that took us to the moon. The early 20th century revolving door
plutocrats who took America back when FDR died were happy to work
with nazis, even after 1945 soviet liberation of Germany’s vast
concentration camp system exposed the world to the horrors of the
Holocaust. Horrors allies could have theoretically slowed with bombing
after 1944 and could not dispute for at least two years since Polish
resistance eyewitness Jan Karski first told allies of the camps in 1943.

Racist overlords justified anything if it spited the red socialist menace

and made it a point of pride to do so. They ennobled everything out of
undying ruling class resentment of Russian peasants’ successful 1917
revolution and the blow it landed to so many main street and madison
avenue nazis’ personal fortunes. Future-Nato’s aristocracy was cool
with post-apocalyptic nuclear scenarios playing out in the USSR
because they already spent WWII indifferently watching aryans kill
millions of subhumans in the endless teutono-slavic primeval forest.
Sure, drop the bomb; finish the job!

The greatest generation

Long U.S. reluctance and hesitation to engage until the war was almost
over were by design. Reflexive anti-communism dominated our public
policy debate ever since the FBI neutralized the left in the 1920s by
dismantling America’s socialist and communist parties. The fight
against communism coupled with eugenics to become one of socialites’
most fashionable themes in pre-Holocaust, high society salons; until
wall and main streets saw the mountains of pale, naked corpses piled
up high like firewood in the endless old growth forest from Warsaw all 8/24
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the way down to Odessa. The shocking remains of central Europe’s

political left and Jews at war’s end was the genesis for the postwar
human rights narrative that came to gain traction and form the kernel
of western history about the war; not allies’ shameful track record of
denial, delay, racism and outright nazi collaboration.

At the time, the hottest townhall topic in hometown USA was the
debate between interventionism and isolationism. And before
intervention became politically essential, crude racists like Harry
Truman of Missouri would bark across the Senate chamber at each
other that it was best to let them godless nazis and commies kill as
many of each other as possible! Though who can blame them for being
less eager to scaremonger and war-make than we are now; it’s to their
credit: both self-preservational and wise that the greatest generation’s
crusade was nobler than later ones yet reluctant as possible. And from
that pov, second thoughts about joining the ethnic cleansing fires of the
world’s worst war are a testament to their perspicacity.

But it’s no excuse for being racist nazi sympathizers; though we

shouldn’t be too quick to judge either. It’s important to contextualize
the world early 20th century WASPs inhabited: most were indeed
racists and the army wouldn’t be integrated until 1948’s next war in
Korea. Not only blacks were discriminated against anyway; but also
Jews, catholics and Asians of all kinds. And their kids and grandkids
would come to be wont and taunt each other on playgrounds even into
the 80s with slant-eyes accompanied by cries of “Chinese, Japanese,
Vietnamese: look at these!” Or to paraphrase later 20th century films:
“We’ll take the niggers, spicks, and chinks, but don’t want the Irish or

Eugenics and the Holocaust 9/24
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Summer 1945: Liberation of Buchenwald

The Holocaust is a timeline of shame featuring ostensible good guys

making some pretty clearly bad decisions. Future-Nato’s ruling class
mirthfully collaborated with nazis out of some misbegotten sense of
anglo-saxon supremacism rooted in prewar Euroatlantic enthusiasm
for eugenics shared by aristocrats on both sides of the ocean. Until the
free world saw Hitler’s death camps, many of its leading lights
vigorously defended him. Both at the beginning and end of the war,
eager third reich leaders sought to sell themselves to foreign industries
and markets as the western world’s bulwark against the spread of
international Jew communism; a troubling sentiment to which
Churchill returned mere days after victory, when he ordered field
marshal Montgomery not to destroy captured nazi materiel: “All must
be kept; we might have to fight Russia with German help.”

One of Hitler’s key inspirations was an English gentleman racist:

Houston Stuart Chamberlain. Entire passages of Mein Kampf and chief
nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg’s Twentieth Century Myth are
transcriptions of Chamberlain’s Foundations of the Nineteenth Century.
Nazi ideas like primacy of the vital over the moral, hierarchy of races,
aryans chosen for world domination and Jews the root of all evil came
from this book. Hitler himself called Chamberlain “a savior of the
German race” and “messenger of the gods.” Chief nazi propagandist
Josef Goebbels called him “father of our spirit” and “a pioneer of
Nazism.” Official nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter glorified
Chamberlain’s work in 1925 as “the bible of the nazi movement.” Hitler
forced new SS to watch the English film Life of a Bengali Lancer to learn 10/24
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how to treat untermenschen. And influential public figures like

subsequent UK ambassador to the U.S. lord Lothian shared this
worldview; Lothian treacherously wrote to foreign minister Anthony
Eden in 1936 that Britain must not intervene in interwar eastern
European territorial disputes until “Germany has time to fully rearm.”

It wasn’t just the UK either; many countries including America shared

nazi exuberance about mystic aryanism, pioneering progress in
eugenics and dehumanizing social engineering. The hard truth is that
around the turn of the 20th century, many leading lights of U.S. public
life advocated extreme genetic and racial policies; even going so far as
to enact laws like later nazi ones for mass sterilization of unwanted
demographics and then hiring the nation’s best scientists to socially
engineer unwanted demographics out of the national gene pool. No
less a liberal democratic personage than progressive president
Woodrow Wilson headlined American Eugenics Society events. As late
as 1934 — a full year after Hitler took power in Germany — the society
was still arranging junkets for nazi racial theorists to present their
proto-genocidal madness in LA to the American Public Health
Association. And statehouses in Indiana, North Carolina, California,
Washington and Virginia all passed sterilization laws that these states
enacted for at least a generation, until the extent of Hitler’s holocaust
horrors became undeniable and inseparable from their own attitudes.

70 million memories 11/24
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Early 1945: Dresden after vicious UK aristocrat air marshall Arthur (alternatively nicknamed Bomber
or Butcher) Harris rebombed it into oblivion. He said “Show the Russians when they arrive what
bomber command can do!”

The deplorable list goes on: U.S. and UK intel at first disbelieved
Auschwitz escapees’ stories. America turned ships full of Jewish
refugees back to nazi-occupied Europe as late as 1942. Allied air forces
didn’t bomb concentration camp infrastructure when they first had the
chance; they really never actually did, but napalmed the living shit out
of civilians and needlessly dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan.
Warmongers claim they dropped the bomb out of charitable
humanism; because it saved both American and slant lives by nullifying
the need for a cataclysmic invasion. But this is disingenuous and fails to
acknowledge that the firebombing campaigns over German and
Japanese cities were far more destructive than either Hiroshima or
Nagasaki. And the only reason those two minor regional cities are even
known to history in the first place for being the last ones left to nuke is
because there were no more Tokyos, Osakas, Berlins or Dresdens still
standing to bomb by the end of the war. After napalming Dresden into
oblivion, vicious UK aristocrat and air marshall Arthur Harris said:
“Show the Russians when they arrive what bomber command can do!”
Hitler for once perhaps had it right in 1935 when he preempted this:
“Only I, like the British, have enough cruelty to dominate the world.” 12/24
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In Europe, everything from London to Moscow lay in ruins. From which

hell birthed the grotesque of six surprise extermination camps hidden
in the great teutono-slavic old-growth forest: Chelmno, Belzec,
Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz. Both fascists and
communists just spent four years mass-raping and death-squading their
way from Berlin to Moscow, all points south and then back again. In
Asia, imperial Japanese death squads also got what was coming to
them; but not before similarly gang-raping Asia-Oceania into
submission and murdering millions throughout their inaccessible
island and inland jungle empire. They thought their emperor was a
god, killed and died accordingly, and are now known for suicide:
banzai, kamikaze, seppuku, fat man and little boy. It’s really a shame:
when we dropped the bomb we gave them exactly what every suicidal
narcissist wants: attention and martyrdom. “They’ll regret it when
we’re gone!” It would have been better to let them starve. We couldn’t
wait though, because Russia was on the verge of invading too; but at
least then we wouldn’t be the only country to bear the stigma of ever
actually using nukes.

This history defies belief because it is so disparate from what our public
schools taught us growing up, despite it being the standard history
learned by the rest of the world: ultra-violence and genocide on a
colossal scale scarcely imaginable unless actually witnessed or
survived, which relatively few Americans actually did. But we honor
70m memories worldwide by trying.

Chronology of convenience

Commies, Japs and nazis certainly had it coming but America’s political
will was too little, too late; our role in the actual warmaking just
enough, just in time; and the whole thing marked by cruel convenience
reaching its absurdist apex in the weird synchronicity of key future-
Nato operations occurring simultaneous to game-changing red army
breakthroughs. A troubling trend emerges examining the invasion
timeline of north Africa, Italy, D-day and finally dropping the bomb:

Winter 1942–43: The red army shocks the world; finally stopping
Hitler’s relentless advance and turning the tide of the war. They kill or
capture a million German, Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Croatian and
Estonian nazis in world history’s worst battle amid the deep-frozen
ruins of Stalingrad; it’s over in three months. Allies send 100k troops to
invade the north African riviera; 250k Germans surrender to the U.S.
and UK armies in Tunisia. 13/24
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Early 1940s: Croatian nazi collaborators called Ustaše saw o Serb Branko Jungić’s head. Thank god
we never collaborated with these guys. Oh, wait…

Summer 1943: The red army consolidates control over the eastern
front; inflicting a second devastating, humiliating blow on the third
reich at world history’s largest tank battle outside Kursk near today’s
northern Ukrainian border. Allies invade Italy but German, Italian and
Croatian fascists hold the Alps fast for two more years until their liberal
transition governments’ VE day backstab surrender; these SS are never
defeated. The bloodthirsty bastards just sit there unmolested until the
official war ends and then stroll home through alpen meadows to join
CIA ops against Russia. Before the war was even over, future-Nato
coalesced and OSS renamed CIA, Euroatlantic intel services began
recruiting Europe’s worst war criminals from the ranks of retreating SS.
The operation was codenamed Gladio and consisted of secret, stay-
behind anti-communist armies in 18 countries: Germany, Italy, France,
Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, 14/24
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Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria,

Albania and the former Yugoslavia all had enough erstwhile SS
volunteers to man the ramparts of a planned postwar hybrid conflict
against the reconsolidating USSR. Gladio is destined to become one of
the most egregious in Moscow’s long litany of western grievances and

Summer 1944: One month before D-day, final solution architect

Heinrich Himmler announces that “the Jewish question has in general
been solved in Germany and its occupied countries.” Jews are gone;
hooray. Western allies finally get in the game by opening a real second
front just before the red army comes to a screeching halt outside
Warsaw, where they stop to collaborate with the nazis one more time.
There the blacks and browns do the reds’ dirty work for them in one of
the last acts to consolidate the still-unfinished bolshevik revolution and
civil war by finishing off the white Russian resistance: Poland’s counter-
revolutionary, royalist aristocrats and their liberal democratic enablers
in the wartime resistance home army. To counter such soviet methods
and conduct, red army vets of the Brody cauldron claim the British air
force even bombed their Russian allies to cover retreating nazis and
local Ukrainian SS collaborators. KGB later asserts that postwar CIA re-
infiltrates these nationalists back into occupied eastern Europe as
destabilizing forces in early cold war guerrilla campaigns against the
reconsolidating USSR.

250k civilians die in Warsaw. SS chief Himmler tells his men: “The city
must completely disappear from the surface of the earth and serve only
as a transport station for the Wehrmacht. No stone can remain
standing. Every building must be razed to its foundation.” Other nazis
conceive of building a beautiful, artificial lake to cover up the evidence
of what they’ve done; just like they planned for Moscow before defeat
and retreat set in. SS death squads use the three-month grace period
granted by the soviets to move methodically from house to house with
explosives, flamethrowers and heavy equipment, demolishing as much
of the old and often Jewish city as possible. 15/24
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1945 Warsaw: 1/4m civilians died here. SS chief Himmler tells his men: “The city must completely disappear from the surface of the earth and serve only
as a transport station for the Wehrmacht. No stone can remain standing. Every building must be razed to its foundation.” Other nazi leaders
conceptualize a huge, arti cial lake to cover up what they’ve done. Just like they have planned for Moscow. SS death squads use the three-month period
granted them by the soviets to move methodically from house to house with explosives, amethrowers and heavy equipment, demolishing as much of
the city as possible.

Winter 1944–45: The red army finally enters the ruins of Warsaw to
mop up the vestiges of its fleeing nazi occupiers. America meets its nazi
match and gets its ass kicked in the Netherlands at the battle of the
bulge. Nevertheless, the third reich edifice starts to crumble under the
constricting pressure of two collapsing fronts and imminent,
simultaneous invasions from both sides of the German homeland.
Future-Nato breaks through all along the porous, weakly manned and
ill-defended western front; the race for Berlin is on.

Spring 1945: But over before it begins because the red army has been
anxiously sitting a mere 40 miles away for three months; it now eagerly
revs up the engines and puts that shit into overdrive. Roosevelt senses
it’s in everyone’s best interests to de-escalate, let Russia get there first
and hand them an indisputable, decisive victory. Churchill is spitting
mad but can’t do anything about it because the sun already set on the
British empire. It’s all over in weeks but Roosevelt dies in the interval,
so a different president — everyone’s favorite uncivilized racist Truman
— receives the subsequent good news that our first atomic bomb is
ready. Negotiating thereafter with soviet leaders outside occupied
Berlin, assistant secretary of war John McCloy describes Truman and
Churchill acting “like little boys with a big red apple secreted on their
persons.” Western leaders’ arrogance and disregard leave a roomful of
stunned, stupefied and disbelieving onlookers in their wake. Erstwhile
ally and ex-nazi collaborator Stalin never forgets this moment: the
shitty turning point in his already abysmal bilateral relationship with
white volks who hate him and Eurasian races. Two weeks later, soviet
foreign minister Molotov reacted to Hiroshima by declaring that the
bomb was “not aimed at Japan, but rather the Soviet Union!”

Summer 1945: Three months after VE day, the red army meets its
Tehran and Yalta conference obligations and invades Manchuria on 16/24
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August 8. But by this point the U.S. is not interested in their assistance
because a year earlier in 1944 Roosevelt dropped beloved peacenik,
anti-nuclear VP Henry Wallace for Missouri racist Harry Truman,
whose secretary of state Jimmy Byrnes makes no secret of new policy:
“We must end the Japanese affair before the Russians get there…once
they’re in, it won’t be easy to get them out.” Thus the old war under
new management ends quite differently than the recently dead
president could ever have imagined; millions of U.S. liberals are also

Sending a message

Digital rendering of Hiroshima 1945: Enola Gay drops little boy; Russians ip out.

Two days before the soviets invade China to end the longest occupation
of the war, a B-29 Stratofortress named Enola Gay drops the first
wartime atomic bomb “little boy” on one of the last Jap cities still
standing: Hiroshima. Russia invades anyway, so the next day another
B-29 called Bockscar drops a second bomb “fat man” on the other:
Nagasaki. Americans have been clamoring for Japanese unconditional
surrender for four years, but they nonetheless conditionally surrender
and keep their god-emperor six days later on August 15; their
occupation army in China surrenders to the soviets August 20. This
negates the need for Russia’s planned invasion of home island Japan,
which was what the Japanese most feared anyway. All their kamikaze
banzai bushido bullshit shows it’s clear the coldblooded, death-wish
samurai certainly didn’t fear dying; they feared living under soviet
domination, which they narrowly avoided by surrendering only days
beforehand. Two days later Stalin called off the soviet invasion of Japan
and the American victors allowed the emperor to retain his title at the 17/24
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urging of caveman sophisticates like general Douglas Macarthur, who

argue that the emperor’s continued presence on the throne makes
ruling his zealots easier. Judging from Nuremberg, we should have
executed him for crimes against humanity and showed the Japanese
just how mortal he really was.

As soon as the bombs drop, FDR successors Truman and Byrnes

commence mocking and scorning soviet counterparts at the
conferences that end the war and establish the UN. They constantly
raise the specter that Moscow or Kyiv will be flattened next if the Soviet
Union fails to negotiate and compromise, but Stalin’s spies have already
told him that American occupying forces in Germany only found
enough fissile material for two to three bombs. The likelihood that an
enormous project like this was long since infiltrated by soviet agents
notwithstanding, hothead generals like Lemay, Macarthur and Patton
— who as majors beat fellow WWI veterans to death in 1932’s Bonus
March — recklessly argue we shouldn’t stop in Tokyo and Berlin but
keep on going to Moscow goddammit! Resignations of the last
reasonable voices like deposed VP Wallace, secretary of war Stimson
and war-winning generals Marshall, Clark and Eisenhower end
constructive dialogue altogether and clear a path by 1948 for the
ominous way of the future: Russia as permanent, forever war

Great patriotic war

1934 reichsharvest thanksgiving festival: largest ever aryan gathering on the Bückeberg; a million
people showed up. Most would soon walk to Russia where they died in the endless mud and blood of
the pale of Jewish settlement, wedged in between rabid antisemites of both the teutonic and
slavic worlds. 18/24
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From 1941–45 on the eastern front, soviets fought 200 nazi divisions.
20m soldiers duked it out over four years along a 2k-km frontier of
noisome shtetls full of ethnic cleansing victims; they destroyed
everything: the bloodlands, where Hitler’s cosmic aryan genetic purists
almost pulled off the racial annihilation of subhuman Slav ally of
convenience Stalin’s crumbling, inherited empire of mud and blood. It
was a most savage war.

From 1943–45 on the western front, allies confronted 80 nazi divisions

over one year and eight months among grateful white christian
villagers and today’s leading tourist destinations. The difference in
scope and conduct of these two conflicts is staggering, and at least for
the Nato community unacknowledged. Churchill himself even admitted
it at Yalta: “Russians have done the main work in tearing the guts out of
the German army.”

3–5m Russians died in WWI; another 5–7m in the ensuing chaos of

revolution, civil war, blockades, famine and purges; an additional 25–
30m in WWII; and at least several million more in the gulag: 50m dead
before the 20th century was even half over. This is no mere historical
footnote; for Russians, today’s youth included, this is literally dead
serious: whole families died for a state that’s been failing them for 100
years. And although their victory over the nazis came at high cost and is
hard to not also simultaneously consider a devastating loss, it was
victory nonetheless; the most significant in history. Allied
thanklessness for Slavs bearing the brunt of this epic crusade is an
enormous wrong the west has never righted; even going so far as to
disingenuously mischaracterize or minimize Russia’s predominant role
in defeating Hitler. Combined with arrogant, euroatlantic civilizational
supremacy, it beleaguers bilateral relations to this very day. 19/24
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Summer 1942: junior commissar urges soviet comrades to charge nazis.

Instead of thanking Russia for their indisputable role in victory, we

dropped two atomic bombs in their path just days before they planned
to invade Japan and open a second front to lend us a hand. Presumably
until this point the red army expected a joint, conventional effort with
allies to happen; similar to what we’d accomplished together in
Germany. When it didn’t, it vindicated the most virulent anti-
westerners among them and set us all on a collision course that
continues even now.

The etymology of slave is Slav

For hundreds of years Slavic serfs were slaves who bore the indignities
of slavery at the hands of not only Arabs and Turks, but also their own
race; czarist Russia comprised a whole country of them, where
everyone was a potential rape or murder victim of the ruling class
instead of just one color or creed. Legal protections existed for the
ethnically foreign ruling class to assault most people encountered
during the day and this white slavery context looms large over Russia’s
repeated 20th century embarrassments. Few other ethnic groups have
been so humiliated; first by their own kind, then the world. Their 1% 20/24
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fought bitterly and tenaciously for 60 years to continue repressing the

proletariat following the abolition of serfdom in 1861.

1918–20: post-WWI allied intervention in the Russian civil war to prevent the consolidation of
communist gains in 1917’s revolution. The entente are future-Nato.

But a century ago in 1917 the working class finally prevailed in the last
in a series of revolutions. Western industrialists allied to the deposed,
czarist landlord class invaded the nascent state. And until 1945, Slavs
along with neighboring Balts and Poles experienced destruction and
death on a scale unmatched in all of world history. Churchill perhaps
best embodied the prevailing wisdom of the age: “The strangling of
bolshevism at its birth would have been an untold blessing to the
human race.” Well, the human race did its best to correct that oversight
in bolshevik infancy and adolescence; by the time it reached adulthood,
bolshevism never stood a chance. 21/24
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1944: Red army sniper Roza Shanina. One of 400,000 frontline female soldiers.

Russian nostalgia for that period is understandable from this

perspective, because the relative stability and low body count of the
postwar era were the pinnacle of their civilization and self-esteem:
slavery was over, they beat the nazis, were first to Berlin and space, and
ostensibly granted rights to women and minorities. It wasn’t all true,
but at least they tried! For the free world the USSR evokes dark, scary
thoughts of a single party secret police state; but for most Russians,
they never had it better nor ever will. So on May 9, let them have their
day; they earned it. С днём победы! 22/24
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