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Problem Solving

My 9th grade IDP (Interdisciplinary Project) was completed on May 2016, and this IDP fits the

category of problem solving, because we had to find in what ways our community was being impacted by

this disease and some ways to prevent it. I was asked to do a research about Diabetes type II and find facts

of how people acquired that disease, research statistics on what are the most common categories of people

that are more at risk of getting that disease, and find if it was for race, age or gender.

For my second IDP that was due on March 2018 during my 11th grade was about lead poisoning

in our community. I was asked to do a research on how lead poisoning affects our community and to let

the community know the effects this problem can cause and some ways of prevention. We were also

asked to do a experiment in order to find if our community was poisoned with lead. This IDP fits the

category of problem solving because we had to do an action plan in case the area near our community was

contaminated, and tell them how they could protect the environment from this problem.

The project shows that I met the student learning out of an effective communicator in both IDP’s

because I informed my community about each topic, the effects that each had in our community. I also

communicated with my teammates on what each of us had to do in order to make a good presentation to

the parents who we presented to. I cleared many questions they had about the topics we presented if they

did not understand the data we have given them, we also informed our community of how they could

prevent these problems in their homes. I also met the SLO of active citizen because as mentioned before I

helped my community by informing them and clearing their questions.

This experience has allowed me to grow as a student and as a good person to my community. For

instance, now I know some information about the topics I presented in those projects, and now I can

inform others besides only my community. Before I lacked of knowledge about anything related to these
topics, however, now I can also prevent these problem in my home and inform my family on how we can

prevent those issues within our home. I will continue to learn more about these problems and other

moderns ways to prevent them.

Comparing the two IDP’s three areas I have grown that I have seen within myself are my

speaking skills, and my confidence to speak in front of a group of people. The areas I need to improve are

to be more prepared of what I will present and present it clearly, also be more responsible with the roles

that are assigned to me when working in groups. I can use these skills when I apply to get a job, because I

will be able to talk with more confidence with my boss or my personnel, or if I have to talk to a public.

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