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English 112

Annotated Bibliography

Andrew Dodson

*Hawkes, Corinna, Dr, et al. "Smart Food Policies for Obesity Prevention." Lancet, the, vol. 385, no.

9985, 2015, pp. 2410-2421.

Dr. Hawkes does a great job in this article at explaining food policies and rules that can be

implemented in one’s life to help them make better decisions when it comes to food choices. Most

people believe that the most important thing to produce weight loss is getting active, going to the gym,

beginning cardiovascular training, or going for a walk every day. In reality, while this is true, most people

do a great job in the gym with activity, but it must be used hand in hand with clean eating and

nutritional health as well. This citation is going to help me in my paper because it emphasizes that

nutritional planning and consistency is just as important as physical activity and training.

*Gillman, Matthew W., and David S. Ludwig. "How Early should Obesity Prevention Start?" The New

England Journal of Medicine, vol. 369, no. 23, 2013, pp. 2173-2175.

Matthew Gillman and David Ludwig talk about the question “When should preventative

measure start when it comes to weight management and obesity?” They discuss how important it is for

nutrition and obesity prevention to be taught to children and to be applied in what children are given to

eat in at a young age. Many of us grew up on happy meals and fried foods. This has lead to many of us

having problems with obesity as adults. We were never taught to use food as fuel rather than pleasure.

This article had great information on how to start young and make better food choices.
*Lipek, T., Igel, U., Gausche, R., Kiess, W., & Grande, G. (2015). Obesogenic environments:

Environmental approaches to obesity prevention. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism,

28(5), 485-495. doi:10.1515/jpem-2015-0127

This is a great article because it makes some great points in regards to the environment we put

ourselves in and the influences of others that we adhere to. A lot of information is given in this article

showing that people are more likely to stick with a nutritional plan if they stay away from fast food

restaurants and other places that glorify horrible foods in terms of health. It goes on to suggest that

success in weight loss and prevention depends on environmental change and situational awareness. A

great example that they give is a man cleaning out his cupboards and refrigerators of any unhealthy

foods and replaces them with quality foods that fill the body.

*Finkelstein, Eric A., et al. "The Lifetime Medical Cost Burden of Overweight and Obesity: Implications

for Obesity Prevention." Obesity, vol. 16, no. 8, 2008, pp. 1843-1848.

This article could be offensive to some people, but it gives statistics and facts based on science

on overall costs of medical care and how obesity adversely affects it. Morbid obesity is proven to cause

people to be more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and many forms of cancer.

In other words, obesity makes people ridiculously more unhealthy than those of people with healthy

weights. This causes more spending on healthcare and affects everyone whose tax dollars go towards

healthcare. Obese people often times face higher medical insurance premiums because of the many

problems that they face or may face. This article gives great information and shows us why it costs more

to be obese. In the long run we can actually save money by pursuing health and fitness.
*Hughes, Cayce C., et al. "Barriers to Obesity Prevention in Head Start." Health Affairs, vol. 29, no. 3,

2010, pp. 454-462.

This article does a great job talking about the barriers, also known as excuses, that people use to

not pursue a healthy eating lifestyle. Many people say that it too expensive to pay for healthier food for

themselves and their families. Meanwhile, they pay monthly costs for cigarettes and alcohol. Also, if

costs for a month’s worth of drive thru visits are added up, it can be hundreds of dollars without people

realizing it. In reality, it’s more expensive to eat unhealthy. This is helpful because this in one of the

reasons children are given healthy foods.

*Backholer, Kathryn, et al. "A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Obesity Prevention Strategies on

Socioeconomic Inequalities in Weight." American Journal of Public Health, vol. 104, no. 10, 2014, pp.


Kathryn Backholer makes some good points in this article about how countries that have less

money and opportunity tend to have less overweight citizens. In America and countries like England,

food and resources are bountiful. Under that last few decades overweight problems and obesity issues

have skyrocketed due to overconsumption. This article will help me because it shows the difference

between lower calorie diets and higher calorie diets and how it affects their heath. It also talks about

how most businesses and offices can do more to influence their employees to be more active. This is

where the invention of the movable desks comes in to play.

Sobol‐Goldberg, Shira, Jonathan Rabinowitz, and Revital Gross. "School‐based Obesity Prevention

Programs: A meta‐analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials." Obesity, vol. 21, no. 12, 2013, pp. 2422-

The information given in this analysis further shows how important it is for more of an emphasis on health

and nutrition education is so need in our country today. This source gives study and trial tests that show

that schools that made healthier choice for the food they provide in their cafeterias had a difference in the

overall amount of obese kids in attendance.

Hughes, Cayce C., et al. "Barriers to Obesity Prevention in Head Start." Health Affairs, vol. 29, no. 3,

2010, pp. 454-462.

This article to me is so important for my paper. This article lists the different reason people give about

how they are unable to lose weight or prevent weight gain. Some of the main reason has to do with the

lack of time and money or that they do not have enough support from others to be healthy. This article

shows that most of the time there are things that we can do like watching less television and working out

instead. There are also cheaper health options for those on a tighter budget. This is very helpful for

teaching people that they can do what they never thought possible with just a few lifestyle choices.

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