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Title: Engage with Math

Tools​: Prodigy: students compete with each other and apply the methods they have learned

through the week/lesson. YouTube can be used if students need additional visualization or
What is ONE real life problem that you identify and would like to solve?
● Students have a hard time learning math because most of the time math is only taught one
way. If students were to learn multiple ways of solving problems, they can choose which
method works best for them.

What is the ultimate impact you would like to see or are trying to have?
● We want students demonstrate their understanding by using multiple methods of solving
the problems they are given.
What are some possible solutions to your problem?
● Introduce multiple methods that will lead students to the same solution. This way, the
problem is shown and solved various ways.
Explain/describe your project in details by answering the following questions:
● Who is the audience? What grade level, etc?
○ Our target audience are students in elementary school, specifically 4th graders.
● What subject area(s) would you like to focus on and why?

○ We want to focus on multiplication with double digits because there are various
ways of learning this process but students are just taught standard algorithm.
Although standard algorithm works, it can be confusing to students who struggle
with basic multiplication.
● What technological tools would you like to use?
○ Technology: Prodigy, YouTube
○ Other tools: Book, Paper
● How does it solve the real life problem that you’ve identified?
○ Through playing prodigy, students compete with each other to level up. They will
use the methods they have learned and apply it to the problems in the game.
● Why is it important to carry out this project?
○ Students need to fundamentals of math and create and foundation that they can
build off of. By learning various ways to solve problems, students are not limited
to a certain method, allowing them to choose one that makes the most sense to

● How is your project unique/significant?

○ Common Core is suppose to help students learn by breaking down problems so
the numbers are easier to deal with. Because Common Core is enforced, students
are expected to break up problems and solve in ways that differ from the standard
algorithm. Through this project we focus on the 4 C’s, Collaborating, Critical
Thinking, Communication, Creativity, which correlates math with Common Core
● What are some questions and/or concerns you are having right now about the project?
○ How familiar are teachers with Common Core?
○ How is Common Core taught/implemented in classrooms?
○ How will students feel about learning multiple methods?
○ Will Prodigy cater to our lessons?
○ Will learning different methods benefit and improve students’ learning?
● About you (i.e. what’s your background? Why do you choose to do this project?)
○ I remember when I was in elementary school, I was only taught the standard
algorithm to solving math and never really questioned why. I kept learning this
way throughout my school years until I came to college and took Math 100. In
this course, I learn to see the breakdowns of common core math and how it makes
more sense, though it does take more steps to solve. I learned to make sense of the
math problems by solving it in multiple ways and moving away from the standard
algorithm that was taught. I chose to do this project because I think it is important
for many students to know that there is no one way of solving math problems
because math is about patterns and seeing it visually rather than depending on
your memory and formulas.
● Where would your project be operated? What’s the setting?
○ This lesson is catered towards 4th graders in a classroom setting.

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