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*** for local install - when copied to client machine *****

1- uninstall any version of DB2 Run-Time Client ... that exists on the users

2- create a folder called DB2Connect in C:\temp on the user machine.

3- map a drive
to ?:\\file01\data\ys\ysapdb\PRODUCTS\DB2\RTCL_V9\RTCL_local_install

4- copy all items from

\\file01\data\ys\ysapdb\PRODUCTS\DB2\RTCL_V9\RTCL_local_install into

5- RUN-------- from >START >cmd

C:\temp\DB2Connect\setup /s /v" /l*v C:\db2conn.log /qn


6- after about 5 mins .... check the install log located in C:DB2Conn.log ....
scroll to the bottom & hopefully see " Product: DB2 Runtime Client - DB2COPY1 --
Installation operation completed successfully."

**** for remote - on the LAN install ********* does not work yet !!!!

\\file01\data\ys\ysapdb\PRODUCTS\DB2\RTCL_V9\setup /s /v" /l*v C:\db2conn.log /qn


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