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The Sustainability Treehouse by Mithun Is

5 Stories of Engaging Education

November 21, 2015laura

The Sustainability Treehouse oleh arsitek Mithun untuk Boy Scouts of

America adalah bangunan lima lantai,
The Sustainability Treehouse by Mithun
Bingkai baja Corten yang menjulang tinggi mengangkat pengunjung ke tempat
yang luar biasa dan menyediakan armatur untuk sistem bangunan hijau,
seperti panel fotovoltaik, turbin angin, dan sistem pembersihan air dan
tadah yang besar.
Pameran interaktif memamerkan dan merayakan teknologi berkelanjutan
Overall, the Treehouse captures the wonder of childhood exploration and places
environmental education at the forefront of meaningful experiences and camp messages for
thousands of annual visitors to take home.

EG magazine reports:
When the Boy Scouts of America decided to build a five-story treehouse at its new 10,000+
acre high-adventure camp in West Virginia, the goal was to create a living model reaffirming
its conservation heritage.

above: A white-painted “crest” at the entrance employs merit badge-inspired graphic symbols to depict the
building of the treehouse.

The Sustainability Treehouse opened at the new Summit Bechtel Reserve in Summer 2013
just as the Boy Scouts introduced a new sustainability merit badge. The treehouse was
intended to “tell the story of sustainability in a way that is authentic to the Scouts and to West
Virginia,” says Allison Schapker, director of design and sustainability for Trinity Works, the
Summit site developer.
Berkolaborasi dengan arsitek Brett Terpeluk, Volume ditetapkan untuk
menciptakan pameran seluas 5.000 kaki persegi pada lima tingkat. Tujuan
pameran adalah untuk menekankan peran sistem alami dalam kehidupan kita,
mendorong pemahaman tentang keterkaitan hal-hal, dan menginspirasi
pengintai untuk menjadi agen perubahan.
That’s some serious material for a young and active audience, so the Volume team knew it
would need to abandon the “tried and true, formulaic approaches” such as text panels on
walls or obligatory videos, says Adam Brodsley, principal and creative director.

Active versus passive learning was key. A Rube Goldberg-esque contraption called the Net
Zero Recyclotron is activated when visitors pedal a stationery bicycle to power a ball along a
track, triggering videos, interactives, and messages about how a sustainable building should
site plan:
Longitudinal view:

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