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Energy Efficiency
 Bioclimatic Architecture - Position, shape and size
 Building envelope -

Zero Energy
 No energy required from grid
 Use of renewable sources of power

Net Zero Buildings

 Embodied energy of the building considered
 More environmentally friendly than most green buildings

Net Positive Building

 Future of energy efficient homes
 Connected to mains to provide power back
 Can store power in batteries

Future Prospects
Living buildings
 No power, no water
 Catch, treat and reuse rainwater, greywater and blackwater
 Disadvantages - Regulations, cost
Renewable energy sources
 Better technology, better efficiency
 Solar windows
o Organic photovoltaic (OPV)
o Generate power while still functioning like regular windows
o 200m tall building can run 160 homes
 Tesla Solar tiles
o Invisible solar tiles
o Durability
New Zealand government aims to have 90% renewable energy by 2025

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