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TAHUN 2014


Nunik Sugesti.
Sri Rachmajanti.
Ruliah Lestari,
Tri Kartika Rina.


Th. Kumalarini
Gilang Asri Devianty


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan YME atas terselesaikannya bahan ajar
Bridging Course Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP Kelas VII ini. Bahan ajar ini
dikembangkan dengan asumsi bahwa peserta didik baru Kelas VII belum terbiasa dengan
proses pembelajaran melalui pendekatan ilmiah. Sebagian di antara mereka mungkin belum
memiliki bekal (baik sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan) yang memadai untuk memulai
pendidikannya pada jenjang SMP. Hal ini antara lain disebabkan oleh adanya, pertama,
perbedaan antara isi Kurikulum 2006 dan Kurikulum 2013. Kedua, belum terbiasanya peserta
didik baru kelas VII SMP dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dengan pendekatan ilmiah dan
ketiga, belum dimilikinya bekal yang memadai dalam hal sikap, pengetahuan, dan
Bahan ajar ini dikembangkan dengan tujuan menyamakan kemampuan awal peserta
didik baru pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, karena mereka berasal dari berbagai SD.
Bahan ajar ini juga dimaksudkan untuk membantu peserta didik mencapai kompetensi bidang
studi, melatihkan learning skills dan menumbuhkan karakter. Penyajian bahan ajar ini dibuat
secara sistematis dengan pendekatan ilmiah.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penelaah dan pihak-pihak yang telah
memberi dukungan terhadap penyelesaian bahan ajar ini. Semoga bahan ajar ini dapat
memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni
serta dapat ikut serta mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dalam menyambut era milenium II.

Juni 2014
Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama,

Didik Suhardi, Ph.D

NIP. 19631203 198303 1 004

Berbasis Aktivitas

Unit 1
Hello. How are you? …………………………………………………………… 1
Unit 2
What day is it today? …………………………………………………………... 17
Unit 3
This is my bedroom ……………………………………………………………. 35
Unit 4
How many cats are there?……………………………………………………... 51
Unit 5
It’s an interesting zoo. ………………………………………………………….. 67
Unit 6
Please listen carefully! …………………………………………………………. 85
Unit 7
Let’s sing a song. ……………………………………………………………….. 99
Unit 8
Review …………………………………………………………………………... 113
DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………………… 133


A. Cakupan KD Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII

Cakupan KD Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII meliputi 11 butir pada KI
3, dan 14 butir pada KI 4, yaitu KD 3.1 sampai dengan KD 3.11 yang dipaparkan
pada tabel berikut:
Kompetensi Dasar Kompetensi Dasar (KI4) Materi
3.1 Memahami fungsi 4.1 Menyusun teks lisan  Ungkapan sapaan
sosial, struktur sederhana untuk serta responnya
teks, dan unsur mengucapkan dan
kebahasaan pada  Ungkapan pamitan
merespon sapaan,
ungkapan sapaan, serta responnya
pamitan, ucapan
pamitan, ucapan
terimakasih, dan  Ucapan terima kasih
terimakasih, dan
permintaan maaf, permintaan maaf, serta responnya
serta responnya, dengan memperhatikan  Permintaan maaf
sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur serta responnya
konteks teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks
3.2 Memahami fungsi 4.2 Menyusun teks lisan  Ungkapan
sosial, struktur dan tulis sederhana perkenalan serta
teks, dan unsur untuk menyatakan, responnya
kebahasaan pada
menanyakan, dan
perkenalan diri, merespon perkenalan
serta responnya, diri, dengan sangat
sesuai dengan pendek dan sederhana,
konteks dengan memperhatikan
penggunaannya. fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan
unsurkebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai
3.3 Memahami fungsi 4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan  Teks menyatakan
sosial, struktur teks, tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
dan unsur dan menanyakan nama nama hari, bulan,
kebahasaan dari
Kompetensi Dasar Kompetensi Dasar (KI4) Materi
teks untuk hari, bulan, nama waktu nama waktu dalam
menyatakan dan dalam hari, waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam
menanyakan nama bentuk angka, tanggal, bentuk angka,
hari, bulan, nama
dan tahun, dengan unsur tanggal, dan tahun
waktu dalam hari,
kebahasaan yang benar
waktu dalam
bentuk angka, dan sesuai konteks.
tanggal, dan tahun.
3.4 Memahami fungsi 4.4 Menangkap makna  Teks pemaparan jati
sosial, struktur pemaparan jati diri lisan diri
teks, dan unsur dan tulis sangat pendek
kebahasaan dari
dan sederhana.
teks pemaparan
jati diri, sesuai 4.5 Menyusun teks lisan dan
dengan konteks tulis untuk memaparkan
penggunaannya dan menanyakan jati
diri, dengan sangat
pendek dan sederhana,
dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar
3.5 Memahami fungsi 4.6 Menyusun teks lisan dan  Teks untuk
sosial, struktur teks, tulis untuk menyatakan menyatakan dan
dan unsur dan menanyakan nama menanyakan nama
kebahasaan pada binatang, benda, dan
dan jumlah
teks untuk bangunan publik yang
menyatakan dan dekat dengan kehidupan binatang, benda,
menanyakan nama siswa sehari-hari, dan
dan jumlah dengan memperhatikan bangunanpublik
binatang, benda, fungsi sosial, struktur yang dekat dengan
dan bangunan teks, dan unsur kehidupan siswa
publik yang dekat kebahasaan yang benar sehari-hari
dengan kehidupan dan sesuai konteks.
siswa sehari-hari.
3.6 Memahami fungsi 4.7 Menyusun teks tulis  Teks label nama
sosial, struktur label nama (label) dan (label) dan daftar
teks, dan unsur daftar barang (list), barang (list)
kebahasaan dari dengan memperhatikan
teks label nama fungsi sosial, struktur
(label) dan daftar teks dan unsur
barang (list), sesuai kebahasaan yang benar
dengan konteks dan sesuai konteks

Kompetensi Dasar Kompetensi Dasar (KI4) Materi
3.7 Memahami fungsi 4.8 Menyusun teks lisan dan  Teks untuk
sosial, struktur tulis untuk menyatakan menyatakan dan
teks, dan unsur dan menanyakan sifat menanyakan sifat
kebahasaan pada
orang, binatang, dan orang, binatang,
teks untuk
benda, dengan benda
menyatakan dan
menanyakan sifat memperhatikan fungsi
orang, binatang, sosial, struktur teks dan
benda sesuai unsur kebahasaan yang
dengan konteks benar dan sesuai
penggunaannya. konteks.

3.8 Memahami fungsi 4.9 Menyusun teks lisan dan  Teks untuk
sosial, struktur teks, tulis untuk menyatakan menyatakan dan
dan unsur dan menanyakan menanyakan
kebahasaan pada
tingkah tingkah laku/
teks untuk
laku/tindakan/fungsi tindakan/fungsi
menyatakan dan
menanyakan dari orang, binatang, orang, binatang,
tingkah laku/ dan benda, dengan benda
tindakan/fungsi unsur kebahasaan yang
orang, binatang, benar dan sesuai
benda, sesuai konteks.
dengan konteks
3.9 Memahami fungsi 4.10 Menangkap makna teks  Teks instruksi
sosial, struktur teks, instruksi (instruction), (instruction), tanda
dan unsur tanda atau rambu (short atau rambu (short
kebahasaan dari notice), tanda
notice), tanda
teks instruksi peringatan
(instruction), tanda (warning/caution), lisan peringatan
atau rambu (short dan tulis sangat pendek (warning/caution)
notice), tanda dan sederhana.
peringatan 4.11 Menyusun teks instruksi
(warning/caution), (instruction), tanda atau
sesuai dengan rambu (short notice),
tanda peringatan
(warning/caution), lisan
dan tulis, sangat
pendek dan sederhana,
memperhatikan fungsi

Kompetensi Dasar Kompetensi Dasar (KI4) Materi
sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai
3.10 Memahami fungsi 4.12 Menangkap makna  Teks deskriptif
sosial, struktur dalam teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan
teks, dan unsur lisan dan tulis, sangat dan menanyakan
kebahasaan dari pendek dan sederhana.
tentang deskripsi
teks deskriptif 4.13 Menyusun teks
dengan orang, binatang, dan
deskriptif lisan dan
menyatakan dan benda, sangat
menanyakan pendek dan
tentang deskripsi sederhana
hana, tentang orang,
orang, binatang,
dan benda, binatang, dan benda,
sangat pendek dengan
dan sederhana, memperhatikan fungsi
sesuai dengan sosial, struktur teks,
konteks dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai

3.11 Memahami fungsi 4.14 Menangkap makna  Lagu

sosial dan unsur lagu.
kebahasaan dalam

B. Pendekatan Pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum 2013

Proses pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum 2013 diwarnai oleh aspek-aspek
- Pembelajaran berpusat pada peserta didik;
- Pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan saintifik;
- Pembelajaran bukan hanya di kelas tetapi juga di luar kelas;
- Pembelajaran berbasis IT;
- Pembelajaran didukung oleh kultur membaca.

C. Kompetensi Prasyarat yang Perlu Dimiliki Siswa

Sebelum mengikuti pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMP, siswa perlu terlebih
dahulu menguasai beberapa kompetensi prasyarat. Penguasaan kompetensi
prasyarat tersebut akan sangat menentukan dalam penguasaan bahasa.
Kompetensi prasyarat yang dimaksud antara lain konsep-konsep tentang waktu,

jamak-tunggal, dan jenis kata. Selain itu, siswa juga perlu dibekali pemahaman
bahwa bahasa memiliki karakteristik masing-masing dalam hal ucapan, tulisan
dan tata bahasa.

D. Tujuan Umum Bridging Course Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Bahan ajar Bridging Course 2014 dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk
membekali peserta didik lulusan Sekolah Dasar yang akan mempelajari materi
mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat pendidikan Sekolah Menengah
Pertama (SMP). Oleh karenanya bahan ajar yang disajikan bersifat mendasar dan
merupakan pengenalan utamanya bagi peserta didik yang belum memperoleh
mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya di tingkat pendidikan
sekolah dasar.
Secampang dengan implementasi pendekatan saintifik dalam proses
pembelajaran, bahan ajar ini dikembangkan (1) berbasis aktivitas dengan
harapan peserta didik lebih banyak berlatih dalam berbagai kegiatan belajar
yang menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan komunikatif sesuai dengan konteks,
diawali dengan latihan keterampilan berbahasa secara terbimbing dan
dilanjutkan dengan latihan keterampilan berbahasa yang kreatif; (2) dengan
mengintegrasikan kompetensi berbahasa bersifar receptive dan productive; dan (3)
didasari oleh kegiatan yang berbasis kecakapan belajar dan pembentukan
karakter sesuai dengan perkembangan kepribadian peserta didik.

E. Langkah-Langkah Pelaksanaan Bridging Course Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Pelaksanaan Bridging Course mengikuti langkah-langkah pembelajaran dalam
pendekatan saintifik sebagai berikut:
- Pengamatan (Let’s have a look) yang diawali dengan membangun pengetahuan
awal (Let’s start) dilakukan dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sesuai
gambar yang menjadi topik pembahasan pada unit terkait;
- Setelah pengamatan, peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk menanya (What
do you want to know?) apa yang sedang/akan dipelajari;
- Langkah selanjutnya adalah mengumpulkan informasi (Let’s find out) tentang
materi yang akan dipelajari dalam bentuk percakapan-percakapan yang
disertai berbagai ragam aktivitas pembelajaran;
- Materi ajar yang telah dikumpulkan akan diolah (Let’s talk about it) dengan
menganalisa/mengklasifikasikan ;
- Apabila peserta didik telah memahami materi yang telah dipelajari, mereka
akan mengomunikasikan (Let’s share) apa yang telah diolah secara kognitif
dalam berkomunikasi secara berpasangan atau berkelompok. Dengan
demikian, peserta didik belajar berbahasa dengan membangun karakter
seperti kesantunan, keberanian dan percaya diri ;

- Berdasarkan pengalaman ini selanjutnya peserta didik diharapkan berkreasi
(Have a go) dalam berkomunikasi dengan bantuan clues yang diberikan.

F. Uraian Peran Guru dan Peran Peserta Didik

Dalam mengimplementasikan langkah-langkah berbasis pendekatan saintifik,
peserta didik akan difasilitasi oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Tugas guru
adalah memberikan pertanyaan yang menstimulasi kompetensi kognitif agar
peserta didik mampu berpikir kritis, yang selanjutnya peserta didik diberi
kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa secara kreatif.
Dilain pihak, peserta didik sebagai subyek dalam proses pembelajaran lebih
berperan aktif dengan harapan agar mereka lebih kompeten dalam

Hello. How are you?

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, students are able to:

 greet people and respond to greetings;

 thank people and give response;
 say good bye and give response;
 say sorry and respond to apology;
 introduce oneself and others and respond to
 tell about themselves.

A. Let’s start.

Activity 1:
Discuss the
questions with
your friends.

1. Who are they?

2. Are they friends?
3. Where are they?
4. What are they doing?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 1

B. Let’s have a look.

Activity 2:
Listen and repeat.

Hello, Nyoman.
How’re you?

Hi, Lina. Fine, thank

you. And you?

I’m very well, thanks.

Activity 3:

Say after the teacher. Morning, Siti. How’re


We’re fine.
Morning, friends. Thanks. Bye,
Pretty good.
Thanks. And you?

Bye. See you.

2 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 4:
Say after the teacher.

Hi. I’m Beni. I’m from Medan.

Hello. I’m Lina. I come

from Singkawang.

Activity 5:
Say after My name’s Edo. Hi. Hasan. Nice
the teacher. This is Lina and to meet you.
this is Bayu.
Hasan. Nice
to meet you.
Hello. My name’s
Hasan. What’s
your name?

It’s nice to meet

you too.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 3

C. What do you want to know?
Activity 6:

Complete the dialogues.

1. Nyoman : Hello, Siti. How are you?

Siti : Hi, Nyoman. I am ... , thank you, and you?
Nyoman : ... , thanks.

2. Edo : Good morning, Mr Erry.

Mr Erry : Good morning, Edo. Please come in.
Edo : ... , Mr Erry.

3. Benny : Listen, the bell is ringing. I must go to class.

Lina : Me too. ..., Benny.
Benny : Bye, Lina. See you then.

4. Dayu : Good morning, Mr Erry.

Mr Erry : Good morning, Dayu.
Dayu : .... , I am late.
Mr erry : It’s okay. Sit down , please.
Dayu : ..., Mr Erry.

5. Edo : Siti, Benny, ... our new friend, Dayu.

Dayu, this is Siti and this is Benny.
Dayu : Hi Siti, Hi Benny. ....
Siti&Benny : Hi, Dayu. It’s nice to meet you, too.

4 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 7:
Tick () the difficult words.

1. sorry
2. see you
3. fine
4. very well
5. thank you
6. nice to meet you

D. Let’s find out.

Activity 8:
Read the dialogue.

Edo, and Siti are in front of the library. Later, Lina and her new friend, Dayu, come.
Lina introduces Dayu to them.
Lina : Hi, friends. How are you?
Edo : Fine, thank you. What about you?
Lina : Not bad, thanks. Well, meet our new friend, Dayu.
Edo, Siti… this is Dayu.
Dayu : Nice to meet you all.
Edo : Pleased to meet you, Dayu. Where are you from?
Dayu : I’m from Yogya. And you, Edo? Are you from Ambon?
Edo : Oh, no. I come from Papua.
Dayu : Sorry.
Edo : It’s OK.
Siti : (The bell is ringing) Let’s go to class. Bye.
Lina : Cheerio.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 5

Activity 9 :

True or False?

1. Lina greets Edo.

2. Edo says”Hi”.
3. Edo introduces Lina to Dayu.
4. Lina introduces Dayu to Edo and Siti.
5. Lina says” meet our new friend”.
6. Edo says “Pleased to meet you”.
7. Dayu says “ Sorry” to Edo.
8. Edo is from Papua.
9. Siti is asking to leave because the bell rings.
10. Lina says”Cherio”.

Activity 10:
Match A and B by drawing a line.

1. How are you?  Good afternoon, Sir.
2. Good afternoon boys and girls.  Pleased to meet you, Dayu.
3. Meet our new friend, Dayu.  Really? Bye.
4. I am sorry, I am late.  What’s your name?
5. Sorry, I have to leave.  Good night.
6. Hi, I am a new student here.  It’s OK.
7. It’s time to go to bed.  Very well, thank you.

6 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

E. Let’s talk about it.

Activity 10:
Read each expression below.
Put it under the right picture in
the box.

1. It’s time to go home. Good bye.

2. Good morning.

3. I am sorry. I am late.

4. Boys and girls, This is Hasan. He is a new student.

5. It’s time to go to bed. Good night.

6. I am leaving. Good bye Mom.

………………………………………… …………………………………………

………………………………………... …………………………………………

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 7

………………………………………... …………………………………………

F. Let’s share.

Activity 11
Now , tell your friends what you
have learned.

We have learned the following :

Expressions Responces
Hello. Hello.
Hi. Hi.
Good morning. Good morning.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Good evening. Good evening.

How are you ? I am fine, thank you.

Fine, thank you.
Very well, thank you.
Pretty well, thanks.
Please come in. Thank you.
Let me help you. Thanks.
This is for you. Thanks a lot.
I am sorry. I am late. It’s OK.
Ups... Sorry. Never mind.
It’s time to go now. Really? Bye.
Good bye. See you tomorrow. Good bye. See you.

8 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

We have also learned :

Expressions Responces
My name is Edo. I am from Papua. I am glad to meet you, Edo.
It’s nice to meet you Edo.
Meet my friend Dayu. She’s from Nice to know you Dayu.
Yogya. Pleased to know you, Dayu.
Hi Dayu. It’s nice to meet you.
This is our new friend. She is Dayu.

G. Have a go.
Practice the dialogues with your peer.
Activity 12

Dialogue 1

A : Hello, how are you?

B : Hi, I’m very well, thank you. And you?
A : Pretty well, thanks

Dialogue II

A : Good morning. How are you?

B : Good morning. I am fine thank you. And you?
A : I am great. Thank you.
B : Excuse me. I have to go. Bye.
A : It’s OK. Bye

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 9

Dialogue III

Lina : Hi, Edo. Meet my friend Dayu.

Edo : Hi, Lina, hi Dayu. Nice to meet you, Dayu.
Dayu: I’m pleased to meet you too, Edo.
Lina : Sorry Edo, we have to leave. Bye.
Edo : Alright Lina, Cherio

Activity 13

Find a new friend .

Greet him/her and introduce yourself to him/her.
You have to leave him/her , you say sorry to

To greet people we can say:

H. Let’s make a summary.
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.

To express “thanks” we can say:

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.

To ask for apology, we can say:

I am sorry.
I’m so sorry.

10 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

To express “leave taking”, we can say:

Good bye.
Bye, see you later.
Bye , see you tomorrow

To introduce yourself you can say:

My name is ....
I am ....
I am from ....
What is your name?
It’s nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
I am happy to know you.
I. How do you feel?

Activity 14

Now put a tick on the right picture.

is very good

is good

is fair

I can greet people.

... ... ...

I can thank people.

... ... ...

I can ask for apology.

... ... ...

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 11

I can ask for leave
... ... ...

I can introduce
... ... ...

I can introduce
... ... ...

J. How much have you learned?

Activity 14
Read the incomplete dialogues
and complete them.

Dialogue 1

A : Hello, how are you?

B : ..............................

Dialogue 2

A : Hi Elly, meet my friend, Rina.

B : Hi Rina, ..............................

A : Hi Elly, nice to meet you too.

Dialogue 3

A : What’s your name?

B : My name is Tuty.

A : Very pleased to meet you, Tuty.

B : .................................................

12 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Dialogue 4

A : I think it’s time to go home.

B : Really? .................................

A : Bye , see you soon.

Dialogue 5

A : Ups..., you stepped on my foot.

B : ........................, I don’t mean it.

A : It’s OK.

K. Learn more

Activity 15
Now it’s time for you to work
with yor partner.

Create a dialogue based on the

card given.


It’s in the morning. You greet B You respond to A’s greeting.

You thank B for his/her help. You respond to A’s thank.

You want to leave and say goodbye to B. You respond to A’s leave taking.

You say “sorry”for your being late You respond to A’s asking for appology.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 13

L. Word Bank

Here are some words to learn.

English Indonesian

greet (v)  memberi salam

morning (n)  Pagi

afternoon(n)  siang

evening (n) petang

night (n)  malam

very well (adj)  Sangat baik

nice to meet you (phr)  Senang bertemu anda

apology (n) Maaf

leave taking (n phr) Pamitan

name (n)  Nama

bye (v) Selamat berpisah

see you later (phr)  Sampai jumpa

excuse me (phr)    Maaf/permisi

introduce (verb)  memperkenalkan

14 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

KEYS (Activity 14)

Dialogue 1

A : Hello, how are you.

B : Hello. Fine thank you.

Dialogue 2

A : Hi Elly, meet my friend, Rina.

B : Hi Rina, nice to meet you.

A : Hi Elly, nice to meet you too.

Dialogue 3

A : What’s your name?

B : My name is Tuty.

A : Very pleased to meet you, Tuty.

B : I am happy to meet you, too.

Dialogue 4

A : I thinks it’s time to go home.

B : Really? Good bye.

A : Bye , see you soon.

Dialogue 5

A : Ups..., you stepped on my foot.

B : I am sorry, I don’t mean it.

A : It’s OK.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 15

16 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris
What day is today?

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, students are able to ask and tell

 days of the week;

 months of the year;
 times in a day;
 times;
 dates.

A. Let’s start.
Let’s read these numbers.
Activity 1:

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,

fifteen. sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty.

Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,

twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-
six,twenty-seven, twenty-eight,
twenty-nine, thirty.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 17

B. Let’s have a look.

Activity 2:
Listen and repeat after your

What day is it?

It’s Sunday. It’s Monday. It’s Tuesday. It’s Wednesday

It’s Thursday. It’s Friday. It’s Saturday.

Activity 3: Say after the teacher.

Days of the week



18 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

1. Sunday is the first day of the week.
2. Monday is the second day of the week.
3. Tuesday comes after Monday. It is the third day of the week.
4. Wednesday comes before Thursday. It is the fourth day of the
5. Thursday comes after Wednesday. It’s the fifth day of the week.
6. Friday comes before Saturday. It is the sixth day of the week.
7. Saturday is the last or the seventh day of the week.

Activity 4:
Ask and answer.

What month is it?

It’s ......

It’s January. It’s February. It’s March. It’s April.

It’s May. It’s June. It’s July. It’s August.

It’s September. It’s October. It’s November. It’s December.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 19

Activity 5
Repeat after the teacher.

Months of the year

January February March


May June July August

September October November December

Activity 6
Say after the teacher

What year is it?

It’s nineteen forty-five It’s nineteen fifty-three It’s nineteen eighty-four

It’s twenty ten It’s twenty fourteen

20 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 6
Listen and repeat after your

What time is it?

06.15 It’s six o’clock. It’s six a.m.

08.00 It’s eight o’clock. It’s eight a.m.

19.00 It’s seven p.m.

07.30 It’s seven-thirty. It’s half past six.

12.15 It’s twelve-fifteen. It’s a quarter past twelve.

10.25 It’s ten-twenty five. It’s twenty five past ten.

08.45 It’s eight-forty five. It’s a quarter to nine. It’s fifteen minutes to

12.00 It’s twelve a’clock sharp.

Activity 7
Listen and repeat after
your teacher.

What’s the date today?

It’s the first of January

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 21

It’s the thirty first of December

It’s the sixteenth of June

It’s the twenty fifth of December.

C. What do you want to know?

Activity 8 Tick () what you want

to know.

... To ask and tell days of the week

... To ask and tell months of the year

... To ask and tell times

... To ask and tell times in a day

... To ask and tell dates

22 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 9
Tick () the difficult words.

... 1st First Kesatu

... 2nd Second ...

... 3rd Third ...

... 4th Forth ...

... 5th Fifth ...

... 6th Sixth ...

... 7th Seventh ...

... 8th Eighth ...

... 9th Ninth ...

... 10th Tenth ...

... 11th Eleventh ...

... 12th Twelfth ...

... 13th Thirteenth ...

... 20th Twentieth ...

... 21st Twenty-first ...

... 35th Thirty-fifth ...

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 23

D. Let’s find out.

Activity 10

Read the dialogue.

What day is today?

It’s Monday. It’s a school day.

What time do you

go to school? At six thirty. And you?

I go to school at six. Lina


True or false?

... Edo is asking about day of today.

... Lina is telling about day of today.

... Edo is asking about time.

... Edo goes to school at 6.30.

... Lina goes to school at 6.00.

24 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 11
Match A and B by drawing a line.

What time do you get up? In the morning

What day is tomorrow? It’s the second of November twenty-

What month comes before It’s Friday

What date is it today? At five.

When do you have breakfat? It’s January ?

E. Let’s talk about it.

Rearrange the jumbled words into a
Activity 12 good order.

1. is – day - what - today?


2. Sunday – today – is.


3. month – after – July – what – is?


Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 25

4. time – what – is – now – it?


5. August – seventeenth – the – today – is – of


6. when – you – have- lunch –do ?


7. nine – it – o’clock – is – now.


8. is – this – what – month – month?


9. Kartini – of - is – the – twenty first – day – April.


10. are – days – in – there – seven – week – a.


Activity 13

Write a question to complete the


Dialogue 1

A : .........................................?

B : Today is Monday

Dialogue 2

A : ......................................... ?

B : This month is September.

26 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Dialogue 3

A : .........................................?

B : Today is the eleventh of April twenty-fourteen.

Dialogue 4

A : ........................................?

B : It’s half past seven.

Dialogue 5

A : ........................................?

B : We have dinner in the evening.

F. Let’s share Now work with your peer .

Ask and answer about each picture below.
Activity 14
Present it in front of the class.





Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 27

....................? ....................?

...................................... .............................................

.............................? .........................

28 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

G. Have a go.

Activity 15
Read the dialogue. Complete it using
suitable word/words

Lina : Hello Benny. How are you

Benny : Hi Lina. ...., thanks.
Lina : Do you have English ....?
Benny : No. I Have English on Tuesday. This is Monday
Lina : I see. What is the .... today?
Benny : It’s the tenth of April. Why?
Lina : It’s Dayu’s birthday. It’s her .... birthday. She was born in 2001
Benny : Really? .... birthday to her.
Lina : Okay. I will tell her.

Activity 16
Read the situation . Then
create a dialogue with your


You ask B the day of today. You tell A the day of today.

You ask B the month of this month. You tell A the month of this month.

You ask B the date of today. You tell A the date of today.

You ask B what time it is now. You tell A what time it is.

You ask B when they have lunch. You tell A when you have lunch.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 29

H. Let’s make a summary.

Activity 17
Now let’s make a summary.

We say:

What day is today? To ask about day.

What is the first day of the week? To ask about days of the week.

What month is this? To ask about month.

What year is it? To ask about year.

What date is it today? To ask about date.

When do you go to school To ask about time of the day.

What month comes after January? To ask about months of the year.

What month is the last month of the year To ask about months of the year.

I. How do you feel?

Activity 18
How do you feel after you do all
the activities? Put a tick on the
right column.

No Items Very Much Fair


1 How much I like about the lesson ... ... ...

2 I learn about days ... ... ...

30 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

No Items Very Much Fair

3 I learn about months of the year ... ... ...

4 I learn about year ... ... ...

5 I learn about dates ... ... ...

6 I learn time in a day ... ... ...

7 I learn about times ... ... ...

J. How much have you learnt?

Activity 19
Read the questions. Then write your
answers under the questions.

1. How many days are there in a week?


2. Mention the days of the week.


3. What day is after Thursday?


4. How many months are there in a year?


5. Mention the months of the year .


6. What month is before August?


Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 31

7. What is the date of Kartini Day?


8. What is the date of The Independence of Indonesia?


9. What time does school start?


10. When do we have breakfast?


K. Learn more

Activity 20
Answer the questions.

1. When is your birthday?................................................................................................

2. When were you born?.................................................................................................

3. What time do you get up?...........................................................................................

4. What time do you leave home for


Activity 21
Say it in words.

32 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

L. Word Bank.

Here are some words to learn.

English Indonesian
Day (n)  Hari
Month (n)  Bulan
Year (n)  Tahun
Time (n) Waktu
Date (n) Tanggal
First (n) Pertama
Second (n) Kedua
Third (n) Ketiga
Fourth (n) Keempat
Fifth (n) Kelima
True (adj) Benar
False (adj) Salah
Good (adj) Baik
Past (prep) lewat
Right (adj) Betul

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 33

KEYS (activity 19)

1. How many days are there in a week?

There are seven days in a week.

2. Mention the days of the week sequently.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday adn Saturday

3. What day is after Thursday?

The day after Thursday is Friday

4. Howmany months are there in a year?

There are twelve months in a year

5. Mention the months of the year sequently.

January, February, March,April, May, June, July, August, September, October,

November and December

6. What month comes before August?

July comes before August

7. What is the date of Kartini Day?

Kartini Day is on the twenty-first of April

8. What is the date of The Independence of Indonesia?

The Independence of Indonesia is The seventeenth of August.

9. What time does school start?

School starts at six-thirty

10. When do we have breakfast?

We have breakfast in the morning.

34 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

This is My Bedroom.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, the students are able to:

 label things;
 pronounce names of things;
 ask about a list of things;
 tell about a list of things.

A. Let’s start.
Activity 1

Look at the picture

carefully. What do you
see there? Give a tick ()
to the words.

mirror blanket
clock desk
pillow bolster
chair lamp
flower television

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 35

B. Let’s have a look.
Activity 2

Act out the dialogue.

What do you have in your
bathroom, Rina?

Hi, Dede. This is my Do you have a bailer in

bathroom. I take a bath here. the bathroom?

I have a toilet and


Yes, I also have a


C. What do you want to know?

Activity 3
Do you know the names of the
things below?

Do you want to know about the


Give a thick () if you say ‘yes’

and give a cross (X) if you say ‘no.’

36 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

D. Let’s find out.
Activity 4
Listen and repeat.

In my classroom, I have

Activity 5
Say after the teacher.

In my
diningroom, In your kitchen, do you
there are .... have ....?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 37

Activity 6
Listen to the teacher
and repeat.

In your bathroom, are

there ....?

Activity 7
Listen to the teacher and

In my garden, I have ....

In my garage, I have ....

38 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

E. Let’s Talk about it.
Activity 8
Match the pictures
with the names.

shower stove



glass 9
Activity chair

Activity 8
Arrange the alphabets into
words. Then, pronounce

1. S – T – I – N – L – O – E – E – V – I

T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ N

2. S – R – E – A – E – R
E __ __ __ __ R

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 39

3. E – I – L – C – B – Y – C

B __ __ __ __ __ E

4. L – B – S – T – O – R – E

B __ __ __ __ __ R

5. O – R – T – B – H – O – A – M

B __ __ __ __ __ __ M

6. E – G – A – A – R – G

G __ __ __ __ E

7. T – U – K – B – E – C

B __ __ __ __ T

8. N – I – C – H – K – T – E
K __ __ __ __ __ N

9. R – G – I – D – F - E

F __ __ __ __ E

10. R – H – O – E – W - S
S __ __ __ __ R

F. Let’s share.
Activity 10
Work in groups. Show
your cards and say the

40 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

1. 5. 9.

2. 6. 10.

3. 7. 11.

4. 8. 12.

Activity 11
Read the words below.
Pronounce them correctly.

Where can you find them?

Put them into the right places.

bolster mirror spoon shower

fridge lamp table sink

bucket knife stove tub

plate flower clock

glass toilet blanket pan frying pan

pillow chair bed television


Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 41






G. Have a Go.
Activity 12
Work with a friend.
Show your card.

42 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

What is this? It’s a bolster.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.


Activity 13

Go around the class. Ask

your friends about the things
in their house. Use the card.

Look at the example.

What do you have in your


I have a bed, pillow,

bolster, and blanket.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 43

Name: ____________ Name: ____________

Things in my bedroom Things in my livingroom

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

Name: ____________ Name: ____________

Things in my diningroom Things in my bathroom

______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________
______________ ____________________

Name: ____________ Name: ____________

Things in my kitchen Things in my garden

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

44 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Name: ____________

Things in my garage


Activity 14

Draw one room in your

house. Label the things.
Then, tell your friends
about it.

H. Let’s Make a Summary

Activity 15
Work with your friend.
Write down the things in
the boxes.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 45

They are the things in my
classroom. These are the things
in my livingroom.

............................... ..............................
............................... ..............................
............................... ..............................
............................... ..............................

They are the things in They are the things

my bathroom. in my bedroom.

................................. ................................
................................. ................................
................................. ................................
................................. ................................

These are the things in Those are the things

my garden. in my garage.

................................ .................................
................................ .................................
................................ .................................
................................ .................................

These are the things in Those are the things

my kitchen. in my diningroom.

................................. ...............................
................................. ...............................
................................. ...............................
................................. ...............................

46 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

I. How Do You Feel?
Activity 16

Put a thick (√) to show

your feeling.

How do you like ....?

the lesson
the activities
the English pronunciation
the spelling of the English words

= I like ... very much

= I like ...

= I do not like ...

J. How Much Have You Learned?

Activity 17

Complete the sentences.

1. It’s a .......
What is that?

2. It’s a .....

3. It’s a .....

4. It’s a .....

5. It’s a .....

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 47

Activity 18

What do you have in your

classroom? Write your
answer here.

This is my classroom. There is


K. Learn More
Activity 19

Find more names of

things around you.

Things around me

L. Word Bank

48 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

L.Word Bank
Here are some words to learn.

English Indonesian
animal (n)  binatang
bag (n)  tas
bank (n)  bank
book (n)  buku
cat (n)  kucing
chair (n)  kursi
chicken (n)  ayam
cinema (n)  bioskop
cow (n)  sapi
dog (n)  anjing
duck (n)  itik
elephant (n)  gajah
eraser (n)  penghapus
glass (n)  gelas
hat (n)  topi
horse (n)  kuda
hospital (n)  rumah sakit
lamp (n)  lampu
map (n)  peta
pencil (n)  pensil
police station (n)  kantor polisi
rabbit (n)  kelinci
ruler (n)  penggaris
school (n)  sekolah
sharpener (n)  peraut
spoon (n)  sendok
stove (n)  kompor
supermarket (n)  supermarket
television (n)  televisi
tiger (n)  harimau
town (n)  kota
tub (n)  bak mandi

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 49

Activity 17
1. bucket
2. bench
3. lamp
4. bed
5. spoon

Acitivity 18

This is my classroom. There is

This my classroom. There is a
map. There is a lamp. There is
a clock and there is an eraser.

50 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

How Many Cats Are There?

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, the students are able to:

 ask and tell about the number of things;

 ask and tell about the number of animals;
 ask and tell about the number of public places.

A. Let’s start.
Activity 1
Let’s sing a song.

C=1 Five Little Ducks

S5 jj3j jj 3 3 4 | 3 2 2 . |
Five lit-tle ducks went out one day
Mo - ther duck said quack quack quack quack
S5 j2jj j 2 2 j2j j 3 | 2 1 1 0
O – ver the hills and far a - way
But on-ly four li - ttle ducks came back

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 51

Four little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away
Mama duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
but only three little ducks came waddling back...

Three little ducks went out one day

Over the hills and far away
Mama duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
but only two little ducks came waddling back...

Two little ducks went out one day

Over the hills and far away
Mama duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
but only one little duck came waddling back...

One little duck went out one day

Over the hills and far away
Mama duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
but no little ducks came waddling back...

No little ducks went out one day

Over the hills and far away
Mama duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack,"
and all five ducks came waddling back.

Activity 2
Discuss the questions
with your friends.

1. What picture is it?

2. What animals are there?
3. How many animals are there?

52 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

B. Let’s have a look.

Activity 3

Listen and repeat.

What is it?

It’s a chair.

Activity 4

Say after the teacher.

What is this?

It’s a rabbit.

Activity 5

Say after the teacher.

What is that?

It’s a school.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 53

Activity 6

Listen and repeat.

How many cats are


Three cats.
C. What do you want to know?

Activity 7
Do you know the English words for the
following pictures? Give a tick () in the box.

How do you say these things in

English? Give a tick () in the box.

Item Yes No

54 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

D. Let’s find out.

Activity 8

Listen and repeat.

It’s a ruler.
What is this?
Only one
How many
rulers do you

Activity 9
Listen and repeat.

It’s a duck.
What is that?
One duck.
How many
ducks do you

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 55

Activity 9
Listen and repeat.

It’s a hospital.
What is that?
One hospital.
Five hospitals.
How many
hospitals are
there in your

Activity 10
Look at the example.
Then, fill in the

one glass two glasses

one duck three .....

one police station four .....

one pencil five .....

56 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

one rabbit six ......

one bank seven .....

one book eight .....

one dog nine .....

one school ten .....

Let’s talk about it.

Activity 11

Look at the pictures.

Write the names.


s __ __ __ __

2. e __ __ __ __ __

3. h __ __ __ __ __ __

r __ __ __ __ __

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 57

s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

t __ __ __ __

m __ __

h __ __ __ __

Activity 12
Observe the pictures.
Write the names and the
number of the objects.

one stove two stoves ............................... .......................

gambar 1

............................... ................................ ........................................... ..................

........................... ............................... ............................ ...........................

58 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

E. Let’s share.

Activity 13
Work in groups. Show
your cards and say the

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 9.

Activity 14
Work in pairs. Show your
cards. Say how many.

1. 5.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 59

2. 6.

3. 7.


F. Have a go.

Activity 15
Tell about the picture.

This is my classroom. There are


60 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 16
Draw a room in your house.
What things are there? What
animals are there?

G. Let’s make a summary

Activity 17

How many books are there?

No Things Number




Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 61

No Things Number

Activity 17
Write down the names of the
animals and the number. Look
at the example.

two cats






Activity 18

Match the pictures of the

public places with the
names. Draw a line.

62 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris



police station



H. How Do You Feel?

Activity 19

Tick (√) the right column.

= yes = no

No Question

1 Do you like the to learn numbers?

2 Are the pictures interesting?
3 Are the words difficult?
4 Are there too many new words?
5 Do you want to learn more words?

I. How Much Have You Learned?

Activity 20

Complete the text. Use

the pictures as a help.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 63

My House

There are seven rooms in my house. In the

livingroom there are two 1) ....., a 2)

...... , and four 3) ... I also have a 4) .....

In the kitchen there are two 5) .... and a 6)

.... I have three 7) ..... There are two 8)

..... in the garden. Near my house there is a

9) ..... and two 10) .... I love my

house very much.

J. Learn More.

Activity 20

Find more pictures of things, animals and

public places. Stick them on a piece of paper.

64 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

K. Word Bank
Here are some words to learn.

English Indonesian
bailer (n)  gayung
bathroom (n)  kamar mandi
bed (n)  tempat tidur
bedroom (n)  kamar tidur
bench (n)  tempat duduk panjang
bicycle (n)  sepeda
blanket (n)  selimut
bolster (n)  guling
bucket (n)  selimut
calendar (n)  kalender
chair (n)  kursi
classroom (n)  ruang kelas
clock (n)  jam dinding
desk (n)  meja kerja
diningroom (n)  kamar makan
eraser (n)  penghapus
flower (n)  bunga
fridge (n)  kulkas
frying pan (n)  wajan
garage (n)  garasi
garden (n)  kebun
glass (n)  gelas
hoe (n)  cangkul

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 65

English Indonesian
kitchen (n)  dapur
knife (n)  pisau
livingroom (n)  kamar tamu
mirror (n)  cermin
pan (n)  panic
pencil (n)  pensil
pillow (n)  bantal
plate (n)  piring
pump (n)  pompa
shower (n)  pancuran
sink (n)  tempat cuci piring
spoon (n)  sendok
stove (n)  kompor
table (n)  meja
television (n)  televisi
toilet (n)  toilet


Activity 20

1. lamps
2. table
3. chairs
4. television
5. stoves
6. fridge
7. cats
8. ducks
9. school
10. supermarkets

66 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

It’s an interesting zoo

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, the students are able to:

 ask about the characteristics of people and give response;
 ask about the characteristics of animals and give response;
 ask about the characteristics of things and give response;
 ask about the activities of people and give response;
 ask about the activities of animals and give response;
 ask about the functions of things and give response;
 describe people, animals and things.

A. Let’s start

Activity 1:

Discuss the questions with

your friends.

1. Are they family?

2. How many people
are there?
3. Who are they?
4. Is the boy big?

(When English rings a bell, Grade VII)

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 67

Activity 2:

Discuss the questions

with your friends.

1. Have you been to a zoo?

2. Are there many animals?
3. How many are there?
4. What animals do you see?

(When English rings a bell, Grade VII)

Activity 3:

Discuss the questions

with your friends.

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. How many things are there?
3. Where do you find them?

(When English rings a bell, Grade VII)

68 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

B. Let’s have a look.

Activity 4:

Listen to your teacher.

Then, repeat after him.

Is this your
family? Yes, they’re my
parents, my
Momand my
Dad. And ....

Is this your
sister? That’s right.

What’s her
name? Monik. She is still young.
She is three years old.
She’s cute.
Does she often cry?
I don’t think

Activity 5:

Listen to your teacher.

Then, repeat after him.

elephants birds a cat ducks

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 69

Do you like animals?
Do you like animals?
Sure. I often go to the
zoo. I like elephants
and birds.

Well, I have some-a

grey cat, two brown
And you? Do you have ducks, and a big bird.

. Does the bird sing every No, not always


Activity 6:

Listen to your teacher.

Then, repeat after him.

What things do A brown table, a

you see in a white lamp
classroom? stand, and some
What are books

70 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

C. What do you want to know?
Activity 7:

Draw a line. Do as the example



2. BIG




Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 71

Activity 8:
Tick (v) the difficult words.

1. young 7. desk lamp

2. grey 8. three years old

3. brown 9. not always

4. often 10. that’s right

5. cry 11. reading

6. bird 12. I don’t think so

Do you want to know the


D. Let’s find out.

Activity 9:
Listen to the following

Dialogue 1

Edo Lina
72 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris
Alina and Edo are having a break at 12 o’clock. They are talking to each other. They
bring a photo of last year’s school activity.

Lina: Hi, Edo. Nice to meet you.

Edo: Hello, Lina. Glad to see you, too. You bring a photo.

What is it for?

Lina: Oh, this a photo of people at my school.

I want to tell about them . Can you help me?

Edo: Okay, let me have a look. Let’s start. Who is this?

Lina: That’s Ibu Lutfi, the librarian. She is kind and helpful.

Edo: And the man next to Ibu Lutfi?

Lina: The tall one? That’s Bapak Syaiful. He’s a kind teacher.

Activity 10:
Answer the questions.

1. How many people are they talking about?

2. Who are they?
3. What are they?
4. How are they?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 73

Activity 11:

Listen to the dialogue.

Dialogue 2

Edo and Lina are playing a game about animals and things.

Edo:The animal has four legs. It has soft fur.

Lina: Does it eat bones?

Edo: I think so.

Lina: Does it bark?

Edo: Yes, it does.

Lina: A dog. Now, it’s my turn.

Edo: Okay, let me listen to it.

Lina: The thing has two hands. It wakes you up in the morning. What is it?

Edo: I know. It’s a clock.

Activity 12
In pairs, answer the

1. What animal is it?

2. What does it look like?
3. What thing is it?
4. What does it look like?

74 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 13:

Say after the teacher.

The Sadikin Family

This is Mr. Sadikin. He is about forty-five years

old. He is tall. He is a gardener. He is a hard-
working man.

This is Ms. Sadikin. She is forty years old. She is

tall, too. She does not work. She is always busy
at home.

This is Hardian. He is thirteen years old. He is

small. He goes to school every day. He likes
reading story books.

Activity 14:
Based on the text above, match A
and B by drawing a line.


1. Mr. Sadikin a. Reading books

2. Hardian b. Small
3. Ms. Sadikin c. Tall
d. Hard-working
e. Busy
f. Not working

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 75

Activity 15:

Say after the teacher.

What I have
I have a big house with a big garden.

I have many things in the house.

There are 3 tables and 4 sofas in the living room.
I find a cupboard, a bed, a table and a chair in my bedroom.

I have many animals at home.

There are 3 rabbits, 2 birds and 2 cats.
They are kind and cute.

That is what I have.

Activity 16:

Based on the text above, match A and B by drawing a



1. There are sofas a. rabbits and cats

2. I have many animals b. in the garden
3. The animals are c. with a big garden
4. There are d. in the living room
5. There is a house e. cute

76 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

E. Let’s talk about it.
Activity 17:
Work in pairs. Complete the blanks in the
dialogues. Use the words in boxes.

Lina : Hi, Edo. Nice to meet you. a. helpful

Edo : Hello, Lina. Glad to see you, too. You bring a photo.
b. looks after
(1) ...?

Lina : Oh, this is a photo of people at our school. c. teaches

I want to describe them. Can you help me?
d. What is it for
Edo : Okay, let me have a look. Let’s start. Who is this?

Lina : That’s Ibu Lutfi, the librarian. She is (2)....

e. kind
She (3)... the books.

Edo : And the man next to Ibu Lutfi? How is he?

Lina : The tall one? Bapak Syaiful’s a (4) ...teacher.

He (5) ... English.

Activity 18:

Edo :The animal has four legs. It has (6) ... hair.
a. long and short
Lina : Does it (7) ... bones? Does it (8) ... ?

Edo : I think so. g.soft b. soft

Lina : A dog. Now, it’s my turn.

c. bark
Lina : The thing has two hands. The hands are

(9) .... It wakes youupin the morning. d. eat

What is it?

Edo : I know. It’s a clock.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 77

F. Let’s share
Activity 19:
Act the dialogues out
with a partner.

Use Dialogue 1 in Activity 9.

Then, use Dialogue 2 in
Activity 11.

Activity 20:

Copy the stories in Activities 13 and


G. Have a go
Activity 21: Make a dialogue with a
Use the story below.

The Sadikin Family

This is Mr. Sadikin. He is about forty-five years old.

He is tall. He is a gardener. He is a hard-working man.

This is Ms. Sadikin. She is forty years old.

She is tall, too. She does not work. She is always busy at home.

This is Hardian. He is thirteen years old.

He is small. He goes to school every day. He likes reading story books.

78 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Start here:

You : This is the photo of my family.

Your partner : Who is he? Your Dad?

You : That’s right. He’s forty-five years old.

Your partner : ......................and so on.

Activity 22:

Write a story. Usethe dialogue belowas a


Edo :The animal has four legs. It has soft hair.

Lina : Does it eat bones?

Edo : I think so.

Lina : Does it bark?

Edo : Yes, it does.

Lina : A dog. Now, it’s my turn.

Edo : Okay, let me listen to it.

Lina : The thing has two hands.

It wakes you up in the morning. What is it?

Edo : I know. It’s a clock.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 79

Start here:

Edo and Lina are talking about an animal and a thing.






H. Let’s make a summary.

Activity 23:

What have you learned?


People Animals Things

1.This is Ardi. 1. This a cat. 1. This is a spoon.
2. He is hard-working. 2. It is Sweety. 2. It is clean.
3. He speaks English. 3. It is soft and fat. 3. It is for eating.
4. He is a student. 4. It likes fish.

J. How do you feel?

Activity 24:

Tick (v) “Yes” or “No”.

80 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

No. Statements Yes No

1. I like the lesson

2. I do not like the lesson
3. I learn what people are
4. I do not learn what people are
5. I learn how people are
6. I do not learn how people are
7. I learn what people do
8. I do not learn what people do
9. I learn what animals are
10. I do not learn what animals are
11. I learn how animals are
12. I do not learn how animals are
13. I learn what animals do
14. I do not learn what animals do
15. I learn what things are
16. I ldo not learn what things are
17. I learn how things are
18. I do not learn how things are
19. I learn what things are for
20. I do not learn what things are for

K. How much have you learned?

Activity 25:
Describe your school.

Write here:

I go to SMP Lestari. It is a big and nice school.





Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 81

L. Word Bank
Here are some words to

English Indonesian
bird (n)  burung

cat (n)  kucing

dog (n)  anjing

cupboard (n)  lemari

fish (n)  ikan

information (n)  berita

lamp stand (n)  lampu meja

legs (n)  kaki

table (n)  meja

spoon (n)  sendok

busy (adj)  sibuk

cute (adj)  lucu

fat (adj)  gemuk

hard-working (adj)  suka bekerja keras

kind (adj)  baik hati

long (adj)  panjang

short (adj)  pendek

82 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

English Indonesian
helpful (adj)  suka menolong

short (adj)  pendek

young (adj)  muda

clean (adj)  bersih

bark (v)  menyalak

cry (v)  menangis

eat (v)  makan

get (v)  memperoleh

have a break (v)  istirahat

have a look (v)  lihatlah

speak (v)  berbicara

think (v)  berpikir

wake up (v)  membangunkan

like (v)  suka

Key (Activity 25) - tentative

It has a large yard. There are many trees here. The yard is clean.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris| 83

84 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Please listen carefully!

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, students are able to:

 give instructions and respond to instructions;
 give warning and write warnings;
 give cautions and write cautions.

A. Let’s start

Activity 1:
Discuss the

1. Where are the students?

2. Who is at the door?
3. Does he say something to
4. What does he say?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 85

B. Let’s have a look.

Activity 2:

Listen and repeat.

Teacher : Morning, Students.

Students: Morning, Sir.

Teacher : Come in.

Sit down, please.

Students: Thank you.

Teacher : Let’s pray now.

Students: Let’s.

Activity 3:

Look at the signs.Say

after the teacher.

1. 2. 3.

86 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

4. 5. 6.

Activity 4:

Say after the teacher.

Hi, Neti. How are you?

Hi, Yongki.
Hi, Neti. How are you? I’m fine,

Do you know
Well, I know some.

What does “Watch

your Step” mean? Be careful when you
walk on stairs.

“Clean your feet”.

And what about
“Wipe your feet”?

Thanks for it.

C. What do you want to know?

Activity 5:
Match A and B. Draw a line.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 87


No. Signs Meaning in Indonesian

1. A. Di larang masuk

2. B. Awas lantai licin!

3. C. Tolong sapu lantai


4. Please sweep the floor.

D. Jangan mengganggu!

88 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 6:
Tick (v) the difficult words.

1. steps 7. floor
2. lights 8. stairs
3. wipe 9. sweep
4. feet 10. watch
5. signs 11. smoking
6. enter 12. food

Do you want to know the words?

Please check the word bank.

D. Let’s find out.

Activity 7:
Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue 1


Edo Lina

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 89

Edo and Lina are putting some signs on the classroom walls.

Lina: Let’s put some signs in our classroom.

Edo: Good idea. What are they?

Lina: What about “Keep the room clean”?

Edo: Good. Next is “No food and drink here”.

Lina: That’s right.

Edo: Let’s also put “Be polite”.

Lina: One more sign, please “Turn off cell phones”.

Activity 8:

Discuss the questions with a partner.

1. What is it in Indonesian?
a. “Keep the room clean”.
b. “No food and drink here”.
c. “Be polite”.
d. “Turn off cell phones”.
2. Where do you find each sign?

90 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 9:

Please read the signs or pictures.

Dialogue 2

An English teacher is teaching English signs and instructions to the students.

Teacher: Please read these aloud.





Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 91

Dialogue 2

4. Please write about your family.

5. Please sweep the floor.

Activity 10:
Discuss the answers with a

1. What is it in Indonesian?
a. “Wet floor”.
b. “Do not enter”.
c. “Wipe your feet”.
d. “Write about your family”.
e. “Sweep the floor”.
f. “Keep the room clean”.
g. “No food and drink here”.
h. “Be polite”.
i. “Turn off cell phones”.
2. Where do you find each sign?

92 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

E. Let’s talk about signs.
Activity 11:
Work in pairs. Draw a
line to match A and B.


1. Do not disturb A. In a classroom

2. Wipe your feet B. In a private area

3. Be polite C. In a mosque

4. Sweep the room D. In a hospital

5. Wet floor E. In a library

6. No food & no drink F. In a hotel room

7. Turn off cell phones G. In your house

8. Do not enter H. At a school hall

9. No parking I. In a restaurant

10. Please sit down J. In a meeting

11. Keep silent K. In an office

12. Please come in L. In an exam class

F. Let’s share
Activity 12:
Act out the dialogue in Activity 4
with a partner.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 93

Start now:

You: ............................................................................................................

Friend: .........................................................................................................

You: ................................................................................ and so on.

Activity 13:
Act out Dialogue 1 in Activity 7
with a partner.

Start now:

You: ............................................................................................................

Friend: .........................................................................................................

You: ................................................................................ and so on.

G. Have a go
Activity 14:
Write a dialogue using the clues below.
See the dialogue in Activity 4 as an

Clue 1: be polite, no parking at any tirme, keep out

Clue 2:turn off cell phones, do not disturb, have a seat

Clue 3: no food and no drink, sweep the floor, come in

Clue 4: do not enter,high voltage, write a story

Clue 5: wet floor, wipe the foot, keep clean

94 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

H. Let’s make a summary.
Activity 15:
Have you learned all
materials in Unit 6?

Instructions Cautions Warnings

 Come in  Watch your steps  Wet floor

 Have a seat  Do not enter
 Keep the room clean  Be polite
 Sweep the floor  Do not disturb
 Write a story  No food & no drink
 Keep silent  No smoking
 Turn off cell phones
 Wipe your feet

J. How do you feel?

Activity 16:

Tick (v) “Yes” or “No”

No. Statements Yes No

1. I like the lesson.
2. I learn instructions and the responses.
3. I learn cautions.
4. I learn cautions.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 95

K. How much have you learned?
Activity 17:
Answer the following

1. Where do you put the sign “Keep clean”?

A. In a garden
B. In a classroom
C. In a swimming pool
2. Where do you put the sign “No food here”?
A. In a library
B. In a supermarket
C. At home
3. Where do you put the sign “No smoking”?
A. In a supermarket
B. In a gas station
C. At the cafe
4. Where do you put the sign “Please be quiet”?
A. In a library
B. In a supermarket
C. In a swimming pool
5. Where do you put the sign “Do not enter”?
A. In a principal’s office
B. In a classroom
C. In a library

96 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

L. Word Bank

Here are somewords to learn.

English Indonesian
lights (n) lampu

signs (n) tanda-tanda

stairs (n) anak tangga

step (n) langkah

dry (adj) kering

wet (adj) basah

come in (v) masuklah

enter (v) masuk

park (v) parkir

have a seat (phr) silakan duduk

let’s (v)  ayo

Sir (n)  bapak

watch (v)  hati-hati

describe (v)  menggambarkan


Activity 17

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 97

98 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris
Let’s sing a song

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit, students are able to:

 understand the words of a song;

 understand the social function of a song;
 understand the meaning of a song;
 sing a song.

A. Let’s start.

Activity 1: Discuss the questions

with your friends.

1. What are they doing?

2. What is the boy playing?
3. Do you like singing?
4. Can you play a musical instrument?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 99

B. Let’s have a look.
Activity 2:
Listen to your teacher. Then sing
along with him.


Words by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music by Richard Rodgers
1=C 61

3 . 5 | a2 . . | a1 . 5 | 4 . . | 3 . 3
E - del - weiss, E - del - weiss, ev- ery
3 4 5 | 6 . . | 5 . . | 3 . 5 | a2 . .
mor-ning you greet me. Small and white,
A1 . 5 | 4 . . | 3 . 5 | 5 6 7 | a1 . .
clean and bright, you look hap-py to meet
A1 . . | aj20 j05 5 | 7 6 5 | 3 . 5 | a1 .
. |
me Blossom as snow may you bloom and grow
6 . a1 | a2 . a1 | 7 . . | 5 . . | 3 .
5 |
bloom and grow for ev- er E- del
A2 . . | a1 . 5 | 4 . . | 3 . 5 | 5 6 7
weiss, E- del- weiss, bless my homeland for-
A1 . . | 1 . 0 |
e- ver

100 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

C. What do you want to know?
Activity 3:
Tick () what
you want to

What is the title of the above song?

What is the color of the flower?

Who writes the words of the song?

Who writes the music of the song?

Why do people sing a song?

Why do people listen to a song?

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 101

Activity 4: Underline the
words that you
want to know.

Words by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music by Richard Rodgers
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright,
you look happy to meet me.
Blossom as snow, may you bloom and grow,
bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
bless my homeland forever.

D. Let’s find out. Read the lyric and complete the

Activity 5: label.


Words by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music by Richard Rodgers
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright,
you look happy to meet me.
Blossom as snow, may you bloom and grow,
bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
bless my homeland forever.

 lyric writer  song title  music writer

102 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Match the columns.
Activity 6:

1. greet  terang
2. bright  bertemu
3. meet  tumbuh
4. blossom  tanah air
5. grow  selamanya
6. homeland  bermekaran
7. forever  memberi salam

E. Let’s talk about the song.

Activity 7:
Listen to your teacher.
Then sing along with him.

4/4 Australian Folksong
Jjjj5j j j 5 j5j j j 5 6 j6j j j 6 | 5 3 5g
3 |
Kook-a bur- ra sits in the old gum tree
Kook-a bur- ra sits in the old gum tree
J3jj j j 3 j3j j j 3 4 j4jj jj j 4 | 3 1 3g
1 |
Mer-ry, mer- ry king of the bush- es he!
Eat- ing all the gum drops he can see.
A1 . j6j j j 7 ja1j j j 7 | 5 . j3j j j 4
jj5j j j 4 |
Laugh, kook-a bur-ra laugh, kook-a bur- ra
Stop! Kook-a bur-ra, stop! Kook-a burr- ra,
3 1 1 1 | 1 . . . |
Gay your life must be!
leave some there for me.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 103

Activity 8: Read the lyric of the
song. Then, answer
the questions.


Australian Folksong

Kookaburra sits on the red gum tree

Marry, marry king of the bush is he.
Laugh, kookaburra laugh,
Kookaburra gay your life must be!

Kookaburra sits on the red gum tree

Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop! Kookaburra stop!
Kookaburra, leave some there for me!


1. What is the song about?

2. Is it an Indonesian song?
3. Does the bird sit on a gum tree?
4. What does the bird eat?
5. Who is “he” in the song?

104 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Activity 9: makes

F. Let’s share.
Activity 9:

What is
the song

Choose one song. Discuss it. Then share it with other groups.

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do … oh-oh-oh

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 105

Words and Music:
Richard M. Sherman
Robert B. Sherman
It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears.
It’s a world of hopes and a world of fears.
There’s so much that we share that it’s time we’re aware.
It’s a small world after all.

There is just one moon and one golden sun.

And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide.
It’s a small world after all.

It’s a small world after all. It’s a small world after all.
It’s a small world after all. It’s a small, small world.


One little two little three little fingers

Four little five little six little fingers
Seven little eight little nine little fingers
Ten fingers on my hands

106 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

The Happy Wanderer

I love to go a-wandering,
Along the mountain track,
And as I go, I love to sing,
My knapsack on my back.

My knapsack on my back.

I wave my hat to all I meet,

And they wave back to me,
And blackbirds call so loud and sweet
From ev'ry green wood tree.

G. Have a go.
Activity 10:

Write your
own lyrics.

Change the lyrics to the first stanza of “The Wheels on the Bus”. Do as the
example given.


The wheels on the bus go round and round,
round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all day long.
Example: The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo,
moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo.
The cows in the barn go moo, moo, moo.
All day long.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 107

H. Let’s make a summary.
Activity 11:

Tick () the

box to show
your idea.

Singing a song makes people….


The artist sings a song to… the children.


The song tells us about….
Words by Oscar Hammerstein II flowers
Music by Richard Rodgers
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright,
you look happy to meet me.
Blossom as snow, may you bloom
and grow, bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
bless my homeland forever.

108 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

I. How do you feel?
Activity 12:
Tell the class
about the

1. I like activity numbers ...…………………………………

2. I don’t like activity number ……………………………..
3. The best song is …………………………………………..
4. The difficult words are:
a. ………………………
b. ………………………
c. ………………………
5. I cannot pronounce these words:
a. ………………………
b. ………………………
c. ………………………

J. How much have you learnt?

Read the lyrics
Activity 12:
and tick () the
best answer.

Red canary, sing a song. (1)
Red canary, creep along. (2)
For the girl is nice and sweet. (3)
She loves to hear you tweet, tweet. (4)
Red canary, sing a song. (5)
Red canary, creep along. (6)
Red canary, don’t go away. (7)
1 What is the song about?
Red canary, you must stay. (8)
A girl.
A bird.
A song.
A tweet.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 109

2 Who is nice and sweet?

The canary.
The song.
The bird.
The girl.

3 Who is “SHE” here?

The tweet.
The girl.
The song.
The bird.

4 “Red canary, creep along. The word “creep” means…


Match the
Activity 13: columns. B

a b

c d

1. knapsack on his back
2. kookaburra
3. blossom e f
4. bus
5. ocean
6. cradle
7. doe

110 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

K. Word Bank
Here are
some words
to learn.

English Indonesian

bloom (v) : mekar

blossom (v) : bermekaran
blow (v) : berhembus
break (v)  : patah
bush (n) : semak-semak
cradle (n) : ayunan
doe (n)   : kijang betina
gumdrop (n)  : permen karet
drowse (v) : mengantuk
fear (n)  : ketakutan
homeland (n)  : tanah air
hope (n) : harapan
laughter (n)  : tawa
needle (n) : jarum
ray (n)  : sinar
share (v) : berbagi
sit (v)  : duduk
swing (v) : mengayun
tear (n) : air mata
wind (n) [wInd] : angin

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 111

L. Keys (Activity 12 and 13)

Activity 12
1. A bird
2. The girl
3. The girl
4. Move

Activity 12

1. knapsack on his back
2. listening to a song
3. kookaburra
4. blossom
5. wheels
6. ocean
7. baby
8. doe

112 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris


Match them.

Good morning.

Good bye.

 Good bye.
Thank you.
 No problem.
 I’m Dayu.
 You are welcome.
Sorry.  Good morning

My name is Siti.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 113

B Put them in the correct order.

Write here!

Number the order of the months.

114 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

D Match the columns.

 1st  twenty-second
 2nd  twenty-third
 3rd  twenty-sixth
 4th  twenty-first
 21st  thirty-first
 22nd  second
 23rd  fourth
 26th  third
 31st  first

E Label the pictures.

1 pencil 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 115

F Do as the example given.

1 There are six swans.


116 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

G Do as the example given.

Source: Winner, Longman

1 There is a post office.


H What do they look like?

Mr. Gunawan

Mrs. Gunawan



Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 117

Who says what.

I’m slim. I
have short I’m short. I I’m tall. My I’m short. I
and straight eat all the hairstyle is have curly
hair. time and get crew cut. hair.

1 2 3 4

I Look at the pictures. Then

complete the dialogue.
Use sentences in the box.

 It has big eyes and soft fur.

 It has long ears and white fur.
 It has a long tail and striped fur.
 It has colorful and beautiful feathers.

118 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

A: What does your pet bird look like?
B: ………………………………………..

2 A: What does your pet rabbit look like?

B: ………………………………………..

3 A: What does your pet cat look like?

B: …………………………………………

4 A: What does your pet dog look like?

B: ……………………………………….

Look at the pictures and use the
words to complete the text.

1 Look, the children are working. They are …cleaning the yard.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 119

2 The boy is … He likes to help his friend.

3 The woman loves her child very much. She is really very …

4 The man always has a lot of work to do. He is always very … at his office.

120 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Look at the pictures. Draw
K lines to match them with the

 Turn off the light.

 Water the flowers.

 Close the window.

 Sweep the floor.

4  Open the door.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 121

Complete the text based on
L the picture.

Hello. My name is Amalia. I am 13

years old. I have bright skin and
………….. hair.

This is my pet cat. It has … fur

and a … tail. It is very lovely.

This is my … The frame is … The

handle bar is … I love my bike very

Number the pictures based

M on the song.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

to fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after

Nursery Rhymes Vol. 1

122 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris


Check your answers.

1. greeting
2. leave taking
3. thanking
4. apologizing
5. introducing


10 11 5 3

6 7 1 2

12 8 4 9

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 123


 1st  twenty-second
 2nd  twenty-third
 3rd  twenty-sixth
 4th  twenty-first
 21st  thirty-first
 22nd  second
 23rd  fourth
 26th  third
 31st  first

1. a pencil
2. a ruler
3. a school bag
4. a pencil case
5. a watch
6. sneakers
7. an eraser
8. glasses
9. a bicycle
10. socks
11. a shirt
12. trousers
13. a skirt
14. a cap
15. a belt

1. There are six swans.

2. There are five sheep.
3. There are three dogs.
4. There are three pigs.

124 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

5. There are five horses.
6. There are three cows.
7. There are three cows.

1. There is a post office.
2. There is a school.
3. There is a drugstore.
4. There is a gas station.
5. There is an art centre.

I’m slim. I
have short I’m short. I I’m tall. My I’m short. I
and straight eat all the hairstyle is have curly
hair. time and get crew cut. hair.

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 125


1. B: It has colorful and beautiful feathers.

2. B: It has long ears and white fur.
3. B: It has a long tail and stripped fur.
4. B: It has big eyes and soft fur.

1. busy
2. helpful
3. kind
4. hard-working

1. Open the door.
2. Sweep the floor.
3. Turn off the light.
4. Close the window.
5. Water the flowers.

Hello. My name is Amalia. I am

13 years old. I have bright skin
and curly hair.

This is my pet cat. It has soft fur

and a long tail. It is very lovely.

This is my bicycle. The frame is

pink The handle bar is black. I
love my bike very much.

126 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris


5 4 1

2 3

Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris | 127

128 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar. 2013. English For Bridging Course. Sekolah Menengah Pertama.
Jakarta: Dir. PSMP Kemendikbud.

Walter, E (Ed.). 2008. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

_____________. 2013. Peraturan Menteri Nomor 68 Tahun 2013. Jakarta: Kemendikbud.

_____________. 2013. Peraturan Menteri Nomor 65 Tahun 2013. Jakarta: Kemendikbud.

_____________. 2013. Peraturan Menteri Nomor 81a Tahun 2013. Jakarta:


Gunawan, A., Khatimah, Y.R., dan Wachidah, S. 2013. Bahasa Inggris. When English
Rings the Bell. Jakarta: Kemendikbud.

133 | Bridging Course 2014 – Bahasa Inggris

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