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Paper (1): Administrative Theory-I (P121)

Max. Marks: 80
Time:3 hours

Note: The question paper willconsist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
marks each' Candidates
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two
will be required to attempt alI pads. Answer to any pad should not exceed half page' Section 'B'
will to attempt five questions, each question
will consist of eight qu"riiorr. be required
carries eight maiks" Answer to any question shouid not exceed three pages" Section 'C' will
consist oifou, questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two
questions, each question
to any question should not exceed six pages.
carries twelve mirks. Answer

organizational Theories: The classical or Mechanistic Theory, Behavioral

or Human Relations
Theory, System Approach and Contingency Approach'
or Functions, Principles
Unit-II: Universalistic Administrative Theory of Henri Fayol: Activities, Elements
of Administration and Critical Evaluation'
Scientiflc Management Theory of F.w. Taylor: concept and Principles of Scientific

Functional Foremanship, Mental Revolution and critical Evaluation'

Bureaucratic Theory of Max Weber: Types of Authority- Traditional, Charismatic
and Legel-
Rational, weberian Model of Bureaucracy and critical Evaluation.
Human.Relations Theory of Elton Maryo: Early Experiments, Hawthorne Studies and Critical
I. Barnard: Theory of Authority, Zone of lndifference and System of
Unit.IV: Contribution of Chester
F.W. Riggs: Concept of Development, Prismatic- Sala Model and Critical

Recommended References:

1. A.R. Tyagi, Public Administration-Principles and Practices, Atma Ram

& Sons (6th Ed') Delhi, 1992'
Agra, 1988.
2. Avasthi and Maheshwari, Public Administration, Laxmi Narain Aggarwal,
Nath Publishers, Meerut,
J. c.P" Bhambhari; (Ed.) Public Administration-Theory and Practice, Jaiparkash
4. D.R. prasad, V"S. prasad & p. Satya Narayana (Ed.), Administrative Thinkers, Sterling Publishers

Ltd., New Delhi, 1991.

D.R. Sachdeva and Meena Sogani; Public Administration: Concept and Application,
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1989'

6. Likerl, New Patterns of Management' Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 1961'
g. M.p. Sharma and B.L. Sadana, Public Administration in Theory and Practice' Kitab Mahal, Allahabad,
1 988.

Mohit Bhattacharya; Public Administration, World Press (2nd Ed.) Calcufta, 1991'

Nicholas J. Henry. Public Admn. And Public Affairs, (3'd ed.) Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New

Jersey, 1975.

11. Nisa Ali, Administrative Thinkers, Associated Pub., New Delhi, 1998.
Pul, New Delhi' 1985'
12. R.A. Sharma, Organisational Theory and Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill
Deep Publications, New Delhi' 2003'
13. S.L. Goel, Public Administration: Theory & Practice, Deep &
S"R. Maheshwari, Administrative Thinkers, Macmillan,
New Delhi, 1998.
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Paper (2): Research Methods in Public Administration (P122)
Max. Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempJ all the
sections" Section'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
will consist of eight qr"riionr. will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist oifou.questions. Candidaies will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-I: Research: Meaning, Characteristics and Significance. Methods of Acquiring knowledge' .Social
Research: Meaning, nature and types. Scientific Method: Features, stages/sleps
and validity of
Scientific Method. The Problem of values and objectivity of Research in Social Science

disciplines like Public Administration'

Unit-II: Research problem: Knowing the field, Selection, Definition and Statement of the Problem,
criteria and techniques involved in defining the problem. Evaluation of the problem'
Hypothesis: Meaning, Significance, Sources, Features, and criteria of a Good Hypothesis.
Null Hypothesis.

Unit-III: Review of the Related Literature: Purpose, identification/exploring and locating the Sources of
relevani literature in libraries, Research Periodicals, Theses, Dissertations, Newspapers,
Government Reports and Internet. Organising and Analysing the related literature.
Research Design: Meaning, Need and important concepts. Types of Research Design:
Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental.

Unit-IV: Data Collection- Tools and Techniques of Data Collection: Questionnaire, lnterview, Content
Analysis Schedule and Observation. Criteria to Select appropriate tools for Data Collection'
Sampling: Features and tYPes.

Recommended References:

1. Anderson; Jonathan Berry, H. Durston, Millicent Poole Thesis & Assignment writing, Wiley Eastern

Limited, New Delhi, 1977"

2. Goode & Hatte; Methods of Social Research, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 1987'

3. B.M. Jain, Research Methodology, Research Publications (Hindi), Jaipur, 1995.

4. John Best, Research in Education, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1978.
Inc., New
5. Kerlinger, Fred. N., Foundations of Behavioral Research, Holt, Ronehart and Winston,
York, 1973.

6. c.R., Kothari, Research Methodilogy: Methods & Techniques (2nd Ed'), wishwa Prakaskah, New

Delhi, (RePri nt), 2002.

& Project Work: A Guide to Research & Thesis Writing, Allen & Unwin,
7. C.J. pearsons, Thesis
London, 1973.
g. Winston, Inc', New
Selltiz, Claire, et al, Research Methods in Social Relations, Holt, Ronehart and
York, 1959.
g. (Hindi), Jaipur,2002'
R.N. Trivedi, and O.p. Shukla;Research Methodology, Research Publication
Young, Pauline, v., scientific Social Surveys and Research, Prentice Hall, New
York, 1960'
K*A-1 tz' * \-
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Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution 1\o. l'4 in its ll

;o;+;"a halrl nn 10-09-2010.
Syllabus of M Phil. Public Administration for the scssiorQD0g-t1)

First Semester
1. Administrative Theory-I
2. Research Methods in Public Administration

3. One Seminar of 50 Marks

Second Semester

4. Administrative Theory-Il
5. Methods of Data Analysis in Public Administration
6. One Seminar of 50 Marks
7. Dissertation

Note: Each paper will be of 100 marks and there will be an internal assessment of 20
marks in each paper except the seminar papers.
-x- nN I/FXURE - frC
The tX.n' mmeetbimg of Aeademie Coumail has approvecL vicle
iax. Marks: 80
_5,r Resoltntflom No. 14 flm flts nrmeetinag he[01 rom 1c"c9"20]ic me: J hours

Note; The question paper wili consist of three sections. Candidates witl be required to attpmpt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-I: Organizational Theories: The Classical or Mechanistic Theory, Behavioral or Human Relations
Theory, System Approach and Contingency Approach.
Unit-II: Universalistic Administrative Theory of Henri Fayol: Activities, Elements or Functions, Principles
of Administration and Critical Evaluation.
Scientific Management Theory of F.W. Taylor: Concept and Frinciples of Scientific Management,
Functional Foremanship, Mental Revolution and Critical Evaluation.
Unit-III: Bureaucratic Theory of Max Weber: Types of Authority- Traditional, Charismatic and Legel-
Rational, Weberian Model of Bureaucracy and Critical Evaluation.
Human Relations Theory of Elton Mayo: Early Experiments, Hawthorne Studies and Critical
Unit-IV: Contribution of Chester I. Barnard: Theory of Authority, Zone of Indifference and System of
F.W. Riggs; Corcept of Development, Prismatic- Sala Model and Critical Evaluation.

Recommended References:

l. A.R. Tyagi, Public Administration-Principles and Practices, Atma Ram & Sons (6'h Ed.) Delhi, 1992.

2. Avasthi and Maheshwari, Public Administration, Laxmi Narain Aggarwal, Agra, 1988.
C.P. Bhambhari; (Ed.) Public Administration-'Iheory and Practice, Jaiparkash Nath Publishers, Meerut,


4. D.R. Prasad, V.S. Prasad & P. Satya Narayana (Ed.), Administrative 'fhinkers, Sterling Publishers Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 1991.

5. D.R. Sachdeva and Meena Sogani; Public Administration: Concept and Application, Associated
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1989.
6. Likert, New Patterns of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 196 l.
7. M.P. Pinto, Management Thinkers, Allied Pub. Ltd. , New Delhi, 1989.
8. M.P. Sharma and B.L. Sadana, Public Administration in 'l'heory and Practice, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad,
I 988.

9. Mohit Bhattacharya; Public Administration, World Press (2"d Ed.) Calcutta, lggl.
10. Nicholas J. Henry, Public Admn. And Public Affairs, (3'd ed.) Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey, 1975.

11. Nisa Ali, Administrative "I'hinkers, Associated Pub., New Delhi, 1998.

12. R.A. Sharma, C)rganisational 'l'heory and Behaviour, Tata McCraw Hill Pul, New Delhi, 1985.
I J- S.L. Coel, Public Administration: 'l"heory & Practice, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
14. S. R. Maheshwari, Ad m in istrative'l'hin l<ers, Macnr i I lan, New Delhi, I 998.


f fnnexure-AC
in its 11
meeting,hold on 10.09.2010.
.u -

Paper (2): Research Methods in Public Administration

Max. Marks: 80
'l'ime: 3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all par1s. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-I: Research: Meaning, Characteristics and Significance. Methods of Acquiring knowledge. Social
Research: Meaning, nature and types. Scientific Method: Features, stages/steps and validity of
Scientific Method. The Problem of values and objectivity of Research in Social Science
disciplines like Public Administration.

I in if-II. Research Problem: Kncr.ring the field, Selection, Definition and Statement of the Problem,
criteria and techniques involved in defining the problem. Evaluation of the problem.
Hypothesis: Meaning, Significance, Sources, Features, and Criteria of a Good Hypothesis. The
Null Hypothesis.

Unit-III: Reyiew of the Related Literature: Purpose, identification/exploring and locating the Sources of
relevant literature in libraries, Research Periodicals, Theses, Dissertations, Newspapers,
Government Reports and Internet. Organising and Analysing the related literature.
Research Design: Meaning, Need and important concepts. Types of Research Design:
Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental.

Unit-IV: Data Collection- Tools and Techniques of Data Collection: Questionnaire, Interview, Content
Analysis Schedule and Observation. Criteria to Select appropriate tools for Data Collection.
Sampling: Features and types.

Recommended References:

l. Anderson; Jonathan Berry, H. Durston, Millicent Poole'I'hesis & Assignment writing, Wiley Eastern

Limited, New Delhi, 1977.

2. Goode &Hatte; Methods of Social Research, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 1987.

J. B.M. Jain, Research Methodology, Research Publications (Hindi), Jaipur, 1995.

4. John Best, Research in Education, Prentice Hall of lndia, New Delhi, 1978.

5. Kerlinger, Fred. N., Foundations of Behavioral Research, Holt, Ronehart and Winston, Inc., New
York, 1973.

6. C.R., Kothari, Research Methodilogy: Methods & 'Iechniques (2'd Ed.), Wishwa Prakaskah, New

Delhi, (Reprint), 2002.

C.J. Pearsons, Thesis & Project Work: A Guide to Research &'I'hesis Writing, Allen & Unwin,
London, 1973.
8. Selltiz, Claire, et al, Research Methods in Social Relations, Holt, Ronehart and Winston, [nc., New
York, 1959.

9. R.N. Trivedi, and O.P. Shukla; Research Methodology, Research Publication (Hindi), Jaipur,2002.
10. Young, Pauline, V., Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Prentice I-lall, New York, 1960.

Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution f,lo. 14 in its 11

meeting held on 10.09.2010.
Paper (4): Administrative'[heory-ll
-? -
Max. Marks:80
Time: 3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each.Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-I: New Public Management: Features or Principles of NPM, lmpact of NPM and Critical Evaluation.
Public Choice Approach: Features and Criticism.
Unit-II: Transparency in Administration: Meaning and Concept, Need of Transparency, Machinery for
Ensuring Transparency in Administration. Right to Information Act, 2005: Features, Machinery
and Critical Evaluation.
Unit-III: Organisational Goals: Ends-Means Chain, Goal Succession, Goal Distortion and Goal
Organisational Effectiveness: Concept, Factors Affecting Effectiveness and Steps for Ensuring
Unit-IV: Organisational Change: Meaning, Change Process, Resistance to Change and Overcoming
Resistance to Change.
Organisatioanal Control: Meaning, Kinds of Control and Difficulties in Obtaining Control.

Recom mended References:

l. A.R. Tyagi, Public Administration-Principles and Practices, Atma Ram & Sons (6th Ed.) Delhi, 1992.
2. Avasthi and Maheshwari, Public Administration, Laxmi Narain Aggarwal, Agra, 1988.
J. B.P. Singh and T.N. Chhabra, Organization 'l'heory and Behaviour, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi,

4. J.N. Sharma, Power, Politics and Corruption: A Gandhian Solution, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.
M.P. Sharma and B.L. Sadana, Public Administration in l'heory and Practice, Kitab Mahal,

Allahabad, 1988.
6. Mohit Bhattacharya, New llorizons of Public Administration, Jawahar Publishers and Distributors,
New Delhi, 1998.
1 Mohit Bhattacharya, Restructuring Public Administration, Jawahar Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 1999.
8. Nicholas J. Henry, Public Administration and Public Alfairs, (3'd ed.) Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1975.
9. R.A. Sharma, Organisational'[heory and Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill Pul, New Delhi, 1985.

10. S.L. Goel, Public Administration: 'I'hcory & Practice, Dccp & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
tt. S.R. Maheshwari, Administrative'l'hinkers, Macmillan, New Delhi, I 998.

Resolved by, Academit Council vide Resolution No. 14 in its 1l

meeting held on 10.09.20f0.
(5): Methods of Data Analysis in Public Administration
Max. Marks:80
'l'ime:3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates witl be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page.$ection 'B'
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-I: The Processing and Analysis of Data-Editing: Meaning, objectives, features and problems.
Classification: meaning, objectives, features, types and problems. Coding: meaning objectives,
features and problems. Tabulation: meaning, objectives, features and problems.

Unit-II: The Data Analysis and Presentation: Diagrams: types of Diagrams. General Rules for
Constructing Diagrams and limitations. Craphs: Techniques of Constructing Graphs, types and
limitations of Graphs. Measures of Central Tendency: Use, merits and Calculation of Mean.
Median and Mode.

Unit-III: Interpretation of Data: Need of interpretation and techniques of interpretation, Documentation

Citation and style of Thesis/Dissertation writing. Rules of Citing Footnotes, References,
Appendices and B ibliography.

Unit-lV: Using Internet Services and SPSS in Research:

Internet Services: Search Engines, online Journals and texts, Statistical Reference Sites, Data
Sources and e-mail. Using SPSS for Data Analysis Contents: Starting, exiting and creating data

Recommended References:

l. Allen, G and G., Skinner, Handbook for Research Students in Social Sciences, Felmer Press, London,
2. Anderson, J. Bery, e/ al Thesis and Assignment writing, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1971 .
Becker, S. Howard, Writing for Social Scientists: [Iow to Start and Finish your Thesis, Book or
Article, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1986.

4. Best, John, W and James, V. Kahn, Research in Education, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1992.

5. R.F. Ellen, (Ed.) Ethnographic Research: A Guide to General Conduct, Academic Press, London, 1984.

6. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA l{andbook for writers of Research papers, 16'h Edition;, Affiliated-East-West
Press, New Delhi,2004.

1. Kerlinger, N. Fred, Foundations of Behavioral Research, Holt, Ronehart and Winston, Inc., New York,
8. P.N. Mukherji, Methodology in Social Research: Dilemmas and Perspectives, Sage Publications, New
Delhi, 2008.
9. Nie, N.H., e/ ai, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1979.
10. G.E. Seboyar, Manual for Report and'l'hesis writing, P.S. crofts and co., New york, r929.
11. Selltiz, Claire, el al, Research Methods in Social Relations, Holt, Ronehart and Winston, Inc., New York,
I 959.

12. Young, Pauline, V., Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Prentice t{all, New York, 1960.

Resolved by Academic Council vide Resolution I\o. 14 in its lt

meeting held,on 10.09.2010.

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