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FOR DEBATE doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03605.

Alcohol consumption and non-communicable diseases:

epidemiology and policy implications add_3605 1718..1724

Charles D. Parry1,2, Jayadeep Patra3,4 & Jürgen Rehm3,4,5,6

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Unit, Medical Research Council, South Africa,1 Department of Psychiatry, Stellenbosch University, South Africa,2 Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH),Toronto, Canada,3 Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto,Toronto, Canada,4 Department of
Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada5 and Institut für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany6


Aims This paper summarizes the relationships between different patterns of alcohol consumption and various
on non-communicable disease (NCD) outcomes and estimates the percentage of NCD burden that is attributable to
alcohol. Methods A narrative review, based on published meta-analyses of alcohol consumption-disease relations,
together with an examination of the Comparative Risk Assessment estimates applied to the latest available revision of
Global Burden of Disease study. Results Alcohol is causally linked (to varying degrees) to eight different cancers, with
the risk increasing with the volume consumed. Similarly, alcohol use is related detrimentally to many cardiovascular
outcomes, including hypertension, haemorrhagic stroke and atrial fibrillation. For other cardiovascular outcomes the
relationship is more complex. Alcohol is furthermore linked to various forms of liver disease (particularly with fatty
liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis) and pancreatitis. For diabetes the relationship is also complex. Conservatively,
of the global NCD-related burden of deaths, net years of life lost (YLL) and net disability adjusted life years (DALYs),
3.4%, 5.0% and 2.4%, respectively, can be attributed to alcohol consumption, with the burden being particularly
high for cancer and liver cirrhosis. This burden is especially pronounced in countries of the former Soviet Union.
Conclusions There is a strong link between alcohol and non-communicable diseases, particularly cancer, cardiovas-
cular disease, liver disease, pancreatitis and diabetes, and these findings support calls by the World Health Organization
to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce harmful use of alcohol.

Keywords Alcohol, burden of disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, non-communicable diseases,

Correspondence to: Charles D. Parry, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Unit, Medical Research Council, PO Box 19070, 7505 Tygerberg, South Africa.
Submitted 3 June 2011; initial review completed 14 July 2011; final version accepted 2 August 2011

INTRODUCTION AND AIMS action on an unprecedented scale to address NCDs.

Among the various NCDs, cardiovascular diseases,
In May 2010 the UN General Assembly (GA) passed Reso- cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes have
lution 64/265 which called for the convening of a high- been singled out for attention [2].
level meeting of the GA in September 2011 in New York This resolution reflects the growing recognition of
on the prevention and control of non-communicable dis- NCDs as a major threat to development in low- and
eases (NCDs) [1]. This resolution and related documents middle-income countries. Furthermore, the resolution is
have stressed the need to recognize the primary role seen as having reframed the global discussion about
and responsibility of governments to respond to the NCDs into emphasizing broader social and environmen-
challenges of NCDs, but also the responsibility of the tal drivers of NCDs rather than concentrating solely on
international community in assisting member states, unhealthy choices made by individuals [3]. Consumption
particularly in low- and middle-income countries, to gen- of alcohol has been identified as one of the main deter-
erate effective responses [2]. It comes with the hope of minants of NCDs, and while it is an individual-level risk
garnering multi-sectoral commitment and facilitating factor [4,5]) its consequences can be prevented via

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Alcohol consumption and NCDs 1719

broader public health interventions such as those impact- physical inactivity, tobacco use, alcohol use and unsafe
ing on availability, affordability and marketing of alcohol sex, urban and indoor air pollution and unsafe health-
[6]. care injections) have been estimated to be jointly respon-
The aims of this contribution can be summarized as sible for 35% of cancer deaths [15].
follows: In 2007 the International Agency for Research on
• To summarize the relationships between different Cancer asserted that there was sufficient evidence for a
patterns of alcohol consumption and various NCD causal link between alcohol and cancer of the oral cavity,
outcomes. pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum and
• To estimate the percentage of NCD burden that is female breast [16,17]. All these cancers showed evidence
attributable to alcohol. of a dose–response relationship; that is, the risk of cancer
• To draw conclusions for prevention of NCDs with increased steadily with greater volumes of drinking
special emphasis on low- to middle-income countries. [7,17].
The strength of the relationship to levels of average
METHODS alcohol consumption varies for different cancers. For
For the first aim, we will use the techniques of a narrative example, with regard to female breast cancer, each addi-
review, based on published meta-analyses of alcohol tional 10 g of pure alcohol per day (roughly one standard
consumption—disease relations (for an overview see [7]). drink; in the United Kingdom one standard drink is 8 g of
For the second aim, we will examine the comparative risk ethanol, in Australia 10 g, in South Africa 12 g and in
assessment (CRA) estimates [5,8], applied to the latest the United States 14 g. Twelve g is probably the most
available revision of Global Burden of Disease (GBD) common mass for one standard drink—[18]) is associ-
study [9]. As these estimates were conducted by our ated with an increase of 7% in the relative risk (RR) of
group [5,8], we can go back to the original data for breast cancer whereas regular consumption of approxi-
further analyses and present outcomes by level of eco- mately 50 g of pure alcohol increases the relative risk of
nomic development and drinking pattern (for an over- colorectal cancer by between 10% and 20%, indicating
view on economic development and alcohol consumption that the association is stronger for female breast cancer
see [10,11]; for an earlier use the classification see [12]). [7]. Conversely, the relationship of average consumption
The 2000 CRA for NCD except for ischaemic heart to larynx, pharynx and oesophagus cancer is markedly
disease was based on combining alcohol exposure with higher than the relationship to both breast and colorectal
risk relations derived from meta-analyses [8]. For cancer (more than 100% increase for an average con-
ischaemic heart disease, for high-income countries, the sumption of 50 g pure alcohol per day; [16]).
meta-analysis of Corrao et al. [13] was used, whereas for Among the causal mechanisms that have been indi-
the rest of the world multi-level modelling of aggregate cated for some cancers is the toxic effect of acetaldehyde,
data was used to incorporate both the effects of average which is a metabolite of alcohol [17,19].
volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking
[8,14]. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)

RESULTS Eight risk factors (alcohol use, tobacco use, high blood
pressure, high body mass index, high cholesterol, high
Alcohol has been identified as a leading risk factor for
blood glucose, low fruit and vegetable intake and physical
death and disability globally, accounting for 3.8% of
inactivity) account jointly for 61% of loss of healthy life
death and 4.6% of disability adjusted life years (DALYs)
years from CVDs and 61% of cardiovascular deaths.
lost in 2004 ([15]; see also [5]). Alcohol was found to be
These same risk factors together account for more than
the eighth highest risk factor for death in 2004 (fifth in
three-quarters of deaths from ischaemic and hyperten-
middle-income countries and ninth in high-income
sive heart disease [15]. Alcohol use is related overwhelm-
countries). In terms of DALYs lost in 2004, alcohol
ingly detrimentally to many cardiovascular outcomes,
ranked third highest (first in middle-income countries,
including hypertensive disease [20], haemorrhagic
eighth highest in low-income countries and second
stroke [21] and atrial fibrillation [22].
highest in high-income countries). In terms of NCDs,
For ischaemic heart disease and ischaemic stroke, the
alcohol has been linked particularly to cancer, cardiovas-
relationship is more complex. Chronic heavy alcohol use
cular diseases (CVDs) and liver disease.
has been associated uniformly with adverse cardiovascu-
lar outcomes [7,23,24]. For, on average, light to moder-
ate drinking there is a protective effect on ischaemic
Nine leading environmental and behavioural risks diseases, which disappears when this drinking style con-
(higher body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, tains irregular heavy drinking occasions [25,26]. For

© 2011 The Authors, Addiction © 2011 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 106, 1718–1724
1720 Charles D. Parry et al.

instance, Roerecke & Rehm found, in a meta-analyses of tion, there are associations of alcohol use and alcohol use
studies, that consumption of 60 g pure alcohol on one disorders with almost every mental disorder.
occasion among otherwise light to moderate drinkers
was associated with no cardioprotective effect at all [25]. Quantification of impact
The detrimental effects of heavy drinking occasions
Overall, in 2004 alcohol consumption caused 1.4 million
on ischaemic diseases are consistent with the physiologi-
net NCD deaths, and 17.8 million net years of life lost
cal mechanisms of increased clotting and a reduced
(YLLs) and 21.1 million net disability adjusted life years
threshold for ventricular fibrillation which occur follow-
(DALYs) among NCDs. For all categories, men contribute
ing heavy drinking [7].
the lion’s share of the burden (see Table 1) by a factor of
about six to seven times greater burden in men. Overall,
Liver disease
these numbers constitute 3.4%, 5.0% and 2.4% of all
Alcohol is associated with various kinds of liver disease, deaths, YLLs and DALYs, respectively (see Table 1). These
with fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis being the numbers were based on the alcohol-attributable fractions
most common. The relationship is that strong that in ICD from the CRA of 2000 [8,34] applied to the estimation of
several subcategories of liver disease were given the prefix the GBD for 2004 [9]: this means that they did not take
of alcoholic, e.g. alcoholic liver cirrhosis. The likelihood of into consideration the effect of alcohol on atrial fibrilla-
developing liver disease is a function of both the duration tion [33] or pancreatitis, as there had not been any GBD
and the amount of heavy drinking [27]. categories for either disease [35]. As alcohol consump-
For men, drinking 30 g of absolute alcohol per day is tion has only detrimental effects on both categories, this
associated with a relative risk of 2.8 of dying from liver means that Table 1 clearly underestimates the alcohol-
cirrhosis (7.7 for females). Regarding morbidity, the rela- attributable portion of NCD.
tive risks for males and females for drinking the same With regard to disease categories, for deaths the detri-
amount of alcohol per day were 0.7 and 2.4. For men, mental burden from alcohol is greatest for cancer fol-
drinking 54 g of alcohol per day was associated with a lowed by liver cirrhosis. For DALYS, the alcohol-related
relative risk of 2.3 for acquiring liver cirrhosis. For both detrimental burden was highest for liver cirrhosis fol-
morbidity and mortality, the relative risk increases with lowed by cancer. With respect to different regions of the
the volume consumed per day [28]. world: the impact of alcohol is clearly most pronounced
Various mechanisms have been put forward for how in countries of the former Soviet Union, which is no sur-
alcohol is associated with liver disease, such as the view prise given the volume and patterns of drinking in this
that the breakdown of alcohol in the liver leads to the part of the world (see Table 2 [36,37]. Otherwise there is
generation of free radicals and acetaldehyde which indi- a gradient among low- and middle-income countries: the
vidually damage liver cells [29,30]. higher the gross domestic product of a region, i.e. the
wealthier the countries, the more pronounced the effect
Other diseases of alcohol (see Table 2). However, for high-income coun-
tries the effect of alcohol on NCD is detrimental for men
For pancreatitis, a threshold of about 48 g/day has been
and slightly beneficial for women, because of the benefi-
found, again with increased volume of alcohol consumed
cial effect of light to moderate consumption on ischaemic
per day being associated with increased risk [31]. With
disease and diabetes (see above).
regard to diabetes, the situation is more complicated. A
recent meta-analysis confirmed that there is a U-shaped
relationship between the average amount of alcohol con-
sumed per day and the risk of type 2 diabetes [32]. There
appears to be a protective effect of moderate consumption The role of alcohol (and particularly heavy alcohol use
of alcohol, particularly among women. Further research and having an alcohol use disorder) in NCDs has been
appears to be needed to make stronger claims about the given increasing recognition. For example, alcohol was
negative effects of higher levels of consumption of mentioned along with tobacco, diet and lack of exercise,
alcohol and the incidence of diabetes and to allow for as one of four major common risk factors for NCD in the
greater generalizability of the findings to broader popu- recent status report of the World Health Organization
lations globally. [38] and by the Lancet NCD action group [39]. It has also
Historically, the term NCD has excluded mental been discussed at the recent non-governmental organiza-
disorders, even though they are also clearly non- tion (NGO) conference in Melbourne on health and the
communicable. If we look into this category of disease, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) during a session
alcohol use disorders are obviously related to alcohol and on NCDs, along with tobacco, diet and lack of exercise;
associated with high levels of disability [9,33]. In addi- alcohol was recognized as one of four major common risk

© 2011 The Authors, Addiction © 2011 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 106, 1718–1724
Alcohol consumption and NCDs 1721

Table 1 Deaths, years of life lost (YLLs) and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) attributable
to alcohol (in 1000s) 2004.

Deaths YLLs DALYs

Ma Wa Ta M W T M W T

Cancer 377 111 487 4646 1441 6088 4732 1536 6268
Diabetes mellitus 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 28 28
Hypertensive diseases 101 30 131 1056 313 1369 1142 336 1478
Ischaemic heart disease 208 24 232 2477 212 2689 2827 232 3058
Cerebrovascular disease 157 25 182 1690 316 2006 2016 371 2387
Liver cirrhosis 297 76 373 4483 1107 5590 5502 1443 6945
Total ‘detrimental effects’ 1139 266 1406 14 352 3399 17 751 16 219 3946 21 065
attributable to alcohol
Diabetes mellitus -8 -4 -12 -89 -37 -126 -238 -101 -340
Hypertensive diseases 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ischaemic heart disease -88 -59 -147 -754 -481 -1236 -837 -522 -1359
Cerebrovascular disease 0 -68 -68 0 -539 -539 0 -622 -622
Total ‘beneficial effects’ -96 -132 -227 -843 -1058 -1901 -1075 -1246 -2321
attributable to alcohol
All alcohol-attributable net NCD 1044 135 1178 13 509 2342 15 850 15 144 2700 17 844
Global burden total 31 063 27 674 58 738 508 165 424 000 932 165 799 536 730 631 1 530 168
Percentage of global burden due 3.4% 0.5% 2.0% 2.7% 0.6% 1.7% 1.9% 0.4% 1.2%
to alcohol-attributable NCD
All global NCD burden 17 974 17 007 34 981 173 667 144 244 317 911 378 472 352 499 730 971
Percentage of NCD burden which 5.8% 0.8% 3.4% 7.8% 1.6% 5.0% 4.0% 0.8% 2.4%
is attributable to alcohol

W: women; M: men; T: total. A number of 0 indicates less than 500. Source: own calculations based on [5,15].

factors [3]. In terms of NCDs, alcohol has been linked in low- and middle-income countries, increase the effect
particularly to cancer, cardiovascular diseases and liver of alcohol [10]. Also, the modelling of ischaemic heart
disease. Preliminary estimates on the impact of alcohol disease used in the 2000 CRA is based on a meta-analysis
on these diseases support the inclusion of alcohol con- for high-income regions (see above), overestimating the
sumption as one of four major risk factors globally. beneficial effect, as several of the underlying studies did
Before discussing further implications we would like not differentiate between life-time abstainers and former
to lay open limitations of our approach. The CRA as well drinkers (e.g. [42]). For other regions, the modelling of
as the GBD are estimates based on best available data the effects of alcohol on ischaemic heart disease is based
and modelling techniques. With respect to alcohol, even on multi-level analyses of aggregate data, and there is no
though the underlying data overall have relatively good overestimation of the protective effect because of misclas-
reliability and validity, the estimates of alcohol exposure in sification of abstention in this type of analysis. Together
countries with a high level of unrecorded consumption with the lack of inclusion of NCD categories in the under-
confer a higher level of uncertainty [40]. However, as the lying GBD, where alcohol has a detrimental effect (see
impact of unrecorded alcohol consumption was modelled above), overall the presented figures should be considered
in the same way as the impact of recorded consumption, as conservative estimates; i.e. the net detrimental impact
overall its impact was probably underestimated (for health of alcohol consumption is underestimated.
effects of unrecorded consumptions see [41]). The second As part of national efforts to address NCDs, countries
potential bias results from basing risk relationships on need to give priority to implementing the Global Strategy
meta-analyses stemming mainly from cohort studies in to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol approved by the
high-income countries. While the risks so derived may World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva in May
contain bias, especially for disease categories which are 2010 [43]. Particular attention should be given to imple-
highly related to social determinants, the direction of this menting evidence-based strategies that have the potential
bias is also towards underestimations, as many research to reduce the occurrence of heavy drinking episodes and
studies have shown that conditions such as under- the prevalence of alcohol use disorders that impact on
nutrition or lack of sanitation, which are more prevalent NCDs. Such strategies are likely to include regulating the

© 2011 The Authors, Addiction © 2011 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 106, 1718–1724
1722 Charles D. Parry et al.

availability, price and marketing of alcohol, and improv-




Europe and Central Asia
ing the capacity of health services to support initiatives to

low mortality; Eastern

screen for risk and conduct brief interventions for haz-



Former Socialist:


ardous and harmful drinking at primary health care and

other settings [6,44,45]. While there is less evidence to
support the efficacy of health education on its own, it



none the less seems appropriate that alcohol consumers
should be made aware of the risk associated with different
levels of drinking and NCDs. Consumers should, for




Europe, Japan, Australasia

example, be informed that stopping or reducing alcohol

North America, Western

consumption will reduce cancer risks, albeit slowly over

Very low mortality:


time [46].


At a global level, support should be given to the WHO to

enable it to carry out its mandate in terms of the Global




1.5% Strategy to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol and allied WHO


resolutions, in particular with regard to providing tech-

nical assistance to low- and middle-income countries to

17 345

12 474

develop and implement policies to reduce the burden of

better-off developing countries



alcohol-related problems; seeing that public health inter-

in America, Asia, Pacific

ests regarding alcohol issues are taken into account in

global trade agreements, the settlement of trade disputes



Low mortality:

and decisions by international development agencies; and


ensuring that transnational marketing or major inter-

national event marketing does not act against national




policies with regard to alcohol advertising and promotion.

For further information on evidenced-based strategies
that are likely to directly or indirectly impact on NCDs

11 790

countries in Africa and America



readers are referred to resources supported by WHO/

Very high or high mortality:

low consumption; poorest

Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) [6,45].

Table 2 Non-communicable disease (NCD) deaths by economic development 2004 in 1000s.






Addressing NCDs in countries at all levels of development

is now seen as important in ensuring the achievement of




MDGs [47]. The way forward is to take concerted and


inclusive actions to address the common causes of the

most prevalent NCDs. Given the overwhelming evidence
lowest consumption; Islamic Middle


16 139


that alcohol is a major risk factor for NCDs, attention

W: women; M: men; T: total. Source: own calculations based on [5,15].


must now be directed towards addressing the drivers of

East and Indian subcontinent
Very high or high mortality:

alcohol use, especially of heavy use, and particularly

those drivers operating at the social and environmental




level using strategies that have been shown to have a high


probability of having an impact.

Declarationss of interest




Percentage of all deaths due
All alcohol-attributable net

Percentage of NCD burden

which is attributable to
to alcohol-attributable

Financial support for this study was provided to JR by the

National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
All-cause deaths
Disease category

All NCD deaths

NCD deaths

(NIAAA) with contract # HHSN267200700041C to


conduct the study titled ‘Alcohol- and Drug-attributable


Burden of Disease and Injury in the US’. In addition, CP

received a salary and infrastructure support from the

© 2011 The Authors, Addiction © 2011 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 106, 1718–1724
Alcohol consumption and NCDs 1723

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