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Alex Miller ENG 393

Instructions - How to Be a Systems Analyst

An information system is “a system composed of people and computers that process or interprets

information.” These are the multiple systems that businesses use to create an efficient and effective

workflow to maximize profits. A systems analyst is a common job title of someone who majors in

Information Systems. A systems analyst is crucial for businesses because they are the ones who

will determine the hardware and software a business uses and how information is retrieved and

stored. While there are far more details that go into a systems analyst’s job than what I describe

below, these instructions are a great start for anyone who may want to implement a change in

technology at home or even at a small business.

Alex Miller ENG 393

Part 1: Planning Phase

1. Identify the business that needs its information system improved. As a professional,

the business will usually come to you. If not, contact different businesses to determine their

needs if they are interested.

2. Once a problem is identified, create a system’s request. This includes listing the

business needs, requirements, value, and any special constraints the project may have.

3. Perform economic, technical, and organizational feasibility analysis. This will

determine if the project makes sense going forward.

Quick Tip

Present the system request and feasibility analyses to the decision makers in
the business so they can determine if the project is worthwhile. Even if this is
for a small project, like improving technology at home, it is still important to
do these steps so you can determine if it is worth your time and money.

4. Create the project plan. The project plan includes picking the methodology for

development and developing the workplan and staff plans.

Quick Tip

Don’t forget to choose the best methodology that works for the business you
are working with. Don’t just pick the methodology your business uses most

Part 2: Analysis Phase

5. Generate a requirements definition by further interviewing the business to get more

details about the business and what they need. This includes their functional requirements

such as processes and information the system will store, and nonfunctional requirements

such as operational, performance, security, and cultural requirements.

Alex Miller ENG 393

6. Create several use case scenarios that the users will experience. A use case is “the specific

situations in which the system will be used.” This is an important step because it allows

you to visualize exactly how the users will be using your system. You will often find

specific situations you never thought about before in this step.

Above: An example of a use case scenario diagram.

Alex Miller ENG 393

7. Make a model of the data by creating entity relationship diagrams. This will be the basis

of the database and shows how the data is related.

Part 3: Design Phase

8. Create a system acquisition strategy. This strategy will determine how the hardware and

software will be acquired. There are three options for this: custom made, order already-

made, and outsourced. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks that must be

considered. For example, costs, time, and data sensitivity all must factor into the decision.

It is always important to save money, but cheap hardware and software isn’t
always worth it in the long run. It can cost more due to maintenance and
eventual replacement.
Alex Miller ENG 393

9. Determine the types of hardware and software that will be needed and used in the new

system. Just a broad knowledge of what you want the hardware/software to accomplish

will do.

10. Determine any hardware and software specifications. This is where you will get more

specific with the hardware and software. This is important to ensure all parts of the systems

will work together. For example, does the software you need work on the operating system

the business uses?

11. Create user interface design. It is important to get feedback from the users as they are the

ones that will be looking and using the system. If they find the system hard to use because

of a difficult interface they’ll have a much more difficult time adapting to the new system.

Part 4: Implementation Phase

12. Purchase the hardware and software from vendors if needed, or ensure custom parts are

finished correctly.

13. Create the actual database by using the entity relationship diagram created in step 7. This

can be done by a database developer or you can purchase existing software to use.

Quick Tip
Custom software such as a database management system can fit the business
needs better but purchased software can be cheaper, more intuitive, and more

14. Test the system. Start small by testing each single feature of the system, then move onto

larger scale testing such as integrating the feature with the existing technology. If you don’t

test as you go you run the risk of a feature of the system not working correctly when you

implement it.
Alex Miller ENG 393

15. Implement the system by integrating the new hardware and software into the business’s

existing technology stack.

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