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Conducted by : AJMAL FOUNDATION, A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Hojai, Nagaon (Assam)
Class / æ`ÒSÝ f VIII
1. Write your CENTRE CODE AND ROLL NO. legibly in the OMR ANSWER SHEET ATTACHED. Do not write your name any
where in the ANSWER SHEET.
2. Questions are of multiple-choice type carrying one mark each and all questions are compulsory.
3. Candidates are required to mark the correct choice by shading the circle completely with blue or black
ball point pen. (Pencil is not allowed). For example, if the correct answer to question no 1. Is 'B' then the
marking should be:

4. Only one circle, i.e. the correct one should be shaded and not more than one.
5. A candidate having completed his/her OMR ANSWER SHEET must hand it over, even if blank, to the invigila-
tor before leaving the Examination Hall.
6. An examinee must not bring any loose paper, book, etc. except the ADMIT CARD to the Examination Hall. Any examinee found
in possession of even loose papers will be EXPELLED.
7. No extra sheet will be provided for making notes or calculations. CANDIDATES MAY USE THE INNER COVER PAGES OF
8. An examinee must not talk to, disturb or seek help from a fellow examinee during the examination.
9. Any mechanical or digital calculating device (calculator etc.) shall not be used by the examinee during the examination.
10. Mobile Phones shall not be used by candidates inside the examination Hall.
11. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall during the first hour of the examination.
12. Contravention of any of the instruction mentioned above shall render a candidate liable for disciplinary action as per rule.
Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» [ýçã[ý ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý
1* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ^ QöOwø» YyTö åTöCgã_çEõ» æ$Jô³RôOç» Eõ'Qö, å»ç_ X=‘ö» Y×»•õç»êEõ ×_×F[ý* Eõ'ãTöç ×XL» Xç] ×X×_×F[ý*
2* YÒ`Âa]Éc÷ 1 X=‘ö» ×[ý×`rô [ý§ ×[ýEõ” [ýç$Jô×X Yˆù×Tö»* aEõã_ç YÒ`» QöOwø» Eõ»ç [ýçWýîTöç]É_Eõ*
3* Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ^ CY»» $K÷×[ý» £ˆù =wø»Tö åVFÇC¾ç Wý»ãS XÝ_ç [ýç Eõ'_ç [ý_ åYX» ac÷çÌ^Tö [ýÊwøäOôç YÉ» Eõ×»[ý _ç×G[ý* åEõçãXç
Wý»S» EõçPö åYׇû_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*
4* ]'[ýç+_ åZõçX [ýç åEõçãXç Wý»S» +ã_Eõ®Ïô×XEõ aç-aLñÇ×_ Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷Tö %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*
5* Y»Ýlùç c÷_Tö "AQö×]$RôO EõçQïö'» [ýç×c÷ã» YÒçUÝÛãÌ^ åEõçãXç Wý»S» EõçGL, ×EõTöçY %ç×V %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý* %ç×Xã_ Y»Ýlùç
GÊc÷» Y»ç [ý×c÷›õç» Eõ»ç c÷'[ý*
6* ×c÷$Jôç[ý [ýç æ$RôOçEõç %ç×V ×_×F[ýê_ %×Tö×»Nþ EõçGL ×VÌ^ç Xc÷'[ý* Ac÷O [ýc÷ÝFX» å[ý$RÇôOYçTö» ×\öTö»» YÊœöç [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×»[ý*
7* Y»Ýlùç $Jô×_ UEõç a]Ì^Tö Eõçã»ç _GTö EõUç-[ýTö»ç Yç×Tö [ýç ac÷-Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» Y»ç ac÷çÌ^ ×[ý$Jôç×» EõçãEõç ×[ý»Nþ Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*
8* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ^ åEõ_EÇõã_$RôO» %ç×V åEõçãXç Wý»S» ^ç×Ü—öEõ agLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*
9* Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷» ×\öTö»Tö Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ^ ]'[ýçc÷O_ åZõçX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç ×XãbWý*
10* Y»Ýlùç %ç»Þö åc÷ç¾ç» YÒU] H³RôOç å`b åXçãc÷ç¾çê_ åEõçãXç Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ [ýç×c÷»ê_ C_ç[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*
11* QöOYã»çNþ ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý» ×^ãEõçãXç A$RôOç %]çXî Eõ×»ã_ ×XÌ^]]ãTö %XÇ`çaX]É_Eõ [ýî¾Øšöç å_ç¾ç c÷'[ý*

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Time : 2 Hours / a]Ì^ f 2 H³Oôç Full Marks / ]ÇPö X¶‘ö» / å]ç»Oô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

1. The Grand Trunk Road was built during the reign of :

Eõç» »çL±¼ö Eõç_Tö GÐç‰ø ®ÏôçeEõã»çQö ×X]ïçS Eõ»ç éc÷×$K÷_ ? / GÐîç³Qö ®Ïôçáø åÌ[ýçQö . . . . . . . . . . . . Ì[ý Ì[ýçL±¼öEõçã_ [ýçXçãXç c÷Ì^*
(A) Shahjahan (B) Sher Shah Suri (C) Lord Dalhousie (D) Akbar
$Jôçc÷Lçc÷çX /`çc÷Lçc÷çX å`Ÿ» `Ÿçc÷ $JÇô»Ý / å`ŸÌ[ý `çc÷ aÇ×Ì[ý _Qïö åQö_c÷ç=$JôÝ/_Qïö Qöç_c÷ç=aÝ %çEõ[ý» / %çEõ[ýÌ[ý
2. 'The Child Labour Prohibition Act' was implemented in :
×`£ `Ò×]Eõ ×X×bˆù %ç+X [ý_[ýd Eõ»ç c÷Ì^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $JôXTö* / "×`£ `Ò×]Eõ ×X×bˆù %ç+X' . . . . . . . . . . aãX [ý_[ýd EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^*
(A) 1998 (B) 2002 (C) 2006 (D) 2010
3. If '91' is the ISD code of India, then '880' is the ISD code of :
^×V '91' \öç»Tö» ISD åEõçQö c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö '880' åEõçX åV`» ISD åEõçQö f
^×V '91' \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ISD åEõçQö c÷Ì^, Töã[ý '880' c÷_ . . . . . . . AÌ[ý ISD åEõçQö*
(A) Bangladesh (B) Iran (C) U.S.A. (D) Russia
[ýçe_çãV` +»çS / +Ì[ýçS %çã]×»Eõç / %çã]×Ì[ýEõç »ç×$K÷Ì^ç / Ì[ýç×`Ì^ç
4. 'Panchatantra' was written by :
"Y‡ûTöÜ—ö'» ×_FEõ c÷'_ f / "Y‡ûTöãÜ—öÌ[ý' å_FEõ f
(A) Kalidasa (B) Vishnu Sharma (C) Premchand (D) None of these
Eõç×_Vça ×[ýbÇÕ `]ïç æYÒ]$JgôçV AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/ AEõ×OôC XÌ^
5. In the 61st National Film Awards, the best Assamese film was awarded to :
61 Tö] LçTöÝÌ^ $Jô_×$Jôy [ýgOôçTö, . . . . . . . . . . å[ýç_$K÷×[ýFãX æ`Òœö %a]ÝÌ^ç å[ýç_ $K÷×[ý» aX½çX _ç\ö Eõã»*
61 Tö] LçTöÝÌ^ »Jô_׬Jôy YÇÌ[ý•õçãÌ[ý . . . . . . . . . . . æ`Òœö %a]ÝÌ^ç »K÷×[ýÌ[ý a¶ö‚çX _ç\ö EõãÌ[ý*
(A) Ajeyo (B) Ranangan (C) Baandhon (D) Subaha
%ãLÌ^ »Sç†X / Ì[ýSç†X [ýçãµùçX $KÇ÷[ýçc÷ç / aÇ[ýc÷
6. Maha Kumbh Mela can be held in the same place after every .......... years.
]c÷çEÇõö å]_ç AãEõOôç ØšöçXãTö YÒ×Tö . . . . . . . . [ý$K÷»» ]Ç»Tö %XÇלöTö c÷[ý Yçã»* /]c÷çEÇõöã]_ç AEõ+ ØšöçãX YÒ×Tö . . . . . . . [ý»K÷Ì[ý YÌ[ý %XÇלöTö c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý*
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 12
7. Officially, Indian Republic Day Celebration continues for a duration of :
$Jô»Eõç»Ý \öçã[ý \öç»TöTö . . . . . . . . . . . ×VXê_ GSTöÜ—ö ×V¾a =V^çYX c÷Ì^*
\öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý "GSTöç×Ü—öEõ ×V[ýa =V^çYX' aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ\öçã[ý . . . . . . . . . . WýãÌ[ý =V^çYX c÷Ì^*
(A) One day (B) Two days (C) Three days (D) Four days
A×VX / AEõ ×VX VÇ×VX/ VÇ+ ×VX ×Tö×X ×VX / ×TöX ×VX Jôç×» ×VX /»JôçÌ[ý ×VX
8. Which state is integrated as the eighth 'North Eastern Council' state in 2002
2002 $JôXTö åEõçX »çLîEõ =wø» Yɾ Y×»bV» %rô] aVaî »çLî ×c÷$JôçãY %Ü™ö\ÉöÛNþ Eõ»ç c÷Ì^ ?
åEõçX Ì[ýçLîãEõ 2002 aãX %rô] aVaî Ì[ý»çLî ×c÷ãaã[ý =wøÌ[ý YÉ[ýï Y×Ì[ýbãV AEõ×ÅyTö EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^ ?
(A) Meghalaya (B) Mizoram (C) Sikkim (D) Tripura
å]Hç_Ì^ ×]ãLç»ç] / ×]ãLçÌ[ýç] ×$K÷×Eõ] / ×a×Eõ] ×ÅyYÇ»ç / ×ÅyYÇÌ[ýç

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9. Internet services in India was started by VSNL in the year ...........
\öç»Tö[ýbïTö +³Oôç»ãXOô åa¾ç . . . . . . . . . . $JôXTö VSNL åÌ^ %绐ö Eõ×»×$K÷_* / \öçÌ[ýTö[ýãbï +³OôçÌ[ýãXOôãa[ýç £Ì[ýÓ EõãÌ[ý VSNL . . . . . . . . . . . aãX*
(A) 1992 (B) 2000 (C) 1995 (D) 1997
10. India's first Indigenous Satellite Launch vehicle is :
\öç»Tö» YÒU] Ø‘ö×X×]ïTö =YGÐc÷ =dålùYX ^çXFX c÷'_ . . . . . . . . . * / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý YÒU] Ø‘ö×X×]ïTö =YGÐc÷ =dålùYX ^çX×Oô c÷_ f
11. Indian constitution was amended for the first time in :
\öç»TöÝÌ^ ae×[ýWýçX YÒU][ýç»» [ýçã[ý . . . . . . . . $JôXTö aeã`çWýX Eõ»ç c÷Ì^* / \öçÌ[ýTöÝÌ^ ae×[ýWýçX YÒU][ýçãÌ[ýÌ[ý ]ãTöç aeã`çWýX EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^ . . . . . . . aãX*
(A) 1950 (B) 1951 (C) 1952 (D) 1953
12. Healing of wounds is hastened by vitamin :
. . . . . . . . ×\öOôç×]ãX Hç åaçXEõçã_ £ãEõç¾çTö ac÷çÌ^ Eõã»* / lùTö açÌ[ýçãTö VÐÓTö ac÷çÌ^ EõãÌ[ý ×\öOôç×]X f-
(A) A (B) C (C) E (D) K
13. The film '2 States' is based on the story of :
×c÷³VÝ $Jô_׬Jôy '2 States' åEõçXLX åEõçXLX ×_F»Eõ» G”» CY»Tö ×X×]ïTö ?
×c÷³VÝ »Jô_׬Jôy '2 States' å_FEõ . . . . . . . . . . AÌ[ý Gã”Ì[ý =YÌ[ý ×\ö×wø EõãÌ[ý [ýçXçãXç c÷ãÌ^ä»K÷*
(A) Jhumpa Lahiri (B) Kiran Desai (C) Chetan Bhagat (D) Amit Chaudhury
MÇõ¶Yç _ç×c÷»Ý ×Eõ»S åV$K÷ç+ æ$JôTöX \öGTö %×]Tö æ$JôìWýÇ»Ý
MÇõ¶Yç _ç×c÷QÍöÝ ×EõÌ[ýS åV`ç+ æ»JôTöX \öGTö %×]Tö æ»JôìWýÇÌ[ýÝ
14. Match the following :
a×PöEõ\öçã[ý ×]ã_ç¾ç =wø»äOôç [ýç×K÷ =×_C¾ç f / a×PöEõ\öçã[ý açLçãXç =wøÌ[ý×Oô å[ýä»K÷ XçC f

(A) P- 3, Q- 4, R- 1, S- 2 (B) P-2, Q- 3, R- 1, S- 4 (C) P- 3, Q- 1, R- 4, S- 2 (D) P-2,Q- 1,R- 3,S - 4

15. Complete the series : / æ`ÒSÝäOôç a¶YÉSï Eõ»ç / æ`ÒSÝ×Oô a¶YÉSï EõÌ[ý f

16. The aeroplane that dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima was :

×c÷ã»ç×$K÷]çTö Yç»]çS×¾Eõ å[ýç]ç ×XãlùY Eõ»ç =»çLçc÷çL FX» Xç] %ç×$K÷_ . . . . . . . . . . . .
×c÷ãÌ[ýç×a]çãTö YçÌ[ý]çS×[ýEõ å[ýç]ç ×XãlùY EõÌ[ýç =QÍöçLçc÷çãLÌ[ý Xç] ×K÷_ f
(A) White Storm (B) Thunder Power (C) Enola Gay (D) Black Light
åc÷ç¾ç+Oô rô]ï / CÌ^ç+Oô ºOô]ï Uç‰øç» Yç¾ç» / Uç³QöçÌ[ý YçCÌ^çÌ[ý AãXç_ç åG / AãXç_ç åG æ[ýÀEõ _ç+Oô

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17. Colour TV transmission was introduced in India in :
\öç»TöTö æOô×_×\ö$JôX» »IøÝS a¶YÒ$Jôç» . . . . . . . . . $JôXTö %绐ö éc÷×$K÷_* / æOô×_×\ö`ãXÌ[ý Ì[ý»IøÝSa¶YÒ»JôçÌ[ý \öçÌ[ýãTö YÒU] £Ì[ýÓ c÷Ì^ . . . . . . . . . aãX*
(A) 1980 (B) 1981 (C) 1982 (D) 1984
18. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) does not have its regional office in :
. . . . . . . . . Tö \öç»TöÝÌ^ ×»Lç\öÛ å[ýeEõ» åEõçãXç %ç‡û×_Eõ Eõç^ïç_Ì^ Xç+* / "×Ì[ýLç\öÛ å[ýáø %[ý +׳QöÌ^ç'Ì[ý %ç‡û×_Eõ %×Zõa åX+ . . . . . . . . . . . .*
(A) Kota (B) Lucknow (C) Guwahati (D) Nagpur
åEõçOôç / åEõçOôçãTö _ã©Âùì / _ã©ÂùìãTö m¾çc÷çOôÝ / mÌ^çc÷çOôÝãTö XçGYÇ» / XçGYÇãÌ[ý
19. The latitude that passes through Sikkim also passes through :
×$K÷×Eõ]» ]çãL×V å^ç¾ç %lùçe`äOôç . . . . . . . . . . » ]çãL×V éGä$K÷* / å^ %lùçe` . . . . . . . . . Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý Yç`çYç×` ×a×Eõã]Ì[ý ]Wýî ×VãÌ^C ×GãÌ^ä»K÷ f
(A) Rajasthan (B) Punjab (C) Himachal Pradesh (D) Jammu & Kashmir
»çLØšöçX Yçtç[ý ×c÷]ç»Jô_ YÒãV` L¶ö‚Ç %ç»Ó Eõç`½Ý»
Ì[ýçLØšöçX Yçtç[ý ×c÷]ç»Jô_ YÒãV` L¶ö‚Ç C Eõç`½ÝÌ[ý
20. The source of maximum income for Panchayati Raj Institutions is :
Y‡ûçÌ^Tö» %çÌ^» %×WýEõçe` =da éc÷ä$K÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . / Y‡ûçÌ^ãTöÌ[ý %×WýEõçe` %çãÌ^Ì[ý =da f
(A) local taxes (B) regional funds
ØšöçXÝÌ^ Eõ» / ØšöçXÝÌ^ EõÌ[ý %ç‡û×_Eõ YÇ×L / %ç‡û×_Eõ YgÇ×L
(C) government grants (D) Share in Union Govt. revenue
$Jô»Eõç»Ý %XÇVçX åEõ³VÐÝÌ^ $Jô»Eõç»» »çLØ‘ö» %e×`Vç×»±¼ö
aÌ[ý»EõçÌ[ý»Ý %XÇVçX åEõ³VÐÝÌ^ aÌ[ýEõçã»Ì[ýÌ[ý Ì[ýçLØ‘ö»Ì[ý %e`ÝVç×Ì[ý±¼ö
21. The Rajya Sabha can be dissolved by :
. . . . . . . . . . » ¥ç»ç »çLî a\öç \ö† Eõ×»[ý Yç×»* / Ì[ýçLîa\öç \ö† EõÌ[ýãTö YçÌ[ýç ^çÌ^ . . . . . . . . . . ¥çÌ[ýç*
(A) The Lok Sabha (B) Constitutional Amendment
å_çEõa\öç ae×[ýWýçX aeã`çWýX / ae×[ýWýçX aeã`çWýãXÌ[ý
(C) The President (D) None of these
»çrÑôY×Tö / Ì[ýçrÑôY×Tö AOôçC Xc÷Ì^ / AEõ×OôC XÌ^

22. UNEP in the logo stands for : / UNEP » a¶YÉSï »ÖYäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ f / UNEP AÌ[ý a¶YÉSï Ì[ýÖY c÷_ f

(A) United Nations Education Programme (B) United Nations Environment Programme
(C) United Nations Ecology Programme (D) None of these
23. According to 2011 census the density of population per sq. km in Assam is :
2011 $JôX» å_çEõGSXç ]ãTö YÒ×Tö [ýGï ×Eõ_' ×]Oôç»Tö %a]» LXaeFîç» HX±¼ö éc÷ä$K÷ . . . . . . . . . .
2011 aãXÌ[ý å_çEõGSXç ]ãTö %çaçã] LXaeFîçÌ[ý HX±¼ö YÒ×Tö [ýGï ×Eõf ×]f c÷_ f
(A) 382 (B) 308 (C) 365 (D) 397
24. Find out the odd one :
%×]_äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_C¾ç f / %×]_×Oô å[ýä»K÷ XçC f-
(A) Lotus (B) Tiger (C) Peacock (D) Coconut
YVÇ] / Y²¿ZÇõ_ [ýçH ]»ç $Jô»ç+ / ]Ì^ÉÌ[ý Xç×»Eõ_ / Xç×Ì[ýãEõ_

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25. Which of the following countries has not hosted the Asian Games ?
Tö_» åEõçXFX åV`Tö A×TöÌ^çê_ãEõ A×$K÷Ì^çX åG+]$JËô %çãÌ^çLX Eõ»ç åc÷ç¾ç Xç+ ?
XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX åVã` A×`Ì^çX åG]ãaÌ[ý %çãÌ^çLX AFX Y^ïÜ™ö EõÌ[ýç c÷Ì^×X ?
(A) Philippines (B) Thailand (C) Iran (D) Pakistan
×Zõ×_Yç+X$JËô / ×Zõ×_Yç+Xa Uç+ã_‰ +»çX / +Ì[ýçS Yç×EõØ™öçX

Fill in the dotted space with the correct choice from the options.
26. Mr Barua's house is over there. It's ............. big one with lots of coconut trees in front of it.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) any
27. Any unilateral action is a ............. undertaking.
(A) world-wide (B) cooperative (C) one-sided (D) malicious
28. Only by chance ............. that she had been copying my notes.
(A) discovered I (B) did I discover (C) I had discivered (D) I discovered
29. How ............. get back home if you lost your ticket ?
(A) had you to (B) might you (C) would you (D) have you
30. I benefited a great deal ............. taking that online training course.
(A) for (B) with (C) by (D) from
31. You must phone us as soon as you ............. Home.
(A) will have got (B) will get (C) are getting (D) get
32. Jaysh could not ............. a moustache to the photo of the actress in the newspaper.
(A) resist for adding (B) resist to add (C) resist from adding (D) resist adding
33. He crept in ................... his parents should wake up.
(A) otherwise (B) lest (C) unless (D) or
34. We've been friends for years. I ................... him since I took admission in Don Bosco School.
(A) have known (B) am knowing (C) knew (D) know
35. What will she do when she ................... her results ?
(A) would have (B) will have (C) has (D) should have
36. Only when I bend over ................... the pain get worse.
(A) must (B) should (C) did (D) does

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37. We are not ................... in such a noisy place.

(A) used to live (B) use to live (C) use to living (D) used to living
38. ................... his parents speaks English.
(A) None of (B) Neither of (C) Either of (D) None
39. "What are you going to buy ?" "I'm going to buy ...................".
(A) a bread (B) some bread (C) a loaf of bread (D) both (b) & (c) are correct
40. "What time did you arrive at the match ?" " A little ................... than usual.
(A) after (B) late (C) later (D) delay
41. "The recent speech of the leader augmented tensions in the North East" ."Augmented" means.
(A) increased (B) segmented (C) decreased (D) divided
42. "The children's faces clearly expressed the frustration of the baffled" . "Baffled" means.
(A) noisy (B) affluent (C) deprived (D) perplexed
43. He had the audacity to question his father's decision. The word opposite in meaning to "audacity"is
(A) bravado (B) cowardice (C) courage (D) pride
44. We have ample food for the party. The word opposite in meaning to "ample" is
(A) enough (B) heavy (C) meagre (D) copious
45. A man with a broad and international outlook is called a ...................
(A) Globalist (B) Philanthropist (C) cosmopolitan (D) migrant
46. Much of the attraction of cricket is due to the fact that it is a ................... sport.
(A) lucrative (B) controversial (C) celebrity (D) useful
47. Find the correctly spelt word.
(A) Facism (B) Fascism (C) Fasism (D) Fascizm
48. Seema took her son to task for watching television all evening. The meaning of the bold underlined
phrase is :
(A) Gave him the task of watching television (B) Gave him a task to complete while watching television
(C) Scolded her son (D) Did the son's task by herself
49. The king ruled over his subjects with a high hand. The meaning of the bold underlined phrase is :
(A) kindly (B) oppressively (C) with great knowledge (D) with stupidity
50. Birds : Aviary : : Bees : ?
(A) Apiary (B) Hive (C) Flower (D) Honey

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1 x 1
51. If 1  x  x
, what does 'x' equal to ?
1 x 1 1 x 1
^×V 1  x  x
, c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö 'x' » ]çX ×Eõ c÷'[ý Yçã» ? / ^×V 1  x  x
, c÷Ì^, Töã[ý 'x' AÌ[ý ]çX ×Eõ c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý ?
(A) 1 or 2 only (B) 1 and 0 only (C) +1 or -1 only (D) any number except 0
]çy 1 %U[ýç 2 ]çy 1 %ç»Ó 0 ]çy +1 %U[ýç -1 0 » [ýç×c÷ã» ×^ãEõçãXç aeFîç
]çy 1 A[ýe 0 0 AÌ[ý [ýç×c÷ãÌ[ý å^ãEõçãXç aeFîç
52. How many of the following four numbers are rational ?
Tö_» $Jôç×»Oôç aeFîç» ×Eõ]çXOôç Y×»ã]Ì^ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý »Jôç×Ì[ý×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý EõÌ^×Oô Y×Ì[ýã]Ì^ ?
3  3, 3  3 , 3  3 , 3  3

(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four

AOôç/ AEõ×Oô VÇOôç/ VÇ×Oô ×Tö×XOôç / ×TöX×Oô $Jôç×»Oôç / $JôçÌ[ý×Oô
53. If 13+23+33+ .......... + 93 = 2025, then the value of (0.11)3+(0.22)3 +.........+(0.99)3 is close to ...........
^×V 13+23+33+ .......... + 93 = 2025 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö (0.11)3+(0.22)3 +.........+(0.99)3 » %ça~ ]çX YÒçÌ^ . . . . . . . . . . . *
^×V 13+23+33+ .......... + 93 = 2025 c÷Ì^, Töã[ý (0.11)3+(0.22)3 +.........+(0.99)3 AÌ[ý %ça~ ]çX YÒçÌ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . *
(A) 0.2695 (B) 2.695 (C) 3.695 (D) 2.025
54. Multiplicative inverse of '0' is ..............
'0' » mSç±ÁEõ ×[ýY»ÝTö aeFîçäOôç . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / '0' AÌ[ý mSç±ÁEõ ×[ýYÌ[ýÝTö aeFîç×Oô
(A) 0
(B) 0 (C) does not exist (D) none of these
Xç+ AOôçC Xc÷Ì^ / AEõ×OôC XÌ^
55. The value of 'x', when 3x  is ..............
3 3
å^×TöÌ^ç 3x  c÷Ì^ åTö×TöÌ^ç 'x' » ]çX c÷'[ý . . . . . . . . . . . / ^×V 3x  c÷Ì^ Töã[ý 'x' AÌ[ý ]çX c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . *
9 9
3 2
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) - 2 (D) 3

56. If a+b+c = 0, then the value of (a+b-c)3+(b+c-a)3+(c+a-b)3 is ..............

^×V a+b+c = 0 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö (a+b-c)3+(b+c-a)3+(c+a-b)3 » ]çX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*
^×V a+b+c = 0 c÷Ì^, Töã[ý (a+b-c)3+(b+c-a)3+(c+a-b)3 AÌ[ý ]çX . . . . . . . . . . .*
(A) 8(a3+b3+c3) (B) a3+b3+c3 (C) 24 ab (D) - 24 abc

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57. If a four - digit perfect square number is such that the number formed by the first two digits and the number
formed by the last two digits are also perfect squares, then the four digit number is ..............
$Jôç×»Oôç %eEõ×[ý×`rô YÉSï aeFîç AOôç» ^×V YÒU] VÇOôç %eEõ %ç»Ó å`b» VÇOôç %eEõ+ GPöX Eõ»ç aeFîç VÇOôçC YÉSï [ýGï c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö $Jôç×»Oôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô
aeFîçäOôç c÷[ý . . . . . . . . . .*
»Jôç×Ì[ý %eEõ×[ý×`rô AEõ×Oô YÉSï [ýGï aeFîçÌ[ý ^×V YÒU] VÇ×Oô %eEõ A[ýe å`b VÇ×Oô %eEõ C YÉSï [ýGï c÷Ì^, Töã[ý »Jôç×Ì[ý %eEõ ×[ý×`rô aeFîç×Oô c÷ã[ý . . . . . .*
(A) 6416 (B) 3618 (C) 1681 (D) 1664
3 2
 3   2 
58. If P=   ,Q=   , R = (0.3)2, S = (-1.2)2 , then ...........
 4   5 
3 2
 3   2 
^×V P=   ,Q=   , R = (0.3)2, S = (-1.2)2 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö / Töã[ý . . . . . . . . .
 4   5 
(A) P>Q>R>S (B) S>P>Q>R (C) S>Q>R>P (D) S>R>P>Q
59. If 50% of (x-y) = 30% of (x+y), then what percent of 'x' is 'y' ?
^×V (x-y) » 50% = (x+y) » 30% c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö 'x' » ×Eõ]çX `Töçe` 'y' ?
^×V (x-y) AÌ[ý 50% = (x+y) AÌ[ý 30% c÷Ì^ Töã[ý 'x' AÌ[ý EõTö `Töçe` 'y' ?
(A) 25% (B) 33 3 % (C) 40% (D) 400%
60. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer :
Töç×_Eõç - I » _GTö Töç×_Eõç II ×]_ç+ £ˆù =wø»äOôç [ýç×$K÷ =×_C¾ç* / Töç×_Eõç - I AÌ[ý açãU Töç×_Eõç - II ×]×_ãÌ^ £ˆù =wøÌ[ý×Oô å[ýä»K÷ XçC*

(A) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2 (B) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3 (C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 (D) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
61. If x-y=1 and x2+y2=41, then the value of x+y will be ...................
^×Vö x-y=1 %ç»Ó x2+y2=41 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö x+y » ]çX c÷[ý . . . . . . . . . . . . . * / ^×V x-y=1 A[ýe x2+y2=41 c÷Ì^, Töã[ý x+y AÌ[ý ]çX c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . . . *
(A) + 9 (B) + 1 (C) 5 or 4 (D) - 5 or - 4

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62. The present population of a town is 25,000. It grows at 4%, 5% and 8% during first year, second year and third
year respectively, the population after three year will be .............
AFX $Jôc÷»» [ýwïø]çX LXaeFîç 25,000* ^×V +Ì^ç» [ýÊ׈ù» c÷ç» yÔã] YÒU] [ý$K÷»Tö 4%, ×¥TöÝÌ^ [ý$K÷»Tö 5% %ç»Ó TÊöTöÝÌ^ [ý$K÷»Tö 8% c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö
×Tö×X [ý$K÷»» Yç$K÷Tö $Jôc÷»FX» LXaeFîç c÷[ý . . . . . . . . . . .*
AEõ×Oô `c÷ãÌ[ýÌ[ý [ýTöÛ]çX LXaeFîç 25,000* ^×V +c÷çÌ[ý [ýÊ׈ùÌ[ý c÷çÌ[ý yÔã] YÒU] [ýK÷ãÌ[ý 4%, ×¥TöÝÌ^ [ýK÷ãÌ[ý 5%, A[ýe TÊöTöÝÌ^ [ýK÷ãÌ[ý 8%, c÷Ì^,
Töã[ý ×TöX [ýK÷Ì[ý YÌ[ý `c÷Ì[ý×OôÌ[ý LXaeFîç c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . . . .*
(A) 29,484 (B) 28,696 (C) 30, 184 (D) None of these
A$OôçC Xc÷Ì^ / AEõ×»OôC XÌ^
63. The perimeter of a rhombus is 40 m and its height is 5 m. Its area is ............... m2.
AOôç »¶‘öç$K÷» Y×»aÝ]ç 40 ×]Oôç» %ç»Ó +Ì^ç» =¬JôTöç 5 ×]Oôç»* »¶‘öç$JôäOôç» Eõç×_ c÷'[ý . . . . . . . . . [ýGï ×]Oôç»*
AEõ×Oô Ì[ý¶‘öçãaÌ[ý Y×Ì[ýaÝ]ç 40 ×]OôçÌ[ý C +c÷çÌ[ý =¬JôTöç 5 ×]OôçÌ[ý* Ì[ý¶‘öça×OôÌ[ý Eõç×_ c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . . . . [ýGï ×]OôçÌ[ý*
(A) 60 (B) 50 (C) 45 (D) 55
64. When simplified and expressed with negative exponents, the expression (x+y)-1 (x-1+y-1) is equal to ..........
(x+y)-1 (x-1+y-1) Eõ a»_ »ÖYTö %ç»Ó @Sç±ÁEõ aÉ$JôEõTö YÒEõç` Eõ×»ã_ +Ì^ç» ]çX c÷'[ý . . . . . . . . . . . *
(x+y)-1 (x-1+y-1) åEõ aÌ[ý_Ì[ýÖãY A[ýe @Sç±ÁEõ aÉJôãEõ YÒEõç` EõÌ[ýã_ +c÷çÌ[ý ]çX c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . . . . . .*

(A) x 2  2 x 1 y 1  y 2 (B) x 2  21.x1. y 1  y 2

(C) x 1. y 1 (D) x 2  y 2
65. [2-3(2-3)-1]-1 = .............
1 1
(A) 5 (B) - 5 (C) 5
(D) 5
7 5
66. What should be subtracted from 8
to get 12 ?
7 5 7 5
» Y»ç ×Eõ ×[ýãÌ^çG Eõ×»ã_ 12
åYç¾ç ^ç[ý ? / 8
åUãEõ EõTö ×[ýãÌ^çG EõÌ[ýã_ 12 YçCÌ^ç ^çã[ý ?
31 8 31 6
(A) 24
(B) 5
(C) 24
(D) 8

67. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ %£ˆù ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô %£ˆù ?
(A) doubling the base of a given rectangle doubles the area,
%çÌ^Töãlùy» \Éö×] VÇmS c÷ã_ +Ì^ç» Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^ / %çÌ^TöãlùäyÌ[ý \Éö×] VÇmS c÷ã_ +c÷çÌ[ý Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^
(B) doubling the altitude of a triangle doubles the area
×Åy\ÉöL» =~×Tö VÇmS c÷ã_ +Ì^ç» Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^ / ×Åy\ÉöãLÌ[ý =~×Tö VÇmS c÷ã_ +c÷çÌ[ý Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^
(C) doubling the radius of a given circle doubles the area
[ýÊwø» [ýîçaçWýï VÇmS c÷ã_ +Ì^ç» Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^ / [ýÊãwøÌ[ý [ýîçaçWýï VÇmS c÷ã_ +c÷çÌ[ý Eõç×_C VÇmS c÷Ì^
(D)  is an irrational number
AOôç %Y×»ã]Ì^ aeFîç / AEõ×Oô %Y×Ì[ýã]Ì^ aeFîç

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68. If the radius and the height of a right circular cylinder are doubled, then its volume increases by how many times ?
AOôç a] [ýÊwøÝÌ^ $JÇôIøçEÊõ×Tö» [ýØ™Çö AOôç» [ýîçaçWýï %ç»Ó =¬JôTöç VÇmX Eõ×»ã_ +Ì^ç» %çÌ^TöX ×Eõ]çX mS [ýÊ׈ù c÷'[ý ?
AEõ×Oô a][ýÊwøÝÌ^ »JÇôIøçEÊõ×TöÌ[ý [ýØ™Çö AEõ×OôÌ[ý [ýîçaçWýï C =¬JôTöç VÇmS EõÌ[ýç c÷ã_, TöçÌ[ý %çÌ^TöX EõTö mS [ýÊ׈ù c÷ã[ý ?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 8
69. A cycle is sold for 880 at a loss of 20%. For how much should it be sold to gain 10% ?
AFX $Jôç+ãEõ_ 880 OôEõçTö å[ý×$Jôã_ 20% å_çEõ$JôçX c÷Ì^* $K÷ç+ãEõ_FX ×Eõ]çX OôEõçTö å[ý×$K÷ã_ 10% _ç\ö c÷[ý ?
AEõ×Oô aç+ãEõ_ 880 OôçEõçÌ^ å[ý»Jôã_ 20% å_çEõaçX c÷Ì^* aç+ãEõ_×Oô EõTö OôçEõçÌ^ å[ý»Jôã_ 10% _ç\ö c÷ã[ý ?
(A) 1000 OôEõç / OôçEõç (B) 1100 OôEõç / OôçEõç (C) 1210 OôEõç / OôçEõç (D) 1400 OôEõç / OôçEõç
70. (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 is true for all ...........
(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 » ]çX aEõã_ç . . . . . . . . . . . . » [ýçã[ý aTöî* / (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 AÌ[ý ]çX aEõ_ . . . . . . . . . . AÌ[ý LXî aTöî*
(A) Natural numbers (B) integers (C) Real numbers (D) None of these
Ø‘öç\öç×¾Eõ aeFîç/Ø‘öç\öç×[ýEõ aeFîç %F‰ø aeFîç [ýçØ™ö¾ aeFîç / [ýçØ™ö[ý aeFîç AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/ AEõ×OôC XÌ^
71. Which of the following is a polyhedron ? / Tö_» åEõçXäOôç [ý§ Zõ_Eõ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô [ý§Zõ_Eõ ?

(A) (B) (C) (D) All the above


72. In the given figure, EADF is a rectangle and ABC is a triangle whose vertices lie on the sides of EADF. AE=22,
BE=6, CF=16 and BF = 2. Find the length of the line joining the mid points of the sides AB and BC.
×$JôyTö EADF AOôç %çÌ^Töãlùy %ç»Ó ABC AOôç ×Åy\ÉöL ^ç» `Ýbï×[ý³VÇ åEõ+Oôç EADF Tö UçãEõ* ^×V AE=22, BE=6, CF=16 %ç»Ó
BF = 2 c÷Ì^ åTöãÜ™ö AB %ç»Ó BC » ]Wýî ×[ý³VÇ aeã^çGÝ å»FçQöç_» éVHïî ×XSïÌ^ Eõ»ç*
×»Jôäy EADF AEõ×Oô %çÌ^Töãlùy A[ýe ABC AEõ×Oô ×Åy\ÉöL ^çÌ[ý `Ýbï×[ý³VÇm×_ EADF A %çä»K÷ * ^×V AE=22, BE=6, CF=16 A[ýe
BF = 2 c÷Ì^, Töã[ý AB C BC AÌ[ý ]Wýî×[ý³VÇ aeã^çGÝ åÌ[ýFç×OôÌ[ý éVHïî ×XSïÌ^ EõÌ[ý*

(A) 4 2 (B) 5 (C) 3.5 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì^/AEõ×»OôC XÌ^
73. If the digit 1 is placed after a two digit number whose tens digit is 't' and units digit is 'u', the new number is .......
VÇOôç %eEõ ×[ý×`rô aeFîç AOôç» Vc÷Eõ» H»» %eEõ 't' %ç»Ó AEõEõ» H»» %eEõ 'u' A+ aeFîçäOôç» å`bTö 1 %eEõäOôç [ý§¾çã_ XTÇöX aeFîçäOôç c÷'[ý . . . . . . . .*
VÇ+ %eEõ×[ý×`rô AEõ×Oô aeFîçÌ[ý V`ãEõÌ[ý HãÌ[ýÌ[ý %eEõ 't' A[ýe AEõãEõÌ[ý HãÌ[ýÌ[ý %eEõ 'u' AÌ[ý Yçã` 1 %eEõ×Oô [ýaçã_ XTÇöX aeFîç×Oô c÷ã[ý . . . . . . .*
(A) 10t + 4 + 1 (B) 100t + 10u + 1 (C) t + u + 1 (D) None of these
AOôçC Xc÷Ì^ / AEõ×OôC XÌ^

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- 10 -
74. (256) 0.16
 (256) 0.09
 ..................
(A) 4 (B) 16 (C) 64 (D) none of these
AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/ AEõ×OôC XÌ^
75. If the division x  5 leaves a reminder of 3, what might be the ones digit of 'x' ?
^×V x  5 » [ýçEõÝ 3 c÷Ì^, åTöãÜ™ö 'x' » AEõEõ» H»» %eEõäOôç ×Eõ ?
^×V x  5 A [ýçEõÝ 3 UçãEõ Töã[ý 'x' AÌ[ý AEõãEõÌ[ý HãÌ[ýÌ[ý aeFîç×Oô EõTö c÷ã[ý ?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6

76. Observe the figure below : / Tö_Tö ×VÌ^ç ×$JôyäOôç %WýîÌ^X Eõ»ç f / XÝä»JôÌ[ý ×»Jôy×Oô \öç_ EõãÌ[ý åVF f

Find the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray.
%çY×TöTö »×`½ %ç»Ó YÒ×TöZõ×_Tö »×`½» ]çL» åEõçSäOôç ×XSïÌ^ ?
%çY×TöTö Ì[ý×`½ A[ýe YÒ×TöZõ×_Tö Ì[ý×`½Ì[ý ]ãWýîÌ[ý åEõçS×Oô ×XSïÌ^ EõÌ[ý*
(A) 650 (B) 500 (C) 1300 (D) 250
77. A rainbow is formed as a result of the the raindrops.
[ý»bÇS» æOôçYçã_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » [ýçã[ý »ç]ãWýXÇ» =dY×wø c÷Ì^* / Ì[ýç]ãWýXÇÌ[ý =dY×wø [ýÊ×rôÌ[ý åZõçOôçãTö . . . . . . . . . LXî c÷Ì^*
(A) absorption of sunlight (B) reflection of sunlight
aÉ^ïî» åYçc÷» å`çbS Eõ»ç aÉ^ïî» åYçc÷» YÒ×TöZõ×_Tö Eõ»ç
aÉã^ïÌ[ý %çã_ç å`çbS EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý aÉã^ïÌ[ý %çã_ç YÒ×TöZõ×_Tö EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý
(C) dispersion of sunlight (D) All of these
aÉ^ïî» åYçc÷» ×[ý¬KÇ÷»S Eõ»ç / aÉã^ïÌ[ý %çã_ç ×[ý¬KÇ÷Ì[ýS EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ^×Oô
78. Which sound is correctly related to its pitch and frequency ?
åEõçXäOôç `Œ» TöÝ©ÂùTöç %ç»Ó Eõ¶YXçeEõ a×PöEõ [ýçã[ý åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷ ? / åEõçX `ãŒÌ[ý TöÝ©ÂùTöç C Eõ¶YXçeEõ a×PöEõ\öçã[ý åVFçãXç c÷ãÌ^ä»K÷ ?

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- 11 -
79. Observe the figure given below : / Tö_Tö ×VÌ^ç ×$JôyäOôç %WýîÌ^X Eõ»ç f / XÝä»JôÌ[ý ×»Jôy×Oô åVF f

Identify X and Y (X %ç»Ó Y ×$JôXçNþ Eõ»ç / X A[ýe Y ×»JôXçNþ EõÌ[ý )

80. Which of the following statements is true ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ aTöî ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô aTöî ?
(A) Dry cells are rechargable
£EõçX é[ýVÇî×TöEõ åEõçb×[ý_çEõ YÇX»çÌ^ %ç×c÷Tö Eõ×»[ý Yç×»* / £EõãXç é[ýVÇî×TöEõ åEõçbm×_ãEõ YÇXÌ[ýçÌ^ »JôçLÛ EõÌ[ýãTö Yç×Ì[ý*
(B) The process of electrolysis is only a physical change
×[ýVÇîd ×[ýä`ÀbS YÒ×yÔÌ^çäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ AOôç å\öì×TöEõ Y×»[ýwïøX ]çy / ×[ýVÇîd ×[ýä`ÀbS YÒ×yÔÌ^ç×Oô c÷_ AEõ×Oô å\öì×TöEõ Y×Ì[ý[ýTöÛX
(C) LED can glow even by passing a weak electric current (D) All the above
LED » ]çãLã» %×TöêEõ VÇ[ýï_ ×[ýVÇîd Yç» c÷'å_C + L×_ =äPö* %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç/ a[ýEõÌ^×Oô
LED AÌ[ý ]Wýî ×VãÌ^ %×Tö VÇ[ýï_ ×[ýVÇîd YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö c÷ã_C +c÷ç Lã_ =äPö*
81. A pendulum vibrates with a frequency of 1 Hz. The sound produced by it is ..............
AOôç åVç_Eõ» Eõ¶YXçeEõ 1 c÷çOôÛLË c÷ã_ åVç_EõäOôçã¾ =dY~ Eõ»ç `ŒäOôç c÷[ý . . . . . . . . . . .*
AEõ×Oô åVç_ãEõÌ[ý Eõ¶YXçeEõ 1 c÷çOôÛLË c÷ã_ åVç_Eõ×Oô =dY~ EõÌ[ýç `Œ×Oô c÷ã[ý . . . . . . . . . . . *
(A) ultrasonic (B) audible (C) infrasonic (D) None of these
%×Tö`Œ `Òç[ýî `Ò¾SçTöÝTö / `Ò[ýSçTöÝTö AOôçC Xc÷^Ì / AEõ×OôC XÌ^
82. An object placed 4 m from a plane mirror is shifted by 0.5 m away from the mirror. What is the distance
between the object and its image ?
AFX a]Tö_ VçãYçS» Y»ç 4 ×]Oôç» VÉ»±¼öTö »Fç _lùî [ýØ™Çö AOôç VçãYçSFX» Y»ç 0.5 ×]Oôç» %çTö»ç+ ×Xã_ _lùî[ýØ™Çö %ç»Ó +Ì^ç» YÒ×Tö×[ý¶‘ö» ]çL»
VÉ»±¼ö ×Eõ]çX c÷'[ý ?
AEõ×Oô a]Tö_ VYïX åUãEõ 4 ×]OôçÌ[ý VÉãÌ[ý Ì[ýçFç _lùî[ýØ™ÇöãEõ VYïX åUãEõ 0.5 ×]OôçÌ[ý VÉãÌ[ý a×Ì[ýãÌ^ ×Xã_ _lùî[ýØ™Çö C +c÷çÌ[ý YÒ×Tö×[ý㶑öÌ[ý ]ãWýîÌ[ý VÉÌ[ý±¼ö
EõTöc÷ã[ý ?
(A) 4 m (×]f) (B) 3.5 m (×]f) (C) 9 m (×]f) (D) none of these
AOôçC Xc÷Ì^/ AEõ×OôC XÌ^
83. Which of the following is used to measure the magnitude of earth quake ?
\Éö×]Eõ¶Y» TöÝ[ýÐTöç, Tö_» åEõçXäOôç» ¥ç»ç åLçFç c÷Ì^ ? / \Éö×]Eõã¶YÌ[ý TöÝ[ýÐTöç ]çYç c÷Ì^ . . . . . . . . . AÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç*
(A) Electroscope (B) Richter scale (C) Seismograph (D) Coloumb
+ã_Eõ®Ïô'å•õçY ×»FËOôç» å•õ_ / ×Ì[ýFOôçÌ[ý å•õ_ ×$K÷$K÷]'GÐçZõ / ×aaã]çGÐçZõ EÇõ_¶‘ö

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- 12 -
84. What is the cause for a meteor to burn up on entering the Earth's atmosphere ?
=’õç AOôç YÊ×U¾Ý» [ýçÌ^Ç]‰ø_Tö YÒã¾` Eõ»ç» _ãG-_ãG L×_ =äPö ×EõÌ^ ? /=’õç YÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý [ýçÌ^Ç]‰øã_ YÒã[ý` EõÌ[ýçÌ[ý açãU açãU åEõX Lã_ =äPö ?
(A) Atmospheric pressure (B) Heat of the earth
[ýçÌ^Ç]‰ø_ÝÌ^ $JôçY» [ýçã[ý / [ýçÌ^Ç]‰ø_ÝÌ^ »JôçãYÌ[ý LXî YÊ×U¾Ý» TöçY» [ýçã[ý / YÊ×U[ýÝÌ[ý TöçãYÌ[ý LXî
(C) Solar radiation of heat (D) Excessive friction
TöçY» åaì» ×[ý×Eõ»S» [ýçã[ý / TöçãYÌ[ý åaìÌ[ý ×[ý×EõÌ[ýãSÌ[ý LXî %Töîç×WýEõ HbïS» [ýçã[ý / %Töîç×WýEõ HbïãSÌ[ý LXî
85. Why is a flame always pointed upwards ?
×`Fç AQöç_ aVçÌ^ =Wýï]ÉFÝ c÷Ì^ ×EõÌ^ ? / AEõ×Oô ×`Fç a[ýïVç =Wýï]ÇFÝ åEõX c÷Ì^ ?
(A) Gases produced in flame are cold (B) Gases produced in flame are hot
×`FçTö =dY~ åc÷ç¾ç åG$K÷a]Éc÷ Pöç‰øç åc÷ç¾ç [ýçã[ý ×`FçTö =dY~ åc÷ç¾ç åG$K÷a]Éc÷ G»] åc÷ç¾ç [ýçã[ý
×`FçÌ^ =dY~ c÷CÌ^ç Gîçaa]Éc÷ Pöç³Qöç c÷CÌ^çÌ[ý LXî ×`FçÌ^ =dY~ c÷CÌ^ç Gîçaa]Éc÷ GÌ[ý] c÷CÌ^çÌ[ý LXî
(C) Hot gases are lighter and rise up (D) Both B and C
TöYTö åG$K÷a]Éc÷ YçTö_ %ç»Ó =VîçÌ^Ý c÷Ì^ [ýçã[ý B %ç»Ó C =\öÌ^
GÌ[ý] Gîçaa]Éc÷ c÷ç_Eõç A[ýe =YãÌ[ý =PöçÌ[ý LXî B A[ýe C =\öÌ^
86. Which of the following is NOT a natural polymer ?
Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ [ý§ã^çGÝ Xc÷Ì^ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ [ý§ã^çGÝ XÌ^ ?
(A) Natural rubber (B) Polyester (C) Protein (D) Starch
YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ »[ý» /YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ Ì[ý[ýçÌ[ý Y×_rôç» / Y×_ºOôçÌ[ý YÒ'×OôX / YÒ×OôX å`ŸTöaç» / å`ŸTöaçÌ[ý
87. Metal 'X' reacts very slowly with water but reacts vigorously with steam. Identify metal 'X'.
'X' WýçTÇöã¾ YçXÝ» éaãTö _çãc÷-_çãc÷ ×[ý×yÔÌ^ç Eõã» ×EõÜ™Çö [ýç¹Y» éaãTö YÒ[ý_\öçã¾ ×[ý×yÔÌ^ç Eõã»* 'X' WýçTÇöäOôç ×Eõ ×XSïÌ^ Eõ»ç*
'X' WýçTÇö Lã_Ì[ý açãU WýÝãÌ[ý WýÝãÌ[ý ×[ý×yÔÌ^ç EõãÌ[ý, ×EõÜ™Çö [ýçã¹YÌ[ý açãU YÒ[ý_\öçã[ý ×[ý×yÔÌ^ç EõãÌ[ý* 'X' WýçTÇö×Oô ×Eõ ×XSïÌ^ EõÌ[ý*
(A) Mg (B) Ag (C) Cu (D) K
88. Why is more care needed to preserve petrol than coal ?
åY®Ïô'_ ae»lùS Eõã»çãTö EõÌ^_çTöêEõ å[ý×$K÷ aç¾WýçXTöç ×EõÌ^ %[ý_¶‘öX Eõ×»[ý _çãG ?
åY®Ïô_ aeÌ[ýlùS EõÌ[ýãTö EõÌ^_ç åUãEõ å[ý`Ý aç[ýWýçXTöç åEõX %[ý_¶‘öX EõÌ[ýãTö _çãG ?
(A) Petrol has high calorific value (B) Coal has low Calorific value
åY®Ïô'_» åEõ_'×» ]çX %×WýEõ / åY®Ïôã_Ì[ý åEõ_×Ì[ý ]çX %×WýEõ EõÌ^_ç» åEõ_'×» ]çX Eõ] / EõÌ^_çÌ[ý åEõ_×Ì[ý ]çX Eõ]
(C) Petrol has low ignition temperature (D) Coal undergoes complete combustion
åY®Ïô'_» L_X =bÕTöç Eõ] / åY®Ïôã_Ì[ý L_X =bÕTöç Eõ] EõÌ^_ç» a¶YÉSï Vc÷X c÷Ì^ / EõÌ^_çÌ[ý a¶YÉSï Vc÷X c÷Ì^
89. The metal which is soft ?
åEõçXäOôç åEõç]_ WýçTÇö ? / åEõçX×Oô åEõç]_ WýçTÇö ?
(A) Na (B) Pb (C) Al (D) Cu
90. The most common sources of energy are ..............
`×Nþ» açWýç»S =daäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / `×NþÌ[ý açWýçÌ[ýS =da×Oô c÷_ . . . . . . . .*
(A) wood and coal (B) petroleum and coal (C) LPG and cow dung (D) natural gas and coal
F×» %ç»Ó EõÌ^_ç åY®Ïô'×_Ì^ç] %ç»Ó EõÌ^_ç A_ ×Y ×L %ç»Ó G»Ó» åGç[ý» YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ åG$K÷ %ç»Ó EõÌ^_ç
EõçPö C EõÌ^_ç åY®Ïô×_Ì^ç] A[ýe EõÌ^_ç A_ ×Y ×L A[ýe GÌ[ýÓÌ[ý åGç[ýÌ[ý YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ Gîça C EõÌ^_ç
91. Which of the following is the best extinguisher of inflammable materials ?
Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒLç_Eõ YVçUï» [ýçã[ý %çOôç+TöêEõ \öç_ %×GÂ-×X[ýïçYEõ ? /XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô YÒLç_Eõ YVçãUïÌ[ý LXî a[ý»Jôç+ãTö \öç_ %×GÂ-×X[ýïçYEõ ?
(A) Water (B) Sulphur dioxide (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Carbon monoxide
YçXÝ $Jôç_Zõç» Qöç+-%jç+Qö Eõç[ýïX Qöç+-%jç+Qö Eõç[ýïX ]'X %jç+Qö
L_ aç_ZõçÌ[ý Qöç+-%jç+Qö

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- 13 -
92. Which method of water purification does not kill micro-organisms ?
YçXÝ» åEõçXäOôç ×[ý£×ˆùEõ»S YÒ×yÔÌ^çTö lÇùVÐ %SÇLݾa]Éc÷ W[ýea Xc÷Ì^ ? / Lã_Ì[ý åEõçX ×[ý£×ˆùEõÌ[ýS YÒ×yÔÌ^çÌ^ lÇùVÐ %XÇLÝ[ýa]Éc÷ W[ýea c÷Ì^ Xç ?
(A) Boiling (B) Filtration (C) Chlorination (D) Distillation
=Töã_ç¾ç / ZÇõOôçãXç Y׻؃öç¾S Eõ»ç / Y×Ì[ý؃öç[ýS zõ×»ãX$JôX / zõ×Ì[ýãX`X YçTöS
93. Which of the following is not a rabi crop ?
Tö_» åEõçXäOôç »×[ý `aî Xc÷Ì^ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô Ì[ý×[ý `aî XÌ^ ?
(A) Rice (B) Wheat (C) Mustard (D) Potato
WýçX åH§ / G] a×»Ì^c÷ / `aî %ç_Ç
94. The extra protection in a plant cell which is made up of cellulose is .............
æ$Jô_Çã_çLã» G×PöTö . . . . . . . . . . . . . åÌ^ =×àöV åEõçbEõ %×Tö×»Nþ aÇ»lùç ×VãÌ^* / åa_Çã_çãL G×PöTö . . . . . . . . . . . . =×àöVãEõçbãEõ %×Tö×Ì[ýNþ aÇÌ[ýlùç åVÌ^*
(A) cell membrane (B) plasma membrane (C) cell wall (D) all of these
åEõçbç¾»S / åEõçbç[ýÌ[ýS YÀçL]ç¾»S / YÀçL]ç[ýÌ[ýS åEõçbã[ý» / åEõçbYVÛç %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ^×Oô
95. What is common among bacteria, algae and fungi ?
å[ýãkô×»Ì^ç, å`_ç+ %ç»Ó å\göEÇõ»» ]çLTö ×Eõ ×]_ %çä$K÷ ? / å[ýãkô×Ì[ýÌ^ç, é`[ýç_ A[ýe »K÷yçãEõÌ[ý ]ãWýî ×Eõ ×]_ %çä»K÷ ?
(A) All are autotrophs (B) All are decomposers (C) All have cell wall (D) All contain pigment
%çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç Ø‘öãYçbÝ %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç ×[ýãÌ^çLEõ %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç» åEõçbã[ý» %çä$K÷ %çOôç+ãEõ+OôçTö »tEõ YVçUï UçãEõ
a[ým×_ Ø‘öãYçbÝ a[ým×_ ×[ýãÌ^çLEõ a[ým×_Ì[ý åEõçbYVÛç %çäK÷ a[ým×_ãTö Ì[ýtEõ YVçUï %çäK÷
96. Uncontrolled deforestation leads to ............
%×XÌ^×Ü—öTö G×TöTö [ýXç‡û_ W[ýea Eõ×»ã_ . . . . . . . . c÷Ì^* / %×XÌ^×Ü—öTö G×TöãTö [ýXç‡û_ W[ýea EõÌÌ[ýã_ . . . . . . . . . c÷Ì^*
(A) the destruction of habitats (B) landslides
Y×»ã[ý` W[ýea c÷Ì^ / Y×Ì[ýã[ý` W[ýea c÷Ì^ \Éö×]–_X
(C) flooding (D) All the above
[ýçXYçXÝ / [ýXîç %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ^×Oô
97. Internal fertilization occurs in ..............
. . . . . . . . . . » ålùyTö %Ü™öf×Xãb$JôX c÷Ì^* / . . . . . . . . . AÌ[ý ålùäy %Ü™öf ×Xãb»JôX c÷Ì^*
(A) bird, fish (B) reptile, frog (C) mammal, frog (D) reptile, mammal
$Jô»ç+, ]ç$K÷ a×»aÊY, å\öEÇõ_Ý Ø™öXîYçÌ^Ý, å\öEÇõ_Ý a×»aÊY, Ø™öXîYçÌ^Ý
YçFÝ, ]ç»K÷ aÌ[ýÝaÊY, [ýîçIø Ø™öXîYçÌ^Ý, [ýîçIø aÌ[ýÝaÊY, Ø™öXîYçÌ^Ý
98. Insufficient production of insulin in the human body causes ............
]çX¾ åVc÷Tö YÒãÌ^çLX åc÷ç¾ç %XÇ^çÌ^Ý +X$KÇ÷×_X c÷»]'X YÒØ™ÇöTö åXçãc÷ç¾ç» Zõ_Tö . . . . . . . . . . .
]çX[ýãVãc÷ YÒãÌ^çLX c÷CÌ^ç %XÇ^çÌ^Ý +XaÇ×_X c÷Ì[ý]X YÒØ™ÇöTö Xç c÷ã_ . . . . . . . . . c÷Ì^*
(A) hepatitis (B) polio (C) diabetes (D) none of these
åc÷YçOôç+×Oô$K÷ / åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa Y×_%' / Y×_C ]WýÇã]c÷ / [ý§]Çy AOôçC Xc÷Ì^ / åEõçX×Oô+ XÌ^
99. The disease caused by virus which affects the liver cells is ............
^EÊõd åEõçbEõ lù×Tö-açWýX Eõ»ç \öç+»ç$K÷L×XTö å»çG×[ýWý éc÷ä$K÷ . . . . . . . . . . . .
^EÊõTöãEõçãb lù×Tö EõÌ[ýç \öç+Ì[ýçaL×XTö åÌ[ýçG×Oô c÷_ f
(A) influenza (B) measles (C) hepatitis (D) Polio
$Jô×VÛ / a×VÛ a»Ó %ç+ / c÷ç] L׉ø$Jô / åc÷YçOôç+×Oôa Y×_%
100. Which of the following reduces oxygen carrying capacity of blood ?
Tö_» åEõçXäOôçã¾ åTöL» %×jãLX Eõ×RÍôC¾ç lù]Töç âÑ÷ça Eõã» ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô Ì[ýãNþ %×jãLX [ýc÷ãXÌ[ý lù]Töç âÑ÷ça EõãÌ[ý ?
(A) CO2 (B) CO (C) H2 (D) SO2

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