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Getting Started

Before doing installation, you need to do the following things :

Install tools that requires for developing Android app such as :

 Java Development Kit

 Android Studio version 3.1 or higher as the Official Android IDE.

For updated tutorial about how to install them, you can see and Download from
Android Developer website.
If you do all things above, you can go to the next step.

Import Project in Android Studio

1. Open Android Studio → Open an existing Android Studio Project

2. New window will opened → Browse to directory where you
place FloatingYoutubeMusic project → Ok
3. Wait for few minutes until all process import has finished
Click OK

Get google-services.json for FCM Push Notification Configuration

1. Before you do step change the package name, you must do this step for firebase project
2. Please note : this step is mandatory to generate google-services.json file
3. Visit Firebase console
4. Please register or log in first and then select create new project. In the dialog window
enter the name of the project that will be created and the contents of the state and then click
the create project to continue.

5. After successfully creating a project on Firebase then the page will be redirected to the
dashboard project that has been made.

6. Then on the dashboard Firebase select Add Firebase to your Android app. In the next
dialog window enter the name of the Android application package and SHA1 of fingerprints
Certificate (optional).

7. Next will download the configuration file json google-services.json automatically, which will
be added in the directory app in the Android project.
Change Application Package Name

Required :
1. Open Gradle Scripts → build.gradle (Module: app)
2. Change the application ID with your own id name,
3. Standard naming procedure : com.yourdomainname.yourappname
4. Click Sync Now.
5. Change the id as unique as possible, because application id is very important used if you
want to publish the application to the google play.
6. Important : your applicationId or package name must same with your package name that
you’ve create on firebase console when you generate google-services.json

Optional (recommended) :
7. Click once on your package and then click setting icon on Android Studio.
8. Close / Unselect Compact Empty Middle Packages
9. Then, right click your package and rename it.
Right click – refactor – rename – rename Package – rename it same with your aplicationid

Get YouTube API key

1. Go to Google Developers Console and log in with your Google account.

2. Create the new project (name does not matter for the plugin).
3. Go to your project (by clicking on its name in the list).
4. In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & Services → Library. In the list of APIs go to
YouTube Data API (v3) and make sure that it’s enabled (Enable API).
5. In the same sidebar click Credentials. Then click on Create New Key and choose API key.
6. Copy API key and paste it to Strings.xml in the youtube_api_key string tag.
See this tutorial video

AdMob Configuration

Change Interstitial Unit ID

1. Login to your AdMob account, create an app and generate your ad unit id

2. please change the ID in app → res → value → strings.xml

<string name="addmob_app_id">ca-app-pub-

3 change interstitial id in

See this picture
Change Application Logo

1. Open Android Studio → File → New → Image Asset

2. You can choose 2 types of your icon type, that is Launcher Icon (Adaptive and Legacy)
or (Legacy Only)
3. Recommended to use Launcher Icon (Adaptive and Legacy)
4. Browse and choose your image file icon (.png) format with square dimension and start
customize your icon
5. Make sure the resource name is "ic_launcher" → Next → Finish

Change Application Name and Text Inside the Application

1. Open Android Studio → app → res → values → strings.xml

2. Change value name in each strings tag according your needs.

Note : You need to change string tag values on strings.xml file, because this is contain text
components which shown inside the application besides content that is retrieved from the
admin panel.
Splash Image and other Required Image Assets

1. Open app → res → drawable and replace with your image or icon, all image are placed
on drawable-hdpi folder
2. you also can change every image in app like via Explorer, open Explore and go to your
project directory, select AndroidNewsApp → app → src → main → res → drawable-hdpi
3. Replace every image which you need to custom the application and highly recommended
you using same resolution for each image
For Custom Splash Image

1. Open app → res → layout → splash_cativity.xml

Change category music

1. Open app – Activity – TopChart_Activity – you can change all music category
Open app – Fragment – Fragment Home
Generated Signed APK

To sign your app in release mode in Android Studio, follow these steps:
1. On the menu bar, click Build → Generate Signed APK.
If you already have a keystore, go to step 4.
2. On the Generate Signed APK Wizard window, click Create new to create a new keystore.
3. On the New Key Store window, provide the required information, your key should be valid
for at least 25 years, so you can sign app updates with the same key through the lifespan of
your app.
4. On the Generate Signed APK Wizard window, select a keystore, a private key, and enter
the passwords for both. Then click Next
5. On the next window, select a destination for the signed APK and Signature Versions.
6. Select Signature Version : V1 (Jar Signature)
7. click Finish and the signed apk will generated


You will find all image into /res/drawable/, /res/drawable-mdpi/, /res/drawable-hdpi/,

/res/drawable-xhdpi/ folder. Just create your own graphics and replace those files. Create
seperate graphics of different device screen sizes & place them into other drawble folders
(drawable-hdpi & drawable-xhdpi) with same file name found at drawable-mdpi folder. Check
here for more information: Devices and Displays and Supporting Multiple Screens.


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