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Corporate Social Responsibility In China

Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di China

Disusun Oleh
Muhammad Rizki Aditya
Kata Pengantar

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT, sang Pengatur Alam Semesta, yang
telah melimpahkan kasih-Nya sehingga saya berhasil menyusun
makalah ‘CSR (Corporate Sosial Responsibility)’ dengan baik.
Makalah ini dibuat dalma rangka memenuhi tugas Etika Bisnis
(ETB) yang diberikan oleh Bapak Edwin Adriansyah
Saya sebagai penyusun sangat berterimaksih kepada Bapak
Edwin . Meskipun saya sangat berharap agar makalah ini tidak
memiliki kekurangan, tetapi saya menyadari bahwa pengetahuan
saya sangatlah terbatas, sehingga saya tetap mengharapkan
masukan serta kritik dan saran yang membangun dari bapak.

Bandung, April 2019

Muhammad Rizki Aditya

Daftar isi:
1. Kata Pengantar ................................................................... i
2. Daftar Isi ............................................................................ ii
3. Pengertian Corporate ......................................................... 1
4. Pengertian Social ............................................................... 1
5. Pengertian Responsibility .................................................. 1
6. Pengertian CSR .................................................................. 2
7. CSR Dalam Suatu Hotel .................................................... 2
8. CSR In China ..................................................................... 4
9. Daftar Pustaka.................................................................... 8

 Corporate

Corporate (Menurut KBBI) : perusahaan [per·u·sa·ha·an]

Dari kata dasar: usaha.
1) kegiatan (pekerjaan dan sebagainya) yang diselenggarakan dengan peralatan atau
dengan cara teratur dengan tujuan mencari keuntungan (dengan menghasilkan sesuatu,
mengolah atau membuat barang-barang, berdagang, memberikan jasa

2) organisasi berbadan hukum yang mengadakan transaksi atau usaha;

Corporate (Menurut Abdul Kadir Muhammad) : Pengertian perusahaan menurut

Abdul Kadir Muhammad adalah istilah perusahaan mengacu pada badan hukum dan perbuatan
badan usaha dalam menjalankan usahanya. Lebih lanjut, perusahaan adalah tempat terjadinya
kegiatan produksi dan berkumpulknya semua faktor produksi.

 Social
Social (Menurut KBBI) : sosial/so·si·al/ a 1 berkenaan dengan masyarakat: perlu
adanya komunikasi -- dalam usaha menunjang pembangunan ini; 2 cak suka memperhatikan
kepentingan umum (suka menolong, menderma, dan sebagainya): ia sangat terkenal dan -- pula;

Social (Menurut Lewis) : Sosial adalah sesuatu yang dicapai, dihasilkan dan ditetapkan
dalam interaksi sehari-hari antara warga negara dan pemerintahannya

 Responsibility
Responsibility (Menurut KBBI) : /tang·gung ja·wab/ n 1 keadaan wajib menanggung
segala sesuatunya (kalau terjadi apa-apa boleh dituntut, dipersalahkan, diperkarakan, dan
sebagainya): pemogokan itu menjadi -- pemimpin serikat buruh; 2 Huk fungsi menerima
pembebanan, sebagai akibat sikap pihak sendiri atau pihak lain;

Responsibility (Menurut George Bernard Shaw) : Orang yang dapat

bertanggungjawab terhadap tindakannya dan mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya hanyalah
orang yang mengambil keputusan dan bertindak tanpa tekanan dari pihak manapun atau secara

Pengertian CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) secara harifiah adalah respon sosial
atau tanggung jawab sosial terhadap lingkungan sekitar yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan
dalam bentuk berbagai kegiatan.

Pengertian CSR Menurut Wibisono (2007:7)

Menurut Wibisono dalam bukunya berjudul "Membedah Konsep dan Aplikasi CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility)", Wibisono menjabarkan bahwa Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
adalah suatu komitmen berkelanjutan oleh dunia usaha untuk bertindak etis dan memberikan
kontribusi kepada pengembangan ekonomi dari komunitas setempat atau masyarakat luas,
bersaman dengan peningkatan taraf hidup pekerja beserta keluarganya.

CSR Dalam Suatu Hotel (The Panorama


PENGHIJAUAN adalah salah satu kegiatan penting yang harus dilaksanakan secara konseptual
dalam menangani krisis Iingkungan. Begitu pentingnya sehingga penghijauan sudah merupakan
program nasional yang dilaksanakan di seluruh Indonesia. Penghijauan dalam arti luas adalah
segala daya untuk memulihkan, memelihara dan meningkatkan kondisi lahan agar dapat
berproduksi dan berfungsi secara optimal, baik sebagai pengatur tata air atau pelindung
lingkungan sekitar. Dalam artikel kali ini, akan memfokuskan tentang kegiatan atau program
sosial masyarakat, yaitu “penghijauan yang berkesinambungan” dari pihak The Panorama Hotel
dengan melakukan penanaman hampir 7.500 pohon di seluruh Indonesia. Kegiatan serentak
dilakukan oleh karyawan-karyawan The Panorama Hotel yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan
kesadaran masyarakat tentang kepedulian terhadap bumi dan salah satu inisiatif utama yang
dilakukan pihak hotel yaitu tanaman untuk bumi kita, dalam proyek penghijauan ini pihak The
Panorama Hotel terhitung sudah menanam hampir 40.000 pohon di seluruh Indonesia sejak 2009
hingga saat ini. Pihak hotel sangat berkomitmen dalam menjalankan program sosial ini untuk

mencapai tujuan dari kegiatan sosial yang di canangkan oleh pihak The Panorama Hotel, salah
satu komitmen tersebut adalah program tanaman untuk bumi kita yang pembiayaan program ini
di dapatkan dari pengumpulan dana penghematan biaya mencuci handuk dari The Panorama
Hotel yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. The Panorama Hotel di seluruh Indonesia telah
berpartisipasi dalam program ini dengan cara menghimbau para tamu agar tidak berkeberatan,
tidak terlalu sering mengganti handuk selama menginap. Cara ampuh yang dicoba atau di
terapkan adalah “meghemat biaya cuci 5 handuk = komitmen menanam 1 pohon.” Dana
penghematan biaya cuci yang terkumpul kemudian disalurkan ke berbagai program penghijauan
salah satunya program tanaman untuk bumi kita yang dimana hingga saat ini lebih dari 3 juta
pohon telah di tanam di seluruh Indonesia melalui kantor cabang atau cabang-cabang The
Panorama Hotel yang tersebar di Indonesia.

Ini adalah salah satu contoh gambar pada saat kegiatan penanaman pohon yang dilakukan para
karyawan The Panorama Hotel.
Setiap tahun, seluruh The Panorama Hotel yang telah beroperasi di Indonesia merayakan HUT
nya dan melakukan pelaksanaan program tanaman untuk bumi kita pada tanggal 21 April.
Pelaksanaan yang telah dimulai sejak tahun 2009 tersebut telah berhasil menanam sekitar 40.000
pohon di seluruh Indonesia (30.000 pohon ditanam pada peresmian program pada tahun 2009-
2012; 3.000 pohon ditanam pada perayaan selanjutnya; dan 7.500 pohon ditanam pada perayaan
tahun ini).
Lewat program ini The Panorama Hotel berhasil meraih beberapa penghargaan seperti salah
satunya. Meraih Green Hotel Award 2013 dari kementrian pariwisata. Green Hotel Award
merupakan penghargaan kepada hotel-hotel akan prestasi mereka yang luar biasa terkait dengan
hal-hal sosial kemasyarakatan yang berkesinambungan terkait lingkungan, termasuk pengelolaan
lahan dll. The Panorama Hotel terus mendorong hotel-hotel jaringannya di Indonesia untuk terus
mencari cara agar semakin ramah lingkungan dan memiliki tanggung jawab sosial yang semakin

The Panorama Hotel Luncurkan “World Ready to Read”

Pada saat ini, lebih dari 60 juta anak di seluruh dunia tidak memiliki akses terhadap pendidikan
dan kemungkinan tidak akan pernah belajar membaca atau menulis. Maka dari itu, The
Panorama Hotel meluncurkan program “ World Ready To Read ” yang berfokus pada bidang

pendidikan dalam upaya untuk menciptakan peluang yang pada gilirannya akan menyebabkan
masyarakat lebih sehat dan hidup lebih baik.

Kita tahu bahwa pendidikan yang solid sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, penciptaan
lapangan kerja dan peningkatan pendapatan, yang semuanya penting untuk menciptakan
masyarakat berkembang dan berhasil.

The Panorama Hotel berinvestasi dalam organisasi masyarakat dan program yang ditujukan
untuk meningkatkan melek huruf dan pendidikan bagi anak-anak di seluruh dunia. Dalam hal ini,
The Panorama Hotel telah bekerja sama dengan Pearson Foundation, dengan menyumbangkan
lebih dari 50.000 buku dan ruang baca kepada anak-anak yang membutuhkan.

CSR in China
The Development of CSR in China
Nowadays, CSR concepts and practices are fairly well-known and discussed among the new
generation of Chinese entrepreneurs."

Over the last 10 years, CSR-related ideas and projects have been steadily developing in China
through increased foreign direct investment, technology development and shared economic and
social value for corporate shareholders. During the same period, initiatives coming from
corporations and professional associations have been furthered by the progressive building of
CSR laws and regulations entrusting specific duties and objectives to all companies – national
and foreign – operating in China. Corporations are now playing a decisive role in the shift to be
undertaken towards a more humane and sustainable model of development. What exactly
happened during the last decade which may explain this accrued focus on CSR issues and

The Change in Entrepreneurial Ethos

When it initially appeared in China, CSR in the 1990s met with skepticism, not only among
entrepreneurs but also among many economists, some arguing that this was a typically Western
notion that could potentially be used for reining in China’s path to prosperity. Nanfang Zhoumo
(Southern Weekend), a leading publication in China, started to rank the CSR performance of
Chinese companies and the world’s top 500 international companies operating in China in 2006.
According to its 2006 report, large global companies were below par in fulfilling their social
responsibilities, threatening China’s economic and social security, exploiting unfair advantages
and lowering their environmental, labor and ethical standards when operating in China. State-
owned Chinese companies were also criticized for their inadequate contribution to different
social causes and their questionable environmental practices. The report went on to state that
privately-owned Chinese companies have made significantly larger donations to public
philanthropy than global companies and state-owned Chinese companies.

This critical approach to CSR practices coincided with a number of initiatives, such as the
launchof the CSR China Forum held for the first time in Beijing in 2005. Rising inequalities,
major ecological accidents, well-publicized cases of corruption, the pledge of the migrant
workers and other issues were not only challenging some of the tenets of China’s course of
development - they were igniting a debate about the social impact of foreign and national
companies in China and, specifically, the entrepreneur as a role model. The attention paid to
philanthropy was typical of the social debate on CSR at this stage: voluntary contributions of
companies were receiving more attention than a systemic approach to their impact on society and
their environment. Nowadays, CSR concepts and practices are fairly well-known and discussed
among the new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs even when their relevance to the national
context and feasibility still come under questioning.

CSR is lived and understood “with Chinese characteristics.” According to Chinese entrepreneurs,
“CSR in China shows two important characters. First, most socially responsible behaviors of
firms are government-oriented due to the overwhelming impact of government on economy in
China. Second, economic responsibility should be regarded as the first social responsibility by
firms because ‘economic construction’ is the central aim of government and the state.”

These findings and others similar reveal some cultural and societal traits that influence the
reception, understanding and implementation of CSR in present-day China: (a) continued
importance of the role of the state; (b) profit and growth seen not only as a priority, but also in
potential conflict with other imperatives; and (c) short-term concerns taking precedence over
sustainability issues. At the same time, some policy areas have been progressively shaping the
development of a pragmatic CSR culture by the stress put on safety, energy consumption and
social harmony. Though such policies have been devised precisely because of the underlying
problems they target, they have been promoting a kind of “capitalism under state sovereignty”
conducive to the building up of a specific CSR culture.

The Role of the Social Sector

It certainly would have been impossible to raise CSR awareness in China without the parallel
development of a social sector striving towards personal responsibility and collective
empowerment. There is much soul-searching on Internet forums about the way many Chinese
citizens still fly away from the basic duties attached to the fact of belonging to communities that
go beyond the limits of one’s immediate family. These debates should not hide the fact that
NGOs and other organizations have been recently flourishing in China. They follow a model
different from that pursued in the West, often based on cooperation between the local
government and a group of citizens interested in helping in migrant workers’ education or
environmental protection, for instance. The structuring of the social sector takes shape through
the participation of civil organizations to the mechanisms established by the state, and this
participation ultimately fosters their empowerment.The active collaboration of a growing number
of young Chinese to a renewed social sector also constitutes the fertile ground on which
corporate social responsibility finds its promoters and actors.

Foundations and other NPOs still need to go through a harrowing process before approval (or
rejection), and are controlled as to their goals, organization model and finances. Besides this, the

lack of available personnel constitutes a severe limitation for associations desirous to foster
collective initiatives. With time passing by, NGOs have been more and more able to work with
local governments, while academics and entrepreneurs have been providing expertise and

The government supports those initiatives that come with obvious social benefits. The
buildingup of a social sector meets with difficulties that are not so different from ones
encountered when trying to foster and implement CSR. It is sometimes hard to isolate the
institutions and instruments through which the social sector expresses its true self. Many
associations in China, including those calling themselves NGOs, are established by the
government or have significant government backing. However, the administrative landscape in
which NGOs operate is presently undergoing major transformations, allowing for a much
simpler and direct way of registration and specification of the domain in which the NGO

Examining the trends emerging after the efforts that followed the Sichuan earthquake of May
2008, Jessica Teets, an assistant professor at Middlebury College, observes: “Civil society
groups and international capacity-building organizations must focus on building human
resources and professional skill levels. Groups need to build capacity specifically in transparent
auditing processes and in professional management skills, especially project management… In
order to increase trust levels of civil society, groups must publicize their activities and work
processes. Many people in society and government do not understand how these groups conduct
projects or what their goals are in society. In addition to this ignorance, many also distrust groups
that are viewed as foreign proxies. Groups need to learn how to use online platforms and media
to broadcast their existence and activities in order to increase the knowledge of and trust in them,
similar to the platforms maintained by environmental groups. They often do not advertise their
activities for fear of the government increasing monitoring; however, this publicity is necessary
to increase exposure, legitimacy and trust.”

These traits are parallel to the ones discussing the potential for greater transparency and
accountability of companies, big or small. Presumably, individuals having nurtured the
capabilities linked to such institutional improvements will be precious recruits for both the for-
profit and not-for-profit sectors.

Enforcing CSR
The focus on CSR has come with a number of laws and regulations, often prepared over a long
period. CSR policy-making is located mainly at the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), which
sees CSR as a major enabler for transforming the economic growth model. International
cooperation plays a major role in the conceptual developments that prepare further regulation.
The year 2007 can be seen as a watershed in the building of a consistent body of CSR regulations
understood as entrusting specific duties and objectives to all companies operating in China. In
that year, the 17th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party stressed the importance
of “energy, resources, ecological and environmental conservation” and the necessity to “put
people first” in order to achieve a “balanced and sustainable development.” Later in the same

year, China passed its first Labor Contract Law and started to promote CSR by passing local
legislations on environment protection and laborers’ rights, following the directions of the
central government. Nowadays, a large number of laws and guidelines determine the spirit and
content of CSR-related policies in China.
Taken together, China’s legal framework is evolving into a body of regulations that strives to: (a)
ensure safety for employees, neighboring communities, consumers and the environment; (b)
promote transparency in the management decision process in financial and business transactions;
(c) enhance business practices conducive to a circular economy; (d) foster workers’ and
consumers’ awareness, power-sharing and formation. Even if both the legal framework and its
implementation are in need of improvement, the overall direction is clear and cannot but inspire
the management strategies of Chinese and international companies.

A company operating in China wishing to implement CSR values and practices must be alert to
the specific way in which CSR-related concerns and norms have been grounded into Chinese
realities. Sensitivity to the historical background in which it operates will enlarge the
corporation’s field of vision as well as its connection with a whole field of players, opening up
unsuspected possibilities. The scope of China, challenges met by companies and the richness of
the cultural and social fabric provide entrepreneurs with an abundance of new resources and
viewpoints to rethink their mission and methods. The way that CSR imperatives are now taking
shape in a Chinese context enriches its content and meaning for other countries and cultures as

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