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Group 3


1. To provide basic knowledge regarding the importance caring of pre-schooler.
2. To ensure a healthy environment for children at home/school.
3. Prevention of communicable diseases at home/school.
4. Early detection and care of parents with health problems of their children.
5. To promote sense of independence to the mother regarding in fulfilling the needs for her child.
6. To provide information to the mother regarding the specific nutritional diet necessary for the pre-

Materials needed:
Visual aids such as: Power Point Presentation

Early childhood is an exciting time, as children begin to learn about themselves and the world around them. It's
a time when they begin to develop habits that can affect them throughout their lives, especially when it comes to
food and fitness.

Health related issues Specific Health

Hygiene - Hygiene is important for anyone taking
care of children and is one of the most effective ways If you want to minimize your child’s risk of infection
we have to protect ourselves – and others – from and also enhance their overall health, follow these
illness. basic personal hygiene habits:

Oral Health- is about so much more than just the  Teach the mother on how to bathe her child
health of the mouth, teeth, and gums. Because the regularly. Wash their body and hair often. “I’m
mouth is a primary entryway into the body, poor oral not saying that you need to shower or bathe
health can have negative consequences for the every day,” remarks Dr. Novey. “But you should
entire body. Teeth that ache, gums that bleed, and clean their body and shampoo his/her hair at
breath that smells bad are all indicators of poor oral regular intervals that work for you.” The body is
health. Bacteria from the mouth can easily get into constantly shedding skin. Novey explains, “That
the bloodstream and cause infection and skin needs to come off. Otherwise, it will cake up
inflammation wherever it spreads. and can cause illnesses.”

 Teach the mother on how to trim her child nails.

Keeping their finger and toenails trimmed and in
good shape will prevent problems such as hang
nails and infected nail beds. Feet that are clean
and dry are less likely to contract athlete’s foot,
Novey says.

 Teach the mother on how to wash their children

hands. Washing their hands before eating food,
after going to the bathroom, after coughing or
sneezing, and after handling garbage, goes a
long way toward preventing the spread of
bacteria and viruses. HYGIENE:
 - washing hands (parents must teach their
child to wash hands before and after meals to
protect them from germs or disease.)

 Discuss to the mother on how important to

practice good oral hygiene and to see a dentist
regularly in order to avoid serious risk to the
child’s overall health
-Brush your child’s teeth twice a day – morning
and night. Teach your preschooler to handle the
brush properly with a strong grip and brush her
teeth twice a day. Regular brushing prevents
harmful gum infections or tooth decay). At 18
months, you can start using a pea-sized amount
of low-fluoride toothpaste.

-You can help your child avoid tooth decay by

making sure he goes easy on sugary food and
-. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of
bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth
decay and gum disease, Novey says.

Rest - to stop being active for a period of time in  Stress also the benefits of sleep/rest.
order to relax and get back your strength, or to cause REST:
someone or something to stop doing an activity in - children aged 3-5 need about 11 to 13 hours of
order to get back strength. sleep every night
- setting an earlier bedtime or starting quiet time
earlier on to help preschoolers transition to
bedtime might help.
Diet  Advice also the parents about the benefits of
healthy diet.

 Instruct the mother on how to prepare proper


Instruct the mother not to give unhealthy foods

The following are some helpful mealtime hints for
preschool-age children:

- Prepare meals, provide regularly scheduled snacks,

and limit unplanned eating.
- Poor behavior at mealtime should not be allowed.
Focus on eating, not playing with food, or playing at
the dinner table.

- Running or playing while eating can cause a child to

choke. Have your child sit when eating.

- Keep offering a variety of foods. Have the attitude

that, sooner or later, your child will learn to eat most
all foods.

- Make mealtime as pleasant as possible. Do not put

pressure on your child to eat, or force your child to
"clean" his or her plate. This may lead to overeating
which can cause your child to gain too much weight.
Children will be hungry at mealtime if snacks have
been limited during the day.
-Provide examples of healthy eating habits..
Follow-up Check-ups  Advice the parents about the importance of
Regular Check-up for Pre-schoolers.
 Encourage mother that the pre-schooler must
have a complete immunizations as a prevention.

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