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Miguel Martinez Miguelez
General scientific knowledge and ordinary knowledge
Tape moebio, no. 27, December, 2006, pp. 1-10,
University of Chile
How to cite? Fascicle full details page of the magazine article
Moebio tape,
(Electronic Version) ISSN: 0717 - 554 X
University of Chile
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Martinez, M. 2006. Knowledge scientific General and knowledge ordinary

Moebio tape 27: 1-10
General scientific knowledge and ordinary knowledge
Miguel Martínez Miguélez ( Professor (retired) at the Universidad Simón Bolívar
Caracas (Venezuela) and responsible for the "Epistemology and methodology qualitative" research
This article describes the nature and it opposes characteristics and application of the classic
scientific knowledge and
the ordinary knowledge. Therefore, it makes emphasis on the epistemic approach to each one, on
the mental
sensibility that requires their reception, on the local and social environment in which they appear
and are developed,
on the epistemic matrix they imply, and on the science-art dimension in which they are located.
The article finishes
with a practical advice to undergraduate and graduate students.
Key words: scientific knowledge, ordinary knowledge, epistemic matrix.
This article describes the nature and contrasted the characteristics and application of scientific
Classic and the ordinary knowledge. To do so, puts the emphasis on the epistemological approach
to each of
them, in mental sensitivity that requires their uptake, in the local and social domains in which they
appear and are
develop, in the matrix epistemic involving and in the dimension of science-art in which they are
located. Article
It concludes with a practical point for undergraduate and graduate researchers.
Key words: scientific knowledge, ordinary knowledge, epistemic matrix.
Received on 8 Oct 2006
Accepted on 26 Oct 2006
"There are no diseases, only sick."
Assertion of current medicine
The epistemological movements and the guidelines of the thought of recent times, touching and
questioning the bases of traditional scientific knowledge, have created great confusion in students
University of all levels, which are left to wonder if, in developing the theoretical or conceptual
frameworks, can
or must be a research project following the traditional classic lines or if, on the other hand,
can or should follow guidelines pointing to you, for example, movements like the condition
postmodern, the postestructuralista, the desconstruccionista, critical theory, or the tendency to
desmetaforizacion speech, hermeneutics and dialectics, and, in general, a postpositivista
that it emphasizes local and ordinary knowledge.
Two approaches to knowledge
I seems obvious that must recognize, above all, the priority of immediate experience. This
experience has priority by its original immediacy, because we live it and experience before any
conceptualization and emergence of meanings, because it is the fundamental way in which we are
offered the world and
because it is Basic for all kinds of activities, including the same science. However,
also it seems clear that this experience, before being located in a personal, cultural and social
context that you
assign meanings, is just amorphous and without any sense.
But the science is, in the last analysis, knowledge, as its name implies. However, it is often seen
as knowledge of a particular gender, knowledge of general laws observed in cases
individuals. This trait would differentiate the scientific knowledge of local and ordinary knowledge
referred to
a case, entity, fact or particular individual. Already the scholastic philosophers tended to repeat
that non scientia est
individuorum (Science's not individuals or particular cases).

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