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Bagaimana cara kerja Bitcoin?

Inilah pertanyaan yang seringkali menyebabkan kebingungan. Berikut penjelasan singkatnya!

Dasar untuk pengguna baru

Sebagai pengguna baru, Anda bisa langsung mulai menggunakan Bitcoin tanpa harus memahami detil teknisnya. Setelah Anda

menginstal dompet Bitcoin di komputer atau ponsel, secara otomatis akan tercipta alamat Bitcoin pertama Anda dan Anda bisa

membuat lebih banyak alamat lagi kapanpun Anda membutuhkan. Anda bisa memberikan alamat Bitcoin Anda kepada teman-

teman Anda sehingga mereka bisa membayar Anda ataupun sebaliknya. Sangat mirip dengan cara kerja email, kecuali bahwa

alamat Bitcoin hanya bisa digunakan sekali.

Saldo - rantai-blok

Rantai-blok adalah sebuah catatan transaksi umum bersama di mana jaringan Bitcoin bersandar. Semua transaksi terkonfirmasi

termasuk di dalam rantai-blok. Dengan demikian, dompet Bitcoin dapat menghitung sisa uang yang dapat dibelanjakan dan

transaksi-transaksi baru dapat diverifikasi untuk dibelanjakan dengan bitcoin yang memang dimiliki oleh pengguna. Integritas dan

urutan kronologis rantai-blok diberlakukan dengan kriptografi.

Transaksi - kunci pribadi

Sebuah transaksi adalah transfer nilai antara dompet Bitcoin yang termasuk di dalam rantai-blok. Dompet Bitcoin menyimpan

bagian rahasia dari data yang disebut kunci pribadi, yang digunakan untuk menandatangani transaksi, memberikan bukti

matematis bahwa memang benar si pemilik dompet yang bertransaksi. Tanda tangan juga mencegah transaksi diubah oleh

siapapun setelah diterbitkan. Semua transaksi disiarkan antara pengguna dan biasanya akan mulai dikonfirmasi oleh jaringan

dalam waktu 10 menit, melalui proses yang disebut penambangan.

Memroses - penambangan

Penambangan merupakan sebuah sistem kesepakatan terdistribusi yang digunakan untuk mengonfirmasi antrian transaksi

dengan memasukkan mereka ke dalam rantai-blok. Penambangan menyusun urutan kronologis dalam rantai-blok, melindungi

netralitas jaringan, dan memungkinkan komputer yang berbeda untuk menyetujui pada keadaan sistem. Untuk dapat dikonfirmasi,

transaksi haruslah dibungkus dalam sebuah blok yang sesuai dengan aturan kriptografi yang sangat ketat dan akan diverifikasi

oleh jaringan. Aturan tersebut untuk mencegah blok sebelumnya dimodifikasi karena akan membatalkan semua blok berikutnya.

Penambangan juga seperti sebuah lotre yang kompetitif untuk mencegah setiap individu dengan mudahnya menambahkan blok

baru secara berturut-turut ke dalam rantai-blok. Dengan demikian, tidak ada individu yang bisa mengendalikan apa yang

dimasukkan ke dalam rantai-blok atau mengganti bagian dari rantai-blok untuk memutar balik transaksi mereka.

Pergi ke lubang kelinci

Ini adalah rangkuman yang sangat pendek dan singkat mengenai sistem Bitcoin. Jika Anda ingin rincian yang lebih jelas, Anda

bisa membaca makalah aslinya yang menjelaskan rancangan sistem tersebut, membaca dokumentasi developer serta

menjelajahi Bitcoin wiki.

Bitcoin untuk Bisnis

Bitcoin merupakan cara yang sangat aman dan murah untuk menangani pembayaran.

Biaya termurah di luar sana

Keamanan kriptografi Bitcoin memungkinkan untuk memroses transaksi dengan cara sangat efisien dan murah. Anda dapat

membuat atau menerima pembayaran menggunakan jaringan Bitcoin dengan hampir tanpa biaya. Pada sebagian besar transaksi,

biaya tidak sepenuhnya diperlukan namun tetap disarankan untuk mempercepat konfirmasi atas transaksi Anda.

Perlindungan terhadap penipuan

Semua bisnis yang menerima pembayaran melalui kartu kredit atau Paypal menyadari permasalahan mengenai pembayaran yang

nantinya dibatalkan. Penipuan-penipuan chargeback tersebut akan menyebabkan jangkauan pasar yang terbatas dan harga yang

meningkat, yang pada akhirnya dapat merugikan para pelanggan. Pembayaran melalui Bitcoin tidak bisa dibatalkan dan aman,

yang artinya kerugian akibat penipuan tidak lagi menjadi beban bagi pihak penjual.

Pembayaran internasional yang cepat

Bitcoin dapat ditransfer dari Afrika ke Kanada dalam waktu 10 menit. Faktanya, bitcoin tidak pernah memiliki lokasi fisik asli, yang

memungkinkan untuk mentransfer sebanyak mungkin ke mana saja tanpa batas, penundaan, atau biaya yang mahal. Tidak ada

bank penengah yang membuat Anda menunggu hingga tiga hari kerja.

Tidak diperlukan penyesuaian PCI

Menerima pembayaran kartu kredit secara online biasanya membutuhkan pemeriksaan keamanan yang ketat untuk mematuhi

standar PCI. Bitcoin masih mewajibkan Anda untuk mengamankan dompet serta permintaan pembayaran Anda. Meskipun begitu,

Anda tidak akan dibebani oleh biaya dan tanggung jawab yang muncul seiring pemrosesan informasi sensitif milik pelanggan Anda,

seperti nomor kartu kredit.

Dapatkan beberapa visibilitas gratis

Bitcoin merupakan pasar yang berkembang untuk pelanggan baru yang mencari cara untuk menggunakan bitcoin mereka.

Menerima mereka adalah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru dan membuat bisnis Anda makin dikenal.

Menerima metode pembayaran baru selalu menunjukkan praktik cerdas untuk bisnis online.

Tanda tangan berganda

Bitcoin juga memiliki fitur tanda tangan berganda yang memungkinkan bitcoin untuk dibelanjakan hanya jika sebagian dari

sekelompok orang menyetujui transaksi tersebut. Fitur ini bisa digunakan oleh jajaran direksi untuk menghindari adanya anggota

yang membuat pengeluaran tanpa mendapat persetujuan yang cukup dari para anggota lainnya, juga untuk melacak anggota

mana yang mengizinkan tiap pembayaran.

Transparansi akuntansi

Banyak organisasi yang wajib membuat laporan keuangan tentang kegiatan mereka. Dengan menggunakan Bitcoin, Anda bisa

menawarkan transparansi tingkat tinggi karena Anda bisa menyediakan informasi yang dapat digunakan oleh para anggota Anda

untuk memverifikasi neraca keuangan dan transaksi Anda. Organisasi nirlaba juga bisa mengizinkan publik untuk melihat seberapa

besar sumbangan yang mereka terima.

Many people ask, 'How do I get bitcoins?' The quick and dirty is covered in our comprehensive guide: 40+ Best Ways
To Buy Bitcoins
The easiest and fastest way to buy bitcoins instantly with a credit card or debit card is via Indacoin where you can
acquire $50 or less of bitcoin fast and usually within 10 minutes.
However, you may be new to the entire cryptocurrency concept and for that we recommend you learn a few things.
Bitcoin is extremely empowering but also different than the currency you know and use every day.

Step 1 ---> Get Started With Bitcoin

Before you start using Bitcoin, which is still experimental but has been operational without any interruptions for over
eight years, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls.
First, Bitcoins are impossible to counterfeit or inflate.
Second, you can use them to send or receive any amount of money, with anyone, anywhere in the world, at very low
cost. Bitcoin payments are impossible to block, and bitcoin wallets can’t be frozen.
Third, with Bitcoin you can directly control the money yourself without going through a third party like a bank or
Fourth, Bitcoin transactions cannot be reversed or refunded. You should only deal with businesses or people you
FifthTo be valid, a Bitcoin transactions must be confirmed at least once but preferrably 6+ times before it has
happened and becomes irreversible.
Sixth, Bitcoin is not anonymous but there is tumbling. All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on
the network, which means anyone can see the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address.
Seventh, you can get bitcoins by accepting them as a payment for goods and services or by buying them from a friend
or someone near you. You can also buy them directly from an exchange with your bank account.
Eighth, there is a growing number of services and merchants accepting Bitcoin all over the world. You can use Bitcoin
to pay them and rate your experience to help honest businesses to gain more visibility.
Ninth, the Bitcoin industry is always changing and there are many Bitcoin news services to stay up to date.
Tenth, beware of the confusingly similar Bcash, BCH, Bitcoin Cash project.

Step 2 ---> How To Get A Bitcoin Wallet

Setting up your first Bitcoin wallet is simple. There are several quality mobile, desktop, and hybrid wallets available. If you
want to do thorough research then you can read our comprehensive guide on how to find the best Bitcoin wallet.
A great path would be:
(1) a mobile wallet like Airbitz (iPhone, Android), CoPay (iPhone, Android) or Mycelium (Android).
(2) acquire bitcoins from a friend, as payment for a good or service or buy bitcoins from one of the many exchanges.
(3) if you decide to store large amounts of bitcoins and want to know they are absolutely safe then use Armory.

Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallets

iPhone and Android apps are available with popular choices including:

Copay is a Bitcoin wallet by Bitpay and available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. Because
Copay is available on multiple platforms, it’s easy to use the same wallet or accounts across multiple devices.
Copay’s simple, clean user interface makes it a good choice for new Bitcoin users. Copay is also a good option for businesses due
to a shared account feature, which requires a certain number of users to sign each transaction. Two co-founders, for example,
could create a 2 of 2 wallet where both will be required to sign each transaction.

breadwallet (Android)

Breadwallet started out as the most popular wallet for iPhone, and now it is also available for Adroid devices running Android 6.0
or higher. The simplicity and easy-to-use security makes it a great place to start for users who are new to bitcoin.


AirBitz is another Bitcoin wallet that’s great for everyday use. It’s integrated with Fold, meaning you can get 20% discounts at
Starbucks from within the wallet.
Airbitz manages accounts with usernames and passwords, but doesn’t have access to your funds. This type of account creation is
easier for less technical users who may have trouble backing up or understanding HD seeds.

breadwallet (iOS)

Breadwallet’s combination of simplicity and security has made it the most popular iOS wallet. iPhone users in search of their first
Bitcoin wallet should find Breadwallet easy to understand.
Best Bitcoin Software Wallets
Bitcoin software wallets are downloaded to your computer, give you more control and do not depend on third-party
services. Most software bitcoin wallets require a day or so to download the blockchain before they are ready for use.


Armory is the most mature, secure and full featured Bitcoin wallet but it can be technologically intimidating for users. Whether
you are an individual storing $1,000 or institution storing $1,000,000,000 this is the most secure option available. Users are in
complete control all Bitcoin private keys and can setup a secure offline-signing process in Armory.

Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin Core is the “official” Bitcoin client and wallet, though isn’t used by many due to slow speeds and a lack of features.
Bitcoin Core, however, is a full node, meaning it helps verify and transmit other Bitcoin transactions across the network and stores
a copy of the entire blockchain. This offers better privacy since Core doesn’t have to rely on data from external servers or other
peers on the network. Bitcoin Core routed through Tor is considered one of the best ways to use Bitcoin privately.

Best Hybrid Bitcoin Wallets

Hybrid Bitcoin allow you to both control the private keys and have the easy of use of a web wallet.


Copay is a Bitcoin wallet by Bitpay and available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, Max OS X, and Windows. Because
Copay is available on multiple platforms, it’s easy to use the same wallet or accounts across multiple devices.
Copay’s simple, clean user interface makes it a good choice for new Bitcoin users. Copay is also a good option for businesses due
to a shared account feature, which requires a certain number of users to sign each transaction. Two co-founders, for example,
could create a 2 of 2 wallet where both will be required to sign each transaction.

Best Bitcoin Web Wallets

Bitcoin web wallets are the easiest and most convenient to use but are potentially less secure than the above options
because the private keys to your bitcoins are usually held by a third-party.
Due to the large number of security breaches where people have lost bitcoins, we do not recommend any of the
current Bitcoin web wallets. A wallet like Copaycan be used on mobile & desktop. It provides the benefits of a software
wallet and is easy to use across many devices. Copay also helps you securely share wallets with other people.

Best Bitcoin Hardware Wallets

Bitcoin hardware wallets are the most secure because they do not expose your private keys to the network.

• Ledger Wallet - Smartcard based and malware proof

• Ledger Wallet Review
• OPENDIME - The Bitcoin Credit Stick

Step 3 ---> How To Get Bitcoins

How to buy Bitcoins
With the Bitcoin price so volatile many people seem curious about getting some. Below we have listed some of the
best exchanges.
If you want to do your own research then check our guide on how to buy bitcoins in any country. Here are our

Coinbase BUY

Coinbase is one of the world's largest Bitcoin exchanges. Users in the United States, Canada, most of Europe, and Singapore can
buy bitcoins with a connected bank account or SEPA transfer.
European users can purchase bitcoins with 3D secure credit or debit cards.

IndacoinIndacoin is a global platform enabling the quickest bitcoin purchases in more than 200
countires with a credit or debit card and no registration.

If it's the first time you use the card, you will receive a call from Indacoin with a 4-digit code, which should be entered on your
order page. After that, you will have to enter a 3-digit code, which can be found on your online card statement next to the charge
You will have the limit of $50 for the first transaction, $100 for the second transaction available after four days of the initial
purchase and $500 after eight days of the first buy. The total limit for the first month will be $5,000 and then no limit s at all.
Since your card is verified, cryptocurrency is sent automatically within ten minutes after the payment.


Kraken is one of the world's largest Bitcoin exchanges. Residents of Europe and the UK can deposit and purchase
bitcoins with same day SEPA transfer.

LocalBitcoins is an escrow service that helps match Bitcoin buyers and sellers.


SpectroCoin is an all-in-one solution for Bitcoin offering an exchange, debit card and ability to buy bitcoins with credit cards.

How To Earn Bitcoins

Many people find that the best way to get bitcoins is to accept them as payment for the products or services they
already sell. Just give your customers the option to pay in bitcoin.
To make it easy, you may want to sign up for a bitcoin merchant account which allows you to send invoices and
integrate bitcoin payments into your order pages for the most popular online shopping cart systems.

• WeUseCoins Bitcoin Faucet - Get free bitcoins that are provided by sponsors
• BitPay - (Highly Recommended) - Merchant tools and account services
• Jobs 4 Bitcoin - Subreddit where you can find jobs

What Is Bitcoin Mining?

Mining bitcoins requires an investment in specialized bitcoin mining hardware designed to process double round
sha256 hash verifications at high speed.
Getting started with Bitcoin mining can be a daunting endeavor and it has become highly specialized so you may want
to leave it to professionals with Bitcoin cloud mining services.
Nevertheless, there are many excellent bitcoin mining systems available.
It is important to point out that bitcoin mining is highly competitive and risky for would-be participants. Please see our bitcoin
mining guide for more detail.
If you want to try your luck at bitcoin mining then this Bitcoin miner is probably the best deal.
Step 4 ---> How To Use Bitcoins?
Starting to use bitcoins can be exciting because it is a new technology. Bitcoins can be used to purchase just about
anything you want. Dental services, a brand new car, travel and even luxury real estate.
We recommend searching the Bitcoin merchant directories below to locate the merchants you are interested in. You
can buy gift cards with bitcoin and shop easily at most of the stores you already use.

Bitcoin Merchant Directories

• Airbitz - Find bitcoin friendly merchants near you and online

• Open Bazaar - A decentralized marketplace
• Coinmap - Find bitcoin friendly merchants near you
• - Get discounts greater than 20% on
One of the best things to buy with Bitcoin is virtual private network (VPN) services to keep your Internet traffic safe,
secure and private. We put together a comprehensive list of VPNs you can buy with Bitcoin.
Another tool many people like to buy is a Bitcoin debit card which enables people to load a debit card with funds via

Promotional Images
Are you a merchant or freelancer that would want to start accepting bitcoins for goods or services? We have a few
high resolution graphics that can help you.
So this is exactly the typical sign as you can also find on the Bitcoin Wiki.
Just that it is in fully scalable PSD form so even blowing it up to huge printable resolutions will do no harm to them.
And you can edit them easily.
All images have transparent corners.

• Full PSD
• 1,680 pixels - High resolution
• 168 pixels - Small for website buttons

Gold Version
A bit more exciting. Same deal: PSD and resolutions available with no copyrights to worry about by using and
modifying an existing coin design. Scaling the PSD up more than 500% is fine but after that it may get blurry.

• Full PSD
• 1,680 pixels - High resolution
• 168 pixels - Small for website buttons
Buy Gift Cards With Bitcoins
Available from Gyft and spendable at:

• Amazon


• BitGive - a non-profit foundation that is accepting donations from the Bitcoin community and providing charitable gifts to
environmental and public health causes worldwide.

Step 5 ---> Staying Informed With Bitcoin News

Michael Casey and Paul Vigna of the Wall Street Journal authored The Age of Cryptocurrency which has become a best
seller on the topic of Bitcoin.
This may be a great book for you to start with when forming an intellectual foundation on this new technology.
There is the WeUseCoins News Section and these are the 5 most recent articles:
• Purchasing Litecoin
• The Process of Accepting Bitcoin Payments for your Business
• Blog Post
• Blockchain Explained - For Normal People
• All About Cryptocoin Mining and How Useful It Is
• Video - Pivx is...
• Video - Bitcoin-Vs-Pivx
• Video - EventChain SmartTickets Vision general de la plataforma blockchain de ICO
• Video - How To Buy Pivx On Changelly With Bitcoin
• Video - Brave Browser, Craig Wright, Japan and South Korea

Here are some good places to keep up with bitcoin news and discussion:

• Opinions of the Rich and Famous on Bitcoin

• Research Library - papers from companies and academics
• r/bitcoin - Bitcoin links and discussion by the Reddit community
• Bitcoin Charts - price charts
• Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast - Interviews with top people in the Bitcoin world
What is Bitcoin?
With the Bitcoin price so volatile everyone is curious. Bitcoin, the category creator of blockchain technology, is
the World Wide Ledger yet extremely complicated and no one definition fully encapsulates it. By analogy it is like
being able to send a gold coin via email. It is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and a
completely digital money.
It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or
middlemen. Bitcoin was the first practical implementation and is currently the most prominent triple entry bookkeeping
system in existence.
Beware of the confusingly similar Bcash, BCH, Bitcoin Cash project.
Visualize and Download High-Resolution Infographic

Who created Bitcoin?

The first Bitcoin specification and proof of concept was published in 2009 by an unknown individual under the
pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto who revealed little about himself and left the project in late 2010. The Bitcoin
community has since grown exponentially.
Satoshi's anonymity often raises unjustified concerns because of a misunderstanding of Bitcoin's open-source nature.
Everyone has access to all of the source code all of the time and any developer can review or modify the software
code. As such, the identity of Bitcoin's inventor is probably as relevant today as the identity of the person who invented

Who is involved in Bitcoin?

Over $1B of investment into Bitcoin and blockchain companies has taken place resulting in thousands of companies and
hundreds of thousands of individuals involved from around the world.

What is the Blockchain?

Who controls the Bitcoin network?

Nobody owns the Bitcoin network much like no one owns the technology behind email or the Internet. Bitcoin
transactions are verified by Bitcoin miners which has an entire industry and Bitcoin cloud mining options. While
developers are improving the software they cannot force a change in the Bitcoin protocol because all users are free to
choose what software and version they use.
In order to stay compatible with each other, all users need to use software complying with the same rules. Bitcoin can
only work correctly with a complete consensus among all users. Therefore, all users and developers have a strong
incentive to protect this consensus.

How does Bitcoin work?

From a user perspective, Bitcoin is nothing more than a mobile app or computer program that provides a personal
Bitcoin wallet and enables a user to send and receive bitcoins.
Behind the scenes, the Bitcoin network is sharing a massive public ledger called the "block chain". This ledger
contains every transaction ever processed which enables a user's computer to verify the validity of each transaction.
The authenticity of each transaction is protected by digital signatures corresponding to the sending addresses
therefore allowing all users to have full control over sending bitcoins.
Thus, there is no fraud, no chargebacks and no identifying information that could be compromised resulting in identity
theft. To learn more about Bitcoin, you can consult the original Bitcoin whitepaper, read through the extremely
thorough Frequently Asked Questions, listen to a Bitcoin podcast or read the latest Bitcoin news.

Sponsors for free Bitcoins

Many people new to Bitcoin are curious about how to get some. Bitcoin faucets, places where bitcoins are given away
for free, have been a part of spreading Bitcoin since the earliest days. But one problem is running out of bitcoins to
give! That is why we have figured out a sustainable way to give away free bitcoins with sponsors.

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