Anda di halaman 1dari 98

not require an al- 24 meridians which are multiples of 15' of lon-

Note that this equation does gitude beginning at Greenwich, England' Thus,
ot the star' but that latitude
fi;";;;"ment for example, central standard time is 6 hours or
Other forms of this equationuse
,"rt, O" f"o*n. (AZ) in- 90' west of Greenwich. Since the earth rotates
for azimuth
iHn in pr"." of t and solve eastward,central standardtime is 6 hours earlier
stead of Z. than universaltime. Local civil time is referenced
to the local meridian of the observer and ditfers
from standardtime by 4 minutesfor each degree
east (later)or west (earlier)of the standardmeri-
sidereal (staO time-
There are two types o{ time: of dian. lt is also equivalentto the obseruer'slon-
timeis therate
ffi il; Gr^fii."' sidereal gitude expressed as time in relationto universal
.il ["lt'in" celestial 56 seconos
and time (UT).
i"'l .'".* that gains 3 minutes
celestial pole at
p"t O"V Stars rotate around the ln 1972, by internationalagreement,the official
time rate, and this must be taken.into
the sideral time adooted was Inlernational Atomic Time
of their hour
account when a prectsecalculation (TAl). This time uses atomic clocks which are in-
angle is made. dependentof the earth'srotation.In order to keep
coordinated universal time synchronized with
into two types: ap-
Solar time can also be divided atomic time, about one leap second per year is
time) and mean solar
p"t"n, *n time (sundial added due to the gradual slowing of the earth's
time is a non-uniform time
ii.". epp"r"nt sun rotation.The officialsecond used is the length of
However' because
based on true sun position' the second that existed in the year 1900. This is
and the equatoris in-
the earth's orbit is eccentric sometimes known as the ephemeris second.
sun gains and
.i."J a the ecliptic,the apparent Ephemeristime (ET) is reckoned from the year
loses time. 1900.
solar time is uniform
On the other hand, mean Universaltime has also been divided into several
Lo'i".rrJ". localcivil(LCT)'stand.ard
to ?:9 :lj-
the sur types: UTO is the mean universal time as ob-
i"l"r lirn", all of whichare useful tained trom the stars at Greenwichand contains
veyor. all of the irregular motions of the earth. UT1 is
they are referenced UTo correctedfor the geographicalwanderingof
These times ditfer only in that the earth's poles and is independentof the ob-
Universal time is refer-
to different meridians' server' is the time most often used by
longitucteand is measured on a 24-.
enced to 0'
is referenced to one of surveyors and navigatorswhen making star ob-
iort O"tis; standardtime

servations.The difference between UTo and UTI UT Universal
does not at presentexceed 0.05 second. UTC is Greenwich,England
coordinateduniversaltime and is the uniformtime
for generaluse. lt differsfrom atomictime only in UTO UT as obtained
the use of leap seconds. For surveyors who need direcllyfromstars.
UT1, a correctioncode is given by the National UT1 UTOcorrectedfor
Bureau of Standards radio station WWV. Also' polewandering.
the U.S. Naval Observatoryissues a weekly time
series No. 7 which gives the current correctlons UT2 UT1correctedfor
(DUT) as UT1-UTC.Leap seconds are added to seasonalvariations.
keep this correctionless than plus or minus 0.7
UTC Coordinateduniversal
second.Additionalinformationon UTI is given in
the chapteron sun observations.The followingis
a summaryof the differenttypes of time:
ET Ephemeristime,measured
SiderealTime Time bY the stars. fromtheyear'1900.

Apparent True star time. TT Terrestrial

to ET).
Mean Uniformstar time. TAI International
SolarTime Time bY the sun. UTC=TAl- 33 sec.The33 secondoffset
is as of January1, 2006,and
Apparent True sun time increments whena leapsecond
(SundialTime). is added.
TT =TAl+ 32.184sec.The32.184second
Mean Uniformsun time.
offsetis a constant.
LCT Local Civil Time. GPST= TAI- 19sec. Globalpositioning
ST StandardTime a constant).
for a standard

zv 21
CHAPTER3 training for proficiency, has fewer restrictions on
time of day and geographic location, more ver-
SUNOBSERVATIONS satility (total stations may be used), and is appli-
cable to Polaris and other stars. Consequenfly,
INTRODUCTION the hour angle method has been emphasizedin
this handbook, and its use by the surveyor is en-
Sun observations,as comparedwith star obser- couraged.
vations,providethe surveyorwith a moreconve'
nientand economical methodfor determining an To apply the hour angle method, the horizontal
accurateastronomicazimuth.A sun observation angle from a line to the sun is measured.Know-
can be easily incorporatedinto a regularwork ing the accurate time of observation and the ob-
schedule, fieldtime,and
it requireslittleadditional server's position (latitude and longitude), the
with reasonable care and properequipment' an azimuth of the sun is computed.This azimuthand
accuracyof within 10 arc'secondscan be ob' the horizontal angle are combined to yield the
tained. azimuthof the line.

There are two methods for determiningan THE AZIMUTH OF THE SUN
azimuthby observing the sun:the altitudemethod
and the houranglemethod.The basicditference General
beNveenthese two are that the altitudemethod
requiresan accurateverticalangle and approxF The equationtor the azimuthof the sun is:
mate time, whereasthe hour angle methodre-
- sin LHA
quiresvery accuratetime and no verticalangle' A7 : 12n-t
In the past, the altitudemethodhas been more
of obtaining where: LHA is the local hour angle of the sun.
popularprimarilydue to the difficulty
6 is the declinationof the sun.
accuratetime in the field (time accuracyrequire-
mentsof the hour angle methodfor the sun are 0 is the latitudeof the observer.
Az is the azimuth of the sun, measured
greaterthan for Polaris).Withthe recentdevelop-
clockwise from astronomic north. AZ is
ment of time signal receivers and accurate
normalized from 0" to 360. by adding
timepieces,particularlydigitalwatcheswith split
algebraically a correction from the follow_
time featuresand time modulesfor calculators,
The hourangle ing table.
this obstaclehas beeneliminated.
method is more accurate,faster, requiresless

In the United States, CoordinatedUniversalTime
CORRECTION (UTC)is broadcastby the NationalInstituteof Stan-
dards and Technologyradio stationWWV (WWVH
When LHA lfMis llAZis
in Hawaii)on 2.5,5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz.Shortwave
ts positive negative
receiverswith frequenciesthat can be pre-setare
available(e.9.the EtonE10from RadioShack).Also,
0' to 180' 180' 360" the signalcan be receivedby calling1-303-499-7111.
180"to 360' 0" 180" Forsun observations, calling1-900-410-TIME is not
recommendeddue to this signal not providingthe
DUT conection.
This equation is derived using spherical
trigonometry to solve the PZS triangle for I n C a n a d a , E a s t e r nS t a n d a r dT i m e ( E S T ) i s
broadcaston radio station CHU (3.33, 7.335 and
azimuth. In lieu of the normalizetable' rectangu-
14.67 MHz). This can be convertedto UTC bv
lar to polar conversion (R+ P) found on most
adding5 hoursto EST.
calculators can be used to solve directly for AZ.
For an HP calculator, the numerator and de-
Time based on the actual rotationof the earth
nominator are reduced, placing the value of the (UT1) is obtainedby adding a correction(DUT)
numerator in the Y register and the value of the t o C o o r d i n a t e dU n i v e r s a T l ime (UT1 = UTC +
denominatorin the X register(display).Executing D U T ) . T h e c o r r e c t i o nD U T , w h i c h p r e s e n t l y
R* P will result in AZ (degrees decimal) being changesby approximately 0.1 secondseverytwo
placed in the Y register. Executing the X Y inter- m o n t h s .i s o b t a i n e df r o m W W V ( W W V H a n d
change function (X<>Y) will displaythe azimuth. CHU) by countingthe numberof doubleticksfol-
lf the azimuth is between 180'and 360' it will dis- lowing the minute tone. These double ticks are
play as a minus azimuth.Consequently,it the dis- n o t o b v i o u sa n d m u s t b e c a r e f u l l yl i s t e n e df o r .
play is negativesimply add 360. Each doubletick representsa tenth of a second
correctionand is positivefor the first seven sec-
Time and Date o n d s ( t i c k s ) .B e g i n n i n gw i t h t h e n i n t h s e c o n d ,
e a c h d o u b l et i c k i s a n e g a t i v ec o r r e c t i o n T . he
Due to the rotation of the celestial sphere, the total correction,either positiveor negative,will
local hour angle (LHA) of the apparent sun in- not exceed0.7 second.Whilethis DUT correction
creases by approximately 15" per hour. (The is very small,it is easy to applyand may increase
mean sun increases by exactly 15' per hour') the accuracyof the azimuth.Neglectingto apply
Therefore,to calculatethe LHA at the instant ol t h i s c o r r e c t i o nh a s t h e s a m e e f f e c t o n t h e
observation,accuratetime is required. azimuthas an errorin time.(SeeTable1.)

A stopwatchwith a split (or lap) time featureis ex- than local time (24 hour basis), Greenwichdate
cellent lor obtainingtimes of pointings.The stop- is the same as local date. lf UT1 is greater than
watch is set by starting on a WWV minutetone and local time, Greenwich date is local date minus
is then checked one minutelater with a split time' one oay.
lf a significantdifferenceis observed,the stopwatch Latitude and Longitude
is restartedand checkedagain.Split times are taken
Both the observer'slatitudeand longitudeare re-
for each pointingon the sun and added to the be-
quired for the hour angle method.Usuallythese
ginningUTI time (beginningUTC correctedfor DUT)'
valuesare readilyobtainedby scalingfrom a map
such as a U.S.G.S.7.s-minutequadranglesheet.
Some H P-41CX and 48SX/GXcelestialobservation
For sun observations,locatingthe observer,spos-
programsprovidefortimestobetakendirectlyf rom
ition on the map and scalingmust be performed
the internalcalculatorclock. lf these routinesare
to a reasonablyhigh degreeof accuracy(seeTable
utilizeditisveryimportantthattheinternalclock be 1on page 3B).Also,a handheld GpS receiverwill
accuratelysetto UT1.Forthe 4'lCXthisis easilyac- providelatitudeand longitudeto the requireddegree
comolishedwith the T+Xfunction.Forthe 48S/GX of accuracy.
it is ratherdifficultunlesstheprogramalsoprovides
a time correction routine.

To insurethat the timepiecehas not gainedor lost Declinationof the sun is tabulated for 0 hours
a significantamountol time, it shouldbe rechecked UTI of each day (Greenwichdate) in Table A.
with WWV after the observations'The key to ac- Linear interpolationfor declination at the UT1
curate azimuthsby the hour angle method is ob- time of observationcan be performed using the
tainingaccuratetime.The surveyorshoulddevelop followingequation.
skilled techniquesfor synchronizingstartrngtime
and obtainingsplit times on the sun. Dect Decr0h r (Dect 24h Dect oh) (-Utt-)
To enter the ephemeris tables, the Greenwich where: Decl 0h = Declination at 0 hours for
date for the time of observationmust be known' the Greenwich date of ob_
For observations in the western hemisphere,if servation.
UT1 time is greater than local time, Greenwich Decl 24h - Declination at 0 hours for
date is the same as local date. lf UT1 is less than the next Greenwichday.
local time, Greenwichdate is local date plus one
A linear interpolationof a nonlinearfunction will
dav. For the eastern hemisphere,if UT1 is less
result in an error. When interpolatingin Tables A,
B and C, the linear interpolation error is insignifi-



Horizontalanglesfrom a lineto the sun are obtained

from direct and reverse(face left and face riqht or
face I and facell) pointingstakenon the baclsight
mark and the sun. lt is suggestedthat repeatingthe_
t odolitesbe usedas directionalinstrumentswith one
"^l of two general measuringproceduresbeing fol_
lowed.Theseare:(1)a singleforesightpointingon
the sun for each pointingon the backsightmark;
.^(' and (2) multipleforesightpointingson the sun for
each pointingon the backsightmark.

For the singleforesightprocedure,the sightingse-

quenceis: directon mark,directon sun,reverseon
sun, reverseon mark,withtimesbeingrecordedfor
each pointingon the sun. The two times and four
horizontalcirclereadingsconstituteone set of data.
An observationconsistsof one or moresets.A mini_
mum ot 3 setsis recommended. This procedureis
srmilarto that of measuringan angleat a traverse
stationusing a directionaltheodolite.

For the multipleloresightprocedure,the sighting

sequence is: direct on mark, severaldirect on

The RelationshipBetweenLHA,GHAand
LongitudeAs Viewed
From the Top of the CelestialSphere

30 Q1

sun, an equal number reverseon sun, reverseon the data to computethe horizontalangles,
the di_
mark, with times being recordedfor each pointing rect reading on the backsight mark should
on the sun. A minimumot 6 pointings(3D and 3R) be subtracted from the direct foresight reading
on the sun is recommended.The multipletimes, the sun. Likewise, the reverse backsight r.""-ding
multiplehorizontalcircle readingson the sun and should always be subtracted trom the ,"u"r.J
the two horizontalcircle readingson the backsight foresight reading.Add 960 if the resulting
mark constitute one observation. is negative.

In general,which measuringprocedureused is a The vertical angle to the sun is usually

matter of preference.The single foresightproce- than for typical surveying work. This increas-es
dure is based on the assumptionthat pointings the importanceof accuratelyleveling the
on the sun are of approximatelythe same accu- menl For a vertical angle of 5., a leveling
racy as pointingson the backsightmark- In turn' of 10 arc-secondsperpendicularto the diiection
the multipleforesight procedureis based on the pointedwill result in less than 1 arc_second
assumptionthat pointingson the sun are signific- in the horizontal circle reading. For a
antly less accuratethan backsightpointings.Error angle of 45', however,the error would be 10
in accurately setting or synchronizing the seconds. (An equation for this error is given
timepiece has the same etfect on both. The Useful Formulae.)Because of this and o-th",
single foresight procedure lends itself to proper rors, it is recommendedthat observations "r_
not be
procedure for incrementingthe horizontalcircle made when the altitudeof the sun is greater
and micrometer settings on the backsight.The approxrmately 45".
multiple foresight procedureallows for a greater
number of pointingson the sun during a shorter The sun cannot be observeddirectlythrough
time soan. telescopewithout using either an eyepiece-or
objective lens filter. In lieu of a filter, the
Since a large differenceusually exists between image and the cross hair can be projected
the vertical angle to the backsightmark and the a blank white surfaceheld approximatelyone
vertical angle to the sun, it is imperativethat an behindthe eyepiece.The eyepieceand telescope
equal numberof both direct and reversepointings focus must be adjustedto obtain a sharp image.
be taken. This is even more important when Usually,only that portionof the cross nali svstJm
using an objective lens filter. Also, the filter situatedwithinthe sun's image is clearlyvisitle.
should not be removedor rotated betweendirect
and reversepointingson the sun. When reducing

32 33
7-! Direct viewing verticalcross hair. The leadingedge is pointedby

ol the sun without a Proper moving the vertical cross hair forward until the
filter will cause serious eye cross hair becomestangentto the sun's image.
damage. Use of a total sta- A correctionto the sun's cenler is calculatedfrom
tion without an obiective the semidiameter and is appliedto the
lens filter may damage the measured horizontal angle from the backsight
EDM comPonents' mark to the sun's edge. This correction,dH, is
computed using the equatton below. The
The use of a filter is more convenientand slightly semidiameter of the sun is tabulatedin TableA.
improves pointing accuracies.For total stations,
the use of an objectivelens filter is mandatoryIn h - sin'1 (sin d sin 6 + cos d cos 6 cos LHA)
order to protect the EDM components For the
same reason, a telescope mounted EDM should dH - (sun's semidiameter)/cos h
be removed or covered with a lens cap before dH will be in the same unitsas SD.
When pointing the left edge (left when facing the
sun), dH is added to an angle right. When point-
ing the right edge, subtract The left edge is al-
I z--=f ways the trailing edge at latitudes greater than
r\ 23.5' north. The left edge is always the leading
----ir\__-/ edge at latitudesgreaterthan 23.5' south.

li An azimuth of the sun and a corresponding

azimuth of the line (AZL) should be computedfor
Figure 4 each pointing on the sun. A general equationfor
Pointing the Sun ML is:

AZL- AZ+ 360' Angle Right

The sun s image is large in diameter(approxi-
mately 32 minutesof arc), making accuratepoint-
ML can be normalizedto between 0" and 360.
ings on the center impractical.In lieu of pointing
by adding or subtracting360".
the center, both direct and reversepointingsmay
be taken on only one edge of the sun (usuallythe
After the azimuths ot the line have been com-
trailingedge). See Figure 4. The sun's trailing
puted,they are comparedand, rf found within ac-
edge is pointed by allowing it to move onto the
ceptable limits, averaged. A2muths computed
34 35
7 -

with the telescope direct and with telescope re- pointed within this width.
versed should be compared independently.Sys- In many instances,
pointing the sun may introduce
tematic instrumenterrors and the use of an ob- sr"ff"i
than pointingthe backsightmark. " "riJ,
lective lens frlter can cause a significantdiffer-
ence between direct and reverse azimuths. An
Total error in the sun.s azimuth
equal number of direct and reverse azimuths is a functjon of
errors in obtaining UT1 time
shouldbe averaged. and scalingirotrO"
The masnitude that t"i"
contribute to the total error is a functionoirn""^n.
An allernativecalculationprocedureis averaging oO_
seryer's latitude, declinalionand
times and angles or to point both edges of the time fro, lo.uf
sun and averageto eliminatethe semidiameter
f?3": th:latitudes of theseparameters-iJr
setected and declinations
correction.Due to the sun travelingon an appar is shownin
Table 1. This table illustrates
tne importance
ant curved path and the change in the inputdataaccuracies oi
semidiameter correctionwith altitude,this proce- at differenttir". oiin"i""v
and shouldbe notedtnat fO
dure will usually introducea significanterror in arc_seconJi
of tatitudeis equivalentto approximat"fy
azimuth.Also, it does not provide a good check feet (300m) on the earth,ssurface. iOOd
on the finalazimuth.Averagingtimes and angles Ten arc_sec_
of tongitudeis equivatent to
will reducethe amountof calculations; however, :19.-
880feet(270m) at 30. taritude anO"ppro"ir"1.l
since moderncalculatorsand softwareare readily SOO feet(i;6
m) at 60" latitude.
available, accuracy should not be sacrificed in
favor of shortcuttingcalculations.


Errors in determiningthe azimuthof a line can be

divided into two categories:errors in measuring
the horizontalangle from the line to the sun, and
errorsin determining the sun'sazimuth.

With the exception of pointing the sun, errors in

the horizontalangle are similar to any other field
angle. The width of a theodolitecross hair is ao-
proximately2 to 3 arc-seconds.With practice,the
sun's edge, particularlythe trailing edge, can be


As an example,for an early morning

(time from local noon ot +h; during-
the late falt
(declinationof -23") at a tatitude
ot SO" noril,
TABLE 1 assume UT1 time is accuratewithin 0.3
A Z I M U T HE R R O RR E L A T E DT O and scaling of latitude and longitude
within 5i,.
. O N G I T U O EA N D O E C L I N A T I O N
T I M E .L A T I T U D E L From Table 1 the error due to time is
3,,.The er_
rors due to latitudeand longitudeare .1,,
Lalitude: 30"N Declination- +23' and 3,,
respectively.This results in.a total
Data Time From Local Noon error of less
than 5" (totat error = VT-;F .r-Tz
Error oh 2n f. eo,
this same example,if the oDservation
153 11 6 6
was taken
1'of Trme crose to local noon, time and scaling longtitude
1 0 "o f L a t 0 19 7 2 would be more critical.
1 0 " o 1L o n g 1',15" 7" 4' 4"

Decltnatton- 23'
Since errors in scaling latitudeand longitude
Latrtude 30 N will
be constant for all data sets of an
Data Time From Local Noon ob-servation,
eacn computedazimuth of the sun will
Error oh 2h 4h 6n contain a
'17" constanterror. Errors in time affectthe
1" oi Trme 14" 9" 7" azimuthin
a similar manner. Consequently,increasing
1 0 "o f L a l . 0" 3" 2" 2" the
'10" Long number of data sets will not appreciably
of 12" 9" 6" 4" ,"-dr."
the sun's azimuth error. This increase
*ilf. no*-
Latitude - 60'N Dechnatton= -23" ever, improve the horizontalangle accuracy
therefore,have a desirableeffect on tne
Dala Time From Local Noon azimutn
accuracyof the line.
Error oh 2h 4h 6h

1" of Time 23" 19" 14" 12"

10" of Lat. 0' 7', 7" 4"
1 0 "o f L o n g . 15" 13" 10" 8"

Latitude = 60'N Declinatton= 23'

Data Time From LocalNoon
1'of Time 14" 13" r3"
10" of Lat. 0" 3" 1"
1 0 "o { L o n g . 9" 9" 8"
Figure 5
Sun Observation Example Field Notes

The followingcalculationsare for the field notes

shown in Figure5. These notes illustratethe mul-
tiple foresightprocedure.For example purposes,
calculationsfor the lirst reversepointingonly are

Correctionto stopwatchequals UT1 when stop-

watch was started.
o UTC :
z 13h34-02:O
s DUT : - 0".2
l! UT1 : 13h34'01".8 (at stopwatch= 0:00:00)
E From TableA
c GHA 0h = 180'17'25".8
.9 GHA 24h= 180"14'34".3
Decl 0h= 22'46'A5".9
o Decl24h=2251'37".5
o Semidiameter= 0"15'47".0
a Firstpointingwith Tele R.

uT1 : 15'42".0+13h34'01".9

GHA = GHAOh+ {GHA24h_ GHAOh+ 360) /urr\

= 387'4't'44'.0 \*)
= 27"41'M".0

: -66"28',24".0
: 293'31 '36 ".0

D e c r= D e c t 0 ' * ( D e c l 2 4 h - D e c l o " ) f + l -+] The resultsfor all pointingsare:
\24 /
(0.0000395) (Decl0") sin(7.5UT1) No. TeleD No. Tele R
= 22'49'17''O + 0'00'03''1 1 91"23',08
".6 4 91"23',45',.2
z 91"23',1" .01 5 91"23',49'.2
- sin LHA 91'22'11',.8 6 91.23',44'.9
AZ : tan-' cosOtan6-sinQcosLHA
: 83"27'26".5 Direct azimuthsshould be comparedwith each
other and likewisefor reverseazimuths.This is
Since LHA is between 180oand 360o,and AZ is particularlytrue for pointingstaken with an objec-
positive,the normalizecorrectionequals0o. tive lens filter.lf any one azimuthis unsatisfactory,
an equal number ol direct and reverseshould be
M = 83'27'26".5 thrown out before averaging.Azimuth No. 3 con-
tains excessiveerror.Throw out this azimuth and
R Ang Rt : 171"45'13"- 180"00'05" one of the reverseazimuths(No.5).
: -8"14'52"
= 351"45'08"
Ave AZL : 91.23'27,

h = sin-' (sinQ sin 6 * cos 0 cos 0 cos LHA) Conversionto Arkansasstate plane grid azimuth,
= 31"43'09" north zone (NAD 27 or NAD 83), is as follows:

-- semidiameter From state plane coordinaletables
cos h I"- - 92"00'00'
= 0"18'33".3 / : 0.581899

Left edge pointedD & R; theretore,correction y=(L" -Ll/

dH is positive. : -1o15'43',
From NGS software,Laplacelessthan 1,,.
AngRt : 351"45'08"+ 0'18'33".3
: 352'03'41"'3 Grid Az : Astro Az - T
: 92'39 '10 "
AZL= AZ * 360- Ang Rt
: 91"23'45".2 ALTITUDEMETHOD

The samecalculation procedureas shownabove The altitude method is outdatod, less accurete
on thesun.
is usedfor eachpointing (approximatelyone minute of arc, dependingon
42 43

center of the sun are required.Therefore,a spe-

numerousfactors),and should only be considered
craraccessorymust be used or both edges of the
when accurate time cannot be determined. This
method is outlined in most surveying texts and, sun must be pointed simultaneously(quadrant
method). Due to the sun's large diameter, both
consequently,will not be discussed in detail.
Explanationsof terms and procedures covered in edges cannot be accuratelyobservedsimultane_
the Drevioussections will not be repeated. ously using a filter.Since lotal stationsrequirean
objectivelens filter,this eliminatestheir use for
The equation for the azimuth angle of the sun this method.
usingthe altitudemethodis:
The altitude method requiresvery accurateverti_
s i n6 - s i n h s i nO cal angles which must be corrected for oarallax
, : - ^ - - 1 -cos
L and refraction. This accuracyis particularly
h cos o critical
when the sun is close to local noon. At this
period,there is a rapid change in azimuthwith lit_
where: Z is the azimuth angle measuredfrom
north: clockwlse for a morning observa- lie or no change in altitude.Therefore,observa_
tion and counterclockwisefor an after- tions should not be made within two to three
noon observation. hours of local noon. The magnitudeof the refrac_
h is the altitudeof the sun. tion correctionis large and more difficultto accu_
rately determine when the sun is close to the
The altitude is obtained from measured vertical hofizon. This restricts observationsfrom beino
angles to the sun, correcledtor parallax(a func- made during the first hour or two after sunrisJ
tlon of vertical angle) and refraction(a functionof and beforesunset.
vertical angle, temperatureand barometrtcpres-
sure).These correctionscan be computedusing Due to problemsinvolvedwith obtaininghorizon_
equationsgiven in UsefulFormulae. tal and verticalpointingsat the same instantand
the importanceof verticalangle accuracy,a set of
Due to inaccuracies resulting from errors as- data should consist of several foresightson the
sociatedwith altitude,an accurate determination sun for each backsight.A recommendedsighting
of declinationat the time of observationis not as sequenceis: directon mark,three directon sun,
crittcal as for the hour angle method Con- three reverseon sun, reverseon mark. The three
sequently,in lieu o{ UT1 time, zone time as an- direct and three reverse angles (horizontaland
nounced on radio or television, corrected to vertical)are averagedwith a single azimuthcom-
puted for each set. ln order to minimizethe error
Greenwich,is sufficientwhen interpolatingfor de'
clination. due to curvature,the time span from firsl direct to
last reverse pointing on the sun should be keot
verticaland horizontalanglesto the
Simultaneous as short as possible.
44 45

92670- Elev
Date= May23,2OOa b = rnverseIOO------
AveAngRtto Sun'sCenter: 326"42'14'
AveZenithAngto Sun'sCenter: 55'26'56' : 28.50in of Hg
AveTime: 5:20pm CDT
Elev : 1400' ^ 0.27306b
ur :
TemP = 69oP 1a5gJ F)tan h
Lat : 36"04'00!N : 0.02090
- 0001/15/
From Table A
Decl 0h : 20'36'37'.9 h = VertAng*Cp-Cr
: 34'31'56"
Decl 24h = 20"47'52'.1
s i n 6 - s i n-h s _ 4 _ 0 _
uT:5h20-+12h+5n z, : cos
- - _ - r--------------
cos h cos0
= 22^20^ : 88"10'54".5
Decl = Decl oh + (Decl24h- Decl oh) /ur\
= 20"47'05',.3 l^.) M : 360-Z (pmobservation)
VertAng = 90o- 55'26'56'
: 34'33'04" AZL: M*360-AngRt
: 305.06'51,,.5
= 305'07'
Conection for Parallaxand Refraction

Cp = 8.794cos h (h = Vert AnQ)



CHAPTER4 mosl generaland convenient.The same method

is discussedand appliedrn this handbookfor ob-
POLARIS OBSERVATIONS servattonson, not only Polarrs,but also selected
FOR AZIMUTH other stars and the sun. The hour angle method
proceduresare applrcableto any celestialbody
INTRODUCTION for which Greenwichhour angle and declination
are tabulated.
For most land surveyingapplications, determina-
tron of astronomic azimuth by sun observations To apply the hour angle method,the horizontai
will probablybe sufficient.However,for direction anglefrom a lineto Polarisis measured.Knowtng
accuracyrequirementsof about 10 arc-seconds the accurate time of observation and the ob-
or less, a star observationwill be required. server's position (latitude and longitude),the
azimuthof Polarisis computed.This azimuthand
For the middle latitudesof the northernhemls- the horizontalangle are combinedto yield the
phere, Polaris is the preferredstar to observe{or
azimuthof the line.Figure6 depictsthe apparent moves very slowlyto an observeron motion of Polaris for an observer on earth. The
the earth and is easilylocated.At nearpole and relatronshrpbetween the north celestialpole. the
near-equatorlatitudes,a star other than Polaris
azimuthof Polarisand the horizontalangle from
shouldbe selected.Of course,Polariscannotbe lineAB to Polarisis shown.Also shownon Figure
seen in southernlatitudes.Near the pole, time 6 are the four importantpositionsof Polarisdur-
becomes very critical in the calculationof the ing its daily rotationaround the pole. These are
azimuthand, at the pole,the calculatton becomes
upperculmination (UC),westernelongation(WE),
indeterminate. Near the equator,Polarismay nol
and lower culmination(LC) and eastern elonga-
be visible, and horizontal refraction may be a t i o n( E E ) .

Several observationmethodsand calculationpro-

cedurescan be appliedto determtneastronomic
azimuth frorn Polaris. Such methods tnclude:
Polaris at elongation,by applytnga simplified
equationfor the azimuthof Polaris,by equal al-
titudesof Polaris,and by the hour anglemethod.
Only the hour angle method wtll be discussed
and applied.There are severalreasonsfor thts,
the principalones berngthat the methodis the

48 49
lf an observersights Polarisexactlyat upper or
lower culmination,its azimuth is zero, which of
course simplifies computing the astronomic
azimuthof a line. This methodof observationis
not practical.Culminationoccurs only for an in-
stantwhen the star is movingmost rapidlyeither
east or west. Consequently, accuratedirect and
reversepointingson Polarisare impossible.

Observation procedures and computationsare

simplifiedif Polaris can be observed at either
eastern or western elongation,but these also
have distinctdisadvantages, since they normally
occur only once each day during hours of dark-
ness and possibly at an inconvenienttime of
night.(An equationfor star azimuthat elongation
is includedin Useful Formulae.)Insteadof ob-
servingPolarisat culminationor elongation,sur-
veyorsshould be preparedto make their observa-
tions at any time (hour angle) and performthe

The most accurate and practicalmethod for de-

Figure 6 termining astronomicazimuth is by observing
Polaris Movement and the Relationship of Polarisusing the hour angle method.The prob-
Horizontal Angle, Azimuth lem of fairly complex and tedious hand computa-
and Local Hour Angle tions can be overcome by using an advanced
hand-heldcalculator.The requirementof very ac-
curate time is easily fulfilledwith today's radios,
watchesand time modules.With the availabilityof
these tools, the hour angle methodis far superior
to other methods.

50 51
it will display as a minus azimuth. Consequently,
if the display is negative simpty add 360.
Time and Date
The equationfor the azimuthof Polarisis:
- sin LHA Due to the rotation of the celestial sphere, the
AZ lan'1
cos d tan 6 sin d cos LHA local hour angle (LHA) of Polaris increases by
slightlymore than 15' per hour. Therefore,to cal-
where: LHA is the local hour angle of Polaris. culate the LHA at the instant of observation,ac-
6 is the declinationof Polaris. curate time is required.
d is the latitudeof the observer.
AZ is the azimuth of Polaris,measured In the United States, CoordinatedUniversalTime
clockwisefrom astronomicnorth. (UTC) is broadcastby the NationatInstituteof
lf AZ is positive, Polaris is east of Standards and Technologyradio station WWV
north. (WWVHin Hawaii)on 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz.
lf AZ is negative, Polaris is west of Shortwavereceiverswith trequenciesthat can be
north. Add 360' to normalize the pre-setare available(e.9.the Eton 10 from Radio
azimuthfrom 0" to 360' Shack).Also, the signalcan be receivedby calling
(0'<Az<360.). 1-303-499-7111.

This equation is derived using spherical In Canada, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is
trigonometry to solve the PZS triangle for broadcaston radio station CHU (3.33. 7.335 and
azimuth. 14.67 MHz). This can be converted to UTC by
adding 5 hours to EST.
Rectangular to polar conversion (R+P) found
on most calculatorscan be used to solve directly A reliablemechanicalor electronicstopwatchcan
tor M. Using an HP calculator, the numerator be accuratelyset using the WWV time signal,and
and denominatorare reduced, placing the value then used for recording elapsed times of point-
of the numerator in the Y registerand the value ings on Polaris. An alternativeto a stopwatchis
of the denominator in the X register (display). a time module, availablefor use with some hand-
Executing R* P will result in AZ (degreesdeci- held can be set very accuratelywith
mal) being placed in the Y register.Executingthe the WWV signal and used in conjunctionwith the
X Y interchangefunction(X<>Y) will displaythe calculator'sprogrammingcapability.The time of
azimuth. lf the azimuth is between 180' and 360' each pointing on Polaris can be stored and then
recalled for subsequentcalculations.
/, ,-^\
The use of UTC time as broadcast by WWV is D e c l D e c l 0 n +( D e c t 2 4 h D e c t 0 h ) ( # )
sufficientfor most middle latitudeobservationson
Polaris. Neglecting the "double tick correction" Where: Decl 0h - Declinationat 0 hours for the
(DUT) to UTC will result in a maximum azimuth Greenwich date of observa-
error of only 0.2 arc-secondsat 40' north latitude. tion.
Decl 24h : Declination at 0 hours for the
To enter the ephemeris tables, the Greenwich next Greenwichdav.
date for the time of observationmust be known.
For observations in the western hemisphere,if Local Hour Angle
UTC is greaterthan local time, Greenwichdate is
the same as local date. lf UTC is less than local Local hour angle (LHA) at the instant of observa-
time, Greenwich date is local date plus one day. tion is necessary to compute the azimuth of
For the eastern hemisphere,if UTC is less than Polaris. lt is defined as the angle, measured
local time (24 hour basis), Greenwichdate is the westward at the north celestial pole, from the ob-
same as local date. lf UTC is greater than local seruer's meridian to the hour circle of the star.
time, Greenwich date is local date minus one Hence, as can be seen in Figure 3 on page 30,
oay. an equationfor LHA is:
Latitude and Longitude
LHA : GHA W)t (West Longirude)
Both the observer'slatitudeand longitudeare re-
LHA : cHA+Er (EastLongitude)
quired. Usuallythese values are readilyobtained
by scalingfrom a map such as a U.S.G.S.7.5-
The Greenwich hour angle (GHA) of polaris is
minute quadrangle sheet. For Polaris observa-
tabulated for 0 hours of each day (Greenwich
tions, small errors in scaling latitude and
date) in Table A. Interpolationfor GHA at the time
longtitude (on the order of 1000 teet, 300 m)
of observationis reqtJired.Due to the earth'srota-
have essentially no etfect on the computed
tion and orbit around the sun, the GHA of polaris
increasesby approximately361. during a Z4-hour
Declination period, rather than the approximately1" as Table
A appears to indicate.Consequently,interpolation
In Table A, the declinationot Polarisis tabulated for GHA at the time of observationcan be oer-
of 0 hours of each day (Greenwich date). Al- formed using the followingequation:
though daily variationsare very small, interpola-
tion for declination at the instant of observation GHA . GHA0h , (GHA24h- GHA0hr-360)(lq)
should be performed using the following equation. \24 /
Where:GHA 0^ : GHA at 0 hours for the 0h- W},+ (UTCX1S"02')}
h = O+ (0'42')cos{GHA
Greenwich date of observa-
tion. As an example,for Polarisobservation
GHA 24h : GHA at 0 hours for the next 7:15pm CST,December 6, 2008(localdate),at
Greenwichday. longitude
91"46'westand latitude36"48'north,
whatwouldbe the approximate verticalangleto
The only exceptionto this equation will be for Polaris?
observations made on Saturday, November 01,
2008 (Greenwich date). For that one day, the GHA
The UTCtimeand dateof the observa-
at the time of observationcan be obtained using the
tionwouldbe 1:15am,December 7.The
GHA0 hr.onthatdateis 35'11',30".8.The
G H A= G H A 0 h + ( G H A 2 4 h - G H A 0 h(+f 7
f )2 0 )
h=36"48',+ cos{35'12',-91'46',+(1h15')(15"02)}
The approximate
verticalangleis 37"23'
Locating Polaris (theapproximate
Figure 7 can be used to locate Polaris in the
northernsky. lt is the end star in the handleof the Thepositionol Polariswithrespectto thepolecan
constellationUrsa Minor (Little Dipper) located also be estimatedfrom the positionot the Big
betweenthe constellalionUrsa Major (Big Dipper) Dipper.FromFigure7, notethatPolarisis opposite
and Cassiopeia.Two stars of the Big Dipper'scup the polefromthe Big Dipperby approximately
point to Polaris.The visibility of Polaris is also 0"42'.The oositioncan also be determined from
shown in Figure9. TableA bynotingthetimeof Greenwich Transit
is the approximatelocalciviltime (LCT)of upper
Getting Polarisin the instrument'sfield of view for culmination.(Seefigure9 lor converting LCTto
the first time can be exasperating,but it need not standard time.)
be, if approached in a systematic way. The
instrumentshouldbe prejocused on a visiblestar, Forexample,on Dec,6, 2008,upperculmination
planet or the moon, i.e., at a nearly infinitedis- occursat 21n39'38"UT (approximate LCT).Since
tance. Polaris can be located horizontallyusing Polarismovesat 15.04degreesper hour,4 hours
the telescope sight. The approximate vertical later(1h39'38'Dec.7) it will haveturnedcounter-
angle to Polaris can be computed by estimating clockwiseby approximately 60" (4 hourstimes 15
the expectedUTC time of observationand apply- degreesperhour.)lt willthenbe approximately30"
ing the followingequation: or 2 hoursfromwesternelongation.
uoneururln3 ,addn le I45 uraqpol Complications of Night Observations

Big Dipper
Polarisobservationsmade at night presentsome
problems not encountered in survey work per-
formed during daylighthours. In particular,illumi-
nation is necessaryto see the cross hairs against
a the night sky. Theodolitesusually have lighting
systems as accessories.lf a lighting system is
not available,point a light into the hole locatedat
the theodolite'sreflectingmirrorto illuminateboth
Little Dipper the circles and cross hairs, or use a flashlightto
illuminatethe cross hairs by reflectinglight at an
z c
.9 angle into the objectivelens. A knob on the tele-
o scope can change the intensityof illuminationon
= i a
uJ the cross hairs.
x c
I a (,
Sets of Observations and Pointing Polaris
lro," ;
,Y G

The horizontalangle from a line to Polarisis ob-
I Polaris g
tained from direct and reversepointingstaken on
GT c
o the backsight mark and the star. lt is suggested
o o
z that repeatingtheodolitesbe used as directional
instruments, with the sightingsequencebeing:di-
Direction ol
rect on mark, direct on Polaris, reverse on
Apparenl Rotation Polaris, reverse on mark. When pointing on
Polaris, place the vertical cross hair slightly in
front of the star and let it move onto the cross
hair. Call time or, if a time moduleis beingused,
press the appropriate calculator key. The two
times and four horizontalcircle readingsconsti-
aa tute one set of data. Since a large differenceusu-
I ally exists in vertical angles between the back-
Norlhern Sky at Lower Culmination sight mark and Polaris,it is imperativethat both
Figure 7 direct and reversepointingsbe taken to eliminate
Chart to Locate Polaris instrumenterrors.

The vertical angle to Polaris is usually much
ML - AZ+360'-Ang Rt
larger than for typical surveying work. This in-
creases the importanceof accuratelylevelingthe
ML can be normalizedto between 0' and 360"
instrument.For a vertical angle of 5', a leveling
by addingor subtracting360".
error of 10 arc-secondsperpendicularto the di-
rection pointed will result in less than 1 arc-sec-
ond error in the horizontalcircle reading. For a
verticalangle of 45', however,the error would be
Excludinginstrumentand personalerrors,the ac-
10 arc-seconds. (An equation for this error is
curacy of an azimuthdetermination,as ouilinedin
given in Useful Formulae.)
this chapter,is affectedby errors in the following:
(1) the time of pointingon Polaris.(which affects
The number of sets of data will vary, depending
the local hour angle); (2) determining the ob-
on accuracy requirements.For most applications,
seryer's latitude; and (3) determining the ob-
a minimumof three sets should be taken. lf the
server's longitude.Determiningaccuracy require-
time span between the direct and reverse poin!
ments for time, latitudeand longitude,in order to
ings on Polaris is kept to less than four minutes,
meet a prescribed azimuth accuracy, is some-
an azimuth computed from averaged horizontal
what complicatedsince these requirementsvary
angles and times would contain a maximumerror
with the observer's latitude and the LHA at the
of only 0.2 arc-seconds at 60' latitude. Con-
time of observation. Table 2 oresents the
sequently, for hand computations,averagingthe
maximum azimuth error resulting from errors in
angles and times within each set and computing
time, latitudeand longitudefor severallatitudes.
one azimuth is normally sufficient.Azimuths for
each set are comparedand, if found within an ac-
ceptablelimit, averaged.

A slightly more accurate procedure, which will

eliminate curvature error, is to compute an
azimuth for each pointing on Polaris.The direct
and reverseazimuthsfor each set are averaged.
These azimuths are then compared and aver-
aged, as above. This procedureis recommended
for programmedsolutions.

A generalequationrelatingthe azimuthof Polaris

(M), the angle right (Ang Rt) and the azimuthof
the line (AZL)is:
60 61

Data Latitude
Error 20" 40' 60"
1 so { T i m e 0';23 0';28 0',;42
10" of Latitude 0:'05 0:'15 0:'49
10" of Longitude 0:'15 0:'18 0',;28 o
In general, for any astronomicazimuth observa-
tion on Polaris made in the continentalUnited tt
States- if the times of pointingsare knownto the CL
nearest second (easilyobtainedwith a little prac- tr
tice); and if the observer'slatitudeand longitude d)x
can be scaled to within 1000 feet (300 m); and itc
for the declinationaccuracy of the ephemeris-
the azimuth determinationshould be within 0.5
arc-seconds (disregarding errors in horizontal o
angle from the mark to the star). o
In addition to the errors mentioned,there are a so
number of other small correctionswhich could be o.
applied if a highly accurate azimuth is required.
Most of these correctionsvary between0 and 0.5
arc-seconds. These other corrections, listed
roughlyin their order of importance,include:(1)
verticalaxis inclination(tilt),(2) diurnalabenation,
(3) eccentricstation, (4) curvature,(5) refraction,
(6) polar variationand (7) skew normal.Some of
these terms are defined in the Glossarv.

62 63
Figure 8
Polaris Observation Example Field Notes
EXAMPLEPROBLEM R Ang Rt = 274'51'SS"- l80"OOO3'
_ 94.51'52'
The following calculationsare for the example
field notes shown in Figure 8. These notes illus- Ave Ang Rt = 94"51'40".5
trate the standardprocedureof incrementingthe
horizontalcircle and micrometersettinqsfor direc- AZL : AZ * 360" - Ang Ftt
tionaltheodolite. = 62426'11'.4
= 264"26'11".4
From TableA for May 6
GHA 0h = 184"19'46'.9 Using the same calculationproceduresas shown
GHA 24h = 185"18'42".8 aboveyieldsthe followingazimuths:
Decl 0h = 89'18'05".01
Decl24h = 89"18'04170 Set 2: AZL = 264"26,12,.5

Set 1 Set 3: AZL = 2M"26'09".9

Ave UTC : 2h17'58:8 Ave AZL : 264.26'11'.3

= GHA0h
GHA + (cHA24h f qq)
cHA0n Conversionto Missouristate plane grid azimuth,
= 218"55',O7',.7 \24 / centralzone, is as follows:

LHA: GHA-WI From stateplane coordinatetables

= 127"O8'32',.'
l.- = 92o30'0fl
, \
Dect = Decl0h+ (Decl24h- Decl01 f uJ9 )
= 89"18',04".98 Y = (tr"--I) sing
\24 /
= * 026'42o
- sin LHA
AZ = tan-'
cosOtan6-sinOcosLHA From NGS software,Laplaceless than 1',
: 4"42'08".1 Grid Az : Astro Az - T
: 359'l7'51".9 : 2635929"

D AngRt = 94'51'37"- 0'00'08"

= 94'51'29"

64 65

STAROBSERVATIONS Before attemptingany observations,the surveyor
FORAZIMUTH should become familiar with the locationsof the
selectedstars.This involvestwo things:(1) deter-
lNTRODUCTION mining when lhe star will be above the horizon,
and (2) identifyingit in the star field. To do this,
A number of occasions may arise where neither a star visibilitychart (Figure 9) is providedwhich
Polaris nor the sun is suitablefor azimuth obser- shows the meridiantransit times (upper culmina-
vations. Polaris obviously cannot be observed tion) for each slar during the year. For example,
south of the equator,and may not producegood to determine the upper transit time for the star
results at high northernlatitudes.ln some cases, Antareson July'1, referto Figure9. Note the lo-
sun observationsmay not produce sufficientac- cation of July 1 at the bottom of the page; move
curacy for the work desired,or a cloudy day may vertically until the line marked "Antares" is en-
require a night observation,if a time scheduleis countered;move horizontallyto the left and read
to be met. There are occasions.too. when Polaris the local civil time as aboul 9.9 pm. This means
may be cloud covered,while the southernsky is that for the midnorthernlatitudes,Antares would
clear. ln general, pointingsto stars can be made be south at 9:54 pm, and because its declination
more accuratelythan to the sun since the image is south 26', it would be about 3" lower than the
is more sharply defined and atmosphericturbu- lowest passage of the sun in December.At the
lence is lower. In addition,bright stars are easily lower part of the chart, along the Antares line, ts
visible shortly after sundown, permittingthe ob- a number, +4.7 hrs. This indicatesthat Antares
servation to be made in twilight. lt is for these rises 4.7 hours before 9.9 pm, or at 5:12 pm.
reasons that the GHA and declinationof eight Sincethe sun sets around7:30 pm LCT on July
stars have been includedin this handbook.All of 1, observationscould probably be taken low in
these stars are of first magnitudeor brighter,with the southeastshortly after that time. The time of
the exception of Diphda, which has the same upper transit for each star is also given in the
brightnessas Polaris.The magnitudeof each star ephemeristables for the middle of each month.
follows the star name in the eohemeris tables. Checking Table C for July 1, the mid-month
With the exceptionof Capella,the declinationsof lransit of Antares is found to be 20.9 hours, or
all the stars fall within 19' north and 26" south, 8.9 pm. Since all stars rise about two hours ear-
which are close to the declinationrange of the lier each month,the transittime for Antaresat the
sun. Their positions have been chosen so that, beginningof July is found by adding one hour to
dependingon the observer'slatitude,three to four the mid-monthtime,whichgives21.9 or 9.9 pm.
slars are usuallyvisibleat any given time.

lf the star has not previouslybeen identifiedwith-
in its star field, refer to Figure 10, which shows
the locationof each of the eight selectedstars in
the sky. With this chart, and a few night sessions
throughoutthe year, the observershould be able
to quickly identify all eight stars with only occa-
sional referenceto the star chart. For example,it
should be noted that Antares is locatedjust south
of the ecliptic(sun's path),and is in a group of
stars that has the appearanceof a scorpion;in
fact, the constellation'sname is Scorpio_Antares
is a reddish star and, when once located, it is
easilyremembered.Care shouldbe taken not to
mistake any nearby planets for the star. Planets
are usuallyeasily recognizedby the fact that they
have distinctivecolors,do not twinkle,and have
discernibledisks when vrewed in most theodo-
lites. Almanacs, sold in drugstores or on IntentionallvLeft Blank
magazine racks in stores, indicate what planets
are visibleat varioustimesdurinqthe vear.

;EE gtl:;
h ;gE
eq$ *peI
R3893R9 EEiF
t UJ
\ \
t \L itE;:;* o
6'= €.9 o q
"r" \ F
o Ei I
EB F Ea Es
o "sPt
I \ {
,l eiEiEsi ,
$", o.
\ \ a
cgt ETE;
lH; :;:E




= 6:f ratl
F E - sa s B E i
(, ;g;EFTiE
$ iEgEEill-
\ \ \ =
utfl\t.' ,l
I \ z
; iies:;;c
{., N R3?3
= eI €b€;:€EEE ulnos
; F o o 3 : = F N o ! r 6 r o
70 71
FIELD PROCEOURE Table C. The time for mid-monlhtransit shown at
the bottom of the page is 22.9 hours. Therefore
It is recommendedthat the previoustwo chapters the lransil on June 30 is one hour earlier, or
be studied before attempting any selected star 21.9 hours local time. Figureg gives the rise time
observations.The reason for this is that while all for Antares as 21.9- 4.7 : 17.2.Adding 3 hours
the rules for sightingPolarisapply to other stars, to place the star at a reasonablealtitude gives
the movementof stars near the eclipticis similar 20.2 local time, or 20.2 + 6: 26.2 UTC e.2 UTC
to that for the sun. In other words,the night sight- J u l y1 . )
ing techniquesfor Polarisshouldbe used with the
exceptionthat, in general,time should be taken to
Initial Input Data
the same or betler accuracy as that for the sun.
This means that UT1 time should be used as
obtainedfrom UTC, using radio stationWWV As GreenwichDate = July 1, 2008
with Polaris,once each year, a special case for
Latitude = 37"56,08,,.4N
interpolation of GHA will occur.
Longitude = 91"46'05".1W
GHA oh = 31'55'45".0
Since most of these stars lie in the same declina-
lion range as the sun, accuracies should follow GHA 24h = 3254'53".4
the same pattern as indicated for the sun, but
should be somewhatbetter due to more accurate Decl 0h = -26"27'11'.9
sightingsand less atmosphericdisturbance.Also,
linear interpolationfor GHA and declination is Decl 24h -- -26"27',11".9
highly accurate. As a general rule, one should
avoid observationsusing large vertical angles,
since the azimuth changes rapidlywith time, par-
ticularlynear the meridian.


The star Antares is observedon June 30, 2008 in

the evening in the central standardtime zone.
Calculate the azimuth from STA to MK. The
ephemerisfor Antares in June will be found in

72 73

Observationallnput Data SinceLHAis between1800and 360oand AZ is

negative,the normalizecorrectionequals180o.
Ang Rt (Seepage24.)
AZ = -25'27'57'.8
D 2h12'23:1 60's8'46', = 154"32'02'.2
n 2h14-49:1 6'l'3'l'06' ML = M+360-AngRt
n 2h1g-01:6 62"14'28', = 453'33'16".2
R 2h20^25:7 62'46'52" = 93"33'16".2
D 2^23^42:6 63"31',29" The othercomputedvaluesin orderare:

R 2h25-39:7 63'57'57', TEL AZL

R 93.33',15',.4
Exampleazimuthcalculationol first star pointing: D 93"33',15',.3
R 93'33'19".1
GHA= GHA0h+ (GHA24h- GHA0h* 360)f gl- ) D 93'33',17".5
\24 / R 93'33',14',.4
= 65"06'57".7
AveAZL= 93"33'16'
= -26"39'07".4
= 333"20'52".6

Decr- Decr - Decr

0n| (Decr24h 0')fUIl--
= -26'27'11".9

- sin LHA
M = lan-'

74 75
Observationallnput Data SinceLHAis between180"and 360" and AZ is
negative,the normalizecorrectionequals180o.
Ang Rt (Seepage24.)
TEL uT1 MK-Star
AZ = -25"27'57".8
D 2h12*23:1 60'58',46', = 154"32'02".2
R 2"14"'48:1 61"31',06', AZL = AZ+360-AngRt
D 2ht 8-01:6 6214'28', = 453"33'16".2
R 2"20^25:7 62'46'52', = 93"33'16".2
U 2h23^42:6 63"31',2g', The othercomputedvaluesin orderare:

R 2h25-39:7 6357'57', TEL AZL

R 93'33',15'.4
Exampleazimuthcalculationof first star pointing: D 93"33',15',i3
R 93"33',19',i1
GHA= GHA 24"-cHA0h+ 360)(urll
s" i IGHA D 93'33',17',.5
\24 / R 93'33',14".4
= 65'06'57".7
AveAZL= 93'33'16"
= -26"39'O7".4
= 333"20',52',i6

Decl = Decl0" + (Decl24" , D e c t o h ; ( q L \

\24 /
= -26'27'11 '.9

- sin LHA
AZ : tan-'
= -25"27'57".8

74 75

A varietyoJotherprogramsareavailablefromElgin,
HP-41,HP-42andHP-48 Knowles& Senne,Inc. including ASTRO-CARD
PROGRAMS $175.00 andSPC83.CARDcovering stateptaneco-
INTRODUCTION o r d i n a t e s$, 9 9 . 0 0( f o r t h e H p - 4 8 S X / G Xa)n d
The complexityol hand computationsof azimuthfrom
ASTRO.DISK, $150.00(forthepC).Eachotthece-
lestialobservation reduction programscontainan in-
celestialobservationshas, in the past, been an in- te-rnal ephemeris whichis accurate
conveniencefor the surveyor.Additionally, 2010 withoutupdates. Moreinlormation Lanbe ob-
have been encounteredwith interpolation,units,sign tainedby writingto:
conventionsand applying corrections.Hand-held
programmablecalculatorsnow allowthesurveyorto Elgin,KnowlesandSenne,Inc.
computean azimuthfrom observationdata simply, 310East6thStreet
quicklyand with littlechancefor mistakes.Utilizing Rolta,MO65401-9343
the method and data given in this handbook,only (573)364_4785
one programis necessaryto calculateazimulh,re-
gardlessof whetherthe sun, Polaris,or any of the
selectedstars is observed.
Program listingsand user instructionsfor the HP- 91le
has been exercised by the authors in verifying the
areprovided. These following programs; however, the program mateiialcon_
tained herein is supplied without representationor war_
programsare simple,straightforward, and are de- ranty ot any kind. The SokkiaCorporation; Etgin, Knowles
signedfor usewitha stopwatchfor time input.Keying & Senne, lnc.; and the authors therelore aisume no re_
theseprogramsintothe HP-41or HP-42is relatively sponsibilityand shall have no liabitityconsequentialor
otherwise, ol any kind arisingtrom the useof thisprogram
easy.Forthoseunfamiliarwithprogrammingthe HP-
mateilal ot any part thereof.
zl8,keyingin its programwill be quitedifficult.Through
this ephemerisElgin, Knowles & Senne, lnc. pro-
vides these programs,and our staff is availableto
answer questionsabout these programs'use, ap- PROGRAM AZO11
plicationsand results.However,we cannot make
ourselvesavailableby phone to answerquestions Purpose:
To calculate
theazimuthof a lineby hour
about keyingin the HP-48 program,nor aboutpro- anglemethodobservation
on anycelestial
grammingthe HP-48.Consultthecalculatorowner's bodv.
manualor contactyour HP dealerfor assistance.

Program AZ48 can also be'used with the HP-49G

calculator.See page 87 for instructions.

6. Calculatorwill prompt "GHA 24 ?"
Program designed to From the ephemeris table, key in GHA in
run with or without Print- D.MS at 0 hr. for the next Greenwich day
er attached. Minimum and press R/S.
size 16. 7. Calculatorwill prompt"DECL 0 ?"
From the ephemeristable, key in the declina-
Data Input: Observer'slatitudeand longitude. tion in D.MS at 0 hr. for the Greenwichdate
From ephemeris table: GHA 0 hr, of observation and oress R/S.
GHA 24 hr, declination0 hr, declina- 8. Calculatorwill prompt"DECL24'"
tion 24 hr, and sun's semidiameter. From the ephemeristable, key in the declina-
UT1 or UTC time at which stopwatch tion in D.MS at 0 hr. tor the next Greenwich
is started. day and press R/S.
Horizontal circle readings on the 9. Calculatorwill prompt'SEMI DIA ?"
backsight mark and celestial body. From the ephemeris table, key in the
Stopwatch (split or elapsed) time of semidiameterin D.MS at 0 hr. for the Green-
wich date of observation.
For observation on sun's left edge only (fac-
Data Output: Astronomicazimuthfrom instrument ing the sun), the semidiameteris positive.
stationto backsightmark. For observation using sun's right edge only
(facing the sun), the semidiameteris nega-
User lnstructions
For observation on both left and right edge
(not recommended) or center of sun, the
1. Load program. Place calculator in USER
mode. semidiameteris zero.
For a star observation, the semidiameteris
3. Calculatorwill Prompt"LAT ?"
Key in observer's latitude (north positive;
10. Calculatorwill prompt"UT = SW 0 ?"
south negative)in D.MS and press R/S.
4. Calculatorwill promPt"LONG ?" Key in the UT1 or UTC time in H.MS at
Key in observer's longitude (west positive; which the stopwatch was started and press
east negative)in D.MS and press R/S.
11. Calculatorwill prompt "BS ?"
5. Calculatorwill Prompt"GHA 0 ?'
From the ephemeristable key in the Green- Key in the clockwise horizontal circle reading
wich hour angle (GHA) in D.MS at 0 hr. for in D.MS for the backsight pointing and press
the Greenwich date of observation and press R/S.
RlS. 78
12 Calculatorwill prompt "FS ?" PROGRAMAZ42
Key in the clockwisehorizontalcircle reading
in D.MS for the pointingon the celestialbody Purpose:To calculate the azimuth of a line by
and press RlS. hour angle method observationon any
Calculatorwill prompt "SW ?" celestialbody.
Key in the stopwatch(split or elapsed)read-
ing in H.MS for the pointingon the celestial Calculator
body and press R/S.
1 4 In approximately10 seconds the azimuth of Data Input:Observer'slatitudeand longitude.
the line from the instrument station to the Fromephemeristable:GHA 0 hr,GHA
backsightin D.MSwill be displayed. 24 hr, declination0 hr, declination24
t c . To comoute another azimuth for the same
hr,and sun'ssemidiameter
observation (ditferent circle readings and UT1 or UTC time at which stopwatch
watch time) press key A (> + ). The calculator is started.
will returnto step 11. Horizonlalcircle readingson the back-
saght mark and celestial body. Stop-
watch{splitor eiapsed)time of pornting.
CAUTION:Afterloadingthe program,it must
All inputis in D.MSand H.MS.
be checked.Todo so,executeA2011,entering
the data given for the exampleproblemsin
DataOutput:Aslronomicazimuthin D.MSfrom in-
Chapters3 and 4. When using the example
field data in Chapters4 and 5, enterzero for strumentstationto backsightmark.
"UT = SW 0 ?" and the UTCtime of pointing
User Instructions
for "SW ?".
1. Key GTO.. , to put calculatorin programmode,
then key in programfrom listing.

2. PressXEQ, then press key under menu label

oI 4742.

3. The firstdata Inpuimenu(LATthru DEC241 will

display.The order of input is not important;
however,the followinginstructionsare for entry
from left to right. "4.1users" beware-do not
press RrS unttlall data has been entered.

4. Key in observer's latitude (north positive,south l. From the ephemeris table, key in the semr-
negative)and press key under LAT diameter at 0 hr for the Greenwich date of
For observationson suns left edge only (facing
5. Key in observer'slongitude(west positive'east
sun),the semidiameteris positive.
negative)and presskey under LONG.
For observationson suns right edge only,the
semidiameteris negative.
6. From the ephemeristable, key in the Green- For observationson both left and right edge
wich hour angle (GHA)at 0 hr for the Green- (not recommended)or center of sun, lhe semi-
wich date ol observation and press the key diameteris zero.
underGH0. For a star observation,
the semrdiameteris zero.
Pressthe key underSDIA.
7. From the ephemeristable, key in GHA at 0 hr
for the next day and press the key under 12.Key in the UTl or UTC tirne at whrch the
GHA2. stopwatchwas starledand pressthe key under
L From the ephemeristable, key in the declina-
tion at 0 hr for the Greenwichdate of observa- 13.Key in the clockwisehorizontalcircle readrng
tion and pressthe keYunder DEC0. for the backsight pointing and press the key
9. From the ephemeristable, key in the declina-
tion at 0 hr for the next day and press the key 14.Key in the clockwisehorizontalcircle reading
under DEC24. for the pointingon the celestialbody and press
the key under FS.

10. Press the menu roll down key (just above the 15.Key in the stopwatch(splitor elapsed)time for
orangekey).The seconddata inputmenu (SDIA the pointing on the celestial body and press
through SW) will display.Again, the order ol
the key under SW.
input is not important.
16.Once all data has been entered,press R/S. In
approximately3 seconds the azimuth of the
line from instrument
to backsight(in D.MS)will
be displayed.

17 To comoute another azimuth for the same User Instructions:
observatron(ditferentFS circle reading and
time), press R/S. The first input menu is dis- Note: HP48 keys are indicatedby [ ].
played. Press the menu roll down key. Enter
t. Key ltl [<< >>] to put calcutatorin program
new foresight circle reading and press key
mode,then key in programfrom listing.When
under FS- Enler new time and press key under
the program has been entered, press the
SW PressR/S.
[ENTER]key to put the programon the stack,
Then key I'l AZ4B[STO]which stores program
CAUTION: After loadingthe program,it must
AZ48 and displaysthe name in the IVARImenu.
be checked.To do so, executeA242, entering
the dala given for the example problems in
2. To run, press[VAR]and then the keyundermenu
Chapters 3 and 4. When using the example label of 4248.
field data in Chapters4 and 5, enter zero for
UT=S and the UTC time of pointingfor SW
3. The promptsfor data inputwill be displayedin
pairs.The firstpromptwill be for LATand LONG.
PROGRAMAZ48 Key in observer'slatitude(northpositive,south
negative)and pressthe down cursorkey [V]
Purpose:To calculatethe azimuthof a line by the to movedownone line.Keyin the observer'slon-
hour angle methodobservationon any gitude (west positive,east negative)and press
celestialbody. IENTERI.The promptsGHAo and GHA24witl
now be displayed.
CalculatorConfiguration:HP-48SX/GX Note: lf the enter key is accidentlypressedaf-
ter keyingin latitude,insteadof the [V] key,an
Data Input:Observer'slatitudeand longitude.From "invalidsyntax"messagewill appearbut will not
ephemeristable:GHA 0 hr, GHA 24 hr, affectthe data entry.Any actual"invalidsyntax"
declination0 hr, declination24 hr, and will be highlighted. Eitherlinecan be editedus-
sun's semidiameter.UT1 or UTC time at ing the cursorkeys,as long as [ENTER]has not
which stopwatchis started. been pressed.
Horizontal circlereadingson the backsight
mark and celestialbody.Stopwatch(split 4. Fromthe ephemeristable,key in the Greenwich
or elapsed)time of pointing.All input is hour angle(GHA)at 0 hr for the Greenwichdate
i n D . M Sa n d H . M S . of observationand pressthe [!] key.Fromthe
ephemeristable,keyin GHA at 0 hr for the next
DataOutput:Astronomicazimuthin D.MSfrom in- day (GHA24)and press [ENTER].The prompts
strumenl stationto backsightmark. DECL0 and DECL?4 will now be displayed.
84 U5

5. Fromthe ephemeristable,key in the declination 9. To compute another azimuth for the same ob_
at 0 hr for the Greenwichdate of observationand servation(differentBS and FS circle readings
press the tvl key. From the ephemeristable, and time), press l-rl [CONT], and enter new
key in the declinationat 0 hr for the next day field data as per promptsin steps 7 through 9.
(DECL24)and pressIENTER].The promptsSD
(L=+) and UT@SW=0will now be displayed. CAUTION:After loading the program, it must be
checked.To do so, run AZ4B,enteringthe data given
6. From the ephemeristable, key in the semidi- for the exampleproblemsin Chapters3 and 4. When
ameterat 0 hr for the Greenwichdate of obser- using the examplefield data in Chapters4 and 5,
vation and press the [Yl keY. enterzerofor UT@SW=oand the UTCtime of ooint-
For observationson sun's left edge only (facing ing for SW.
sun),the semidiameteris Positive.
For observationson sun's right edge only' the To exit at any point press:
semidiameteris negative.
For observationson both left and rightedge (not IATTN][ArTN] lrl ICLR]
recommended)or center of sun, the semidi-
ameter is zero. Note: For the Hp48G/GX, replace ATTN with
For a star observation,the semidiameteris zero. CANCEL.
Followingthe UT@SW=0prompt,keyin the UTl
or UTCtime at which the stopwatchwas started
and pressIENTERI.The promptsBS and FS will
now be displayed.
To program lZ4B for the Hp-49G calculatorpress
the MODE key and choose RpN and Degrees
7 Keyin the clockwisehorizontalcirclereadingfor o p t i o n s , p r e s s O K . T h e p r o g r a m m i n ga n d
the backsightpointing and press the [!] key. operation of AZ48 can now be done exactlv like
Followingthe FS prompt, key in the clockwise that for the HP-48Gxcalculator. See the Hp_49G
horizontalcirclereadingfor the pointingon the user manual for detailsand key placements.
celestialbody and press [ENTER].The prompt
SW will now be disPlaYed.

8. Key in the stopwatch(split or elapsed)time for

the pointing on the celestial body, press the
IENTERIkeyand in approximately 3 secondsthe
azimuthof the line from instrumentto backsight
(in D.MS)will be disPlaYed.

86 87

0t r3L'AZr? tf:l f5 srx

O IL B L " A Z O II " 45+ 89 RCL 01 Jl IYAR 1AT. .r. 8TO ca Ir RCL 0a

gO COS o:1 IYAR .I.OIG' tlc
02 FIX 5 46LBL O? otol a, cos
03 r.0r0 47 360 3l RCL r4 oa wAR tn^f rf0 ic|' ql atx
@4 ST0 00 48+ 9I TAN 06 IVAR'G}IAIIf a7 A8S a0
05 "LAT ?" 49 74 93r 06 IYAR ?TCC { x>l? CO -PIOL
06 XEQ OI 5@/ 34 RCL OI o? IYAR DEC.f rl0 GTO 03 Cl IoV
07 "L0N6 ?" 5l RCL t? 95 SIN ca IYAR .|SOTA'
to l, RcL 0g
08 XEQ OI 52i 96 RCL 13
0c IVAF 1IT.3Y 5l ncr lEcc ,r sf|.
03 "6HA 0 ?" 53 RCL @3 9? COS
t0 IYAR ?S' t2 -llF a. FcL oit
'6HA gs It TVAN T8' It 8TO c3 r5 $il
II ?4'.t" 55 RCL O?
t2 IYAR : T
1? XEQOI 55 r0 0 R - P A x ccx
'DECL Xr..iY t3 Y RI|ETU .aeat
t3 0 ?" 5? ST0 13 l 0l tE 7.6 a7 RCt 05
14 XEQOI 58 .50r to7 RCL 0r la STOP u FCLx 0l cr co8
l 5 " O E C L2 4 ? " 59 RCL 15 I03 SIN r5 EX|]TAII t7 sn 0e RcL qt
16 XEQOI 60 ABS 104 RCL l4 ta RCL .l T tf x r00 cG
I7 "SEI.IIBIA ?N 6I X}Y? I05 SIN l7 -HF It iGL+ OiN lOf r
I 8 X E QO I 6? 6T0 03 106 + rl tlCL 1rT-Sf ao Gto o. ro2 RCL Ot!
l 9 " U T = S t ^ ,0 ? " 63 .000039458 ta7 RcL @1 tc -lll tl t3L 09 ro3 c|6
20 XEQ OI 64 RCL 05 I 08 COS t0 ? aa ncL ?€cc tOa x
2ILBL.A 65* r09 RcL 14
2l 3TO 0l ait -HF lO5 +
?7 r0.0r2 66 RCL I? rr0 cOs -o.l
a, aa 8TO O:t roc
7 3 S T 0@ O 67 7.5 lll i Asill
a RCL tHA2f a6 L8L O'
?4 "BS ?tr 68 * 1I? RCL I3 to7 cos

63 SIN 11 3 CoS 2a - l{R aa nct'DEc2f tor RcL torA.

26 "FS ?' 7@r ll4 * 2g Rc| TGHAT a, -HR lOC -llR

27 XEQ A1 7t RCL 05 I l5 + lc -llR C' ncl- 03 ll0 IoY

28 "slrJ1" (l + I16 ASIN 27 3TO cr aa aa rrr i
zSLBL OI ?3 GTO @4 rr7 cos t 70 I12
3@ PROI'IPT 74LBL @3 l l8 RcL @7 2f s70 0:t tl FCLx Ol tt3 RcL TS.
3I HR 75 RCL 05 ll9 X(.:Y !o r>l? 72 t ll4 -lln
32 5TO INO @E 76LBL 04 l?0 /
tr GTO qI 73 sro 03 Irg FcL ?s.
t a i
35 156 0A 77 RCL 06 l L l
&t tco ,a RCL 02 |tC -HR
34 RTN 78 RCL 05 122 RCLil
3:t + t5 3ft{
35 RCL 08 ?s r 2 3 R C Lr 0 tr7
36 ST+ t2 8A?4 l?4 - t.Bt 0,1 7a t!t

37-.s 8r / r25 l6 tro n RCLl r rrc tto

38 RCLA4 B? RCL 1? r26 380 tc t 7l -hF !20 IOO
3 9 R C L0 3 83r t?? MoO t7 L 7l sTo 05 r2t -HIS
40- 84+ I 28 Hf,4S 3t a0 cos raz sTo'Ar
4r sTo 15 85 ST0 14 12 9 " A Z =" t9 FCLx Ol ft ect 03 t23 FU 05
42 X}Y? 85 RCL 13 I 3 O A R C LX rlo RCL+ &l a:l TAN 12. YIEU'AZ.
43 6T0 @2 87 SiN I 3 I A U iE U J {t RCt'l-Ottlc' fi I
t25 EtaO
44 3EO 88 CHS I 3? ENO ta - tlF ttf ncl Og

88 89
The ephemerisof the sun, polaris, and selected
stars, Tables A, B and C, are computer-gener-
" : LAT:
: LONG: rl 360.fENDG350+U24 ated using the fundamentarargumentsof cefestial
-) 'r motion, includingthe various correctionsfor pre-
'|GHA 0 - 24 hr"
r r: G H A O :
. 0 0 0 0 3 9 4 5D r * 7 . 5
cession, nutation, aberration,and parallax.The
rl U*SINXELSEOEND tables are photocopiedfrom computerprintouts.
T 1 O } V } INPUT OBJ-+ D2Dl-u24/)t+Dl
rrDecl I
rr : DECL0 :
All positionsare tabulatedto the nearest0.1 arc-
: DECL24:
tl *-/ATANDUP-+Z
second, with the exceptionof polaris, whose de-
SWAP PR]- HMS.+ SWAP PRI AND THBN ]-80 + END clinationis given to 0.01 arc-second,makingthe
'Z<0r AND
HMS -) IF'T>L80'
U'l at 0 SW'l THEN 180 + END + Z
tables more than adequate for most surveys re-
Ir':SD (L=+):
HMS.+ -)
LT LN G]- G2 + FS BS 350 MOD
The accuracy of the solar ephemeris has been
DlD2SSX + HMS -) STR checked against values obtained from the As-
t t A Z I M U T H = t r S I fA P
& Foresight" t 1 FREEZE HALT
tr.p.q. iointly by the u.s. Naval observatory and the
:FS: Royal Greenwichobservatory, posi-
T 1 O } V } INPUT OBJ-+
SWAP PRI HMS+ SWAP PRl tions have been checked using the AppARENT
rrstopvatch or UTlrr t
il.sw. il ( 1 0 ) v l
in Heidelberg,West Germany,underthe auspices
-+ BS F',S SW of the International

The U.S. NAUTTCALALMANAC (orange cover)

lists the GHA of the sun to the nearest0.1 arc-
minute. lt is deliberatelyadjusted by as much as
0.15 arc-minutes(9 arc-seconds)in order to par-
tially compensate for the variations in the true
sun's motion. Thus the GHA of the u.s. NAurt-
cAL ALMANAC is not as precise and will not
exactlyagree with this ephemeris.

In 1979the internationalAstronomicalUnion (lAU)

adopted revised astronomical constants, time
scales and a new tundamentalreferenceframe
known as FKs. This new syslem designedfor the
epoch of J2000.0went into generaluse on Jan. 1,
1984. At this time the sun's coordinates were
adjustedbut the 1535 fundamentalstar positions
were merely transformed from the FK4 system to
FKS without removingany distortionsaccumulat-
ing since 1950.However,this work has now been
completed by the lAU, and since 1989 the true
FK5 star coordinates have been incorporatedinto
the SokkiaEphemeris.Positionchangesfor most
Left Blank
starsdo not exceeda few tenths of an arc-second.
The GHA and declination of polaris have
been increased by 13 and 0.05 arc-seconds
respectively.However,because of its proximity to
the celestialpole the absolutepositionchange of
Polarisis actuallyonly 0.18arc-seconds.There is
no change in the solarcoordinatesexceptthat the
1.5 arc-second enhancementof the sun's semi-
diameter to account for irradiationhas been re-
tainedin the SokkiaEphemeris.lrradiationis an oF
tical effect of contrast that makes bright objects
viewed against a dark backgroundappear to be
larger than they really are.

92 93





o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 TU 179 13 54.2 -23 04 08.5 -03 04.39 16 17.5 59 33 35.8 89 18 20.24 19 58 29
2 W 179 06 47.1 -22 59 21.2 -03 32.86 16 17.5 60 33 03.6 89 18 20.41 19 54 32
3 TH 178 59 44.7 -22 54 06.3 -04 01.02 16 17.5 61 32 30.5 89 18 20.59 19 50 34
4 F 178 52 47.2 -22 48 24.1 -04 28.85 16 17.5 62 31 56.8 89 18 20.78 19 46 37
5 SA 178 45 55.3 -22 42 14.5 -04 56.31 16 17.5 63 31 23.0 89 18 20.97 19 42 40

6 SU 178 39 09.4 -22 35 37.9 -05 23.37 16 17.5 64 30 49.7 89 18 21.18 19 38 43

7 M 178 32 30.0 -22 28 34.4 -05 50.00 16 17.5 65 30 17.4 89 18 21.40 19 34 46
8 TU 178 25 57.5 -22 21 04.3 -06 16.16 16 17.5 66 29 46.5 89 18 21.63 19 30 49
9 W 178 19 32.5 -22 13 07.8 -06 41.83 16 17.4 67 29 17.5 89 18 21.86 19 26 51
10 TH 178 13 15.3 -22 04 45.0 -07 06.98 16 17.4 68 28 50.4 89 18 22.08 19 22 54

11 F 178 07 06.4 -21 55 56.4 -07 31.58 16 17.4 69 28 25.0 89 18 22.28 19 18 56

12 SA 178 01 06.2 -21 46 42.1 -07 55.59 16 17.3 70 28 00.5 89 18 22.46 19 14 58
13 SU 177 55 15.1 -21 37 02.4 -08 18.99 16 17.3 71 27 36.2 89 18 22.62 19 11 01
14 M 177 49 33.5 -21 26 57.6 -08 41.77 16 17.3 72 27 11.2 89 18 22.74 19 07 03
15 TU 177 44 01.7 -21 16 28.0 -09 03.88 16 17.2 73 26 44.6 89 18 22.84 19 03 05

16 W 177 38 40.1 -21 05 34.0 -09 25.32 16 17.2 74 26 15.9 89 18 22.93 18 59 08

17 TH 177 33 29.0 -20 54 15.7 -09 46.07 16 17.1 75 25 45.3 89 18 23.01 18 55 11
18 F 177 28 28.5 -20 42 33.6 -10 06.10 16 17.1 76 25 13.2 89 18 23.12 18 51 13
19 SA 177 23 38.9 -20 30 28.1 -10 25.41 16 17.0 77 24 40.8 89 18 23.24 18 47 16
20 SU 177 19 00.3 -20 17 59.3 -10 43.98 16 16.9 78 24 09.3 89 18 23.39 18 43 19

21 M 177 14 33.0 -20 05 07.8 -11 01.80 16 16.8 79 23 39.8 89 18 23.55 18 39 21

22 TU 177 10 17.1 -19 51 53.8 -11 18.86 16 16.7 80 23 12.7 89 18 23.71 18 35 24
23 W 177 06 12.6 -19 38 17.6 -11 35.16 16 16.7 81 22 48.1 89 18 23.86 18 31 26
24 TH 177 02 19.6 -19 24 19.5 -11 50.69 16 16.6 82 22 25.1 89 18 23.99 18 27 28
25 F 176 58 38.3 -19 10 00.0 -12 05.45 16 16.5 83 22 03.0 89 18 24.09 18 23 31

26 SA 176 55 08.6 -18 55 19.4 -12 19.43 16 16.3 84 21 40.6 89 18 24.16 18 19 33

27 SU 176 51 50.7 -18 40 17.9 -12 32.62 16 16.2 85 21 17.3 89 18 24.20 18 15 35
28 M 176 48 44.6 -18 24 55.9 -12 45.02 16 16.1 86 20 52.8 89 18 24.22 18 11 37
29 TU 176 45 50.4 -18 09 13.9 -12 56.64 16 16.0 87 20 26.8 89 18 24.23 18 07 40
30 W 176 43 08.2 -17 53 12.2 -13 07.46 16 15.9 88 19 59.6 89 18 24.24 18 03 42

31 TH 176 40 37.8 -17 36 51.2 -13 17.48 16 15.7 89 19 31.4 89 18 24.25 17 59 45






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 F 176 38 19.5 -17 20 11.3 -13 26.70 16 15.6 90 19 02.7 89 18 24.27 17 55 47
2 SA 176 36 13.2 -17 03 12.9 -13 35.12 16 15.4 91 18 34.1 89 18 24.31 17 51 50
3 SU 176 34 18.9 -16 45 56.4 -13 42.74 16 15.3 92 18 06.0 89 18 24.35 17 47 52
4 M 176 32 36.7 -16 28 22.2 -13 49.56 16 15.1 93 17 38.9 89 18 24.40 17 43 55
5 TU 176 31 06.5 -16 10 30.8 -13 55.57 16 15.0 94 17 13.4 89 18 24.46 17 39 57

6 W 176 29 48.4 -15 52 22.6 -14 00.78 16 14.8 95 16 49.5 89 18 24.51 17 35 59

7 TH 176 28 42.3 -15 33 58.0 -14 05.18 16 14.7 96 16 27.1 89 18 24.54 17 32 01
8 F 176 27 48.2 -15 15 17.5 -14 08.78 16 14.5 97 16 05.7 89 18 24.56 17 28 03
9 SA 176 27 06.2 -14 56 21.4 -14 11.59 16 14.3 98 15 44.4 89 18 24.54 17 24 06
10 SU 176 26 36.2 -14 37 10.3 -14 13.59 16 14.2 99 15 22.3 89 18 24.49 17 20 08

11 M 176 26 18.0 -14 17 44.5 -14 14.80 16 14.0 100 14 58.5 89 18 24.42 17 16 10
12 TU 176 26 11.7 -13 58 04.6 -14 15.22 16 13.8 101 14 32.3 89 18 24.33 17 12 12
13 W 176 26 17.2 -13 38 10.8 -14 14.85 16 13.6 102 14 03.8 89 18 24.23 17 08 15
14 TH 176 26 34.2 -13 18 03.7 -14 13.72 16 13.5 103 13 33.6 89 18 24.15 17 04 18
15 F 176 27 02.8 -12 57 43.8 -14 11.82 16 13.3 104 13 02.6 89 18 24.09 17 00 20

16 SA 176 27 42.6 -12 37 11.3 -14 09.16 16 13.1 105 12 31.9 89 18 24.05 16 56 23
17 SU 176 28 33.5 -12 16 26.9 -14 05.77 16 12.9 106 12 02.6 89 18 24.03 16 52 26
18 M 176 29 35.3 -11 55 30.8 -14 01.65 16 12.7 107 11 35.2 89 18 24.01 16 48 28
19 TU 176 30 47.7 -11 34 23.4 -13 56.82 16 12.5 108 11 09.9 89 18 23.98 16 44 30
20 W 176 32 10.5 -11 13 05.2 -13 51.30 16 12.3 109 10 46.2 89 18 23.94 16 40 33

21 TH 176 33 43.4 -10 51 36.5 -13 45.11 16 12.1 110 10 23.3 89 18 23.87 16 36 35
22 F 176 35 26.1 -10 29 57.7 -13 38.26 16 11.9 111 10 00.3 89 18 23.76 16 32 37
23 SA 176 37 18.4 -10 08 09.2 -13 30.78 16 11.7 112 09 36.3 89 18 23.63 16 28 39
24 SU 176 39 19.9 - 9 46 11.3 -13 22.67 16 11.4 113 09 10.8 89 18 23.48 16 24 42
25 M 176 41 30.4 - 9 24 04.5 -13 13.97 16 11.2 114 08 43.5 89 18 23.32 16 20 44

26 TU 176 43 49.6 - 9 01 49.0 -13 04.69 16 11.0 115 08 14.7 89 18 23.15 16 16 47

27 W 176 46 17.3 - 8 39 25.4 -12 54.85 16 10.7 116 07 44.4 89 18 22.98 16 12 49
28 TH 176 48 53.0 - 8 16 53.9 -12 44.46 16 10.5 117 07 13.2 89 18 22.83 16 08 52
29 F 176 51 36.7 - 7 54 15.0 -12 33.55 16 10.3 118 06 41.6 89 18 22.68 16 04 55


MARCH 2008




o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 SA 176 54 28.0 - 7 31 29.1 -12 22.13 16 10.0 119 06 10.1 89 18 22.55 16 00 57
2 SU 176 57 26.6 - 7 08 36.6 -12 10.23 16 09.8 120 05 39.2 89 18 22.42 15 57 00
3 M 177 00 32.3 - 6 45 37.9 -11 57.85 16 09.5 121 05 09.3 89 18 22.30 15 53 03
4 TU 177 03 44.8 - 6 22 33.3 -11 45.01 16 09.3 122 04 40.7 89 18 22.19 15 49 05
5 W 177 07 03.8 - 5 59 23.4 -11 31.75 16 09.0 123 04 13.4 89 18 22.06 15 45 08

6 TH 177 10 29.2 - 5 36 08.5 -11 18.06 16 08.8 124 03 47.1 89 18 21.91 15 41 10

7 F 177 14 00.6 - 5 12 49.1 -11 03.96 16 08.5 125 03 21.0 89 18 21.74 15 37 13
8 SA 177 17 37.8 - 4 49 25.5 -10 49.48 16 08.3 126 02 54.2 89 18 21.54 15 33 15
9 SU 177 21 20.6 - 4 25 58.2 -10 34.63 16 08.0 127 02 25.5 89 18 21.31 15 29 18
10 M 177 25 08.8 - 4 02 27.5 -10 19.41 16 07.8 128 01 54.3 89 18 21.06 15 25 20

11 TU 177 29 02.1 - 3 38 53.9 -10 03.86 16 07.5 129 01 20.2 89 18 20.80 15 21 23

12 W 177 33 00.2 - 3 15 17.7 -09 47.98 16 07.2 130 00 43.9 89 18 20.56 15 17 26
13 TH 177 37 03.0 - 2 51 39.5 -09 31.80 16 07.0 131 00 06.3 89 18 20.34 15 13 30
14 F 177 41 10.1 - 2 27 59.5 -09 15.33 16 06.7 131 59 28.7 89 18 20.14 15 09 33
15 SA 177 45 21.2 - 2 04 18.2 -08 58.58 16 06.5 132 58 52.0 89 18 19.96 15 05 36

16 SU 177 49 36.1 - 1 40 35.9 -08 41.59 16 06.2 133 58 16.9 89 18 19.79 15 01 39

17 M 177 53 54.4 - 1 16 53.0 -08 24.37 16 06.0 134 57 43.6 89 18 19.62 14 57 42
18 TU 177 58 15.7 - 0 53 09.8 -08 06.95 16 05.7 135 57 11.8 89 18 19.43 14 53 44
19 W 178 02 39.8 - 0 29 26.8 -07 49.35 16 05.4 136 56 40.7 89 18 19.22 14 49 47
20 TH 178 07 06.3 - 0 05 44.2 -07 31.58 16 05.2 137 56 09.5 89 18 18.98 14 45 50

21 F 178 11 34.7 0 17 57.7 -07 13.68 16 04.9 138 55 37.3 89 18 18.72 14 41 53

22 SA 178 16 04.9 0 41 38.4 -06 55.68 16 04.6 139 55 03.6 89 18 18.43 14 37 56
23 SU 178 20 36.3 1 05 17.8 -06 37.58 16 04.3 140 54 28.0 89 18 18.14 14 33 59
24 M 178 25 08.7 1 28 55.4 -06 19.42 16 04.1 141 53 50.5 89 18 17.84 14 30 02
25 TU 178 29 41.7 1 52 30.9 -06 01.22 16 03.8 142 53 11.3 89 18 17.54 14 26 05

26 W 178 34 14.9 2 16 04.1 -05 43.00 16 03.5 143 52 30.8 89 18 17.25 14 22 08

27 TH 178 38 48.1 2 39 34.4 -05 24.79 16 03.2 144 51 49.5 89 18 16.97 14 18 12
28 F 178 43 20.9 3 03 01.7 -05 06.60 16 02.9 145 51 08.0 89 18 16.71 14 14 15
29 SA 178 47 53.0 3 26 25.6 -04 48.46 16 02.7 146 50 26.7 89 18 16.46 14 10 19
30 SU 178 52 24.1 3 49 45.6 -04 30.39 16 02.4 147 49 46.2 89 18 16.22 14 06 22

31 M 178 56 53.8 4 13 01.5 -04 12.41 16 02.1 148 49 06.6 89 18 15.99 14 02 25


APRIL 2008




o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 TU 179 01 22.0 4 36 12.9 -03 54.54 16 01.8 149 48 28.1 89 18 15.75 13 58 28
2 W 179 05 48.2 4 59 19.4 -03 36.79 16 01.5 150 47 50.5 89 18 15.50 13 54 32
3 TH 179 10 12.2 5 22 20.7 -03 19.19 16 01.2 151 47 13.2 89 18 15.23 13 50 35
4 F 179 14 33.8 5 45 16.3 -03 01.74 16 01.0 152 46 35.5 89 18 14.94 13 46 38
5 SA 179 18 52.8 6 08 06.0 -02 44.48 16 00.7 153 45 56.3 89 18 14.62 13 42 41

6 SU 179 23 08.8 6 30 49.3 -02 27.41 16 00.4 154 45 14.5 89 18 14.27 13 38 45

7 M 179 27 21.8 6 53 25.9 -02 10.55 16 00.1 155 44 29.6 89 18 13.92 13 34 48
8 TU 179 31 31.5 7 15 55.4 -01 53.90 15 59.9 156 43 41.9 89 18 13.58 13 30 52
9 W 179 35 37.6 7 38 17.5 -01 37.49 15 59.6 157 42 52.3 89 18 13.26 13 26 56
10 TH 179 39 40.1 8 00 31.7 -01 21.32 15 59.3 158 42 02.1 89 18 12.98 13 23 00

11 F 179 43 38.8 8 22 37.7 -01 05.42 15 59.1 159 41 12.6 89 18 12.71 13 19 04

12 SA 179 47 33.3 8 44 35.3 -00 49.78 15 58.8 160 40 24.7 89 18 12.46 13 15 08
13 SU 179 51 23.5 9 06 23.9 -00 34.43 15 58.5 161 39 38.5 89 18 12.22 13 11 11
14 M 179 55 09.1 9 28 03.2 -00 19.39 15 58.3 162 38 53.8 89 18 11.96 13 07 15
15 TU 179 58 49.9 9 49 33.0 -00 04.67 15 58.0 163 38 09.9 89 18 11.68 13 03 19

16 W 180 02 25.7 10 10 53.0 00 09.71 15 57.7 164 37 25.9 89 18 11.38 12 59 22

17 TH 180 05 56.1 10 32 02.7 00 23.74 15 57.5 165 36 41.2 89 18 11.06 12 55 26
18 F 180 09 20.9 10 53 02.0 00 37.39 15 57.2 166 35 54.9 89 18 10.72 12 51 30
19 SA 180 12 39.8 11 13 50.5 00 50.65 15 57.0 167 35 06.8 89 18 10.37 12 47 33
20 SU 180 15 52.7 11 34 27.8 01 03.51 15 56.7 168 34 16.7 89 18 10.02 12 43 37

21 M 180 18 59.2 11 54 53.8 01 15.94 15 56.4 169 33 24.8 89 18 09.67 12 39 42

22 TU 180 21 59.1 12 15 08.0 01 27.94 15 56.2 170 32 31.4 89 18 09.33 12 35 46
23 W 180 24 52.1 12 35 10.3 01 39.48 15 55.9 171 31 37.0 89 18 09.00 12 31 50
24 TH 180 27 38.2 12 55 00.2 01 50.55 15 55.7 172 30 42.2 89 18 08.69 12 27 54
25 F 180 30 17.0 13 14 37.4 02 01.13 15 55.4 173 29 47.5 89 18 08.40 12 23 59

26 SA 180 32 48.3 13 34 01.7 02 11.22 15 55.1 174 28 53.3 89 18 08.12 12 20 03

27 SU 180 35 12.0 13 53 12.7 02 20.80 15 54.9 175 27 59.9 89 18 07.86 12 16 07
28 M 180 37 27.9 14 12 10.1 02 29.86 15 54.6 176 27 07.5 89 18 07.59 12 12 11
29 TU 180 39 35.8 14 30 53.5 02 38.39 15 54.4 177 26 16.0 89 18 07.32 12 08 15
30 W 180 41 35.6 14 49 22.6 02 46.38 15 54.1 178 25 25.0 89 18 07.03 12 04 19


MAY 2008




o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 TH 180 43 27.2 15 07 37.1 02 53.81 15 53.9 179 24 33.8 89 18 06.73 12 00 23
2 F 180 45 10.5 15 25 36.7 03 00.70 15 53.6 180 23 41.6 89 18 06.40 11 56 28
3 SA 180 46 45.3 15 43 21.0 03 07.02 15 53.4 181 22 47.3 89 18 06.05 11 52 32
4 SU 180 48 11.7 16 00 49.6 03 12.78 15 53.2 182 21 50.1 89 18 05.69 11 48 36
5 M 180 49 29.6 16 18 02.3 03 17.97 15 52.9 183 20 49.8 89 18 05.34 11 44 41

6 TU 180 50 39.0 16 34 58.8 03 22.60 15 52.7 184 19 46.9 89 18 05.01 11 40 46

7 W 180 51 39.9 16 51 38.6 03 26.66 15 52.5 185 18 42.8 89 18 04.70 11 36 51
8 TH 180 52 32.5 17 08 01.6 03 30.17 15 52.2 186 17 39.0 89 18 04.44 11 32 56
9 F 180 53 16.7 17 24 07.3 03 33.11 15 52.0 187 16 36.6 89 18 04.19 11 29 00
10 SA 180 53 52.6 17 39 55.5 03 35.51 15 51.8 188 15 36.2 89 18 03.96 11 25 05

11 SU 180 54 20.2 17 55 25.8 03 37.34 15 51.6 189 14 37.6 89 18 03.72 11 21 10

12 M 180 54 39.4 18 10 37.9 03 38.63 15 51.4 190 13 40.1 89 18 03.47 11 17 14
13 TU 180 54 50.4 18 25 31.6 03 39.36 15 51.2 191 12 42.8 89 18 03.20 11 13 19
14 W 180 54 53.2 18 40 06.6 03 39.55 15 51.0 192 11 44.9 89 18 02.90 11 09 23
15 TH 180 54 47.6 18 54 22.6 03 39.18 15 50.8 193 10 45.6 89 18 02.59 11 05 28

16 F 180 54 33.9 19 08 19.4 03 38.26 15 50.6 194 09 44.7 89 18 02.27 11 01 32

17 SA 180 54 11.8 19 21 56.7 03 36.79 15 50.4 195 08 41.8 89 18 01.94 10 57 37
18 SU 180 53 41.6 19 35 14.3 03 34.77 15 50.2 196 07 37.2 89 18 01.62 10 53 42
19 M 180 53 03.2 19 48 11.9 03 32.21 15 50.0 197 06 31.1 89 18 01.31 10 49 47
20 TU 180 52 16.7 20 00 49.3 03 29.11 15 49.8 198 05 23.9 89 18 01.02 10 45 52

21 W 180 51 22.0 20 13 06.3 03 25.47 15 49.7 199 04 16.2 89 18 00.75 10 41 57

22 TH 180 50 19.4 20 25 02.6 03 21.29 15 49.5 200 03 08.6 89 18 00.50 10 38 03
23 F 180 49 08.9 20 36 37.9 03 16.59 15 49.3 201 02 01.4 89 18 00.27 10 34 08
24 SA 180 47 50.5 20 47 52.1 03 11.36 15 49.1 202 00 55.2 89 18 00.04 10 30 13
25 SU 180 46 24.3 20 58 45.0 03 05.62 15 48.9 202 59 49.9 89 17 59.83 10 26 18

26 M 180 44 50.6 21 09 16.1 02 59.37 15 48.8 203 58 45.6 89 17 59.61 10 22 23

27 TU 180 43 09.4 21 19 25.4 02 52.63 15 48.6 204 57 42.0 89 17 59.38 10 18 28
28 W 180 41 20.9 21 29 12.7 02 45.39 15 48.4 205 56 38.5 89 17 59.14 10 14 32
29 TH 180 39 25.3 21 38 37.6 02 37.68 15 48.3 206 55 34.4 89 17 58.89 10 10 37
30 F 180 37 22.7 21 47 40.0 02 29.51 15 48.1 207 54 28.7 89 17 58.61 10 06 42

31 SA 180 35 13.4 21 56 19.7 02 20.89 15 48.0 208 53 20.6 89 17 58.32 10 02 48


JUNE 2008




o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 SU 180 32 57.7 22 04 36.4 02 11.84 15 47.8 209 52 09.7 89 17 58.03 9 58 53
2 M 180 30 35.7 22 12 30.0 02 02.38 15 47.7 210 50 56.1 89 17 57.76 9 54 59
3 TU 180 28 08.0 22 20 00.4 01 52.53 15 47.5 211 49 40.7 89 17 57.52 9 51 04
4 W 180 25 34.8 22 27 07.3 01 42.32 15 47.4 212 48 24.8 89 17 57.32 9 47 10
5 TH 180 22 56.4 22 33 50.6 01 31.76 15 47.3 213 47 10.0 89 17 57.15 9 43 16

6 F 180 20 13.3 22 40 10.2 01 20.89 15 47.1 214 45 57.2 89 17 56.99 9 39 21

7 SA 180 17 25.8 22 46 05.9 01 09.72 15 47.0 215 44 46.6 89 17 56.85 9 35 26
8 SU 180 14 34.3 22 51 37.5 00 58.29 15 46.9 216 43 37.7 89 17 56.69 9 31 32
9 M 180 11 39.2 22 56 45.0 00 46.61 15 46.8 217 42 29.5 89 17 56.51 9 27 37
10 TU 180 08 40.7 23 01 28.3 00 34.71 15 46.7 218 41 21.0 89 17 56.31 9 23 42

11 W 180 05 39.2 23 05 47.1 00 22.61 15 46.6 219 40 11.5 89 17 56.10 9 19 47

12 TH 180 02 35.0 23 09 41.6 00 10.33 15 46.5 220 39 00.4 89 17 55.87 9 15 53
13 F 179 59 28.4 23 13 11.5 -00 02.10 15 46.4 221 37 47.6 89 17 55.64 9 11 58
14 SA 179 56 19.8 23 16 16.9 -00 14.68 15 46.3 222 36 33.1 89 17 55.41 9 08 04
15 SU 179 53 09.4 23 18 57.7 -00 27.37 15 46.2 223 35 17.1 89 17 55.20 9 04 09

16 M 179 49 57.5 23 21 13.9 -00 40.17 15 46.2 224 34 00.2 89 17 55.01 9 00 15

17 TU 179 46 44.5 23 23 05.3 -00 53.03 15 46.1 225 32 42.8 89 17 54.84 8 56 21
18 W 179 43 30.6 23 24 32.1 -01 05.96 15 46.0 226 31 25.4 89 17 54.68 8 52 27
19 TH 179 40 16.2 23 25 34.1 -01 18.92 15 45.9 227 30 08.6 89 17 54.55 8 48 33
20 F 179 37 01.5 23 26 11.4 -01 31.90 15 45.9 228 28 52.7 89 17 54.44 8 44 38

21 SA 179 33 46.9 23 26 23.9 -01 44.88 15 45.8 229 27 38.0 89 17 54.33 8 40 44

22 SU 179 30 32.6 23 26 11.7 -01 57.83 15 45.7 230 26 24.4 89 17 54.22 8 36 49
23 M 179 27 19.0 23 25 34.7 -02 10.73 15 45.7 231 25 11.8 89 17 54.11 8 32 55
24 TU 179 24 06.4 23 24 32.9 -02 23.58 15 45.6 232 23 59.6 89 17 53.99 8 29 00
25 W 179 20 55.0 23 23 06.4 -02 36.33 15 45.6 233 22 47.0 89 17 53.85 8 25 06

26 TH 179 17 45.3 23 21 15.1 -02 48.98 15 45.5 234 21 33.3 89 17 53.69 8 21 11

27 F 179 14 37.4 23 18 59.2 -03 01.50 15 45.5 235 20 17.8 89 17 53.53 8 17 17
28 SA 179 11 31.8 23 16 18.7 -03 13.88 15 45.4 236 18 59.9 89 17 53.36 8 13 23
29 SU 179 08 28.9 23 13 13.5 -03 26.08 15 45.4 237 17 39.5 89 17 53.20 8 09 29
30 M 179 05 28.8 23 09 43.9 -03 38.08 15 45.4 238 16 17.1 89 17 53.07 8 05 35


JULY 2008




o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 TU 179 02 32.1 23 05 50.0 -03 49.86 15 45.4 239 14 53.8 89 17 52.97 8 01 41
2 W 178 59 39.2 23 01 31.7 -04 01.39 15 45.3 240 13 31.0 89 17 52.91 7 57 47
3 TH 178 56 50.3 22 56 49.3 -04 12.64 15 45.3 241 12 09.9 89 17 52.88 7 53 54
4 F 178 54 06.1 22 51 42.9 -04 23.60 15 45.3 242 10 51.1 89 17 52.86 7 49 59
5 SA 178 51 26.7 22 46 12.6 -04 34.22 15 45.3 243 09 34.6 89 17 52.84 7 46 05

6 SU 178 48 52.7 22 40 18.6 -04 44.49 15 45.3 244 08 19.4 89 17 52.80 7 42 11

7 M 178 46 24.3 22 34 01.0 -04 54.38 15 45.4 245 07 04.5 89 17 52.74 7 38 16
8 TU 178 44 01.9 22 27 20.0 -05 03.87 15 45.4 246 05 49.0 89 17 52.66 7 34 22
9 W 178 41 45.8 22 20 15.7 -05 12.95 15 45.4 247 04 32.1 89 17 52.57 7 30 28
10 TH 178 39 36.2 22 12 48.4 -05 21.58 15 45.4 248 03 13.7 89 17 52.47 7 26 34

11 F 178 37 33.4 22 04 58.1 -05 29.77 15 45.5 249 01 53.6 89 17 52.37 7 22 40

12 SA 178 35 37.6 21 56 45.2 -05 37.49 15 45.5 250 00 32.2 89 17 52.29 7 18 46
13 SU 178 33 49.0 21 48 09.7 -05 44.73 15 45.5 250 59 09.8 89 17 52.23 7 14 52
14 M 178 32 07.8 21 39 12.0 -05 51.48 15 45.6 251 57 47.0 89 17 52.18 7 10 58
15 TU 178 30 34.2 21 29 52.2 -05 57.72 15 45.6 252 56 24.3 89 17 52.16 7 07 04

16 W 178 29 08.3 21 20 10.5 -06 03.45 15 45.7 253 55 02.1 89 17 52.16 7 03 10

17 TH 178 27 50.3 21 10 07.2 -06 08.65 15 45.7 254 53 41.1 89 17 52.18 6 59 16
18 F 178 26 40.3 20 59 42.4 -06 13.32 15 45.8 255 52 21.3 89 17 52.21 6 55 22
19 SA 178 25 38.4 20 48 56.3 -06 17.44 15 45.8 256 51 02.9 89 17 52.24 6 51 28
20 SU 178 24 44.7 20 37 49.3 -06 21.02 15 45.9 257 49 45.7 89 17 52.27 6 47 34

21 M 178 23 59.3 20 26 21.5 -06 24.05 15 46.0 258 48 29.2 89 17 52.29 6 43 40

22 TU 178 23 22.3 20 14 33.0 -06 26.51 15 46.0 259 47 12.7 89 17 52.29 6 39 45
23 W 178 22 53.7 20 02 24.3 -06 28.42 15 46.1 260 45 55.5 89 17 52.28 6 35 51
24 TH 178 22 33.7 19 49 55.3 -06 29.76 15 46.2 261 44 36.8 89 17 52.26 6 31 57
25 F 178 22 22.1 19 37 06.5 -06 30.53 15 46.3 262 43 16.1 89 17 52.23 6 28 03

26 SA 178 22 19.2 19 23 58.1 -06 30.72 15 46.4 263 41 53.1 89 17 52.21 6 24 09

27 SU 178 22 24.9 19 10 30.2 -06 30.34 15 46.4 264 40 28.3 89 17 52.21 6 20 16
28 M 178 22 39.3 18 56 43.2 -06 29.38 15 46.5 265 39 02.5 89 17 52.24 6 16 22
29 TU 178 23 02.5 18 42 37.5 -06 27.83 15 46.6 266 37 36.8 89 17 52.30 6 12 28
30 W 178 23 34.6 18 28 13.1 -06 25.69 15 46.7 267 36 12.4 89 17 52.40 6 08 35

31 TH 178 24 15.6 18 13 30.6 -06 22.96 15 46.9 268 34 50.2 89 17 52.52 6 04 41






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 F 178 25 05.6 17 58 30.2 -06 19.62 15 47.0 269 33 30.5 89 17 52.64 6 00 47
2 SA 178 26 04.8 17 43 12.2 -06 15.68 15 47.1 270 32 12.6 89 17 52.75 5 56 53
3 SU 178 27 13.1 17 27 36.9 -06 11.13 15 47.2 271 30 55.7 89 17 52.84 5 52 58
4 M 178 28 30.6 17 11 44.6 -06 05.96 15 47.3 272 29 38.7 89 17 52.91 5 49 04
5 TU 178 29 57.3 16 55 35.7 -06 00.18 15 47.5 273 28 20.8 89 17 52.97 5 45 10

6 W 178 31 33.2 16 39 10.4 -05 53.79 15 47.6 274 27 01.3 89 17 53.01 5 41 16

7 TH 178 33 18.3 16 22 29.1 -05 46.78 15 47.8 275 25 40.4 89 17 53.05 5 37 22
8 F 178 35 12.4 16 05 32.1 -05 39.17 15 47.9 276 24 18.1 89 17 53.11 5 33 28
9 SA 178 37 15.6 15 48 19.6 -05 30.96 15 48.1 277 22 54.9 89 17 53.18 5 29 34
10 SU 178 39 27.8 15 30 52.1 -05 22.15 15 48.2 278 21 31.2 89 17 53.27 5 25 40

11 M 178 41 48.7 15 13 09.8 -05 12.75 15 48.4 279 20 07.7 89 17 53.38 5 21 47

12 TU 178 44 18.4 14 55 13.0 -05 02.77 15 48.5 280 18 44.8 89 17 53.51 5 17 53
13 W 178 46 56.6 14 37 02.0 -04 52.23 15 48.7 281 17 23.0 89 17 53.67 5 13 59
14 TH 178 49 43.2 14 18 37.2 -04 41.12 15 48.9 282 16 02.6 89 17 53.83 5 10 05
15 F 178 52 38.1 13 59 58.8 -04 29.46 15 49.1 283 14 43.7 89 17 54.01 5 06 11

16 SA 178 55 41.0 13 41 07.1 -04 17.27 15 49.2 284 13 26.3 89 17 54.18 5 02 17

17 SU 178 58 51.8 13 22 02.5 -04 04.55 15 49.4 285 12 10.0 89 17 54.34 4 58 22
18 M 179 02 10.2 13 02 45.1 -03 51.32 15 49.6 286 10 54.1 89 17 54.48 4 54 28
19 TU 179 05 36.0 12 43 15.4 -03 37.60 15 49.8 287 09 37.9 89 17 54.61 4 50 34
20 W 179 09 08.9 12 23 33.5 -03 23.40 15 49.9 288 08 20.4 89 17 54.73 4 46 40

21 TH 179 12 48.9 12 03 39.8 -03 08.74 15 50.1 289 07 01.0 89 17 54.84 4 42 45

22 F 179 16 35.5 11 43 34.5 -02 53.63 15 50.3 290 05 39.7 89 17 54.95 4 38 52
23 SA 179 20 28.6 11 23 17.9 -02 38.09 15 50.5 291 04 16.6 89 17 55.08 4 34 58
24 SU 179 24 28.0 11 02 50.4 -02 22.13 15 50.7 292 02 52.5 89 17 55.23 4 31 04
25 M 179 28 33.4 10 42 12.2 -02 05.77 15 50.9 293 01 28.5 89 17 55.42 4 27 10

26 TU 179 32 44.6 10 21 23.8 -01 49.03 15 51.1 294 00 05.6 89 17 55.64 4 23 16

27 W 179 37 01.4 10 00 25.3 -01 31.91 15 51.3 294 58 44.7 89 17 55.88 4 19 22
28 TH 179 41 23.6 9 39 17.3 -01 14.42 15 51.5 295 57 26.3 89 17 56.13 4 15 28
29 F 179 45 51.1 9 18 00.0 -00 56.59 15 51.7 296 56 10.0 89 17 56.38 4 11 34
30 SA 179 50 23.7 8 56 33.7 -00 38.42 15 51.9 297 54 55.2 89 17 56.61 4 07 40

31 SU 179 55 01.1 8 34 58.9 -00 19.92 15 52.2 298 53 40.9 89 17 56.82 4 03 45






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 M 179 59 43.3 8 13 15.9 -00 01.11 15 52.4 299 52 26.0 89 17 57.01 3 59 51
2 TU 180 04 30.0 7 51 25.0 00 18.00 15 52.6 300 51 10.0 89 17 57.18 3 55 57
3 W 180 09 20.9 7 29 26.5 00 37.39 15 52.8 301 49 52.6 89 17 57.35 3 52 02
4 TH 180 14 15.9 7 07 20.8 00 57.06 15 53.1 302 48 33.8 89 17 57.53 3 48 08
5 F 180 19 14.8 6 45 08.3 01 16.99 15 53.3 303 47 14.1 89 17 57.72 3 44 14

6 SA 180 24 17.2 6 22 49.2 01 37.15 15 53.6 304 45 53.9 89 17 57.93 3 40 20

7 SU 180 29 23.0 6 00 24.0 01 57.53 15 53.8 305 44 33.8 89 17 58.15 3 36 26
8 M 180 34 31.9 5 37 52.9 02 18.12 15 54.0 306 43 14.3 89 17 58.40 3 32 32
9 TU 180 39 43.5 5 15 16.2 02 38.90 15 54.3 307 41 55.9 89 17 58.67 3 28 38
10 W 180 44 57.6 4 52 34.4 02 59.84 15 54.5 308 40 39.0 89 17 58.96 3 24 44

11 TH 180 50 13.9 4 29 47.7 03 20.93 15 54.8 309 39 23.8 89 17 59.25 3 20 49

12 F 180 55 32.1 4 06 56.4 03 42.14 15 55.0 310 38 10.2 89 17 59.54 3 16 55
13 SA 181 00 51.9 3 44 00.9 04 03.46 15 55.3 311 36 58.0 89 17 59.82 3 13 00
14 SU 181 06 12.9 3 21 01.4 04 24.86 15 55.6 312 35 46.7 89 18 00.09 3 09 06
15 M 181 11 34.8 2 57 58.4 04 46.32 15 55.8 313 34 35.4 89 18 00.35 3 05 11

16 TU 181 16 57.2 2 34 51.9 05 07.82 15 56.1 314 33 23.2 89 18 00.58 3 01 17

17 W 181 22 19.9 2 11 42.4 05 29.33 15 56.3 315 32 09.5 89 18 00.80 2 57 22
18 TH 181 27 42.4 1 48 30.1 05 50.82 15 56.6 316 30 53.8 89 18 01.02 2 53 28
19 F 181 33 04.3 1 25 15.4 06 12.29 15 56.8 317 29 36.2 89 18 01.26 2 49 34
20 SA 181 38 25.4 1 01 58.5 06 33.69 15 57.1 318 28 17.6 89 18 01.52 2 45 40

21 SU 181 43 45.2 0 38 39.7 06 55.01 15 57.4 319 26 58.9 89 18 01.81 2 41 46

22 M 181 49 03.5 0 15 19.5 07 16.23 15 57.6 320 25 41.4 89 18 02.13 2 37 51
23 TU 181 54 19.8 - 0 08 01.9 07 37.32 15 57.9 321 24 26.0 89 18 02.47 2 33 57
24 W 181 59 34.0 - 0 31 24.1 07 58.27 15 58.1 322 23 13.0 89 18 02.82 2 30 02
25 TH 182 04 45.8 - 0 54 46.7 08 19.05 15 58.4 323 22 02.4 89 18 03.17 2 26 08

26 F 182 09 54.7 - 1 18 09.4 08 39.65 15 58.7 324 20 53.5 89 18 03.51 2 22 13

27 SA 182 15 00.7 - 1 41 31.8 09 00.04 15 58.9 325 19 45.5 89 18 03.82 2 18 18
28 SU 182 20 03.3 - 2 04 53.5 09 20.22 15 59.2 326 18 37.4 89 18 04.12 2 14 23
29 M 182 25 02.5 - 2 28 14.2 09 40.17 15 59.5 327 17 28.5 89 18 04.40 2 10 29
30 TU 182 29 57.8 - 2 51 33.4 09 59.86 15 59.8 328 16 18.5 89 18 04.67 2 06 34






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 W 182 34 49.2 - 3 14 50.8 10 19.28 16 00.0 329 15 07.2 89 18 04.94 2 02 39
2 TH 182 39 36.2 - 3 38 06.1 10 38.41 16 00.3 330 13 54.8 89 18 05.21 1 58 45
3 F 182 44 18.6 - 4 01 18.9 10 57.24 16 00.6 331 12 42.0 89 18 05.51 1 54 50
4 SA 182 48 56.3 - 4 24 28.7 11 15.75 16 00.9 332 11 29.1 89 18 05.82 1 50 56
5 SU 182 53 28.8 - 4 47 35.3 11 33.92 16 01.1 333 10 16.9 89 18 06.16 1 47 01

6 M 182 57 56.0 - 5 10 38.2 11 51.73 16 01.4 334 09 05.8 89 18 06.51 1 43 07

7 TU 183 02 17.5 - 5 33 37.1 12 09.17 16 01.7 335 07 56.2 89 18 06.87 1 39 12
8 W 183 06 33.1 - 5 56 31.6 12 26.21 16 02.0 336 06 48.3 89 18 07.25 1 35 17
9 TH 183 10 42.5 - 6 19 21.4 12 42.84 16 02.3 337 05 42.1 89 18 07.62 1 31 22
10 F 183 14 45.4 - 6 42 06.0 12 59.03 16 02.6 338 04 37.6 89 18 07.99 1 27 27

11 SA 183 18 41.5 - 7 04 45.2 13 14.77 16 02.8 339 03 34.3 89 18 08.35 1 23 32

12 SU 183 22 30.5 - 7 27 18.5 13 30.03 16 03.1 340 02 31.5 89 18 08.69 1 19 37
13 M 183 26 12.0 - 7 49 45.6 13 44.80 16 03.4 341 01 28.3 89 18 09.01 1 15 42
14 TU 183 29 45.8 - 8 12 06.2 13 59.05 16 03.7 342 00 23.9 89 18 09.31 1 11 47
15 W 183 33 11.5 - 8 34 20.0 14 12.77 16 04.0 342 59 17.7 89 18 09.61 1 07 52

16 TH 183 36 28.8 - 8 56 26.5 14 25.92 16 04.2 343 58 09.4 89 18 09.91 1 03 57

17 F 183 39 37.3 - 9 18 25.5 14 38.49 16 04.5 344 56 59.8 89 18 10.23 1 00 02
18 SA 183 42 36.7 - 9 40 16.6 14 50.45 16 04.8 345 55 49.8 89 18 10.58 0 56 07
19 SU 183 45 26.8 -10 01 59.5 15 01.79 16 05.0 346 54 40.9 89 18 10.96 0 52 13
20 M 183 48 07.2 -10 23 33.7 15 12.48 16 05.3 347 53 34.1 89 18 11.37 0 48 18

21 TU 183 50 37.6 -10 44 58.8 15 22.51 16 05.6 348 52 30.0 89 18 11.79 0 44 23

22 W 183 52 57.8 -11 06 14.5 15 31.85 16 05.8 349 51 28.4 89 18 12.20 0 40 27
23 TH 183 55 07.5 -11 27 20.3 15 40.50 16 06.1 350 50 28.9 89 18 12.60 0 36 32
24 F 183 57 06.6 -11 48 15.9 15 48.44 16 06.3 351 49 30.5 89 18 12.98 0 32 37
25 SA 183 58 54.9 -12 09 00.7 15 55.66 16 06.6 352 48 32.5 89 18 13.33 0 28 41

26 SU 184 00 32.2 -12 29 34.4 16 02.14 16 06.9 353 47 33.9 89 18 13.67 0 24 46

27 M 184 01 58.2 -12 49 56.5 16 07.88 16 07.1 354 46 34.4 89 18 14.00 0 20 50
28 TU 184 03 13.0 -13 10 06.7 16 12.87 16 07.4 355 45 33.8 89 18 14.32 0 16 55
29 W 184 04 16.3 -13 30 04.6 16 17.09 16 07.6 356 44 32.2 89 18 14.64 0 13 00
30 TH 184 05 08.1 -13 49 49.6 16 20.54 16 07.9 357 43 30.0 89 18 14.98 0 09 05

31 F 184 05 48.2 -14 09 21.5 16 23.22 16 08.2 358 42 27.7 89 18 15.33 0 05 09






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 SA 184 06 16.6 -14 28 39.7 16 25.10 16 08.4 359 41 26.0 89 18 15.70 0 01 14
23 57 180.
2 SU 184 06 33.0 -14 47 43.8 16 26.20 16 08.7 0 40 25.4 89 18 16.09 23 53 23
3 M 184 06 37.6 -15 06 33.5 16 26.50 16 08.9 1 39 26.2 89 18 16.49 23 49 27
4 TU 184 06 30.0 -15 25 08.4 16 26.00 16 09.2 2 38 28.8 89 18 16.90 23 45 32
5 W 184 06 10.4 -15 43 27.9 16 24.69 16 09.4 3 37 33.3 89 18 17.31 23 41 36

6 TH 184 05 38.6 -16 01 31.8 16 22.57 16 09.7 4 36 39.5 89 18 17.71 23 37 40

7 F 184 04 54.5 -16 19 19.5 16 19.63 16 09.9 5 35 47.0 89 18 18.10 23 33 45
8 SA 184 03 58.1 -16 36 50.8 16 15.87 16 10.2 6 34 55.5 89 18 18.48 23 29 49
9 SU 184 02 49.3 -16 54 05.1 16 11.28 16 10.4 7 34 04.0 89 18 18.83 23 25 53
10 M 184 01 28.0 -17 11 02.2 16 05.87 16 10.7 8 33 11.9 89 18 19.16 23 21 57

11 TU 183 59 54.3 -17 27 41.6 15 59.62 16 10.9 9 32 18.2 89 18 19.48 23 18 01

12 W 183 58 08.0 -17 44 02.9 15 52.53 16 11.1 10 31 22.5 89 18 19.80 23 14 05
13 TH 183 56 09.0 -18 00 05.9 15 44.60 16 11.3 11 30 25.1 89 18 20.13 23 10 10
14 F 183 53 57.4 -18 15 50.2 15 35.82 16 11.6 12 29 26.8 89 18 20.48 23 06 15
15 SA 183 51 33.0 -18 31 15.3 15 26.20 16 11.8 13 28 29.0 89 18 20.87 23 02 19

16 SU 183 48 55.8 -18 46 21.0 15 15.72 16 12.0 14 27 33.0 89 18 21.28 22 58 23

17 M 183 46 05.8 -19 01 06.8 15 04.39 16 12.2 15 26 39.9 89 18 21.71 22 54 28
18 TU 183 43 03.0 -19 15 32.3 14 52.20 16 12.4 16 25 49.8 89 18 22.13 22 50 32
19 W 183 39 47.6 -19 29 37.2 14 39.17 16 12.6 17 25 02.0 89 18 22.54 22 46 35
20 TH 183 36 19.5 -19 43 21.0 14 25.30 16 12.8 18 24 15.8 89 18 22.93 22 42 39

21 F 183 32 38.9 -19 56 43.4 14 10.59 16 13.0 19 23 30.1 89 18 23.29 22 38 43

22 SA 183 28 45.9 -20 09 44.0 13 55.06 16 13.2 20 22 44.1 89 18 23.62 22 34 47
23 SU 183 24 40.8 -20 22 22.4 13 38.72 16 13.4 21 21 57.2 89 18 23.94 22 30 50
24 M 183 20 23.7 -20 34 38.3 13 21.58 16 13.5 22 21 09.3 89 18 24.25 22 26 54
25 TU 183 15 55.0 -20 46 31.3 13 03.66 16 13.7 23 20 20.5 89 18 24.57 22 22 58

26 W 183 11 14.7 -20 58 01.0 12 44.98 16 13.9 24 19 31.0 89 18 24.89 22 19 02

27 TH 183 06 23.3 -21 09 07.2 12 25.56 16 14.1 25 18 41.4 89 18 25.22 22 15 06
28 F 183 01 21.1 -21 19 49.5 12 05.41 16 14.3 26 17 52.2 89 18 25.56 22 11 10
29 SA 182 56 08.3 -21 30 07.6 11 44.55 16 14.4 27 17 04.0 89 18 25.93 22 07 14
30 SU 182 50 45.3 -21 40 01.2 11 23.02 16 14.6 28 16 17.1 89 18 26.30 22 03 17






o ' " o ' " M S ' " o ' " o ' " H M S
1 M 182 45 12.4 -21 49 29.9 11 00.83 16 14.8 29 15 32.0 89 18 26.68 21 59 21
2 TU 182 39 30.0 -21 58 33.6 10 38.00 16 14.9 30 14 48.8 89 18 27.06 21 55 25
3 W 182 33 38.6 -22 07 11.8 10 14.57 16 15.1 31 14 07.3 89 18 27.43 21 51 28
4 TH 182 27 38.3 -22 15 24.4 09 50.56 16 15.2 32 13 27.4 89 18 27.79 21 47 31
5 F 182 21 29.8 -22 23 11.1 09 25.98 16 15.4 33 12 48.4 89 18 28.13 21 43 35

6 SA 182 15 13.3 -22 30 31.6 09 00.88 16 15.5 34 12 09.8 89 18 28.45 21 39 38

7 SU 182 08 49.2 -22 37 25.7 08 35.28 16 15.7 35 11 30.8 89 18 28.74 21 35 41
8 M 182 02 18.0 -22 43 53.3 08 09.20 16 15.8 36 10 50.7 89 18 29.02 21 31 44
9 TU 181 55 40.1 -22 49 54.0 07 42.68 16 15.9 37 10 08.9 89 18 29.29 21 27 48
10 W 181 48 55.9 -22 55 27.9 07 15.72 16 16.1 38 09 25.2 89 18 29.56 21 23 51

11 TH 181 42 05.7 -23 00 34.6 06 48.38 16 16.2 39 08 40.1 89 18 29.85 21 19 55

12 F 181 35 09.9 -23 05 14.0 06 20.66 16 16.3 40 07 54.6 89 18 30.16 21 15 59
13 SA 181 28 08.9 -23 09 26.0 05 52.59 16 16.4 41 07 10.3 89 18 30.51 21 12 02
14 SU 181 21 03.1 -23 13 10.5 05 24.21 16 16.5 42 06 28.5 89 18 30.87 21 08 06
15 M 181 13 52.9 -23 16 27.3 04 55.53 16 16.6 43 05 49.8 89 18 31.24 21 04 09

16 TU 181 06 38.7 -23 19 16.3 04 26.58 16 16.7 44 05 13.9 89 18 31.59 21 00 12

17 W 180 59 20.9 -23 21 37.3 03 57.39 16 16.8 45 04 40.0 89 18 31.92 20 56 15
18 TH 180 52 00.0 -23 23 30.3 03 28.00 16 16.9 46 04 06.8 89 18 32.21 20 52 18
19 F 180 44 36.4 -23 24 55.2 02 58.43 16 16.9 47 03 33.5 89 18 32.48 20 48 21
20 SA 180 37 10.7 -23 25 51.8 02 28.71 16 17.0 48 02 59.2 89 18 32.72 20 44 24

21 SU 180 29 43.4 -23 26 20.2 01 58.89 16 17.1 49 02 23.9 89 18 32.95 20 40 27

22 M 180 22 14.9 -23 26 20.2 01 29.00 16 17.1 50 01 47.5 89 18 33.18 20 36 30
23 TU 180 14 46.0 -23 25 52.0 00 59.07 16 17.2 51 01 10.2 89 18 33.41 20 32 33
24 W 180 07 17.0 -23 24 55.5 00 29.14 16 17.2 52 00 32.7 89 18 33.65 20 28 36
25 TH 179 59 48.7 -23 23 30.7 -00 00.75 16 17.3 52 59 55.4 89 18 33.90 20 24 39

26 F 179 52 21.4 -23 21 37.6 -00 30.57 16 17.3 53 59 18.8 89 18 34.17 20 20 42

27 SA 179 44 55.9 -23 19 16.4 -01 00.27 16 17.4 54 58 43.5 89 18 34.44 20 16 45
28 SU 179 37 32.6 -23 16 27.1 -01 29.82 16 17.4 55 58 09.7 89 18 34.72 20 12 48
29 M 179 30 12.2 -23 13 09.7 -01 59.19 16 17.4 56 57 37.6 89 18 35.00 20 08 51
30 TU 179 22 55.1 -23 09 24.4 -02 28.33 16 17.4 57 57 07.3 89 18 35.27 20 04 54

31 W 179 15 41.9 -23 05 11.3 -02 57.21 16 17.5 58 56 38.5 89 18 35.52 20 00 56






o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 89 01 51.4 -17 56 37.1 20 42 02.4 46 00 31.5 358 38 57.8 -16 43 33.6 307 49 33.8 11 55 35.8
2 W 90 01 00.0 -17 56 37.2 21 41 10.7 46 00 31.6 359 38 06.1 -16 43 33.8 308 48 41.8 11 55 35.6
3 TH 91 00 08.6 -17 56 37.3 22 40 19.1 46 00 31.7 0 37 14.3 -16 43 34.1 309 47 49.7 11 55 35.5
4 F 91 59 17.1 -17 56 37.4 23 39 27.4 46 00 31.8 1 36 22.5 -16 43 34.4 310 46 57.6 11 55 35.3
5 SA 92 58 25.7 -17 56 37.4 24 38 35.7 46 00 31.9 2 35 30.8 -16 43 34.7 311 46 05.6 11 55 35.1

6 SU 93 57 34.3 -17 56 37.4 25 37 44.0 46 00 32.0 3 34 39.1 -16 43 35.0 312 45 13.5 11 55 34.9
7 M 94 56 42.8 -17 56 37.4 26 36 52.3 46 00 32.2 4 33 47.3 -16 43 35.2 313 44 21.5 11 55 34.7
8 TU 95 55 51.4 -17 56 37.4 27 36 00.7 46 00 32.3 5 32 55.6 -16 43 35.5 314 43 29.4 11 55 34.5
9 W 96 54 59.9 -17 56 37.5 28 35 09.0 46 00 32.5 6 32 03.9 -16 43 35.7 315 42 37.4 11 55 34.4
10 TH 97 54 08.5 -17 56 37.5 29 34 17.4 46 00 32.7 7 31 12.2 -16 43 35.9 316 41 45.3 11 55 34.2

11 F 98 53 17.0 -17 56 37.5 30 33 25.8 46 00 32.9 8 30 20.5 -16 43 36.1 317 40 53.3 11 55 34.1
12 SA 99 52 25.6 -17 56 37.5 31 32 34.2 46 00 33.0 9 29 28.8 -16 43 36.2 318 40 01.3 11 55 34.0
13 SU 100 51 34.1 -17 56 37.6 32 31 42.6 46 00 33.2 10 28 37.1 -16 43 36.4 319 39 09.2 11 55 33.9
14 M 101 50 42.7 -17 56 37.7 33 30 51.1 46 00 33.3 11 27 45.4 -16 43 36.7 320 38 17.2 11 55 33.8
15 TU 102 49 51.2 -17 56 37.7 34 29 59.6 46 00 33.4 12 26 53.7 -16 43 36.9 321 37 25.2 11 55 33.7

16 W 103 48 59.8 -17 56 37.8 35 29 08.0 46 00 33.5 13 26 02.1 -16 43 37.2 322 36 33.2 11 55 33.6
17 TH 104 48 08.3 -17 56 37.8 36 28 16.5 46 00 33.6 14 25 10.4 -16 43 37.4 323 35 41.2 11 55 33.5
18 F 105 47 16.9 -17 56 37.9 37 27 24.9 46 00 33.6 15 24 18.7 -16 43 37.7 324 34 49.3 11 55 33.3
19 SA 106 46 25.5 -17 56 37.8 38 26 33.3 46 00 33.7 16 23 27.1 -16 43 38.0 325 33 57.3 11 55 33.1
20 SU 107 45 34.0 -17 56 37.8 39 25 41.7 46 00 33.8 17 22 35.5 -16 43 38.2 326 33 05.3 11 55 32.9

21 M 108 44 42.5 -17 56 37.7 40 24 50.1 46 00 34.0 18 21 43.8 -16 43 38.4 327 32 13.3 11 55 32.8
22 TU 109 43 51.1 -17 56 37.7 41 23 58.5 46 00 34.1 19 20 52.2 -16 43 38.6 328 31 21.3 11 55 32.6
23 W 110 42 59.6 -17 56 37.7 42 23 07.0 46 00 34.3 20 20 00.6 -16 43 38.8 329 30 29.3 11 55 32.5
24 TH 111 42 08.1 -17 56 37.6 43 22 15.5 46 00 34.5 21 19 09.0 -16 43 38.9 330 29 37.4 11 55 32.4
25 F 112 41 16.6 -17 56 37.7 44 21 24.0 46 00 34.6 22 18 17.4 -16 43 39.1 331 28 45.4 11 55 32.4

26 SA 113 40 25.1 -17 56 37.7 45 20 32.6 46 00 34.8 23 17 25.7 -16 43 39.3 332 27 53.5 11 55 32.3
27 SU 114 39 33.6 -17 56 37.7 46 19 41.1 46 00 34.9 24 16 34.1 -16 43 39.5 333 27 01.5 11 55 32.3
28 M 115 38 42.2 -17 56 37.8 47 18 49.7 46 00 34.9 25 15 42.5 -16 43 39.7 334 26 09.6 11 55 32.2
29 TU 116 37 50.7 -17 56 37.8 48 17 58.3 46 00 35.0 26 14 50.9 -16 43 39.9 335 25 17.6 11 55 32.1
30 W 117 36 59.2 -17 56 37.8 49 17 06.8 46 00 35.1 27 13 59.3 -16 43 40.1 336 24 25.7 11 55 32.0

31 TH 118 36 07.7 -17 56 37.8 50 16 15.3 46 00 35.1 28 13 07.7 -16 43 40.3 337 23 33.8 11 55 31.9

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 17.1 HR. 21.6 HR. 23.1 HR. 2.6 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 F 119 35 16.3 -17 56 37.8 51 15 23.9 46 00 35.2 29 12 16.1 -16 43 40.6 338 22 41.9 11 55 31.8
2 SA 120 34 24.8 -17 56 37.8 52 14 32.4 46 00 35.2 30 11 24.6 -16 43 40.8 339 21 50.0 11 55 31.7
3 SU 121 33 33.3 -17 56 37.7 53 13 40.9 46 00 35.3 31 10 33.0 -16 43 41.0 340 20 58.1 11 55 31.6
4 M 122 32 41.8 -17 56 37.6 54 12 49.5 46 00 35.4 32 09 41.5 -16 43 41.2 341 20 06.2 11 55 31.4
5 TU 123 31 50.3 -17 56 37.6 55 11 58.0 46 00 35.5 33 08 49.9 -16 43 41.3 342 19 14.3 11 55 31.4

6 W 124 30 58.8 -17 56 37.5 56 11 06.6 46 00 35.7 34 07 58.4 -16 43 41.5 343 18 22.4 11 55 31.3
7 TH 125 30 07.2 -17 56 37.5 57 10 15.1 46 00 35.8 35 07 06.8 -16 43 41.6 344 17 30.5 11 55 31.2
8 F 126 29 15.7 -17 56 37.4 58 09 23.8 46 00 35.9 36 06 15.3 -16 43 41.7 345 16 38.6 11 55 31.2
9 SA 127 28 24.2 -17 56 37.4 59 08 32.4 46 00 36.0 37 05 23.8 -16 43 41.8 346 15 46.7 11 55 31.2
10 SU 128 27 32.6 -17 56 37.4 60 07 41.1 46 00 36.1 38 04 32.2 -16 43 42.0 347 14 54.9 11 55 31.2

11 M 129 26 41.1 -17 56 37.4 61 06 49.7 46 00 36.2 39 03 40.7 -16 43 42.1 348 14 03.0 11 55 31.1
12 TU 130 25 49.6 -17 56 37.4 62 05 58.3 46 00 36.2 40 02 49.1 -16 43 42.3 349 13 11.2 11 55 31.1
13 W 131 24 58.1 -17 56 37.4 63 05 07.0 46 00 36.2 41 01 57.6 -16 43 42.5 350 12 19.3 11 55 31.0
14 TH 132 24 06.6 -17 56 37.3 64 04 15.6 46 00 36.2 42 01 06.1 -16 43 42.7 351 11 27.5 11 55 30.9
15 F 133 23 15.0 -17 56 37.2 65 03 24.1 46 00 36.2 43 00 14.6 -16 43 42.9 352 10 35.7 11 55 30.8

16 SA 134 22 23.5 -17 56 37.1 66 02 32.7 46 00 36.3 43 59 23.1 -16 43 43.1 353 09 43.9 11 55 30.7
17 SU 135 21 31.9 -17 56 37.0 67 01 41.3 46 00 36.3 44 58 31.6 -16 43 43.2 354 08 52.0 11 55 30.6
18 M 136 20 40.4 -17 56 36.9 68 00 49.9 46 00 36.4 45 57 40.2 -16 43 43.4 355 08 00.2 11 55 30.6
19 TU 137 19 48.8 -17 56 36.8 68 59 58.5 46 00 36.5 46 56 48.7 -16 43 43.5 356 07 08.4 11 55 30.5
20 W 138 18 57.2 -17 56 36.7 69 59 07.1 46 00 36.6 47 55 57.2 -16 43 43.5 357 06 16.6 11 55 30.5

21 TH 139 18 05.6 -17 56 36.6 70 58 15.8 46 00 36.7 48 55 05.7 -16 43 43.6 358 05 24.8 11 55 30.5
22 F 140 17 14.0 -17 56 36.6 71 57 24.5 46 00 36.8 49 54 14.2 -16 43 43.7 359 04 33.0 11 55 30.5
23 SA 141 16 22.5 -17 56 36.5 72 56 33.2 46 00 36.8 50 53 22.7 -16 43 43.8 0 03 41.2 11 55 30.6
24 SU 142 15 30.9 -17 56 36.5 73 55 41.9 46 00 36.8 51 52 31.3 -16 43 43.9 1 02 49.4 11 55 30.6
25 M 143 14 39.3 -17 56 36.5 74 54 50.6 46 00 36.8 52 51 39.8 -16 43 44.0 2 01 57.7 11 55 30.6

26 TU 144 13 47.7 -17 56 36.4 75 53 59.2 46 00 36.8 53 50 48.3 -16 43 44.2 3 01 05.9 11 55 30.5
27 W 145 12 56.1 -17 56 36.3 76 53 07.9 46 00 36.8 54 49 56.8 -16 43 44.3 4 00 14.2 11 55 30.5
28 TH 146 12 04.5 -17 56 36.3 77 52 16.6 46 00 36.8 55 49 05.4 -16 43 44.5 4 59 22.4 11 55 30.5
29 F 147 11 12.9 -17 56 36.2 78 51 25.2 46 00 36.8 56 48 13.9 -16 43 44.6 5 58 30.7 11 55 30.4

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 15.1 HR. 19.6 HR. 21.1 HR. .5 HR.



MARCH 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SA 148 10 21.3 -17 56 36.0 79 50 33.8 46 00 36.8 57 47 22.5 -16 43 44.7 6 57 38.9 11 55 30.4
2 SU 149 09 29.7 -17 56 35.9 80 49 42.5 46 00 36.8 58 46 31.0 -16 43 44.8 7 56 47.2 11 55 30.3
3 M 150 08 38.1 -17 56 35.8 81 48 51.1 46 00 36.8 59 45 39.6 -16 43 44.9 8 55 55.5 11 55 30.3
4 TU 151 07 46.4 -17 56 35.6 82 47 59.7 46 00 36.9 60 44 48.2 -16 43 45.0 9 55 03.7 11 55 30.3
5 W 152 06 54.8 -17 56 35.5 83 47 08.4 46 00 36.9 61 43 56.7 -16 43 45.0 10 54 12.0 11 55 30.3

6 TH 153 06 03.1 -17 56 35.4 84 46 17.1 46 00 37.0 62 43 05.3 -16 43 45.1 11 53 20.3 11 55 30.3
7 F 154 05 11.5 -17 56 35.3 85 45 25.8 46 00 37.0 63 42 13.8 -16 43 45.1 12 52 28.6 11 55 30.4
8 SA 155 04 19.8 -17 56 35.2 86 44 34.5 46 00 37.0 64 41 22.4 -16 43 45.1 13 51 36.9 11 55 30.4
9 SU 156 03 28.2 -17 56 35.1 87 43 43.3 46 00 37.0 65 40 30.9 -16 43 45.2 14 50 45.2 11 55 30.5
10 M 157 02 36.5 -17 56 35.1 88 42 52.0 46 00 37.0 66 39 39.5 -16 43 45.3 15 49 53.5 11 55 30.5

11 TU 158 01 44.9 -17 56 35.0 89 42 00.7 46 00 36.9 67 38 48.1 -16 43 45.4 16 49 01.9 11 55 30.5
12 W 159 00 53.2 -17 56 34.8 90 41 09.3 46 00 36.8 68 37 56.6 -16 43 45.5 17 48 10.2 11 55 30.5
13 TH 160 00 01.5 -17 56 34.7 91 40 18.0 46 00 36.7 69 37 05.2 -16 43 45.6 18 47 18.5 11 55 30.4
14 F 160 59 09.9 -17 56 34.5 92 39 26.6 46 00 36.7 70 36 13.8 -16 43 45.7 19 46 26.9 11 55 30.4
15 SA 161 58 18.2 -17 56 34.3 93 38 35.2 46 00 36.7 71 35 22.4 -16 43 45.8 20 45 35.2 11 55 30.4

16 SU 162 57 26.5 -17 56 34.1 94 37 43.8 46 00 36.7 72 34 31.0 -16 43 45.8 21 44 43.5 11 55 30.4
17 M 163 56 34.8 -17 56 34.0 95 36 52.4 46 00 36.7 73 33 39.6 -16 43 45.8 22 43 51.9 11 55 30.4
18 TU 164 55 43.0 -17 56 33.8 96 36 01.1 46 00 36.7 74 32 48.2 -16 43 45.8 23 43 00.2 11 55 30.4
19 W 165 54 51.3 -17 56 33.6 97 35 09.8 46 00 36.7 75 31 56.8 -16 43 45.8 24 42 08.6 11 55 30.5
20 TH 166 53 59.6 -17 56 33.5 98 34 18.5 46 00 36.7 76 31 05.3 -16 43 45.8 25 41 16.9 11 55 30.5

21 F 167 53 07.8 -17 56 33.4 99 33 27.2 46 00 36.6 77 30 13.9 -16 43 45.8 26 40 25.3 11 55 30.6
22 SA 168 52 16.1 -17 56 33.3 100 32 35.9 46 00 36.6 78 29 22.5 -16 43 45.8 27 39 33.7 11 55 30.7
23 SU 169 51 24.4 -17 56 33.2 101 31 44.6 46 00 36.5 79 28 31.0 -16 43 45.9 28 38 42.1 11 55 30.7
24 M 170 50 32.7 -17 56 33.1 102 30 53.3 46 00 36.4 80 27 39.6 -16 43 45.9 29 37 50.5 11 55 30.8
25 TU 171 49 40.9 -17 56 33.0 103 30 01.9 46 00 36.3 81 26 48.2 -16 43 46.0 30 36 58.9 11 55 30.8

26 W 172 48 49.2 -17 56 32.8 104 29 10.6 46 00 36.2 82 25 56.8 -16 43 46.0 31 36 07.3 11 55 30.8
27 TH 173 47 57.4 -17 56 32.6 105 28 19.2 46 00 36.1 83 25 05.4 -16 43 46.1 32 35 15.7 11 55 30.8
28 F 174 47 05.7 -17 56 32.4 106 27 27.8 46 00 36.0 84 24 14.0 -16 43 46.1 33 34 24.1 11 55 30.8
29 SA 175 46 13.9 -17 56 32.2 107 26 36.4 46 00 36.0 85 23 22.5 -16 43 46.1 34 33 32.5 11 55 30.8
30 SU 176 45 22.2 -17 56 32.0 108 25 45.0 46 00 35.9 86 22 31.1 -16 43 46.1 35 32 40.9 11 55 30.8

31 M 177 44 30.4 -17 56 31.8 109 24 53.6 46 00 35.9 87 21 39.7 -16 43 46.1 36 31 49.3 11 55 30.8

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 13.2 HR. 17.7 HR. 19.2 HR. 22.6 HR.

APRIL 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 178 43 38.6 -17 56 31.6 110 24 02.3 46 00 35.8 88 20 48.3 -16 43 46.1 37 30 57.8 11 55 30.9
2 W 179 42 46.8 -17 56 31.4 111 23 10.9 46 00 35.8 89 19 56.9 -16 43 46.0 38 30 06.2 11 55 31.0
3 TH 180 41 55.0 -17 56 31.3 112 22 19.5 46 00 35.8 90 19 05.5 -16 43 46.0 39 29 14.6 11 55 31.0
4 F 181 41 03.1 -17 56 31.1 113 21 28.2 46 00 35.7 91 18 14.1 -16 43 45.9 40 28 23.0 11 55 31.1
5 SA 182 40 11.3 -17 56 31.0 114 20 36.9 46 00 35.6 92 17 22.7 -16 43 45.9 41 27 31.5 11 55 31.2

6 SU 183 39 19.5 -17 56 30.8 115 19 45.5 46 00 35.5 93 16 31.2 -16 43 45.9 42 26 39.9 11 55 31.3
7 M 184 38 27.7 -17 56 30.7 116 18 54.2 46 00 35.4 94 15 39.8 -16 43 45.9 43 25 48.4 11 55 31.3
8 TU 185 37 35.9 -17 56 30.5 117 18 02.8 46 00 35.2 95 14 48.4 -16 43 45.9 44 24 56.9 11 55 31.4
9 W 186 36 44.1 -17 56 30.3 118 17 11.3 46 00 35.0 96 13 57.0 -16 43 45.9 45 24 05.3 11 55 31.4
10 TH 187 35 52.3 -17 56 30.1 119 16 19.8 46 00 34.9 97 13 05.6 -16 43 46.0 46 23 13.8 11 55 31.3

11 F 188 35 00.4 -17 56 29.8 120 15 28.4 46 00 34.8 98 12 14.2 -16 43 46.0 47 22 22.3 11 55 31.3
12 SA 189 34 08.6 -17 56 29.6 121 14 36.9 46 00 34.7 99 11 22.7 -16 43 45.9 48 21 30.7 11 55 31.3
13 SU 190 33 16.7 -17 56 29.3 122 13 45.4 46 00 34.7 100 10 31.3 -16 43 45.8 49 20 39.2 11 55 31.4
14 M 191 32 24.8 -17 56 29.1 123 12 54.0 46 00 34.6 101 09 39.9 -16 43 45.7 50 19 47.6 11 55 31.4
15 TU 192 31 33.0 -17 56 28.9 124 12 02.6 46 00 34.6 102 08 48.5 -16 43 45.6 51 18 56.1 11 55 31.5

16 W 193 30 41.1 -17 56 28.7 125 11 11.2 46 00 34.5 103 07 57.0 -16 43 45.5 52 18 04.6 11 55 31.6
17 TH 194 29 49.2 -17 56 28.5 126 10 19.7 46 00 34.4 104 07 05.6 -16 43 45.5 53 17 13.1 11 55 31.7
18 F 195 28 57.3 -17 56 28.3 127 09 28.3 46 00 34.3 105 06 14.2 -16 43 45.4 54 16 21.6 11 55 31.8
19 SA 196 28 05.4 -17 56 28.2 128 08 36.9 46 00 34.1 106 05 22.7 -16 43 45.3 55 15 30.1 11 55 31.9
20 SU 197 27 13.5 -17 56 28.0 129 07 45.5 46 00 34.0 107 04 31.2 -16 43 45.3 56 14 38.6 11 55 32.0

21 M 198 26 21.7 -17 56 27.8 130 06 54.0 46 00 33.8 108 03 39.8 -16 43 45.3 57 13 47.1 11 55 32.0
22 TU 199 25 29.8 -17 56 27.6 131 06 02.5 46 00 33.7 109 02 48.3 -16 43 45.2 58 12 55.6 11 55 32.0
23 W 200 24 37.9 -17 56 27.4 132 05 11.0 46 00 33.5 110 01 56.9 -16 43 45.2 59 12 04.1 11 55 32.1
24 TH 201 23 46.0 -17 56 27.2 133 04 19.5 46 00 33.3 111 01 05.5 -16 43 45.2 60 11 12.6 11 55 32.1
25 F 202 22 54.1 -17 56 26.9 134 03 28.0 46 00 33.2 112 00 14.0 -16 43 45.1 61 10 21.1 11 55 32.1

26 SA 203 22 02.1 -17 56 26.7 135 02 36.4 46 00 33.1 112 59 22.6 -16 43 45.0 62 09 29.6 11 55 32.1
27 SU 204 21 10.2 -17 56 26.4 136 01 44.9 46 00 33.0 113 58 31.1 -16 43 44.9 63 08 38.1 11 55 32.2
28 M 205 20 18.3 -17 56 26.2 137 00 53.4 46 00 32.9 114 57 39.7 -16 43 44.8 64 07 46.6 11 55 32.2
29 TU 206 19 26.3 -17 56 25.9 138 00 01.8 46 00 32.8 115 56 48.2 -16 43 44.7 65 06 55.1 11 55 32.3
30 W 207 18 34.4 -17 56 25.7 138 59 10.3 46 00 32.8 116 55 56.7 -16 43 44.5 66 06 03.6 11 55 32.4

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 11.1 HR. 15.7 HR. 17.1 HR. 20.5 HR.



MAY 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TH 208 17 42.4 -17 56 25.5 139 58 18.8 46 00 32.7 117 55 05.3 -16 43 44.4 67 05 12.1 11 55 32.5
2 F 209 16 50.4 -17 56 25.3 140 57 27.3 46 00 32.5 118 54 13.8 -16 43 44.3 68 04 20.6 11 55 32.6
3 SA 210 15 58.5 -17 56 25.1 141 56 35.8 46 00 32.4 119 53 22.3 -16 43 44.2 69 03 29.2 11 55 32.7
4 SU 211 15 06.5 -17 56 24.9 142 55 44.3 46 00 32.2 120 52 30.8 -16 43 44.1 70 02 37.7 11 55 32.8
5 M 212 14 14.6 -17 56 24.7 143 54 52.7 46 00 32.0 121 51 39.3 -16 43 44.0 71 01 46.2 11 55 32.8

6 TU 213 13 22.6 -17 56 24.5 144 54 01.1 46 00 31.8 122 50 47.8 -16 43 44.0 72 00 54.8 11 55 32.8
7 W 214 12 30.7 -17 56 24.2 145 53 09.5 46 00 31.6 123 49 56.4 -16 43 43.9 73 00 03.3 11 55 32.8
8 TH 215 11 38.7 -17 56 23.9 146 52 17.8 46 00 31.5 124 49 04.9 -16 43 43.9 73 59 11.8 11 55 32.8
9 F 216 10 46.7 -17 56 23.6 147 51 26.2 46 00 31.3 125 48 13.4 -16 43 43.8 74 58 20.3 11 55 32.8
10 SA 217 09 54.7 -17 56 23.3 148 50 34.5 46 00 31.2 126 47 21.9 -16 43 43.6 75 57 28.9 11 55 32.8

11 SU 218 09 02.7 -17 56 23.0 149 49 42.9 46 00 31.2 127 46 30.4 -16 43 43.4 76 56 37.4 11 55 32.9
12 M 219 08 10.7 -17 56 22.8 150 48 51.3 46 00 31.1 128 45 38.9 -16 43 43.3 77 55 45.9 11 55 33.0
13 TU 220 07 18.7 -17 56 22.6 151 47 59.6 46 00 31.0 129 44 47.4 -16 43 43.1 78 54 54.4 11 55 33.1
14 W 221 06 26.7 -17 56 22.3 152 47 08.0 46 00 30.8 130 43 55.9 -16 43 42.9 79 54 03.0 11 55 33.2
15 TH 222 05 34.7 -17 56 22.1 153 46 16.4 46 00 30.7 131 43 04.3 -16 43 42.8 80 53 11.5 11 55 33.3

16 F 223 04 42.6 -17 56 22.0 154 45 24.8 46 00 30.5 132 42 12.8 -16 43 42.6 81 52 20.0 11 55 33.3
17 SA 224 03 50.6 -17 56 21.8 155 44 33.2 46 00 30.4 133 41 21.3 -16 43 42.5 82 51 28.6 11 55 33.4
18 SU 225 02 58.6 -17 56 21.5 156 43 41.5 46 00 30.2 134 40 29.7 -16 43 42.4 83 50 37.1 11 55 33.5
19 M 226 02 06.6 -17 56 21.3 157 42 49.9 46 00 30.0 135 39 38.2 -16 43 42.3 84 49 45.6 11 55 33.5
20 TU 227 01 14.6 -17 56 21.1 158 41 58.1 46 00 29.8 136 38 46.6 -16 43 42.2 85 48 54.2 11 55 33.5

21 W 228 00 22.6 -17 56 20.8 159 41 06.4 46 00 29.6 137 37 55.1 -16 43 42.1 86 48 02.7 11 55 33.6
22 TH 228 59 30.5 -17 56 20.6 160 40 14.7 46 00 29.5 138 37 03.5 -16 43 42.0 87 47 11.2 11 55 33.6
23 F 229 58 38.5 -17 56 20.3 161 39 22.9 46 00 29.4 139 36 12.0 -16 43 41.9 88 46 19.8 11 55 33.6
24 SA 230 57 46.5 -17 56 20.0 162 38 31.2 46 00 29.2 140 35 20.4 -16 43 41.7 89 45 28.3 11 55 33.6
25 SU 231 56 54.4 -17 56 19.7 163 37 39.4 46 00 29.1 141 34 28.9 -16 43 41.5 90 44 36.8 11 55 33.7

26 M 232 56 02.3 -17 56 19.5 164 36 47.7 46 00 29.0 142 33 37.3 -16 43 41.3 91 43 45.3 11 55 33.7
27 TU 233 55 10.3 -17 56 19.2 165 35 56.0 46 00 28.9 143 32 45.7 -16 43 41.1 92 42 53.9 11 55 33.8
28 W 234 54 18.2 -17 56 19.0 166 35 04.3 46 00 28.8 144 31 54.2 -16 43 40.9 93 42 02.4 11 55 33.9
29 TH 235 53 26.1 -17 56 18.8 167 34 12.5 46 00 28.7 145 31 02.6 -16 43 40.7 94 41 10.9 11 55 34.0
30 F 236 52 34.1 -17 56 18.6 168 33 20.8 46 00 28.6 146 30 11.0 -16 43 40.5 95 40 19.4 11 55 34.1

31 SA 237 51 42.0 -17 56 18.4 169 32 29.1 46 00 28.4 147 29 19.4 -16 43 40.4 96 39 28.0 11 55 34.2

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 9.2 HR. 13.7 HR. 15.2 HR. 18.6 HR.

JUNE 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SU 238 50 49.9 -17 56 18.2 170 31 37.3 46 00 28.2 148 28 27.7 -16 43 40.3 97 38 36.5 11 55 34.2
2 M 239 49 57.9 -17 56 18.0 171 30 45.5 46 00 28.0 149 27 36.1 -16 43 40.1 98 37 45.0 11 55 34.2
3 TU 240 49 05.8 -17 56 17.7 172 29 53.6 46 00 27.8 150 26 44.5 -16 43 40.0 99 36 53.6 11 55 34.2
4 W 241 48 13.8 -17 56 17.4 173 29 01.8 46 00 27.6 151 25 52.9 -16 43 39.9 100 36 02.1 11 55 34.2
5 TH 242 47 21.7 -17 56 17.1 174 28 09.9 46 00 27.5 152 25 01.3 -16 43 39.8 101 35 10.6 11 55 34.2

6 F 243 46 29.6 -17 56 16.8 175 27 18.0 46 00 27.4 153 24 09.7 -16 43 39.6 102 34 19.1 11 55 34.2
7 SA 244 45 37.5 -17 56 16.5 176 26 26.1 46 00 27.3 154 23 18.1 -16 43 39.4 103 33 27.6 11 55 34.2
8 SU 245 44 45.4 -17 56 16.2 177 25 34.3 46 00 27.2 155 22 26.5 -16 43 39.1 104 32 36.1 11 55 34.3
9 M 246 43 53.3 -17 56 16.0 178 24 42.4 46 00 27.2 156 21 34.8 -16 43 38.9 105 31 44.6 11 55 34.3
10 TU 247 43 01.2 -17 56 15.8 179 23 50.6 46 00 27.1 157 20 43.2 -16 43 38.7 106 30 53.1 11 55 34.4

11 W 248 42 09.1 -17 56 15.6 180 22 58.8 46 00 26.9 158 19 51.5 -16 43 38.5 107 30 01.6 11 55 34.5
12 TH 249 41 17.0 -17 56 15.4 181 22 06.9 46 00 26.8 159 18 59.8 -16 43 38.3 108 29 10.1 11 55 34.6
13 F 250 40 24.9 -17 56 15.2 182 21 15.1 46 00 26.6 160 18 08.2 -16 43 38.1 109 28 18.7 11 55 34.7
14 SA 251 39 32.8 -17 56 15.0 183 20 23.2 46 00 26.5 161 17 16.5 -16 43 37.9 110 27 27.2 11 55 34.7
15 SU 252 38 40.7 -17 56 14.8 184 19 31.3 46 00 26.3 162 16 24.8 -16 43 37.8 111 26 35.7 11 55 34.7

16 M 253 37 48.6 -17 56 14.6 185 18 39.4 46 00 26.1 163 15 33.1 -16 43 37.7 112 25 44.2 11 55 34.7
17 TU 254 36 56.5 -17 56 14.4 186 17 47.4 46 00 26.0 164 14 41.4 -16 43 37.5 113 24 52.7 11 55 34.7
18 W 255 36 04.4 -17 56 14.1 187 16 55.4 46 00 25.8 165 13 49.7 -16 43 37.3 114 24 01.2 11 55 34.7
19 TH 256 35 12.3 -17 56 13.9 188 16 03.5 46 00 25.7 166 12 58.0 -16 43 37.1 115 23 09.6 11 55 34.8
20 F 257 34 20.2 -17 56 13.6 189 15 11.5 46 00 25.6 167 12 06.3 -16 43 36.9 116 22 18.1 11 55 34.8

21 SA 258 33 28.1 -17 56 13.4 190 14 19.5 46 00 25.5 168 11 14.6 -16 43 36.7 117 21 26.6 11 55 34.8
22 SU 259 32 36.0 -17 56 13.1 191 13 27.6 46 00 25.4 169 10 22.9 -16 43 36.5 118 20 35.1 11 55 34.8
23 M 260 31 43.8 -17 56 12.9 192 12 35.6 46 00 25.4 170 09 31.2 -16 43 36.2 119 19 43.5 11 55 34.9
24 TU 261 30 51.7 -17 56 12.7 193 11 43.7 46 00 25.3 171 08 39.5 -16 43 36.0 120 18 52.0 11 55 35.0
25 W 262 29 59.6 -17 56 12.5 194 10 51.7 46 00 25.2 172 07 47.7 -16 43 35.8 121 18 00.5 11 55 35.0

26 TH 263 29 07.4 -17 56 12.3 195 09 59.8 46 00 25.1 173 06 56.0 -16 43 35.6 122 17 08.9 11 55 35.1
27 F 264 28 15.3 -17 56 12.2 196 09 07.8 46 00 25.0 174 06 04.2 -16 43 35.4 123 16 17.4 11 55 35.2
28 SA 265 27 23.2 -17 56 12.0 197 08 15.8 46 00 24.8 175 05 12.5 -16 43 35.2 124 15 25.9 11 55 35.2
29 SU 266 26 31.1 -17 56 11.8 198 07 23.8 46 00 24.6 176 04 20.7 -16 43 35.1 125 14 34.4 11 55 35.2
30 M 267 25 39.0 -17 56 11.6 199 06 31.8 46 00 24.5 177 03 28.9 -16 43 34.9 126 13 42.8 11 55 35.2

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 7.1 HR. 11.7 HR. 13.1 HR. 16.5 HR.



JULY 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 268 24 46.9 -17 56 11.4 200 05 39.7 46 00 24.3 178 02 37.2 -16 43 34.8 127 12 51.3 11 55 35.2
2 W 269 23 54.8 -17 56 11.1 201 04 47.6 46 00 24.2 179 01 45.4 -16 43 34.6 128 11 59.7 11 55 35.1
3 TH 270 23 02.7 -17 56 10.8 202 03 55.5 46 00 24.1 180 00 53.7 -16 43 34.4 129 11 08.2 11 55 35.1
4 F 271 22 10.5 -17 56 10.6 203 03 03.4 46 00 24.1 181 00 01.9 -16 43 34.2 130 10 16.6 11 55 35.1
5 SA 272 21 18.4 -17 56 10.4 204 02 11.3 46 00 24.0 181 59 10.1 -16 43 33.9 131 09 25.0 11 55 35.1

6 SU 273 20 26.3 -17 56 10.2 205 01 19.2 46 00 24.0 182 58 18.3 -16 43 33.7 132 08 33.4 11 55 35.2
7 M 274 19 34.1 -17 56 10.0 206 00 27.2 46 00 23.9 183 57 26.5 -16 43 33.4 133 07 41.9 11 55 35.2
8 TU 275 18 42.0 -17 56 09.8 206 59 35.2 46 00 23.9 184 56 34.7 -16 43 33.2 134 06 50.3 11 55 35.3
9 W 276 17 49.9 -17 56 09.7 207 58 43.1 46 00 23.8 185 55 42.9 -16 43 33.0 135 05 58.7 11 55 35.4
10 TH 277 16 57.7 -17 56 09.6 208 57 51.1 46 00 23.6 186 54 51.0 -16 43 32.8 136 05 07.1 11 55 35.4

11 F 278 16 05.6 -17 56 09.4 209 56 59.0 46 00 23.5 187 53 59.2 -16 43 32.6 137 04 15.6 11 55 35.4
12 SA 279 15 13.5 -17 56 09.3 210 56 06.9 46 00 23.4 188 53 07.3 -16 43 32.5 138 03 24.0 11 55 35.4
13 SU 280 14 21.4 -17 56 09.1 211 55 14.7 46 00 23.3 189 52 15.5 -16 43 32.3 139 02 32.4 11 55 35.4
14 M 281 13 29.3 -17 56 08.9 212 54 22.6 46 00 23.1 190 51 23.6 -16 43 32.1 140 01 40.8 11 55 35.4
15 TU 282 12 37.2 -17 56 08.8 213 53 30.4 46 00 23.0 191 50 31.8 -16 43 32.0 141 00 49.2 11 55 35.4

16 W 283 11 45.1 -17 56 08.6 214 52 38.3 46 00 23.0 192 49 39.9 -16 43 31.8 141 59 57.6 11 55 35.4
17 TH 284 10 53.0 -17 56 08.4 215 51 46.1 46 00 22.9 193 48 48.1 -16 43 31.6 142 59 05.9 11 55 35.4
18 F 285 10 00.8 -17 56 08.2 216 50 53.9 46 00 22.9 194 47 56.2 -16 43 31.4 143 58 14.3 11 55 35.4
19 SA 286 09 08.7 -17 56 08.0 217 50 01.8 46 00 22.8 195 47 04.4 -16 43 31.1 144 57 22.7 11 55 35.4
20 SU 287 08 16.6 -17 56 07.8 218 49 09.6 46 00 22.8 196 46 12.5 -16 43 30.9 145 56 31.1 11 55 35.4

21 M 288 07 24.5 -17 56 07.7 219 48 17.5 46 00 22.8 197 45 20.6 -16 43 30.7 146 55 39.4 11 55 35.4
22 TU 289 06 32.3 -17 56 07.6 220 47 25.3 46 00 22.7 198 44 28.7 -16 43 30.4 147 54 47.8 11 55 35.5
23 W 290 05 40.2 -17 56 07.5 221 46 33.2 46 00 22.7 199 43 36.8 -16 43 30.2 148 53 56.1 11 55 35.5
24 TH 291 04 48.1 -17 56 07.4 222 45 41.1 46 00 22.6 200 42 44.9 -16 43 30.0 149 53 04.5 11 55 35.6
25 F 292 03 56.0 -17 56 07.3 223 44 48.9 46 00 22.5 201 41 53.0 -16 43 29.9 150 52 12.9 11 55 35.6

26 SA 293 03 03.9 -17 56 07.2 224 43 56.7 46 00 22.4 202 41 01.0 -16 43 29.7 151 51 21.2 11 55 35.6
27 SU 294 02 11.9 -17 56 07.0 225 43 04.5 46 00 22.3 203 40 09.1 -16 43 29.6 152 50 29.6 11 55 35.6
28 M 295 01 19.8 -17 56 06.9 226 42 12.3 46 00 22.2 204 39 17.2 -16 43 29.5 153 49 37.9 11 55 35.5
29 TU 296 00 27.7 -17 56 06.7 227 41 20.0 46 00 22.1 205 38 25.3 -16 43 29.3 154 48 46.2 11 55 35.4
30 W 296 59 35.6 -17 56 06.5 228 40 27.7 46 00 22.0 206 37 33.4 -16 43 29.1 155 47 54.6 11 55 35.4

31 TH 297 58 43.5 -17 56 06.4 229 39 35.5 46 00 22.0 207 36 41.4 -16 43 29.0 156 47 02.9 11 55 35.3

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 5.2 HR. 9.7 HR. 11.2 HR. 14.6 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 F 298 57 51.4 -17 56 06.2 230 38 43.2 46 00 22.0 208 35 49.5 -16 43 28.7 157 46 11.2 11 55 35.3
2 SA 299 56 59.3 -17 56 06.1 231 37 51.0 46 00 22.1 209 34 57.5 -16 43 28.5 158 45 19.5 11 55 35.3
3 SU 300 56 07.2 -17 56 06.0 232 36 58.8 46 00 22.1 210 34 05.6 -16 43 28.3 159 44 27.8 11 55 35.4
4 M 301 55 15.1 -17 56 05.9 233 36 06.6 46 00 22.0 211 33 13.6 -16 43 28.1 160 43 36.1 11 55 35.4
5 TU 302 54 23.0 -17 56 05.8 234 35 14.4 46 00 22.0 212 32 21.6 -16 43 27.9 161 42 44.4 11 55 35.4

6 W 303 53 30.9 -17 56 05.8 235 34 22.1 46 00 21.9 213 31 29.6 -16 43 27.7 162 41 52.7 11 55 35.4
7 TH 304 52 38.8 -17 56 05.7 236 33 29.9 46 00 21.9 214 30 37.6 -16 43 27.6 163 41 01.0 11 55 35.4
8 F 305 51 46.8 -17 56 05.7 237 32 37.7 46 00 21.8 215 29 45.6 -16 43 27.4 164 40 09.2 11 55 35.4
9 SA 306 50 54.7 -17 56 05.6 238 31 45.4 46 00 21.7 216 28 53.6 -16 43 27.3 165 39 17.5 11 55 35.4
10 SU 307 50 02.7 -17 56 05.5 239 30 53.1 46 00 21.6 217 28 01.6 -16 43 27.2 166 38 25.8 11 55 35.3

11 M 308 49 10.6 -17 56 05.4 240 30 00.8 46 00 21.6 218 27 09.7 -16 43 27.1 167 37 34.0 11 55 35.3
12 TU 309 48 18.6 -17 56 05.3 241 29 08.5 46 00 21.6 219 26 17.7 -16 43 27.0 168 36 42.3 11 55 35.2
13 W 310 47 26.5 -17 56 05.2 242 28 16.2 46 00 21.6 220 25 25.7 -16 43 26.8 169 35 50.5 11 55 35.2
14 TH 311 46 34.4 -17 56 05.1 243 27 23.9 46 00 21.6 221 24 33.6 -16 43 26.6 170 34 58.8 11 55 35.1
15 F 312 45 42.4 -17 56 05.0 244 26 31.6 46 00 21.6 222 23 41.6 -16 43 26.5 171 34 07.0 11 55 35.1

16 SA 313 44 50.3 -17 56 04.9 245 25 39.3 46 00 21.6 223 22 49.6 -16 43 26.3 172 33 15.2 11 55 35.1
17 SU 314 43 58.3 -17 56 04.9 246 24 47.0 46 00 21.6 224 21 57.6 -16 43 26.1 173 32 23.4 11 55 35.1
18 M 315 43 06.2 -17 56 04.9 247 23 54.8 46 00 21.7 225 21 05.6 -16 43 25.9 174 31 31.6 11 55 35.1
19 TU 316 42 14.2 -17 56 04.8 248 23 02.5 46 00 21.7 226 20 13.5 -16 43 25.7 175 30 39.8 11 55 35.1
20 W 317 41 22.1 -17 56 04.8 249 22 10.3 46 00 21.6 227 19 21.5 -16 43 25.6 176 29 48.0 11 55 35.1

21 TH 318 40 30.1 -17 56 04.8 250 21 18.0 46 00 21.6 228 18 29.4 -16 43 25.5 177 28 56.1 11 55 35.1
22 F 319 39 38.1 -17 56 04.8 251 20 25.7 46 00 21.5 229 17 37.3 -16 43 25.4 178 28 04.1 11 55 35.2
23 SA 320 38 46.1 -17 56 04.8 252 19 33.4 46 00 21.5 230 16 45.3 -16 43 25.3 179 27 13.0 11 55 35.8
24 SU 321 37 54.1 -17 56 04.8 253 18 41.1 46 00 21.4 231 15 53.2 -16 43 25.3 180 26 21.3 11 55 35.1
25 M 322 37 02.1 -17 56 04.7 254 17 48.7 46 00 21.4 232 15 01.2 -16 43 25.2 181 25 29.4 11 55 34.9

26 TU 323 36 10.1 -17 56 04.6 255 16 56.3 46 00 21.4 233 14 09.1 -16 43 25.1 182 24 37.5 11 55 34.8
27 W 324 35 18.1 -17 56 04.5 256 16 04.0 46 00 21.4 234 13 17.1 -16 43 25.0 183 23 45.7 11 55 34.7
28 TH 325 34 26.1 -17 56 04.5 257 15 11.6 46 00 21.5 235 12 25.0 -16 43 24.9 184 22 53.8 11 55 34.6
29 F 326 33 34.1 -17 56 04.4 258 14 19.3 46 00 21.5 236 11 32.9 -16 43 24.7 185 22 02.0 11 55 34.5
30 SA 327 32 42.0 -17 56 04.4 259 13 27.0 46 00 21.6 237 10 40.9 -16 43 24.6 186 21 10.1 11 55 34.5

31 SU 328 31 50.0 -17 56 04.4 260 12 34.7 46 00 21.6 238 09 48.8 -16 43 24.4 187 20 18.3 11 55 34.5

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 3.1 HR. 7.7 HR. 9.1 HR. 12.5 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 M 329 30 58.1 -17 56 04.5 261 11 42.4 46 00 21.7 239 08 56.7 -16 43 24.3 188 19 26.4 11 55 34.5
2 TU 330 30 06.1 -17 56 04.5 262 10 50.1 46 00 21.7 240 08 04.6 -16 43 24.2 189 18 34.5 11 55 34.4
3 W 331 29 14.1 -17 56 04.5 263 09 57.8 46 00 21.6 241 07 12.4 -16 43 24.1 190 17 42.7 11 55 34.4
4 TH 332 28 22.2 -17 56 04.6 264 09 05.5 46 00 21.6 242 06 20.3 -16 43 24.1 191 16 50.8 11 55 34.3
5 F 333 27 30.2 -17 56 04.6 265 08 13.1 46 00 21.6 243 05 28.2 -16 43 24.1 192 15 59.0 11 55 34.3

6 SA 334 26 38.3 -17 56 04.6 266 07 20.8 46 00 21.6 244 04 36.1 -16 43 24.0 193 15 07.1 11 55 34.2
7 SU 335 25 46.3 -17 56 04.6 267 06 28.4 46 00 21.5 245 03 44.0 -16 43 24.0 194 14 15.2 11 55 34.1
8 M 336 24 54.4 -17 56 04.6 268 05 36.1 46 00 21.6 246 02 51.9 -16 43 24.0 195 13 23.3 11 55 34.0
9 TU 337 24 02.5 -17 56 04.6 269 04 43.7 46 00 21.6 247 01 59.8 -16 43 23.9 196 12 31.4 11 55 33.9
10 W 338 23 10.5 -17 56 04.6 270 03 51.3 46 00 21.6 248 01 07.7 -16 43 23.8 197 11 39.5 11 55 33.8

11 TH 339 22 18.6 -17 56 04.6 271 02 59.0 46 00 21.7 249 00 15.6 -16 43 23.8 198 10 47.6 11 55 33.7
12 F 340 21 26.7 -17 56 04.6 272 02 06.6 46 00 21.8 249 59 23.5 -16 43 23.7 199 09 55.7 11 55 33.6
13 SA 341 20 34.7 -17 56 04.7 273 01 14.3 46 00 21.9 250 58 31.4 -16 43 23.6 200 09 03.7 11 55 33.5
14 SU 342 19 42.8 -17 56 04.7 274 00 22.0 46 00 21.9 251 57 39.2 -16 43 23.5 201 08 11.8 11 55 33.5
15 M 343 18 50.9 -17 56 04.8 274 59 29.7 46 00 22.0 252 56 47.1 -16 43 23.4 202 07 19.9 11 55 33.5

16 TU 344 17 59.0 -17 56 04.9 275 58 37.4 46 00 22.0 253 55 55.0 -16 43 23.4 203 06 28.0 11 55 33.4
17 W 345 17 07.1 -17 56 05.0 276 57 45.1 46 00 22.0 254 55 02.8 -16 43 23.4 204 05 36.0 11 55 33.4
18 TH 346 16 15.2 -17 56 05.1 277 56 52.8 46 00 22.0 255 54 10.7 -16 43 23.4 205 04 44.1 11 55 33.3
19 F 347 15 23.3 -17 56 05.1 278 56 00.5 46 00 22.0 256 53 18.5 -16 43 23.4 206 03 52.2 11 55 33.2
20 SA 348 14 31.5 -17 56 05.2 279 55 08.1 46 00 22.0 257 52 26.4 -16 43 23.5 207 03 00.2 11 55 33.0

21 SU 349 13 39.6 -17 56 05.2 280 54 15.7 46 00 22.0 258 51 34.3 -16 43 23.5 208 02 08.3 11 55 32.9
22 M 350 12 47.8 -17 56 05.2 281 53 23.3 46 00 22.0 259 50 42.1 -16 43 23.5 209 01 16.3 11 55 32.7
23 TU 351 11 55.9 -17 56 05.2 282 52 30.9 46 00 22.1 260 49 50.0 -16 43 23.5 210 00 24.4 11 55 32.6
24 W 352 11 04.0 -17 56 05.2 283 51 38.6 46 00 22.2 261 48 57.9 -16 43 23.5 210 59 32.4 11 55 32.4
25 TH 353 10 12.2 -17 56 05.3 284 50 46.2 46 00 22.3 262 48 05.8 -16 43 23.5 211 58 40.4 11 55 32.3

26 F 354 09 20.3 -17 56 05.3 285 49 53.9 46 00 22.4 263 47 13.6 -16 43 23.4 212 57 48.4 11 55 32.2
27 SA 355 08 28.4 -17 56 05.4 286 49 01.6 46 00 22.5 264 46 21.5 -16 43 23.4 213 56 56.4 11 55 32.2
28 SU 356 07 36.6 -17 56 05.6 287 48 09.3 46 00 22.6 265 45 29.3 -16 43 23.4 214 56 04.4 11 55 32.1
29 M 357 06 44.8 -17 56 05.7 288 47 17.0 46 00 22.6 266 44 37.1 -16 43 23.4 215 55 12.4 11 55 32.0
30 TU 358 05 52.9 -17 56 05.8 289 46 24.7 46 00 22.7 267 43 45.0 -16 43 23.5 216 54 20.4 11 55 31.9

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 1.1 HR. 5.7 HR. 7.1 HR. 10.5 HR.







o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 W 359 05 01.1 -17 56 05.9 290 45 32.4 46 00 22.7 268 42 52.8 -16 43 23.5 217 53 28.5 11 55 31.8
2 TH 0 04 09.3 -17 56 06.1 291 44 40.1 46 00 22.7 269 42 00.7 -16 43 23.6 218 52 36.5 11 55 31.7
3 F 1 03 17.6 -17 56 06.2 292 43 47.8 46 00 22.7 270 41 08.5 -16 43 23.7 219 51 44.4 11 55 31.6
4 SA 2 02 25.8 -17 56 06.2 293 42 55.5 46 00 22.8 271 40 16.4 -16 43 23.8 220 50 52.4 11 55 31.4
5 SU 3 01 34.0 -17 56 06.3 294 42 03.1 46 00 22.8 272 39 24.2 -16 43 23.9 221 50 00.4 11 55 31.2

6 M 4 00 42.2 -17 56 06.4 295 41 10.8 46 00 22.9 273 38 32.1 -16 43 23.9 222 49 08.4 11 55 31.1
7 TU 4 59 50.4 -17 56 06.5 296 40 18.4 46 00 23.0 274 37 39.9 -16 43 24.0 223 48 16.3 11 55 30.9
8 W 5 58 58.7 -17 56 06.5 297 39 26.1 46 00 23.1 275 36 47.8 -16 43 24.1 224 47 24.3 11 55 30.8
9 TH 6 58 06.9 -17 56 06.6 298 38 33.8 46 00 23.2 276 35 55.7 -16 43 24.1 225 46 32.3 11 55 30.6
10 F 7 57 15.1 -17 56 06.7 299 37 41.5 46 00 23.3 277 35 03.5 -16 43 24.1 226 45 40.2 11 55 30.5

11 SA 8 56 23.3 -17 56 06.8 300 36 49.3 46 00 23.4 278 34 11.4 -16 43 24.2 227 44 48.2 11 55 30.4
12 SU 9 55 31.6 -17 56 07.0 301 35 57.0 46 00 23.5 279 33 19.2 -16 43 24.2 228 43 56.1 11 55 30.3
13 M 10 54 39.8 -17 56 07.1 302 35 04.8 46 00 23.6 280 32 27.1 -16 43 24.3 229 43 04.0 11 55 30.2
14 TU 11 53 48.1 -17 56 07.3 303 34 12.5 46 00 23.7 281 31 34.9 -16 43 24.4 230 42 12.0 11 55 30.1
15 W 12 52 56.4 -17 56 07.4 304 33 20.3 46 00 23.7 282 30 42.8 -16 43 24.5 231 41 19.9 11 55 30.0

16 TH 13 52 04.7 -17 56 07.6 305 32 28.0 46 00 23.7 283 29 50.6 -16 43 24.7 232 40 27.9 11 55 29.8
17 F 14 51 13.0 -17 56 07.7 306 31 35.7 46 00 23.8 284 28 58.5 -16 43 24.8 233 39 35.8 11 55 29.6
18 SA 15 50 21.3 -17 56 07.8 307 30 43.4 46 00 23.8 285 28 06.4 -16 43 25.0 234 38 43.8 11 55 29.4
19 SU 16 49 29.6 -17 56 07.8 308 29 51.1 46 00 23.9 286 27 14.2 -16 43 25.1 235 37 51.7 11 55 29.2
20 M 17 48 37.9 -17 56 07.9 309 28 58.7 46 00 24.0 287 26 22.1 -16 43 25.3 236 36 59.6 11 55 29.0

21 TU 18 47 46.2 -17 56 08.0 310 28 06.4 46 00 24.1 288 25 30.0 -16 43 25.4 237 36 07.5 11 55 28.8
22 W 19 46 54.5 -17 56 08.0 311 27 14.2 46 00 24.3 289 24 37.9 -16 43 25.5 238 35 15.4 11 55 28.6
23 TH 20 46 02.8 -17 56 08.1 312 26 21.9 46 00 24.4 290 23 45.8 -16 43 25.5 239 34 23.3 11 55 28.5
24 F 21 45 11.1 -17 56 08.3 313 25 29.7 46 00 24.5 291 22 53.6 -16 43 25.6 240 33 31.2 11 55 28.4
25 SA 22 44 19.4 -17 56 08.4 314 24 37.5 46 00 24.7 292 22 01.5 -16 43 25.7 241 32 39.1 11 55 28.2

26 SU 23 43 27.7 -17 56 08.6 315 23 45.3 46 00 24.8 293 21 09.4 -16 43 25.9 242 31 47.0 11 55 28.1
27 M 24 42 36.1 -17 56 08.8 316 22 53.2 46 00 24.8 294 20 17.2 -16 43 26.0 243 30 54.9 11 55 28.0
28 TU 25 41 44.4 -17 56 09.0 317 22 01.0 46 00 24.9 295 19 25.1 -16 43 26.2 244 30 02.8 11 55 27.8
29 W 26 40 52.8 -17 56 09.1 318 21 08.8 46 00 24.9 296 18 33.0 -16 43 26.4 245 29 10.7 11 55 27.6
30 TH 27 40 01.2 -17 56 09.3 319 20 16.5 46 00 25.0 297 17 40.8 -16 43 26.6 246 28 18.6 11 55 27.4

31 F 28 39 09.5 -17 56 09.4 320 19 24.3 46 00 25.1 298 16 48.7 -16 43 26.8 247 27 26.5 11 55 27.2

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 23.1 HR. 3.7 HR. 5.2 HR. 8.5 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SA 29 38 17.9 -17 56 09.5 321 18 32.1 46 00 25.2 299 15 56.6 -16 43 27.0 248 26 34.4 11 55 27.0
2 SU 30 37 26.3 -17 56 09.6 322 17 39.9 46 00 25.3 300 15 04.5 -16 43 27.2 249 25 42.3 11 55 26.8
3 M 31 36 34.7 -17 56 09.7 323 16 47.6 46 00 25.4 301 14 12.5 -16 43 27.4 250 24 50.2 11 55 26.6
4 TU 32 35 43.1 -17 56 09.8 324 15 55.4 46 00 25.5 302 13 20.4 -16 43 27.5 251 23 58.0 11 55 26.4
5 W 33 34 51.4 -17 56 09.9 325 15 03.3 46 00 25.7 303 12 28.3 -16 43 27.7 252 23 05.9 11 55 26.2

6 TH 34 33 59.8 -17 56 10.0 326 14 11.1 46 00 25.8 304 11 36.2 -16 43 27.8 253 22 13.8 11 55 26.1
7 F 35 33 08.2 -17 56 10.2 327 13 19.0 46 00 26.0 305 10 44.1 -16 43 28.0 254 21 21.6 11 55 25.9
8 SA 36 32 16.6 -17 56 10.3 328 12 26.8 46 00 26.1 306 09 52.0 -16 43 28.1 255 20 29.5 11 55 25.8
9 SU 37 31 25.0 -17 56 10.5 329 11 34.7 46 00 26.3 307 09 00.0 -16 43 28.3 256 19 37.4 11 55 25.6
10 M 38 30 33.4 -17 56 10.7 330 10 42.7 46 00 26.4 308 08 07.9 -16 43 28.5 257 18 45.3 11 55 25.5

11 TU 39 29 41.9 -17 56 10.9 331 09 50.6 46 00 26.4 309 07 15.8 -16 43 28.7 258 17 53.1 11 55 25.3
12 W 40 28 50.3 -17 56 11.0 332 08 58.5 46 00 26.5 310 06 23.7 -16 43 29.0 259 17 01.0 11 55 25.1
13 TH 41 27 58.8 -17 56 11.2 333 08 06.3 46 00 26.6 311 05 31.7 -16 43 29.2 260 16 08.9 11 55 24.9
14 F 42 27 07.2 -17 56 11.3 334 07 14.2 46 00 26.6 312 04 39.6 -16 43 29.5 261 15 16.8 11 55 24.6
15 SA 43 26 15.7 -17 56 11.4 335 06 22.0 46 00 26.7 313 03 47.6 -16 43 29.8 262 14 24.6 11 55 24.4

16 SU 44 25 24.1 -17 56 11.4 336 05 29.8 46 00 26.9 314 02 55.5 -16 43 30.0 263 13 32.5 11 55 24.1
17 M 45 24 32.6 -17 56 11.5 337 04 37.7 46 00 27.0 315 02 03.5 -16 43 30.2 264 12 40.3 11 55 23.9
18 TU 46 23 41.0 -17 56 11.6 338 03 45.6 46 00 27.2 316 01 11.5 -16 43 30.4 265 11 48.2 11 55 23.7
19 W 47 22 49.5 -17 56 11.7 339 02 53.5 46 00 27.4 317 00 19.5 -16 43 30.5 266 10 56.0 11 55 23.5
20 TH 48 21 57.9 -17 56 11.8 340 02 01.4 46 00 27.5 317 59 27.4 -16 43 30.7 267 10 03.9 11 55 23.3

21 F 49 21 06.4 -17 56 12.0 341 01 09.4 46 00 27.7 318 58 35.4 -16 43 30.9 268 09 11.7 11 55 23.2
22 SA 50 20 14.8 -17 56 12.1 342 00 17.4 46 00 27.8 319 57 43.4 -16 43 31.1 269 08 19.6 11 55 23.0
23 SU 51 19 23.3 -17 56 12.3 342 59 25.4 46 00 27.9 320 56 51.4 -16 43 31.4 270 07 27.5 11 55 22.9
24 M 52 18 31.8 -17 56 12.5 343 58 33.4 46 00 28.0 321 55 59.3 -16 43 31.6 271 06 35.3 11 55 22.7
25 TU 53 17 40.3 -17 56 12.6 344 57 41.4 46 00 28.1 322 55 07.3 -16 43 31.9 272 05 43.2 11 55 22.5

26 W 54 16 48.8 -17 56 12.8 345 56 49.4 46 00 28.2 323 54 15.3 -16 43 32.2 273 04 51.0 11 55 22.3
27 TH 55 15 57.3 -17 56 12.9 346 55 57.4 46 00 28.3 324 53 23.3 -16 43 32.4 274 03 58.9 11 55 22.0
28 F 56 15 05.8 -17 56 13.0 347 55 05.3 46 00 28.4 325 52 31.4 -16 43 32.7 275 03 06.8 11 55 21.8
29 SA 57 14 14.3 -17 56 13.1 348 54 13.3 46 00 28.5 326 51 39.4 -16 43 33.0 276 02 14.6 11 55 21.6
30 SU 58 13 22.8 -17 56 13.2 349 53 21.3 46 00 28.7 327 50 47.4 -16 43 33.2 277 01 22.5 11 55 21.3

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 21.0 HR. 1.7 HR. 3.1 HR. 6.5 HR.







o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 M 59 12 31.3 -17 56 13.3 350 52 29.3 46 00 28.9 328 49 55.5 -16 43 33.5 278 00 30.3 11 55 21.1
2 TU 60 11 39.8 -17 56 13.4 351 51 37.3 46 00 29.0 329 49 03.5 -16 43 33.7 278 59 38.2 11 55 20.9
3 W 61 10 48.3 -17 56 13.5 352 50 45.3 46 00 29.2 330 48 11.6 -16 43 33.9 279 58 46.0 11 55 20.7
4 TH 62 09 56.8 -17 56 13.6 353 49 53.4 46 00 29.4 331 47 19.6 -16 43 34.1 280 57 53.9 11 55 20.6
5 F 63 09 05.4 -17 56 13.7 354 49 01.5 46 00 29.6 332 46 27.7 -16 43 34.3 281 57 01.7 11 55 20.4

6 SA 64 08 13.9 -17 56 13.8 355 48 09.6 46 00 29.7 333 45 35.7 -16 43 34.5 282 56 09.6 11 55 20.3
7 SU 65 07 22.4 -17 56 14.0 356 47 17.7 46 00 29.9 334 44 43.8 -16 43 34.8 283 55 17.5 11 55 20.1
8 M 66 06 30.9 -17 56 14.2 357 46 25.9 46 00 30.0 335 43 51.8 -16 43 35.1 284 54 25.3 11 55 19.9
9 TU 67 05 39.5 -17 56 14.3 358 45 34.0 46 00 30.1 336 42 59.9 -16 43 35.3 285 53 33.2 11 55 19.8
10 W 68 04 48.0 -17 56 14.4 359 44 42.1 46 00 30.2 337 42 08.0 -16 43 35.7 286 52 41.1 11 55 19.5

11 TH 69 03 56.6 -17 56 14.5 0 43 50.2 46 00 30.2 338 41 16.1 -16 43 36.0 287 51 49.0 11 55 19.3
12 F 70 03 05.1 -17 56 14.6 1 42 58.2 46 00 30.3 339 40 24.2 -16 43 36.3 288 50 56.9 11 55 19.0
13 SA 71 02 13.7 -17 56 14.6 2 42 06.3 46 00 30.5 340 39 32.3 -16 43 36.6 289 50 04.7 11 55 18.8
14 SU 72 01 22.2 -17 56 14.6 3 41 14.4 46 00 30.6 341 38 40.5 -16 43 36.8 290 49 12.6 11 55 18.5
15 M 73 00 30.7 -17 56 14.7 4 40 22.5 46 00 30.8 342 37 48.6 -16 43 37.1 291 48 20.5 11 55 18.3

16 TU 73 59 39.3 -17 56 14.7 5 39 30.6 46 00 31.0 343 36 56.8 -16 43 37.3 292 47 28.3 11 55 18.1
17 W 74 58 47.8 -17 56 14.8 6 38 38.8 46 00 31.2 344 36 04.9 -16 43 37.5 293 46 36.2 11 55 18.0
18 TH 75 57 56.3 -17 56 14.9 7 37 47.0 46 00 31.4 345 35 13.0 -16 43 37.7 294 45 44.1 11 55 17.8
19 F 76 57 04.9 -17 56 15.1 8 36 55.2 46 00 31.6 346 34 21.2 -16 43 37.9 295 44 52.0 11 55 17.7
20 SA 77 56 13.4 -17 56 15.2 9 36 03.5 46 00 31.7 347 33 29.3 -16 43 38.2 296 43 59.9 11 55 17.6

21 SU 78 55 22.0 -17 56 15.3 10 35 11.7 46 00 31.8 348 32 37.4 -16 43 38.4 297 43 07.8 11 55 17.4
22 M 79 54 30.6 -17 56 15.4 11 34 19.9 46 00 31.9 349 31 45.6 -16 43 38.7 298 42 15.7 11 55 17.2
23 TU 80 53 39.1 -17 56 15.5 12 33 28.2 46 00 32.0 350 30 53.8 -16 43 39.0 299 41 23.6 11 55 17.0
24 W 81 52 47.7 -17 56 15.6 13 32 36.4 46 00 32.1 351 30 01.9 -16 43 39.3 300 40 31.5 11 55 16.8
25 TH 82 51 56.3 -17 56 15.7 14 31 44.6 46 00 32.2 352 29 10.1 -16 43 39.6 301 39 39.4 11 55 16.6

26 F 83 51 04.8 -17 56 15.7 15 30 52.8 46 00 32.4 353 28 18.3 -16 43 39.9 302 38 47.3 11 55 16.4
27 SA 84 50 13.4 -17 56 15.8 16 30 01.0 46 00 32.5 354 27 26.5 -16 43 40.2 303 37 55.2 11 55 16.2
28 SU 85 49 22.0 -17 56 15.8 17 29 09.3 46 00 32.7 355 26 34.7 -16 43 40.4 304 37 03.1 11 55 16.0
29 M 86 48 30.5 -17 56 15.8 18 28 17.6 46 00 32.8 356 25 43.0 -16 43 40.7 305 36 11.0 11 55 15.8
30 TU 87 47 39.1 -17 56 15.9 19 27 25.8 46 00 33.0 357 24 51.2 -16 43 40.9 306 35 19.0 11 55 15.7

31 W 88 46 47.6 -17 56 15.9 20 26 34.2 46 00 33.2 358 23 59.4 -16 43 41.1 307 34 26.9 11 55 15.5

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 19.1 HR. 23.6 HR. 1.2 HR. 4.5 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 258 37 37.5 -11 12 13.7 246 01 29.8 19 08 13.1 212 33 36.0 -26 27 01.6 162 14 30.7 8 53 18.3
2 W 259 36 45.4 -11 12 13.8 247 00 37.7 19 08 12.9 213 32 44.0 -26 27 01.6 163 13 39.0 8 53 18.1
3 TH 260 35 53.2 -11 12 14.0 247 59 45.6 19 08 12.7 214 31 52.0 -26 27 01.6 164 12 47.3 8 53 18.0
4 F 261 35 01.1 -11 12 14.2 248 58 53.5 19 08 12.5 215 30 59.9 -26 27 01.6 165 11 55.6 8 53 17.9
5 SA 262 34 08.9 -11 12 14.4 249 58 01.4 19 08 12.2 216 30 07.8 -26 27 01.6 166 11 03.9 8 53 17.8

6 SU 263 33 16.8 -11 12 14.6 250 57 09.3 19 08 12.0 217 29 15.7 -26 27 01.6 167 10 12.2 8 53 17.6
7 M 264 32 24.6 -11 12 14.9 251 56 17.2 19 08 11.7 218 28 23.7 -26 27 01.7 168 09 20.5 8 53 17.5
8 TU 265 31 32.5 -11 12 15.1 252 55 25.1 19 08 11.5 219 27 31.6 -26 27 01.7 169 08 28.7 8 53 17.3
9 W 266 30 40.3 -11 12 15.3 253 54 32.9 19 08 11.2 220 26 39.5 -26 27 01.8 170 07 37.0 8 53 17.2
10 TH 267 29 48.2 -11 12 15.6 254 53 40.8 19 08 10.9 221 25 47.4 -26 27 01.9 171 06 45.3 8 53 17.0

11 F 268 28 56.1 -11 12 15.8 255 52 48.6 19 08 10.7 222 24 55.3 -26 27 02.0 172 05 53.5 8 53 16.8
12 SA 269 28 03.9 -11 12 16.0 256 51 56.5 19 08 10.4 223 24 03.2 -26 27 02.1 173 05 01.8 8 53 16.6
13 SU 270 27 11.8 -11 12 16.2 257 51 04.3 19 08 10.2 224 23 11.1 -26 27 02.2 174 04 10.0 8 53 16.4
14 M 271 26 19.7 -11 12 16.4 258 50 12.2 19 08 10.0 225 22 19.1 -26 27 02.2 175 03 18.2 8 53 16.2
15 TU 272 25 27.5 -11 12 16.5 259 49 20.1 19 08 09.9 226 21 27.0 -26 27 02.2 176 02 26.4 8 53 16.0

16 W 273 24 35.4 -11 12 16.7 260 48 27.9 19 08 09.7 227 20 34.9 -26 27 02.2 177 01 34.6 8 53 15.9
17 TH 274 23 43.2 -11 12 16.9 261 47 35.8 19 08 09.6 228 19 42.7 -26 27 02.2 178 00 42.8 8 53 15.8
18 F 275 22 51.1 -11 12 17.1 262 46 43.7 19 08 09.4 229 18 50.6 -26 27 02.3 178 59 51.0 8 53 15.7
19 SA 276 21 58.9 -11 12 17.3 263 45 51.6 19 08 09.2 230 17 58.4 -26 27 02.3 179 58 59.2 8 53 15.6
20 SU 277 21 06.8 -11 12 17.6 264 44 59.4 19 08 08.9 231 17 06.3 -26 27 02.4 180 58 07.4 8 53 15.5

21 M 278 20 14.6 -11 12 17.8 265 44 07.3 19 08 08.7 232 16 14.1 -26 27 02.5 181 57 15.6 8 53 15.3
22 TU 279 19 22.5 -11 12 18.1 266 43 15.2 19 08 08.4 233 15 22.0 -26 27 02.6 182 56 23.8 8 53 15.2
23 W 280 18 30.4 -11 12 18.3 267 42 23.0 19 08 08.2 234 14 29.8 -26 27 02.7 183 55 32.0 8 53 15.0
24 TH 281 17 38.2 -11 12 18.6 268 41 30.8 19 08 08.0 235 13 37.7 -26 27 02.8 184 54 40.2 8 53 14.8
25 F 282 16 46.1 -11 12 18.8 269 40 38.7 19 08 07.8 236 12 45.5 -26 27 02.9 185 53 48.3 8 53 14.6

26 SA 283 15 54.0 -11 12 18.9 270 39 46.5 19 08 07.6 237 11 53.4 -26 27 03.0 186 52 56.5 8 53 14.4
27 SU 284 15 01.8 -11 12 19.1 271 38 54.4 19 08 07.5 238 11 01.3 -26 27 03.1 187 52 04.6 8 53 14.2
28 M 285 14 09.7 -11 12 19.2 272 38 02.2 19 08 07.4 239 10 09.1 -26 27 03.1 188 51 12.8 8 53 14.1
29 TU 286 13 17.6 -11 12 19.4 273 37 10.1 19 08 07.3 240 09 17.0 -26 27 03.1 189 50 20.9 8 53 13.9
30 W 287 12 25.4 -11 12 19.6 274 36 17.9 19 08 07.1 241 08 24.8 -26 27 03.1 190 49 29.0 8 53 13.8

31 TH 288 11 33.3 -11 12 19.7 275 35 25.8 19 08 07.0 242 07 32.6 -26 27 03.2 191 48 37.1 8 53 13.7

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 5.8 HR. 6.7 HR. 8.9 HR. 12.2 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 F 289 10 41.2 -11 12 19.9 276 34 33.7 19 08 06.9 243 06 40.4 -26 27 03.2 192 47 45.2 8 53 13.6
2 SA 290 09 49.0 -11 12 20.1 277 33 41.5 19 08 06.7 244 05 48.3 -26 27 03.3 193 46 53.4 8 53 13.5
3 SU 291 08 56.9 -11 12 20.4 278 32 49.4 19 08 06.6 245 04 56.1 -26 27 03.3 194 46 01.5 8 53 13.4
4 M 292 08 04.8 -11 12 20.6 279 31 57.2 19 08 06.4 246 04 03.9 -26 27 03.4 195 45 09.6 8 53 13.3
5 TU 293 07 12.7 -11 12 20.8 280 31 05.1 19 08 06.2 247 03 11.7 -26 27 03.6 196 44 17.7 8 53 13.1

6 W 294 06 20.6 -11 12 21.1 281 30 12.9 19 08 06.0 248 02 19.5 -26 27 03.7 197 43 25.8 8 53 13.0
7 TH 295 05 28.5 -11 12 21.3 282 29 20.8 19 08 05.9 249 01 27.3 -26 27 03.8 198 42 33.8 8 53 12.8
8 F 296 04 36.4 -11 12 21.5 283 28 28.6 19 08 05.7 250 00 35.1 -26 27 03.9 199 41 41.9 8 53 12.6
9 SA 297 03 44.3 -11 12 21.6 284 27 36.5 19 08 05.6 250 59 42.9 -26 27 04.0 200 40 50.0 8 53 12.4
10 SU 298 02 52.2 -11 12 21.8 285 26 44.3 19 08 05.6 251 58 50.7 -26 27 04.1 201 39 58.0 8 53 12.3

11 M 299 02 00.1 -11 12 21.9 286 25 52.2 19 08 05.5 252 57 58.6 -26 27 04.2 202 39 06.1 8 53 12.1
12 TU 300 01 08.0 -11 12 22.1 287 25 00.0 19 08 05.4 253 57 06.4 -26 27 04.2 203 38 14.1 8 53 12.0
13 W 301 00 15.9 -11 12 22.2 288 24 07.9 19 08 05.4 254 56 14.2 -26 27 04.2 204 37 22.1 8 53 11.9
14 TH 301 59 23.8 -11 12 22.4 289 23 15.8 19 08 05.3 255 55 21.9 -26 27 04.2 205 36 30.2 8 53 11.9
15 F 302 58 31.7 -11 12 22.6 290 22 23.7 19 08 05.2 256 54 29.7 -26 27 04.3 206 35 38.2 8 53 11.8

16 SA 303 57 39.6 -11 12 22.8 291 21 31.6 19 08 05.1 257 53 37.5 -26 27 04.4 207 34 46.2 8 53 11.8
17 SU 304 56 47.5 -11 12 23.0 292 20 39.5 19 08 05.0 258 52 45.2 -26 27 04.5 208 33 54.3 8 53 11.7
18 M 305 55 55.4 -11 12 23.2 293 19 47.4 19 08 04.9 259 51 53.0 -26 27 04.6 209 33 02.3 8 53 11.6
19 TU 306 55 03.4 -11 12 23.4 294 18 55.3 19 08 04.7 260 51 00.8 -26 27 04.7 210 32 10.3 8 53 11.5
20 W 307 54 11.3 -11 12 23.6 295 18 03.1 19 08 04.6 261 50 08.6 -26 27 04.9 211 31 18.3 8 53 11.3

21 TH 308 53 19.3 -11 12 23.8 296 17 11.0 19 08 04.6 262 49 16.4 -26 27 05.0 212 30 26.3 8 53 11.2
22 F 309 52 27.2 -11 12 23.9 297 16 18.9 19 08 04.5 263 48 24.2 -26 27 05.1 213 29 34.3 8 53 11.0
23 SA 310 51 35.2 -11 12 24.1 298 15 26.8 19 08 04.5 264 47 32.0 -26 27 05.2 214 28 42.3 8 53 10.9
24 SU 311 50 43.1 -11 12 24.2 299 14 34.6 19 08 04.5 265 46 39.8 -26 27 05.2 215 27 50.3 8 53 10.8
25 M 312 49 51.1 -11 12 24.3 300 13 42.5 19 08 04.5 266 45 47.6 -26 27 05.3 216 26 58.3 8 53 10.7

26 TU 313 48 59.0 -11 12 24.4 301 12 50.5 19 08 04.5 267 44 55.4 -26 27 05.3 217 26 06.2 8 53 10.6
27 W 314 48 07.0 -11 12 24.5 302 11 58.4 19 08 04.5 268 44 03.2 -26 27 05.3 218 25 14.2 8 53 10.6
28 TH 315 47 14.9 -11 12 24.7 303 11 06.3 19 08 04.5 269 43 11.0 -26 27 05.4 219 24 22.2 8 53 10.6
29 F 316 46 22.9 -11 12 24.8 304 10 14.2 19 08 04.5 270 42 18.8 -26 27 05.4 220 23 30.1 8 53 10.5

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 3.8 HR. 4.6 HR. 6.9 HR. 10.2 HR.



MARCH 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SA 317 45 30.8 -11 12 25.0 305 09 22.1 19 08 04.4 271 41 26.5 -26 27 05.5 221 22 38.1 8 53 10.5
2 SU 318 44 38.8 -11 12 25.2 306 08 30.1 19 08 04.4 272 40 34.3 -26 27 05.6 222 21 46.0 8 53 10.4
3 M 319 43 46.8 -11 12 25.4 307 07 38.0 19 08 04.3 273 39 42.1 -26 27 05.7 223 20 54.0 8 53 10.4
4 TU 320 42 54.8 -11 12 25.5 308 06 45.9 19 08 04.3 274 38 49.9 -26 27 05.8 224 20 01.9 8 53 10.3
5 W 321 42 02.8 -11 12 25.7 309 05 53.8 19 08 04.2 275 37 57.7 -26 27 06.0 225 19 09.9 8 53 10.2

6 TH 322 41 10.8 -11 12 25.9 310 05 01.8 19 08 04.2 276 37 05.5 -26 27 06.1 226 18 17.8 8 53 10.1
7 F 323 40 18.8 -11 12 26.0 311 04 09.7 19 08 04.2 277 36 13.3 -26 27 06.2 227 17 25.8 8 53 10.0
8 SA 324 39 26.8 -11 12 26.1 312 03 17.6 19 08 04.2 278 35 21.1 -26 27 06.3 228 16 33.7 8 53 09.9
9 SU 325 38 34.8 -11 12 26.2 313 02 25.5 19 08 04.3 279 34 28.9 -26 27 06.3 229 15 41.6 8 53 09.8
10 M 326 37 42.8 -11 12 26.2 314 01 33.5 19 08 04.3 280 33 36.7 -26 27 06.4 230 14 49.5 8 53 09.8

11 TU 327 36 50.8 -11 12 26.3 315 00 41.5 19 08 04.4 281 32 44.5 -26 27 06.4 231 13 57.4 8 53 09.8
12 W 328 35 58.8 -11 12 26.4 315 59 49.5 19 08 04.5 282 31 52.3 -26 27 06.4 232 13 05.3 8 53 09.8
13 TH 329 35 06.8 -11 12 26.6 316 58 57.4 19 08 04.5 283 31 00.1 -26 27 06.5 233 12 13.2 8 53 09.9
14 F 330 34 14.9 -11 12 26.7 317 58 05.4 19 08 04.5 284 30 07.8 -26 27 06.5 234 11 21.1 8 53 09.9
15 SA 331 33 22.9 -11 12 26.9 318 57 13.4 19 08 04.5 285 29 15.6 -26 27 06.6 235 10 29.1 8 53 09.9

16 SU 332 32 30.9 -11 12 27.0 319 56 21.4 19 08 04.5 286 28 23.4 -26 27 06.7 236 09 37.0 8 53 09.9
17 M 333 31 39.0 -11 12 27.2 320 55 29.4 19 08 04.5 287 27 31.2 -26 27 06.9 237 08 44.9 8 53 09.9
18 TU 334 30 47.1 -11 12 27.3 321 54 37.4 19 08 04.5 288 26 39.0 -26 27 07.0 238 07 52.8 8 53 09.8
19 W 335 29 55.1 -11 12 27.5 322 53 45.4 19 08 04.5 289 25 46.9 -26 27 07.1 239 07 00.7 8 53 09.8
20 TH 336 29 03.2 -11 12 27.5 323 52 53.4 19 08 04.6 290 24 54.7 -26 27 07.2 240 06 08.6 8 53 09.7

21 F 337 28 11.3 -11 12 27.6 324 52 01.4 19 08 04.7 291 24 02.5 -26 27 07.3 241 05 16.4 8 53 09.7
22 SA 338 27 19.4 -11 12 27.7 325 51 09.4 19 08 04.8 292 23 10.4 -26 27 07.3 242 04 24.3 8 53 09.7
23 SU 339 26 27.5 -11 12 27.7 326 50 17.4 19 08 04.9 293 22 18.2 -26 27 07.4 243 03 32.2 8 53 09.7
24 M 340 25 35.5 -11 12 27.8 327 49 25.4 19 08 05.0 294 21 26.1 -26 27 07.4 244 02 40.1 8 53 09.7
25 TU 341 24 43.6 -11 12 27.8 328 48 33.5 19 08 05.1 295 20 33.9 -26 27 07.4 245 01 48.0 8 53 09.7

26 W 342 23 51.7 -11 12 27.9 329 47 41.5 19 08 05.2 296 19 41.7 -26 27 07.4 246 00 55.8 8 53 09.8
27 TH 343 22 59.8 -11 12 28.0 330 46 49.6 19 08 05.3 297 18 49.5 -26 27 07.5 247 00 03.7 8 53 09.9
28 F 344 22 07.9 -11 12 28.1 331 45 57.6 19 08 05.4 298 17 57.4 -26 27 07.5 247 59 11.6 8 53 09.9
29 SA 345 21 16.0 -11 12 28.2 332 45 05.7 19 08 05.5 299 17 05.2 -26 27 07.6 248 58 19.5 8 53 10.0
30 SU 346 20 24.1 -11 12 28.3 333 44 13.7 19 08 05.5 300 16 13.0 -26 27 07.7 249 57 27.3 8 53 10.0

31 M 347 19 32.3 -11 12 28.4 334 43 21.8 19 08 05.6 301 15 20.9 -26 27 07.8 250 56 35.2 8 53 10.0

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 1.9 HR. 2.7 HR. 5.0 HR. 8.3 HR.

APRIL 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 348 18 40.4 -11 12 28.6 335 42 29.9 19 08 05.6 302 14 28.7 -26 27 07.9 251 55 43.1 8 53 10.1
2 W 349 17 48.5 -11 12 28.6 336 41 37.9 19 08 05.7 303 13 36.6 -26 27 08.0 252 54 51.0 8 53 10.1
3 TH 350 16 56.7 -11 12 28.7 337 40 46.0 19 08 05.8 304 12 44.4 -26 27 08.1 253 53 58.8 8 53 10.1
4 F 351 16 04.8 -11 12 28.8 338 39 54.0 19 08 05.9 305 11 52.3 -26 27 08.2 254 53 06.7 8 53 10.1
5 SA 352 15 13.0 -11 12 28.8 339 39 02.1 19 08 06.0 306 11 00.2 -26 27 08.3 255 52 14.5 8 53 10.1

6 SU 353 14 21.1 -11 12 28.8 340 38 10.2 19 08 06.2 307 10 08.1 -26 27 08.3 256 51 22.4 8 53 10.2
7 M 354 13 29.3 -11 12 28.8 341 37 18.3 19 08 06.4 308 09 16.0 -26 27 08.3 257 50 30.2 8 53 10.3
8 TU 355 12 37.5 -11 12 28.9 342 36 26.5 19 08 06.5 309 08 23.8 -26 27 08.3 258 49 38.1 8 53 10.4
9 W 356 11 45.6 -11 12 28.9 343 35 34.6 19 08 06.7 310 07 31.7 -26 27 08.3 259 48 45.9 8 53 10.5
10 TH 357 10 53.8 -11 12 29.0 344 34 42.8 19 08 06.8 311 06 39.6 -26 27 08.4 260 47 53.8 8 53 10.7

11 F 358 10 02.0 -11 12 29.1 345 33 50.9 19 08 06.9 312 05 47.4 -26 27 08.4 261 47 01.7 8 53 10.8
12 SA 359 09 10.2 -11 12 29.2 346 32 59.0 19 08 06.9 313 04 55.3 -26 27 08.5 262 46 09.5 8 53 10.9
13 SU 0 08 18.4 -11 12 29.3 347 32 07.2 19 08 07.0 314 04 03.2 -26 27 08.6 263 45 17.4 8 53 11.0
14 M 1 07 26.6 -11 12 29.4 348 31 15.3 19 08 07.1 315 03 11.1 -26 27 08.8 264 44 25.3 8 53 11.0
15 TU 2 06 34.8 -11 12 29.5 349 30 23.5 19 08 07.2 316 02 19.0 -26 27 08.9 265 43 33.1 8 53 11.1

16 W 3 05 43.0 -11 12 29.5 350 29 31.6 19 08 07.3 317 01 26.9 -26 27 09.0 266 42 41.0 8 53 11.1
17 TH 4 04 51.3 -11 12 29.5 351 28 39.8 19 08 07.5 318 00 34.9 -26 27 09.0 267 41 48.9 8 53 11.2
18 F 5 03 59.5 -11 12 29.5 352 27 47.9 19 08 07.7 318 59 42.8 -26 27 09.1 268 40 56.7 8 53 11.3
19 SA 6 03 07.7 -11 12 29.5 353 26 56.1 19 08 07.8 319 58 50.8 -26 27 09.1 269 40 04.6 8 53 11.4
20 SU 7 02 15.9 -11 12 29.5 354 26 04.3 19 08 08.0 320 57 58.7 -26 27 09.1 270 39 12.4 8 53 11.5

21 M 8 01 24.2 -11 12 29.5 355 25 12.5 19 08 08.2 321 57 06.7 -26 27 09.1 271 38 20.3 8 53 11.6
22 TU 9 00 32.4 -11 12 29.5 356 24 20.7 19 08 08.4 322 56 14.6 -26 27 09.1 272 37 28.1 8 53 11.8
23 W 9 59 40.7 -11 12 29.6 357 23 28.9 19 08 08.5 323 55 22.5 -26 27 09.1 273 36 36.0 8 53 11.9
24 TH 10 58 48.9 -11 12 29.6 358 22 37.1 19 08 08.7 324 54 30.5 -26 27 09.2 274 35 43.9 8 53 12.1
25 F 11 57 57.2 -11 12 29.6 359 21 45.4 19 08 08.8 325 53 38.4 -26 27 09.2 275 34 51.7 8 53 12.3

26 SA 12 57 05.4 -11 12 29.7 0 20 53.6 19 08 08.9 326 52 46.4 -26 27 09.3 276 33 59.6 8 53 12.4
27 SU 13 56 13.7 -11 12 29.8 1 20 01.8 19 08 09.0 327 51 54.3 -26 27 09.4 277 33 07.5 8 53 12.5
28 M 14 55 22.0 -11 12 29.8 2 19 10.0 19 08 09.2 328 51 02.3 -26 27 09.5 278 32 15.4 8 53 12.6
29 TU 15 54 30.3 -11 12 29.9 3 18 18.3 19 08 09.3 329 50 10.3 -26 27 09.6 279 31 23.2 8 53 12.7
30 W 16 53 38.6 -11 12 29.9 4 17 26.5 19 08 09.4 330 49 18.3 -26 27 09.7 280 30 31.1 8 53 12.8

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 23.8 HR. .7 HR. 2.9 HR. 6.3 HR.



MAY 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TH 17 52 46.9 -11 12 29.9 5 16 34.7 19 08 09.6 331 48 26.3 -26 27 09.7 281 29 39.0 8 53 12.9
2 F 18 51 55.2 -11 12 29.9 6 15 43.0 19 08 09.8 332 47 34.3 -26 27 09.8 282 28 46.9 8 53 13.0
3 SA 19 51 03.5 -11 12 29.9 7 14 51.2 19 08 10.0 333 46 42.3 -26 27 09.8 283 27 54.7 8 53 13.2
4 SU 20 50 11.8 -11 12 29.8 8 13 59.5 19 08 10.2 334 45 50.3 -26 27 09.8 284 27 02.6 8 53 13.4
5 M 21 49 20.1 -11 12 29.8 9 13 07.8 19 08 10.4 335 44 58.3 -26 27 09.8 285 26 10.5 8 53 13.6

6 TU 22 48 28.4 -11 12 29.8 10 12 16.1 19 08 10.6 336 44 06.3 -26 27 09.8 286 25 18.4 8 53 13.8
7 W 23 47 36.7 -11 12 29.8 11 11 24.4 19 08 10.7 337 43 14.3 -26 27 09.8 287 24 26.3 8 53 14.0
8 TH 24 46 45.0 -11 12 29.9 12 10 32.7 19 08 10.8 338 42 22.3 -26 27 09.9 288 23 34.1 8 53 14.2
9 F 25 45 53.4 -11 12 30.0 13 09 41.0 19 08 10.9 339 41 30.3 -26 27 09.9 289 22 42.0 8 53 14.4
10 SA 26 45 01.7 -11 12 30.0 14 08 49.3 19 08 11.0 340 40 38.4 -26 27 10.0 290 21 50.0 8 53 14.6

11 SU 27 44 10.1 -11 12 30.1 15 07 57.6 19 08 11.2 341 39 46.4 -26 27 10.1 291 20 57.9 8 53 14.7
12 M 28 43 18.4 -11 12 30.1 16 07 05.9 19 08 11.3 342 38 54.5 -26 27 10.2 292 20 05.8 8 53 14.9
13 TU 29 42 26.8 -11 12 30.1 17 06 14.2 19 08 11.4 343 38 02.6 -26 27 10.3 293 19 13.7 8 53 15.0
14 W 30 41 35.2 -11 12 30.1 18 05 22.6 19 08 11.6 344 37 10.7 -26 27 10.4 294 18 21.6 8 53 15.1
15 TH 31 40 43.5 -11 12 30.0 19 04 30.9 19 08 11.8 345 36 18.7 -26 27 10.4 295 17 29.5 8 53 15.3

16 F 32 39 51.9 -11 12 30.0 20 03 39.2 19 08 12.0 346 35 26.8 -26 27 10.4 296 16 37.4 8 53 15.5
17 SA 33 39 00.3 -11 12 29.9 21 02 47.6 19 08 12.2 347 34 34.9 -26 27 10.4 297 15 45.3 8 53 15.7
18 SU 34 38 08.7 -11 12 29.9 22 01 55.9 19 08 12.4 348 33 43.0 -26 27 10.4 298 14 53.2 8 53 15.9
19 M 35 37 17.0 -11 12 29.8 23 01 04.3 19 08 12.6 349 32 51.1 -26 27 10.4 299 14 01.1 8 53 16.1
20 TU 36 36 25.4 -11 12 29.8 24 00 12.7 19 08 12.8 350 31 59.2 -26 27 10.4 300 13 09.1 8 53 16.3

21 W 37 35 33.8 -11 12 29.8 24 59 21.0 19 08 13.0 351 31 07.3 -26 27 10.4 301 12 17.0 8 53 16.6
22 TH 38 34 42.2 -11 12 29.8 25 58 29.4 19 08 13.1 352 30 15.4 -26 27 10.5 302 11 24.9 8 53 16.8
23 F 39 33 50.6 -11 12 29.8 26 57 37.8 19 08 13.2 353 29 23.5 -26 27 10.5 303 10 32.9 8 53 17.0
24 SA 40 32 59.0 -11 12 29.9 27 56 46.2 19 08 13.3 354 28 31.6 -26 27 10.6 304 09 40.8 8 53 17.2
25 SU 41 32 07.4 -11 12 29.9 28 55 54.5 19 08 13.5 355 27 39.8 -26 27 10.7 305 08 48.8 8 53 17.4

26 M 42 31 15.8 -11 12 29.9 29 55 02.9 19 08 13.6 356 26 47.9 -26 27 10.8 306 07 56.7 8 53 17.5
27 TU 43 30 24.2 -11 12 29.9 30 54 11.3 19 08 13.7 357 25 56.1 -26 27 10.9 307 07 04.7 8 53 17.7
28 W 44 29 32.7 -11 12 29.9 31 53 19.7 19 08 13.9 358 25 04.2 -26 27 10.9 308 06 12.6 8 53 17.8
29 TH 45 28 41.1 -11 12 29.8 32 52 28.1 19 08 14.0 359 24 12.4 -26 27 11.0 309 05 20.6 8 53 18.0
30 F 46 27 49.5 -11 12 29.8 33 51 36.5 19 08 14.2 0 23 20.6 -26 27 11.0 310 04 28.5 8 53 18.2

31 SA 47 26 57.9 -11 12 29.7 34 50 44.9 19 08 14.4 1 22 28.8 -26 27 11.0 311 03 36.5 8 53 18.4

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 21.8 HR. 22.7 HR. 1.0 HR. 4.3 HR.

JUNE 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SU 48 26 06.4 -11 12 29.6 35 49 53.3 19 08 14.6 2 21 37.0 -26 27 11.0 312 02 44.4 8 53 18.6
2 M 49 25 14.8 -11 12 29.6 36 49 01.8 19 08 14.8 3 20 45.1 -26 27 11.0 313 01 52.4 8 53 18.9
3 TU 50 24 23.2 -11 12 29.5 37 48 10.2 19 08 15.0 4 19 53.3 -26 27 10.9 314 01 00.4 8 53 19.2
4 W 51 23 31.7 -11 12 29.6 38 47 18.7 19 08 15.1 5 19 01.4 -26 27 11.0 315 00 08.4 8 53 19.5
5 TH 52 22 40.1 -11 12 29.6 39 46 27.1 19 08 15.2 6 18 09.6 -26 27 11.0 315 59 16.4 8 53 19.7

6 F 53 21 48.6 -11 12 29.6 40 45 35.6 19 08 15.3 7 17 17.8 -26 27 11.1 316 58 24.4 8 53 19.9
7 SA 54 20 57.0 -11 12 29.7 41 44 44.0 19 08 15.4 8 16 26.0 -26 27 11.2 317 57 32.4 8 53 20.1
8 SU 55 20 05.5 -11 12 29.7 42 43 52.4 19 08 15.5 9 15 34.2 -26 27 11.3 318 56 40.4 8 53 20.3
9 M 56 19 14.0 -11 12 29.6 43 43 00.9 19 08 15.6 10 14 42.5 -26 27 11.4 319 55 48.4 8 53 20.5
10 TU 57 18 22.4 -11 12 29.6 44 42 09.3 19 08 15.7 11 13 50.7 -26 27 11.4 320 54 56.4 8 53 20.6

11 W 58 17 30.9 -11 12 29.5 45 41 17.8 19 08 15.9 12 12 59.0 -26 27 11.5 321 54 04.4 8 53 20.8
12 TH 59 16 39.4 -11 12 29.4 46 40 26.2 19 08 16.1 13 12 07.3 -26 27 11.5 322 53 12.4 8 53 21.0
13 F 60 15 47.9 -11 12 29.3 47 39 34.7 19 08 16.3 14 11 15.5 -26 27 11.5 323 52 20.5 8 53 21.3
14 SA 61 14 56.3 -11 12 29.3 48 38 43.2 19 08 16.4 15 10 23.8 -26 27 11.5 324 51 28.5 8 53 21.5
15 SU 62 14 04.8 -11 12 29.2 49 37 51.7 19 08 16.6 16 09 32.1 -26 27 11.5 325 50 36.5 8 53 21.7

16 M 63 13 13.3 -11 12 29.2 50 37 00.2 19 08 16.8 17 08 40.3 -26 27 11.4 326 49 44.5 8 53 22.0
17 TU 64 12 21.8 -11 12 29.1 51 36 08.7 19 08 16.9 18 07 48.6 -26 27 11.5 327 48 52.6 8 53 22.3
18 W 65 11 30.2 -11 12 29.1 52 35 17.2 19 08 17.0 19 06 56.8 -26 27 11.5 328 48 00.6 8 53 22.5
19 TH 66 10 38.7 -11 12 29.1 53 34 25.7 19 08 17.1 20 06 05.1 -26 27 11.5 329 47 08.7 8 53 22.7
20 F 67 09 47.2 -11 12 29.1 54 33 34.2 19 08 17.2 21 05 13.4 -26 27 11.6 330 46 16.8 8 53 23.0

21 SA 68 08 55.7 -11 12 29.1 55 32 42.6 19 08 17.3 22 04 21.7 -26 27 11.7 331 45 24.8 8 53 23.2
22 SU 69 08 04.2 -11 12 29.1 56 31 51.1 19 08 17.4 23 03 30.0 -26 27 11.7 332 44 32.9 8 53 23.3
23 M 70 07 12.7 -11 12 29.0 57 30 59.6 19 08 17.4 24 02 38.3 -26 27 11.8 333 43 41.0 8 53 23.5
24 TU 71 06 21.2 -11 12 29.0 58 30 08.1 19 08 17.6 25 01 46.7 -26 27 11.9 334 42 49.1 8 53 23.7
25 W 72 05 29.7 -11 12 28.9 59 29 16.6 19 08 17.7 26 00 55.0 -26 27 11.9 335 41 57.2 8 53 23.8

26 TH 73 04 38.2 -11 12 28.8 60 28 25.1 19 08 17.8 27 00 03.3 -26 27 11.9 336 41 05.2 8 53 24.0
27 F 74 03 46.7 -11 12 28.7 61 27 33.6 19 08 18.0 27 59 11.7 -26 27 11.9 337 40 13.3 8 53 24.2
28 SA 75 02 55.3 -11 12 28.6 62 26 42.1 19 08 18.1 28 58 20.0 -26 27 11.9 338 39 21.4 8 53 24.5
29 SU 76 02 03.8 -11 12 28.6 63 25 50.7 19 08 18.3 29 57 28.4 -26 27 11.9 339 38 29.5 8 53 24.7
30 M 77 01 12.3 -11 12 28.5 64 24 59.2 19 08 18.4 30 56 36.7 -26 27 11.9 340 37 37.6 8 53 25.0

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 19.8 HR. 20.6 HR. 22.9 HR. 2.3 HR.



JULY 2008




o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 TU 78 00 20.8 -11 12 28.5 65 24 07.8 19 08 18.5 31 55 45.0 -26 27 11.9 341 36 45.8 8 53 25.3
2 W 78 59 29.3 -11 12 28.5 66 23 16.3 19 08 18.6 32 54 53.4 -26 27 11.9 342 35 53.9 8 53 25.6
3 TH 79 58 37.8 -11 12 28.5 67 22 24.9 19 08 18.6 33 54 01.7 -26 27 11.9 343 35 02.0 8 53 25.8
4 F 80 57 46.3 -11 12 28.5 68 21 33.4 19 08 18.6 34 53 10.1 -26 27 12.0 344 34 10.2 8 53 26.0
5 SA 81 56 54.8 -11 12 28.5 69 20 41.9 19 08 18.7 35 52 18.5 -26 27 12.1 345 33 18.3 8 53 26.2

6 SU 82 56 03.4 -11 12 28.5 70 19 50.4 19 08 18.7 36 51 26.9 -26 27 12.2 346 32 26.5 8 53 26.3
7 M 83 55 11.9 -11 12 28.4 71 18 59.0 19 08 18.8 37 50 35.3 -26 27 12.2 347 31 34.6 8 53 26.5
8 TU 84 54 20.4 -11 12 28.3 72 18 07.5 19 08 18.9 38 49 43.7 -26 27 12.3 348 30 42.8 8 53 26.7
9 W 85 53 28.9 -11 12 28.2 73 17 16.0 19 08 19.0 39 48 52.1 -26 27 12.3 349 29 50.9 8 53 26.8
10 TH 86 52 37.5 -11 12 28.1 74 16 24.6 19 08 19.2 40 48 00.5 -26 27 12.3 350 28 59.1 8 53 27.1

11 F 87 51 46.0 -11 12 28.0 75 15 33.1 19 08 19.3 41 47 09.0 -26 27 12.2 351 28 07.3 8 53 27.3
12 SA 88 50 54.5 -11 12 27.9 76 14 41.7 19 08 19.4 42 46 17.4 -26 27 12.2 352 27 15.4 8 53 27.5
13 SU 89 50 03.0 -11 12 27.9 77 13 50.2 19 08 19.5 43 45 25.8 -26 27 12.2 353 26 23.6 8 53 27.7
14 M 90 49 11.5 -11 12 27.8 78 12 58.8 19 08 19.6 44 44 34.2 -26 27 12.2 354 25 31.8 8 53 28.0
15 TU 91 48 20.0 -11 12 27.8 79 12 07.3 19 08 19.6 45 43 42.6 -26 27 12.2 355 24 40.0 8 53 28.2

16 W 92 47 28.6 -11 12 27.7 80 11 15.9 19 08 19.7 46 42 51.0 -26 27 12.2 356 23 48.2 8 53 28.4
17 TH 93 46 37.1 -11 12 27.7 81 10 24.5 19 08 19.7 47 41 59.5 -26 27 12.3 357 22 56.4 8 53 28.6
18 F 94 45 45.6 -11 12 27.7 82 09 33.0 19 08 19.7 48 41 07.9 -26 27 12.3 358 22 04.7 8 53 28.8
19 SA 95 44 54.1 -11 12 27.7 83 08 41.5 19 08 19.7 49 40 16.3 -26 27 12.4 359 21 12.9 8 53 29.0
20 SU 96 44 02.7 -11 12 27.6 84 07 50.1 19 08 19.8 50 39 24.8 -26 27 12.4 0 20 21.1 8 53 29.1

21 M 97 43 11.2 -11 12 27.6 85 06 58.6 19 08 19.8 51 38 33.3 -26 27 12.5 1 19 29.3 8 53 29.3
22 TU 98 42 19.7 -11 12 27.5 86 06 07.2 19 08 19.9 52 37 41.8 -26 27 12.5 2 18 37.6 8 53 29.4
23 W 99 41 28.3 -11 12 27.4 87 05 15.7 19 08 19.9 53 36 50.3 -26 27 12.5 3 17 45.8 8 53 29.6
24 TH 100 40 36.8 -11 12 27.3 88 04 24.3 19 08 20.0 54 35 58.7 -26 27 12.5 4 16 54.0 8 53 29.7
25 F 101 39 45.3 -11 12 27.2 89 03 32.8 19 08 20.1 55 35 07.2 -26 27 12.5 5 16 02.3 8 53 29.9

26 SA 102 38 53.8 -11 12 27.1 90 02 41.4 19 08 20.2 56 34 15.7 -26 27 12.4 6 15 10.5 8 53 30.2
27 SU 103 38 02.3 -11 12 27.0 91 01 50.0 19 08 20.3 57 33 24.2 -26 27 12.4 7 14 18.8 8 53 30.4
28 M 104 37 10.8 -11 12 26.9 92 00 58.5 19 08 20.3 58 32 32.6 -26 27 12.4 8 13 27.1 8 53 30.6
29 TU 105 36 19.3 -11 12 26.9 93 00 07.1 19 08 20.3 59 31 41.1 -26 27 12.4 9 12 35.3 8 53 30.9
30 W 106 35 27.8 -11 12 26.9 93 59 15.7 19 08 20.3 60 30 49.6 -26 27 12.4 10 11 43.6 8 53 31.1

31 TH 107 34 36.4 -11 12 26.9 94 58 24.2 19 08 20.3 61 29 58.1 -26 27 12.4 11 10 51.9 8 53 31.3

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 17.8 HR. 18.7 HR. 20.9 HR. .3 HR.






o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 F 108 33 44.9 -11 12 26.9 95 57 32.8 19 08 20.2 62 29 06.6 -26 27 12.5 12 10 00.2 8 53 31.4
2 SA 109 32 53.4 -11 12 26.9 96 56 41.3 19 08 20.2 63 28 15.1 -26 27 12.6 13 09 08.5 8 53 31.5
3 SU 110 32 01.9 -11 12 26.8 97 55 49.9 19 08 20.2 64 27 23.6 -26 27 12.6 14 08 16.8 8 53 31.6
4 M 111 31 10.5 -11 12 26.7 98 54 58.4 19 08 20.2 65 26 32.1 -26 27 12.6 15 07 25.1 8 53 31.8
5 TU 112 30 19.0 -11 12 26.6 99 54 07.0 19 08 20.3 66 25 40.7 -26 27 12.6 16 06 33.4 8 53 31.9

6 W 113 29 27.5 -11 12 26.5 100 53 15.5 19 08 20.3 67 24 49.2 -26 27 12.6 17 05 41.8 8 53 32.0
7 TH 114 28 36.0 -11 12 26.4 101 52 24.1 19 08 20.4 68 23 57.8 -26 27 12.5 18 04 50.1 8 53 32.2
8 F 115 27 44.5 -11 12 26.3 102 51 32.6 19 08 20.4 69 23 06.3 -26 27 12.5 19 03 58.4 8 53 32.4
9 SA 116 26 53.0 -11 12 26.2 103 50 41.2 19 08 20.4 70 22 14.8 -26 27 12.5 20 03 06.7 8 53 32.6
10 SU 117 26 01.5 -11 12 26.2 104 49 49.8 19 08 20.5 71 21 23.3 -26 27 12.4 21 02 15.1 8 53 32.8

11 M 118 25 09.9 -11 12 26.1 105 48 58.3 19 08 20.4 72 20 31.8 -26 27 12.4 22 01 23.4 8 53 33.0
12 TU 119 24 18.4 -11 12 26.1 106 48 06.9 19 08 20.4 73 19 40.4 -26 27 12.4 23 00 31.8 8 53 33.2
13 W 120 23 26.9 -11 12 26.0 107 47 15.4 19 08 20.4 74 18 48.9 -26 27 12.4 23 59 40.1 8 53 33.3
14 TH 121 22 35.4 -11 12 26.0 108 46 24.0 19 08 20.3 75 17 57.4 -26 27 12.4 24 58 48.5 8 53 33.4
15 F 122 21 43.9 -11 12 26.0 109 45 32.5 19 08 20.3 76 17 06.0 -26 27 12.5 25 57 56.9 8 53 33.6

16 SA 123 20 52.4 -11 12 26.0 110 44 41.0 19 08 20.2 77 16 14.5 -26 27 12.5 26 57 05.2 8 53 33.7
17 SU 124 20 00.9 -11 12 25.9 111 43 49.6 19 08 20.2 78 15 23.1 -26 27 12.5 27 56 13.6 8 53 33.8
18 M 125 19 09.4 -11 12 25.8 112 42 58.1 19 08 20.1 79 14 31.6 -26 27 12.5 28 55 22.0 8 53 33.8
19 TU 126 18 17.9 -11 12 25.7 113 42 06.6 19 08 20.1 80 13 40.2 -26 27 12.5 29 54 30.4 8 53 33.9
20 W 127 17 26.3 -11 12 25.6 114 41 15.1 19 08 20.1 81 12 48.8 -26 27 12.5 30 53 38.8 8 53 34.0

21 TH 128 16 34.8 -11 12 25.5 115 40 23.7 19 08 20.2 82 11 57.4 -26 27 12.4 31 52 47.1 8 53 34.2
22 F 129 15 43.3 -11 12 25.4 116 39 32.2 19 08 20.2 83 11 05.9 -26 27 12.4 32 51 55.5 8 53 34.3
23 SA 130 14 51.7 -11 12 25.3 117 38 40.8 19 08 20.2 84 10 14.5 -26 27 12.3 33 51 03.9 8 53 34.5
24 SU 131 14 00.2 -11 12 25.3 118 37 49.3 19 08 20.1 85 09 23.0 -26 27 12.2 34 50 12.3 8 53 34.7
25 M 132 13 08.6 -11 12 25.2 119 36 57.8 19 08 20.1 86 08 31.5 -26 27 12.2 35 49 20.8 8 53 34.9

26 TU 133 12 17.1 -11 12 25.2 120 36 06.4 19 08 20.0 87 07 40.1 -26 27 12.2 36 48 29.2 8 53 35.0
27 W 134 11 25.5 -11 12 25.2 121 35 14.9 19 08 19.9 88 06 48.6 -26 27 12.2 37 47 37.6 8 53 35.2
28 TH 135 10 34.0 -11 12 25.2 122 34 23.4 19 08 19.8 89 05 57.2 -26 27 12.2 38 46 46.0 8 53 35.3
29 F 136 09 42.4 -11 12 25.2 123 33 31.9 19 08 19.7 90 05 05.7 -26 27 12.3 39 45 54.5 8 53 35.3
30 SA 137 08 50.9 -11 12 25.2 124 32 40.4 19 08 19.6 91 04 14.3 -26 27 12.3 40 45 02.9 8 53 35.4

31 SU 138 07 59.3 -11 12 25.1 125 31 48.9 19 08 19.5 92 03 22.9 -26 27 12.3 41 44 11.4 8 53 35.4

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 15.8 HR. 16.6 HR. 18.9 HR. 22.2 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 M 139 07 07.8 -11 12 25.0 126 30 57.4 19 08 19.5 93 02 31.5 -26 27 12.3 42 43 19.8 8 53 35.5
2 TU 140 06 16.2 -11 12 24.9 127 30 05.9 19 08 19.4 94 01 40.1 -26 27 12.2 43 42 28.3 8 53 35.6
3 W 141 05 24.6 -11 12 24.8 128 29 14.4 19 08 19.4 95 00 48.7 -26 27 12.1 44 41 36.7 8 53 35.7
4 TH 142 04 33.0 -11 12 24.7 129 28 22.9 19 08 19.4 95 59 57.2 -26 27 12.1 45 40 45.2 8 53 35.8
5 F 143 03 41.4 -11 12 24.7 130 27 31.4 19 08 19.3 96 59 05.8 -26 27 12.0 46 39 53.6 8 53 35.9

6 SA 144 02 49.8 -11 12 24.6 131 26 39.9 19 08 19.3 97 58 14.4 -26 27 11.9 47 39 02.1 8 53 36.1
7 SU 145 01 58.2 -11 12 24.6 132 25 48.4 19 08 19.2 98 57 22.9 -26 27 11.9 48 38 10.5 8 53 36.2
8 M 146 01 06.6 -11 12 24.5 133 24 56.9 19 08 19.1 99 56 31.5 -26 27 11.8 49 37 19.0 8 53 36.3
9 TU 147 00 15.0 -11 12 24.5 134 24 05.4 19 08 19.0 100 55 40.0 -26 27 11.8 50 36 27.5 8 53 36.4
10 W 147 59 23.4 -11 12 24.5 135 23 13.9 19 08 18.8 101 54 48.6 -26 27 11.8 51 35 36.0 8 53 36.5

11 TH 148 58 31.8 -11 12 24.5 136 22 22.3 19 08 18.7 102 53 57.1 -26 27 11.8 52 34 44.5 8 53 36.6
12 F 149 57 40.2 -11 12 24.5 137 21 30.8 19 08 18.6 103 53 05.7 -26 27 11.8 53 33 53.0 8 53 36.6
13 SA 150 56 48.6 -11 12 24.5 138 20 39.3 19 08 18.4 104 52 14.3 -26 27 11.8 54 33 01.5 8 53 36.6
14 SU 151 55 57.0 -11 12 24.4 139 19 47.7 19 08 18.3 105 51 22.8 -26 27 11.8 55 32 10.0 8 53 36.6
15 M 152 55 05.4 -11 12 24.3 140 18 56.1 19 08 18.2 106 50 31.4 -26 27 11.8 56 31 18.5 8 53 36.7

16 TU 153 54 13.7 -11 12 24.3 141 18 04.6 19 08 18.2 107 49 40.0 -26 27 11.7 57 30 27.0 8 53 36.7
17 W 154 53 22.1 -11 12 24.2 142 17 13.0 19 08 18.1 108 48 48.6 -26 27 11.6 58 29 35.5 8 53 36.8
18 TH 155 52 30.4 -11 12 24.1 143 16 21.5 19 08 18.0 109 47 57.1 -26 27 11.5 59 28 44.0 8 53 36.9
19 F 156 51 38.8 -11 12 24.0 144 15 29.9 19 08 17.9 110 47 05.7 -26 27 11.4 60 27 52.5 8 53 37.0
20 SA 157 50 47.1 -11 12 24.0 145 14 38.4 19 08 17.8 111 46 14.2 -26 27 11.3 61 27 01.0 8 53 37.1

21 SU 158 49 55.5 -11 12 24.0 146 13 46.8 19 08 17.7 112 45 22.7 -26 27 11.3 62 26 09.5 8 53 37.2
22 M 159 49 03.8 -11 12 24.0 147 12 55.3 19 08 17.5 113 44 31.2 -26 27 11.2 63 25 18.0 8 53 37.3
23 TU 160 48 12.1 -11 12 24.1 148 12 03.7 19 08 17.3 114 43 39.8 -26 27 11.2 64 24 26.5 8 53 37.4
24 W 161 47 20.4 -11 12 24.1 149 11 12.1 19 08 17.2 115 42 48.3 -26 27 11.2 65 23 35.1 8 53 37.4
25 TH 162 46 28.8 -11 12 24.1 150 10 20.5 19 08 17.0 116 41 56.8 -26 27 11.2 66 22 43.6 8 53 37.4

26 F 163 45 37.1 -11 12 24.1 151 09 28.9 19 08 16.8 117 41 05.4 -26 27 11.2 67 21 52.1 8 53 37.4
27 SA 164 44 45.4 -11 12 24.1 152 08 37.3 19 08 16.7 118 40 13.9 -26 27 11.2 68 21 00.7 8 53 37.4
28 SU 165 43 53.7 -11 12 24.0 153 07 45.7 19 08 16.5 119 39 22.5 -26 27 11.2 69 20 09.2 8 53 37.4
29 M 166 43 02.0 -11 12 24.0 154 06 54.1 19 08 16.4 120 38 31.1 -26 27 11.1 70 19 17.7 8 53 37.4
30 TU 167 42 10.3 -11 12 23.9 155 06 02.5 19 08 16.3 121 37 39.6 -26 27 11.0 71 18 26.3 8 53 37.4

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 13.8 HR. 14.6 HR. 16.8 HR. 20.2 HR.







o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 W 168 41 18.6 -11 12 23.9 156 05 10.9 19 08 16.2 122 36 48.1 -26 27 10.9 72 17 34.8 8 53 37.5
2 TH 169 40 26.9 -11 12 23.8 157 04 19.3 19 08 16.1 123 35 56.7 -26 27 10.8 73 16 43.3 8 53 37.5
3 F 170 39 35.1 -11 12 23.8 158 03 27.7 19 08 15.9 124 35 05.2 -26 27 10.7 74 15 51.9 8 53 37.6
4 SA 171 38 43.4 -11 12 23.8 159 02 36.0 19 08 15.8 125 34 13.7 -26 27 10.6 75 15 00.4 8 53 37.6
5 SU 172 37 51.7 -11 12 23.8 160 01 44.4 19 08 15.6 126 33 22.2 -26 27 10.6 76 14 09.0 8 53 37.7

6 M 173 36 59.9 -11 12 23.8 161 00 52.8 19 08 15.4 127 32 30.6 -26 27 10.5 77 13 17.5 8 53 37.7
7 TU 174 36 08.2 -11 12 23.9 162 00 01.1 19 08 15.2 128 31 39.1 -26 27 10.5 78 12 26.1 8 53 37.7
8 W 175 35 16.4 -11 12 23.9 162 59 09.5 19 08 15.0 129 30 47.6 -26 27 10.4 79 11 34.7 8 53 37.7
9 TH 176 34 24.7 -11 12 24.0 163 58 17.8 19 08 14.8 130 29 56.1 -26 27 10.4 80 10 43.2 8 53 37.7
10 F 177 33 32.9 -11 12 24.0 164 57 26.1 19 08 14.6 131 29 04.6 -26 27 10.4 81 09 51.8 8 53 37.7

11 SA 178 32 41.1 -11 12 24.0 165 56 34.5 19 08 14.4 132 28 13.1 -26 27 10.4 82 09 00.3 8 53 37.6
12 SU 179 31 49.3 -11 12 24.0 166 55 42.8 19 08 14.2 133 27 21.6 -26 27 10.4 83 08 08.9 8 53 37.6
13 M 180 30 57.6 -11 12 24.0 167 54 51.1 19 08 14.0 134 26 30.1 -26 27 10.3 84 07 17.4 8 53 37.6
14 TU 181 30 05.8 -11 12 24.0 168 53 59.4 19 08 13.9 135 25 38.6 -26 27 10.2 85 06 26.0 8 53 37.5
15 W 182 29 14.0 -11 12 24.0 169 53 07.7 19 08 13.8 136 24 47.1 -26 27 10.1 86 05 34.5 8 53 37.6

16 TH 183 28 22.2 -11 12 24.1 170 52 16.0 19 08 13.6 137 23 55.5 -26 27 10.0 87 04 43.1 8 53 37.6
17 F 184 27 30.5 -11 12 24.1 171 51 24.3 19 08 13.4 138 23 04.0 -26 27 09.9 88 03 51.6 8 53 37.7
18 SA 185 26 38.8 -11 12 24.0 172 50 32.7 19 08 13.2 139 22 12.4 -26 27 09.8 89 03 00.2 8 53 37.7
19 SU 186 25 46.9 -11 12 24.1 173 49 41.0 19 08 13.0 140 21 20.8 -26 27 09.7 90 02 08.8 8 53 37.7
20 M 187 24 55.1 -11 12 24.1 174 48 49.3 19 08 12.7 141 20 29.2 -26 27 09.7 91 01 17.3 8 53 37.7

21 TU 188 24 03.2 -11 12 24.2 175 47 57.5 19 08 12.5 142 19 37.7 -26 27 09.7 92 00 25.9 8 53 37.7
22 W 189 23 11.4 -11 12 24.2 176 47 05.8 19 08 12.2 143 18 46.1 -26 27 09.7 92 59 34.5 8 53 37.7
23 TH 190 22 19.5 -11 12 24.3 177 46 14.1 19 08 11.9 144 17 54.5 -26 27 09.7 93 58 43.0 8 53 37.6
24 F 191 21 27.7 -11 12 24.3 178 45 22.3 19 08 11.7 145 17 03.0 -26 27 09.7 94 57 51.6 8 53 37.5
25 SA 192 20 35.9 -11 12 24.4 179 44 30.5 19 08 11.5 146 16 11.4 -26 27 09.6 95 57 00.2 8 53 37.4

26 SU 193 19 44.0 -11 12 24.4 180 43 38.8 19 08 11.3 147 15 19.9 -26 27 09.5 96 56 08.7 8 53 37.4
27 M 194 18 52.1 -11 12 24.4 181 42 47.0 19 08 11.2 148 14 28.3 -26 27 09.5 97 55 17.3 8 53 37.3
28 TU 195 18 00.2 -11 12 24.4 182 41 55.3 19 08 11.0 149 13 36.7 -26 27 09.4 98 54 25.8 8 53 37.3
29 W 196 17 08.4 -11 12 24.4 183 41 03.5 19 08 10.8 150 12 45.1 -26 27 09.3 99 53 34.4 8 53 37.3
30 TH 197 16 16.5 -11 12 24.4 184 40 11.7 19 08 10.6 151 11 53.5 -26 27 09.2 100 52 42.9 8 53 37.3

31 F 198 15 24.6 -11 12 24.5 185 39 20.0 19 08 10.4 152 11 01.8 -26 27 09.1 101 51 51.5 8 53 37.3

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 11.8 HR. 12.6 HR. 14.9 HR. 18.2 HR.





o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 SA 199 14 32.7 -11 12 24.6 186 38 28.2 19 08 10.1 153 10 10.2 -26 27 09.0 102 51 00.1 8 53 37.3
2 SU 200 13 40.8 -11 12 24.7 187 37 36.4 19 08 09.9 154 09 18.5 -26 27 08.9 103 50 08.6 8 53 37.2
3 M 201 12 48.8 -11 12 24.8 188 36 44.6 19 08 09.6 155 08 26.9 -26 27 08.9 104 49 17.2 8 53 37.2
4 TU 202 11 56.9 -11 12 24.9 189 35 52.8 19 08 09.3 156 07 35.2 -26 27 08.9 105 48 25.7 8 53 37.1
5 W 203 11 05.0 -11 12 25.0 190 35 01.0 19 08 09.0 157 06 43.6 -26 27 08.9 106 47 34.3 8 53 37.0

6 TH 204 10 13.1 -11 12 25.1 191 34 09.1 19 08 08.8 158 05 51.9 -26 27 08.9 107 46 42.8 8 53 37.0
7 F 205 09 21.2 -11 12 25.2 192 33 17.3 19 08 08.5 159 05 00.3 -26 27 08.9 108 45 51.4 8 53 36.8
8 SA 206 08 29.3 -11 12 25.2 193 32 25.4 19 08 08.2 160 04 08.6 -26 27 08.8 109 44 59.9 8 53 36.7
9 SU 207 07 37.3 -11 12 25.3 194 31 33.6 19 08 08.0 161 03 17.0 -26 27 08.8 110 44 08.5 8 53 36.6
10 M 208 06 45.4 -11 12 25.3 195 30 41.7 19 08 07.8 162 02 25.3 -26 27 08.7 111 43 17.0 8 53 36.5

11 TU 209 05 53.4 -11 12 25.4 196 29 49.9 19 08 07.6 163 01 33.6 -26 27 08.6 112 42 25.5 8 53 36.5
12 W 210 05 01.5 -11 12 25.4 197 28 58.0 19 08 07.4 164 00 41.9 -26 27 08.5 113 41 34.0 8 53 36.4
13 TH 211 04 09.5 -11 12 25.5 198 28 06.2 19 08 07.2 164 59 50.2 -26 27 08.4 114 40 42.6 8 53 36.4
14 F 212 03 17.5 -11 12 25.6 199 27 14.3 19 08 06.9 165 58 58.5 -26 27 08.4 115 39 51.1 8 53 36.4
15 SA 213 02 25.5 -11 12 25.8 200 26 22.5 19 08 06.6 166 58 06.7 -26 27 08.3 116 38 59.6 8 53 36.4

16 SU 214 01 33.5 -11 12 25.9 201 25 30.6 19 08 06.3 167 57 15.0 -26 27 08.3 117 38 08.2 8 53 36.3
17 M 215 00 41.6 -11 12 26.1 202 24 38.7 19 08 06.0 168 56 23.2 -26 27 08.3 118 37 16.7 8 53 36.3
18 TU 215 59 49.6 -11 12 26.3 203 23 46.9 19 08 05.7 169 55 31.5 -26 27 08.3 119 36 25.2 8 53 36.1
19 W 216 58 57.6 -11 12 26.4 204 22 54.9 19 08 05.4 170 54 39.7 -26 27 08.3 120 35 33.8 8 53 36.0
20 TH 217 58 05.6 -11 12 26.5 205 22 03.0 19 08 05.1 171 53 48.0 -26 27 08.3 121 34 42.3 8 53 35.9

21 F 218 57 13.6 -11 12 26.6 206 21 11.1 19 08 04.8 172 52 56.3 -26 27 08.3 122 33 50.8 8 53 35.7
22 SA 219 56 21.6 -11 12 26.7 207 20 19.2 19 08 04.6 173 52 04.5 -26 27 08.3 123 32 59.3 8 53 35.6
23 SU 220 55 29.6 -11 12 26.8 208 19 27.2 19 08 04.4 174 51 12.8 -26 27 08.2 124 32 07.8 8 53 35.5
24 M 221 54 37.6 -11 12 26.9 209 18 35.3 19 08 04.1 175 50 21.0 -26 27 08.2 125 31 16.3 8 53 35.4
25 TU 222 53 45.5 -11 12 27.0 210 17 43.4 19 08 03.9 176 49 29.2 -26 27 08.1 126 30 24.8 8 53 35.3

26 W 223 52 53.5 -11 12 27.1 211 16 51.5 19 08 03.7 177 48 37.4 -26 27 08.0 127 29 33.3 8 53 35.3
27 TH 224 52 01.5 -11 12 27.2 212 15 59.5 19 08 03.4 178 47 45.6 -26 27 08.0 128 28 41.7 8 53 35.2
28 F 225 51 09.4 -11 12 27.4 213 15 07.6 19 08 03.1 179 46 53.8 -26 27 08.0 129 27 50.2 8 53 35.1
29 SA 226 50 17.4 -11 12 27.5 214 14 15.6 19 08 02.8 180 46 02.0 -26 27 07.9 130 26 58.7 8 53 35.0
30 SU 227 49 25.3 -11 12 27.7 215 13 23.7 19 08 02.5 181 45 10.1 -26 27 07.9 131 26 07.2 8 53 34.9

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 9.8 HR. 10.6 HR. 12.8 HR. 16.2 HR.







o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' " o ' "
1 M 228 48 33.3 -11 12 27.9 216 12 31.7 19 08 02.2 182 44 18.3 -26 27 08.0 132 25 15.7 8 53 34.8
2 TU 229 47 41.2 -11 12 28.1 217 11 39.7 19 08 01.9 183 43 26.5 -26 27 08.0 133 24 24.2 8 53 34.7
3 W 230 46 49.2 -11 12 28.3 218 10 47.7 19 08 01.6 184 42 34.7 -26 27 08.0 134 23 32.6 8 53 34.5
4 TH 231 45 57.1 -11 12 28.4 219 09 55.7 19 08 01.3 185 41 42.9 -26 27 08.0 135 22 41.1 8 53 34.4
5 F 232 45 05.1 -11 12 28.6 220 09 03.7 19 08 01.0 186 40 51.0 -26 27 08.0 136 21 49.5 8 53 34.2

6 SA 233 44 13.0 -11 12 28.7 221 08 11.7 19 08 00.8 187 39 59.2 -26 27 08.0 137 20 58.0 8 53 34.0
7 SU 234 43 20.9 -11 12 28.8 222 07 19.7 19 08 00.5 188 39 07.3 -26 27 08.0 138 20 06.4 8 53 33.9
8 M 235 42 28.9 -11 12 28.9 223 06 27.7 19 08 00.3 189 38 15.5 -26 27 07.9 139 19 14.9 8 53 33.7
9 TU 236 41 36.8 -11 12 29.1 224 05 35.7 19 08 00.1 190 37 23.6 -26 27 07.8 140 18 23.3 8 53 33.6
10 W 237 40 44.7 -11 12 29.2 225 04 43.7 19 07 59.9 191 36 31.7 -26 27 07.8 141 17 31.7 8 53 33.6

11 TH 238 39 52.6 -11 12 29.4 226 03 51.7 19 07 59.6 192 35 39.7 -26 27 07.7 142 16 40.1 8 53 33.5
12 F 239 39 00.5 -11 12 29.6 227 02 59.7 19 07 59.3 193 34 47.8 -26 27 07.7 143 15 48.6 8 53 33.4
13 SA 240 38 08.4 -11 12 29.8 228 02 07.7 19 07 59.0 194 33 55.8 -26 27 07.7 144 14 57.0 8 53 33.3
14 SU 241 37 16.3 -11 12 30.0 229 01 15.7 19 07 58.7 195 33 03.9 -26 27 07.7 145 14 05.4 8 53 33.2
15 M 242 36 24.2 -11 12 30.3 230 00 23.6 19 07 58.3 196 32 11.9 -26 27 07.8 146 13 13.8 8 53 33.1

16 TU 243 35 32.1 -11 12 30.5 230 59 31.6 19 07 58.0 197 31 20.0 -26 27 07.9 147 12 22.2 8 53 32.9
17 W 244 34 40.0 -11 12 30.7 231 58 39.5 19 07 57.7 198 30 28.1 -26 27 07.9 148 11 30.6 8 53 32.7
18 TH 245 33 47.9 -11 12 30.9 232 57 47.4 19 07 57.4 199 29 36.2 -26 27 08.0 149 10 39.0 8 53 32.5
19 F 246 32 55.8 -11 12 31.0 233 56 55.4 19 07 57.2 200 28 44.2 -26 27 08.0 150 09 47.4 8 53 32.3
20 SA 247 32 03.7 -11 12 31.2 234 56 03.3 19 07 57.0 201 27 52.3 -26 27 08.0 151 08 55.8 8 53 32.2

21 SU 248 31 11.5 -11 12 31.3 235 55 11.2 19 07 56.7 202 27 00.3 -26 27 07.9 152 08 04.1 8 53 32.0
22 M 249 30 19.4 -11 12 31.5 236 54 19.2 19 07 56.5 203 26 08.4 -26 27 07.9 153 07 12.5 8 53 31.9
23 TU 250 29 27.3 -11 12 31.6 237 53 27.1 19 07 56.3 204 25 16.4 -26 27 07.9 154 06 20.9 8 53 31.8
24 W 251 28 35.2 -11 12 31.8 238 52 35.0 19 07 56.1 205 24 24.4 -26 27 07.9 155 05 29.2 8 53 31.7
25 TH 252 27 43.0 -11 12 32.0 239 51 43.0 19 07 55.8 206 23 32.4 -26 27 07.9 156 04 37.6 8 53 31.6

26 F 253 26 50.9 -11 12 32.2 240 50 50.9 19 07 55.5 207 22 40.3 -26 27 07.9 157 03 45.9 8 53 31.5
27 SA 254 25 58.8 -11 12 32.4 241 49 58.8 19 07 55.2 208 21 48.3 -26 27 07.9 158 02 54.3 8 53 31.3
28 SU 255 25 06.6 -11 12 32.7 242 49 06.7 19 07 54.9 209 20 56.3 -26 27 08.0 159 02 02.6 8 53 31.2
29 M 256 24 14.5 -11 12 32.9 243 48 14.6 19 07 54.7 210 20 04.3 -26 27 08.0 160 01 10.9 8 53 31.0
30 TU 257 23 22.4 -11 12 33.1 244 47 22.5 19 07 54.4 211 19 12.2 -26 27 08.1 161 00 19.3 8 53 30.8

31 W 258 22 30.2 -11 12 33.3 245 46 30.4 19 07 54.1 212 18 20.2 -26 27 08.2 161 59 27.6 8 53 30.6

MID-MONTH UP.TR.= 7.8 HR. 8.6 HR. 10.9 HR. 14.2 HR.
GLOSSARY the Laolace azimuth correctionto the astronomic
This Glossary'sterms are divided into four sec- ,
tions: The Celestial Sphere; The Astronomical ?t Great Circle. A circle which is describedon the
Triangle;Time; and Conections.Within each sec- surface of a sphere by a plane which passes
tion, the terms are arranged sequentially,rather t through the sphere center. A line of longitudeis
than alphabetically.
ta a great circle. Except for the equator, a parallel
of latitudeis not a great circle.
Some of the terms found herein are illustratedin a
F i g u r e s1 , 2 , 3 a n d 1 0 . t Zenith (Z). The point vertically overhead where
a the observer'sverticalline will pierce the celestial
THE CELESTIALSPHERE sphere.Oppositefrom the observer'szenith is the
I nadir.
Celestial Sphere. To convenienflymake obser- ?
vations and perform computations,all stars and t Nadir. The point verticallybelow where the verti-
celestial coordinate circles, such as the earth's I cal line will pierce the celestialsphere. The point
equatorand meridian lines, are projectedonto an t diametricallyoppositefrom the zenith.
imaginary sphere of infinite radius which sur- t
rounds the earth. The earth and the celestial Horizon. A great circle on the celestial sphere
spnere centers are the same. The earth is as_ defined by a plane which is perpendicularto the
sumed to be stationary,while the celestialsphere
rotates from east to wesl about a line coincident t
observer'svertical line. The vertical angle to the
observer'shorizonis 0'; the zenith angle is 90".
with the earlh's axis. t
Hour Circle. A great circle which includes the
Astronomic Azimuth. At the point of observa- I poles of the celestial sphere and intersectsthe
tion, the angle measuredclockwisefrom the verti- : celestialequatorat 90". Hour circlesare similarto
cal plane through the celestialpole to the vertical a longitudecircleson the earth.
plane throughthe observedobject.
a Vertical Circle. A great circle on the celestial
Geodetic Azimuth. At the point of observation,
the angle measuredfrom the true meridianof the
sphere which includesthe zenith (and nadi|.

spheroid representinglhe earth to a plane, nor- a Meridian. The hour circle that includes the ob-
mal to the spheroid,throughthe observedobiect.
Geodetic azimuth can be obtained by applying t server's zenith and representsthe north-southdi-
rectionat this location.
130 a
Altitude (h). The angle measuredalong a vertical Local Hour Angle (LHA). An angle at the pole
circle from the horizonto the body. measuredwestwardfrom the observer'smeridian
to the hour circle of a celestialbody. LHA is mea-
Declination (6). The angular distance measured sured in the plane of the celestial equator and
along an hour circle, north (positive) or south varies from 0" to 360..
(negative),from the celestial equator to a body.
Declinationon the celestial sphere is similar to Meridian Angle (t). An angle measuredwest or
latitudeon the earth. east from the observer'smeridianto the hour cir_
cle of a celestial body. lt is always less than or
Prime Meridian. In celestialobservations,this re- equalto 180', therefore:
fers to the reference line used to measure lon-
gitude; 0" passes through the Royal F o r L H A < 1 8 0 . ;t - L H A
Naval Observatoryin Greenwich,England,hence For LHA >180'; t - 360. LHA
it is also called the GreenwichMeridian.
; Ecliptic. The intersectionof the plane of the
Longitude (I). Angle measured at the poles, earth's orbit about the sun with the celestial
west or east from the Prime Meridianto another a sphere-Thts great circle makes an angle of ap-
meridian.Longitudevaries from 0'to 180" west proximately23.5' (the obliquityof the ectiptic)
or 180" east. with the celestialequator.

Latitude (g). Angle measured along a meridian Vernal Equinox. The point of intersection of the
north (positive) or south (negative) from the plane of the earth'sorbit (ecliptic)and the cele-
equator to a poinl. Latitudevaries from 0'to 90" stralequator,occupiedby the sun as it chanqes
north or 90' south. from south to north declination.Also known as
the first point of Aries. Each year, on approxi_
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA). An angle at the mately March 21, the sun passes throughthis
pole measuredwestward from the Prime (Green- point.
wich) Meridianto the meridianof a body. GHA is
measured in the plane of the celestial eouator Right Ascension (RA). Angle measuredin the
and varies from 0'to 360". The GHA of a cele- plane of the celesttal equator, from the vernal
stial body is continuallyincreasing(movingwest- equinoxeastwardto a celestialbody's hour circle.
ward) with time.
Sidereal Hour Angle (SHA). Angle measuredrn

tJz 133

the plane of the celestialequator,from the vernal verticalcircle from the observer'szenith (Z) to the
equinox westward to a celestial body's hour cir- celestial body (S). Also, equal to 90' minus the
cle. altitude of the body (h) and known as the co-al-
SHA - 360" RA. titude:
Side PZ. The angular distancefrom the celestial
Stellar Magnitude. A logarithmicmeasureof star pole (P) to the observer'szenith (Z). Also, equal
brightness.An increaseof magnitudeby one rep- to 90' minus the observer's latitude (0) and
resentsa decreasein brightnessof 2.51. For ex- known as the co-latitude:
ample, the bright stars Capella and Arcturusare PZ - 90" d.
near zero magnitude.Polaris,which is a second
magnitudestar, is (2.51)2or 6.3 timesfainterthan Angle Z (Z). Sometimesknown as the "bearingof
Capella. Fifth magnitudestars, which are barely the body" (but varies between0'and 180'), the
visible to the unaided eye, are (2.51)5or 100 angle measured west or east from north to the
times fainterthan Capella.The sun is magnitude celestialbody. lt is measuredin the horizonplane
26.8,or 52 billiontimes brighterthan zero mag- between the observer'snorth-southmeridianand
nitude. the celestialbody's verticalcircle.

The Astronomical Triangle, or PZS Triangle. A Angle P (P or t). Angle at the celestialpole be-
sphericaltriangle formed west or east of the ob- tween the observer'smeridianand the hour circle
seryer's meridian and defined by three points: of a celestialbody. Same as the meridianangle
celestialpole (P), observer'szenith(Z), and cele- (t).
stial body on which the observationis made (S).
Angle S (S). Known as the parallactic angle,the
Polar Distance (PS or p). Side PS on the as- angle at a celestial body between the celestial
tronomicaltriangle;the angulardistancefrom the
a pole (P) and the observer'szenith(Z).
celestial pole (P) to the celestiatbody (S). Also, I
equal to 90" minus the declination (6) and is . TIME
known as the co-declination: t
a Mean Solar Time. A uniform time based on
p=90" 6.
a mean or fictionalsun position.The sun makes a
a poor clock since it speeds up and slows down
Zenith Distance (ZS or z). Side ZS on the as- a
during the year. The mean sun is a point which
tronomicaltriangle;the angulardistancealong the
a moves at a uniform rate around the earth, making
a one revolutionin exactlv24 hours.
Apparent Sun Time. A non-uniformtime based lnternational Atomic Time (TAt). Time kepl bv
on the apparentsun position.Becausethe earth's atomic clocks. This time is independentof the
orbit is eccentricand the equatoris inclinedto the earth's rotation.
ecliptic, the apparent sun does not cross one's
meridian exactly every 24 hours throughoutthe Coordinated Universat Time (UTC). Uniform
year. Apparentsun time is sometimesreferredto time for general use. Since the earth's rotationis
as "SunTime"or as "SundialTime". graduallyslowing,approximatelyone leap second
per year is added to UTC to keep it very close
Equation of Time. The difference between ap- to TAl. UTC is broadcastby radio stationWWV.
parent sun and mean solar time, usually ex-
pressed as apparenttime minus mean solar time. UTl Time. The geographicpositionof the earth,s
Rangesbetweenapproximately plus or minus l6 poles wanders slightly,producinga very slight
minutesthroughoutthe year. change in the observer's latitude and longitude,
and hence time. UT1 is UTo correctedfor polar
Sidereal Day. The period of time between two wandering.Althoughthere are other corrections
successive upper transits of a star across the that can be applied,UT1 is the time which should
same meridian.This day is approximately3 min- be used for celestialobservations.
utes and 56 seconds shorterlhan the mean solar
oay. DUT. The time correctionto convert UTC to UT1
(DUT - UT1 UTC). This correctionis obtained
Sidereal Time. The interval of time that has from WWV by counting the number of double
elasped since the last upper transit of the vernal ticks occurringwithin the first 15 secondsof each
equinox; two successive upper transits being minute.Each double tick representsa 0.1 second
exaclly 24 sidereal hours. Thus, siderealtime is correction.Those occurringwithin the first 7 sec-
equal to the hour angle of the vernal equinox,or onds are positive, while double ticks beginning
is a measureof the angle throughwhich the earth with the 9th second are negative.The conection
has rotated since the vernal equinox was on the will not exceed plus or minus 0.7 second. DUT,
meridian. when added algebraicallyto UTC, will yield UT1
( U T 1- U T C + D U T ) .
UTO Time. Mean universal time at the Prime
Meridian (Longitude0') as obtained directlyfrom CORRECTIONS
the stars. lt contains all the irregularmotions of
the earth and is slightly dependenton the place Astronomical Refraction. As light from a source
of observation. outsidethe earth's atmospherepenetratesthe at_
mosphere, its direction is bent in the vertical
I \to 137
plane. Astronomicalrefractionis the angular dif-
be eliminatedby computingan azimuth for each
ference between the direction of the light ray
pointing,then averagingthe azimuths.
when it enters the earth's atmosohereand its di-
rection at the point of observation.Astronomical
Polar Variation. Because ol the changes in the
refraction causes celestial objects to appear
mass distributionof the earth, the polar axis does
higher than they actuatly are. The correctionis
not remain fixed, but wanders slightly,which has
usually not required for Polaris observations,but
the effect of slightly changing latitude and lon-
must be considered for some solar observation
gitude, and hence, time. The movement of the
pole does not exceed one arc-second,but must
be taken into accountwhen determiningazimuths
Parallax. The apparent displacementof a point
to a high degreeof accuracy.
with respect to a reference system caused by a
shitt in the stationof observation.Celestialobser-
Laplace Azimuth Correction. At any point on the
vations are consideredto be made at the earth's
earth's surface there are at least two types of
center instead of on the earth's surface (a dis-
azimuths: aslronomic azimuth and geodetic
placement of approximately 3963 miles, 6378
azimuth.The former, obtained from observations
km). A parallax correctionfor this shift of an ob-
of celestialbodies, is dependenton the direction
server'sstation may be requiredfor some sun ob-
of gravity at the locationwhich may not coincide
servationmethods (altitudemethod).
with the normal to the referencesoheroid.Gravi-
tational anomaliesare caused by irregularitiesof
Diurnal Aberration. The disolacementof a star
the physicalsurfaceof the earth and the variable
due to the eastward rotationof the earth. lt is a
densitiesbeneaththe surface.On the other hand,
function of the angular velocity of the observer
geodetictriangulationnetworksare referredlo the
and, therefore, depends on latitude.The diurnal
spheroid and are more or less independentof
aberrationcorrectionfor Polaris varies only from
gravitydirectionvariations.lf the Laplacecorrection
three tenths to two tenths of an arc-secondfrom
of a statronis known,it can be appliedto the astro-
the southern to northern conterminous United
nomicazimuthobtainedby observation to get geo-
detic azimuth.How accuratelythis can be done
dependson the availabilityof Laplacedatain a given
Curvature Correction. The rate of change of
location.In the westernmountainsof the United
azimuth of a celestial body varies due to the
States,the correctionmay be as largeas 20";in the
body's apparent curved path. Therefore,the re-
easternUnitedStatesthe correctionusuallywill not
lationshipbetween hour angle and azimuth is not
exceed7".Sincegravitational directioncan vary ap-
linear. This correctionis requiredwhen pointings
are averaged to compute one azimuth, and can
be used with caution.

138 139

The tormulas,shown below, for plane and spheri- Law of sines

cal triangles conform to standard notation where
the capital letters A, B and C refer to angles in- sin a sin b sin c
cluded between sides, and the small letters a, b sin A sin B sin C
and c designate the sides opposite the respective
angles. Astronomicalangle notationssuch as Z,
h, t, 6, 0 (azimuthangle, altitude,hour angle, de- Law of cosines
clination and latitude) follow the standar.ddefini-
tions, as described elsewhere in this handbook. cos a : cos b cos c * sin b sin c cos A
All are easily programmable in calculators or
micro-computers,and derivationscan be found in
any good textbook on plane and spherical TIME

nnqr , sinh-sin6sind

Law of sines Hour angleat elongation

a-b:. cost: tan0tan(90-6)

sin A sin B sin C
Law ol cosines sinb-sin h sin0
cosZ :
cos h cos g
a2 = b2+c2 -2bc cos A

z Vs(s tanZ: sin I

sinA = a)(s b)(s-c)
DC cos 0 tan 6-sin 0 cost

wheres:1 (a+b+c; s i n Z= sin t cos 6

2 cos h

SlnZ -
cos 6 cr _
cos 0 (460 + F) tan h

where: b-true (not sea level)barometricpres-

ALTITUDE sure in inches of mercury and F is the
temperaturein degrees Fahrenheit.Cr
sinh : sind sin6+cos d cos6 cost is in degrees and is always subtracted
from observedaltitudeto obtain true al-
LATITUDE titude. Accuracy is about 1 arc-second
for altitudesgreaterthan I S". lf b is not
$ : Dt(S-D) known, it can be calculated from the
tan 6
where tan D =
cos I
92670- Elevation
b inverselog
sin h sin D
cos(g-D) : oztJt
Elevationis in feet.
Signsof quadrants
mustbe observed.
Cr = 0.016tan (90- h)
lfD<0,01:D+(0-D) (approximate)
lfD>0,dr:D-(d-D) Accurateto within a few arc-secondsfor
lfD <0,0z:D-(0-D) altitudesabove l5o.
l f D > 0 ,0 2 : D + ( d - D )

Note:Thereare two valuesof latitude,0r and PARALLAX CORRECTTON(Cp)

S2,for eachvalidaltitudeobservation.
Cp - 8.794 (cos h) (Forsun)
Cp is in arc-seconds

of Meridrans
In arc-seconds.

Azimuth correction for sun's semidiameter(SD) o_ sr,-l-:.oooz6e66Tnz

d tand
(Observeleadingor trailingedge.) 101.452
- SD
cos h Where S is meridian distance (ditterence in
eastings)in feet.
0 : 0.009856(5)tan d (approximate)
oL- _ SD
cos h
Accurate to within two arc-second for S less
than 35,000 feet (approximately6 miles) when
the latitudeis less than 50'.

\v /--t7- InstrumentLevelingEnor:
dR = dLtanV
where: dR is lhe error in the horizontalcircle
Standarderror of the mean. reading(arc-seconds).

t / rv2 dL is the leveling error perpendicularto

n(n 1) the directionsighted(arc-seconds).

V is the vertical angle to the point

Where v is equal to the mean value of n obser- sighted.
vations minus the individual observation
(m-m). Note: Direct and reverse pointings will
not eliminatethis error.
Buckner,R.8.,A Manualon Astronomicand Grid
Azimuth; LandmarkEnterprises;Rancho Cor-
dova, CA 1984.

B r i n k e r ,R . C . , a n d R o y M i n n i c k ,e d i t o r s ,
The Surveying Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Chapman& Hall,1995.See Chapter17, "Field
Astronomy for Azimuth Determinations"by
R . L .E l g i n ,D . R .K n o w l e sa n d J . H . S e n n e .

E l g i n ,R . L . , D . R . K n o w l e sa n d J . H . S e n n e .
Previous editions oI the Celestial Observa-
tian Handbook and Ephemeris published by
The Lietz Company,and Sokkia Corporation.

146 147
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