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5/21/2019   Alexus Ortega - AVID 10 My API Goals - Google Docs

My Academic/Personal/Involvement Goals
On your mark...get set...go!
Remember to set SMART Goals

My Academic Goal: A goal I have set for myself is to get a 3.8 GPA by the end of the

As I get started, I feel . . . As I get started I feel excited to get the year started and learn.

In prepara on, I know I will have In prepara on I know I will have to I study by taking extra me
to . . . to do work and reviewing my notes carefully.

When it starts to seem impossible, I When it starts to seem impossible I plan to make sure I am
plan to . . . doing my best I can and not overwhelm myself with
unnecessary stress.

When in need of support/guidance, I When I need support or guidance I can go to my teacher for
know I can . . . help with the classes I am struggling with or I can go to a friend
that could help me on the subject i'm struggling in.

I will know that I have accomplished I know I will have accomplished this by at the end of the
my goal when . . . quarter I s ll have the good grades such as A’s to con nue
pushing forward.

Once I accomplish this, I will feel . . . Once I have accomplished this I will feel good about myself
because I know I have reached the finish line and finish what I
had started. 1/4
5/21/2019   Alexus Ortega - AVID 10 My API Goals - Google Docs
My Academic/Personal/Involvement Goals
On your mark...get set...go!
Remember to set SMART Goals

My Personal Goal: I feel like I want to learn how to let things go and not reflect on
them so much a er they have happened.

As I get started, I feel . . . As I get started I feel I will need to keep pushing forward and
see the light through things.

In prepara on, I know I will have In prepara on I know I will have to be willing to be honest with
to . . . myself.

When it starts to seem impossible, I When it starts to seem impossible I plan to talk to my friends
plan to . . . or my siblings about it.

When in need of support/guidance, I When I’m in need of support or guidance I know I can talk to
know I can . . . my parents or my friends about it.

I will know that I have accomplished I know I will have accomplished my goal once I start to feel less
my goal when . . . stressed and overwhelmed with the li le things.

Once I accomplish this, I will feel . . . Once I accomplished this I will feel be er about myself and see
things differently in the sense that they aren’t really a big deal. 2/4
5/21/2019   Alexus Ortega - AVID 10 My API Goals - Google Docs
My Academic/Personal/Involvement Goals
On your mark...get set...go!
Remember to set SMART Goals

My Student Involvement  My goal is to get involved more in clubs I want to join at least
Goal: 1 club this year.

As I get started, I feel . . . As I get started I feel like I will need to learn how to me
manage my events and get involved.

In prepara on, I know I will have In prepara on for this I will have to make sure I can create
to . . . flexibility in my schedule.

When it starts to seem impossible, I When it starts to feel impossible is I plan to push myself and
plan to . . . not get to stressed over things.

When in need of support/guidance, I When I need support and guidance I plan to go to my family
know I can . . . and friends and talk to them.

I will know that I have accomplished I will know I have accomplished my goal when I have joined 1
my goal when . . . club and par cipated in it.

Once I accomplish this, I will feel . . . When I accomplish this I will feel like I have finally joined a club
and completed this since it has been a goal of mine for a while. 3/4
5/21/2019   Alexus Ortega - AVID 10 My API Goals - Google Docs
My Academic/Personal/Involvement Goals
On your mark...get set...go!
Remember to set SMART Goals 4/4

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