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oGus or : pt All God's crit-ters got a_ place in thechoir-Some sing low, ya yo c —_ = , SSS eS Ss some sing high-er,Some sing out loud on the tel-e-phone wire, And + oe some just clap their hands Or paws Or an-y-thing they got. Now.. VERSE epee rt plp ee ee ee “Be Lis-ten to the bass, it’s the one on the bot-tom Where the pt — & c ¢ ae = = — “Ae o o—e{ bull - frog croaks and the hip-po-pot-a-mus Moans and groans with a i o | es SE oe big— t'-do, And the old cow just goes ‘‘Moo.”” “Be @ ( = f— =f —————— | The dogs and thecats they take up the mid-dle, While the VERSE CS t ep [abo hon-ey-bes hums and the cricket fid-dles. The don-key brays and the po—-ny neighs And the old coy-o-te howls. GHORUS VERSE Lis-ten to the top wherethe lit-tle birdssing On the c ie mel -o-dies withthe high notes ring-ing. The hoot owl hol-lers o-ver SG & it ev-er-y-thing, And the jay-birddis-a - grees. VERSE Sing-ing in the night-time, sing-ing in the day, The + D —_ So c e — 2 = SS lit-tle duck quacks, then he’s on his way. The pos-sum ain’t got | e —— much— to say, Andthe por-cu-pine talks to him- self. == 7 GHORUS VERSE cE Kote sim-ple song of liv-ing sung ev-ery-where By the oa Cc ox and the fox andthe griz-zly beg The grum-py al-li-ga-tor and the hawk a - bove, The sly rac-coon— andthe tur- tle- dove. CHORUS yr All God's crit-ters got a place in the choir—Some sing low, G& Cc = Be some sing high-er, Some sing out loud on the tel-e-phonewire, And G pr G a some just clap their hands Or paws Or an-y - thing they got nm

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