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B.E./B.TECH Degree Examination, Nov/Dec 2018

Semester – V
CS16501-Internet Programming
(Regulation 2016)
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A - (10 X 2 = 20 marks)
1. What are different types of access modifiers ?

2. Define Applet.

3. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet.

4. What are Style sheets?

5. How to create arrays in Javascript?

6. What is the purpose of DOM Tree?

7. What are the life cycle methods of servlet?

8. What are the advantages of AJAX?

9. List out data types used in PHP.

10. List out some web service technologies.

PART B - (5 X16 = 80 marks)*

11. (a) (i) Explain multithreading with an example. ( 10 )
(ii) Write a program in java to demonstrate package. (6)
(b) (i) Explain the life cycle methods of Applet and design a simple calculator. ( 16 )

12. (a) (i) Write notes on Web Clients and Web Servers with examples. (8)
(ii) Describe HTML form tags with example. (8)
(b) (i) Write a CSS program to define the font, font color, background and (8)
foreground colors .
(ii) Explain the frames and table tags of HTML with suitable example. (8)

13. (a) (i) Explain in detail about various control statements in Javascript. ( 16 )

(b) (i) Explain how HTML document is processed with the use of DOM ( 16 )
parser. Give an example.

14. (a) (i) Explain Ajax Client Server architecture with an example. (8)

(ii) Write short notes on XML Schema. (8)

(b) (i) Write a Servlet Program to create Session and design HIT Counter. ( 16 )

15. (a) (i) Write a PHP program to do Arithmetic and Logic operations. (8)
(ii) Write notes on JSP and WSDL. (8)
(b) (i) Explain in detail about creating a Simple Java Web service with an (16 )
* Maximum of 3 sub divisions can be asked in Part-B questions subjected to cumulative of 16 marks.

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