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Some Beneficial Advices Related To Green Tea

Health Benefits of Green Tea

I've seen some increased demand So we'll eat it and know what it Also continues to the. For
tips on how to make a healthy cup of tea as much as possible Tea is one of the rare drinks
And is universally accepted as a healthy But remember As with everything in life You can get
lots of good things So do not overdose the green tea One thing Which makes good green
tea for you It is rich in healthy nutrients Both bio-activated polyphenols Great for your
health Maybe I heard some of them known as Flavonoids or catechins Which are just
antioxidants Antioxidants that block free radicals Causing damage to your body These free
radicals damage your body Over time caused cancer But let me explain this a bit Know that
both of you have taps at home Whether in your bathroom or kitchen. Some of these taps
contain rust Rust is a direct result of the free radical damage that we are always talking
about Antioxidants prevent the occurrence of rust So think of antioxidants as a rust in our
body Among the means mentioned earlier Those who drink green tea have a lower rate of
cancer This theory has a relationship with the enormous amount of antioxidants found in
green tea We must not be enthusiastic about this because it is only a relationship and not a
reason Yes, it is good to drink green tea but it will not cure or prevent all types of cancer.
The second wonderful point about green tea If you have the same disgusting Maybe you
should try some green tea. But this is not my infidels Food Ingredients in Green Tea Which
we mentioned in the last point Known as catechins (antioxidants) Which do a great job in
preventing and killing Certain types of bacteria In fact studies have been conducted It has
been shown that bacteria are known to cause unpleasant odors in your mouth Killed when
drinking green tea Also when you have a few of those specific bacteria You'll have a little
sediment So green tea also reduces the risk of developing dental drills The third point is
about green tea It does a great job to give you continuous energy Without any worries It
contains about 30 to 50 mg of caffeine Which is about half a cup of coffee Remain focused
and active But you will not have feelings of tension Like that you feel with a large cup of
coffee There is another ingredient in green tea Works with caffeine to stimulate the
functions of your brain The Lathans are called And its usefulness it gives your brain
relaxation Without anesthesia or drowsiness Which comes with other relaxation factors We
have seen laboratory experiments It has elevated beneficial cholesterol and low LDL
cholesterol Which we found in animals, laboratory and human experiments Green tea
reduces blood pressure If you see high blood pressure You know the importance of
maintaining blood pressure under control Point Five Green tea can help you burn fat Okay .
Probably These depend on the individual Each case separately Because not all studies have
agreed on this but there is a precursor that it raises metabolism and oxidizes fat And
especially fat burning Some of the laboratory experiments showed a decrease In the
formation of new blood vessels Inside fat stock In the sense that it takes literally
biofeedback from fat And makes them die quickly The sixth point Both laboratory and
animal experiments showed that catechins The element we mention again and again It
reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease Knowing that it is not
clear why it is happening Theoretically it has a relationship down In the development of
plaques within the brain If this does not encourage you to take a sip I do not know what I
will do if this does not encourage you to take a sip I do not know what I will do The seventh
point Now this is a game-changer This is one of the things everyone is passionate about
Green tea may prolong life There is a lot of research done on this. Some studies were
conducted on 40,000 participants It turns out that those who drink three to four cups of tea
a day Have increased their default lifespan And low mortality regardless of the causes This
means death from nothing Heart disease is reduced and strokes are reduced But before
you get excited Must remember causal and interdependent relationships Just because
those who drink green tea live longer This does not mean green tea is the only thing
responsible for this effect So enjoy the green tea But do not think you will live forever Here's
how to make a cup of as healthy tea as possible Do not add green tea directly to boiling
water Because it destroys the health antioxidants we were talking about Do not remove
caffeine Because the process of removing caffeine hurts many of the nutrients found in
green tea Add lemon to tea because it helps absorb some nutrients Do not underestimate
the good basics They contain a lot of healthy nutrients Which we talked about all the time I
want you to pay attention Do not buy supplements that are of green tea extract and claim

that it has health benefits and a miracle. it is not the real thing is always more useful than
the supplements.


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