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See me ride a bike!

May 2019

Teacher Liz

Today when you arrived at An-Nur, you hopped on a bike and

took off! I was so surprised, I had to check with the other
teachers if they had seen or helped you to ride a bike before!
We were all surprised and couldn't think of a time we had
seen you ride the bike before, we wondered if you had learnt
at home?
I could believe it! With no support from a teacher holing the
bike for you and no practice you hopped on the bike and were

Zacharia, you totally amazed me being

able to master riding a bike all by your-
self ! That shows me how driven you are
to achieve. You must have been watching
the other children learn too. You continue
to build on your physical development
and will be practicing so many skills whilst
on the bikes, I will continue to support you
in setting and achieving your own physi-
cal challenges.
While riding the bikes you will be gain-
 Strong muscles to push yourself
 Balance
 Crossing midlines
 Spatial awareness—of where the
bike will & wont fit. How to move
your body to balance
 Force & motion working theories—just like how
you discovered that its faster on a slope
 Sharing and other relationship skills
 Dramatic play scenes– negotiation of rules,
communication, making links to adults world
 Independence
 Determination
 Achievement
 Assessing your own development—being proud of your
achievement, showing us what is important to you
When Mum & Dad came to collect you, you were eager to
show them how you could now ride the bikes, I think they were just as surprised as we were! And
When Mum & Dad came to collect you, you were eager to show them how you could now ride
the bikes, I think they were just as surprised as we were! And they ran quickly to get photos of
you and you shared your achievement proudly with your whanau. They were so excited for
you! So you didn't learn here or at home you just go! Wish I could learn new skills just like that!
You are very clever to be able to learn just by watching.
Zacharia , I’m glad you enjoyed the bikes today, just look how
much fun you had, that’s what childhood is all about!

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