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Metaphysics- It is the theory of reality.

It covers sub – branches as cosmology Metaphysical Theories

 Cosmology
 Nature of man Idealism
 Conceptions about God
 Theology Believed that the physical world around us is not real; it
 Ontology is constantly changing and thus you can never say what
it reality is.

There is a world of ideas which is a world of unchanging

Metaphysical Axiom- An axiom is an irreducible and absolute truth. This is reality for Plato.
primary. It doesn’t rest upon anything in order to be
valid, and it cannot be proven by any “more basic” Whenever we grasp an idea, or see something with our
premises. mind’s eye, we are using our mind to conceive of
something in the ideal world.
A true axiom cannot be refuted because the act of
trying to refute it requires that very axiom as a Since concept could not come from the physical world,
premises. it must come from an ideal world.

1. Existence exists is an axiom which states that there is Dualism- Dualism is the philosophy that there are two
something, as opposed to nothing. kinds of reality: material and immaterial.

2. The Law of Identity. To have identity means to have a There is a physical world as well as a non – physical or
single identity; an object cannot have two identities. spiral world.

3. Consciousness – is axiomatic because you cannot Ideas in the mind come from the physical world of
logically deny your minds existence at the same time as experienced by the senses.
using your mind to do the denying. Truth can be verified through its existence in the natural
Implications of these Axioms world.

1. Reality is absolute. The Primary of Existence – This Materialism

means that reality is not subject to wishes, whims, On this view only the world of matter is real.
prayers, or miracles.
Thoughts, ideas, and other, non – physical things are
- if you what to change the world, you must act merely movements of physical matter or chemical
accordingly to reality. reactions.
2. Causality – causality is the law of identity applied There is no reality beyond the physical.
over time. It is the identity of actions. Action is a change
in the identity of an entity. Epistemology
3. Every effect must have a cause – That cause, however, It is the theory of knowledge.
is an effect of a previous cause. Causality is the law that
Its major concern are the nature of knowledge itself and
states that each causes has specific effect, and that this
the grounds for its validity.
effect is dependent on the identities of the agents
involved. Positions in relation to KNOWLEDGE
4. Nothing. Nothing or non- existence is that which AGNOTICISM – by Thomas Huxley which means “not
doesn’t exist. It is not a metaphysical entity. It doesn’t being able to know” or belief in the impossibility of
exist. It has no identity. knowledge.
5. Contradiction – Contradiction don’t exist in reality SKEPTICISM – Is the doubting or questioning attitude
because reality simply is as it is and does not contradict towards knowledge.
AFFIRNMATION OF KNOWLEDGE – it is the possibility of
6. An Entity is the sum of its parts – assuming there are knowledge
basic building blocks of the universe, it is conceivable
that these entities have a fixed identity, except location.
They do not change. They act, and interact, but do not Types of knowledge in Relation to OBSERVATION
ever actually change their identity.
A PRIORI – knowledge not requiring observation;
literary means “before” or “priori to”.
A POSTERIORI – knowledge based on observation its truthfulness. However, truth is not necessarily
literally means “before” or “posteriori to”. dependent on how many believes it has to be true.

Types of knowledge according to

MEANS/INSTRUMENTS AUTHORITY – certain individuals who have mastered a
a. EMPIRICAL – knowledge acquired through senses field of study maybe a criterion of truth but authority
perception. EMPERICISM gives only opinion which could be true or which could
be false.
b. RATIONAL – knowledge acquired primarily through
reason and belief is called rationalism. CORRESPONDENCE – a belief that when an idea agrees
with its object, it is proof of its truth. However, it is a
Minor types definition of truth not a criterion.
c. INTUITIVE – knowledge acquired primary PRAGMATISM – if an idea works then it is true, but not
intuition( sudden insight) and the belief is known as all truths work. It cannot be ultimate criterion of truth.
CONSISTENCY – means the absence of contradiction.
d. AUTHORITIVE – knowledge acquired through an But there is a possibility to be constantly false
authority (expertise) and the belief is known as sometimes.
COHERENCE – a sytematic consistent explanation of all
e. REVEALED - knowledge acquired through the facts of experience. Its technical name is reason.
revelation( what God discloses to man) - Revelationism /
Religious Belief This is Humanity’s criterion of Truth.

Criterion of Truth Epistemological Theories

What are the factors you consider before you BELIEVE in 1. Empiricism - Empiricist claims knowledge is a product
things, or in person? of human experience.

Anu ang mga bagay na isinaalang alang mo bago ka Statements of observation take pride of place Empiricist
MANIWALA sa isang bagay or sa isang tao? theory.

Criterion of Truth Naïve empiricism holds simply that our ideas and
theories need to be tested against reality and accepted
NAÏVE REALISM – argue that reality is precisely what it or rejected on the basis of how well they correspond to
APPEARS TO BE. “seeing is believing “ observed facts.
FEELINGS - the belief that one feels is the truth and that For any knowledge to be properly inferred or deduced,
the best criterion of truth is a hunch. it is to be gained ultimately from one’s sense – based
CUSTOMS/TRADITIONS – this is used by many as a
criterion of truth particularly in matters pertaining to
morals, politics, dress, and etc.
2. Idealism- A theory of reality and knowledge that
TIME - is regarded as an excellent test if not the final attributes to consciousness., or the immaterial mind, a
test of truth. primary role in the constitution of the world.
The disadvantage of this is that _______? All physical objects are mind – dependent and can have
no existence apart from the mind that is conscious of
We have to wait until the end of time to be really
certain of truth.
What we refer to and perceive as the external world is
INTUITION - “Truth comes from one knows not where.”
in something artifice of the mind.
it is not a test of truth but but a source of truth.
Analytic statements ( ex. Mathematical truths) are held
REVELATION – “Truth comes from God” this is also a
true without reference to the external world, and these
source of truth and not a test of it.
are taken exemplary knowledge statements.
INSTINCT – what is instinctive must by virtue of that fact
3. Phenomenalism
be true since nature deemed it so. But most knowledge
is beyond the bounds of instinct. It is not therefore a Phenomenalism is a development from George Berkely’s
test of truth. claim that to be is to be perceived.
MAJORITY, PLURALITY, CONSENSUS GENTIUM – the When you see a tree, you see a certain perception of a
number of people who believes in the truth determines brown shape, when you touch it, you get a perception
of pressure against your palm.
One shouldn’t think of objects as distinct substances , Adherents of this position hold that one can never
which interact with our senses so that we may perceive obtain true knowledge, since justification is never
them; rather we should conclude that all that really certain.
exists is the perception itself.
Scientific skepticism is the practical stance that one
4. Pragmatism should not accept the veracity of claims until solid
evidence is produced.
It holds that what is important about knowledge is that
it solves certain problems that are constrained both by
the world and human purposes.

The place of knowledge in human activity is to resolve

the problems that arise in conflicts between belief and

Pragmatism is committed to the use of the experimental

method in all forms of inquiry, a non-skeptical fallibilism
about our current store of knowledge, and the
importance of knowledge proving itself through future

5. Rationalism - Rationalists believe that there are a

priori or innate ideas that are not derived from sense

These ideas may in some way derive from the structure

of the human mind, or they may exist independently of
the mind.

If they exist independently, they may be understood by

a human mind once it reaches a necessary degree of

6. Representationalism- Representationalism or
representative realism, unlike naïve realism, proposes
that we cannot see the external world directly, but only
through our perceptual representations of it.

The objects and the world that you see around you are
not the world itself, but merely an internal – reality
replica of that world.

The veil of perception removes the real world from our

direct inspection.

7. Relativism

Protagoras maintains that all things are true and in a

constant state of flux, revealing certain aspects of truth
at one time while concealing them another.

Relativism claims that there is no objective truth, it also

holds that anything which a man can perceive is true,
but not necessarily true to the next person.

8. Skepticism

Philosophical skepticism is the position which critically

examines whether the knowledge and perceptions
people have is true.

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