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"Community Perception of Nonformal Education

at the Paus Street in Marpoyan Damai District,

Pekanbaru City."

I’d like to tell you about the meaning and purpose of Community Perception of
Nonformal Education at the Paus Street in Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City.
Perception is essentially a cognitive process experienced by everyone in understanding
information about their environment through vision, hearing, appreciation, feeling and smell.
The key to understanding perception lies in the recognition that the perception is about a
unique interpretation of the situation rather than correct recording of the situation. And then
the perception is an organizing process, interpreting the stimulus received by an organism or
individual so that it is something meaningful, and is an activity that integrates the whole
person, all that is in the individual actively contributes to that perception.

I understand their is three point of the purpose, The first is to, 1) Receiving, is A
person can give a view or perceive if he has received a stimulus or stimulus for something in
his environment. f it is related to the perception of housewives on the revitalization of
Posyandu, for example, is a housewife, it will produce a statement such as, I received very
clear information from Posyandu cadre officers, I received polite treatment from Posyandu
cadres after a posyandu revitalization which involved optimization of cadre , and others. 2)
Understanding, is A person can perceive if he has understood a subject that will be given an
assumption. f this is related to the perception of housewives on the revitalization of
Posyandu, for example, is a housewife, it will produce a statement such as, I have understood
the process of a family planning program because it has been very well explained by
Posyandu cadres, and others. 3) Assessing, is Then Judging, someone thinks if he has
received from the revitalization process, then understands the process and results of the
revitalization and lastly someone will judge a result of the revitalization. If it is related to the
perception of housewives on the revitalization of Posyandu, for example, is a housewife, it
will produce a statement such as, I feel that the revitalization of Posyandu has been very good
in terms of facilities, I feel that the revitalization of Posyandu does not have much impact on
us, and others.

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