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Living A Healthy Lifestyle

English Language

Member of group :

1. Niken Lestari 6411418118

2. Arika Widya R. 6411418119
3. Agnes Intan I. 6411418120
4. Zinedine Avien R. P. 6411418127
5. Layla Dian N. C. 6411418132


A. Background

Lifestyle defined as it is a way of life or style of living that reflects the

attitudes and values of a person or group. A healthy lifestyle leaves you fit, energetic
and at reduced risk for disease, based on the choices you make about your daily
habits. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations for
continuing good health. A healthy lifestyle includes healthy habits. This means
protecting your skin from the sun, getting regular health check-ups and avoiding
substance abuse. Otherwise, healthy lifestyle habits include getting enough sleep,
avoiding work place accidents, and good oral hygiene. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle is
made up of a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, good work-life balance and sleep
with the absence of harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illness and stress. The word
'healthy' has several distinct senses or meanings: 1: having or indicating good health
in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; 2: exercising or showing good
judgment, eating a variety of foods.

Despite the fact that benefits of modifying lifestyle are increasingly

demonstrated in clinical and general populations, assessment of lifestyle and
therapeutic lifestyle changes is neglected in practice behaviors relevant to health
include physical activities, diet, sleeping, smoking, drin king and drug consumption.
The high prevalence of sedentary behaviors, physical inactivity and unhealthy dietary
habits among Saudi adolescents is a major public health concern, there is an urgent
need for national policy promoting active living and healthy eating while reducing
sedentary behaviors among Saudi children and adolescents.
Studies have also shown that university students suffer from eating disorders
and skipping meals is a common habit. Eating habits affect the academic performance
of students because study schedules or workload keep varying within and between
semesters. Healthy diets help students focus longer, assist in brain development, and
help instill an anxiety-free attitude to enhance learning. Research shows students learn
better when they're well nourished. Healthy eating has been linked to higher grades,
better memory, more alertness, faster information processing and improved health
leading to better school attendance, Conversely, unhealthy eating habits can
negatively affect learning. Without proper nutrition and adequate calories, students
often don't have enough energy to power the brain, resulting in fatigue and learning
problems. Measurement of lifestyle behaviors is necessary for the identification of
causal associations between unhealthy lifestyle and health outcomes However, despite
considerable evidence for the importance of the assessment of lifestyle and
therapeutic lifestyle changes in both clinical and normal populations, it still is
underutilized. Optimal sleep is an essential component of healthy lifestyle. In general,
college students do not get the required 9 hours of sleep for optimal alertness. The
students who engaged in moderate physical activity were found to a have higher grade
point average. However students who exercised for an average of seven or more hours
a week showed signs of addiction towards exercise and had relatively lower grades. It
has been argued that health is an important factor for academic achievement in higher
education. Promoting the health and well-being of all members means promoting
effective learning. It is widely accepted that health and well-being are essential
elements for effective learning. Education is a strong predictor of life long health and
quality of life in different populations, settings, and time.
Many factors are associated with academic outcomes. Adolescents who use
alcohol, tobacco or other drugs achieved lower grades, had more negative attitudes
toward school, and exhibited increased absenteeism. Furthermore, exercise seems
associated with improved.

B. Problem:
1. What is a healthy lifestyle?
2. What the important to apply healthy lifestyle?
3. How do you living a healthy lifestyle?
C. Purpose:
1. To know a healthy lifesyle.
2. To know the important to apply healthy lifestyle.
3. To know to lead a living a healthy lifestyle.

A. Living a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and
well-being. Many governments and non-governmental organizations work at
promoting healthy lifestyles. They measure the benefits with critical health numbers,
including weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol. Healthy living is
a lifelong effect. The ways to being healthy include healthy eating, physical activities,
weight management, and stress management.

B. The Important To Apply Healthy Lifestyle

People who engage in unhealthy habits, such as smoking, a poor quality diet,
and physical inactivity are at increased risk for premature health decline and death.
Though many factors contribute to your overall health, diet and physical activity are
leading determinants of your level of health and quality of life. A nutritious diet of
whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats is necessary for weight
management. A balanced diet also helps maintain energy levels throughout the day.
Regular physical activity, which includes a variety of aerobic and strength-building
exercises, prevents weight gain that can lead to a plethora of chronic conditions.
Additionally, lifestyle habits -- such as not smoking and limiting alcohol intake --
contribute to a healthy life. Allowing your body to rest each day by getting a proper
amount of sleep is also important to achieving a healthy lifestyle.

1. Disease Prevention

An inactive lifestyle is a prominent cause for chronic diseases. Fortunately,

many of these conditions are manageable and can be prevented by engaging in
physical activity most days of the week and by being mindful of your food and
lifestyle choices. Your diet also impacts your risk of developing diabetes. In a
hallmark 16-year study published in March 2001 by "The New England Journal of
Medicine," participants who maintained a body mass index of 25 or less were
found to have a significantly lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes compared
to people with higher BMIs. Diets high in saturated fat, sugar and processed foods
will quickly lead to added pounds. Being overweight increases your risk for high
blood pressure, arthritis and certain forms of cancer.

2. Longevity

Focusing on a healthy lifestyle not only improves your quality of life, but
it may add years as well. Authors of a June 2002 article published by the
"American Journal of Public Health" concluded that smoking cessation before age
35 adds 6 to 8 years of life, while quitting at age 65 still adds 1 to 4 years of life
expectancy. Being mindful of your diet, physical activity and stress levels allows
you to effectively balance all aspects of your life and might increase your life
span. Maintaining regular physical examinations aids with early detection and
treatment of medical conditions. In addition, your doctor can recommend lifestyle
habits that contribute to a longer and healthier life.

3. Mental Health

Learning how to effectively deal with stress plays a significant role in

maintaining your health. In a September 2012 article published by "Computational
and Mathematical Methods in Medicine," the authors concluded that leading a
healthy lifestyle by engaging in regular physical activity and eating a balanced
diet promotes low levels of stress, especially in women. Finding ways to release
anxiety and handle daily pressures can keep stress levels low. Some people find
participating in yoga or breathing techniques each morning helps them mentally
prepare for the day ahead. Spending a few minutes in thoughtful reflection before
going to bed may help improve your quality of sleep. And regular exercise
increases your brain's ability to memorize and learn.

4. Increased lifespan

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not improve an individual’s life quality but
also increases their lifespan. Being keen on your diet, decreasing the stress level,
being physically fit helps every human being to effectively balance all their life
aspects leading to an increased lifespan. Exercises help in quick examination and
treatment of diseases in human body. That is why doctors always recommend good
lifestyle habits in order for you to live a healthy and long life.
5. Increased happiness

In most cases, doing exercises improves an individual’s happiness. The

biological explanation behind it is that the brain produces endorphins; an element of
happiness when you exercise. Once an individual is happy, all the symptoms of
depression will be eliminated or reduced improving your life. Any time of the day
when you feel blue, remember that few exercises will help you relieve depression
other than taking pills all the time.

6. Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.

You definitely going to feel good about yourself when you start doing things
that will make your body feel good. Exercises will work towards toning your body,
hence, beautiful self-image. That is when you will start feeling beautiful and accepted,
leading to an increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

C. Lead a Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Although it’s hard to get out of old habits, a healthy lifestyle can give more
energy, improved mental health, and can increase your chances of defeating illnesses.

Here are five steps you can take to managing a healthier lifestyle:

1. Include fruits and vegetables in diet

Adding fruits and vegetables is a perfect foundation for starting a healthy

routine. Vegetables, like leafy greens, and fruits contain plentiful amounts of
nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants that help boost immune system and
fight off disease causing toxins. Antioxidants help fight eye disease, promote
healthy skin, and overall health. The World Health Organization recommends
eating fruits and veggies as a regular part of diet so can have a better chance of
fighting some cancers, diseases, and heart disease. Make sure to eat five to nine
servings of varied veggie and fruits per day.

2. Drink water
Save money and improve health by drinking water throughout the day. The
natural liquid offers the benefits of hydration, nourishment, and improved well-
being. Water can cleanse toxins from the body, improve brain function, energize
muscles, control weight gain, and balance body temperature and fluids. It’s
recommended to drink about 8 glasses, or 64 ounces, of water per day.
3. Manage mental health

When it comes to building a healthy lifestyle, it’s easy to concentrate on

the physical aspects of health and ignore the mental upkeep. Remember that
mental health is a foundation of overall health. It’s important to manage and asses
feelings on a day-to-day basis. If feel negative towards others,could cause more
unhappiness at work, school, or in social life. Some ways can improve mental
health include:

a. Exercise
b. Socialize with loved ones
c. Join a club
d. Sleep 7-9 hours every night
e. Do something creative

If continue to feel unhappy or even depressed, consult to physician or talk

to a professional about ways to improve mental health.

4. Destress

Sometimes it’s beneficial to stop, take a deep breath, and relax. It can help
maintain physical and mental health by decompressing from a long, stressful
school or work week. Try some relaxing activities to help relax. Take advantage
of meditation, listening to music, reading, watching a comedy, or exercising.
These activities can help unwind and they cause feelings of happiness and clam.

5. Exercise

The body is truly the temple of the soul, and if don’t want that temple to
fall apart. Exercise is a great way to stimulate health and studies have shown that
physical activity helps improve longevity and overall health. Try to exercise up to
three times a week. The American Heart Association advises for 150 minutes of
exercise each week or an hour at least three times a week. Pick a convenient time
schedule out time. Exercise for 30 minutes the morning to get energized for the

Remember to keep workouts fun. Enjoy workout and not feel like it’s a
chore. Some fun physical activities include:

a. Dancing
b. Yoga
c. Aerobics
d. Running
e. Hiking

These lifestyle tips can help maintain a healthy and happier habits. The
Branford Hall Career Institute hopes students and graduates take advantage of
these tips and share them with others.


The importance of maintaining and managing our lifestyle well. In terms of diet,
exercise and regular rest. If all of that is not done well, it will have a bad impact, for example
the body is quickly attacked by disease, tired and irregular weight.

Healthy is divided into two types, healthy in terms of physical healthy. Our body must
be taken care of, if our physical condition is weak, then the activities we do will also be
disrupted, as well as our spiritual disturbances. Therefore, the body is always our physical
health and good consumption.

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