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The book is important cultural products in human life. The progress of a

nation can also be seen from the quality (quality) and quantity (number) of
books published each year. For those who like to read, book has very big
meaning. So, the book can be felt beneficial if the contents directly can be
applied in life. The book that has quality will also explain the discussion well,
coherently, and neatly so it creates a special attraction for the readers. But it
would be better if a good, coherent, and neat discussion was supported by the
quality of the book and the neatness of the words in the content.
In this report, we will explain some of the problems that occur in the book.
This problem arises in Sunrise Bookstore in front of Perbanas Institute. Actually,
the bookstore can be an alternative for Perbanas students to buy books at this
place because the Gramedia bookstore is away from Perbanas campus.
However, Perbanas students often find some problems when buying books at
that bookstore. In this research, hopefully it can be useful and a suggestion for
the bookstore to improve the quality of sales and the quality of the books that
they sold.

The research used a quantitative methodology. This study was conducted by
several types of questionnaires including, yes/no questions, open-ended
questions, and open questions about the opinion of Perbanas Institute students
based on their experiences when they bought a book in Matahari Terbit
Bookstore. The questionnaire is about ten questions that were distributed to
students randomly.
1. Apakah anda mengetahui keberadaan toko buku Matahari Terbit (di
depan Perbanas Institute) ?
2. Apakah anda pernah membeli buku di toko buku tersebut ? Alasannya ?
3. Apakah kualitas bukunya sama dengan di toko lain ? Alasannya ?
4. Bagaimana tampilan luar buku tersebut ? (Open question)
5. Apakah halaman bukunya lengkap ? Alasannya ?
6. Apakah terdapat teks yang tidak tercetak ? Alasannya ?
7. Bagaimana kualitas kertas yang terdapat pada buku tersebut ?
(Open-ended question) a. Sangat buruk b. Kurang baik
c. Cukup baik d. Sangat baik e. Lain lain ...
8. Bagaimana keruntutan dari isi buku tersebut ? (Open-ended question) a.
Sudah runtut b. Beberapa materi tersusun tidak rapih c. Tidak runtut
d. Sangat tidak runtut. e. Lain lain....
9. Bagaimana perbandingan harga buku di toko tersebut dengan toko lain ?
(Open-ended question) a. Sangat mahal b. mahal c. Relatif murah d.
Sangat Murah e. lain lain...
10. yang menjadi pertimbangan anda membeli buku di toko tersebut ?
(Open question)

1) Do you know the existence of the Matahari Terbit bookstore (in front of
Perbanas Institute) ?
2) Have you ever bought a book at that bookstore ? The reason ?
3) Is the quality of the book same as in other bookstores ? The reason ?
4) How does the look outside of the book ?
5) Is the page of the book complete ? The reason ?
6) Is there any text that is not printed ? The reason ?
7) How is the quality of paper of the book ?
8) How is the content of the book ?
9) How is the comparison of the book in that bookstore with other
bookstores ?
10) What is the consideration to buy a book in that bookstore ?

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