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“Identification of seed plants (Spermatophyta) in the area of Sibolangit Nature Park and
Berastagi Fruit Market”







In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, we pray and gratitude for the presence of
Him, who has mercy, guidance, and Inayah him to us, so we can complete mini research of
Taxonomy of Spermatophyta.

The Taxonomy of Spermatophyta report we’ve compiled with the maximum and get
help from various parties so as to facilitate the manufacture of this paper. So that end we
express many thanks to all those who have contributed in making this report.

Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still short comings in terms of
sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, with open arms we receive any suggestions and
criticisms from readers so that we can fix this report.

Medan, May 2019



PREFACE ............................................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background .........................................................................................................1

1.2 Formulation of Problem ...................................................................................... 2

1.3 Objective of Problem .......................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS ........................................3

2.1 Theoretical Review ............................................................................................. 3

2.1 Hypothesis .......................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................................

3.1 Type of Research..................................................................................................

3.2 Apparatus and Materials ......................................................................................

3.3 Work Procedures ..................................................................................................

3.4 Data Collection Technique ...................................................................................

3.5 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................

4.1 Result of Research................................................................................................

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...........................................................

5.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................

5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................................

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................



1.1 Background

Sibolangit, is a tourist forest park that has a wealth of flora and fauna and a lot of cool
air. Sibolangit is located approximately 40 km from the city of Medan. Sibolangit Tourism
Forest Park is located between the Medan - Berastagi highway.

As a tourist route, the road conditions around the Forest Park are very smooth and wide so
that two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles can be passed. If we do not have a private
vehicle, we can also use public transportation, from the Medan - Berastagi and Medan -
Sidikalang majors.

The formerly botanical or plant-based tourist forest, which is located on the slopes of a
mountain hill between Sembahe and the surrounding valleys which have very cool air.
Tourists can easily find interesting things from rare plants that are many in Sibolangit. In
addition, there are also various wild birds that live in this tourist forest park.

Historically, the Sibolngait tourist forest park began in 1914 on the thought of DR. J.C.
Koningsberger who is the Director of Kebon Raya Bogor. At that time the Sibolangit
Botanical Garden was founded in Sibolangit by Mr. J.A. Lorzing as a branch of the Bogor
Botanical Gardens. Then on March 10, 1938 through the decree Z.B No. 37 / PK, the
Sibolangit Botanical Garden has changed its status to a Nature Reserve.

At present, Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park is a mainstay in the North Sumatra area. With
complete supporting facilities such as walking trails around the area, rest / shelter pods, guest
houses and information centers about flora and fauna collections at the KSDA Sibolangit
Resort Office or the KSDA Serdang Sub-Section.

For those who want to learn and research the vegetation in this Tourism Forest Park, each
tree has been given a name written on the plate and pasted on the trees so that visitors can
find out the name of the tree. In addition, the local KSDA officers as management officers
will also kindly guide the visitors who need a more complete explanation about the Sibolangit
Tourism Forest Park area.

1.2 Formulation of Problem

1. How is the diversity of seed plants in the Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park area?
2. What species of seed plants are found in the Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park area?
3. How many species of seed plants are found in the Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park

1.3 Objective of Problem

1. To observe the diversity of seed plants in the Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park area
2. To identify species from seed plants found in the Sibolangit Tourism Forest Park area
3. To observe how many species of seed plants are encountered in the Sibolangit
Tourism Forest Park area



2.1 Theoretical Review

The country of Indonesia is a country crossed by the equator and is located in a

tropical climate. This location causes Indonesia to have high biodiversity. The number of
plants in Indonesia is estimated at 25,000 species or more than 10% of the world's flora.
According to Nandika (2005), Indonesia has a diversity of flora and fauna due to its
geographical location which is located around the equator and spread across most of the
islands in Indonesia, and is located between two continents namely the continent of Asia and
the continent of Australia, causing certain characteristics and characteristics in forest
resources in the form of tropical rainforests. Tropical rainforests in Indonesia are known as
forests that are richest in plants and have the most complex ecosystems in the world
(Whitemore, 1984).

Diversity is the absolute number of types in an area, community, or footage (Assidig, 2009).
Biodiversity or biodiversity is a variety of variations that exist between living things and their
environment. The diversity of living things appears in the differences in the characteristics or
properties possessed by each organism, for example the shape, size, structure, color, function
of the organ, and habitat. Biodiversity encompasses a variety of aspects, namely
morphological, anatomical, physiological, and behavioral characteristics of living things
which in turn compose certain ecosystems. The amount of Indonesia's biodiversity reaches
325,350 species of flora and fauna. These include all kinds of fungi, bacteria, insects,
flowering plants, and vertebrates (Laelawati, 2008).

The species diversity of a community consists of various different organisms composed of

two components. The first component is species richness and the number of different species
in the community. The second component is the relative abundance of different species,
namely the proportions represented by each species of all individuals in the community
(Campbell et al., 2012). It is important to know that species diversity has a number of
components that can react differently to geographic, developmental or physical factors. One
main component can be referred to as a variety of species or component varieties (Odum,

The diversity of flora in Indonesia is very high, flora in Indonesia can grow wildly in the
hills. Hill is an area with some land surface area higher than the surrounding area but its
height is still relatively low compared to mountains or mountains. The hills that are located in
rows form a long series called hills. Hills are the area on the surface of the earth that has a
height between 200-500 m above sea level accompanied by several parts of the region which
is a valley or land that is lower than the surrounding area. Usually many plants that grow
around the hilly area.

The grand forest park is a natural conservation area for the purpose of natural or artificial
plants and or animal collections, native and / or non-native species, which are utilized for the
benefit of research, science, education, cultivation, culture, tourism and recreation (Law No.
5 1990).

The grand forest park is a form of combined nature preservation, between ex-situ and in-situ
preservation. So that a Tahura can be established from both natural and artificial forests.
However, the clear function of a large forest is as a 'storefront' of biodiversity, research sites,
breeding sites, as well as tourist attractions (Law No. 5 of 1990).

The function of the Forest Park as 'biodegradation' of biodiversity and a place to save certain
types of plants, which are beginning to be rare, are threatened almost similar to the Botanical
Gardens. But unlike the Botanical Gardens which can collect plants from various regions, the
collection of plants in the Tahura is mostly (about 80%) must be local plants (bioregion)
where the Forest Park is located and the rest can be filled with plants from other bioregions
(Law No. 5 of 1990).

Based on Article 36 paragraph (1), it is stated that the form of Utilization that can be carried
out in the Nature Park Forest Conservation Area is for activities, (a) research and
development in science and technology; (b) education and increased awareness of
conservation; (c) collection of biodiversity wealth; (d) carbon storage and / or absorption,
utilization of water and energy of water, heat and wind and natural tourism; (e) utilization of
wild plants and animals in the framework of supporting cultivation in the form of germplasm
supply; (f) traditional use by the local community; and (g) fostering populations through
captivity in the context of artificial breeding of animals or plant propagation in semi-natural
environments (PP No. 28 of 2011 concerning Management of Nature Reserve Areas (KSA)
and Nature Conservation Areas).

North Sumatra Province, with its diverse natural wealth, is one of the provinces in Indonesia
that many of us meet with tourism objects, especially for ecotourism activities, which of
which we can find in the Deli Serdang District (especially the Sibolangit natural tourism area)
in the Langkat Regency area Bukit Lawang tourism).

Likewise with the Sibolangit Nature Tourism Park (Area + 24.85 Ha) as the author's object.
Sibolangit Nature Tourism Plant is located in Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency or
precisely in Sibolangit Camp Area (Sibolangit camping area). The author chose this location
as an object of research to get an idea of why tourists chose this location as the location of
camping attractions and their daily activities while camping and wanted to see the roles of
institutions in the tourist area of the Sibolangit Nature Park. Almost every day the Sibolangit
Nature Park is always visited by tourists, especially those from the city of Medan or from
Tanah Karo, but there are also those from Tanjung Balai, Pematang Siantar, Langkat and
other areas in North Sumatra, also tourists foreigners have come to this place. It is not
surprising if the tourists who come to this place because Sibolangit Tourism Park is also a
place or center of Scout activities, almost every month there are Scouting activities because
the Sibolangit area is the place of the Jamboree in North Sumatra, even in 1977 Sibolangit
once hosted the Jamboree. National held on 1-20 July 1977, and within the Sibolangit Nature
Tourism Park there is also a very beautiful and unique natural wealth namely the Dwi Warn

2.2 Hypothesis

Before we make observations at Sibolangit Nature Park, we have several hypothesis

or temporary allegations, including:

1. In the Sibolangit Nature Tourism Park area we suspect that there are many plants
from the monocot class
2. In the Sibolangit Nature Tourism Park area we suspect that there are special plants
that grow there and cannot be found in other areas (endemic plants)
3. In the Sibolangit Nature Tourism Park area we suspect that there are many low-level
4. In the Berastagi Fruit Market area we suspect that ornamental plants have the highest
commodity value in Berastagi


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