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Computer Diagnosis ofDown-Hole

In Sucker Rod Pumping Wells

ABSTRACT experience of the analyst, It is m ionger neeessary to

gUCSSat down-hole pump condition? on the basis ?f rec-
Sucker rod equipment is the most widely used means ordings taken several thousands of feet above at the pol-
for artificially lifting oil wells. Owing to this wide applica- ished rod. By use of the analytical method, direct calcula-
tion, a large potential exists for increasing income through tions of subsurface conditions can be made.
better methods for analyzing and trouble-shooting sucker
rod installations. This paper describes a computer-oriented The analytical method has been extensively used in field
method whereby subsurface dynamometer cards can be operations. Discxtssed in this paper are calculation of inter-
determined from polished rod dynamometer data. The mediate rod stresses, estimation of pump intake pressures,
sabsurjace cards are, useful in calculation of intermediate detection of unanchored tubing, detection of exeessive rod
rod stress, estimation of pump intake pressures, detection friction, detection of leaking pumps and production strings,
of unanchored tubing and detection of leaking production detection of gas separation problems and computation of
strings and down-hole plimps. To date, this method has gearbox torque.
been used as a production engineering tool by Shell Oil
Co. in over 500 wells in the United States, Canada and DEVELOPMENT OF EQUATIONS
The theory underlying the analytical method is not par-
ticularity simple but the basic idea behind it is. It is helpful
INTRODUCTION to think of the. sucker rod string as a transmission line. At
Through the years the polished rod dynamometer has the lower end of the transmission line is a transmitter (the
been the principal tool for analyzing the operation of rod- down-hole pump) and at the upper end is a receiver (an
pumped wells. The dynamometer is an instrument which instrument installed at the polished rod). Information
records a curve of polished red load vs displaument. The about down-hole pump conditions. is transmitted along the
shape of this curve is affected by the down-hole operating sucker red in the form of strain waves. These waves travel
conditions. Ideally, these condhions would be apparent at the acoustical velocity in the rod material (about 16,000
from the dynamometer card by visual interpretation. OW- ft/see in steel). In its role as a transmission line, the
ing to the complex behavior of sucker rod systems rmd sucker rod eontinnrdly transmits information about down-
the diversity of card shapes, however, visual diagnosis of hole operations to the surface. But the information received
down-hole conditions is not always possible, Though much at the surface is in code. Information reeeivcd at the pol-
information can be gained from visual interpretation of ished rod must be decoded so that quantitative deduct@s
surface data, tits information is qualitative in nature. regarding down-hole operating conditions can be made.
Furthermore, the success in visual interpretation is directly The technique of interpreting or decoding the informa-
linked with the skill and experience of the dynamometer tion reeeived at the polished rod is developed by solving
analyst, and even the most experienced analysts are fre- a boundary value problem based on the wave equation.%
quently misled into an ineorreet diagnosis. The pertinent boundary conditions are the signals which
The analytical technique described in @is paper was are received at the polished rod, namely, time histories of
developed to bridge the gap which arises when visual in- polished rod load and displacement.
terpretation is inconclusive or when quantitative down- To develop the basic equations, let z(.z, t) be a complex
hole data are needed. The method is based on a mathe- variable in the wave equation:
matical model “of the prtmpirsg- system which is virtually 8Z(X;t)
a%(z, i) _ “a%(x, t)
free from simplifying assumptions. The polished red data (1)
are analyzed on a digital computer With a rigorous solu- af a-y “ c--m-”””
tion to the mathematical ,model. As a result, the technique Assume product solutions Z(X,t)= X(x)T(t) and obtain the
provides a rational, quantitative method for calculating ordinary different@ equations:
down-hole renditions which is independent of the skill and
+ cT’(t) - A~a’T(t) = O,
T“(t) . . . . . , (2)
“: ---” ”X’’CW+-X;’X(X)-=
-O-* --.--’—:-- i -;--T “-T“”:“- -.– [3) -,-
*In Ref. 1, the wave equation is used as a basis for PW&titto the
beba ior of new PUIPDIW inata.llatione. Tbe reader mw no~ ~~s- ---=
tine4,on between the two mxotwhes in that the techniwze dlsm=+ —.
in this paper ertdne to andgsis of eziatinu. hmtaktims, wh-
~he~$:$in I?ef.11.s deskned for mdiotkm of .erform+nce in new
6 .+,-.

‘-- {

in which the & are separation constants. Anticipating
Fourier series expansions in t, assume periodic solutions u(d) = -!$ + 5 v. cosn@l-&sin tit . . (6)
$ILE$l ~ as T(t)= e’””’ from which the ~. can be evalu-
- -a. + i/3., n = 1,2,3, ..., wherein: In. order that the polished rod displacement condition be
satisfied, the choice of constants stemming from L@Jt) =
Re [z(OJ) ] is made. This results in:

U(OJ$= CJ + ‘Z v. cos wOt+ 8. sin rmr ,

and %=1
where the u and 8 are Fourier coefficients associated with
the measured polished rod dkplacement curve. The dis-
placement boundary condition will be satisfied if v. = 2&
rmd the coefficients are evaluated by the integrals
Eq. 3 is the harmonic equation and is satisfied by linear
eombmations of sin X.x and cos AA T
Semuate solutions are required for the case n = O. In
th@ instance, solutions of iritercst are J
L@) cos nddt , n = 0,1,2,00. ,

T(r):~ T

X(x):qx, g cs.
=+-J U(IAt)sin n~tidt , n = 1,2, . . . .
where & q and ~ are real constants.
To satisfy the load and displacement boundary condi- As before, the above integrals are evaluated numerically
tions, the product solutions chosen arw by harmonic analysis methods,
Whh the preliminary work of evaluating the constants
of integration @mpleted, the equations giving subsurface
2(x,?) = gqx -t & + 5 (% sin Lx -1- displacement and load may be developed. The formula
@. cos &x)e’”Wt ,, . , , . . . . . (4) for displacement at arbitrary depth and time U(XJ) is
bbtained by evaluating the real part of Eq, 4. This results
where iw.

% = –x. – ifin ,
‘“ + : o.(x) Cosmot +,
u(x,t) = — .,2> ,

,2;Ax+~ ..l
@.=v. —i8n .
P.(x)sinnd, . . . . . . . . (7)
The load signals which are received at the surface can be
represented by truncated Fourier series of the type where O,(x) = (K. cosh /3.x + S. sinh /l.x) sin LY.X
+ (p. sinh /3.x + v. cosh /3tix)cos a.x,
D(4 = ~ + ~~lu. cos nmf+r. sin twt . . , (5)
and P.(x) = (K. sinh @ -1-8,, cosh /3.x) cos a.x
Referring to Eq. 4, the load condition can be satisffed by
taking . - @. cosh ~.x -t v. sinh /3.x) sin ax.
F(xJ), the dynamic load at arbitrary depth and time,
““”=‘e[EA-l > n may be obtained from Eq. 7 and I-Iooke’s law: F(x,t) =

which leads to a choice of constants given by: EA au(x’r) These considerations yield:
u. = .?M(K&Y.
+ pnp.) , n =.1,2, “““,
To= Ez4(K.& — PKI.] , n =’1,2; . - i,
~(,x,t) = EA & -1- 5 on’(x) Cos no)t +
[ fi=l
2EA&7 ,
u. =
Pn’(x)sinnd , , , . . . . . . (8)
where the u and T are Fourier cocficients associated with
the load curve measured at the polished rod, These co- where
efficients are evaluated using harmonic analysis, i.e., by
numerical evaluation of the integrals
0.’(x] = “&,sinh /3.x + @J3. - v.a.) cosh &x “sin a.-x
T [
rrn=~ D(@ COS mid , tt = 0,1,2, -,-,
+ [ &
—cosh ~nX i- (I@ + &Y,) SiIIh @nX COS %x,
1 a.
— —________ &L=-+__._!!?@ @?n_@@_ _L&~!2?Z.~.”L .._
–- --&,(;i g- --’r,-. . . . .
~co%’ pnx + (K/X = Gi)-siiih-pk “-i35iGZz’”‘ ‘——
[ 1
‘l%e displacement of the pdiskd rod vs time is also a
boundary condition which must be satisfied. This condi- — -!ksinh pnx + (w& i- &a.) cosh ~~x sin U.X.
tion is representable by the truncated Fourier series: [ EA 1
.. . . . . .. . . .. _-. ,. . . . . . .. . ... - ..”. “e. -. ... . . . ..- . . ..— . .._. . . . . . .. .
. ..—.

E@. “7 and 8 are the basic relations from which subsur- 5 and 6). Ordinates from these curves for one complete
face displacements and loads are deduced from data mea- cycle are r~d into the computer along with ,the pertinent
sured at the surface, IsI a sense, these are the equations rod design daa pumping speed, damping factor, etc., to
which permit the decoding of the subsw!face data which yield the set of dynagrapli cards shown in Fig. 2. Consid-
has been transmitted through the sucker rod. T’hese equa- erable diagnostic information can be gained from analysis
tions can be easily generalized to represent the displace- of these cards. Shown are the calculated dynagraph cards
ments and loads in wells which have any number of at the surface, at junction points in the combination rod
changes in rod cross-sectional area. string and at the pump. Peak stresses of 28,S00 psi in
the l-in. rods, 29,600 psi in the ?6-in. rods and 30,300
A COMPLETE EXAMPLE psi in ~the %-in, rods are indicated. This reveals a good
rod desi~ in which peak stresses are reasonably balanced
The primary aim of a dynamometer analysis is to mea- in each rod interval. The pump dynagraph card indicates
sure loads and displacements at the polished rod and, from a gross pump stroke of 7.1 ft, a net liquid stroke of 4,6
these measurements, deduce down-hale conditions. The ft and a fluid load of 3,200 lb. On the basis of the
distinctive feature of the analytical technique described gross and net strokes, a liquid volumetric etilciency of
here is the manner in which surface data are interpreted. 65 per cent is calculated. From the fluid load and pump
Rather than relying solely on visual interpretatio~ which size, an intake pressure of 690 psi is estimated. The
is dependent on personal judgment and experience, the shape of the pump card indicates some down-hole gas
technique uses a digital computer to calculate subsurface compression. The shape also indicates that the tubhg an-
cards, thus furnishing quantitative results from which the chor is holding properly. A liquid displacement rate of
personal element has been largely removed. 200 B/D is calculated which, when compared with mea-
To illustrate the technique, the polished rod data of sured production of 184 B/D indicates no serious tuling
Pig, 1 is analyzed. These data are shown in the time or flowline leak.
history form as measured by a special dynamometer and This illustration indicates that a great deal of quanti-
pertain to an t3,525-ft well having a three-taper rod string tative down-hole information can be gained from a single
operated with a 74-in. conventional unit at 15.4 strokd computer analysis. The whole’ operating status of a pump-
min. Measurement of polished rod data in time history ing well can be diagnosed and summarized in a set of cal-
form is most convenient in view of the need for express- culated dynagraph cards (Fig. 2). The example is particu-
ing these data in Fourier seriez as functions of time (Eqs. larly appropriate because of the odd shape of the polished
rod card. This is a graphic case in which visual inter-
26.00. ~
pretation of the surface data would be difficult, because
the pump dynagraph card in no way resembles the sur-
face card.


A Ieak in the production string is a serious problem in
any oil well. It is accompanied by a decrease in well pro-
duction, which can be the result of several deficiencies.
I I I 1 I I 1
With this analytical technique, pump performance is
0olt5 45678 9
shown graphically. Thus, it tin be determined whether
a decrease is due to a tubing leak, a bad pomp or a de-
ficiency in the well itself. Actually, a tubing leak is in-
ferred when the indicated down-hole pump rate is much
larger than the surface test rate. This difference in rate
gives an immediate indication that all the liquid passing
through the pump is not reaching the surface. A speoific
examp!e is illustrated by Fig. 3. The calculated pump dyn-
agraph card indicatw excellent pump performance and a
FIG.1—TYPICALPOLISHSDROIILOADANtIDISPLACEMENT liquid rate of 152 B/D. However, this well tested only
HISTORIES. 42 B/D, which indicated that much of the liquid which
passed through the pump was “getting lost” before it
20.000 reached the surface. By virtue of this comparison of li-
OTM.G..P. C..D5 .1 SW?.CE,
2.,000 MB *UW, ,*Us, *NO PUMP


. . ...= . .. ___ -.. -.— —--- —.. —.. —-— .—— —.-+ -.. . .—
4 3 2 -1 -3 -4



quid rates, a leak in the production string was suspected,

Investigation showed that the check valve which connect-

ed the annulus to the flowline was defective, and part of
the production was being recycled down the casing. Re-
pair of this valve increased the production rate to 140
B/D. This type of malfunction is fairly common and has
been encountered on severaI occasions in applications of
the technique.
I I I I 1 1 I J
PUMP 01S?LAGE61 CM-;, f f
-z -3 -4

Defective tubing anchors sire frequently not discovered m PARbi-Ltt06W4 w-mm wdP Mm m wm row UfJbfKKIRED ruwm

until after they have caused damage to tubular goods in

the well. Many types of tubing anchors normally in use
cannot be checked unless the well is pulled. Even then sow
there is no way to prove conclusively whether or not the i
anchor was working during producing operations. .Owing ~ 4000 -

to an unexpected circumstance, it was found that the com- g

puter technique offers a means of checking the effective- g 2003 -

ness of a tubing anchor while the well is on production 2

and without the well having to be pulled. The method is 0

{_ _

most reliable for sensing tubing movement in installations I I I I I 1 I

which have little free gas passing through the pump. St
P“II’P msPLn:EMm;,’ ft
-z -s

A special feature of the mathematical development per-

mits sensing of tubing movement. The movement of tub- IL) 171CWNIJLAR .SH4PE PUMP CAZD IN HELL WIH ,iNC”CSEO l“BwG.

ing affects the manner in which the fluid load is trans- I% 5—EFFECTOF Tumixc MOVEMENT
ferred to and from the rod string. This is manifested in
the polished rod data, where it can be detected with the release are not always as straight as those in Fig. 4, Also,
analytical technique. In the mathematical development the by the stretching and contracting of the unanchorcd tub-
displacements of the pump are measured with respect to ing during the period when the fluid load is bein’g trans-
a coordinate system fixed in the ground. If the tubing is ferred to and from the tubing. The sequence of events
unanchored and moves relative to the ground, then the shown in Fig. 4 depicts the movement of the pump and
pump dynagraph card referred to a tubing coordinate the shape of the pump card relative to both coordinate
system will ha~ a dKferent shape from the card referred systems for a high-efficiency well which has negligible free
to the ground coordinate system, For a pump dynagraph gas passing through the pump.
card which is rectangular with respect to the tubing (saY, The sequence in Fig. 4 has been idealized for clarity.
a card measured with the Gilbert dynagraplf which rides It should be noted that the tubing is an elastic body
along with the tubing) the technique will indicate a paral- which, when unanchored, vibrates during intermittent ap-
lelogram-shaped card. The parallelogram shape is mused plication of the fluid load .Thus, in cards calculated with
preferences tiven at end of paper. respect to ground, the segments during load pickup and

( /“”8’”

@ @ @

“lGMES? PC$N7 fiND rROLt mm 10 S.,P.WED B, T“BAG
$ 0CSCENC8VG. FLUID T“B’\o &LW05T 7“9 h$ MM s? RETCWD
Lou Is mt!o mANs- co!fPLcrE Tumo w tin., cwmsr
10 1uB6NG. TuWK IS STRETCH. Scmom, 6 m WI Ms.fa
Slnclc”tldt. Pull? !5 10 601. GRVWD ANO
DESCCf10’N& m, mm 7“wW COOiW,liATC
51&Tt0NBRV Wil “

. i- u.. e F
.—-. —..— . . .._ ._ ._.


-.- .. . . . .. ____ .. . . .... . ... . . . . . ,~-.,~ _,-- -,- .. —-- . . ...
., .-.

the fluid load is quickly applied; therefore, the tubing pumping well is its intake pressure. There are several
stretch indicated by the calculated card will usually ex- methods for determining pump intake pressqre, both direct
ceed the stretch calculated on the basis of a statically or and indirect, Direct methods include use of a pressure
SIOWIy app]jed fluid load. An cxample is shown in Fig. 5a bomb which. is lowered down the annulus, and various
for a well with 4,oOO ft of unanchored 2Y2 -in. tubing. electrical transducers which transmit pressure data up from
The parallelogram shape is evident. the pump via electrical cables strapped to the tubing.
In wells having effective anchors, the tubing is re- When the direct methods are not stymied by inadequate
strained from moving. As a result, pump cards are the annular clearances or cabling troubles, they are the best
same with respect to both coordinate systems. Fig. 5b and most precise methods to use. The most common in-
shows a calculated pump card in “a deep well in which direct method involves measurement of annular fluid lev-
“a tubing anchor is installed. The rectangular shape of the els by acoustical means. Once the fluid level is known,
card indicates that the anchor is operating properly, the intake pressure is calculated by assuming an effective
It can be seen that the method of detecting tubing move- gradient for the fluid in the annulus. However, if the an-
ment just described becomes less conclusive in wells which nular clearance is inadequate, acoustical measurement of
have considerable free gas passing through the pump. In the fluid level may be impossible, and intake pressure esti-
these wells the expansiori-compression effects of the free mates in this manner may not be obtainable,
gas can be confused with tubing movement. Fortunately, Another indirect method for estimating intake pressure
it is frequently possible to distinguish between tubklg is provided by the analytical technique described herein,
movement and gas expansion-compression etiects by the This method is not hampered by space limitations or elec-
shape of the pump card. Good pump spacing minimizes trical cabling troubles, because all down-hole data are
gas expansion effects during rod load pickup; hence, ex- transmitted through the sucker rods. Though not capable
cessive movement of the pump during this period can imp- of great precision in determination of pressures, the meth-
ly tubing movement. od can be used to obtain engineering estimates of intake
pressure which oftentimes are adequate.
It is interesting to note that use of the analytical meth-
od for detection of tubing movement was not anticipated Determination of pump intake pressure by the ana-
but grew out of attempts to understand why some com- lytical technique is based on the equation:
puted pump cards had a parallelogram shape rather than
the expected rectangular shape. P,= Pr, –~. . . ..L. . . (9)
CHARACTERISTIC DYNAGRAPH CARDS The meaning of this equation is illustrated in Fig. 7. The
FOR LEAKY PUMPS term P, denotes pressure above the pump caused by the
In a number of instances, badly leaking pumps have head of fluid in the tubing. The terms W, and A,, denote,
been indicated by calculated subsurface cards. When a respectively, fluid load and pump area. Their quotient.
pump is leaking due to a bad traveling valve or plunger, W,/AP denotes the, pressure ditlerence across the pump.
it is slow to pick up the fluid load at the beginning of the Thus, the intake pressure P, (the pressure beneath the
upstroke and tends to release the load prematurely before pump) is found by subtracting the pressure difference
the downstroke begins. The load pickup is slow because
plunger velocity is low, and the leak rate is almost as
large as the plunger displacement rate, Near the end of
the upstroke the plunger velocity is again low, and the
plunger displacement rate becomes smaller than the leak
rate. Thus, the load transferal begins while the pump is
still ascending, These effects give the pump card a-n arched
top. A typical calculated pump card which indicates a 1 I I I
leaky pump is shown in Fig, 6a. In this card the slow load .1 0 -1
Fufd. DrS.PLACE!/E N,, F,
pickup and premature release are evident, A1l pumps
leak to a certain extent, but when the leak becomes large
enough to give an arched top to the pump card, remedial
action is usually warranted.
Fig. 6b shows a calculated pump card for both a leaky
pump and an unanchored tubing string. On load pickup
the effects of tubing-shortening and the leaky pump are
additive, Near the top of the stroke the effects of tubing
stretch and the leaking pump cancel. Thus, the parallelo-
gram shape of the unanchored-tubing card combines with -looo~,
the arched-top shape of the leaky-pump card to yield a P~14P DIs PLfi CEMENT, f!

card with different, slopes on the ends.

Fig. 6C shows a calculated card for a pump with a PLWIGER CM TRAVELING V~<E

leaking standing valve. The action is just the reversal of

the leaking traveling valv~ fhat is, the pump is quick to
pick up the load and slow to release it. This gives the

-~’b ---
pump card an arched bottom.
The diagnosis of leaking pumps in field tests has been
-–—-contlrmed-by- mechanical--inspection- after-fhepurnp-was––

-2 -1 0 -3 -4

One of the most valuable diagnostic ciues about a FIG.6-TYPICAL DYNAGRAPIiCARDSFoa LBAKINGPUMPS.

JANUARY, 1966 9s
. .....-_ ______ -. .._ -. ...,. ._ ----- ,, ----------- . . . .._ .- .._. . . . . . .. . .. .... .... . . . . . . ... ... . ------ . _-_,----- ___

... . .... .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . ..
. .

—. -.. .

across the pump W1/AP from the pressure above it PD.The pumped under packers.’ In such we[ls, fluid levels cannot
‘ fluid load WI is read directiy from we calculated pump be obtained because of the packer in the casing-tubing
dynagraph card. The pressure above the pump may be annulus,
inferred from gradient considerations or from a two-
phase-flow pressure traverse. Determination of pressure DETECTION OF GAS SEPARATION PROBLEMS
over the pump is the primary factor which limits the ac-
curacy of this indwect method, A sucker rod pump is a relatively poor gas compres-
To illustrate the use of Eq, 9 in estimating intake pres- sor. Consequently, it is desirabie to minimize the free gas
sure, the data of Figs. 1 and 2 are anaiyzed, From the which the pump must handie because this gas decreases
calculated pump card, a fluid load WI of 3,200 lb is de- the volume in the pump available for liquid, causing a
termined. For the 1.5-in. pump in die well (AP = 1.67 diminution in the pump volumetric efficiency. To provide
sq in.), the pressure d~erence across the pump is W~/AP adequate down-hole separation so that free gas, passing
= 1,810 psi. The pressure above the pump P. is deter- through the pump will be minimized, it is desirable to
mined from a pressure traverse as being approximately know the severity of any existing down-hole gas separa-
2,500 psi. FinaIiy, according to Eq. 9, the pump intake tion problems. The shape of the pump dynagraph card is
pressure is estimated to be P, = 2,500- 1,S10 ==690 psi. one of the best intilcators of such problems,
Fortunately, it is not necessary in many cases to know As the analytical technique provides the shape of the
the intake pressure with great accuracy, Much about the pump card, the severity of down-hole gas separation prob-
potential proctti tivity of the well can be inferred from lems is readily apparent. A pump card which is generaliy
the shape of the calculated pump card. A well having a rectangular (Fig. 8a) indicates a negligible amount of free
rectangular-shaped pump card is not pumped off-regard- gas passing through the pump. The rectangular shape
less of its intake pressure. The PVT properties of the pro- “ arises because the fluid in the pump chamber is virtually
duced fluid can also be of use. For example, a pump incompressible;, hence, the load transferal at the top and
card which indicates gas compression signifies that the in- bottom of the stroke occurs with negligible movement of
take pressure is below the bubble point pressure, which the pump. If there is free gas in the purrsp, on the other
is known from the PVT properties of the crude. hand, the fluid in the chamber is not incompressible and
Another useful procedure is to calci.rlate an upper limit the pump does not remain stationary during ioad trans-
@ the intakb pressure. This is done with Eq. 9, in which feral. Pig. 8b ,shows a typical pump card which indicates
the pressure over the pump is computed on the assump- compression and expansion segments for the entrained gas.
tion that all of the fluid in the tubing is ~il and water in The distahce that the pump travels during the expansion
the proportions indicated by a weli test. It is then known and compression phases is lost stroke insofar as liquid
that the actual intake pressure is. less than this upper iim- production is concerned. The expansion curve at the be-
it, because any gas in the tubing acts to decrease the ginning of the upstroke is strongly affected by pump spac-
prewure over the pump. It is tiseful to note that the ana- ing. To minimize stroke loss due to gas expansion, the
lytical method provides the oniy known means for de- pump should be spaced with the minimum” practical clkar-
termining intake pressures in tubingkss completion wells, ance at the bottom of the stroke.
In these wells there is no annulus for determination of a
fluid level, nor is there any tubing on which to attach EFFECT OF EXCESSIVE ROP FRICTION
electrical cabl+ for pressure transducers. The technique
can also be used to estimate pressurea in wells being As previously mentioned, a convenient way of regard-
ing the sucker rod analytical technique is by analogy with
a communication line. Data indicative of down-hole op-
A. erating condhions are received at the polished rod after
&l&z traveling up from the pump along the sucker rod. Ordi-
I narily, the steel sucker rod transmits these data with great
fidelity. However, if the data are somehow garbled en
route, they may “not be suitable for computer anaiysis. In-
deed, the oniy conceivable way for the technique to fail is
\ for data to be transformed and distorted while traveling
through the sucker rods. A factor which can create this

— t
g FL._iIdu 54




-\ :- STROiiE LO.3S DuE

~ P P Y
---- -..—. PumF-r

54 3 -2 -s -4 -5
P&!P D: SPLAC:MBN;,’ ft


-... . .. . . ... .. . . . ,_ .-, .+.i.- -. . . . . ..— . . ..- . . . . . . ... . . . “... L. . . ... . . . . . -,.
: ..-, ~ , ~ . . .. . .-. -.>.... .,, .-—-. ,.e,:. ..=, . .. . . . .. . . . . . .- .,.-. ______
-,=;_=, .,. =.,. ---- .“-, -.-,. . ..-. ... &;---.,-:. .. . .
,. .,>. .
;++ ,;:. -b-am. : ?.e.. .,.. >,,,%. .>*4,.,.—:----~.= ,..,:,,-.,.-.,. . “....*.:..=: L
—. ,.. .,. . .-

garbkg effect is excessive friction on the rods caused by the well load depends on the torque factor which in tum
crooked holes or corkscrewed tubing. depends on the geometry of the pumping unit. Normally,
Striking proof of the adverse effect of excessive rod the torque factor is determined by a solution which in-
friction is shown in Fig. 9a. These cards were calculated volves all of the linkage dimensions of the unit. However,
in a well in which a packer was used for a tnbhg anchor. if the assumption of constant crank angular velocity is
The calculated pump card is unrealistic and uninterpre&- made, the simple relationship between poiished rod veloc-
able. When thh card was calculated, it was surmised that ity and torque factor can be derived:’
rod friction garbling was occurring. Later, when the well
was pulled, severe rod coupling wear was noted. This in- TF= ~ . . . . . . . . . . .. (10)
dicated that the tubing was corkscrewed by its own weight U
as it rested on the packer. When the well was placed back
on production, it was equipped with a tension-type tubing This relationship is particularly well suited to the method
anchor. Fig. 9b shows the polished rod card and pump described here because the polished rod velocity is easily
card after the tension anchor was installed. As indicated, derived from the displacement function (Eq, 6) already
surface loads are less severe and the calculated pump card required for computation of subsurface conditions. Thus,
is reasonable. the torque factor may be determined from Eqs. 6 and 10
When the analytical technique is correctly applied with as
reliabIe data, the only way that it can produce an incor-
rect pump card is for excessive rod tilction to be present. TF = j –tzv. sin mot -f- rd. cos not . . (11)
Therefore, an uninterpretable and unrealistic pump card ~= ~
frequently implies adverse rod friction which should be
corrected if possible, The complete formula for net torque can now be written
DETERMINATION OF TORSIONAL LOADING Net Torque = TF[D(.]t) + W,] – C sin (d + ~), (12)
The applications discussed so far primarily concern the from which a torsional analysis can be made. A typical
determination of subsurface operating conditions. Aiso of torque analysis is presented in Fig. 10. This pertains to a
great importance is loading on the surface equipment, par- 4,724-ft well being produced with a 168-in. unit operating
ticularly torsional Ioading on the pumping unit gearbox. at 9.5, strokes/rein. Fig. 10a shows computed dynagraph
It is therefore desirable to be able to determine both sub- cards and Fig, 10b shows corresponding net torque and
surface and surf ace operating conditions” in a single com- counterbalance torque curves developed from Eq, 12, As
puter analysis. A brief description is given which illustrates indicated, the unit is reasonably well counterbalanced with
how polished rod data required for computation of sub- the peak torsional loading being about 520,000 in.-lb.
surface Conditions c-m also b: used to deter@ne gearbox
torques at the surface.
The net torque on the gearbox is composed of the
torque caused by the well load, and the opposing torque
created by the counterweights. ,The torque arising from


~- I 5,000
~ I 0,000
a lb
-1 6000

1 I I I I I
4 3 2 -3 -4
Put!P OIS:LACE;~NT , %

. . .,-,.
.$ x+ /-


o Lf --
-. ---

SUMMARY depth and time, lb

The sucker rod analytical m~thod has been applied in n = number of terms in truncated Fourier series
P, = pump intake pressure, psi
over 500 installations to date and haa proven to be a use-
P, = pressure over the pump, psi
ful production engineering tool, The technique is capable
t = time, sec
of providing quantitative data regarding down-hole operat-
T= pumping period, sec
ing conditions. Since the method ii artathematical in na-
TF = torque factor, ft
ture, personal judgment required for analysis of subsurface
U(x,t) = displacement of sucker rod at arbitrary depth
operating conditions is minimized. It is no longer neces-
and time, ft
sary to speculate about down-hole operating conditions—
these conditions can be calculated with the analytical
U(ust)‘= measured polished rod displacement curve, ft
w, = static weight of rods, lb
w, = fluid load, lb
When good data are used, the method should rarely x = distance measured from top of unstrained
fail, When it does break down, excessive rod friction is sucker rod string, ft
usually the reason. When excessive rod friction is occur- 2(X,4 = complex form of u(x,t), ft
ring, the force signals are garbled during transmission v, 8 = Fourier coefficients for polished rod displace-
within the sucker rod, and the method usually produces ment, ft
an unretdktic pump card. This in itself is a useful diag-
nostic clue because it indicates an adverse down-hole fric- # = phme angle which orients counterbalance ef-
fect with respect to p@hed rod stroke,
tion condition which should be corrected, if possible. rad
In view of the widespread application of rod pumping U, 7 = Fourier force coefficients, lb
equipment, good methods of analyzing and troubleshoot- w = angular frequency, rad/sec
ing pumping wells are an economic necessity, It is hoped
that this method will prove useful to the industry in maxi- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
mizing the effectiveness of rod pumping equipment.
The authors wish to thank Lufh Foundry & Machine
NOMENCLATURE Co, (who hold a Shell Development Co. license for indus-
trial application of the method) for permission to publish
a = velocity of stress wave propagation, ft/see” this paper,
A = area of sucker rods, sq in. 1

A, = area of pump, sq in. REFERENCES

= damping coeticient, see-’ ‘
~ = maximum counterbalance moment, ft-Ib 1.Gbbs. S. G.: “Predicting tke 13elnwior of Sucker Rod PuMp-
ing Systems”, low. Pet. Tech. (July, 1963) 763.
D(oJt) = dynamic polished rod load function (found
2. Gilbert, W. E.: “An Oil Well Pump Dymgmplr”,Drill. & Prod.
by subtracting static rod weight from meas- Prac., API (1963).
ured polished rod load), lb 3. Gray, H, E,: ‘Kinematics of Oil Well Pumping Units”, DrilL &
E = modulus of elasticity, psi Prod, Prac., API (1963).
F(x,t) = dynamic, load on sucker rods’ at arbitrary *

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