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// Turkish language module for EVEREST

// Translated by:
// �zkan Ak (o_ak<at>yahoo<dot>com)
// Currently maintained by:
// �zkan Ak (o_ak<at>yahoo<dot>com)
// Last updated: Jul 05, 2010

// Hata, �neri ve hert�rl� geri bildirimleriniz i�in bana e-mail atabilirsiniz

// Bu daha iyi bir �evirinin olu�mas�na yard�mc� olacakt�r.

// application menus
Fav&orites=&S�k Kullan�lanlar

// application menuitems
&Audit Manager=&Denetleme Y�neticisi
&Database Manager=&Veritaban� Y�neticisi
&Change Manager=&De�i�iklik Y�neticisi
Disk &Benchmark=&Disk Kar��la�t�rmal� Testi
***C&ache And Memory Benchmark=Gyorsito&tar es memoria sebessegmeres
&Monitor Diagnostics=&Monit�r Tan�mlama
System &Stability Test=Sistem &Karal�l�k Testi

***Status &Bar=Allapot&sor
Large &Icons=&B�y�k Simgeler
&Small Icons=&K���k Simgeler

&Report Wizard=&Rapor Sihirbaz�

Qu&ick Report=&H�zl� Rapor
All pages=T�m Sayfalar
Favorites=S�k Kullan�lanlar
Report &Converter=Rapor &D�n�t�r�c�
R&emote Report Wizard=&Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz�

&Add Report Files=Rapor Dosyalar� &Ekle

Add Reports from Data&base=&Veritaban�ndan Rapor Ekle
Compare &List=&Kar��la�t�rma Listesi
&Statistics Details=&�statistik Ayr�nt�lar�
Statistics &Diagram=�statistik Diya&gram�
Full &HTML Report=Tam &HTML Raporu
Remove &Computer from Audit=Denetlemeden Uzak &Bilgisayar� Kald�r
Remove All C&omputers from Audit=Denetlemeden &T�m Bilgisayarlar� Kald�r
&Join Lines=&Sat�rlar� Birle�tir
D&elete Section=&B�l�m� Sil

Connect to &Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara &Ba�lan

Monitor Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar� G�zlemle
&Monitor Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar� &G�zlemle
&Accept Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba�lant�lar� &Kabul Et
&Ignore Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba�lant�lar� &Yoksay

Remote Computer Information=Uzak Bilgisayar Bilgisi

Remote Computer &Information=Uzak Bilgisayar &Bilgisi
Message to Remote User=Uzak Kullan�c�ya �leti
Me&ssage to Remote User=Uzak Kullan�c�ya &�leti

&Browse Files=&Dosyalara G�zat

Screen S&hot=Ekran Res&mi
&Full Size=&Tam Boyut
&Half Size=1/&2 Boyut
Q&uarter Size=1/&4 Boyut
R&un Program=Program� B&a�lat
&Close %s=%s &Kapat
&Turn Off=&Kapat
&Restart=Yeniden B&a�lat
&Log Off=&Oturumu Kapat

&View Log=&G�nl��� G�ster

&Disconnect=&Ba�lant�y� Kes

Add to &Favorites=S�k Kullan�lanlara &Ekle

Remove from F&avorites=S�k Kullan�lanlardan &Kald�r

&Info Database Status=&Veritaban� Durumu

&What's New=&Yenilikler Neler?

%s &Help=%s &Yard�m
%s &Online=%s &�evrimi�i
***%s &Forum=%s &forum
Co&mmand-line Options=&Komut-sat�r� Se�enekleri
***&Enter Product Key=&Termekkulcs beirasa

License Agreement=Lisans Antla�mas�
What's New=Yenilikler Neler?
// remote features
Connect to Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara Ba�lan
Connect to &single computer=&Tek Bir Bilgisayara Ba�lan
Scan local &network for computers=&Bilgisayarlar i�in yerel a�� tara
Connection Established=Ba�lant� Kuruldu
Client Connected=�stemci Ba�land�
Connection Refused=Ba�lant� Reddedildi
Please enter command line=L�tfen komut girin
Please enter process name=L�tfen i�lem ad� girin
Please enter service name=L�tfen hizmet ad� girin
Incoming Message=�leti Al�nd�
Run Program=Program� Ba�lat
Remote File Browsing=Uzak PC'ye G�zat
Remote Screen Shot=Uzak PC Ekran G�r�nt�s�
Remote Program Launch=Uzak PC'de Program Ba�lat
Remote Server Shutdown=Uzak Sunucuyu Kapat
Remote Power Off=Uzak PC'yi Kapat
Remote Restart=Uzak PC'yi Yeniden Ba�lat
Remote Log Off=Uzak PC'de Oturumu Kapat
Remote computer is currently busy. Please try again later=Uzak bilgisayar me�gul.
L�tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.
Connection Type=Ba�lant� T�r�
Server Log=Sunucu G�nl���

// remote monitor
Remote Monitor=Uzak Ekran
Connect to Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba�lan
Connect to &Remote Computers=&Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba�lan
&Remove from List=&Listeden Kald�r
OS=�letim Sistemi
Idle Time=Bo� Zaman
Mem. Total=Toplam Bellek
Mem. Free=Kullan�labilir Bellek
Disk Total=Toplam Disk
Disk Free=Bo� Disk
Active Window=Etkin Pencere
Process #%d=%d. i�lemi
Service #%d=%d. hizmeti
Screen Shot=Ekran G�r�nt�s�
Save Screen Shot=Ekran G�r�nt�s�n� Kaydet
JPEG files=JPEG Dosyas�
Save &As=&Farkl� Kaydet
Date Modified=De�i�tirilme Tarihi
Process and Service Monitor=�lem ve Hizmet Monit�r�
Process #%d name:=�lem #%d ad�:
Service #%d name:=Servis #%d ad�:
Update Frequency=G�ncelleme S�kl���
UpTime, IdleTime:=Hizmet S�resi, Bo�ta S�resi:
CPU usage:=CPU kullan�m�:
Memory usage:=Bellek kullan�m�:
Hard disk usage:=Sabit disk kullan�m�:
Network usage:=A� kullan�m�:
SMART status:=SMART durumu:
Anti-virus status:=Anti-vir�s durumu:
Process count:=�lem say�s�:
Active window:=Etkin pencere:
Process monitor:=�lem monit�r�:
Service monitor:=Hizmet monit�r�:
Start Service=Hizmet Ba�lat
St&art Service=Hizmet &Ba�lat
Stop Service=Hizmet Durdur
&Stop Service=Hizmet &Durdur
Connect &To=B&a�lan
Remote Moni&tor=Uzak&tan �zleme
Remote System &Information=Uzak Sistem &Bilgisi
Remote Co&ntrol=Uzaktan Ko&ntrol
Computer Groups=Bilgisayar gruplar�
New Computer Group=Yeni Bilgisayar Grubu
Modify Computer Group=Bilgisayar Grubunu De�i�tir
&Group name:=&Grup ad�:
Address may be one of the following items:=Adres a�a��daki ��elerden biri olabilir:
computer name (e.g. ADMINPC)=bilgisayar ad� (�r. ADMINPC)
IP address (e.g. adres (�r.
IP address range (e.g. adres aral��� (�r.
Multiple addresses can be entered, separated by comma=Birden fazla adres virg�l ile
ay�r�larak girilebilir
Display disk spaces in &GB=Disk bo�lu�unu &GB olarak g�ster
Run on the &local computer=&Yerel bilgisayarda �al�t�r
Run on the &remote computer=&Uzak bilgisayarda �al�t�r

// remote report
&Select All=&T�m�n� Se�
&Clear All=T&�m�n� Temizle
Command sent=Komut G�nderildi
Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz�na Ho� Geldiniz!
This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Bu sihirbaz
uzak bilgisayarlar�n rapor dosyalar�n� olu�turman�zda size yard�mc� olacak.
Remote computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar
&Remote Computers=Uzak &Bilgisayarlar
Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=L�tfen rapor almak
istedi�iniz bilgisayarlar� se�in:
Report output=Rapor ��kt�s�
Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=L�tfen rapor ad�n� ve rapor
klas�r�n� girin:
&Destination folder for the collected reports:=Toplanm� raporlar i�in &hedef
File&name for the collected reports:=Toplanm� raporlar i�in dosya &ad�:
Save to &file=&Dosyaya Kaydet
&Send in e-mail=E-mail ile g�&nder

// remote processes
End Process=�lemi Sonland�r
&End Process=�l&emi Sonland�r
Are you sure you want to end '%s'?='%s' sonland�rmak istedi�inize emin misiniz?

// winsock errors
Remote computer cannot be found=Uzak bilgisayar bulunam�yor
Connection timed out=Ba�lant� zaman a��m�na u�rad�
Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Uzak bilgisayar ad� ��z�lemiyor
Incorrect password=Hatal� parola

// info database status

Info Database Status=Veritaban� Durumu
Hard Disk Drives=Sabit Disk S�r�c�leri
Optical Drives=Optik S�r�c�ler
Video Adapters=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c�lar�
JEDEC Manufacturers=JEDEC �reticileri

// database manager
Database Manager=Veritaban� Y�netici
%d reports=%d rapor
%d computers=%d bilgisayar
%d users=%d kullan�c�
%d days old=%d g�n
%d reports selected=%d rapor se�ildi
Show &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi� Raporlar� G�ster
&Insert Report Files to Database=Raporlar� Veritaban�na &Ekle
&Export Selected Reports=Se�ili Raporlar� &Ver
&Delete Selected Reports=Se�ili Raporlar� &Sil
Delete &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi� Raporlar� Sil
Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=&RComplete Alan�n� Evet'e De�i�tir
Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?='%s' dosyas�n� veritaban�na eklemek
istiyor musunuz?
Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=%d rapor dosyas�n� veritaban�na
eklemek istiyor musunuz?
Inserting report file to database=Rapor dosyas� veritaban�na ekleniyor
Exporting report from database=Veritaban�ndan rapor veriliyor
Deleting report from database=Veritaban�ndan rapor siliniyor

Insert Report Files to Database=Rapor Dosyas�n� Veritaban�na Ekle

&Use file name instead of computer name=&Bilgisayar ad� yerine dosya ad�n� kullan
&Only insert the lines used by Audit Statistics=&Sadece Denetleme �statistikleri
taraf�ndan kullan�lan sat�rlar� ekle
&Delete inserted report files after successful insertion=&Ba�ar�yla eklenen rapor
dosyalar�n� sil
&Show grid lines=&Izgara �izgilerini g�ster

// change manager
Change Manager=De�i�iklik Y�netici
Checking for changes=De�i�iklikler inceleniyor
Full List=Tam Liste
Value Before=�nceki De�er
Value After=Sonraki De�er
%d events=%d olay
Load reports from:=Raporlar� y�kle:
&Folder (CSV report files):=&Klas�r (CSV rapor dosyalar�):
Filter By Date=Tarihe G�re Filtrele
Filter By Component=Bile�enlere G�re Filtrele
&List all events=T�m Olaylar� &Listele
Li&st all events=T�m Olaylar� Li&stele
List events occured in the past &days:=Ge�mi� g�nlerde &olan olaylar� listele:
List e&vents occured in the past days:=Ge�mi� g�nl&erde olan olaylar� listele:
List events occured in the following date &interval:=A�a��daki tarih aral���nda
olan olaylar� l&istele:
HW Components=HW Bile�enleri
SW Components=SW Bile�enleri
DMI Components=DMI Bile�enleri
Displaying changes=De�i�iklikler g�r�nt�leniyor

// report converter
Report Converter=Rapor D�n�t�r�c�
Add &Files=&Dosya Ekle
Add F&older=&Klas�r Ekle
&Destination folder:=&Hedef klas�r:
Type of converted &reports:=&Raporlar�n d�n�t�r�lme t�r�:
Converting report file=Rapor dosyas� d�n�t�r�l�yor

// hints
Double-click to open file properties window=�zellikler penceresini a�mak i�in �ift
Double-click to browse share=Payla��mlara g�zatmak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to modify user/group settings=Kullan�c�/grup ayarlar�n� de�i�tirmek
i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open display properties window=G�r�nt� �zellikleri penceresini
a�mak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open multimedia properties window=�okluortam �zellikleri
penceresini a�mak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open game controller properties window=Oyun kumandalar� �zellikler
penceresini a�mak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open network connections window=A� ba�lant� penceresini a�mak i�in
�ift t�klay�n
Double-click to run DirectX Diagnostics=DirectX tan� arac�n� �al�t�rmak i�in �ift
Double-click to open printers window=Yaz�c�lar penceresini a�mak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to modify task properties=G�rev �zelliklerini de�i�tirmek i�in �ift
Double-click to uninstall program=Program� kald�rmak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to launch Control Panel applet=Denetim masas�n� uygulamas�n� a�mak
i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to empty recycle bin=Geri d�n��m kutusunu bo�altmak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to edit system file=Sistem dosyalar�n� d�zenlemek i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to browse folder=Klas�re g�zatmak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open event properties window=Olay �zellikleri penceresini a�mak
i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open ODBC properties window=ODBC �zellikleri penceresini a�mak i�in
�ift t�klay�n
Double-click to open statistics details window=�statistik ayr�nt�lar� penceresini
a�mak i�in �ift t�klay�n
Double-click to browse URL=URL'ye g�zatmak i�in �ift t�klay�n

// init
Loading Icons=Simgeler Y�kleniyor...
Loading Driver=S�r�c�ler Y�kleniyor...
Loading Data=Veri Y�kleniyor...
Reading MSR Data=MSR-Verisi Okunuyor...
Loading BIOS Content=BIOS i�eri�i Y�kleniyor...
Scanning SMART Devices=S.M.A.R.T. Ayg�tlar Taran�yor...
Scanning RAID Devices=RAID Ayg�tlar Taran�yor...
Scanning Windows Devices=Windows Ayg�tlar� Taran�yor...
Scanning PCI Devices=PCI Ayg�tlar Taran�yor...
Measuring CPU Speed=CPU H�z� �l��l�yor...
Updating Windows Devices=Windows ayg�tlar� g�ncelleniyor
***Detecting sensor information=Erzekelo informacio lekerdezese

// internet update
This program will be restarted to complete the update=G�ncellemenin tamamlanmas�
i�in program yeniden ba�lat�lmal�
NetUpdate is finished=NetUpdate tamamland�
Query NetUpdate information=NetUpdate bilgisi sorgulan�yor...
This software is up to date=Yaz�l�m g�ncel
Cannot complete the update=G�ncelleme tamamlanamad�
%d KB downloaded=%d KB indirildi
%d of %d KB=%d / %d KB
Connecting to the Internet=Internete ba�lan�l�yor...
Starting Internet download session=Internet indirme oturumu ba�lat�l�yor...
Connecting to NetUpdate server=NetUpdate Sunucusuna ba�lan�l�yor...
Downloading NetUpdate information=NetUpdate bilgisi indiriliyor...
Query NetUpdate variants=NetUpdate de�i�iklikleri sorgulan�yor ...
No variants found=De�i�iklik bulunamad�
New version of %s found=%s 'in yeni s�r�m� bulundu
Do you want to upgrade to it=G�ncellemek istiyor musunuz?
Ready to update=G�ncellemeye haz�r
Local Folder=Yerel Klas�r
Software Update=Yaz�l�m G�ncellemesi
Downloading %s=%s indiriliyor
Update Description=G�ncelleme Tan�m�
Update Comment=G�ncelleme A��klamas�
Update Type=G�ncelleme T�r�
Product Description=�r�n Tan�m�
Product Copyright=�r�n Telif Hakk�
Product Comment=�r�n A��klamas�
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=�ng�r�n�m s�r�m� - Sadece test ama�l�
Beta release=Beta S�r�m�
Final release=Son S�r�m

// report wizard
Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz�
Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz�
Quick Report=H�zl� Rapor
Remote Report=Uzak Rapor
Welcome to the Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz�na Ho� Geldiniz!
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=Bu sihirbaz
bilgisayar�n�z�n raporunu olu�turmada size yard�mc� olacak.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it
in e-mail.=Sihirbaz tamamland���nda raporu yazd�rabilirsiniz, dosyaya
kaydedebilirsiniz yada e-mail ile g�nderebilirsiniz.
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to
avoid generating huge reports.=L�tfen �ok b�y�k rapor dosyalar� �retmemek i�in,
m�mk�n oldu�unca az bilgi se�meyi deneyin.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the
author:=Yazara �e�itli bilgisayarlar�n rapor dosyalar�n� g�ndererek geli�tirmeye
yard�mc� olabilirsiniz:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports
sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related
pages".=Yazara g�nderece�iniz raporlar�n ki�isel veya gizli bilgi i�ermedi�ine emin
olmak i�in "Donan�m ile ilgi Sayfalar" Profilini se�melisiniz.
Report Profiles=Rapor Profilleri
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=L�tfen istedi�iniz bir rapor
yerle�im profilini se�in:
&All pages=&T�m Sayfalar
Sys&tem Summary only=Yaln�z Sistem &�zeti
&Hardware-related pages=&Donan�m ile ilgi Sayfalar
&Software-related pages=&Yaz�l�m ile ilgi Sayfalar
B&enchmark pages=Kar��la�t�rma &Testi Sayfalar�
Pages required for a&udit=D&enetleme i�in gerek duyulan sayfalar
&Custom selection=�&zel Se�im
&Load from file:=D&osyadan Y�kle:
Custom Report Profile=�zel Rapor profili
Please select the pages you want to include in the report:=Raporunuza eklenmesini
istedi�iniz sayfalar� se�in:
Report format=Rapor Bi�imi
Please choose a desired report format:=L�tfen istedi�iniz bir rapor bi�imi se�in:
Plain &Text=D�z &Metin
Submit Report=Rapor G�nder
Report saved to '%s'=Rapor '%s' olarak kaydedildi
Generating report=Rapor olu�turuluyor
Saving report=Rapor Kaydediliyor
Preparing MHTML code=MHTML Kod haz�rlan�yor
Generating MHTML code=MHTML Kod �retiliyor
Removing MHTML temp files=Ge�ici MHTML dosyalar� siliniyor
%d of %d=%d / %d
&Registration Request=K&ay�t �ste�i
Opening report file '%s'='%s' Rapor dosyas� a��l�yor
Benchmark Module=Kar��la�t�rmal� Test Birimi
Report Type=Rapor T�r�
Computer Type=Bilgisayar T�r�
%d cylinders, %d heads, %d sectors per track, %d bytes per sector=%d Silindir, %d
Kafa, %d Kesim/�z, %d Bayt/Kesim
Load Report Profile=Rapor Profili Y�kle
Save Report Profile=Rapor Profili Kaydet
%s report files=%s Rapor dosyas�
%s archives=%s Ar�iv
All files=T�m dosyalar
Report files=Rapor dosyas�
Report of <%s>=<%s> Raporu
Physical Drive=Fiziksel S�r�c�
Report has been inserted into a database. Report output is not visible.=Rapor
veritaban�na eklendi. Rapor ��kt�s� g�r�nemez.
Warning: Error occured during report generation process=Uyar�: Rapor olu�turulurken
hata olu�tu.
Warning: Error occured during report insertion process=Uyar�: Rapor ekleme
i�leminde hata olu�tu
Save To File=Dosyaya Kaydet
Send In E-mail=E-Mail ile G�nder
Print Preview=Bask� �nizleme
Print Pre&view=&Bask� �nizleme

// audit manager
Audit Manager=Denetleme Y�neticisi
&Undo=&Geri Al
Audit Components=Denetleme Bile�enleri
Audit Filter=Denetleme Filtresi
List 1 (HW Component)=Liste 1 (HW bile�enleri)
List 2 (SW Component)=Liste 2 (SW bile�enleri)
List 3 (DMI Component)=Liste 3 (DMI bile�enleri)
List 4 (Computer)=Liste 4 (bilgisayar)
Statistics 1 (Narrow)=�statistik 1 (S�n�rl�)
Statistics 2 (Wide)=�statistik 2 (Kapsaml�)
Copy &All=&T�m�n� Kopyala
***Copy &Value=E&rtek masolasa
***Copy &Debug Info to Clipboard=&Debug informacio masolasa a Vagolapra
Statistics Details=�statistik Ayr�nt�lar�
Statistics Diagram=�statistik Diyagram�
Save Statistics Diagram=�statistik Diyagram�n� Kaydet
Operating System Family=�letim Sistemi Ailesi
CPU Manufacturer=CPU �reticisi
CPU Count=CPU Say�s�
CPU Clock=CPU Saati
CPU Type & Clock=CPU T�r� & Saati
System Memory Size=Sistem Bellek Boyutu
System Memory Type=Sistem Bellek T�r�
Memory Modules Count=Bellek Mod�lleri Say�s�
Video Adapter + Memory Size=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c�s� + Bellek Boyutu
Monitor + Serial Number=Monit�r + Seri Numaras�
Local Disks Total Size=Yerel Disk Toplam Boyutu
Local Disks Free Space=Yerel Disk Bo� Alan�
Local Disks Space Percent=Yerel Disk Bo� Alan Y�zdesi
Disk Drives Count=Disk S�r�c� Say�s�
Optical Drives Count=Optik S�r�c� Say�s�
Partition Size=B�l�m Boyutu
Partition Free Space=B�l�m Bo� Alan�
Partition Space Percent=B�l�m Bo� Alan Y�zdesi
Partitions Count=B�l�m Say�s�
Network Adapter + IP Address=A� Kart� + IP-Adresi
Primary IP Address=Birincil IP Adresi
Primary MAC Address=Birincil MAC Adresi
Installed Programs + Version=Y�kl� Programlar + S�r�m
DMI BIOS Vendor=DMI BIOS Sa�lay�c�s�
DMI BIOS Version=DMI BIOS S�r�m�
DMI System Manufacturer=DMI Sistem �reticisi
DMI System Product=DMI Sistem �r�n Ad�
DMI System Version=DMI Sistem S�r�m�
DMI System Serial Number=DMI Sistem Seri Numaras�
DMI Motherboard Manufacturer=DMI Anakart �reticisi
DMI Motherboard Product=DMI Anakart �r�n Ad�
DMI Motherboard Version=DMI Anakart S�r�m�
DMI Motherboard Serial Number=DMI Anakart Seri Numaras�
DMI Chassis Manufacturer=DMI Kasa �reti�isi
DMI Chassis Version=DMI Kasa S�r�m�
DMI Chassis Serial Number=DMI Kasa Seri Numaras�
DMI Chassis Asset Tag=DMI Kasa Fiyat Etiketi
DMI Chassis Type=DMI Kasa T�r�
DMI Total / Free Memory Sockets=DMI Toplam / Bo� Bellek Yuvalar�
DMI Total Memory Sockets=DMI Toplam Bellek Yuvalar�
DMI Free Memory Sockets=DMI Bo� Bellek Yuvalar�
No devices found=Bulunan ayg�t yok
Gathering audit data=Denetleme verisi toplan�yor
Displaying audit data=Denetleme verisi g�r�nt�leniyor
Adding reports to audit=Raporlar denetlemeye ekleniyor
Connecting to database=Veritaban�na ba�lan�l�yor
Successful database connection=Ba�ar�l� veritaban� ba�lant�s�
Database connection failed=Veritaban� ba�lant�s� ba�ar�lamad�
Successful FTP connection=FTP ba�lant�s� sa�land�
FTP connection failed=FTP ba�lant�s� sa�lanamad�
Text files=Metin dosyalar�
Auto Load=Otomatik Y�kle
Automatically load reports from:=Raporlar� otomatik y�kle:
&No auto load=&Otomatik y�kleme yok
&Use file name as computer name=&Bilgisayar ad� olarak dosya ad�n� kullan
Filter "&PCI Device" list (enter keywords):="&PCI ayg�t�" listesini filtrele
(anahtar s�zc�k girin):
Filter "&USB Device" list (enter keywords):="&USB ayg�t�" listesini filtrele
(anahtar s�zc�k girin):
Filter "&Installed Programs" list (enter keywords):="&Y�kl� Programlar" listesini
filtrele (anahtar s�zc�k girin):
Excluded Computers=D�lanm� Bilgisayarlar
Excluded Users=D�lanm� Kullan�c�lar

// registration
***E-&mail subject:=E-&mail targy:
E-mail transfer protocol:=E-Mail Aktar�m Kural�:
Mail &account:=&Mail Hesab�:
SMTP &display name:=&SMTP g�sterge ad�:
SMTP e-mail add&ress:=SMT&P E-Mail Adres:
SMTP ser&ver:=SM&TP Sunucusu:
Send In &E-mail=E-M&ail G�nder
E-mail sent=E-Mail g�nderildi
E-mail not sent=E-Mail g�nderilemedi
Authentication failed=Kimlik Denetimi ba�ar�lamad�
Recipient not found=Al�c� Bulunamad�
Attachment not found=Ek Bulunamad�
Attachment open failure=Ek a��m� ba�ar�lamad�
Insufficient memory=Yetersiz Bellek
Message text too large=�leti metni �ok b�y�k
Too many attachments=�ok fazla ek
Too many recipients=�ok fazla al�c�
User abort=Kullan�c� durdurdu
Connection required=Ba�lant� gerekli
Invalid host=Anabilgisayar ge�ersiz
E-mail header incomplete=E-Mail ba�l��� eksik
Connection to SMTP server failed=SMTP sunucusuna ba�lant� sa�lanamad�
Sending E-mail=E-Mail g�nderiliyor
// report submit
***Submit To Lavalys=Kuldes a Lavalysnak
***Submit To &Lavalys=Kuldes a &Lavalysnak
***Submit Report To Lavalys=Riport kuldese a Lavalysnak
***Submit Report To &Lavalys=Riport kuldese a &Lavalysnak
***Your &name:=Az On &neve:
***Your &e-mail address:=Az On &e-mail cime:

// page descs
Computer description, system summary=Bilgisayar Tan�m�, Sistem �zeti
System summary=Sistem �zeti
Computer and domain name information=Bilgisayar ve alan ad� bilgisi
Desktop Management Interface information=Masa�st� Y�netim Arabirimi (DMI) bilgisi
***IPMI event log and sensor information=IPMI esemenynaplo es erzekelo informacio
Overclock information=Overclock bilgisi
Power management information=G�� y�netimi bilgisi
Portable computer related information=Ta��nabilir bilgisayar ile ilgli bilgiler
System temperature, voltage values, cooling fans information=Sistem s�cakl���,
voltaj de�erleri, so�utucu fan bilgisi

Motherboard, processors, memory, chipset, BIOS information=Anakart, �lemci(ler),

Bellek, �ipset, BIOS Bilgisi
Central processor properties and physical information=Merkezi i�lemci �zellikleri
ve teknik bilgi
CPUID instruction information=CPUID y�nerge bilgisi
Central processors list=Merkezi �lemci Listesi
Motherboard properties and physical information=Anakart �zellikleri ve teknik bilgi
System memory and swap space information=Sistem belle�i ve sanal bellek bilgisi
Motherboard chipset and AGP properties, RAM modules list=Anakart �ipseti ve AGP
�zellikleri, RAM mod�lleri Listesi
System BIOS information=Sistem BIOS Bilgisi
***ACPI BIOS information=ACPI BIOS informacio

Operating system, services, processes, drivers information=�letim sistemi,

Hizmetler, �lemler, S�r�c� bilgisi
Operating system information=�letim sistemi bilgisi
Running processes list=�al�an i�lem listesi
Installed system drivers list=Y�kl� sistem s�r�c�leri listesi
Services list=Hizmetler Listesi
List of .AX files in system folder=Sistem klas�r�ndeki .AX dosyalar� listesi
List of .DLL files in system folder=Sistem klas�r�ndeki .DLL dosyalar� listesi
UpTime and DownTime statistics=Hizmet S�resi ve Aksakl�k S�resi istatistikleri

Server information=Sunucu Bilgisi

Shared folders and printers list=Payla��lan klas�r ve yaz�c�lar listesi
Remotely opened files list=Uzaktan a��lm� dosya listesi
Account security information=Hesap g�venlik bilgisi
List of users logged into this computer=Bu bilgisayarda kay�tl� kullan�c� listesi
User accounts list=Kullan�c� hesaplar� listesi
Local groups and their members list=Yerel gruplar ve onlar�n �ye listesi
Global groups and their members list=Genel gruplar ve onlar�n �ye listesi

Display adapters, monitors, desktop information=Ekran Ba�da�t�r�c�s�, Monit�r,

Masa�st� bilgisi
Display adapters information=Ekran Ba�da�t�r�c�s� bilgisi
List of video adapters connected to PCI bus and AGP port=PCI/AGP portuna tak�lm�
g�r�nt� ba�da�t�r�c� listesi
Graphics processor information=Grafik i�lemci bilgisi
Monitors list, Plug-n-Play monitor information=Monit�r listesi, Tak ve kullan
monit�r bilgisi
Desktop properties, desktop effects settings=Masa�st� �zellikleri, Masa�st�
etkileri ayarlar�
List of all monitors connected=T�m ba�l� monit�rlerin listesi
List of supported video modes=Desteklenen g�r�nt� modlar� listesi
OpenGL video adapter information=OpenGL g�r�nt� ba�da�t�r�c� bilgisi
***GPGPU devices information=GPGPU eszkoz informaciok
Installed fonts list=Y�kl� yaz� tipi listesi

Multimedia devices, audio and video codecs information=�okluortam ayg�tlar�, ses ve

g�r�nt� kodek bilgisi
Audio input/output devices list=Ses giri�/��ki� ayg�tlar� listesi
List of audio adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=PCI ve ISA yoluna
tak�l� tak-kullan ses ayg�tlar� listesi
***High Definition Audio controllers and codecs list=High Definition Audio vezerlok
es kodekek listaja
***OpenAL audio adapter information=OpenAL hangkartya informaciok
Audio codecs list=Ses kodekleri listesi
Video codecs list=G�r�nt� kodekleri listesi
Media control devices list=Ortam control ayg�tlar� listesi

Hard disks, CD & DVD drives, SMART information=Sabit diskler, CD & DVD-S�r�c�leri,
S.M.A.R.T. bilgisi
Storage controllers and devices list=Depolama denetleyicileri ve ayg�tlar� listesi
Logical drives information=Mant�ksal s�r�c� bilgisi
Physical drives information, partitions list=Fiziksel s�r�c� bilgisi ve b�l�m
CD & DVD drives information=CD & DVD s�r�c� bilgisi
ASPI SCSI devices list=ASPI SCSI ayg�tlar�
ATA hard disks information=ATA sabit disk bilgisi
SMART hard disk health information=S.M.A.R.T. sabit disk sa�l�k bilgisi

Network subsystem information=A� altsistem bilgisi

Network adapters list=A� Ba�da�t�r�c�lar� listesi
List of network adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=PCI ve ISA yoluna
tak�l� tak-kullan a� ba�da�t�r�c�lar� listesi.
Modem, ISDN, DSL dial-up connections list=Modem, ISDN, DSL �evirmeli ba�lant�
Network resources list=A� kaynaklar� listesi
Outlook and Outlook Express accounts information=Outlook ve Outlook Express hesap
Internet settings=Internet ayarlar�
List of network routes=A� Yollar�n�n Listesi
Internet Explorer cookies list=Internet Explorer tan�mlama bilgisi listesi
Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera visited places list=Internet
Explorer, Netscape Navigator ve Opera ziyaret edilen sayfalar listesi

DirectX devices information=DirectX ayg�tlar� bilgisi

DirectX driver files list=DirectX s�r�c� dosyalar� listesi
DirectDraw and Direct3D display adapters information=DirectDraw ve Direct3D ekran
ba�da�t�r�c�lar� bilgisi
DirectSound audio adapters information=DirectSound ses ba�da�t�r�c�lar� bilgisi
DirectMusic audio adapters information=DirectMusic ses ba�da�t�r�c�lar� bilgisi
DirectInput input devices information=DirectInput giri� ayg�tlar� bilgisi
DirectPlay network connections information=DirectPlay a� ba�lant� bilgisi

PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices list, printers information=PCI, AGP, PnP, USB,
PCMCIA ayg�tlar� listesi, Yaz�c� bilgileri
Devices installed in the system=Sistemde y�kl� ayg�tlar
PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices and serial/parallel ports list=PCI, AGP, PnP,
USB, PCMCIA ayg�tlar� ve seri/paralel ba�lant� noktalar� listesi
PCI and AGP devices list=PCI ve AGP ayg�t listesi
***USB controllers and devices list=USB vezerlok es eszkozok listaja
Device resources (IRQ, DMA, port, memory) list= Ayg�t kaynaklar� (IRQ, DMA,
ba�lant� noktalar�, bellek) listesi
Keyboard, mouse, game controllers information=Klavye, fare, oyun kumandalar�
Local and network printers list=Yerel ve a� yaz�c� listesi

Software subsystem information=Yaz�l�m altsistem bilgisi

Programs launched at system startup=Sistem a��l��nda �al�an programlar
Scheduled tasks list=Zamanlanm� g�revler listesi
Installed programs list=Y�kl� programlar listesi
Custom programs list=�zel programlar listesi
List of programs found by file scanning=Dosya taramas�yla bulunan programlar
Software licenses list=Yaz�l�m lisanslar� listesi
Registered file types list=Kay�tl� dosya t�rleri listesi
***Sidebar and Desktop gadgets list=Oldalsav es Asztal minialkalmazasok listaja

System security information=Sistem g�venlik bilgisi

Windows security information=Windows g�venlik bilgisi
Installed Windows updates list=Y�kl� Windows g�ncellemeleri listesi
Anti-virus softwares list, virus database information=Antivir�s yaz�l�mlar�
listesi, vir�s veritaban� bilgisi
Firewall softwares list, firewall status=G�venlik Duvar� yaz�l�mlar� listesi,
g�venlik duvar� durumu
Anti-spyware softwares list=Anti-spyware yaz�l�mlar� listesi
Anti-trojan softwares list=Anti-trojan yaz�l�mlar� listesi

System configuration information=Sistem yap�land�rma bilgisi

Regional settings=B�lgesel ayarlar
Environment variables list=Ortam de�i�kenleri listesi
Control Panel applets list=Denetim masas� uygulamalar� listesi
Recycle Bins information=Geri d�n��m kutusu bilgisi
System files content=Sistem dosyalar�n�n i�eri�i
System folders list=Sistem klas�rleri listesi
Event logs content=Olay kay�tlar� i�eri�i

Database, BDE, ODBC information=Veritaban�, BDE, ODBC bilgisi

Database drivers list=Veritaban� s�r�c�leri listesi
BDE drivers list=BDE s�r�c�leri listesi
ODBC drivers list=ODBC s�r�c�leri listesi
ODBC data sources list=ODBC veri kaynaklar� listesi

Add report files=Rapor Dosyalar� Ekle

Add reports from database=Veritaban�ndan Rapor Ekle

Measure system performance=Sistem ba�ar�m� �l��m�

Measure memory subsystem read performance=Bellek altsistem okuma ba�ar�m�n�n �l��m�
Measure memory subsystem write performance=Bellek altsistem yazma ba�ar�m�n�n
Measure memory subsystem copy performance=Bellek altsistem kopylama ba�ar�m�n�n
Measure memory subsystem latency=Bellek altsistem gecikme s�resi �l��m�
Measure CPU performance using the classic queen problem solution on a 10x10
chessboard=CPU ba�ar�m�n�n 10x10 satran� tahtas� �zeride klasik vezir problemi
kullan�larak �l��m�
Measure CPU performance using several 2D image processing algorithms=CPU
ba�ar�m�n�n �e�itli 2D g�r�nt� i�leme algoritmalar� kullan�larak �l��m�
Measure CPU performance using ZLib file compression=CPU ba�ar�m�n�n ZLib dosya
s�k�t�rmas� kullan�larak �l��m�
***Measure CPU performance using AES data encryption=CPU teljesitmeny merese AES
Measure single precision floating point performance using Julia fractal=Tek
duyarl�kl� kayan nokta ba�ar�m�n�n Julia fraktal kullan�larak �l��m�
Measure double precision floating point performance using Mandelbrot fractal=�ift
duyarl�kl� kayan nokta ba�ar�m�n�n Mandelbrot fractal kullan�larak �l��m�
Measure extended precision floating point performance using a custom Julia
fractal=Geni�letilmi� duyarl�kl� kayan nokta ba�ar�m�n�n �zel Julia fraktal
kullan�larak �l��m�
Measure floating point performance using complex 2D image processing
algorithms=Kayan nokta ba�ar�m�n�n karma��k 2D resim i�leme algoritmalar�yla �l��m�

Network audit statistics=A� denetleme istatistikleri

Network audit list (by computer)=A� denetleme listesi (Bilgisayar)
Network audit list (by component)=A� denetleme listesi (Bile�enler)

// tips
Problems & Suggestions=Sorunlar & �neriler
This may cause performance penalty.=Bu ba�ar�m�n d�mesine sebep olabilir.
Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=S�r�c� %s 'de bo� alan sadece %d%% .
No CPU L2 cache found.=CPU L2 �nbelle�i yok.
Pentium FDIV bug detected! Please contact Intel Corporation for assistance.=Pentium
FDIV hatas� saptand�! L�tfen yard�m i�in Intel Corporation ile ba�lant� kurun.
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=�o�u 3D oyun en az 256 KB
L2 �nbelle�i ile daha iyi �al��r.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� en az 1 GHz
CPU'ya ihtiya� duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba�ar�m
i�in Windows 9x en az 100 MHz CPU'ya ihtiya� duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=En iyi
ba�ar�m i�in Windows 2000+ en az 300 MHz CPU'ya ihtiya� duyar.
MMX is not supported.=MMX desteklenmiyor.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for
SSE.=SSE desteklenmiyor. �lemcini y�kseltin, SSE i�in uyarlanm� uygulamalar�n�z�n
h�z�n� artt�r�n.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become
difficult.=3'ten az bellek yuvas� tespit edildi . Sistem belle�inin geni�letilmesi
zor olabilir.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=32 MB'tan az sistem belle�ine
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum
performance.=G�n�m�z�n i�letim sistemleri en iyi ba�ar�m i�in en az 128 MB sistem
belle�ine ihtiya� duyar.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=3D
oyunlar en iyi ba�ar�m i�in en az 256 MB sistem belle�ine ihtiya� duyar.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum
performance.=Sunucu (bilgisayar) i�levleri en iyi ba�ar�m i�in en az 256 MB sistem
belle�ine ihtiya� duyar.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Daha fazla sistem
belle�i y�kleyin, uygulamalar�n�z� h�zland�r�n.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Anakart �ipseti t�m
sistem belle�ini �nbellekleyemez
Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=Anakart �ipseti daha fazla belle�i
External cache is asynchronous.=Harici �nbellek e�zamans�z.
External cache is disabled.=Harici �nbellek etkin de�il.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if
possible.=Yava� bellek (FPM / EDO / BEDO) tespit edildi. E�er m�mk�nse SDRAM veya
RDRAM'e y�kseltin.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar�
h�zl� bellek gerektirir (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP etkin de�il.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP aral�k(aperture)
boyutu sistem belle�inin yar�s�ndan fazla.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=�u anki AGP h�z� desteklenen en
y�ksek h�zdan daha d��k.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistem BIOS'u 2
y�ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise g�ncelleyin.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=G�r�nt� BIOS'u 2
y�ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise g�ncelleyin.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=Sadece 1 CPU tak�l�,
Tek i�lemci HAL'�na de�i�tirmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to
it.=Sisteminiz Windows 2000/XP ile �al�maya haz�r g�r�n�yor. Bu sistemlere
y�kseltmeyi d��nmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to
it.=Sisteminiz Windows 98/Me ile �al�maya haz�r g�r�n�yor. Bu sistemlere
y�kseltmeyi d��nmelisiniz.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Servis
paketi eskimi�. Windows NT alt�nda Servis Paketi 5 ve sonras� �nerilir.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve
performance.=Windows 10 g�nden fazla �al��yor. Yeniden ba�latmak sistem ba�ar�m�n�
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet
Explorer eskimi�. S�r�m 5.0 veya sonras� �nerilir.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=DirectX bulunamad�.
G�n�m�z�n uygulamalar� ve oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyar.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX eskimi�.
G�n�m�z�n oyunlar� DirectX 7 ve sonras�n� gerektirir.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better
performance.=4 MB'tan az g�r�nt� belle�i bulundu. Daha iyi ba�ar�m i�in g�r�nt�
kart�n�z� y�kseltin.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� en
az 32 MB g�r�nt� belle�ine ihtiya� duyar.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g�r�nt� kalitesi i�in
��z�n�rl��� artt�r�n.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g�r�nt� kalitesi i�in renk
derinli�ini artt�r�n.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Baz� uygulamalar 32-bit renk
derinli�inde daha iyi �al��r.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for
it.=B�y�k yaz� tipi kullanmak, �nceden ayarlanmam� uygulamalarda g�rsel sorunlara
yol a�abilir .
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic (CRT)
displays.=Klasik (CRT) monit�rler i�in en az 85 Hz dikey tarama h�z� �nerilir.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=IP ba�l�k s�k�t�rmas�n�
etkinle�tirin, bu a� h�z�n�z� artt�racakt�r.
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Yaz�l�m s�k�t�rmas�n�
etkinle�tirin, bu a� h�z�n�z� artt�racakt�r.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit i�leme
(rendering) desteklenmiyor. G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyar.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Z-arabellek desteklenmiyor.
G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyar.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit Z-
arabellek desteklenmiyor. G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyabilir.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Anisotropic
Filtreleme desteklenmiyor. G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyabilir.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Stencil arabellek
desteklenmiyor. G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna ihtiya� duyabilir.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require
it.=Donan�m tabanl� D�n��m & Ayd�nlatma desteklenmiyor. G�n�m�z�n 3D oyunlar� buna
ihtiya� duyabilir.

// preferences
Long Pages=Uzun Sayfalar
Security Grade=G�venlik Derecesi
New Item=Yeni ��e
Modify Item=��eyi De�i�tir
Report Look=Rapor G�r�n�m�
Schedule=G�rev Listesi
Content Filtering=��erik Filtreleme
Remote Features=Uzak Nitelikler
Custom Components=�zel Bile�enler
Asset Profile=Fiyat Profil
Custom Programs=�zel Programlar
File Scanner=Dosya Taray�c�
File Scanner Filter=Dosya Taray�c� Filtresi

Display EVEREST in the &Control Panel=&Denetim Masas�nda EVEREST g�ster

Load EVEREST at &Windows startup=EVEREST &Windows ba�lad���nda �al�t�r
Display EVEREST splash &screen at startup=Ba�lang��ta EVEREST a��l� &ekran�n�
***"Minimize" &button minimizes main window to System Tray=A "Kis meret" gomb az
E&rtesitesi teruletre csukja le az EVEREST ablakat
***"Close" b&utton minimizes main window to System Tray=A "Bezaras" gomb a&z
Ertesitesi teruletre csukja le az EVEREST ablakat
Computer primary role:=Bilgisayar�n �ncelikli rol�:
General Use=Genel Kullan�m
3D Gaming=3D-Oyun
When EVEREST starts:=EVEREST ba�lad���nda:
&Display main window=Ana pencereyi &g�ster
&Hide main window (minimize to Taskbar)=Ana &pencereyi gizle (G�rev �ubu�una)
H&ide main window (minimize to System Tray)=Ana p&encereyi gizle (Bildirim alan�na)
&Full name:=&Ad�:
&E-mail address:=E-Mail &Adresi
&Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=Win95/98/ME alt�nda ayg�t s�r�c�lerini &y�kle
Lo&ad device driver under
WinNT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008=WinNT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 alt�nda ayg�t
s�r�c�lerini y�&kle
Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=D��k-seviye &MSR
i�lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol a�abilir)
Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=D��k-seviye
&PCI i�lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol a�abilir)
Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=D��k-seviye
&SMBus i�lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol a�abilir)
Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=D��k-seviye
S&ensor i�lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol a�abilir)
&Fan divisor reconfiguration (might conflict with MSI Core Cell and PC Alert)=&Fan
b�len yeniden yap�land�r�lmas� (MSI Core Cell ve PC Alert ile �ak�abilir)
Low-level SMA&RT operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=D��k-seviye
SMA&RT i�lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol a�abilir)
Meas&ure CPU temperature using ACPI (may conflict with screen savers)=ACPI
kullanarak CP&U s�cakl���n� �l� (ekran koruyucularla �ak�abilir)
***&nVIDIA GPU SMBus access through nVIDIA ForceWare=&nVIDIA GPU SMBus eleres
nVIDIA ForceWare-en keresztul
***Change to 3D profile on nVIDIA &video adapters=3D profilra valtas nVIDIA
***SMBus access through ACPI (As&us motherboards)=SMBus eleres ACPI-on keresztul
(As&us alaplapok)
***Apple SM&C sensor support=Apple SM&C erzekelo tamogatas
***&Dell SMI sensor support=&Dell SMI erzekelo tamogatas
***&GPU fan speed measurement=&GPU ventilator-sebesseg merese
***Mult&i-GPU support=Mult&i-GPU tamogatas

Display XP-style icons=XP-Stili simgeleri g�ster

Enable "ASPI" page="ASPI" sayfas� etkin
Enable "Audio Codecs" page="Ses Kodekleri" sayfas� etkin
Enable "DMI" page="DMI" sayfas� etkin
Enable "OpenAL" page="OpenAL" sayfas� etkin
Enable "OpenGL" page="OpenGL" sayfas� etkin
Enable "DirectX" menu="DirectX" men�s� etkin
Enable "Config" menu="Yap�land�r" men�s� etkin
Enable "Database" menu="Veritaban�" men�s� etkin
Enable "Benchmark" menu="Kar��la�t�rmal� Test" Men�s� etkin
Extended "Event Logs" page=Geni�letilmi� "Olay Kayd�" sayfas�
Sort menu and submenu items alphabeticially=Men� ve alt men� ��elerini alfabetik
Limit long pages to 100 items=Uzun sayfalar� 100 ��e ile s�n�rla
Hide icon and bubble in Notification Area=Simgeleri ve balonlar� bildirim alan�nda
Remember main window position=Ana pencere konumu hat�rla
Remember main window size=Ana pencere boyutunu hat�rla
Remember page menu state=Sayfa men�s� durumunu hat�rla
***Remember last selected page=Utolso kivalasztott oldal eltarolasa
Hide units (e.g. Celsius, KB, Volt) for measured values=�l��len de�erler i�in
birimleri gizle (�r. Celsius, KB, Volt)
Display original CPU clock for mobile Intel processors=Mobil Intel i�lemcilerin
orjinal CPU saatini g�ster
Hide the best benchmark reference results (useful on old computers)=En iyi
kar��la�t�rmal� test referanslar�n� gizle (eski bilgisayarlar i�in kullan�l�)

&XML style file:=&XML stil dosyas�:

Select XML Style File=XML stil dosyas�n� se�in
Report format:=Rapor bi�imi:
Plain Text=D�z Metin
Compress reports before saving to file=Kaydetmeden �nce raporlar� s�k�t�r
Compress reports before sending in e-mail=E-Mail ile g�ndermeden �nce raporlar�
Compress reports before uploading to FTP=FTP'ye g�ndermeden �nce raporlar� s�k�t�r
Enable report header=Rapor sayfa ba�l��� etkin
Enable report footer=Rapor dip notu etkin
Include debug information in the report=Rapora hata ay�klama bilgisi ekle
Include debug information in CSV reports=CSV raporlar�na hata ay�klama bilgisi ekle
Include debug information in TXT, HTML, MHTML reports=TXT, HTML, MHTML raporlar�na
hata ay�klama bilgisi ekle
Show computer name in caption of the first report page=�lk rapor sayfas�n�n
ba�l���nda bilgisayar ad�n� g�ster
File &name:=&Dosya ad�:
File extension:=Dosya uzant�s�:
Output &folder:=��&k� klas�r�:

Normal Font=Normal yaz� tipi

Page Caption Font=Sayfa ba�l��� yaz� tipi
Device Caption Font=Ayg�t ba�l��� yaz� tipi
Background color:=Arkaplan rengi:



Restore Default &Values=&Varsay�lan De�erlere D�n

Command-line options are limited to make report:=Komut-sat�r� se�eneklerini rapor

yaparken s�n�rland�r:
&Anytime=&Herhangi bir zaman
Once a &day=&Bir G�nl�k
Once a &week=&Bir Haftal�k
Once a &fortnight=&�ki Haftal�k
Once a &month=&Bir Ayl�k
Store last run date in:=Son �al�t�r�lma tarihini sakla:
Custom file:=�zel dosya:

"&To:" address:="&Kime:" Adres:

"&Cc:" address:="&Cc:" Adres:
"&Bcc:" address:="&Bcc:" Adres:
Embed T&XT reports to e-mail body=T&XT raporlar�n� e-mail g�vdesine yerle�tir
&Display name:=K&ullan�c� ad�:
S&MTP port:=SMT&P Port:
Use SMTP &authentication:=SMTP &kimlik do�rulamas� kullan:
&Local folder:=&Yerel Klas�r:
Select folder:=Klas�r se�in:
Select output folder:=��ki� klas�r�n� se�:
Select local folder:=Yerel klas�r� se�:
Select report folder:=Rapor klas�r�n� se� :
Select BULK INSERT folder:=BULK INSERT klas�r�n� se�:
Confirm Item Delete=��e Silinmesini Onayla
Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?='%s' ��esini ger�ekten silmek istiyor
Confirm Multiple Item Delete=�oklu ��e Silinmesini Onayla
Are you sure you want to delete these %d items?=Bu %d ��eyi ger�ekten silmek
istiyor musunuz?

F&TP port:=F&TP port:

FTP &folder:=FTP &Klas�r�:
Use P&assive Mode=&Pasif Kipi Kullan

Data &source:=Veri &Kayna��:
Use &Windows authentication=&Windows kimlik do�rulamas�n� kullan
Use &automatic identity increment=Otomatik kimlik &artt�rmas�n� kullan
Use &MySQL optimization (requires MySQL 3.22.5 or later)=&MySQL iyile�tirmesini
kullan (MySQL 3.22.5 veya sonras�n� gerektirir)
Use BU&LK INSERT (requires a network folder with write permission)=BU&LK INSERT
kullan (Yazma izinli a� klas�r� gerektirir)
BULK INSERT &folder:=BULK INSERT &klas�r�:
Not a UNC path=Bir UNC yolu de�il
Select Database File=Veritaban� Dosyas�n� Se�


Event Logs Filtering=Olay Kayd� Filtreleme

IE Cookies and Browser History Filtering=IE Tan�mlama Bilgisi ve Taray�c� Ge�mi�i
List "&Information" events="&Bilgi" Kay�tlar�n� listele
List "&Warning" events="&Uyar�" Kay�tlar�n� listele
List "&Error" events="H&ata" Kay�tlar�n� listele
***List "&Audit" events="&Leltar" esemenyek listazasa
List "&file://" entries="&file://" Giri�lerini listele
List "&http://" entries="&http://" Giri�lerini listele

Enable remote file &browsing=Uzaktan dosya &g�zatmas� etkin

Enable remote screen &shot=Uzaktan ekran-&resmi etkin
Enable remote program &launch=Uzaktan program &�al�t�rmas� etkin
Enable remote server sh&utdown=Uzaktan &sunucu kapatmas� etkin
Enable remote &turn off, restart, log off=Uzaktan &kapat, yeniden ba�lat, oturumu
kapat etkin
Remote system &information:=Uzak sistem &bilgisi:
Remote &monitoring:=Uzaktan �&zleme:
Remote &reporting:=Uzak &raporlama:
Remote Control=Uzak Kontrol
Remote &control:=Uzak &Kontrol:

&All incoming connections are accepted=&T�m gelen ba�lant�lar� kabul et

Connections are accepted only from the following &computers:=A�a��daki
&bilgisayarlardan gelen ba�lant�lar� kabul et:
Connections are accepted only from the following &users:=A�a��daki &kullan�c�lardan
gelen ba�lant�lar� kabul et:
Connections are accepted only from the following &IP addresses:=A�a��daki &IP
adreslerinden gelen ba�lant�lar� kabul et:

Shot type:=Ekran-g�r�nt�s� t�r�:

&Full screen=&Tam ekran
Active &Window=&Etkin pencere
C&ompression quality:=&S�k�t�rma kalitesi:
1: worst, 99: best=1: en k�t�, 99: en iyi

&Check if a specified file in a specified folder exists=&Belirtilen klas�rde

belirtilen dosya varsa kontrol et
C&heck if a specified folder exists=B&elirtilen klas�r varsa kontrol et
&Scan a folder to find a file=&Dosya i�in klas�r� tara
Folder name may contain one of the following control strings=Klas�r ad� a�a��daki
kontrol kelimelerinin birini i�erebilir
Command-line may contain one of the following control strings=Komut Sat�r�
a�a��daki kontrol kelimelerinin birini i�ererebilir

Scan scope:=Tarama kapsam�:

&No file scanning=&Dosya taramas� yok
Scan all &local disks=T�m &yerel diskleri tara
&Scan system drive=&Sistem s�r�c�s�n� tara
Scan &C: drive=&C: s�r�c�s�n� tara
Scan &ProgramFiles folder=&ProgramFiles klas�r�n� tara
Scan ProgramFiles and &Windows folder=ProgramFiles ve &Windows klas�r�n� tara
Selected &folders:=&Se�ili klas�rler:

Filter by file name:=Dosya ad�na g�re filtrele:
&All files=&T�m dosyalar
&Executable files=&�al�t�r�labilir dosyalar
&DLL files=&DLL dosyalar�
A&udio files=&Ses dosyalar�
&Video files=&G�r�nt� dosyalar�
&Misc files:=D&i�er dosyalar:

Filter by file size:=Dosya boyutuna g�re filtrele:

Files &smaller than:=Boyutu bu de�erden &k���k olan:
Files &larger than:=Boyutu bu de�erden &b�y�k olan:

// info menu
Buy Now=�imdi Sat�n Al
Operating System=�letim Sistemi
Display=G�r�nt� Birimi
Benchmark=Kar��la�t�rmal� Test

// custom variables
&Registry entry=&Kay�t defteri giri�i
&Environment variable=&Ortam de�i�kenleri
Line of text &file=Metin &dosyas�n�n sat�r�
Line number=Sat�r numaras�

// info menuitems
Computer Name=Bilgisayar Ad�
Power Management=G�� Y�netimi
Portable Computer=Ta��nabilir Bilgisayar
Portable Computers=Ta��nabilir Bilgisayarlar
System Drivers=Sistem S�r�c�leri
AX Files=AX Dosyalar�
DLL Files=DLL Dosyalar�
UpTime=Hizmet S�resi
Opened Files=A��lm� Dosyalar
Account Security=Hesap G�venli�i
Local Groups=Yerel Gruplar
Global Groups=Genel Gruplar
Windows Video=Windows G�r�nt�
PCI / AGP Video=PCI / AGP G�r�nt�
GPU=Grafik �lemci (GPU)
Video Modes=G�r�nt� Modlar�
Fonts=Yaz� Tipleri
Windows Audio=Windows Ses
PCI / PnP Audio=PCI / PnP Ses
Audio Codecs=Ses Kodekleri
Video Codecs=G�r�nt� Kodekleri
Windows Storage=Windows Depolama
Logical Drives=Mant�ksal S�r�c�ler
Physical Drives=Fiziksel S�r�c�ler
Game Controller=Oyun Kumandalar�
Windows Network=Windows A�
PCI / PnP Network=PCI / PnP A�
Net Resources=A� Kaynaklar�
IE Cookie=IE Tan�mlama Bilgisi
Browser History=Taray�c� Ge�mi�i
DirectX Files=DirectX Dosyalar�
DirectX Video=DirectX G�r�nt�
DirectX Sound=DirectX Ses
DirectX Music=DirectX M�zik
DirectX Input=DirectX Giri�
DirectX Network=DirectX A�
Windows Devices=Windows Ayg�tlar�
Physical Devices=Fiziksel S�r�c�ler
Device Resources=S�r�c� Kaynaklar�
Auto Start=Ba�lang�� ��eleri
Scheduled=Zamanlanm� G�revler
Installed Programs=Y�kl� Programlar
Windows Update=Windows G�ncelleme
File Types=Dosya T�rleri
Windows Security=Windows G�venlik
Firewall=G�venlik Duvar�
Windows Firewall=Windows G�venlik Duvar�
Environment=Ortam De�i�kenleri
Control Panel=Denetim Masas�
Recycle Bin=Geri D�n��m Kutusu
System Files=Sistem Dosyalar�
System Folders=Sistem Klas�rleri
Event Logs=Olay Kayd�
Database Drivers=Veritaban� S�r�c�leri
BDE Drivers=BDE S�r�c�leri
ODBC Drivers=ODBC S�r�c�leri
ODBC Data Sources=ODBC Veri Kaynaklar�
Memory Read=Bellek Okuma
Memory Write=Bellek Yazma
Memory Copy=Bellek Kopyalama
Memory Latency=Bellek Gecikme S�resi

// column captions
Process Name=�lem Ad�
Process File Name=�lem Dosyas� Ad�
Used Memory=Kullan�lan Bellek
Used Swap=Kullan�lan Sanal Bellek
Window Caption=Windows Ba�l���
Driver Name=S�r�c� Ad�
Driver Description=S�r�c� Tan�m�
Service Name=Hizmet Ad�
Service Description=Hizmet Tan�m�
AX File=AX Dosyas�
DLL File=DLL Dosyas�
Protected File=Korunan Dosya
Share Name=Payla��m Ad�
Local Path=Yerel Yol
Full Name=Tam Ad�
Logon Server=Oturum A��lm� Sunucu
Group Name=Grup Ad�
Device Description=Ayg�t Tan�m�
Device Type=Ayg�t T�r�
Monitor Name=Monit�r Ad�
Device ID=Ayg�t Kimli�i
Upper Left Corner=Sol �st K�e
Bottom Right Corner=Sa� Alt K�e
Drive Type=S�r�c� T�r�
Volume Label=Birim Etiketi
File System=Dosya Sistemi
Volume Serial=Birim Seri No
Total Size=Toplam Boyut
Used Space=Kullan�lan Alan
Free Space=Bo� Alan
% Free=% Bo�
Drive #%d=S�r�c� #%d
Partition Type=B�l�m T�r�
Start Offset=B�l�m Ba�lang�c�
Partition Length=B�l�m Uzunlu�u
Model ID=Model Kimli�i
Extra Information=Extra Bilgi
Attribute Description=�znitelik Tan�m�
Worst=En K�t�
Network Adapter Description=A� Ba�da�t�r�c� Tan�m�
Device Name=Ayg�t Ad�
Processor Identifier=�lemci Tan�mlay�c�
Processor Name=�lemci Ad�
Account ID=Hesap Kimli�i
Account Type=Hesap T�r�
Account Name=Hesap Ad�
Creation Time=Olu�turulma Zaman�
Last Access=Son Eri�im
Last Access Time=Son Eri�im Zaman�
Last Modification=Son De�i�tirilme
Last Modification Time=Son De�i�tirilme Zaman�
Printer Name=Yaz�c� Ad�
Start From=Ba�la
Application Description=Uygulama Tan�m�
Application Command=Uygulama Komutu
Task Name=G�rev Ad�
Inst. Size=Y�kl� Boyut
Inst. Date=Y�kleme Tarihi
File Name=Dosya Ad�
File Size=Dosya Boyutu
File Type Description=Dosya T�r� Tan�m�
Content Type=��erik T�r�
Items Size=��e Boyutu
Items Count=��e Say�s�
Space %=Bo�luk %
Driver File Name=S�r�c� Dosyas� Ad�
File Extensions Supported=Desteklenen Dosya Uzant�lar�
Data Source Name=Veri Kayna�� Ad�
Data Source Description=Veri Kayna�� Tan�m�
System Folder=Sistem Klas�r�
Read Speed=Okuma H�z�
Write Speed=Yazma H�z�
Copy Speed=Kopyalama H�z�
Log Name=Kay�t Ad�
Event Type=Olay T�r�
***Event Data=Esemeny adatok
Generated On=Olu�turuldu
Font Family=Yaz� Tipi Ailesi
Character Set=Karakter Ayar�
Char. Size=Karakter Boyutu
Char. Weight=Karakter Geni�li�i
Software Description=Yaz�l�m Tan�m�
Software Version=Yaz�l�m S�r�m�
Virus Database Date=Vir�s Veritaban� Tarihi
Database Date=Veritaban� Tarihi
Known Viruses=Bilinen Vir�sler
Net Destination=A� Hedefi
Netmask=A� Maskesi
***OSD Item=OSD elem
***OSD Items=OSD elemek
***Sidebar Item=Oldalsav elem
***Sidebar Items=Oldalsav elemek
LCD Item=LCD ��esi
***LCD Items=LCD elemek

// treeview content
Chassis #%d=%d. Kasa
Memory Controller=Bellek Denetleyici
Memory Modules=Bellek Mod�lleri
Memory Devices=Bellek Ayg�tlar�
System Slots=Sistem Yuvalar�
Port Connectors=Port Konnekt�rler
On-Board Devices=B�t�nle�ik Ayg�tlar
Power Supplies=G�� Kaynaklar�
Management Devices=Y�netim Ayg�tlar�
IPMI Devices=IPMI Ayg�tlar�

// listview value
Not Supported=Desteklemiyor
Not Required=Gerekli De�il
***Enabled (Quiet Mode)=Engedelyezve (Csendes uzemmod)
Disabled=Etkin De�il
million bytes=Milyon Bayt
No Quota=Kotas�z
Not Installed=Tak�l� De�il
Not Specified=Belirlenmemi�
Not Specified (IE Default)=Belirlenmemi� (IE Varsay�lan)
Minimized=Simge Durumuna K���lt�lm�
Maximized=Ekran� Kaplam�
Stopped=Devre D��
Continuing=Devam Ediyor
%s sec (%s days, %s hours, %s min, %s sec)=%s sn. - (%s g�n, %s saat, %s dk., %s
Kernel Driver=�ekirdek S�r�c�s�
File System Driver=Dosya Sistem S�r�c�s�
Own Process=�z �lem
Share Process=Payla��lan �lem
Local Disk=Yerel Disk
Network Drive=A� S�r�c�s�
Removable Disk=��kart�labilir Disk
RAM Disk=RAM Disk
vendor-specific=Sa�lay�c�ya �zg�l
OK: Always passes=Tamam: Hi�bir Hata Yok
Fail: Always fails=Ba�ar�s�z: S�rekli Hata
OK: Value is normal=Tamam: De�erler normal
Advisory: Usage or age limit exceeded=Tavsiye: Kullan�m veya ya� haddi a��lm�.
Pre-Failure: Imminent loss of data is being predicted=�n-Hata: Yak�nda bir veri
hatas�n�n olu�mas� bekleniyor!
Disconnected=Ba�lant� Kesik
Not Connected=Tak�l� De�il
Not Present=Mevcut De�il
WORM Drive=WORM S�r�c�s�
Optical Drive=Optik S�r�c�
Comm. Device=�leti�im Ayg�tlar�
Other Peripheral=Di�er �evre Birimleri
Host Adapter=Host Ba�da�t�r�c�
Entire Network=T�m A�
In Use=Kullan�mda
Not Determinable=Tan�mlanamaz
APM Timer=APM Zamanlay�c�s�
Modem Ring=Modem Sesi
LAN Remote=Uzak LAN
Power Switch=G�� Anahtar�
AC Power Restored=AC G�� Yenilendi
Tower=Tower Kasa
Mini Tower=Minitower Kasa
Desktop Case=Masa�st� Kasa
Low Profile Desktop=Al�ak Kesimli Masa�st� (Slimline)
Input Port=Giri� Portu
Output Port=��k� Portu
Not yet run=Hen�z �al�t�r�lmad�
No more runs=Daha fazla �al�t�r�lamayacak
Not scheduled=Planlanmad�
Terminated=Son verildi
No valid triggers=Ge�erli tetiklemeler yok
No event trigger=Olay tetiklemesi yok
Rechargeable=Yeniden doldurulabilir
Nonrechargeable=Yeniden doldurulamaz
No Battery=Ak� Yok
AC Line=AC Hat
Low Level=D��k Seviye
High Level=Y�ksek Seviye
Critical Level=Kritik Seviye
Week %d=Hafta %d
DMI information may be inaccurate or corrupted=DMI bilgisi yanl� veya bozuk
Accuracy of DMI data cannot be guaranteed=DMI verisinin do�rulu�u garanti edilemez
The above statistics are based on System Event Log entries=Yukar�daki �statistikler
sistem olay kayd�na dayanmaktad�r
This computer=Bu Bilgisayar
Event Properties=Olay �zellikleri
Event ID=Olay Kimli�i
Service Pack=Servis Paketi
Report Disabled=Rapor etkin de�il
%s (%s free)=%s (%s bo�)
Not shared=Payla�t�r�lmam�
Internal Cache=�� �nbellek
External Cache=D� �nbellek
Raster Display=Izgara Ekran
%d-bit=%d Bit
%s KB=%s KB
%s MB=%s MB
%s GB=%s GB
%s Hz=%s Hz
%s kHz=%s kHz
%s MHz=%s MHz

// listview field
Purchase ID=Sat�n Alma Kimli�i
Date of Purchase=Sat�n Alma Tarihi
Value of Purchase=Sat�n Alma Fiyat�
Date of Last Repair=Son Onar�m Tarihi
Value of Last Repair=Son Onar�m Fiyat�
Owner's Name=Sahip Ad�
Owner's Phone Number=Sahip Telefon Numaras�
User's Name=Kullan�c� Ad�
User's Phone Number=Kullan�c� Telefon Numaras�
User Name=Kullan�c� Ad�
Logon Domain=Oturum Etki Alan�
Date / Time=Tarih / Saat
Report File=Rapor Dosyas�
***User Account Control=Felhasznaloi fiokok felugyelete
System Restore=Sisitem Geri Y�kleme
CPU Type=CPU T�r�
CPU Cooler=CPU So�utucu
CPU2 Cooler=CPU2 So�utucu
System Cooler=Sistem So�utucu
Motherboard Name=Anakart Ad�
Motherboard Chipset=Anakart �ipseti
System Memory=Sistem Belle�i
Communication Port=�leti�im (COM ve LPT)
Video Adapter=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c�s�
3D Accelerator=3D-H�zland�r�c�
Audio Adapter=Ses Ba�da�t�r�c�
Floppy Drive=Floppy S�r�c�s�
Disk Drive=Disk S�r�c�s�
Network Adapter=A� Ba�da�t�r�c�s�
Peripherals=�evre Birimleri
PCI Device=PCI-Ayg�t
PnP Device=PnP-Ayg�t
AGP Device=AGP-Ayg�t
USB Device=USB-Ayg�t
Custom Variables=�zel De�i�kenler
Custom Variable #%d=%d. �zel De�i�ken
FireWire Controller=FireWire denetleyici
Infrared Controller=K�z�l�tesi denetleyici
USB1 Controller=USB1 denetleyici
USB2 Controller=USB2 denetleyici
IDE Controller=IDE denetleyici
AGP Controller=AGP denetleyici
PCI Express Controller=PCI Express denetleyici
SCSI/RAID Controller=SCSI/RAID denetleyici
Storage Controller=Depolama denetleyici

Computer Comment=Bilgisayar A��klamas�

NetBIOS Name=NetBIOS Ad�
DNS Host Name=DNS Host Ad�
DNS Domain Name=DNS Alan Ad�
Fully Qualified DNS Name=Tam DNS Ad�

BIOS Properties=BIOS �zellikleri

Release Date=Yay�m Tarihi
Boot Devices=A��l� S�r�c�leri
Supported Standards=Desteklenen Standardlar
Expansion Capabilities=Geni�leme Yetene�i

System Properties=Sistem �zellikleri

Serial Number=Seri Numaras�
Universal Unique ID=Evrensel Benzersiz Kimli�i
Wake-Up Type=Ba�langi� T�r�

Motherboard Properties=Anakart �zellikleri

Front Side Bus Properties=Veri Yolu (FSB) �zellikleri
Bus Type=Yol T�r�
Bus Width=Yol Geni�li�i
Real Clock=Ger�ek Saat
Effective Clock=Etkin Saat
HyperTransport Clock=HyperTransport Saati
***HyperTransport Multiplier=HyperTransport szorzo
Bandwidth=Band Geni�li�i
Memory Bus Properties=Bellek Yolu �zellikleri
Chipset Bus Properties=�ipset Yolu �zellikleri

Chassis Properties=Kasa �zellikleri

Asset Tag=Fiyat Etiketi
Chassis Type=Kasa T�r�
Chassis Lock=Kasa Kilidi
Boot-Up State=A��l� Durumu
Power Supply State=G�� Kayna�� Durumu
Thermal State=Is�l Durum
Security Status=G�venlik Durumu

Memory Controller Properties=Bellek Denetleyicisi �zellikleri

Error Detection Method=Hata Tespit Y�ntemi
Error Correction=Hata D�zeltme
Supported Memory Interleave=Desteklenen Bellek Aral���
Current Memory Interleave=�u Anki Bellek Aral���
Supported Memory Speeds=Desteklenen Bellek H�zlar�
Supported Memory Types=Desteklenen Bellek T�rleri
***Intel Platform=Intel platform
***Maximum Memory Amount=Maximalis memoria mennyiseg
Supported Memory Voltages=Desteklenen Bellek Voltajlar�
Maximum Memory Module Size=En B�y�k Bellek Mod�l� Boyutu

Processor Properties=�lemci �zellikleri

External Clock=D� Saat
Maximum Clock=En Y�ksek Saat
Current Clock=�u Anki Saat
Socket Designation=Soket Ad�
Part Number=Par�a Numaras�

Cache Properties=�nbellek �zellikleri

Operational Mode=�lemsel Mod
Maximum Size=En B�y�k Boyut
Installed Size=Tak�l� Boyut
Supported SRAM Type=Desteklenen SRAM T�r�
Current SRAM Type=�u Anki SRAM T�r�

Memory Module Properties=Bellek Birimi �zellikleri

Enabled Size=Etkin Boyut

Memory Device Properties=Bellek Ayg�t� �zellikleri

Form Factor=Fiziksel Boyut
Type Detail=T�r Ayr�nt�lar�
Total Width=Toplam Geni�lik
Data Width=Veri Geni�li�i
Device Locator=Ayg�t Yer Bulucu
Bank Locator=S�ra Yer Bulucu

System Slot Properties=Sistem Yuvalar� �zellikleri

Slot Designation=Yuva A��klamas�
Data Bus Width=Veri Yolu Geni�li�i

Port Connector Properties=Ba�lant� Noktas� �zellikleri

Port Type=Port T�r�
Internal Reference Designator=�� Referans G�stergesi
Internal Connector Type=�� Konnekt�r T�r�
External Reference Designator=D� Referans G�stergesi
External Connector Type=D� Konnekt�r T�r�

On-Board Device Properties=B�t�nle�ik Ayg�t �zellikleri


Power Supply Properties=G�� Kayna�� �zellikleri

Hot Replaceable=�al��rken De�i�tirilebilir

Management Device Properties=Y�netim Ayg�t� �zellikleri

IPMI Device Properties=IPMI Ayg�t� �zellikleri

BMC Interface Type=BMC Arabirim T�r�
IPMI Specification Revision=IPMI belirtim revizyonu
***Intel AMT Properties=Intel AMT tulajdonsagai
***AMT Network Interface=AMT halozati interfesz

CPU Properties=CPU �zellikleri

CPU Alias=CPU Takma Ad�
CPU Platform / Stepping=CPU platform / stepping
CPU Stepping=CPU S�r�m� (Stepping)
Original Clock=Orjinal Saat
L1 Code Cache=L1 Kod �nbellek
L1 Trace Cache=L1 Trace �nbellek
L1 Data Cache=L1 Veri �nbellek
L1 Cache=L1 �nbellek
L2 Cache=L2 �nbellek
L3 Cache=L3 �nbellek
CPU Physical Info=CPU Teknik Bilgisi
Package Type=Paket T�r�
Package Size=Paket Boyutu
Process Technology=�lem Teknolojisi
Die Size=�ekirdek B�y�kl���
Core Voltage=�ekirdek Voltaj�
I/O Voltage=I/O Voltaj�
Typical Power=Normal G���
Maximum Power=En B�y�k G���
depending on clock speed=saat h�z�na ba�l� olarak
CPU Utilization=CPU Kullan�m�
CPU1 Utilization=CPU1 Kullan�m�
CPU2 Utilization=CPU2 Kullan�m�
CPU3 Utilization=CPU3 Kullan�m�
CPU4 Utilization=CPU4 Kullan�m�
CPU5 Utilization=CPU5 Kullan�m�
CPU6 Utilization=CPU6 Kullan�m�
CPU7 Utilization=CPU7 Kullan�m�
CPU8 Utilization=CPU8 Kullan�m�
CPU9 Utilization=CPU9 Kullan�m�
CPU10 Utilization=CPU10 Kullan�m�
CPU11 Utilization=CPU11 Kullan�m�
CPU12 Utilization=CPU12 Kullan�m�
CPU13 Utilization=CPU13 Kullan�m�
CPU14 Utilization=CPU14 Kullan�m�
CPU15 Utilization=CPU15 Kullan�m�
CPU16 Utilization=CPU16 Kullan�m�
GPU Utilization=GPU Kullan�m�
GPU1 Utilization=GPU1 Kullan�m�
GPU2 Utilization=GPU2 Kullan�m�
GPU3 Utilization=GPU3 Kullan�m�
GPU4 Utilization=GPU4 Kullan�m�
GPU5 Utilization=GPU5 Kullan�m�
GPU6 Utilization=GPU6 Kullan�m�
GPU7 Utilization=GPU7 Kullan�m�
GPU8 Utilization=GPU8 Kullan�m�
Memory Utilization=Bellek Kullan�m�
***System Utilization=Rendszer kihasznaltsag
CPU #%d=CPU #%d
CPU #%d / HTT Unit #%d=CPU #%d / HTT Birimi #%d
CPU #%d / Core #%d=CPU #%d / �ekirdek #%d
CPU #%d / Core #%d / HTT Unit #%d=CPU #%d / �ekirdek #%d / HTT Birimi #%d
HTT / CMP Units=HTT / CMP Birimleri
***Tjmax Temperature=Tjmax homerseklet
***Tjmax &temperature:=Tjmax &homerseklet:

CPUID Properties=CPUID �zellikleri

CPUID Manufacturer=CPUID �reticisi
Transmeta CPUID Information=Transmeta CPUID bilgisi
CPUID Revision=CPUID Uyarlama
Extended CPUID Revision=Geni�letilmi� CPUID Uyarlama
IA Brand ID=IA Marka Kimli�i
Platform ID=Platform Kimli�i
IA CPU Serial Number=IA CPU Seri Numaras�
Microcode Update Revision=Mikrokod G�ncelleme Uyarlamas�
Instruction Set=Komut Seti
%s Instruction=%s Komut
CPUID Features=CPUID Nitelikleri
Security Features=G�venlik Nitelikleri

Motherboard Properties=Anakart �zellikleri

Motherboard ID=Anakart Kimli�i
Motherboard Physical Info=Anakart Teknik Bilgisi
CPU Sockets/Slots=CPU Soket/Slot
Expansion Slots=Geni�leme Yuvalar�
RAM Slots=RAM Yuvalar�
Integrated Devices=T�mle�ik Ayg�tlar
Motherboard Size=Anakart �l��leri
Extra Features=Ek Nitelikler
Motherboard Manufacturer=Anakart �reticisi
Company Name=Firma Ad�
Product Information=�r�n Bilgisi
BIOS Download=BIOS Y�klemesi

Physical Memory=Fiziksel Bellek

Free Memory=Bo� Bellek
Swap Space=Takas Alan�
Virtual Memory=Sanal Bellek
***Paging File=Lapozofajl
***Initial / Maximum Size=Kezdeti / Maximalis meret
***Current Size=Jelenlegi meret
***Current / Peak Usage=Jelenlegi / Csucs kihasznaltsag

Chipset Properties=�ipset �zellikleri

Supported FSB Speeds=Desteklene FSB H�zlar�
Memory RAID=Bellek RAID
External Cache Size=D� �nbellek Boyutu
External Cache Type=D� �nbellek T�r�
External Cache Status=D� �nbellek Durumu

Integrated Graphics Controller=T�mle�ik G�r�nt� Denetleyicisi

Graphics Controller Type=G�r�nt� Denetleyicisi T�r�
Graphics Controller Status=G�r�nt� Denetleyicisi Durumu
Shared Memory Size=Payla��lan Bellek Boyutu
Graphics Frame Buffer Size=Grafik Arabellek Boyutu

AC'97 Audio Controller=AC'97 Ses Denetleyicisi

***MC'97 Modem Controller=MC'97 modemvezerlo
Audio Controller Type=Ses Denetleyicisi T�r�
***Modem Controller Type=Modemvezerlo tipusa
Codec Name=Kodek Ad�
Codec ID=Kodek Kimli�i
Codec Revision=Kodek Uyarlama
***Codec Type=Kodek tipusa
***Supported Sound Formats=Tamogatott hangformatumok
S/PDIF Output=S/PDIF ��k��

Memory Slots=Bellek Yuvalar�

Memory Rows=Bellek Sat�rlar�
DRAM Slot #%d=DRAM Yuvalar� #%d
DRAM Row #%d=DRAM Sat�rlar� #%d
AGP Properties=AGP �zellikleri
AGP Version=AGP S�r�m
AGP Status=AGP Durum
AGP Aperture Size=AGP A��kl�k (Aperture) Boyutu
Supported AGP Speeds=Desteklenen AGP H�zlar�
Current AGP Speed=�u Anki AGP H�z�
***Clock Generator=Orajel generator
Chipset Manufacturer=�ipset �reticisi

Award BIOS Type=Award BIOS T�r�

Award BIOS Message=Award BIOS iletisi
System BIOS Date=Sistem BIOS Tarihi
Video BIOS Date=G�r�nt� BIOS Tarihi
***BIOS Date=BIOS datuma
IBM BIOS Model Number=IBM BIOS Model Numaras�
IBM BIOS Serial Number=IBM BIOS Seri Numaras�
IBM BIOS Version=IBM BIOS S�r�m�
BIOS Manufacturer=BIOS �reticisi
BIOS Version=BIOS S�r�m�
***AGESA Version=AGESA verzio
***SLIC Version=SLIC verzio
***BIOS Settings=BIOS beallitasok

***ACPI Table Properties=ACPI tabla tulajdonsagai

***ACPI Signature=ACPI alairas
***Table Description=Tabla leirasa
***Memory Address=Memoriacim
***Table Length=Tabla hossza

Sensor Properties=Alg�lay�c� �zellikleri

Sensor Type=Alg�lay�c� T�r�
GPU Sensor Type=GPU Alg�lay�c� T�r�
Sensor Access=Alg�lay�c� Eri�imi
Cooling Fan=So�utucu Fanlar
Cooling Fans=So�utucu Fanlar
Fan Speed=Fan H�z�
***Fan Speeds=Ventilator-sebessegek
Voltage Values=Voltaj De�erleri
CPU Diode=CPU diyot
Temperature #%d=S�cakl�k #%d
Fan #%d=Fan #%d
CPU Core=CPU �ekirdek
CPU1 Core=CPU1 �ekirdek
CPU2 Core=CPU2 �ekirdek
CPU3 Core=CPU3 �ekirdek
CPU4 Core=CPU4 �ekirdek
***North Bridge VID=Eszaki hid VID
***North Bridge Clock=Eszaki hid orajele
***North Bridge Multiplier=Eszaki hid szorzo
North Bridge +1.1 V=Kuzey K�pr�s� +1.1 V
North Bridge +1.2 V=Kuzey K�pr�s� +1.2 V
North Bridge +1.8 V=Kuzey K�pr�s� +1.8 V
North Bridge +1.8 V Dual=Kuzey K�pr�s� +1.8 V Dual
North Bridge +2.0 V=Kuzey K�pr�s� +2.0 V
North Bridge +2.5 V=Kuzey K�pr�s� +2.5 V
North Bridge Core=Kuzey K�pr�s� �ekirde�i
South Bridge Core=G�ney K�pr�s� �ekirde�i
***South Bridge +1.1 V=Deli hid +1.1 V
***South Bridge +1.2 V=Deli hid +1.2 V
***South Bridge +1.5 V=Deli hid +1.5 V
***South Bridge PLL=Deli hid PLL
***PCI-E Bridge=PCI-E hid
GPU Core=GPU �ekirde�i
GPU Diode=GPU dioda
GPU1 Diode=GPU1 diyot
GPU2 Diode=GPU2 diyot
GPU3 Diode=GPU3 diyot
GPU4 Diode=GPU4 diyot
GPU5 Diode=GPU5 diyot
GPU6 Diode=GPU6 diyot
GPU7 Diode=GPU7 diyot
GPU8 Diode=GPU8 diyot
***GPU Diode (DispIO)=GPU dioda (DispIO)
***GPU1 Diode (DispIO)=GPU1 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU2 Diode (DispIO)=GPU2 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU3 Diode (DispIO)=GPU3 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU4 Diode (DispIO)=GPU4 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU5 Diode (DispIO)=GPU5 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU6 Diode (DispIO)=GPU6 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU7 Diode (DispIO)=GPU7 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU8 Diode (DispIO)=GPU8 dioda (DispIO)
***GPU Diode (MemIO)=GPU dioda (MemIO)
***GPU1 Diode (MemIO)=GPU1 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU2 Diode (MemIO)=GPU2 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU3 Diode (MemIO)=GPU3 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU4 Diode (MemIO)=GPU4 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU5 Diode (MemIO)=GPU5 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU6 Diode (MemIO)=GPU6 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU7 Diode (MemIO)=GPU7 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU8 Diode (MemIO)=GPU8 dioda (MemIO)
***GPU Diode (Shader)=GPU dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU1 Diode (Shader)=GPU1 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU2 Diode (Shader)=GPU2 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU3 Diode (Shader)=GPU3 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU4 Diode (Shader)=GPU4 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU5 Diode (Shader)=GPU5 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU6 Diode (Shader)=GPU6 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU7 Diode (Shader)=GPU7 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU8 Diode (Shader)=GPU8 dioda (arnyalo)
***GPU Shader=GPU arnyalo
***GPU1 Shader=GPU1 arnyalo
***GPU2 Shader=GPU2 arnyalo
***GPU3 Shader=GPU3 arnyalo
***GPU4 Shader=GPU4 arnyalo
***GPU5 Shader=GPU5 arnyalo
***GPU6 Shader=GPU6 arnyalo
***GPU7 Shader=GPU7 arnyalo
***GPU8 Shader=GPU8 arnyalo
GPU Memory=GPU Belle�i
GPU1 Memory=GPU1 Belle�i
GPU2 Memory=GPU2 Belle�i
GPU3 Memory=GPU3 Belle�i
GPU4 Memory=GPU4 Belle�i
GPU5 Memory=GPU5 Belle�i
GPU6 Memory=GPU6 Belle�i
GPU7 Memory=GPU7 Belle�i
GPU8 Memory=GPU8 Belle�i
GPU Memory Core=GPU Bellek �ekirde�i
GPU Memory I/O=GPU Bellek I/O
GPU Ambient=GPU Ambians�
GPU1 Ambient=GPU1 Ambians�
GPU2 Ambient=GPU2 Ambians�
GPU3 Ambient=GPU3 Ambians�
GPU4 Ambient=GPU4 Ambians�
GPU5 Ambient=GPU5 Ambians�
GPU6 Ambient=GPU6 Ambians�
GPU7 Ambient=GPU7 Ambians�
GPU8 Ambient=GPU8 Ambians�
Power Supply=G�� Kayna��
Power Supply #%d=%d. G�� Kayna��
%s V Standby=%s V Beklemede
VBAT Battery=VBAT Ak�

Operating System Properties=�letim Sistemi �zellikleri

OS Name=OS Ad�
OS Code Name=OS Kodad�
OS Language=OS Dili
OS Kernel Type=OS �ekirdek T�r�
OS Version=OS S�r�m
OS Service Pack=OS Servis Paketi
OS Installation Date=OS Y�kleme Tarihi
OS Root=OS Sistem K�k�

License Information=Lisans Bilgisi

Registered Owner=Kay�tl� Sahibi
Registered Organization=Kay�tl� Kurulu�
Licensed Processors=Lisansl� �lemciler
Product ID=�r�n Kimli�i
Product Key=�r�n Anahtar�
Product Activation=�r�n Etkinle�tirme
%d days remaining=%d g�n kald�

Current Session=Ge�erli Oturum

UpTime=Hizmet S�resi

Data Execution Prevention=Veri �al�t�rma Korumas�

Supported by Operating System=�letim Sistemi Destekli
Supported by CPU=�lemci Destekli
Active (To Protect Applications)=Etkin (Uygulama Korumas�)
Active (To Protect Drivers)=Etkin (S�r�c� Korumas�)

Components Version=Bile�en S�r�mleri

Internet Explorer Updates=Internet Explorer G�ncellemeleri
.NET Framework=.NET-Framework

Operating System Features=�letim Sistemi Nitelikleri

Debug Version=Hata Ay�klama S�r�m�
DBCS Version=DBCS S�r�m�
Domain Controller=Etki Alan� Denet�isi
Network Present=A� Mevcut
Security Present=G�venlik Mevcut
Remote Session=Uzak Oturum
Safe Mode=G�venli Mod
Slow Processor=Yava� �lemci
Terminal Services=U�birim Hizmetleri

Account Security Properties=Hesap G�venli�i �zellikleri

Computer Role=Bilgisayar Rol�
Domain Name=Alan Ad�
Primary Domain Controller=Birincil Alanad� Denetleyicisi
Forced Logoff Time=Zorlanm� Oturum Kapatma Zaman�
Min / Max Password Age=Min./Max. Parola Ya��
Minimum Password Length=En Az Parola Uzunlu�u
Password History Length=Parola Ge�mi�i Uzunlu�u
Lockout Threshold=Kilitlenme E�i�i
Lockout Duration=Kilitlenme S�resi
Lockout Observation Window=Kilitlenme Sayac�n� S�f�rlama S�resi

User Properties=Kullan�c� �zellikleri

User Comment=Kullan�c� A��klamas�
Home Folder=Ana klas�r
Logon Script=Oturum A�ma Beti�i

Member Of Groups=Grup �yeleri

Logon Count=Oturum A�ma Sayac�
Disk Quota=Disk Kotas�
User Features=Kullan�c� Nitelikleri
Logon Script Executed=Oturum A�ma Beti�i Y�r�t�ld�
Account Disabled=Hesap Etkin De�il
Locked Out User=Yasakl� Kullan�c�lar
Home Folder Required=Ana Klas�r Gerekli
Password Required=Parola Gerekli
Read-Only Password=Salt-Okunur Parola
Password Never Expires=Parolan�n Asla S�resi Dolmaz

Local Group Properties=Yerel Grup �zellikleri

Group Members=Grup �yeleri
Global Group Properties=Genel Grup �zellikleri

Video Adapter Properties=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c�s� �zellikleri

Adapter String=Ba�da�t�r�c� Dizgisi
BIOS String=BIOS S�r�m
Chip Type=Yonga T�r�
DAC Type=DAC T�r�
Installed Drivers=Y�kl� S�r�c�ler
Memory Size=Bellek Boyutu
Video Adapter Manufacturer=G�r�nt� Ba�da�t�r�c� �reticisi

Graphics Processor Properties=Grafik �lemci �zellikleri

GPU Code Name=GPU Kod Ad�
GPU Clock=GPU Saati
GPU1 Clock=GPU1 Saati
GPU2 Clock=GPU2 Saati
GPU3 Clock=GPU3 Saati
GPU4 Clock=GPU4 Saati
GPU5 Clock=GPU5 Saati
GPU6 Clock=GPU6 Saati
GPU7 Clock=GPU7 Saati
GPU8 Clock=GPU8 Saati
***GPU Shader Clock=GPU arnyalo orajel
***GPU1 Shader Clock=GPU1 arnyalo orajel
***GPU2 Shader Clock=GPU2 arnyalo orajel
***GPU3 Shader Clock=GPU3 arnyalo orajel
***GPU4 Shader Clock=GPU4 arnyalo orajel
***GPU5 Shader Clock=GPU5 arnyalo orajel
***GPU6 Shader Clock=GPU6 arnyalo orajel
***GPU7 Shader Clock=GPU7 arnyalo orajel
***GPU8 Shader Clock=GPU8 arnyalo orajel
GPU Memory Clock=GPU Bellek Saati
GPU1 Memory Clock=GPU1 Bellek Saati
GPU2 Memory Clock=GPU2 Bellek Saati
GPU3 Memory Clock=GPU3 Bellek Saati
GPU4 Memory Clock=GPU4 Bellek Saati
GPU5 Memory Clock=GPU5 Bellek Saati
GPU6 Memory Clock=GPU6 Bellek Saati
GPU7 Memory Clock=GPU7 Bellek Saati
GPU8 Memory Clock=GPU8 Bellek Saati
Warp Clock=Warp Saati
Pixel Pipelines=Piksel Pipelines
TMU Per Pipeline=TMU/ Pipeline
Vertex Shaders=Vertex Shaders
Pixel Shaders=Pixel Shaders
***Unified Shaders=Egysegesitett (unified) arnyalok
***Pixel Fillrate=Pixel kitoltesi sebesseg
***Texel Fillrate=Texel kitoltesi sebesseg
DirectX Hardware Support=DirectX Donan�m Deste�i
Graphics Processor Manufacturer=Grafik �lemci �reticisi

Monitor Properties=Monit�r �zellikleri

Monitor ID=Monit�r Kimli�i
Monitor Type=Monit�r T�r�
Manufacture Date=�retim Tarihi
Max. Visible Display Size=En B�y�k G�r�n�r Ekran Boyutu
Picture Aspect Ratio=Resim En-Boy Oran�
Horizontal Frequency=Yatay Frekans
Vertical Frequency=Dikey Frekans
***Maximum Pixel Clock=Maximalis pixel orajel
Maximum Resolution=En Y�ksek ��z�n�rl�k
Contrast Ratio=Kar��tl�k Oran�
Viewing Angles=G�r�nen A��lar
Input Connectors=Giri� Ba�lant�lar�
DPMS Mode Support=DPMS Mod Deste�i
Supported Video Modes=Desteklenen G�r�nt� Modlar�
Monitor Manufacturer=Monit�r �reticisi
Driver Download=S�r�c� Y�kleme
Driver Update=S�r�c� G�ncelleme
Firmware Download=Firmware �ndirme
Firmware Revision=Firmware Revizyonu
Firmware Date=Firmware datuma

Desktop Properties=Masa�st� �zellikleri

Device Technology=Ayg�t Teknolojisi
Color Depth=Renk Derinli�i
Color Planes=Renk D�zlemi
Font Resolution=Yaz� Tipi ��z�n�rl���
Pixel Width / Height=Piksel Geni�lik / Y�kseklik
Pixel Diagonal=Piksel K�egen
Vertical Refresh Rate=Dikey Yenileme H�z�
Desktop Wallpaper=Masa�st� Duvar Ka��d�

Desktop Effects=Masa�st� Etkileri

Combo-Box Animation=A��lan kutu slaytla a��ls�n
Drop Shadow Effect=Men� alt�nda g�lge g�ster
Flat Menu Effect=Pencere ve d��melerde g�rsel stil kullan
Font Smoothing=Ekran yaz� tipi kenarlar�n� d�zelt
Full Window Dragging=S�r�klenirken pencere i�eri�ini g�ster
Gradient Window Title Bars=E�imli pencere ba�l��� �ubuklar�
Hide Menu Access Keys=Men� eri�im tu�lar�n� gizle
Hot Tracking Effect=�zleme etkisi
Icon Title Wrapping=�kon ad� paketlemesi
List-Box Smooth Scrolling=Liste Kutular�n� Kesintisiz Kayd�r
Menu Animation=Men�ler g�r�nt�ye azalarak yada slaytla gelsin
Menu Fade Effect=Men� g�lge etkisi
Minimize/Restore Animation=Pencereler animasyonla k���lt�l�p b�y�lt�ls�n
Mouse Cursor Shadow=Fare i�aret�isi alt�nda g�lge g�ster
Selection Fade Effect=Men� ��eleri se�ildikten sonra g�lgelensin
ShowSounds Accessibility Feature=Ses g�ster eri�ebilirlik �zellikleri
ToolTip Animation=Ara� ipu�lar� g�r�nt�ye azalarak yada slaytla gelsin
ToolTip Fade Effect=Ara� ipu�lar� g�lgelensin
Windows Plus! Extension=Windows Plus! Geni�letmesi

OpenGL Properties=OpenGL �zellikleri

***Shading Language Version=Arnyalo nyelv verzioja
***ICD Driver=ICD illesztoprogram
***OpenGL Compliancy=OpenGL verzio megfeleles
***OpenGL Extensions=OpenGL bovitmenyek
***Supported Compressed Texture Formats=Tamogatott tomoritett textura formatumok
OpenGL Features=OpenGL Nitelikleri

OpenAL Properties=OpenAL �zellikleri

***Hardware Sound Buffers=Hardveres hangpufferek szama
***Total / Free X-RAM=Osszes / szabad X-RAM
***OpenAL Extensions=OpenAL bovitmenyek

***Clock Rate=Orajel
***Multiprocessors / Cores=Multiprocesszorok / Magok
***CAL Version=CAL verzio
***Memory Properties=Memoria tulajdonsagok
***CAL Extensions=CAL bovitmenyek
ACM Driver Properties=ACM S�r�c� �zellikleri
Copyright Notice=Telif Hakk� Bildirimi
Driver Features=S�r�c� Nitelikleri
Driver Version=S�r�c� S�r�m�

MCI Device Properties=MCI Ayg�t �zellikleri

MCI Device Features=MCI Nitelikleri
Compound Device=Birle�ik Ayg�t
File Based Device=K�t��e Dayal� Ayg�t
Can Eject=��kar�labilir
Can Play=�al�nabilir
Can Play In Reverse=Ters �al�nabilir
Can Record=Kay�t Yapabilir
Can Save Data=Veri Kayd� Yapabilir
Can Freeze Data=Veriyi Dondurabilir
Can Lock Data=Veriyi Kilitleyebilir
Can Stretch Frame=Kareyi geni�letebilir
Can Stretch Input=Giri�i geni�letebilir
Can Test=Test Edilebilir
Audio Capable=Ses Yetenekli
Video Capable=G�r�nt� Yetenekli
Still Image Capable=Donuk Resim Yetenekli

Optical Drive Properties=Optik S�r�c� �zellikleri

Device Manufacturer=Ayg�t �reticisi
Region Code=B�lge Kodu
Remaining User Changes=Kalan Kullan�c� De�i�ikli�i
Remaining Vendor Changes=Kalan Sat�c� De�i�ikli�i
Reading Speeds=Okuma H�zlar�
Writing Speeds=Yazma H�zlar�
Supported Disk Types=Desteklenen Disk T�rleri
Read + Write=Okuma + Yazma

Optical Drive Features=Optik S�r�c� Nitelikleri

ATA Device Properties=ATA Ayg�t �zellikleri

ATAPI Device Properties=ATAPI Ayg�t �zellikleri
LBA Sectors=LBA Kesimleri
Multiple Sectors=�oklu Kesim
ECC Bytes=ECC Bayt
Max. PIO Transfer Mode=EnY�ksek PIO Aktar�m Modu
Max. UDMA Transfer Mode=EnY�ksek UDMA Aktar�m Modu
Active UDMA Transfer Mode=Etkin UDMA Aktar�m Modu
Unformatted Capacity=Bi�imlendirilmemi� Kapasite
***ATA Standard=ATA szabvany

ATA Device Features=ATA Ayg�t Nitelikleri

Security Mode=G�venlik Modu
Advanced Power Management=Geli�mi� G�� Y�netimi (APM)
Write Cache=Yazma �nbelle�i

ATA Device Physical Info=ATA Ayg�t� Teknik Bilgisi

Disk Device Physical Info=Disk Ayg�t� Teknik Bilgisi
Hard Disk Family=Sabit Disk Ailesi
Hard Disk Name=Sabit Disk Ad�
Family Code Name=Aile Kod Ad�
Formatted Capacity=Bi�imlendirilmi� Kapasite
Recording Surfaces=Kay�t Y�zeyi
Physical Dimensions=Fiziksel Boyutlar
Max. Weight=A��rl�k(En Fazla)
Average Rotational Latency=Ortalama D�nme Gecikmesi
Rotational Speed=D�nme H�z�
Max. Internal Data Rate=En Y�ksek �� Veri H�z�
Average Seek=Ortalama Eri�im
Track-to-Track Seek=�zden �ze Eri�im
Full Seek=Tam Eri�im
Buffer-to-Host Data Rate=Arabellekten bilgisayara veri h�z�
Buffer Size=Arabellek B�y�kl���
Spin-Up Time=D�nme S�resi
ATA Device Manufacturer=ATA-Ayg�t �reticisi

Keyboard Properties=Klavye �zellikleri

Keyboard Name=Klavye Ad�
Keyboard Type=Klavye T�r�
Keyboard Layout=Klavye Yerle�imi
ANSI Code Page=ANSI Kod Sayfas�
OEM Code Page=OEM Kod Sayfas�
Repeat Delay=Yenileme Gecikmesi
Repeat Rate=Yenileme H�z�

Mouse Properties=Fare �zellikleri

Mouse Name=Fare Ad�
Mouse Buttons=Fare D��meleri
Mouse Hand=Fare el Kullan�m�
Pointer Speed=�aret�i H�z�
Double-Click Time=�ift T�klama S�resi
Click-Lock Time=T�klama-Kilidi S�resi
X/Y Threshold=X / Y E�i�i
Wheel Scroll Lines=Tekerlek Sat�r Kayd�rmas�
Mouse Features=Fare Nitelikleri
Active Window Tracking=Etkin Pencereyi �zle
Hide Pointer While Typing=Yazarken �aret�iyi Gizle
Mouse Wheel=Fare Tekerle�i
Move Pointer To Default Button=�aret�iyi Varsay�lan D��menin �zerine G�t�r
Pointer Trails=�aret�i �zleri
ClickLock=T�klama Kilidi
Mouse Manufacturer=Fare �reticisi

Game Controller Properties=Oyun Kumandalar� �zellikleri

Min / Max Polling Frequency=Min. / Max. G�nderim S�kl���
Min / Max U Coordinate=Min. / Max. U Koordinat�
Min / Max V Coordinate=Min. / Max. V Koordinat�
Min / Max X Coordinate=Min. / Max. X Koordinat�
Min / Max Y Coordinate=Min. / Max. Y Koordinat�
Min / Max Z Coordinate=Min. / Max. Z Koordinat�
Min / Max Rudder Value=Min. / Max. D�men De�eri
Game Controller Features=Oyun Kumandalar� Nitelikleri
Driver Problem=S�r�c� Sorunu
POV Discrete Values=POV Ayr�lmas�
U Coordinate=U Koordinat�
V Coordinate=V Koordinat�
Z Coordinate=Z Koordinat�

Network Adapter Properties=A� Ba�da�t�r�c�s� �zellikleri

Interface Type=Arabirim T�r�
Hardware Address=Donan�m Adresi (MAC)
user-defined=kullan�c� tan�ml�
Connection Name=Ba�lant� Ad�
Connection Speed=Ba�lant� H�z�
DNS Suffix Search List=DNS Arama Listesi
DHCP Lease Obtained=DHCP Adres Kira Ba�lang�c�
DHCP Lease Expires=DHCP Adres Biti� Tarihi
WLAN Signal Strength=WLAN Sinyal G�c�
%d dBm (No Signal)=%d dBm (Sinyal Yok)
%d dBm (Very Low)=%d dBm (�ok D��k)
%d dBm (Low)=%d dBm (D��k)
%d dBm (Good)=%d dBm (�yi)
%d dBm (Very Good)=%d dBm (�ok �yi)
%d dBm (Excellent)=%d dBm (M�kemmel)
Bytes Received=Al�nan Bayt
Bytes Sent=G�nderilen Bayt
Network Adapter Addresses=A� Ba�da�t�r�c�s�
IP / SubNet Mask=IP / Alt A� Maskesi
Network Adapter Manufacturer=A� Ba�da�t�r�c�s� �reticisi

Connection Properties=Ba�lant� �zellikleri

Domain=Etki Alan�
Country / Area Code=�lke / Alan Kodu
Phone Number=Telefon Numaras�
Alternate Numbers=�teki Numaralar
IP Address=IP-Adres
DNS Addresses=DNS-Adres
WINS Addresses=WINS-Adres
Network Protocols=A� �leti�im Kurallar�
Framing Protocol=Temel �leti�im Kurallar�
Login Script File=Oturum A�ma Betik Dosyas�
Connection Features=Ba�lant� Nitelikleri
Use Current Username & Password=�u Anki Kullan�c� Ad� & Parolay� Kullan
Use Remote Network Gateway=Uzak A� Ge�idini Kullan
Log On To Network=A�a Oturum A�
IP Header Compression=IP-Ba�l�k S�k�t�rmas�
Software Compression=Yaz�l�m S�k�t�rmas�
PPP LCP Extensions=PPP LCP Uzant�lar�
Open Terminal Before Dial=�evirmeden �nce U�birimi A�
Open Terminal After Dial=�evirmeden Sonra U�birimi A�
Encrypted Password Required=�ifrelenmi� Parola Gerekli
MS Encrypted Password Required=MS-�ifrelenmi� Parola Gerekli
Data Encryption Required=Veri �ifrelenmesi Gerekli
Secure Local Files=G�venli Yerel Dosyalar

Account Properties=Hesap �zellikleri

POP3 Server=POP3 Sunucu
POP3 User Name=POP3 Kullan�c� Ad�
POP3/SMTP Server Timeout=POP3/SMTP Sunucu Zaman A��m�
HTTPMail Server=HTTP Posta Sunucusu
HTTPMail User Name=HTTP Posta Kullan�c� Ad�
IMAP Server=IMAP Sunucu
IMAP User Name=IMAP Kullan�c� Ad�
IMAP/SMTP Server Timeout=IMAP/SMTP Sunucu Zaman A��m�
SMTP Display Name=SMTP G�r�nt�lenme Ad�
SMTP Organization Name=SMTP Firma Ad�
SMTP E-mail Address=SMTP E-Mail Adresi
SMTP Reply Address=SMTP Yan�t Adresi
SMTP Server=SMTP Sunucu
SMTP User Name=SMTP Kullan�c� Ad�
NNTP Display Name=NNTP G�r�nt�lenme Ad�
NNTP Organization Name=NNTP Firma Ad�
NNTP E-mail Address=NNTP E-Mail Adresi
NNTP Reply Address=NNTP Yan�t Adresi
NNTP Server=NNTP Sunucu
NNTP User Name=NNTP Kullan�c� Ad�
NNTP Server Timeout=NNTP Sunucu Zaman A��m�
LDAP Server=LDAP Sunucu
LDAP User Name=LDAP Kullan�c� Ad�
LDAP Search Base=LDAP Arama Taban�
LDAP Search Timeout=LDAP Arama Zaman A��m�
Account Features=Hesap Nitelikleri
POP3 Prompt For Password=POP3 Parola ��in Sor
POP3 Secure Authentication=POP3 G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
POP3 Secure Connection=POP3 G�venli Ba�lant�
POP3 Leave Mails On Server=POP3 Postalar� Sunucuda B�rak
IMAP Prompt For Password=IMAP Parola ��in Sor
IMAP Secure Authentication=IMAP G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
IMAP Secure Connection=IMAP G�venli Ba�lant�
HTTPMail Prompt For Password=HTTP Posta Parola ��in Sor
HTTPMail Secure Authentication=HTTP Posta G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
HTTPMail Secure Connection=HTTP Posta G�venli Ba�lant�
SMTP Prompt For Password=SMTP Parola ��in Sor
SMTP Secure Authentication=SMTP G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
SMTP Secure Connection=SMTP G�venli Ba�lant�
NNTP Prompt For Password=NNTP Parola ��in Sor
NNTP Secure Authentication=NNTP G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
NNTP Secure Connection=NNTP G�venli Ba�lant�
NNTP Use Group Descriptions=NNTP Grup A��klamalar�
NNTP Post Using Plain Text Format=NNTP Postas� D�z Metin Bi�imi Kullanarak
NNTP Post Using HTML Format=NNTP Postas� HTML Bi�imi Kullanarak
LDAP Authentication Required=LDAP Kimlik Do�rulama Gerekli
LDAP Secure Authentication=LDAP G�venli Kimlik Do�rulama
LDAP Secure Connection=LDAP G�venli Ba�lant�
LDAP Simple Search Filter=LDAP Basit Arama Filtresi

DirectDraw Device Properties=DirectDraw Ayg�t �zellikleri

DirectDraw Driver Name=DirectDraw S�r�c� Ad�
DirectDraw Driver Description=DirectDraw S�r�c� Tan�mlamas�
Hardware Driver=Donan�m S�r�c�s�
Hardware Description=Donan�m Tan�mlamas�
Direct3D Device Properties=Direct3D Ayg�t �zellikleri
***Total / Free Video Memory=Osszes / szabad videomemoria
***Total / Free Local Video Memory=Osszes / szabad helyi videomemoria
***Total / Free Non-Local Video Memory=Osszes / szabad nem helyi videomemoria
***Used Video Memory=Felhasznalt videomemoria
***Used Local Video Memory=Felhasznalt helyi videomemoria
***Used Non-Local Video Memory=Felhasznalt nem helyi videomemoria
***Free Video Memory=Szabad videomemoria
***Free Local Video Memory=Szabad helyi videomemoria
***Free Non-Local Video Memory=Szabad nem helyi videomemoria
Rendering Bit Depths=Rendering Bit Derinli�i (bit/piksel)
Z-Buffer Bit Depths=Z-Arabellek Bit Derinli�i (bit/piksel)
Min Texture Size=En Az Doku Boyutu
Max Texture Size=En Fazla Doku Boyutu
Vertex Shader Version=Vertex-Shader S�r�m�
Pixel Shader Version=Pixel-Shader S�r�m�
***Unified Shader Version=Egysegesitett arnyalo verzioja
Direct3D Device Features=Direct3D Ayg�t Nitelikleri

DirectSound Device Properties=DirectSound Ayg�t �zellikleri

Driver Module=S�r�c� Birimi
Primary Buffers=Birincil Arabellek
Min / Max Secondary Buffers Sample Rate=Min./Max. �kincil Arabellek �rnek H�z�
Primary Buffers Sound Formats=Birincil Arabellek Ses Bi�imleri
Secondary Buffers Sound Formats=�kincil Arabellek Ses Bi�imleri
Total / Free Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� Ses Arabelle�i
Total / Free Static Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� Duruk Ses Arabelle�i
Total / Free Streaming Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� Ak� Ses Arabelle�i
Total / Free 3D Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� 3D Ses Arabelle�i
Total / Free 3D Static Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� 3D Duruk Ses Arabelle�i
Total / Free 3D Streaming Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo� 3D Ak� Ses Arabelle�i
DirectSound Device Features=DirectSound Ayg�t �zellikleri
Certified Driver=Yetkilendirilmi� S�r�c�ler
Emulated Device=Taklit Edilmi� Ayg�t
Precise Sample Rate=Kesin �rnekleme H�z�

DirectMusic Device Properties=DirectMusic Ayg�t �zellikleri

Synthesizer Type=Synthesizer T�r�
Device Class=Ayg�t S�n�f�
***Device Protocol=Eszkoz protokoll
Audio Channels=Ses Kanallar�
MIDI Channels=MIDI Kanallar�
Available Memory=Kullan�labilir Bellek
DirectMusic Device Features=DirectMusic Ayg�t Nitelikleri
Built-In GM Instrument Set=Yerle�ik GM Enstr�man
Built-In Roland GS Sound Set=Yerle�ik Roland GS Ses
DLS L1 Sample Collections=DLS L1 �rnek koleksiyonu
DLS L2 Sample Collections=DLS L2 �rnek koleksiyonu
External MIDI Port=Harici MIDI Ba�lant� Noktas�
Fixed DLS Memory Size=De�i�mez DLS Haf�za Boyutu
Port Sharing=Ba�lant� Noktas� Payla��m�
Chorus Effect=Koro Etkisi
Delay Effect=Geciktirme Etkisi
Reverb Effect=Yank� Etkisi

DirectInput Device Properties=DirectInput Ayg�t �zellikleri

Device Subtype=Ayg�t �kincil T�r�
DirectInput Device Features=DirectInput Ayg�t Nitelikleri

DirectPlay Connection Properties=DirectPlay Ba�lant� �zellikleri

Connection Description=Ba�lant� Tan�m�
Header Length=Ba�l�k Uzunlu�u
Max Message Size=En Fazla �leti Boyutu
Estimated Latency=Tahmini Gecikme S�resi
Timeout Value=Zaman A��m� De�eri
Max Players=En Fazla Oyuncu
Max Local Players=En Fazla Yerel Oyuncu
DirectPlay Connection Features=DirectPlay Ba�lant� Nitelikleri
Guaranteed Message Delivery=Garanti Edilmi� �leti Da��t�m�
Message Encryption=�leti �ifrelemesi
Message Signing=�leti �mzas�
Session Host=Oturum Anabilgisayar�
Group Messaging Optimization=Grup �leti En �yilemesi
Guaranteed Message Delivery Optimization=Garanti Edilen �leti Da��t�m� En �yilemesi
Keep Alives Optimization=En �yilemeyi S�rekli Tut

Device Properties=Ayg�t �zellikleri

Driver Date=S�r�c� Tarihi
Driver Provider=S�r�c� Sa�lay�c�
INF File=INF Dosyas�
Hardware ID=Donan�m Kimli�i
Location Information=Konum Bilgisi
Device Features=Ayg�t �zellikleri

PCI Devices=PCI Ayg�tlar�

PnP Devices=PnP Ayg�tlar�
LPT PnP Devices=LPT PnP Ayg�tlar�
USB Devices=USB Ayg�tlar�
PCMCIA Devices=PCMCIA Ayg�tlar�
FireWire Devices=FireWire Ayg�tlar�
Ports=Ba�lant� Noktalar�
Port=Ba�lant� Noktas�
Bus %d, Device %d, Function %d=Yol %d, Ayg�t %d, �lev %d
Bus / Device / Function=Yol / Ayg�t / �lev
Subsystem ID=AltSistem Kimli�i
***Supported USB Version=Tamogatott USB verzio
***Current Speed=Jelenlegi sebesseg

Printer Properties=Yaz�c� �zellikleri

Default Printer=Varsay�lan Yaz�c�
Share Point=Payla��m Noktas�
Printer Port=Yaz�c� Ba�lant� Noktas�
Printer Driver=Yaz�c� S�r�c�s�
Print Processor=Yaz�c� �lemcisi
Separator Page=Ay�r�c� Sayfa
Print Jobs Queued=Bask� Kuyru�u
Paper Properties=Ka��t �zellikleri
Paper Size=Ka��t Boyutu
Print Quality=Ka��t Kalitesi
Printer Manufacturer=Yaz�c� �reticisi

Task Properties=G�rev �zellikleri

Application Name=Uygulama Ad�
Application Parameters=Uygulama Parametreleri
Working Folder=�al�ma Klas�r�
Last Run=Son �al�ma
Next Run=Sonraki �al�ma
Task Triggers=G�rev Tetikleyicileri
Trigger #%d=Tetikleyici #%d
***Sidebar Gadgets=Oldalsav minialkalmazasok
***Desktop Gadgets=Asztal minialkalmazasok
***Gadget Properties=Minialkalmazas tulajdonsagai

Power Management Properties=G�� Y�netim �zellikleri

Power Management Features=G�� Y�netim Nitelikleri
Current Power Source=�u Anki G�� Kayna��
Battery Status=Ak� Durumu
Full Battery Lifetime=Dolu Ak� �mr�
Remaining Battery Lifetime=Kalan Ak� �mr�

Battery Properties=Pil �zellikleri

Unique ID=Benzersiz Kimlik
Designed Capacity=Tasarlanan Kapasitesi
Fully Charged Capacity=Tam dolu kapasite
Current Capacity=�u anki kapasite
Wear Level=Dayanma Seviyesi
Charge-Discharge Cycle Count=Doldurma bo�altma �evrim say�s�
Power State=G�� Durumu
Charge Rate=Dolum H�z�
Discharge Rate=Bo�altma H�z�

Time Zone=Saat Dilimi

Current Time Zone=Ge�erli Saat Dilimi
Current Time Zone Description=Ge�erli Saat Dilimi Tan�m�
Change To Standard Time=Standart Saate De�i�tir
Change To Daylight Saving Time=Yaz Saatine De�i�tir

Language Name (Native)=Dil Ad� (Yerel)

Language Name (English)=Dil Ad� (�ngilizce)
Language Name (ISO 639)=Dil Ad� (ISO 639)

Country Name (Native)=�lke Ad� (Yerel)
Country Name (English)=�lke Ad� (�ngilizce)
Country Name (ISO 3166)=�lke Ad� (ISO 3166)
Country Code=�lke Kodu

Currency=Para Birimi
Currency Name (Native)=Para Birimi Ad� (Yerel)
Currency Name (English)=Para Birimi Ad� (�ngilizce)
Currency Symbol (Native)=Para Birimi Simgesi (Yerel)
Currency Symbol (ISO 4217)=Para Birimi Simgesi (ISO 4217)
Currency Format=Para Birimi Bi�imi
Negative Currency Format=Negatif Para Birimi Bi�imi

Time Format=Zaman Bi�imi
Short Date Format=K�sa Tarih Bi�imi
Long Date Format=Uzun Tarih Bi�imi
Number Format=Say� Bi�imi
Negative Number Format=Negatif Say� Bi�imi (Yerel)
List Format=Liste Bi�imi
Native Digits=Yerel Rakamlar

Days Of Week=Haftan�n G�nleri

Native Name for Monday=Pazartesi i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Tuesday=Sal� i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Wednesday=�ar�amba i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Thursday=Per�embe i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Friday=Cuma i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Saturday=Cumartesi i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Sunday=Pazar i�in Yerel Ad

Native Name for January=Ocak i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for February=�ubat i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for March=Mart i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for April=Nisan i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for May=May�s i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for June=Haziran i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for July=Temmuz i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for August=A�ustos i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for September=Eyl�l i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for October=Ekim i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for November=Kas�m i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for December=Aral�k i�in Yerel Ad
Native Name for Month #13= 13# Ay i�in Yerel Ad

Calendar Type=Takvim T�r�
Default Paper Size=Varsay�lan Ka��t Boyutu
Measurement System=�l�� Sistemi

***Display Languages=Megjelenitesi nyelvek

Start Page=Giri� Sayfas�

Search Page=Arama Sayfas�
Download Folder=�ndirme Klas�r�
Current Proxy=Ge�erli Proxy
Proxy Status=Proxy Durumu
LAN Proxy=LAN proxy
%s Proxy Server=%s Proxy Sunucu

Module Name=Birim Ad�

Module Size=Birim Boyutu
Module Type=Birim T�r�
Memory Type=Bellek T�r�
Memory Speed=Bellek H�z�
Module Width=Birim Geni�li�i
Module Voltage=Birim Voltaj�
Refresh Rate=Yenileme H�z�

Memory Module Features=Bellek Birimi Nitelikleri

Memory Module Manufacturer=Bellek Birimi �reticisi

AMB Manufacturer=AMB �reticisi
DRAM Manufacturer=DRAM �reticisi

Last Shutdown Time=Son Kapanma Saati

Last Boot Time=Son A��lma Saati
Current Time=�u Anki Saat

UpTime Statistics=Hizmet S�resi �statistikleri

First Boot Time=�lk A��lma Saati
First Shutdown Time=�lk Kapanma Saati
Total UpTime=Toplam Hizmet S�resi
Total DownTime=Toplam Aksakl�k S�resi
Longest UpTime=En Uzun Hizmet S�resi
Longest DownTime=En Uzun Aksakl�k S�resi
Total Reboots=Toplam Yeniden Ba�latma
System Availability=Sistem Kullan�labilirli�i

Bluescreen Statistics=Mavi Ekran �statistikleri

First Bluescreen Time=�lk Mavi Ekran Saati
Last Bluescreen Time=Son Mavi Ekran Saati
Total Bluescreens=Toplam Mavi Ekran

// messages
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=L�tfen kar��la�t�rmal� test
�al�may� bitirinceye kadar bekleyin
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=Bu s�re zarf�nda
bilgisayar�n�z yan�t vermiyor gibi g�r�necek
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=L�tfen fareyi hareket ettirmeyin
veya herhangi bir tu�a basmay�n
Please note that results obtained with different versions of EVEREST cannot be
compared.=L�tfen dikkat EVEREST'in farkl� s�r�mleri ile elde edilen sonu�lar
Lavalys constantly improves and optimizes benchmark routines and implements new
technologies to provide you with the most accurate and highest benchmark
scores.=Lavalys size daha kesin ve y�ksek test puanlar� sa�lamak i�in
kar��la�t�rmal� test rutinlerini s�rekli geli�tirir ve iyile�tirir, yeni
teknolojileri uygular.

Are you sure you want to uninstall=Kald�rmak istedi�inizden emin misiniz?

Press Refresh button to start the benchmark=Yenile d��mesine basarak
kar��la�t�rmal� testi ba�lat�n!

Database parameters are not configured yet=Veritaban� parametreleri hen�z

Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Git: Dosya men�s� / Tercihler /

Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=T�m bilgisayarlar�
denetlemeden kald�rmak istedi�inize emin misiniz?

CPU Speed=CPU H�z�

CPU Multiplier=CPU �arpan�
Min / Max CPU Multiplier=Min / Max CPU �arpan�
CPU Cache=CPU �nbelle�i
SPD Memory Modules=SPD Bellek Modulleri
Memory Bus=Bellek Yolu
Memory Clock=Bellek Saati
Minimum=En k���k
Maximum=En y�ksek

Connecting to FTP server=FTP sunucusuna ba�lan�l�yor

Clear List=Listeyi Temizle
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=Internet Explorer
tan�mlama bilgilerini (�erezler) silmek istedi�inize emim misiniz?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=Internet Explorer
ge�mi� kayd�n� silmek istedi�inize emim misiniz?
Memory Timings=Bellek Zamanlamalar�

North Bridge Properties=Kuzey K�pr�s� �zellikleri

North Bridge=Kuzey K�pr�s�

South Bridge Properties=G�ney K�pr�s� �zellikleri

South Bridge=G�ney K�pr�s�

Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=Lavalys bu
�cretsiz yaz�l�m i�in resmi bir destek sa�lamaz!
AMD Brand ID=AMD Marka Kimli�i
64-bit x86 Extension=64 bit x86 Uzant�s�
***Hardware Random Number Generator=Hardveres veletlenszam generator
***Processor Serial Number=Processzor sorozatszam
***Temperature Sensing Diode=Homero dioda

Server port:=Sunucu portu:

A&uthorize Change=&De�i�ikli�i Onayla

SMART Hard Disks Status=SMART Sabit Disk Durumu

Group Membership=Grup �yeli�i

Report &title:=Rapor &ba�l���:

Database Software=Veritaban� Yaz�l�m�

Database Servers=Veritaban� Sunucular�

BIOS Upgrades=BIOS G�ncellemeleri

Entry of &INI file=&INI dosyas� kayd�

INI file=INI dosyas�
INI group=INI grup
INI entry=INI kayd�

Chassis Intrusion Detected=Kasan�n a��ld��� tespit edildi

***PSU Failure Detected=Tapegyseg meghibasodas erzekelve
Supported FourCC Codes=Desteklenen FourCC Kodlar�

PCI-X Bus Properties=PCI-X Yolu �zellikleri

PCI-X Device Properties=PCI-X Ayg�t �zellikleri
Current Bus Mode=Ge�erli Yol Modu
64-bit Device=64-bit Ayg�t
PCI-X 266 Bus=PCI-X 266 yolu
PCI-X 533 Bus=PCI-X 533 yolu
%d MHz Operation=%d MHz Operasyon

HyperTransport Version=HyperTransport S�r�m�

Link Type=Ba�lant� T�r�
Link Status=Ba�lant� Durumu
Max Link Width In / Out=En B�y�k Ba�lant� Geni�li�i Giri� / ��k�
Utilized Link Width In / Out=Yararlan�lan Ba�lant� Geni�li�i Giri� / ��k�
***Min Link Frequency=Min kapcsolat frekvencia
Max Link Frequency=En Y�ksek Ba�lant� Frekans�
Current Link Frequency=�u anki Ba�lant� Frekans�
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=Birincil / �kincil Yol

***QPI Clock=QPI orajel

***QPI Version=QPI verzio

You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote)

edition of %s you are currently running=�u anda kulland���n�z %s NR (No Remote)
s�r�m�nde belirtti�inz komut sat�r� se�enekleri kullan�lamaz. .
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR
edition of %s=A�a��daki komut sat�r� se�eneklerinin bir veya daha fazlas�n�
kullanmak i�in, l�tfen %s non-NR s�r�m�n� kullan�n.

File Properties=Dosya �zellikleri

File properties logged by the File Scanner:=Dosya Taray�c� taraf�ndan kaydedilen
Dosya �zellikleri:

Active Mode=Aktif mod

EVEREST Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=EVEREST Home

Edition yaln�zca ev ortam�nda kullan�lmas� amac� ile �retilmi�tir.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by
EVEREST Home Edition.=Bu bilgisayar EVEREST Home Edition taraf�ndan desteklenmeyen,
a� etki alan�n�n (%s) �yesi.
Please use EVEREST Corporate Edition instead of Home Edition in a corporate
environment.=L�tfen �irket ortam� i�in Home Edition yerine EVEREST Corporate
Edition kullan�n.

This page is outdated! Press 'Refresh' button to update it=Bu sayfa eskidi!
G�ncellemek i�in 'Yenile' d��mesine bas�n!

// alerting
Alert Methods=�kaz Y�ntemleri
Alert Trigger=�kaz Tetikleyici
Alert Triggers=�kaz Tetikleyicileri
***Alert Item=Riasztasi elem
Alert Description=�kaz Tan�mlamas�
&Number of minutes between checking for alerts:=&�kazlar�n kontrol� i�in dakika
N&umber of hours between sending repetitive alerts:=�&kazlar�n tekrar g�nderilmesi
i�in saat aral���:
***Store system configuration details in:=Rendszer-konfiguracios adatok tarolasi
***TEMP folder of the logged-on user=Az aktualis felhasznalo TEMP mappaja
***Root folder of the system drive=A rendszermeghajto fokonyvtara
Display an alert &window=�kaz &penceresi g�ster
***&Shut down the computer=&Szamitogep leallitasa
Send an &e-mail to:=&E-mail g�nder:
Send an entry to a log &server:=Kay�t &sunucusuna girdi g�nder:
Send a Windows &message to:=Win&dows iletisi g�nder:
Write to a &TXT log file:= &TXT g�nl�k dosyas� yaz:
Write to a &HTML log file:=&HTML g�nl�k dosyas� yaz:
Note: Don't forget to configure e-mail sending options on the E-mail page!=Not: E-
mail sayfas�ndan e-mail g�nderim se�eneklerini yap�land�rmay� unutmay�n!
Select Log File=G�nl�k Dosyas� Se�
Trigger Description=Tetikleyici Tan�mlamas�
***Alert when:=Riasztas, amikor:
***Value is &below:=Az ertek &kisebb, mint:
***Value is &above:=Az ertek &nagyobb, mint:

When virus database is older than=Vir�s veritaban� eskidi�inde

When system drive free space is below=Sistem s�r�c�s�ndeki bo� alan d��kse
***When any local drive free space is below=Ha barmelyik helyi meghajton a szabad
hely kevesebb, mint
Software installation/uninstallation=Yaz�l�m y�kleme/kald�rma
Service installation/uninstallation=Hizmet y�kleme/kald�rma
"Auto Start" list change="Otomat�k Ba�lat" listesi de�i�ti�inde
Network shares change=A� payla��mlar� de�i�ti�inde
PCI devices list change=PCI ayg�t listesi de�i�ti�inde
USB devices list change=USB ayg�t listesi de�i�ti�inde
SMART predicted hard disk failure=SMART sabitdisk bozuklu�u �ng�r�yorsa
System memory size change=Sistem bellek boyutu de�i�ti�inde
Computer name change=Bilgisayar ad� de�i�ti�inde
Winlogon Shell change=Winlogon Shell de�i�ti�inde

Critical system status detected:=Kritik sistem durumu tespit edildi:

Please report this issue to your network administrator=L�tfen bu sorunu a�
y�neticinize bildirin!
Virus database is %d days old=Vir�s veritaban� %d g�n eski
System drive free space is %d%%=Sistem s�r�c�s�ndeki bo� alan %d%%
***Drive %s free space is %d%%=A %s meghajton a szabad hely %d%%
New software installed:=Yeni yaz�l�m y�klendi:
New service installed:=Yeni hizmet y�klendi:
Software removed:=Yaz�l�m kald�r�ld�:
Service removed:=Hizmet kald�r�ld�:
New "Auto Start" list entry:=Yeni "Otomat�k Ba�lat" listesi giri�i:
"Auto Start" list entry removed:="Otomat�k Ba�lat" listesi giri�i kald�r�ld�:
New network share:=Yeni a� payla��m�:
Network share removed:=A� payla��m� kald�r�ld�:
New PCI device:=Yeni PCI ayg�t:
New USB device:=Yeni USB ayg�t:
PCI device removed:=PCI ayg�t kald�r�ld�:
USB device removed:=USB ayg�t kald�r�ld�:

Sending alert message in e-mail=E-mail ile ikaz iletisi g�ndiriliyor

Sending alert message to log server=Kay�t sunucusuna ikaz iletisi g�nderiliyor
Sending alert message using Windows messaging=Windows messaging kullan�larak ikaz
iletisi g�nderiliyor
Alert message sent=�kaz iletisi g�nderildi
Alert message cannot be sent=�kaz iletisi g�nderilemedi

// sensor icons
Sensor Icon=Alg�lay�c� Simgesi
Sensor Icons=Alg�lay�c� Simgeleri
Sensor Icon, OSD=Alg�lay�c� Simgesi, OSD
Hardware Monitoring=Donan�m �zleme
Icons, OSD=Simgeler, OSD
***Vista Sidebar=Vista oldalsav
External Applications=Harici Uygulamalar
Icon Text=Simge Metni
OSD Text=OSD metni
***Sidebar Text=Sidebar szoveg
Icon &background color:=Simge &Artalan rengi:
Icon &text color:=Simge &metin rengi:
&Font name:=&Yaz� tipi ad�:
OSD &font name:=OSD &yaz� tipi ad�:
&OSD text color:=&OSD metin rengi:
***&Text color:=S&zovegszin:
Text &size:=&Metin Boyutu:
O&SD text size:=OS&D metin boyutu:
Display temperatures in &Fahrenheit=S�cakl�klar� &Fahrenheit olarak g�ster
***Degree symbol:=Hofok szimbolum:
Display &icons on OSD panel=Simgeleri &OSD panosunda g�ster
&Display labels on OSD panel (e.g. "Motherboard")=Etiketleri &OSD panosunda g�ster
(�r. "Anakart")
***&Align items to the right=&Elemek jobbra igazitasa
&Keep OSD the topmost window (always on top)=OSD pe&ncerelerin �st�nde tut (Daima
OSD panel &background color:=OSD panosu &arkaplan rengi:
***&Background color:=&Hatterszin:
OSD panel &transparency:=OSD panosu s&aydaml���
***&Decimal digits for voltage values:=Feszultseg ertekek &decimalis jegyeinek
***D&ecimal digits for clock speeds:=Orajelek d&ecimalis jegyeinek szama:
"Se&nsor" page:="A&lg�lay�c�" sayfas�:
***"&GPU" page:="&GPU" oldal:
***&Sensor icons:=E&rzekelo ikonok:
***&Vista Sidebar:=&Vista Sidebar:
***&OSD panel:=&OSD panel:
&Log file:=&G�nl�k dosyas�:
E&xternal applications:=&Harici Uygulamalar:
S&how sensor icons=Alg�lay�c� &simgelerini g�ster
Show OSD pa&nel=OSD pa&nosunu g�ster
***&Enable Vista Sidebar support=Vista Sidebar tamogatas &engedelyezese
***S&how header=Fejlec megjeleni&tese
***&Display labels on Sidebar (e.g. "Motherboard")=&Cimkek megjelenitese az
Oldalsavon (pl. "Alaplap")
***&Use HKLM in Registry=H&KLM hasznalata a Regisztracios adatbazisban
***Dark Blue=Sotetkek
***Dark Green=Sotetzold
&Enable Logitech keyboard LCD support=Logitech klavye LCD deste�ini &etkinle�tir
***LCD &background color:=LCD &hatterszin:
***Page 1=1. oldal
***Page 2=2. oldal
***Page 3=3. oldal
***Page 4=4. oldal
***New &Item=Uj &elem
***New &BMP=Uj &BMP
***New Label=Uj cimke
***New &Label=Uj &cimke
***Modify Label=Cimke modositasa
***Mo&ve Up=&Fel
***Move Do&wn=&Le
***Label and value &separator:=Cimke es ertek &elvalaszto:
***Align &to the right=&Jobbra igazitas
Show &unit (e.g. Celsius, RPM, Volt)=&Birimleri g�ster (�r. Celsius, RPM, Volt)
Hard Disk #%d=%d Sabitdisk
Log sensor readings to &HTML log file:=Alg�lay�c� de�erlerini &HTML g�nl�k
dosyas�na kaydet:
Log sensor readings to CS&V log file:=Alg�lay�c� de�erlerini &CSVg�nl�k dosyas�na
&Log started and stopped processes=&Ba�lat�lan ve durdurulan s�re�leri kaydet
Processes started:=Ba�lat�lan S�re�ler:
Processes stopped:=Durdurulan S�re�ler:
Enable shared &memory=&Payla��lan belle�i etkinle�tir
Enable writing sensor values to &Registry=Kay�t &Defterine alg�lay�c� de�erlerinin
yaz�m�n� etkinle�tir
Enable writing sensor values to &WMI=&WMI'ya alg�lay�c� de�erlerinin yaz�m�n�

// remote control
&Dithering:=&Renk harmanlama:
&User interface effects:=&Kullan�c� arabirimi efektleri:
Desktop &wallpaper:=Masa�st� &duvarka��d�:
Desktop &resolution:=Masa�st� &��z�n�rl���:
Desktop &color depth:=Masa�st� r&enk derinli�i:
Ign&ore all inputs (view only)=&T�m giri�leri yoksay (Sadece g�r�nt�)

No dithering=Renk harmanlama yok

8-bit (256 colors)=8 bit (256 renk)
16-bit (HiColor)=16 bit (Y�ksekRenk)
24-bit (TrueColor)=24 bit (Ger�ekRenk)
32-bit (TrueColor)=32 bit (Ger�ekRenk)

Leave unchanged=De�i�tirmeden b�rak

Disable during connection=Ba�lant� s�ras�nda devre d��
Remove during connection=Ba�lant� s�ras�nda kald�r

Use dithering to save network bandwidth=Harmanlama kullanarak a� bant geni�li�ini

Disable UI effects to improve remote control performance and
responsiveness=Kullan�c� arabirimi efektlerini kapatarak uzak kontrol ba�ar�m�n� ve
yan�t h�z�n� artt�r�n
Remove desktop wallpaper to improve remote control performance and save network
bandwith=Masa�st� duvar ka��d�n� kald�rarak uzak kontrol ba�ar�m�n� artt�r�n ve a�
bant geni�li�ini koruyun
Use a lower desktop resolution to improve remote control performance and save
network bandwith=D��k bir masa�st� ��z�n�rl��� kullanarak uzak kontrol ba�ar�m�n�
artt�r�n ve a� bant geni�li�ini koruyun
Use a lower desktop color depth to improve remote control performance and save
network bandwith=D��k bir masa�st� renk derinli�i kullanarak uzak kontrol
ba�ar�m�n� artt�r�n ve a� bant geni�li�ini koruyun

// Benchmark results save & compare

%d results=%d sonu�lar�
Benchmark Result=Kar��la�t�rmal� Test Sonu�lar�
Please enter benchmark result description:=L�tfen kar��la�t�rmal� test sonu�lar�
i�in a��klama girin:
Show &Reference Results=&Referans sonu�lar� g�ster
Show &User Results=&Kullan�c� sonu�lar�n� g�ster
&Add Result to User List=&Sonu�lar� Kullan�c� listesine ekle
Manage User Results=Felhasznaloi eredmenyek karbantartasa
&Manage User Results=Kullan�c� Sonu�lar�n� &Y�net
Test Name=Test Ad�
CRC Error=CRC Hatas�
&Delete Selected Results=Se�ili Sonu�lar� &Sil

// Portable Computer page

%s Platform Compliancy=%s platform uyumlulu�u
%s Compliant=%s uyumluluk
Mobile PC Physical Info=Mobil PC fiziksel bilgi
System Type=Sistem T�r�
Memory Sockets=Belelek Yuvalar�
Max. Memory Size=En y�ksek Bellek Boyutu
Hard Disk Type=Sabitdisk T�r�
LCD Size=LCD Boyutu
GPU Type=GPU t�r�
WLAN Network Adapter=WLAN a� ba�da�t�r�c�s�
Bluetooth Adapter=Bluetooth ba�da�t�r�c�s�
PCMCIA Slots=PCMCIA Yuvalar�
ExpressCard Slots=ExpressCard Yuvalar�
USB Ports=USB portlar�
FireWire Ports=FireWire portlar�
Video Outputs=Video ��k�lar�
Battery Type=Pil T�r�
Max. Battery Time=En y�ksek pil s�resi

// IPMI page
***IPMI System Event Log=IPMI rendszer esemenynaplo
***IPMI Sensor=IPMI erzekelo

// tray icon
&Hide Main Window=&Program� gizle
&Hide Sensor Icons=Alg�lay�c� &Simgelerini Gizle
&Hide OSD Panel=OSD &Panosunu Gizle

// Enhanced Performance Profiles

Profile Name=Profil ad�
Optimal Performance Profile=En iyile�tirilmi� ba�ar�m profili

// Multi-GPU
CrossFire Status=CrossFire Durumu
SLI Status=SLI Durumu
CrossFire Video Adapters=CrossFire Video Ba�da�t�c�lar�
SLI Connector=SLI Ba�lant�s�

// product key enter

***Enter Product Key=Termekkulcs beirasa
***Please enter your product key:=Kerem, irja be a termekkulcsot:
***License is valid=A licenc megfelelo
***License is expired=A licenc lejart
***License is not valid for this version of %s=A licenc nem hasznalhato az %s
jelenlegi verziojahoz

// license dialogs
***Lavalys Website=Lavalys weboldal
***Product Website=A termek weboldala
***Online Documentation=Online dokumentacio
***Please check the program's online documentation for details.=Bovebb informaciot
a szoftver online dokumentaciojaban talalhat.
***This program is not free. It is an evaluation of copyrighted software.=Ez a
program nem ingyenes. Ez egy copyright altal vedett szoftver probaverzioja.
***If you use it beyond the %d-days evaluation period, you are expected to register
it with the author.=Amennyiben a %d napos probaidoszak utan is hasznalni kivanja, a
szoftver megvasarlasara lesz szukseg.
***You have %d days left of your trial period.=Meg %d nap van hatra az on
***Your evaluation period is over.=Az on probaidoszaka veget ert.
***If you believe this message is an error, please contact Lavalys Licensing
Department at the following e-mail address:=Amennyiben ugy veli, hogy ez az uzenet
hibasan jelent meg, lepjen kapcsolatba a Lavalys Licenc Kozponttal az alabbi e-mail
***If it is not the case, please consider to register the product with the author,
or simply remove it from your computer.=Kerem, fontolja meg a szoftver
megvasarlasat, vagy tavolitsa el azt a szamitogeperol.
***Your registration is corrupted. Please enter your product key again.=Az on
regisztracioja megserult. Kerem, irja be ujra a termekkulcsot.
***You can find your product key in your license e-mail.=Termekkulcsat a licenc e-
mailben talalhatja meg.
***For support, please contact Lavalys Licensing Department at the following e-mail
address:=Technikai segitseget a Lavalys Licenc Kozponttol igenyelhet az alabbi e-
mail cimen:
***Your license will expire in %d days.=Az on licence %d nap mulva lejar.
***Your license is expired.=Az on licence lejart.
***To extend your license, please check the program's online documentation.=A
szoftver online dokumentaciojaban talalhat informaciot a licenc megujitasarol.
***Your license is not valid for this version of %s.=Az on licence nem megfelelo az
%s jelenlegi verziojahoz.
***For license details, please check your license e-mail.=A licenc e-mailben
talalja a licenceles felteteleit.
***Wait %d sec...=Varakozas: %d mp...

// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"

// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!

// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"

***Current Values=Aramerosseg ertekek

// Translate this one as "Power Consumption"

// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!

// Translate this one as "Power Consumption Values"

***Power Values=Fogyasztasi ertekek

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