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The Anatomy of the SDA Omega Apostasy (1 Tim 4:1-3)

Recommended Reading: SpTB02 12.1-24.4

After a simple, cursory perusal of the various issues involved in this infamous, and since,
long-looked for topic of the SDA Omega Apostasy, it can readily be understood and believed
that it is indeed quite an involved topic, both historically, in the indicative “Alpha” setting up,
and, as subsequently brought to my attention, (actually “remembrance” for me), in a comment
below, recently (i.e., 2010ff), in the studies and writings of [PostScript (04-17-2016): the now
late] Rick Howard, now also spiritually.[1]1 However, as with most other “New Light” issues in
this blog, as the premise for arriving at the full understanding of a Biblical Teaching today lies in
being willing to do God’s will for this time, as unequivocally stated in Isa 58 and Matt 25:31-46,
then I won’t take the time to go into those retrospective and explanative details, for those who
“philosophically” will evasively continue to refuse to heed the Gospel Truth of “practical
righteousness” (which is: ‘tangibly doing what is right vs. merely saying/preaching it’), which
indeed is pivotally at the spiritual heart of the Omega (indeed ‘Rebellious’) Apostasy (see
SpTB02 16.4-5), will just find yet another vain, and Satan-inspired, covetousness-related (=EW
266-269) philosophy to not do so. (=1 John 3:7) And, as with any successful deception, it is
rooted in a perversion of a Truth of God (-all stemming from improper Biblical exegesis and all
that this entails, result in a shortsighted/narrow/one-sided view). And in this pointed case, this
has been with the SDA’s claim that: “The Second Coming is surely/“evidently” so near that we
don’t have to do this work.” (contra. Deut 15:7-11; -Indeed Jesus does condemn an attitude
which refuse to actively advance His work prior to His return for any reason. (Matt 25:18, 24-30
& Luke 19:11-14, 20-24, 27))
And so the counsel here is truncatedly quite simple and straightforward: seek to
actually/fully walk in the footsteps of Christ and do what He self-sacrificially did, and you will
be able to discern those various “vain philosophies” floating about (=Ezek 8); indeed,
comprehensively, right in the sanctuaries of SDA Church (=Ezek 8:14-15), the Planning Tables
of Its Evangelistic Outreaches (=Ezek 8:5-6); the Classrooms of its Educational Institutions
(=Ezek 8:7-13), and the Boardrooms of its Medical and Food Establishments (=Ezek 8:16); et.
al. (Ezek 8:17), and that homogeneously is a coalesced call for all to, ala. Capitalism’s chief
tenet: ‘seek the very best for themselves (instead of for others) first; whether in life, career or
services, (=self-seeking and selfishness), and everything else should “naturally”, even if
“trickledly”, take care of itself,’ ‘for “in our (Capitalistic) world, you must first ensure that you
will make money before you can actually do anything else.’ -All contrary to God’s will and His
Gospel mandate. (=8T 249.2-250.2; cf. TM 372.3-373.1)
Indeed, as the SOP, (most likely under direct guidance/inspiration), quotes in 1 Tim 4:1,
(which exegetically involves 1 Tim 4:2-3), the “doctrine of demons” is chiefly a call for one to
ignore what God has said to do in order to live, whether it is, surfacely, conversely so (i.e., doing
what is condemned) as it was with Eve in Eden (cf. SpTB02 15.3), or, so to speak: “affirmatively
so”, i.e., by abstaining from doing what God has said is good and profitable (=1 Tim 4:2-3),
(both really two sides of the same coin), which in this Omega Apostasy’s case is to: ‘meet the
crucial needs of all those in need in order to actually have both victory over sin and (thus) eternal
life.’ (cf. SpTB02 12.3).
Jesus Christ Himself was rejected and crucified by the people, who, were it but for their

express approval, He would not have been, (as the Jewish religious leaders, and then Pilate,
knew), pointedly because He had refused exalt Himself as their King, which He actually had the
viable option of doing, as the Triumphal Entry candidly involved. To those casual and carnal
observers, ‘He just wouldn’t “save himself”’!! But Jesus saw, due to the actual unconsecrated
heart of that surfacely acclaiming throng that this would be much more catastrophic for them in
regards to what that sudden Ascendency without them being Spiritually prepared for it would
end up in. (cf. John 6) And so it was for their own good, if they then chose to receive it, that He
instead decided to allow them to put Him on the Cross. Any one who teaches, in any trace way, a
philosophy of self-exaltation, and self-betterment, indeed, actually, merely for the benefit of
oneself, over Christ’s core teaching of self-denial for the benefit of others (= ‘being centered in
Christ’), will be a charter part of this Omega Apostasy. (RH, November 8, 1892 par. 7; cf. 4SP
200.1-2). And what is indeed most “startling” about this Apostasy is that it most likely will be,
(actually it has by now been (see the fallout/aftermath in this post)) the SOP’s (conversely)
shown ‘19 out of 20’ (95%) (e.g., PC 347.5|LDE 172.1; Mar 253.2; 1T 504.2; 632.2; 1MCP
185.3), and actually much more, in the Church, thus the vast majority of the Church, and thus
naturally, those who come to retain the ownership, rights and control of the SDA Church’s
current, various physical institutions, who will be the apostatised group, (see this post), as it was
with the Christian Church’s Historical “Great Apostasy”, with those fallen away ones having
chosen to take their stand under the black banner (reflecting/setting forth the “standard/s”) of
Satan (SpTB02 15.2 = EW 210.1-213.1|RH, November 8, 1892, par. 7). The justifying rationale
then will indeed be to: “continue going along with the Capitalistic ways of the world in order to
avoid privations and persecutions” (1888 166.2) rather than heed the full light from God’s Law
(e.g., the Full meaning of His Sabbath) which solely can lead to one obtaining Christ’s
righteousness (=1888 166.1)

The Omega Apostasy will have transpired with the Shaking of the SDA Church, and it is
thus no accident that the same issue of “practical benevolence” is at its crux. It is also no
accident that “angels who excel in strength” (SpTB02 14.2) are standing ready to come to the aid
of God’s faithful ones during this widening ordeal, when then the persecutive powers of the
world will next make their physically persecutive assaults on them (vs. merely the
mental/psychological ones which have thus far been inflicted upon them starting during the
Shaking), thus indicating that God has correspondingly readied and delegated a Heavenly
Special Force of Might and Brute Physical Strength (cf. TA 177.3; Psa 103:20) to match these
sure, even militaristic, physical assaults that His faithful ones in this ordeal will have to face as
they stand fast for, and are ever advancing, His Full Gospel (=Ev 514.2) Truth.

Post Scripts:
September 7, 2012
The Two Major Issues in Final Conflict
In further substantiation/corroboration of the statement made in this comment below, I
cite GC 582.3 which says in speaking about the “Impending Conflict”:

“The agencies which will unite against truth and righteousness in this contest are now

actively at work” [=contra 1 John 3:18]

There it is seen that Truth and Righteousness will be the pointed target of Satan in that
final conflict. SDAs “halfly” understand the “Truth” implication part by preaching about the
various Biblical Truth which have been affected over Church History. And with the Second
Beast of Revelation 13 (focusing on Protestant Christianity) being at fault for holding on to
many non-Biblical teachings which were set up by the First Beast of Rev 13, (e.g., Sunday
Sacredness, Immortal Soul, etc), this issue of ‘falsified Truth’ is still present with them,
however, and actually contrary to Roman Catholicism, by Protestants having distinctly espoused
a Capitalistic socio-economic view, the addedly involve the issue of Righteousness, -which is
“doing the right thing and at the right time”. (See e.g., here and here). So the First Beast has
worked, and continuingly is, to pervert God’s Truth, while the Second one similarly affects
Righteousness. Both are Satan’s, most honed, agencies for the Final Conflict in the Great


August 4, 2012

There is a new book by Pastor Rick Howard called the Omega Rebellion. Here is a link on
a couple of his sermons. What do you think.

August 4, 2012

Thank you for the links “Fish”. I’ll be viewing his presentations and posting my comments on
them soon.

August 4, 2012

Fish, I’ve seen from the first of Rick Howard’s presentation that I had already heard similar
presentations (<a
ones</a>) of his on the story behind the writing of his 2010 book. (I had made a linking
reference to some of them in a July 6, 2011 post in <a
138#Post144138>this (private) SDA Forum Thread</a>.) When saw the title here: “The Omega
Rebellion”, I thought that the name of his book had been ‘The Omega Apostasy’ and that this
was a new, 2012, book of his. He however goes into more details in these presentations.

In short, I’ll say here that I have seen that the Omega apostasy will be multi-faceted, but, as Rick

Howard honed in on, it will focus, as it did in the Alpha with John H. Kellogg, on ‘a
spiritualising away of concrete truth’. Howard’s work focus more on having doctrinal Truths
being set aside in favor of a “Spiritual Formation” experience/instructing, which could easily
lead to false doctrines being suggested by Satan in this way. My Bible and SOP studies and
understanding in this regarding, indeed involving God’s Full Sabbatical Truths, show how God’s
expected Practical Truths in regards to helping all those in need, are similarly being set aside by
the Capitalistic Snare of Satan. Both type of deceptions are according to the EW 266-269 plan of
Satan. In the “Spiritual Formation” deception, the deception is spiritually fastened by
supernatural experiences from Satan which “meet” the sought for spiritual want/need, and in the
“Capitalistic” deception it is tangibly fastened by the achieved rewards of money, riches, honor
and status which also “meet” the seekers’ want/need.

So I see that Rick Howard has focused on one side of the coin here, and my studies deal with the
other side. Both sides most deceptively involve departing from God’s ideal and with both having
a seemingly acceptable and needed “reward”, which indeed make them most deceptive snares.

So as the “Capitalistic” deception is not widely exposed in the SDA Church, and as it is
deceiving many more SDA, I have chosen to pointedly focus on it here. (Cf. LDE 218.3ff) Still,
thanks again for bringing this issue up.

August 4, 2012

It is also interesting to see that the “Spiritual Formation” deception serves to create a (Religious)
bond with the First Beast (Rev 13:1-10) while the “Capitalistic” deception creates a (Socio-
Economic) bond with the Second Beast (Rev 13:11-18). So Satan accomplishes his full Mark of
the Beast purposes through both of these avenues.

August 7, 2012

I appreciate your comments. I found it refreshing about his views and comments on the
Church and SOP. I understand we have our problems, but this is God's church. I believe
that God will separate the wheat from the tares and leave a pure church to finish the work.
I look forward to God pouring out his spirit and providing the "New Light" talked about
in SOP. I just wish I understood more on how and when that will happen. Thank you

August 7, 2012

I can understand, Fish, this typical/common SDA understanding that God will purify the Church
from tares and so the best thing is to “stay put”, however, the problem is that this all depends (=
e.g., Jer 18:9-10; LDE 59.2) on the extent to which the Church will allow present waywardness
and deception (see <a
href=>here</a> to

reign supreme in the Church. The “conditionality of Divine Prophecy” depends squarely on what
is actually done or not when the time of that prophecy comes. And as presented in <a
href=>this post</a>
on the 70 Weeks, God, as a form of warning, usually presents the most likely end scenario in a
prophecy but does not at all mean that the converse, or the very worst scenario can happen
instead. So if the General Conference itself begins to formally initiate and/or condone known
waywardness, then it becomes a “Church” issue and in the end, depending on the extent to which
that apostasy reaches, there may, as with the First Century Jews (Matt 23:37-24:2), be nothing
left to “salvage” from that Remnant Church Organization. Particularly if, like the First Century
Jews in 70 A.D., if those apostates decide to turn God’s Church into a bastion for their apostasy
(cf. my comments <a
ng>here</a>, which is done by those formal condoning of sin (e.g., <a
divided conference</a>. The only option then will be reestablish the Remnant Church (=Ezek
11:22-23), the <a
Triumphant</a> (LDE 61.2-62.2) so that God’s Full Gospel Work mandate can be done (see
e.g., <a href=>here</a>). So a
belief that God is restricted by physical buildings or an organization is not the determinative
understanding here, for God’s Church will actually be where His will is actually being done, and
when a Church collectively decides to enshrine waywardness, it automatically loses its status of
being God’s Church. (cf. Jer 7:1-20)

So it is within the duty of any SDA member to both denounce and seek to eradicate sin and
waywardness from the Church, and the tares will actually then leave the Church in order to
continue practising these false things.

August 8, 2012

In regards to the Latter Rain and New Light, the compiled SOP statements in LDE 195.1-196.1
are confirmingly/calibratingly helpful in this regard. (I suggest you also read the original
contexts of those quotes).

We need to be fully living up to the Early Rain’s Light (i.e., the counsel of the SOP), in order to
begin to perceive and follow God’s Latter Rain New Light. And that Latter Rain and New Light
can actually be seen by some individuals and not by others. I have seen in my studies that the
Latter Rain’s New Light is founded in the Full understanding and practising of God’s Sabbath.
And this is not actually something ‘revolutionary” but has always been found in the Bible (Isa 58
& Matt 25:31-46) and SOP (WM 23-62ff). And that is all what constitutes Full and True, <a
href=>Sealing, Third
Angel</a> <a
(More on this in response to your other comment)

You can read my other posts for more on my studied out view on the <a
href=>True Latter
Rain</a> and available <a
Light</a> for the Full Gospel Fulfilling Remnant Church.

As for pointedly the “when” this will be done, I see that it will actually individually be done
whenever a person decides to heed Christ’s Full Gospel will (=LDE 195.2) (which is potentially,
gradually, presently occurring with individuals in the Church), and those individuals will come
together to form God’s “refreshed”, Church Triumphant Movement. (Cf. <a
href=>this allegory</a>).

August 7, 2012

On the 3d presentation, he made a reference to the church doing work in the cities and
with the youth. I don't remember his exact words but he said or inferred that God was not
leading in these endeavors. He seemed to reference the current evangelistic push by the GC
into the cities and GYC. Do you have an opinion and know where the EGW quote he
referenced is? Thank you.

I was at ca. 1/3 of the third presentation when you submitted your comments here, and had not
heard him make those statements which he did go on to make at ca. 01:05:16-01:06:15. They are
from EGW’s vision recorded in 1SM 204.1-205.2ff in relation to the Living Temple Book by
Kellogg. It is most important to keep in mind that Satan will always try to mar the Truth of God
with a subtle counterfeit, and the revealed Bible and SOP will of God is for his Church to work
both the world cities, and also towards the needy of the world as well as to fully involve the
youth of the Church. So the “evil” is not in doing those things, but in actually to overarching
Truth replacing “philosophy” which guides those actions where God’s Truths are discarded.
Both Truth and Righteous Works are to be proclaimed, upheld and done by Church members,
and the Foundational Sabbatical (=Gospel Matt 11:28-30; Heb 4:1-13) Truth of God is Fully
upheld when this is properly done (=Isa 58).

You may find Dave Fiedler’s Historical sermons referenced in <a

ere</a> on the Kellogg Crisis quite helpful for this issue as they reveal how Kellogg went to war
with the SDA Church’s Ministry and reactionarily decided to, in his medical missionary work, to
completely ignore the biblical/spiritual/religious and uplift merely humanitarian works instead.
That is unbalancing an extreme that the Devil wants people to go to.

The fact of the matter is that God’s truth is progressive in that it shine brighter and brighter to its
fullest light, and that light comes to lighten up a future generation’s issues. So it should not be
seen as contradictory if “New Light” pointedly engages issues which Prior Light did not. It was
then not the need case for that Prior Light. The New Light does not render the prior light
obsolete but adds to it and produces an even brighter light. Indeed that prior light shows that the

foundations from which the New Light is derived is true. In all things God has both a Religious
as well as Temporal aspect (e.g,. Matt 22:34-40) which work together, and this principle will be
seen in “New/Present” and “Foundational/Prior” Light issues.

So in regards to the Church working in the cities to help those in need, or the youth rising up to
do what the Church is not doing, particularly in regards to empower and utilizing the Youth of
the Church, I only see supporting counsel in the SOP. Doing so while ignoring God’s Truths is
what is of the Devil, and that conversely includes ‘not Biblically doing such works’ which is, as
the Apostolic Church did under their Latter Rain, through God’s and His Christ’s Biblical
Socialism (e.g., Num 26:52-56; Deut 15:1-11; Luke 3:11; Acts 2:40-47; 4:31-37; 2 Cor 8:7-15).
As you can see in many of those references, it involves a perfect blending of the Religious,
Spiritual, Humanitarian and Evangelistic which will come to perfectly fulfill Matt 24:14.

August 8, 2012

Relatedly, and in regards to Rick Howard’s “labor unions” commenting:

It will however indeed be a reaction of these labor unions against oppressing Capitalist
“overlords” which will result in great violence, yet that will actually be a diversionary battling.
And I see that the Mark of the Beast implications with labor unions today will be in a spurious
socio-economic movement against Capitalism which I am seeing is finding a fulfilment in the
type of socio-political, “mixed economy” proposals being brought forth by “populace”
movements (e.g. ‘The 99%/Occupy...’ ones) and political parties such as ‘Social Democrats’
ones (e.g., the New Democratic Party (NDP) in Canada and the Democrats in the United States).

It is the most calculated, snareful ploy of Satan to make any secular Social Movement to also be
laced with immorality so that, particularly “Right Wing” Christians will then more fully accept
the “Capitalistic” alternative. Both extremes are of the Devil as neither actually fully and singly
do Christ Gospel will. I.e., being a Moral Christian (i.e., against e.g., the homosexual lifestyle
and abortion) does not mean: Money, Greed, Guns and Militarism as U.S. Republicans would
have you believe, and being a Social Christian (i.e., directly helping those in need (vs. the
spurious “trickledown” belief)) does not mean accepting all of those immoral practices, and
especially claiming this to be God’s will.

So the key in all of this is to ‘staunchly maintain God’s Law and Truth, but to not leave the
“weightier” provisions of God’s Law undone’ (Matt 23:23-24) for Jesus clearly stated that this
will result in “religious” people ending up in Hell (Matt 25:31-46; cf. 7:21-23; see also EW 36.2
= Ezek 34:1-22ff).

May 23, 2014

The second of three defining qualities found in Revelation 14:12 is sufficient to identify the
one and only Remnant church, because in only two moves we eliminate all but one of the
33,000 plus churches. 1. The fourth commandment eliminates all but a few Sabbath
professing churches the bulk being eliminated as Sunday keeping churches. 2. The seventh

commandment eliminates all but one of those remaining Sabbath professing churches
because all but that one, are condemned by Luke 16:18, Romans 7:1-3 and Isaiah 8:20
because they allow members to openly commit adultery by remarriage while their original
spouses still live, because Luke 16:18 accuses both the guilty and the innocent spouses of a
divorce on the grounds of adultery in the following words: "Whosoever putteth away his
wife and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her that is put away
from her husband committeth adultery," Luke 16:18, and if this is rejected Isaiah 8:20
accuses the rejector of not having light in them because they are not speaking according to
Luke 16:18. Reject one thing of God's Word and you reject the authority of the Word of
God. Joshua 7:12 the Lord commands Joshua to destroy the covenant breakers from
among them or else He will no longer be with them, but we know that capital punishment
after Christ's death on the cross would rob Him of the ransom He paid for all sins let alone
sins worthy of capital punishment. So since this church with over 17 million members
allows members to retain their membership after remarriage when there is a divorce on
the grounds of their guilty former spouse committing adultery, then Lord was quite plain
in speaking to Joshua, that He would no longer remain their head. for He often declared in
Person, "If ye love me keep my commandments." "Whosoever is born of God, doth hot
commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God." 1
John 3:9. "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God:and every one that
loveth him that begat loveth him that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the
children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of
God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." 1 John
5:1-3. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17. Faith is
taking God at His Word, believing that whatever the Word of God declares is infallibly so.
Why it is so important to increase our faith is because we cannot be faithful until we are
full of faith and being faithful is being fit for heaven the second part of two conditions for
heaven the first is the right to heaven, justification by faith through the imputed
righteousness of Christ dying for our sins so that all we have to do is accept Jesus as the
Christ, which imputes His purchased pardon for us, the right to heaven while at the same
time we are born again, to receive His imputed righteousness the fitness for heaven
sanctification through being grafted on to this living vine. "I am the vine, ye are the
branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for
without me ye can do nothing," John 15:5.

May 23, 2014

I can agree with a general view here that the SDA Church is quite lax in Church Discipline, with
even their no claimed 18 million membership total being, as discussed <a
hip>here</a> being highly doubtful, but in endeavoring to arrive at a Biblical Doctrine it is
important to involve, and that (exegetically) properly all passages which speak on the issue at
hand. So while Paul’s comments in 1 Cor 7:10-11 also do pointedly corroborate what is merely
stated in Luke 16:18; Jesus Himself also said more on this issue in Matt 5:32 & 19:9. And there
Jesus had clearly added/specified that: ‘only if the reason for the divorce is not because of

“unchastity”/fornication/immorality (Greek: <i>porneia</i>; [-which probably can include,
based on Matt 5:27-28] non-consumated fornication), would a resulting divorce not allow for
remarriage of either (both living) party’, as it naturally/logically implies that ‘if the reason is
because of immorality, then a remarriage (by the victimized spouse) is then not considered as

Similarly, in regards to the topic of “justification”, it is important to read, as discussed <a

href=>here</a>, how Paul
was “calibrated” [cf. <a
t1076>here</a>] by James in James 2:14-26 with the Biblical conclusion being that “a man is
justified by works, and not faith alone” (James 2:24; =SOP at FW 100.1-2). And that is because
works perfect&prove one’s (profession/claim of) faith. (James 2:22) Indeed, as fully discussed
<a href=>here</a>
and other linked to posts, even Jesus will judge&reward believers according to their works (e.g.,
2 Cor 5:10; Rev 2:23; 22:12 =Matt 7:21-23; 22:1-14|COL 307-319; Matt 25:31-46). It is one
thing to “hear and have faith”, but it is another thing to duly act on/out that faith. (cf. e.g., 1 John
3:13-19)...and all this ‘saving faith with its righteous works’ is from what Jesus has provided and
mandated. (Eph 2:8-10; cf. Rev 19:7-9)

And, overall, as representationally cited/listed in <a

href=>this post</a>
there are many, literally, <a
Capital</a> reasons (both Spiritually and Physically), why the SDA Church has been <a
href=>rejected</a> and
<a href=>replaced</a>
as God’s Remnant Church.

September 11, 2016 16:47

Actually, this dreaded apostasy has already occurred. When the church chose accreditation
as its course, our religion changed , new books were written and nothing could stop this
new philosophy. God help us

September 12, 2016 19:44

I am rather more comprehensive seeing that that decision to seek accreditation, -which then
meant that SDA Colleges and Universities had to do things according to their accreditors, =the
(Capitalistic) World’s, standard, is what set the SDA Church on the course to produce this full
blown form of this Apostasy, where it now indeed, even unwittingly, cares more operate and
accomplish what the Capitalistic World expects of it, than what God had called it, and pointedly
these Church Schools to do. (Even SDA Academies were all supposed to be sulf-supportive)...

SDA Colleges and Universities were established to train missionaries, which would have easily
accomplished God’s <a
Righteousness</a> <a href=>Full Gospel Mandate</a> on/for them (=Full/True “Medical
Missionary Work”), instead of what they are doing now, which is mainly to funnel people to
work in the Capitalistic World....and merely pay a tithe...if they want to. (Amos 5:21-24)

The Church opted to not have Faith in, or rely/depend on God and His Leading through the SOP,
but instead to seek to ‘have a king like the other (heathen) nations around them’ (1 Sam 8:5-8;
ED 49.1; 6T 249.3-4) which indeed ultimately led to the major debacle which occurred from
Solomon’s reign (6T 250.1-2ff)...

Joshua Ndungu February 5, 2019 at 4:23 AM

Hello Njk,
I have been following up your comments and have been very active in going through your
blog on different subjects from the bible. Your blog is very helpful and I can't thank God
enough for the blessings of light as can be seen. Glory be to God.

I am a seventh day Adventist and have been keenly studying the happenings and events of
God's people, you have a point that I think are very explicit but my question comes in
which then is the true church,isn't God using the Sda church. Not necessarily the
conference and it's organisation, but seventh day Adventists everywhere in the world.

I am a youth Director in my church that houses more than 750 members mire than 250
youths. What is the way because I Think it will be unwise to blow my trumpet in unmusical
way that will not gather the flock but scatter them.

Isn't it my responsibility to help my church to get for prepared for the future and help my
young people make their ways clear and straight with the Maker!?

What is the most effective way to remain clear of drama and woes to behalf the church.

March 23, 2019 16:27|16:37

Hello Joshua! Nice to hear from you and of your desire to be doing God’s full will.
As here merely a succinct response to your question: God’s Church is wherever His True and
Full Will is being proclaimed and done. Like the pioneers of the SDA Church, diligently seek to

find God’s Full Truth in the Bible and SOP, and most importantly, once you find it, seek to do
it...and God will guide you to where His Will is being properly and fully done (=Rev 14:1-5)....

...But be sure of one thing, which I have thoroughly learned in my own experience: Truth is not
popular, and as the Bible says: 2 Tim 3:12!! So don’t expect the path to the Full Truth to be an
easy one.

So like I said, diligent study the Bible to whatever depth it is requiring, and heed these “deeper”
Biblical understandings, and you are then sure to find yourself where God is. (Cf. Ezek 11:14-

Truth and Righteousness


Others on Spiritual Formation

Walter Veith
939 - The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part II / Rekindling the Reformation - Walter

Ernie Knoll


Steven Wohlberg
The Real Roots of the Emergent Church

Stephen Bohr

John Jovan Markovic
ASI 2014 Seminar1 John Markovic
ASI 2014 Seminar1 John Markovic


1. [1] Walter Veith also has an excellent presentation on Spiritual Formation. And the Ernie
Knoll ministry has a comprehensive 400-page chapter (PDF pp.11-412) covering the pervasive
inroads of this demonic deception in the SDA Church through several of its
leaders/teachers/pastors who have (or perhaps now: had(?)) embraced it and are/(were(?))
advocating it. See also this sermon by Steven Wohlberg which also addresses the parenting,

general Christianity “Emerg-ent/ing Church” movement. See also the SDA-(“Alpha”) History-
based GYC 2013 presentation (mp3) by Stephen Bohr. And, more indepthly and specifically,
see the two-part ASI 2014 presentation by John Markovic, professor of Modern European and
Church History at Andrews University here/here & here/here. (He also has a 6-Part GYC 2013
Seminar on this topic). (See this dedicated opposing website).
One has to really wonder just how but complete Satanic delusion did so many SDA’s,
particularly formal leaders ever get so devotedly, deeply and systematically involved in this
heresy!!??...But that is what natural happens when individuals no longer actually have a
functioning relationship with God (=EW 54-56)...they then “mindlessly” desperately/resortingly
turn to paganistic, formulaistic (Matt 6:7), even duly Satanic ritualisms (1 Sam 28:6-7)... (And
manifestly this is, as presented in this present post, a Spiritual precursor, and/or other extreme,
deception to the “special Covetousness snare” in EW 263-266-269)...
And addedly, there may have actually trasnpired a case of a most successful, long-
developing, covert-sleeper Jesuit infiltration of the SDA Church, particularly with people in
these leading/influential position. (After all, the Jesuit Order’s pervasive and infiltrative
covertness served as a model for the United States when it began to develop its (now CIA)
Spying and Covert Activity services). Quite telling to me of this potential possibility is that I
have not heard any of these (former?) proponents of these heresies actually openly repent, recant
and denounce (and also not even try to defend) these things, but have virtually just silently
receded back into the if wanting to maintain their attained high level positions
and awaiting another opportunity to slyly introduce or support Catholic heresies in the SDA


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