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Ririn Dwi Lestari (081611733030)

Dosen : Akif Rahmatillah, S.T., M.T.
Date : Tuesday, February 26th 2019
Biomedical Instrumentation Experiment
Laboratorium Teknik Biomedik, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Airlangga

Electrocardiogram can record the electrical activity of the heart, and can be shown as an
electrical wave. ECG signal can tell the information about structure and function of human
heart. And there’s noises of ECG signal like PLI, Baseline Wander and White Noise. In this
experiment we’re going to remove the noises from ECG signal using butterworth filter with
cutoof 48 Hz and 52 Hz and also using wavelet denoise in LabView. By using two of filter,
the ECG signal will free from the noise because butterworth will denoise the PLI and wavelet
will denoise the white noise. Also FFT is used in this experiment to transform the ECG signal
from time domain tto frequency domain. All of the program is made by using LabView with
block diagram as the display of programming.
Keyword: LabView, Noise, Filter.

1.1 LabView
LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is one of
programming device that are using graphical concept (block diagram) and use in many
fields. It’s a very helpful analysis for measurement and automation and also can be used
to make some instrumental devices. G programming is the graphical programming
language for LabView and it is performed with graphical block diagram that are most
likely the same with another programming language. By using LabVIEW, it is easier
for the user to make some types of virtual instrument that the user want to make and
programmers can also modify the data or control inputs.
1.2 ECG and Noises
Electrocardiogram can record the electrical activity of the heart, and can be
shown as an electrical wave. ECG signal can tell the information about structure and
function of human heart. In general, the frequency range of an ECG signal is of 0.05–
100 Hz with dynamic range is about 1–10 mV. The ECG signal is can be characterized
by five peaks or often called as peaks P, Q, R, S, T. Bu there is very low amplitude
wave that called a U wave in ECG signal but also often to absent in the results. Mainly
an ECG tracing is a repeating cycle of three electrical entities: a P wave (atrial
depolarization), a QRS complex (ventricular depolarization) and a T wave (ventricular
repolarization). The ECG signal representation is shown below in Fig. 1:

Figure 1. ECG Signal

There’s also some type of ECG Noises such as:
1. Power line interference
It tends appear at ECG signal in frequency of 50/60Hz pickup and harmonics.
The electrical equipment is the one that induce 50 Hz signals in the input circuits of
the ECG machine.
2. Electromyogram (EMG) Noise
EMG can be found at maximum frequency of 10 KHz in ECG signal. Sections
of ECG may be corrupted by surface EMG and make it harder to analyzed.
3. Baseline Wander
BW happens most likely because of respirator or any small body movement that
can corrupted ECG signal. Baseline wander interfered at frequency greater than
4. Channel Noise
Channel noise introduces when ECG signal is transmitted through channels. It
cam happen because of the poor channel conditions. It is like white Gaussian noise
which contains all frequency components.

On this experiment, we try to create a program to change ECG signal to frequency
domain using FFT. The ECG signal have two noises such as: PLI (50 Hz) and white
noise (0.1 Hz), and we have to filter it so we can see the clear ECG signal without any
noises. We’re using LabView as programming tools, where the block diagram shown
in Fig. 2 below:

Figure 2. Block Diagram of Filtering ECG Signal

To have the ECG simulator, we’re using Biomedical Tool from LabView, and
add two types of noise: PLI and white noise to it. We’re using FFT to transform ECG
signal to frequency domain. The filter that used in this program is bandstop Butterworth
filter 12 order with low cutoff frequency at 48 Hz and high cutoff frequency at 52 Hz.
And we also use Wavelet Denoise at level 7 with transform type is DWT. And ro show
the diagram of the signal, we’re using waveform diagram from LabView.

With the design of program that we made, the result of it shows in Fig. 3 below:
Figure 3. The ECG Signal Filtered and Unfiltered
On Fig. 3 shows the diagram of ECG signal before and after the signal is being
filtered and also the diagram of ECG signal in frequency domain. On the first top left
picture, we can see the ECG signal being interrupted by the PLI and white noise. And by
using Butterwoth bandstop filter with 12 order and low cutoff frequency 48 Hz and high
cutoff frequency 52 Hz, at the bottom left picture we can see the filtered ECG signal. The
top right picture is the graphic of unfiltered ECG signal in frequency domain that can be
gain by using FFT. The bottom right picture is the filtered ECG signal. We can see there’s
a peak at frequency 50 Hz before the ECG signal being filtered, it indicated the noise from
PLI. And also at low frequency, the graphic is not too smooth because of the white noise.
And after filtered, the noises are gone.

On this experiment, we have to see the ECG signal graphic by using a tool of
LabView. The tool is named Biomedical Tool. We choose the Simulate ECG option to see
the ECG signal graphic. And we can also setting the ECG signal noises. On this experiment,
we’re using two types of noises. The first one is the PLI noise at frequency 50 Hz and the
second one is white noise at 0.1 Hz. And then with this signal, we have to transform it to
frequency domain by using FFT. The fast Fourier transform is a mathematical method for
transforming a function of time into a function of frequency.
After that, we’re using two types of filters to denoising the noises from ECG signal.
The first filter that we use is the Butterworth bandstop filter 12 order. We set the low and
high cutoff frequency of the filter at 48 Hz and 52 Hz, so, the ECG signal at that range of
frequqncy will be not included in the ending result. We’re using Butterworth bandstop filter
because we want to denoise all the noise at frequency 50 Hz because of the PLI noise. The
frequency cutoff of this filter is choosen near the 50 Hz because the PLI noise is not only
interfere at exactly 50 Hz but also at little bit lower and highr frequency than 50 Hz.
And then, we’re using wavelet denoise as a filter to filter the white noise at 0.1 Hz.
This type of transform can reduce the white noise because the wavelet denoise is much
more like the high pass filter. Because the white noise is happen or interfere at very low
frequency 0.1 Hz, the wavelet denoise will only pass the signal above 0.1 Hz so and the
end, we’re going to have the ECG signal without noises. And to show the graphic of the
ECG signal, we’re using the waveform graph of LabView.

1. LabView is a program to programming but using the graphical language like
block diagram.
2. To filter the ECG signal from PLI and white noise, we’re using butterworth
bandstop filter 12 order with high and low cutoff frequency 48 Hz and 52 Hz to
denoise the PLI and using wavelet denoise to denoise the white noise.

Snehal Thalkar, Prof. Dhananjay Upasani “ Various Techniques for Removal of Power
Line Interference From ECG Signal” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, Volume 4, Issue 12, December-2013 12 ISSN 2229-5518.
P. Raphisak, S.C. Schuckers, A.J. Curry, An algorithm for EMG noise detection in large
ECG data, Comput. Cardiol, 31 (2004) 369–372.

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