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Anna Cobb

Kimberly Rushton
February 7, 2019

Is Beowulf a Hero?
The Impact of an Epic

What defines a hero? Is it the number of their victories, or the wealth that they accumulate?
Perhaps it is the number of damsels they rescue or mountains they climb. Regardless, there is
something in their character that makes them compelling as a figurehead and an example that
others wish to replicate. They are often pictured with glorious armor and wield impressive
broadswords, so it is no surprise that the origin of heroes dates back many years. The epic of
Beowulf was originally a story passed down orally throughout the generations and was first
written circa the 8th century. It tells the tale of Beowulf, a Geat, who comes to a king’s aid in
battling a great monster, Grendel, when he finds they have been terrorized for many months.
Beowulf certainly cuts the figure of a hero, coming into King Hrothgar’s kingdom to slay a
monster. Based on his actions and words, Beowulf is a hero because he is an excellent leader,
trustworthy, and both fearless and willing to sacrifice himself for others.
We see that Beowulf is a hero even before he faces Grendel, as the stories of his previous
heroics show the integrity of his character and that he embodies a strong example others would
not hesitate to follow. When he arrives in the king’s hall, others tell of the time Beowulf fought a
sea monster, and when he “wantonly dared in waters deep” to face the beast. As a leader,
he must demonstrate faith in himself before he expects others to do the same. He must be the
example others seek to follow, and he does that by trusting in another power to give him the
strength to pull off such feats of power. He relies on his own strength, but “In truth, the
Geats’ prince gladly trusted / his mettle, his might, the mercy of God!” He knows
that, as the leader of his men, he must show that he has faith in himself, before demanding that
same devotion from his men.

This is another thing that Beowulf demonstrates that is a quality of a hero is his
trustworthiness and unfailing ability to complete the tasks at hand. Once he has proven himself a
good leader, he has to act in such a manner so that people choose to follow him, someone who,
when he is called in to solve a problem, will get the job done without fail. To his credit, Beowulf
has the benefits of his previous heroics. King Hrothgar himself has been won over, saying
“Never to any man erst I trusted, / since I could heave up hand and shield, / this
noble Dane-Hall, till now to thee.” Clearly, there is something about him that makes the
king put such faith in Beowulf ’s skills. Through his strength and daring, Beowulf wins the trust of
others. He demonstrates his commanding presence and leadership when proclaims to his allies
“Sorrow not, sage! It beseems us better / friends to avenge than fruitlessly mourn
them.” His uncanny ability to rally men’s spirits after tragic losses in their ranks is indicative of
his charisma and the faith that his followers put in his leadership.
This heroic quality is not to be taken lightly, because many leaders lack the daring to go
into battle with their men. Beowulf, however, does not back down in the face of danger and is
willing to sacrifice himself to accomplish deeds of greatness. It is because of his courage that he
says “I am firm to do / an earl’s brave deed, or end the days / of this life of mine in
the mead-hall here.” His self-sacrificial nature shows that he will persevere even when the cost
he may have to pay is as steep as his life. Beowulf pushes on, and “Ne’er failed his valor / in
the crush of combat when corpses fell.” He is ever willing to risk his life, focusing solely on
the task to be completed and what is immediately surrounding him at the moment. During his
battles, “His strength he trusted, / hand-gripe of might. So man shall do /
whenever in war he weens to earn him / lasting fame, nor fears for his life!” Even
in times of danger and crisis, he is able to concentrate on the fight, going back to what he has at
his disposal, being his physical prowess, his mid, and his faith in God to achieve victory.
All laid bare in this way, it is clear that Beowulf is a hero. No average man could do such
acts of bravery and good-heartedness, nor excel to the point that men envy and wish to be him.
Even in his time, he was a legend for his skill and deeds. It is because of this, as well as his fearless
determination to do right in the world and unfaltering leadership that causes his men to trust him
with their lives, that Beowulf is a hero.


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