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The knees "hurt" when your pride does not bend.

Cancer kills you when you get tired of living.

Neuroses "paralyze" when the inner child is tyrannized.

The fever "warms" when the defenses exploit the borders of immunity.

The chest "tightens" when pride enslaves.

The pressure "rises" when fear imprisons.

The body "grows fat" when the dissatisfaction tightens.

The headache "depresses" when doubts increase.

The heart "loosens" when the meaning of life seems to end.

The stomach "burns" when the rages can not get out.

Diabetes "invades" when loneliness hurts.

The cold "drips" when the body does not cry.

Sore throat "clogs" when it is not possible to communicate afflictions.

The disease is not bad, it tells you that you are making a mistake.


*Illness is a conflict between personality and soul*.

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