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>> Welcome to this course on

the Introduction to the Internet of Things.

We're happy you're joining us for this important topic.
In this video, since this is the first video of the course,
we're going to introduce both the course and the first modules.
Let's talk a little bit about
what's in module one and what you can
expect to learn as you work your way through this module.
We've titled this module IoT in Industry.
Really, what we want to cover in the modules to talk
about the architecting of an IoT solution.
So, as you're thinking about putting an IoT solution together,
we'll call that the architecture of your solution.
There's a lot of considerations
that we want to make sure you learn.
So, when you first think about IoT,
you might think about devices,
you might think about for example
a thermostat that is connected to the internet.
It can give you data on how much energy you're using in your home.
That might be an initial case that you'd think about.
But in this course,
we're really going to cover the business of IoT.
That is, how you think about using
IoT to enhance whatever business that you're in,
and using data to learn more about
how customers use your products or services,
and how you can enhance the offering to customers by using IoT.
So, IoT is not only about devices and data.
But we want to think more holistically
and think about IoT as a solution.
So, in order to do that,
it's really important at the beginning of
architecting your solution to have a strategy.
In module one, we're going to talk a lot
about developing that strategy and
all the things that you should
consider as you develop that strategy.
We're going to talk about Microsoft's approach to that.
But also look at other industry leaders and
see how other industry leaders
talk about developing that strategy.
So, strategy just like in other industries and other areas,
a strategy involves thinking about every aspect of your solution,
and how you're going to develop that solution so that
your strategy is holistic
and covers everything that you need to cover.
We're also going to talk about what IoT is.
If you look at the internet,
if you browse the internet for the term IoT or Internet of Things,
there's a lot of definitions and there are a lot of people that
are trying to define exactly what IoT is.
So, we'll talk a little bit about that,
and we'll come up with a definition.
We'll look at the I triple E's is definition of IoT.
Hopefully, those will provide us
with some guidance as to what this is.
But also look at why IoT is important,
and how it can enhance your business,
or your enterprise, or the industry that you're in.
IoT is not something you want to
develop without a strong strategy,
without very being very intentional about what you're developing.
So, we're going to take some time to look at
developing a strategy so that you can implement an IoT solution.
Then how to apply that strategy and
that solution to the problems your business or enterprise faces.
We're also going to look at what we call industry verticals.
So, these are specific segments of industry like
medicine or smart cities.
You may have heard that term smart cities.
We're going to look at those verticals
and look at specifically how
those verticals are implementing IoT to enhance their industry.
We're going to spend some more time on this in module four.
But in module one, we'll give a brief overview and survey
some industries that are using IoT to enhance what they're doing.
When we think about an architecture and a solution,
an architecture involves devices yes.
But it also involves a bunch of online services, cloud services.
That's the I in IoT.
So, it's not enough to have a device that collects data.
That you have to do something with that data.
This is where Cloud services like Azure come into place.
That you can collect the data,
you can analyze it, you can store it,
you can apply a machine learning techniques to that data,
and then you can run business intelligence programs
to analyze the data and provide you with meaningful information.
So, when you think about a full IoT architecture,
this is what it involves.
This diagram we're not going to cover in module one.
We'll see this diagram later in the course.
But this gives us a sense of all the pieces that are involved.
So, you're going to produce certain events using devices,
devices that are going to collect data.
Then you're going to cue that those events
into what's called stream ingestion.
So, you're going to take the data coming out of those devices,
and you're going to do something with it.
You're going to store it.
You're going to move it through what's called an IoT Hub
that can provide meaningful information to the devices,
back to the devices, and to
the other Cloud services that you're using.
We'll look at Stream Analytics which does
real time analysis on the data coming in from the devices,
and then we'll look at the storage and
business intelligence piece of a full IoT solution.
So, in module one, we'll introduce some of these concepts.
Then as we move through the course,
we'll enhance our understanding of
each of these concepts and how they
can be used in a full solution.
One question that you'll see a lot of people on the Internet ask
this and anybody involved in IoT will also ask this question.
What exactly makes an IoT device?
So, on this slide,
you can see there are six options
for what an IoT device must have.
I've actually put some items
in here that aren't true of an IoT device.
Then there's a few here that are true of an IoT device.
So, take a quick look at this
and see if you can figure out which are
the ones that we might want to include
in the definition of an IoT device,
and which ones you think probably shouldn't be
included and aren't important to have on an IoT device.
As you work through module one,
we'll actually look at this list again.
We'll look at the real list, the full list of what we
believe should be included in the definition of an IoT device,
and we'll provide some justification
for why those components are important,
why those aspects are important.
The reason I include this slide is
because when you think about what IoT is,
as we said earlier in this video,
it's important to understand the aspects of what makes a device,
an IoT device and not merely a computing device.
So, as we look at the definition of what an IoT device is,
which we'll do in module one,
then that will help us understand what IoT
as a concept or as an architecture is,
and we'll look at how those two things are related as well.
Then also in module one,
we'll look at the business as we said earlier,
the business of IoT.
This is all about planning an architecture.
So, you'll have an exercise in module one
where you'll get to write a business plan for IoT.
If you're in this course as a part of the series, the IoT series,
and you're looking to work towards
the capstone project at the end of the series of courses,
this will become important.
So, it's important for you to invest
in writing this business plan as
a part of this first course so that you can
use that later on in the capstone.
So, as you think about a business plan,
obviously you're going to plan for a strategy
which we talked about earlier.
You're going to learn to articulate why
IoT is valuable to the business that you're in.
We'll look at the importance of IoT and data.
As you'll see, this is going to be
a common theme throughout the course.
Data is a key aspect of the IoT architectures.
When you think about what IoT is,
data is a core component.
Really, you deploy devices,
IoT devices for your enterprise,
for your business, for your industry so that you can collect data.
Then we use that data hopefully in
meaningful ways in other parts of the solution.
So, you'll write a business plan,
you'll figure out how to articulate each of
those first three bullets as a part of the business plan.
Then as a part of that plan,
you're going to think about developing
the right team so that you can deploy
the proper architecture and
build the right pieces for that architecture.
Then finally, you're going to learn how to
establish governance processes and policies.
Now, what that means and we'll look
at this more later in the module.
What that means is that you want to make sure you're
using your IoT solution responsibly.
You have good policies for how
to monitor the data that's being collected,
how you deal with privacy,
and then just how you maintain and manage the entire solution.
As we'll learn, IoT solutions can get very complex.
You have to have, at the very front of the project,
you have to have strong governance policies
in order to keep that solution running smoothly.
So, again, welcome to this course.
We're glad you're here. Let's get
started and jump into the first module.

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