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Outline Multimodal Project

1. I'm going to analyze the Super Bowl commercial “Audi Presents: Cashew” out of what types of
rhetorics are used to create most appeal towards the audience. I'm going to add Marxism as a
critical lense to analyze the commercial.
1. Through analyzing this commercial I hope to get a better knowledge of how people get
persuaded into buying the advertising companys products. With the rethorical triangle with
ethos, pathos and logos as my groundwork and to add concepts of marxism to compliment
2. Audi’s “Audi Presents: Cashew” claims that their cars provide a feeling of hope and
liberation from everyday life, but the company illustrate an image that there should be a
connection between the reconciliation with dead relatives in heaven and expensive cars
2. For a company to be as effective as possible when making a commercial it crucial to know what
audience your going to target.
1. Audi got a broad audience since all people that are allowed to drive are a potential buyer.
2. The main charcter is important because, the more the viewer can relate to him, the more
affected he will be by the commercial and more likely to buy the product.
1. In this commercial, the main charcter looks miserable at his normal job, so people
who feel the same thing about there job will be more effected by this ad than
others. It's an appeal to emotion (Pathos).
2. A marxist lense could be added; saying that they are competing to get higher on
their socieconimc statuses. That's why they are not satisfied.
3. The claim made by the Audi commercial is that their cars are connected with the feelings of bliss
and heaven.
1. In the commercial opening scene, they are trying to reenact a heaven like setting.
Connected to the repressive ideology; the American Dream.
1. The feelings represented are childhood, freedom and happiness.
2. By using the grandpa in this scene with a reunion with his grandson sets an emotional appeal
since it looks like they haven't seen eachother in a while.
4. This commercial uses a lot of Pathos, which is the power of emotion, to get their point across.
1. Pathos is used because that is the way the company will earn most money,, marxism.
2. The childhood part of the man meeting his grandpa creates a strong emotional appeal.
3. The commercial is told as a story instead of directly promoting their new cars, making it more
convenient to be emotionaly appealing.
1. The story is like an emotional story of excitement and let down. As an example when
the main character wakes up in his office after choking on a peanut.

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