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MINISTERUL EDUCATIEL NATIONALE ST CERCETARII STIINTIFICE INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR AL JUDETULUL Bi Proba de verificare a cunostinjelor de limba englezi pentru admiterea in clasa a IX-a cu program de predare bilingy si intensiv 25 mai 2016 SUBIECTUL1 10 puncte Read the text below and think of the word which best fts each space. Use only one word in each space: In every land people .... 1) stories zbout magical beasts. The strangest beasts of... 2) lived in Ireland. They ... 3) called the Fomoriens. The Fomoriens were strange because each ... 4) was different. One might have the body ofa fish. He would walk with his tail. Another might .. 5) only one leg. He would have ... 6) hop. Most Fomoriens were just plain ugly. But some of ... 7) were beautiful. They had golden hair and nice smiles. They looked 8) real people. But inside they were still strange beasts. These beasts went to war... 9) people. They won the war, so ... 10) many years they ruled the land. SUBIECTUL TI 10 puncte Choose the most suitable word: At the (I) ...., if we want mobile (2) .... to the Web, we have to travel around with things like tablets and smartphones in our bags. But the inventor (3) .... something called the Gesture Interface has (4).... up with a way of doing this using only something we've (5) .... around with us for millions of years — our hands. The idea is (6) .... on simple technology that is already in existence. (7) .... carrying around the usual hardware, you have a small wearable device on your hands. This contains a projector, a camera and wireless technology to (8) .... you to the Web. It also has sensors which read and {interpret simple hand gestures. For example, when you want to (9) .... a photograph, simply make a frame around the image with your hand and click your fingers. The device (10) .... out what you want and operates the camera, 1.A present B moment C minute 2. access Bline Clink 3.Ato Bot Cin 4A come B found C thought 5.A delivered Bcarried C brought 6.4 founded B based C begun 7.A Instead of B Along with C Apart from 8.A log B download C connect 9.A take B make Cdo 10. A works B meets C knows SUBIECTUL It 20 puncte Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms: Last week I... 1) (walk) home after playing tennis when it... 2) (start) raining very heavily. ‘Oh no, I... 3) (get) soaked before 1... 4) (reach) home, "I thought. 'I wish I ... 5) (remember) to bring my raincoat.’ But unfortunately I... 6) (leave) it at home. How stupid of me! I. 7) (always forget) to bring it with me. Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift. '... 8) (you go) home?’ she asked, ‘or ... 9) (you want) to go for a drink?" ‘I think I'd rather you ... 10) (take) me home," I said ragedof2 MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE SI CERCETARIT STIINTIFICE £& (— INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR Ee AL JUDETULUI BRASOV SUBIECTUL IV 10 puncte Complete each of the sentences with a word formed from the word in bold. 1. You are much taller this summer. What is your... now? HIGH 2. Youare not allowed to park your car in this area as i is reserved for ... only RESIDE 3. Parents ought to be cautious about certain TV programmes as some are ... for children. SUIT 4. James is an extremely sociable person and makes friends very. EASY 5. He missed his flight so he had no ... but to take the next plane. CHOOSE 6. The country is going through one of the... periods in its recent history TOUGH 7.» should be very careful when riding on roads with heavy traffic. CYCLE 8. We spent our holiday in .... little village outside Lion, PEACE 9. Fanny has just got ajob as a... at Harper College. LIBRARY 10, The women was asked to put her... on the application form, SIGN Subiectul V 10 puncte Read the text and decide whether the sentences written below the text are true or false, Ifa sentence is true, write T (true), if itis not true, write F (false) next to the sentence number: Mohandas Gandhi (known as Mahatma ~ or “Great Soul” ~ Gandhi) was one of the greatest figures of the 20" century. Gandhi was the man who led India on the path of independence from British rule. He gained freedom for his country through actions which were always based on the ideas of non-violence and peace. Gandhi was bom in India on 2 October 1869. He spent his childhood in India and at 19 he Went to study law in England. At the age of 23, Gandhi got a one-year contract to do legal work in South Africa, In South Africa he was shocked to see how badly Indian people were treated. Gandhi believed that the best way to achieve political and social change was peaceful protest. He always remained true to the ideas of non-violence, even in the most extreme situations On his return to India, 21 years later, he began to fight for improved rights here, too. He was especially concemed with improving the life of India’s lower classes. He soon became the leader in the movement to free India from the rule of the British and he succeeded. In 1947, six months after India gained independence, Gandhi was assassinated. He was 78 years old. Today, Gandhi is loved by millions of people throughout the world. His national holiday in India. thday is a 1. Mahatma Gandhi was an important personality of the 20" century. 2. Due to his beliefs, Gandhi’s actions were always violent. 3. Gandhi went to England to study law. 4, When he was 32, Gandhi went to South Africa. $. Gandhi did volunteer work in South Africa, 6. Indian people were treated extremely well in South Africa. 7. Gandhi came back to India after a 21-year stay in South Africa 8. Back to his country, Gandhi started fighting for the rights of the rich 9. Due to Gandhi's fight, India gained independence from Britain, 10. Today, people no longer remember who Gandhi was. NoTA: + Timp de lucru~1 ora * Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii + Seacorda 10 puncte din oficiu + Punetaj total: 70 puncte Page2ot2 INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI AL JUDETULUT BRASOV NATIONALE SI CERCETARI STHNTIFICE BAREM DE CORECTARE Proba de verificare a cunostinelor de limba englezi pentru admiterea in clasa a IX-a cu program de predare bilingv/intensiv 25 mai 2016 SUBIECTUL 1-10 puncte (1 punct pentru fiecare cuvént corect) 1. tell 2. all 3. were 4, one 5. have 6. to 7. them 8. like 9, against 10. for (oricare alta solutie corecti este acceptata) SUBIECTUL Il - 10 punete (1 punct pentru ficcare alegere corect) 1.B 2A 3.B 4.4 5B 6B 7.A 8C 9A 10A SUBIECTUL MII ~ 20 punete (2 puncte pentru fiecare forma corecta) 1. was walking, 2, started, 3. will get, 4. reach, 5. had remembered, 6, had left, 7. am always forgetting/always forget, 8. Are you going, 9. do you want, 10. took (oricare alta solutie corecta este acceptata) SUBIECTUL IV - 10 points (1 punct pentru fiecare forma corecta) 1, HEIGHT 2. RESIDENTS, 3. UNSUITABLE, 4. EASILY 5. CHOICE 6. TOUGHEST 7. CYCLISTS 8. PEACEFUL 9. LIBRARIAN 10. SIGNATURE, SUBIECTUL V — 10 punete (1 punct pentru fiecare rispuns corect) 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F, 5-F, 6-F, 7-T, 8-F, 9-T, 10-F;

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