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Accepted Article

Accepted Manuscript
Title: Demand-Supply Mismatches and Stock Market Performance: A
Retailing Perspective

Authors: Kristoph K. R. Ullrich, Sandra Transchel

Reference: POMS 12687
To appear in: Production and Operations Management

Please cite this article as: Ullrich Kristoph K. R., et al., Demand-Supply
Mismatches and Stock Market Performance: A Retailing Perspective. Production and
Operations Management (2017),

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been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/poms.12687
Demand-Supply Mismatches and Stock Market
Accepted Article
Performance: A Retailing Perspective

Kristoph K. R. Ullrich*
Kühne Logistics University, Großer Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
Ph: +49 40 328707-305; Fax: +49 40 328707-109
*Corresponding author

Sandra Transchel
Kühne Logistics University, Großer Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
Ph: +49 40 328707-256; Fax: +49 40 328707-209

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been
through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to
differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi:
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Demand-Supply Mismatches and Stock Market
Accepted Article
Performance: A Retailing Perspective


We provide empirical evidence that the volatility of inventory productivity relative to the
volatility of demand is a predictor of future stock returns in a sample of publicly listed U.S.
retailers over the period 1985-2013. This key performance indicator, entitled demand-supply
mismatch (DSM), captures the fact that low variation in inventory productivity relative to
variation in demand is indicative of the superior synchronization of demand- and supply-side
operations. Applying the Fama and French (1993) three-factor model augmented with a
momentum factor (Carhart 1997), we find that zero-cost portfolios formed by buying the two
lowest and selling the two highest quintiles of DSM stocks yield abnormal stock returns of
up to 1.13%. These strong market anomalies related to DSM are observed over the entire
sample period and persist after controlling for alternative inventory productivity measures
and firm characteristics that are known to predict future stock returns. Further, we reveal
that DSM is indicative of lower future earnings and lower sales growth and provide evidence
that the observed market inefficiency results from investors’ failure to incorporate all of the
information that inventory contains into the pricing of stocks.

Retail operations; inventory dynamics; operations-finance interface

Received: December 2015; accepted: December 2016 by Nicole DeHoratius after two revisions

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1 Introduction
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Simply operating more efficient and cost-effective supply chains is not sufficient to gain a sus-

tainable competitive advantage (Lee 2004). Rather, a company’s ability to respond quickly

to changes in demand or supply without stockpiling unnecessary inventory needs to be com-

plemented by cost efficiency. In the retailing industry, inventory accounts for, on average,

34% of total assets and 60% of current assets, with a mean value of US$ 519.7 M. There-

fore, retailers must manage inventories with the greatest caution. Excessive inventory stock

may lead to liquidity problems and future markdowns, whereas insufficient stock will lead

to lost sales, customer dissatisfaction (with all of its negative consequences), and premium

freight charges resulting from expedited shipments (Kesavan and Mani 2013). Given the

great importance of managing inventories in an efficient and effective manner, most retail-

ers have adopted modern supply chain and operations management concepts over the last

decades, which have led to widespread improvement in the management of inventories across

the retailing industry (e.g., Chen et al. 2007, Alan et al. 2014).

The great relevance of inventory management in retailing contexts also inspired schol-

ars to test and improve conventional inventory performance measurement methods (Gaur

et al. 2005, Rumyantsev and Netessine 2007a) and to empirically validate predictions from

inventory theory (Rumyantsev and Netessine 2007b, Bray and Mendelson 2012, Jain et al.

2014). In addition, scholars have shown that retailers indeed realized significant increases in

inventory productivity over the past years and attribute these improvements to the adoption

of concepts such as quick response, inventory pooling, and revenue management (e.g., Chen

et al. 2007). Despite increasing awareness of the importance of inventory management in

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practice and in the scientific community, Sloan (1996), Kesavan et al. (2010), and Kesavan
Accepted Article
and Mani (2013) note that there is growing evidence that Wall Street investors do not lever-

age all of the information that inventory contains. In addition, as managerial bonus payments

are commonly tied to the stock market performance (Currim et al. 2012, Alan et al. 2014), it

is not only relevant to investors but also to managers whether the stock market appreciates

superior inventory management.

This explains the extensive effort by academics to determine whether operations man-

agement (OM) practices are related to stock market performance and whether OM-related

accounting information can be leveraged to predict stock returns. In their pioneering work,

Chen et al. (2005, 2007) investigate the development of firm-level inventories in the manu-

facturing and retailing industries and analyze whether abnormal inventories are indicative

of abnormal stock returns. The authors reveal that inventory holdings generally declined

during the 1981-2000 and 1981-2004 periods and that firms with abnormally high invento-

ries yield abnormally poor long-term stock returns. Although Chen et al. (2005) find that

manufacturing firms with slightly lower than average inventory holdings (deciles 4 and 3)

yield positive abnormal returns, Chen et al. (2007) do not find evidence that abnormally

low inventory holdings yield abnormal returns for retailers and wholesalers. Building upon

these findings, Steinker and Hoberg (2013) utilize a dataset of manufacturing firms over the

1991-2010 period and show that abnormal stock returns monotonically decrease in abnor-

mal year-over-year inventory growth and that abnormal stock returns increase in within-year

inventory volatility.

Kesavan et al. (2010) and Kesavan and Mani (2013) explore the impact of inventory-

related information on analysts’ earnings and sales forecasts. Kesavan et al. (2010) reveal

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that including information on the cost of goods sold, inventory levels, and gross margins
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as endogenous variables in a sales forecast improves forecast accuracy, although analysts

typically do not consider all of this information. Kesavan and Mani (2013) complement the

finding that analysts fail to fully incorporate the information contained in past inventory

by providing evidence for an inverted U-shaped relationship between abnormal inventory

growth and one-year-ahead earnings, implying that inventories are necessary to capitalize on

(additional) demand but become detrimental once they exceed a certain point. Recently, Alan

et al. (2014) reveal that inventory productivity predicts the stock returns of publicly listed

U.S. retailers and that, despite its predictive power, investors fail to incorporate inventory

information into investment decisions.

Thus, the above literature suggests that investors do not explicitly analyze publicly avail-

able financial data to obtain information regarding firms’ OM. Interestingly, if such infor-

mation is announced to the major business press, investors do incorporate this information

in stock valuations (Hendricks and Singhal 2005, 2009, 2014). That pattern indicates that

investors consider major events related to firm operations in pricing stocks, but they fail to

predict them based on careful analysis of the available inventory data (Kesavan and Mani

2013). In particular, Hendricks and Singhal (2005, 2009, 2014) use event studies applied to

stock market and accounting data to study the effect of public announcements regarding sup-

ply chain management and OM on firm performance. Considering supply chain glitches, the

authors show that undersupply leads to significant declines in both current and future stock

returns and that oversupply is costly and causes obsolescence risk, as reflected in stock market

reactions. Hendricks and Singhal (2014) complement this finding by reflecting on their pre-

vious work and demonstrate that announcements related to excess inventory, compared with

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

announcements related to product introduction delays and production disruptions, clearly
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have the greatest effect on the equity volatility of companies.

In addition to OM scholars, accounting researchers also explore the predictive power

of inventory-related information. Bernard and Noel (1991) demonstrate that unexpected

changes in the raw materials and work-in-process inventories of manufacturing companies

are positive indicators of future sales, whereas the effect of inventory changes on future

earnings is essentially neutral. Regarding finished-goods inventory, the authors show that for

both manufacturers and retailers, unexpected changes in inventory are negative indicators

of future earnings, despite the presence of a countervailing positive relationship with future

sales. This result partially contrasts with that of Abarbanell and Bushee (1997), who find

only weak economic justification for a relationship between inventory and future earnings for

manufacturers; they do not establish such a relationship for retailers. Kesavan and Mani

(2013) reveal, in line with Sloan (1996), that analysts fail to reflect all of the information

contained in accruals, which leads to mispriced stocks, as implied by the abnormal returns of

the bottom and top deciles of portfolios formed based on accruals. This finding is particularly

important because subsequent research reveals through accrual decomposition that most of

the predictive power and hedge returns of accruals result from inventory components (Thomas

and Zhang 2002).

In this paper, we apply portfolio-based asset pricing methods to analyze whether retailers’

ability to manage inventory effectively (i.e., minimizing demand-supply mismatches) predicts

future stock returns. Driven by the fact that demand and supply variability are the primary

factors responsible for supply chain inefficiency, we develop a novel key performance indicator

(KPI), entitled DSM (demand-supply mismatch), which measures the relative volatility of the

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inventory productivity of a firm. Our KPI is supported by the extensive body of literature
Accepted Article
on the “Bullwhip effect,” which shows that unnecessarily amplified inventory volatility has

negative consequences along various dimensions (e.g., Lee et al. 1997, Warburton 2004, Chen

and Lee 2012, Cui et al. 2015). In contrast to prior studies that relate inventory productivity

measures directly to financial metrics (Gaur et al. 2005, Cannon 2008, Alan et al. 2014) or

that normalize inventory productivity by an industry peer’s performance (Chen et al. 2005,

2007, Kesavan and Mani 2013), our DSM measure accounts for the volatility of inventory pro-

ductivity over time. Knowing that higher demand volatility causes higher inventory volatility,

we normalize the volatility of inventory productivity by the volatility of demand. This rela-

tive volatility measure provides additional and distinct insights into how well firms can match

demand with supply. In practice, many managers benchmark their inventory productivity

(e.g., inventory turnover) against industry standards on an annual basis. Suppose a firm has

an (annual) average inventory turnover that is equal to the industry benchmark; the typical

assumption in such a case is that the firm’s operations are well managed. If, however, the

volatility of the inventory turnover of that firm is considerably higher relative to its demand

volatility, then the firm may face some periods with excessively high inventories and others

with stockouts. As such, our measure of DSM overcomes the problem that average measures

of inventory productivity smooth out important information.

Similar to prior research demonstrating that inventory productivity is indicative of future

stock returns (Alan et al. 2014), we show that the information content in the relative volatil-

ity of inventory productivity is an additional predictor of future stock returns. We find that

zero-cost portfolios formed on this inventory-productivity-to-demand-volatility ratio generate

abnormal returns of up to 1.13%. We consider different measures of inventory productiv-

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ity, including inventory turnover and inventory days, and show that both measures lead to
Accepted Article
qualitatively similar results. Consistent with the literature regarding the bullwhip effect, we

approximate DSM further as the volatility of purchases/orders relative to the volatility of

demand. The results we obtain from that alternative operationalization confirm a negative

relationship between demand-supply mismatches and stock market performance.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In §2, we present our research setup,

derive our measure of DSM, describe the data, and elaborate on our portfolio formation

methodology. In §3, we present the results from the portfolio formation and perform addi-

tional robustness checks. In §4, we provide potential explanations for the observed market

inefficiency, and in §5, we explore the implications of our work, discuss the limitations of our

study, and propose directions for future research.

2 Research Setup

2.1 Relative Inventory Productivity Volatility Measure (DSM)

Throughout the paper, we use the following notations to account for time-specific (fiscal

year t = 1, . . . , 29 and quarter q = 1, . . . , 4) and company-specific (i = 1, . . . , 424) effects.

Accordingly, for fiscal year t, quarter q, and firm i, we denote ending inventory as IN Vitq , sales

revenue as SALitq , and cost of goods sold as COGSitq . Contingent on the valuation method

for inventory – first-in, first-out (FIFO) or last-in, first-out (LIFO) – artificial differences in

the reported ending inventories and cost of goods sold may occur. Therefore, prior research

suggests adding the LIFO reserve to the ending inventory and subtracting the annual change

in the LIFO reserve (LIF Oit − LIF Oi,t−1 ) from the cost of goods sold (Kesavan et al. 2010,

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Kesavan and Mani 2013, Alan et al. 2014). Because the LIFO reserve is only reported on
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an annual basis, we incorporate the valuation peculiarities into our quarterly measures as

follows. We define inventory turnover as

1 1 1
ITitq ≡ (COGSitq − LIF Oit + LIF Oi,t−1 )/(IN Vitq + LIF Oit ) (1)
4 4 4

and, analogously, inventory days over a quarter of 90 days as

1 1 1
IDitq ≡ 90 (IN Vitq + LIF Oit )/(COGSitq − LIF Oit + LIF Oi,t−1 ) .1 (2)
4 4 4

Prior research that investigates the relationship between inventory management and firm per-

formance relates inventory turnover and gross margin – capital intensity – and sales surprise-

adjusted inventory turnover directly to financial metrics (Gaur et al. 2005, Cannon 2008,

Alan et al. 2014) or normalizes inventory productivity by an industry peer’s performance to

obtain measures of abnormal inventory and abnormal inventory growth (Chen et al. 2005,

2007, Kesavan and Mani 2013). Our metric captures another aspect of inventory perfor-

mance by incorporating the variability of inventory productivity over time and relating it to

the variability of demand. We do not use the volatility of the inventory levels because the

majority of firms face seasonal swings in demand, which induce a natural seasonal pattern

in inventory levels. To incorporate the fact that the levels of inventory productivity may

vary among firms, for instance depending on the inventory objectives, we use the coefficient

of variation (CV) of the inventory productivity as the base volatility measure. The CV of

All of the subsequently presented results remain qualitatively unchanged even without the LIFO-FIFO

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inventory productivity relates the standard deviation of the inventory productivity to its
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mean. In addition, we incorporate the fact that those firms that face higher demand volatil-

ity (naturally) hold higher inventory levels (safety stocks). Therefore, we relate the CV of

inventory productivity to the CV of demand to account for the market conditions under

which inventory needs to be managed efficiently.

Specifically, we operationalize DSM as the CV of inventory productivity relative to the

CV of demand on the basis of four quarterly observations, i.e.,

CV (inventory productivity)
DSM ≡ . (3)
CV (demand)

We employ inventory turnover and inventory days as proxies for inventory productivity, and

demand is approximated by sales.2 For notational convenience, we define DSM IT SAL ≡

CV (IT ) CV (ID)
. For example, using the CV of inventory turns relative

to the CV of sales, DSM IT SAL of firm i in year t is computed as follows:

s  2   
4 4 4
1 1
ITitq − ITitk
 4 4  1/4 SALitk 
 q=1 k=1  k=1

 4
 s
  2  .

P 4 4
 1/4 ITitk  1 P
SALitq − 14

k=1 4
q=1 k=1

The computation of DSM IDSAL follows accordingly.

Prior studies analyze annual data and employ the fiscal year-end inventory rather than

the average inventory to determine inventory productivity measures. Using quarterly data

to calculate an annual inventory productivity metric (DSM) therefore follows the principles
Using COGS to proxy for demand, as is common in the OM literature (e.g., Cachon et al. 2007, Kesavan
et al. 2010, Bray and Mendelson 2012, Chen and Lee 2012, Jain et al. 2014), does not meaningfully change
the results.

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of OM theory and standard OM textbooks (e.g., Cachon and Terwiesch 2013, pp. 10-23).
Accepted Article
Steinker and Hoberg (2013) utilize quarterly data to investigate the relationship between

inventory volatility and financial performance in manufacturing industries. The authors

deseasonalize the inventory time series to obtain a measure of inventory volatility; however,

we do not filter out the seasonal component, as our measure intends to capture a firm’s

capability to respond “smoothly” to all sources of sales fluctuations in terms of inventory,

including seasonality. Hence, DSM measures the degree to which a firm under- or overreacts

in making adjustments to inventory in response to changes in demand patterns.

Table 1: Example of DSM

Firm A
t=1 4 1.66 5.5 0.30 120 16.33 100 0.16 1.88
t=2 6 1.66 5.5 0.30 100 16.33 100 0.16 1.88
t=3 8 1.66 5.5 0.30 100 16.33 100 0.16 1.88
t=4 4 1.66 5.5 0.30 80 16.33 100 0.16 1.88
Firm B
t=1 5 0.5 5.5 0.09 120 16.33 100 0.16 0.56
t=2 6 0.5 5.5 0.09 100 16.33 100 0.16 0.56
t=3 5 0.5 5.5 0.09 100 16.33 100 0.16 0.56
t=4 6 0.5 5.5 0.09 80 16.33 100 0.16 0.56
SD=standard deviation.

Table 1 provides a simplified numerical example using the CV of inventory turns relative

to the CV of sales as a measure of DSM (the concept does not change under an alternative

operationalization). Firm A and Firm B have identical sales time series and identical mean

inventory turnovers, but Firm A’s inventory is more volatile than Firm B’s inventory. This

table illustrates that if the variation in inventory turnover is low relative to a given level

of fluctuation in sales (i.e., there are fewer DSMs), then the DSM metric is low, which we

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consider to be good (i.e., Firm B outperforms Firm A in terms of DSM).3 As such, the measure
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does not assess the efficiency of maintaining inventory stock relative to sales (i.e., inventory

turnover); rather, it relates the variation in relative inventory holdings (inventory dynamics)

to sales fluctuations. A firm will perform well in this regard if its demand- and supply-

side operations are well synchronized. Low fluctuation in inventory productivity metrics

relative to sales volatility is indicative of superior information-sharing practices, superior

and cross-functionally aligned planning and forecasting capabilities and a reliable supplier

and logistics network, which are all characteristics that fall into the domain of good SCM

practices (Mishra et al. 2013). Therefore, a high degree of demand-and-supply mismatches

may be symptomatic of operational inefficiencies that may continue into the future, causing

costs to rise and revenues to decrease.

In particular, on the revenue side of the earnings equation, DSMs can lead to lost sales

due to the unavailability of products, lower realized gross margins due markdowns of excess

inventory, poorer customer service, satisfaction, and loyalty, if the types of products that

customers demand are not available at the right time and place. On the cost side of the

earnings equation, DSMs can lead to increased expenditures due to penalties paid to cus-

tomers, expedited shipments, obsolete inventories and write-downs. Moreover, the loss of

credibility towards customers may require the firm to increase marketing and other public

relations-related expenditures, may increase the costs of raising capital because investors

ask less credible retailers for premiums, and lastly may decrease employees’ productivity as

a result of volatile workloads (e.g., Hendricks and Singhal 2005, Kesavan and Mani 2013).

Thus, the consequences of DSMs are likely to have negative effects on future sales growth
Note that the volatility of inventory productivity is not affected by ordering frequencies (e.g., the degree
of responsiveness). A simplified example is provided in Appendix A.

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and future earnings. Considering many of these aspects, IHL Group (2015) estimates the
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cost of overstocks and out-of-stocks for U.S. retailers to be 3.2% and 4.1% of revenues, which

accumulate to US$ 123.4 B and US$ 129.5 B annually, respectively. Accordingly, we expect

that DSM contains valuable information for the analysis of firms when portfolio investment

decisions are made. Motivated by the voluminous amount of literature on the negative im-

pact of amplifying order/inventory variability on supply chain operations (Lee et al. 1997,

Chen and Lee 2012), we investigate whether the relative volatility of inventory productivity

is predictive of future stock returns.

Traditionally, the literature on the bullwhip effect relates order (rather than inventory)

variability to the demand variability. In line with this stream of research, we propose a

third proxy for DSM, which relates the CV of purchases to the CV of demand.4 Consistent

with prior research (e.g., Bray and Mendelson 2012, Larson et al. 2015), we operationalize

purchases (orders) of firm i in fiscal year t and quarter q as P U Ritq ≡ IN Vitq − IN Vit,q−1 +
CV (P U R)
COGSitq such that the third proxy for DSM can be defined as DSM P U RSAL ≡ CV (SAL)
. Be-

cause the computation of purchases requires two periods of data, it is clear that DSM P U RSAL

contains information from five periods if we determine the CV of purchases based on four sub-

sequent observations of purchases. Therefore, the information contained in DSM P U RSAL will

be, on average, 45 days older than the information contained in DSM IT SAL and DSM IDSAL ,

which may affect its predictive power.

In Figure 1a, we depict the inventory turnover, DSM IT SAL , and (annual) average stock

returns of Sears Holdings Corporation, one of the largest retailers by annual revenue in

the United States (2014: US$ 31,198 B). Figure 1b presents the mean-adjusted inventory

We thank an anonymous referee for proposing this measure to validate our results.

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Figure 1: Sears Holding Corp.
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(a) Inventory turnover, DSM, and average stock returns

(b) Mean-adjusted inventory turnover, mean-adjusted DSM, and average stock returns

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turnover, mean-adjusted DSM IT SAL , and (annual) average stock returns of the same com-
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pany. Inventory turnover and DSM do not behave identically, implying that the two measures

capture different aspects of operational performance and that DSM might be related to stock

market performance. For example, in the periods 1995-1997 and 2004-2006, inventory pro-

ductivity in terms of inventory turnover is rather low – compared to the firm average – which,

according to prior research (e.g., Alan et al. 2014), should be negatively related to stock re-

turns; however, we do not observe such a relationship during these two periods. In contrast,

the firm’s ability to reduce DSMs (as implied by low values of DSM IT SAL ) may explain the

relatively high stock returns observed during these periods. Therefore, we analyze whether

our DSM measure can be leveraged to predict future stock returns.

2.2 Data Description

For the purpose of this study, we collect financial data for U.S. public retailers during the

1983-2013 period. The sampling period is rooted in prior research (e.g., Rajagopalan and

Malhotra 2001), which finds that modern inventory management practices, such as just-in-

time, were primarily adopted in the 1980s; furthermore, it ensures a sufficiently large sample

size for the application of econometric methods.

We use three types of data: first, we extract quarterly financial data from Standard &

Poor’s COMPUSTAT -North

R American database for all publicly listed U.S. retailers, iden-

tified by the four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code assigned to each firm

based on its primary industry segment. Public companies are obliged to provide GAAP-

compliant financial and operational information to enable investors to assess their perfor-

mance. Because we are particularly interested in the within-year dynamics of a supply chain,

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to obtain our measure of DSM, we use quarterly rather than yearly data. Second, we com-
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bine quarterly data with monthly stock returns from the Center for Research in Security

Prices (CRSP) and data on common risk factors and monthly risk-free rates from the Fama-

French Portfolios and Factors database accessed through Wharton Research Data Services

(WRDS), which serve as the basis for the portfolio formation method. Quarterly financial

statements do not include information on inventory valuation methods and the associated

LIFO reserves. Therefore, we further obtain annual accounting information from Standard

& Poor’s COMPUSTAT -North

R American database.

The U.S. Department of Commerce classifies retailer categories and assigns four-digit

SIC codes if there is significant commonality among the product portfolios of these firms.

In line with prior empirical OM research that utilizes secondary data to analyze inventory

performance in retailing industries (e.g., Kesavan et al. 2010, Kesavan and Mani 2013, Alan

et al. 2014), we exclude retailers that are classified as eating and drinking establishments (SIC

5812-5813) and automotive dealers and service stations (SIC 5511-5599) because service is a

significant component of their business models. We also exclude some four-digit categories

for which inventories have little in common with the retailers in our sample, such as lumber

and other building materials dealers (SIC 5211) and SIC categories in which firms’ inventory

decisions may be largely dependent on economic conditions and raw material prices (e.g.,

jewelry stores, SIC 5944).

The initial extract of the annual data comprises 4,802 firm-year observations across 498

firms. We omit observations that have missing values on the variables COGS, sales, or

inventory and combine the data with quarterly observations. After these adjustments, our

final data set contains 15,951 firm-quarter observations across 424 firms. Table 2 provides a

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Table 2: Sample description
Accepted Article
Description Segment Four-digit Examples of firms No. of firms No. of firm-
SIC code quarter obs.
General merchan- 53 5311, 5331, 5399 Wal-Mart, Costco, 90 3,373
dise stores Target, J.C. Penney
Grocery stores 54 5411 Kroger, Safeway, 75 3,142
Apparel and acces- 56 5600, 5621, 5651, GAP, Foot Locker, 112 5,355
sory stores 5661 Nordstrom
Radio, TV, con- 57 5731, 5734 Best Buy, Circuit 43 1,185
sumer electronics, City, CompUSA
and music stores
Catalog, mail-order 59 5961, 104 2,896
houses, and online, Systemax
Total 424 15,951

description of each segment and the corresponding SIC codes, provides examples of firms, and

presents the number of firms and the number of firm-quarter observations of each segment.

This data set is supplemented by monthly stock returns, which are required for the sub-

sequent analyses. Following the guidelines of Alan et al. (2014), we replace the stock return

with the delisting return if a stock return for a particular month is not available due to the

delisting of a firm; if neither the stock return nor the delisting return is available, we set the

stock return equal to the value-weighted market return. Firms that do not have stock return

information for any month in the CRSP are omitted. This approach provides the final data

set upon which our subsequent analyses are based. Table 3 presents the summary statistics

of the main variables that will be used throughout the paper.

2.3 Portfolio Formation

On the basis of portfolio-asset pricing models, we illustrate the financial implications of DSMs

over and beyond the financial benchmark. In the following, we explain the portfolio formation

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Table 3: Descriptive statistics
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Variable name Notation Mean Median SD 10th 90th
perc. perc.
Sales (US$ M) SAL 4,036.31 725.14 12,333.32 84.91 9,778.14
Cost of goods sold (US$ M) COGS 2,955.50 492.09 9,565.44 48.83 6,919.54
Inventory (US$ M) IN V 474.16 89.28 1,405.19 10.40 1,154.66
Purchases (US$ M) PUR 707.05 128.51 1,682.18 12.10 1,841.08
Inventory turnover IT 6.59 4.80 9.32 2.46 11.83
Inventory days ID 20.71 18.95 13.59 7.25 36.99
Demand-Supply-Mismatcha DSM IT SAL 1.59 1.26 1.56 0.70 2.63
Demand-Supply-Mismatchb DSM IDSAL 1.50 1.16 1.74 0.67 2.45
Demand-Supply-Mismatchc DSM P U RSAL 1.28 1.02 1.05 0.48 2.25
SD=standard deviation; perc.=percentile; a DSM = CV (IT )/CV (SAL); b DSM = CV (ID)/CV (SAL);
c DSM = CV (P U R)/CV (SAL).

method and the underlying sequence of events. On July 31 in year t, we invest US$ 1 divided

equally in each firm of each portfolio. We weight each firm equally as opposed to applying

a value-weighting approach because giving more weight to larger firms such as Wal-Mart or

Best Buy could significantly influence the mean excess returns of the relatively small number

of firms in each portfolio and thus affect the generalizability of our findings.

To construct the portfolios on July 31 of each year t, we rank firms according to their

DSM value in ascending order and construct five quintiles using accounting information for

the fiscal period from February 1 of year t − 1 until January 31 of year t. As is standard in

the asset-pricing literature (Fama and French 1993), this method ensures that there is a time

gap of at least six months (January 31 of year t until July 31 of year t) for the accounting

information to be announced and absorbed by the market. The portfolios that are formed

on July 31 of each year t are liquidated on July 31 of each year t + 1, and new portfolios

are formed on the basis of the newly available accounting information. In addition to the

quintile portfolios, we also form zero-cost (also called long-short or arbitrage) portfolios;

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these portfolios are formed by taking a US$ 1 long position in firms with low DSM values
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(i.e., quintiles one and two) and a US$ 1 short position in firms with high DSM values (i.e.,

quintiles four and five), thereby utilizing 80% of the sample firms.

As our sample period is from 1983 to 2013, it is obvious that we form the first portfolio

for the purpose of our analysis on July 31, 1985, and the last portfolio on July 31, 2012.

Whereas Fama and French (1993), who developed this method, utilize information from the

fiscal-period January 1 of year t − 1 until December 31 of year t − 1 to form portfolios on

June 30 of year t, we use the fiscal-year end cutoff date of January 31 to form portfolios on

July 31 of each year t. This approach is used because a sizable portion of retailers and the

majority of the firms in our sample (46.49%) have their fiscal-year end in January, implying

a 17-month information delay if we use the fiscal-year end cutoff date of December 31.

3 DSM and Stock Market Performance

In the following three sections, we first present the average excess returns (in excess of

the risk-free rates) of the portfolios based on our DSM metrics. Then, to test whether

the observed excess returns can be explained by commonly known risk factors, we apply

the Fama and French (1993) three-factor plus momentum (Carhart 1997) model. Finally,

we follow the Fama and MacBeth (1973) regression-based approach to test whether DSM

contains unique information after controlling for alternative inventory productivity measures

and firm characteristics that are known to predict stock returns.

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3.1 Portfolio Excess Returns
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Table 4 shows the average monthly excess returns (in %) of equally weighted quintile portfolios

based on the proposed metrics. We find that there is a negative trend for DSM across all

of the portfolios, regardless of whether we consider the CV of inventory turnover, the CV of

inventory days, or the CV of purchases as a proxy for inventory productivity: that is, the

average monthly excess return decreases by portfolio rank; thus, DSM and stock returns are

negatively correlated. In addition to the excess returns of the quintile portfolios, Table 4 also

presents the zero-cost portfolio returns. These results indicate that firms with lower DSM

values tend to outperform those with higher values in terms of stock returns. For example,

the average monthly excess return of the zero-cost portfolio formed on DSM IT SAL by taking

a short position in quintiles four and five and a long position in quintiles one and two is 1.03%

(p < .01). It is noteworthy that this method of forming zero-cost portfolios is not based on

only firms with extremely high or low DSM values (or even driven by outliers); rather, it is

based on the utilization of 80% of the dataset and is, hence, a robust finding. Test statistics

for each of the quintiles and the zero-cost portfolio are reported below the average excess


Figure 2 presents the time series for the average excess returns of the zero-cost portfolios

based on DSM and, as such, provides support for the persistence of a proposed relationship

between DSM and subsequent stock returns. The time series does not indicate any systematic

variations over time. Analyzing the year-to-year performance of the zero-cost portfolios re-

veals that companies with low DSM values outperform those firms with high DSM values: for

DSM IT SAL and DSM IDSAL in 27 of 29 firm-year observations (> 93%) and for DSM P U RSAL

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Table 4: Average monthly excess returns of quintile and zero-cost portfolios based on DSM
Accepted Article
1 (low) 1.74%*** 1.76%*** 1.10%***
9.15 9.19 6.86
2 1.37%*** 1.09%*** 0.94%***
7.18 5.80 5.64
3 0.76%*** 0.93%*** 0.83%***
3.63 4.60 4.76
4 0.66%*** 0.78%*** 0.65%***
3.53 3.96 3.57
5 (high) 0.24% 0.27% 0.08%
0.95 1.04 0.42
Zero-cost 1.03%*** 0.88%*** 0.65%***
5.73 4.86 5.98
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01. T-statistics are reported below the average excess returns.

in 23 of 29 firm-year observations (> 88%), with the exception of some economically turbu-

lent years. Therefore, we conclude that our results are not driven by a particular subperiod

of our sample.

3.2 Portfolio Adjustment for Common Risk Factors

To investigate whether the DSM measure is only a proxy for common risk factors, we employ

the Fama and French (1993) three-factor plus momentum (Carhart 1997) model, according

to which the following regression explains the excess return of portfolio p in month m, ERpm ,

with p ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, zero-cost} and with m ∈ {1, . . . , 12}:

ERpm = αp + β1p RM RFm + β2p SM Bm + β3p HM Lm + β4p U M Dm + pm , (4)

where RMRF is the excess return (in excess of the risk-free rate) of the value-weighted market

return; SMB is the return of a zero-cost portfolio consisting of the return of a portfolio of big

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Figure 2: Average excess returns of zero-cost portfolios based on DSM
Accepted Article

companies, in terms of market capitalization, subtracted from the return of a small-company

portfolio; HML is the return of a zero-cost portfolio of high book-to-market ratio stocks

minus the return of a portfolio of low book-to-market ratio stocks; and UMD is the return

of a zero-cost portfolio of the last year’s high-return portfolio subtracted from the return of

the last year’s low-return portfolio. The intercept αp is called the monthly abnormal return

of portfolio p because it reflects the expected value of the return in excess of the passive

investments of portfolio p if all of the other independent variables assume a value of zero.

Accordingly, it will not be different from zero if the aforementioned factors entirely explain

the excess return of portfolio p.

Table 5 presents the regression results of the asset-pricing framework explained above

across the different measures of DSM. We find a negative trend for αp in the quintiles’

rank order; specifically, we observe negative abnormal returns for quintiles five and four and

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Table 5: Fama-French-Carhart four factor regression results for zero-cost and quintile port-
Accepted Article
Portfolio α RmRf SM B HM L UMD R2
1 (low) 1.21%*** 0.96*** 0.56*** 0.23*** -0.28*** 57.57%
2 0.71%*** 1.11*** 0.59*** 0.34*** -0.34*** 63.12%
3 -0.01% 1.07*** 0.61*** 0.57*** -0.20*** 63.04%
4 -0.04% 1.15*** 0.78*** 0.47*** -0.38*** 65.98%
5 (high) -0.40%*** 1.01*** 1.02*** 0.41*** -0.38*** 58.50%
Zero-cost 1.13%*** -0.05** -0.32*** -0.16*** 0.06** 69.23%
1 (low) 1.16%*** 1.00*** 0.64*** 0.28*** -0.31*** 58.64%
2 0.46%*** 1.13*** 0.49*** 0.24*** -0.30*** 61.28%
3 0.36%*** 1.06*** 0.63*** 0.38*** -0.39*** 61.18%
4 -0.04% 1.11*** 0.73*** 0.49*** -0.36*** 65.07%
5 (high) -0.38%*** 1.02*** 1.08*** 0.34*** -0.36*** 58.65%
Zero-cost 1.04%*** -0.02* -0.30*** -0.17*** 0.04* 68.03%
1 (low) 0.44%*** 1.03*** 0.47*** 0.27*** -0.23*** 58.20%
2 0.33%*** 1.04*** 0.61*** 0.14*** -0.32*** 66.37%
3 0.19%*** 1.06*** 0.69*** 0.35*** -0.32*** 65.24%
4 -0.03% 1.07*** 0.70*** 0.42*** -0.26*** 66.42%
5 (high) -0.59%*** 0.95*** 0.89*** 0.38*** -0.22*** 65.37%
Zero-cost 0.73%*** 0.02*** -0.25*** -0.19*** -0.03*** 68.19%
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01.

monotonically increasing positive abnormal returns in quintiles two and one. Table 5 also

presents the abnormal returns of the zero-cost portfolios. Contingent on the proxy for DSM,

we observe positive abnormal returns for the zero-cost portfolios while controlling for risk

factors; these returns range from 1.13% to 0.73%, all of which are statistically significant

(p < .01). These findings suggest that DSM explains future stock returns and is not just a

proxy for common risk factors.

Comparing the other factors across the portfolio ranks, we do not observe any systemic

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patterns for RMRF, HML, and UMD. However, the coefficient of SMB tends to increase with
Accepted Article
the portfolio rank; that is, the factor loading of SMB is higher for firms that experience more

DSMs, suggesting that firms that experience many mismatches exhibit behavior similar to

that of small firms. This result partially contrasts with prior finance research, which finds

that smaller firms outperform larger firms in terms of stock market performance (the so-

called small-firm effect (e.g., Reinganum 1981)). However, the finding that smaller firms

tend to have more DSMs than larger ones is completely in line with OM theory. That is

because larger firms benefit from demand and inventory pooling, which can be subsumed

under the notion of “risk pooling” (e.g., Eppen 1979, Corbett and Rajaram 2006), and tend

to be more diversified. They are therefore less sensitive to demand or supply shocks in single

product branches (e.g., Hendricks and Singhal 2009), tend to have more operational and

financial flexibility as well as market power to cope with DSMs (e.g., Hendricks and Singhal

2009), and often have more financial resources available to make investments related to IT

infrastructure, which many suggest facilitates inventory management practices (Gaur et al.

2005, Hendricks and Singhal 2005, Mishra et al. 2013), all of which reduce the amount of


3.3 Distinctiveness of DSM

The above-used sorting approach has one major shortcoming: while it performs well in

determining whether portfolios formed on the basis of a particular variable (in our case,

DSM) yield abnormal stock returns, it cannot determine whether the variable upon which

portfolios are formed contains unique information. For example, Kesavan and Mani (2013)

identify a relationship between abnormal inventory growth and abnormal stock returns, and

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Alan et al. (2014) show that adjusted inventory turnover predicts abnormal stock returns.
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Therefore, it remains unclear whether the information content in DSM is different from

other inventory-related factors that have been shown to predict abnormal stock returns. One

obvious question that follows from this shortcoming is whether the portfolio ranks assigned to

firms based on the proposed measures of DSM differ from those of existing metrics. To answer

this question, we follow Kesavan and Mani (2013) and define the abnormal inventory growth

of firm i in year t (AIGit ) as retailers’ annual inventory growth rates adjusted for several

covariates (such as COGS and gross margin of the recent period, and the previous period’s

COGS, inventory, accounts payable to inventory ratio, and capital investment) that prior

research has shown to affect stocking decisions (Gaur et al. 2005, Rumyantsev and Netessine

2007b, Kesavan et al. 2010). Unlike Kesavan and Mani (2013), we do not adjust retailers’

annual inventory growth rate by store growth and do not normalize scale-dependent variables

by the number of stores to preserve sample size. In line with Alan et al. (2014), we define the

adjusted inventory turnover of firm i in year t, AITit , as the deviation (residual) from each

retailer’s segment-specific average inventory turnover while controlling for the firm-specific

gross margin, capital intensity, and sales surprises. In Appendix B, we provide further details

regarding the construction of each of these variables.

In Table 6, we report in the lower triangle the percentage overlap of portfolio ranks across

alternative metrics. For example, the rank assigned to a firm based on AIT , denoted as

AITRank , is equal to the rank assigned to a firm based on DSM IT SAL , denoted as DSMRank

for 20.92% of the observations. The upper triangle of Table 6 presents the z-statistics of the

Wilcoxon signed-rank test. As expected, there is no statistically significant difference between

DSMRank and DSMRank . The differences between portfolio ranks based upon all of the

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Table 6: Percentage overlap of portfolio ranks formed on alternative metrics and z-statistics
Accepted Article
1 2 3 4 5
Rank 1 -0.28 -7.46 14.65 -13.00
Rank 71.16% 1 -7.32 15.02 -12.96
3 DSMPRank
25.09% 28.21% 1 27.11 -7.54
4 AIGRank 21.26% 21.63% 20.16% 1 -29.80
5 AITRank 20.92% 21.58% 19.24% 18.79% 1

Table 7: Correlation matrix

Variable 1 2 3 4 5
2 DSMIDSAL 0.95 1
3 DSMP U RSAL 0.61 0.55 1
4 AIG -0.07 -0.05 -0.09 1
5 AIT 0.10 0.09 -0.04 -0.04 1
All of the reported correlation coefficients are significant at the 5% level.

other metrics are statistically significant, which provides some evidence that our proxies for

DSM capture different aspects of operational performance than do AIG and AIT .

Fama and French (2008) recommend the regression-based approach of Fama and MacBeth

(1973) to determine whether the information content of DSM is distinct from the information

contained in commonly known inventory metrics. A high correlation between DSM and AIG

and/or AIT might imply that DSM is just a proxy for one of these variables. Therefore, we

present in Table 7 the Pearson correlation coefficients of DSM, AIG, and AIT. All of these

measures are significantly correlated with one another (p < .05), implying that it might not

be clear whether the relationship between DSM and abnormal stock returns persists after

controlling for alternative inventory productivity metrics.

Hence, to account for the possibility that a combination of established inventory produc-

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tivity metrics captures large portions of the variation in stock returns that we would attribute
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to DSM, we conduct cross-sectional regressions in the fashion of Fama and MacBeth (1973).

This approach facilitates testing whether DSM has predictive power after controlling for

known drivers of stock returns. Following their framework and remaining consistent with our

portfolio formation procedure, we first run monthly cross-sectional regressions from February

through January of retailer’s excess returns in each year against DSM and other anomaly

variables from the prior fiscal year. For example, we run regressions of each retailers’ excess

returns in February 2012 against these retailers’ DSMs computed from accounting informa-

tion released in the period from February 2011 to January 2012. After obtaining regression

coefficients for each of the cross-sectional regressions, of which we report the average in Ta-

ble 8, we calculate t-statistics that are based on the time-series standard deviations of the

monthly slopes.

In addition to AIG and AIT, we include a set of control variables in the regressions that

are also suggested to predict stock returns. The control variables are as follows: accruals,

IBit −OCFit −EIDOit

as measured by ACCit ≡ T Ai,t−1
, where IB, OCF, EIDO, and TA denote income

before extraordinary items, operating cash flows, extraordinary items and discontinued op-

erations, and total assets, respectively (Hribar and Collins 2002); asset growth, ASSGit , as

measured by the change in the natural logarithm of total assets from t − 2 to t − 1 (Fama

and French 2008); momentum, M OM 1im , as measured by the most recent one-month stock

return prior to the portfolio formation (Jegadeesh 1990); cumulative momentum, M OM 2im ,

as measured by the cumulative stock return from month m−12 to month m−2, not including

the return of m − 1 (Fama and French 2008); market capitalization, M Cit , as measured by

the natural logarithm of the market cap in January of t (Fama and French 2008); book-to-

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market ratio, BT Mit , as measured by the natural logarithm of the ratio of the book equity
Accepted Article
for the last fiscal year-end in t − 1 divided by the market equity in December of t − 1 (Fama

N F Ait
and French 2008); operating leverage, as measured by OLit ≡ T Ai,t−1
, with TA denoting the

net fixed assets (e.g., Saunders et al. 1990, Alan et al. 2014); capital intensity, as measured

P P Eit
by CIit ≡ T Ait −IN Vit
(e.g., Jain et al. 2014); and inventory growth, IN V Git , as measured

by the change in ending inventory, deflated by total assets, from fiscal year t − 2 to t − 1

(Kesavan and Mani 2013). Finally, we control for the change in AIT, ∆AIT , measured as

the percentage change of AIT from t − 1 to t (Alan et al. 2014).

Each column in Table 8 relates to a different DSM measure. In columns (1)-(3), we use

each stock’s quintile rankings of DSM to allow a direct comparison with our portfolio results

and to mitigate the effect of extreme observations. For example, in column (1), the coefficient

of DSM relates to each stock’s quintile ranking of DSM IT SAL , DSMRank

, and equals -.003

(t=-2.345). All else being equal, this coefficient implies that a zero-cost portfolio formed on

DSM IT SAL by taking a short position in quintiles four and five and a long position in quintiles
h i
one and two yields, on average, a −.003 (1+2)−(4+5)
∗ 100 = 0.9% monthly excess return,

which confirms our findings in §3.2. Because the negative coefficient sign of DSM persists

along all of the rank operationalizations of DSM (columns (1)-(3)) and all of the continuous

measures of DSM (columns (4)-(6)), with only one exception of insignificance, we conclude

that the predictive power of the proposed inventory-productivity-to-demand-volatility ratio

prevails, despite controlling for other measures.

In line with Alan et al. (2014), our estimates confirm the positive relationship between

AIT and stock returns. Retailers that manage their inventories more efficiently than their

industry peers generate higher returns. Our results imply further a negative relationship

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Accepted Article
Table 8: Average slopes and t-statistics from monthly cross-sectional regressions

DSM quintile rank Continuous DSM measures

Column 1 2 3 4 5 6
Variable IT SAL
Intercept 0.039*** 0.022* 0.019* 0.058*** 0.062*** 0.035**
2.853 1.932 1.741 4.626 4.662 2.160
DSM -0.003** -0.002** -0.002* -0.002* -0.002** -0.001
-2.345 -2.093 -1.661 -1.870 -1.995 -0.385
ACC -0.356*** -0.180*** -0.072*** -0.265*** -0.280*** -0.059***
-5.145 -5.339 -3.084 -5.392 -5.314 -2.609
ASSG -0.034*** -0.037*** -0.008 -0.025** -0.020** -0.002*
-2.660 -2.822 -0.603 -2.400 -2.055 -1.656
MOM1 -0.033*** -0.045*** -0.044* -0.018* -0.018* -0.046*
-2.969 -3.820 -1.658 -1.822 -1.862 -1.939
MOM2 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.006
0.649 1.339 0.369 0.331 0.314 0.960
MC -0.013*** -0.007*** -0.014*** -0.019*** -0.022*** -0.004**
-3.730 -2.958 -0.820 -4.109 -4.120 -1.980
BTM 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.003
0.101 0.289 1.478 0.721 0.797 0.759
OL -0.017 -0.009 -0.017 -0.018 -0.018 -0.010
-1.229 -0.721 -1.061 -1.545 -1.526 -0.553
CI 0.013 0.015 0.019 0.009 0.009 0.012
1.121 1.259 1.227 0.918 0.906 1.104
INVG -0.403*** -0.341*** -0.087* -0.404*** -0.412*** -0.122***
-4.124 -3.987 -1.741 -4.357 -4.349 -2.630
AIG -0.003 -0.002 -0.015 -0.006 -0.007 -0.006
-0.427 -0.285 -0.648 -0.833 -0.960 -0.336
AIT 0.010*** 0.008** 0.017* 0.015*** 0.015*** 0.008*
2.675 2.12 1.681 3.168 3.265 1.744
∆AIT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.237 0.393 0.086 0.104 0.103 0.029
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01. This table shows average slopes from monthly cross-sectional regressions
to predict future stock returns. Below the coefficients, we report t-statistics that are based on time-series
standard deviations of the monthly slopes. To mitigate the influence of outliers, we have winsorized all
continuous independent variables at the .02-level.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

between AIG and future stock returns, which follows prior research (Kesavan and Mani
Accepted Article
2013). That is, retailers that experience abnormally high inventory growth rates generate

lower stock returns. Overall, the results of the Fama and MacBeth (1973) regression-based

approach provide reassurance that DSM is a predictor of future returns and contains distinct

information from commonly known inventory metrics.

4 Explanations of the Market Anomaly

There are at least two potential explanations for the observed market inefficiency. The

first is information-based (labeled the “information story”), suggesting that the information

content of DSM might be indicative of near-term sales and earnings. That is, DSM contains

information about how effectively (in terms of supply) the firm can serve its demand, and

thus, may contain information regarding future write-downs and other inventory-related costs

that affect a firm’s earnings and ability to realize sales growth (cp. §2.1). If investors do not

fully incorporate this operational information into the pricing of stocks in a timely manner,

then the anomalous stock returns can be explained by the market’s failure to consider the full

information content of DSM, and the anomaly will dissipate over time into the market. The

second explanation of the market anomaly is that DSM is a proxy for an unknown risk and

that the market demands a risk premium from retailers with low DSM (labeled the “market

efficiency story”).

Therefore, to shed some light on the underlying causes of the negative relationship be-

tween DSM and abnormal stock returns, we supplement the previous analyses along three

dimensions: first, we use first-order autoregressive models for changes in one-year-ahead earn-

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ings and one-year-ahead sales (growth) to test the relationship between our base measure,
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DSM IT SAL , and these variables. Table 9 summarizes the regression results that we obtain

from using a generalized least squares estimation method, which accounts for panel-specific

AR(1) autocorrelation and a heteroskedastic error structure. We include year- and two-digit

SIC code-based segment dummies in all of the models to control for macroeconomic factors

and segment specifics that may affect retailers’ earnings per share (EPS), sales, and inventory

management practices.

In Model 1a, we regress the change in earnings per share of firm i in fiscal year t, ∆EP Sit ,

measured as the change in EPS deflated by the previous fiscal year’s ending stock price, on

∆EP Si,t−1 and the previous year’s accruals, ACCi,t−1 . We do so because Sloan (1996)

and Thomas and Zhang (2002) show that the inventory component of accruals predicts

future earnings. Consistent with the accounting literature, we find that accruals predict

future earnings. In Model 1b, we add DSMi,t−1 as an additional predictor. The negative

coefficient of DSMi,t−1 in Model 1b confirms the negative relationship between DSM and

future earnings, which is in line with the results of the above portfolio analysis and the Fama-

MacBeth regressions. In Model 1c, we include AITi,t−1 , and AIGi,t−1 as additional controls.

Consistent with Alan et al. (2014) and Kesavan and Mani (2013), our regression results reveal

a positive relationship between adjusted inventory turnover and one-year-ahead earnings,

as well as a negative relationship between abnormal inventory growth and one-year-ahead

earnings, while the negative and significant effect of DSMi,t−1 persists across all models.

In Model 2a, we regress the change in sales of firm i in year t, ∆SALit , measured as

the change in sales from the previous to the recent fiscal year, deflated by the previous

fiscal year’s sales (i.e., sales growth), on ∆SALi,t−1 , the average consumer price index of

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Table 9: Relationship between DSM and one-year-ahead earnings and one-year-ahead sales
Accepted Article
∆EP Sit ∆SALit

Indep. Variables Model 1a Model 1b Model 1c Model 2a Model 2b Model 2c

Constant 0.039*** 0.042*** -0.045*** 1.060*** 1.294*** 0.313***

∆EP Si,t−1 0.186*** 0.177*** 0.131***
∆SALi,t−1 0.095*** 0.109*** 0.453***
ACCi,t−1 -0.117*** -0.119*** -0.120***
CP Ii,t−1 -0.010*** -0.012*** -0.002***
GMi,t−1 0.021* 0.069*** 0.017**
DSMi,t−1 -0.005*** -0.006*** - 0.024*** -0.011***
AITi,t−1 0.008** 0.009**
AIGi,t−1 -0.019*** 0.082***

Year dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Segment dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wald χ2 3,803.63 11,658.39 17,864.80 1,252.01 1,767.15 21,444.89
No. of Observations 2,684 2,635 1,985 3,075 2,974 2,027
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01. To mitigate the influence of outliers, we have winsorized all of the continuous
variables (except CPI) at the .02-level.

the previous year, CP It−1 , data that we obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

website, and the previous fiscal year’s gross margin as calculated by Kesavan and Mani

(2013), i.e., GMi,t−1 ≡ SALi,t−1 / (COGSi,t−1 − LIF Oi,t−1 + LIF Oi,t−2 ). In Model 2b, we

include DSMi,t−1 as an additional predictor. The negative coefficient of DSMi,t−1 reveals

that DSMs indicate a reduction in future sales (growth). The negative relationship between

DSM and future sales follows our discussion in §2.1 because DSMs are indicative of either

insufficient inventory or because products from prior periods become obsolete and do not meet

current customer requirements, leading to lower customer service and retention, all of which

affect sales growth. In Model 2c, we include AITi,t−1 and AIGi,t−1 as additional controls in

the model, but the negative and statistically significant effect of DSMi,t−1 persists. For all

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

models, we compute Wald tests to assure that the addition of variables improves the model fit
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(p < .01). The results of Models 1 and 2 provide initial evidence supporting the “information

story” because the information content of DSM seems to predict near-term earnings and sales


Second, to explore whether the relationship between DSM and future stock returns can

be explained by an “information story” or a “market efficiency story,” we shift the portfolio

formation date from July 31 of year t to June 30 of year t. This change implies that we use

accounting information from the fiscal period from January 1 of year t − 1 until December

31 of year t − 1, rather than using accounting information from February 1 of year t − 1

until January 31 of year t to construct the portfolios. This one-month shift in the portfolio

formation date causes a significant information disadvantage because the majority of retailers

in our sample (46.49%) have their fiscal-year-end in January. Accordingly, the information

used to rank firms according to their DSM value and to construct portfolios on June 30 of year

t is 17 months old for these 46.49% of retailers, rather than 6 months old when constructing

portfolios on July 31 of year t.

The time shift severely affects the performance of all portfolios formed on one of the

proposed DSM measures and the performance of zero-cost portfolios declines, on average, by

18.29% compared to the original formation process. These results provide additional evidence

for an “information story” because the information content of DSM seems to dissipate over

time into the market. We provide the detailed results of the Fama and French (1993) plus

momentum (Carhart 1997) regressions for the quintile and zero-cost portfolios formed on

DSM IT SAL , DSM IDSAL , and DSM P U RSAL in Appendix C.

Third, to gain further insights regarding potential explanations of the relationship between

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DSM and future stock returns, we track portfolio returns for five years. In particular, we
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construct portfolios on July 31 of year t using accounting information for the fiscal period

from February 1 of year t − 1 until January 31 of year t. However, rather than liquidating

the portfolios on July 31 of year t + 1, we hold them for four additional years (until July 31

of year t + 5). We compute monthly average excess returns of the portfolios over each year

of the holding period and report in Table 10 the abnormal stock returns that we obtain from

the Fama and French (1993) three-factor plus momentum (Carhart 1997) model. In line with

the above findings, we observe that the portfolio performance decreases substantially over

time and that zero-cost portfolios based on DSM IT SAL and DSM IDSAL do not generate

abnormal returns beyond year t + 3. The zero-cost portfolios based on DSM P U RSAL do

not even generate abnormal returns from year t + 2 onwards. We suspect that the earlier

dissipation of information contained in DSM P U RSAL into the market occurs because the

information content of DSM P U RSAL is per definition older than the information content of


The decrease in the performance of zero-cost portfolios could also occur because a large

number of firms that are assigned to a particular portfolio rank in period t transits to other

portfolio ranks in subsequent years. Therefore, if the fraction of firms that transit from

low to high portfolio ranks in subsequent years is very high (and/or vice versa), and if

this fraction increases severely over time, then the assessment of the longitudinal portfolio

performance would not provide any evidence of an “information story.” To evaluate this

alternative explanation for the decrease in the performance of zero-cost portfolios, Table 11

presents the percentage of firms that transit from low portfolio ranks (1 or 2) in period t to

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Table 10: Longitudinal portfolio performance benchmarked against Fama-French-Carhart
Accepted Article
t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5
Portfolio α α α α α
1 (low) 1.21%*** 0.47%*** 0.22% 0.04% -0.28%*
2 0.71%*** 0.41%*** 0.45% 0.06% 0.07%
3 -0.01% -0.08% -0.14% 0.02% 0.16%
4 -0.04% 0.03% 0.11% 0.00% 0.57%**
5 (high) -0.40%*** -0.15% 0.09% 0.24% 0.01%
Zero-cost 1.13%*** 0.48%*** 0.16%** -0.15% -0.08%
1 (low) 1.16%*** 0.49%*** 0.36% 0.14% -0.16%
2 0.46%*** 0.49%*** 0.69%*** 0.23% 0.06%
3 0.36%*** 0.19%* 0.09% -0.34%** 0.00%
4 -0.04% 0.14% 0.32% 0.27%* 0.51%**
5 (high) -0.38%*** -0.30% 0.22% 0.28%* 0.04%
Zero-cost 1.04%*** 0.44%*** 0.17%*** -0.30% -0.08%
1 (low) 0.44%*** 0.21%* -0.09% -0.11% -0.31%*
2 0.33%*** 0.39%*** 0.23% 0.34%*** -0.08%
3 0.19%** 0.12% 0.14% 0.16% 0.10%
4 -0.03% 0.40%*** 0.82%*** 0.08%* 0.20%
5 (high) -0.59%*** -0.07% -0.34% 0.11% 0.12%
Zero-cost 0.73%*** 0.17%*** 0.00 -0.24% -0.63%
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01.

high portfolio ranks (4 or 5) in subsequent years.5 For example, 24.42% of the firms that

were assigned to portfolio ranks 1 or 2 in period t – based on DSM IDSAL – would have

been assigned to portfolio ranks 4 or 5 if the portfolios were rebalanced in t+3. Because

only a minority of firms transits from low to high portfolio ranks, and because this fraction

remains rather stable over time, we feel confident in the above-proposed interpretation: the

The transition rates from portfolio ranks 4 or 5 in period t to portfolio ranks 1 or 2 in subsequent years
are even lower than those presented in Table 11.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

observed decrease in portfolio returns over time results from to the ongoing dissipation of the
Accepted Article
information that DSM contains into the market.

Table 11: Percentage of firms switching from portfolio ranks 1 or 2 in year t to portfolio
ranks 4 or 5 in subsequent years

t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5

DSM IT SAL 23.05% 27.47% 26.83% 27.78% 29.00%
DSM IDSAL 21.47% 26.37% 24.42% 26.85% 27.07%
DSM P U RSAL 18.00% 19.65% 22.33% 21.72% 23.19%

In sum, the results of the above three analyses suggest that the market anomaly can

be explained by the “information story.” That is, investors do not immediately incorporate

the informational content of DSM when pricing of stocks. However, over time, the anomaly

dissipates into the market, most likely because investors consider variables such as EPS and

sales growth when pricing stocks, which we show to be affected by DSM of prior periods.

5 Conclusion

Grounded in OM theory, this study develops a novel KPI for demand-supply mismatches, the

DSM, which relates the volatility of inventory productivity to the volatility of demand. A

firm that experiences greater volatility in terms of inventory productivity relative to demand

volatility suffers from a greater mismatch of demand and supply. The DSM contains valu-

able and distinct information regarding firm operations because high volatility in inventory

productivity may imply that a firm faces periods with excessively high inventories and other

periods with stockouts, although the average inventory productivity may imply that a firm’s

operations are well managed. We normalize the CV of inventory productivity by the CV

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

of demand to incorporate the fact that firms with (naturally) higher demand volatility hold
Accepted Article
higher inventory levels (safety stocks).

Investigating a sample of 424 publicly listed U.S. retailers, we apply portfolio-asset pricing

models and demonstrate that zero-cost portfolios formed on DSMs generate abnormal stock

returns of up to 1.13% that cannot be explained by the Fama and French (1993) three-

factor plus momentum (Carhart 1997) risk factors. These strong market anomalies related

to DSM are observed over the entire period of 1985-2013 and persist after controlling for

both alternative inventory productivity measures and firm-characteristics that are known to

predict stock returns. We reveal further that DSM is indicative of lower future earnings and

lower sales growth and provide evidence that the identified market inefficiency results from

investors’ failure to incorporate all of the information that DSM contains into the pricing of

stocks. As such, our results are relevant to the audience of (i) investors/stock analysts, (ii)

managers, and (iii) researchers.

We encourage investors and stock analysts to leverage quarterly financial information in

addition to annual financial reports to gain a more comprehensive understanding of opera-

tional processes. Based on our measure of DSM, which is computed on the basis of quarterly

data, we identify a market inefficiency. Analysts can leverage this knowledge; moreover, we

encourage future research to delve deeper into the underlying mechanisms that lead to the

presented effects.

Operations managers may also benefit from our results. In line with prior research (e.g.,

Chen et al. 2005, 2007, Hendricks and Singhal 2009, Kesavan and Mani 2013), we reveal

a strong correlation between inventory management and stock market performance, thus

providing empirical support for budget negotiations. CEOs may place greater emphasis on

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

improvement projects with an OM focus, as our results clearly imply a relationship be-
Accepted Article
tween DSMs and stock market performance. In addition, the KPI of DSM may be employed

for benchmarking a firm’s inventory management performance against industry peers while

avoiding average measures of inventory productivity, which can smooth out important infor-

mation. Furthermore, prior research quantified the negative financial implications of supply

chain disruptions (i.e., the result of severe DSMs) after these are announced in major business

press (e.g., Hendricks and Singhal 2005). Because our measures of DSM capture mismatches

on a longitudinal scale that must not have been subject to media attention, the DSM mea-

sure may be employed as an indicator of future disruptions. Throughout the paper, we stress

the importance of appropriate performance metrics. Therefore, it may be advantageous to

also reflect the interdependence between functions through KPIs: for example, CEOs may

consider weighting their marketing budgets using OM-related metrics, such as DSM, rather

than allocating fixed percentages of sales, as is done in most firms (e.g., Fischer et al. 2011).

Our results also have implications for research, and they complement the OM and SCM

literature that links business practices to financial data. Future research may employ the

DSM measure in a broad spectrum of analyses. Whereas in the context of the bullwhip effect,

relative volatility measures are quite commonly employed, we hope to encourage scholars to

consider such relative volatility measures to a greater extent at the firm-level. Furthermore,

as it is beyond the scope of this study to identify the multitude of potential causes for DSMs,

future research may benefit from a careful analysis of the various factors and events that

drive DSMs.

Our paper has one major limitation: we restrict our analysis to firms in the retailing

sector because inventory investments account for large fractions of these retailers’ current

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

assets and are thus a key management item. Although industry-specific analyses have several
Accepted Article
advantages, they naturally limit the generalizability of findings. Therefore, it might be

interesting for future research to analyze whether our findings also apply to other sectors.


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Appendix A: The Effect of Ordering Frequency on DSM
Accepted Article
Consider a responsive retailer (A) that places twice as many orders per quarter as a less

responsive retailer (B), ceteris paribus. Suppose A and B face identical quarterly COGS

of ψ in quarter q = 1 of a year t. Given that B has an inventory level in q of Iq=1 , A’s

quarterly inventory is only half of B’s, i.e., 2
. Accordingly, B’s inventory turnover in q = 1

B 2ψ A ψ
is ITq=1 = Iq=1
, and A’s inventory turnover is ITq=1 = Iq=1
. Assume further that over the

next three quarters, the inventory turnover of A and B increases by 20% per quarter, such

that ITq=2 = 1.2 ITq=1 , ITq=3 = (1.2)2 ITq=1
, ITq=4 = (1.2)3 ITq=1
, and for ITqA for q =
¯i =
1, ..., 4 analogously. The average inventory turnover is then IT
P3 k
t 4 k=0 (1.2) for i =

A, B, and the standard deviation of the inventory turnover over the four quarters for retailer
s s
4  2 4 2
i = A, B is 14
P ¯ i = IT i
ITqi − IT 1
(1.2)q−1 − 14 3k=0 (1.2)k . Therefore, the
t q=1 4
q=1 q=1

CV of the inventory turnover of i over the four quarters is

4 P3 2
1 1
(1.2)q−1 − 4 k=0 (1.2)
CV (IT )it = i
ITq=1 P3 k
4 k=0 (1.2)

which is identical for both retailers. Table 12 presents an intuitive example that shows that

the CV of IT of retailer A is equal to that of retailer B, although retailer A has a higher

ordering frequency (i.e., is more responsive).

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Table 12: Responsiveness and the CV of IT
Accepted Article
Firm B Firm A
Period IT B SD(IT B ) M ean(IT B ) CV (IT B ) IT A SD(IT A ) M ean(IT A ) CV (IT A )
q=1 2.00 0.54 2.68 0.20 4.00 1.08 5.37 0.20
q=2 2.40 0.54 2.68 0.20 4.80 1.08 5.37 0.20
q=3 2.88 0.54 2.68 0.20 5.76 1.08 5.37 0.20
q=4 3.46 0.54 2.68 0.20 6.91 1.08 5.37 0.20
SD=standard deviation.

Appendix B: Computation of AIG and AIT

We compute abnormal inventory growth (AIG) as proposed by Kesavan and Mani (2013).

The authors derive the measure from the expectation model of growth of inventory per

store (Kesavan et al. 2010), which incorporates the dependence between inventory per store

and the previous fiscal year’s inventory per store, contemporaneous and lagged COGS per

store, gross margin, lagged accounts payable to inventory ratio, store growth and lagged

capital investment per store, all of which are suggested to affect inventory investments.

For firm i in fiscal year t and quarter q, Kesavan and Mani (2013) define the average
h P i 
AIG 1 4
annual inventory per store as isit ≡ ln 4 q=1 IN Vitq + LIF Oit /Nit , with Nit de-

noting firm i’s total number of stores open by the end of fiscal year t, cost of goods sold

per store as csAIG

it ≡ ln ([COGSit − LIF Oit + LIF Oi,t−1 ] /Nit ) , gross margin as gmAIG
it ≡

ln (SALit / [COGSit − LIF Oit + LIF Oi,t−1 ]), accounts payable (AP ) to inventory ratio as
AIG q=1 APitq AIG Nit
piit ≡ ln P 4 , store growth as git ≡ ln Ni,t−1 , and the capital in-
q=1 IN Vitq +4LIF Oit
h P P5 REN Titτ i 
1 4
vestment per store as capsAIG it ≡ ln 4 q=1 P P E itq + τ =1 (1+d)τ /Nit , with P P E

denoting the plant, property, and equipment, REN Tit1 , REN Tit2 , ... REN Tit5 , denoting

retailers’ rental commitments for the next five years, and d denoting the discount rate, which

is assumed to be d = 8%.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Then, the expectation model of growth of inventory per store is estimated in first dif-
Accepted Article
ferences (∆) and given by the following log-log specification: ∆isAIG
it = ∆x0it β2 + ∆ηit .

The column vector, x0it , comprises the explanatory variables csAIG AIG AIG AIG
it , gmit , csi,t−1 , isi,t−1 ,

i,t−1 , git , and capsAIG
i,t−1 , and β2 is the row vector of the corresponding coefficients, with

β2 = (β21 , β22 , β23 , β24 , β25 , β26 , β27 )0 . Kesavan and Mani (2013) assume that firms in a given

segment (i.e., two-digit SIC codes) are homogeneous, which implies that the coefficients of β2

are identical for firms in a given segment, and hence reduces the above estimation equation

to ∆isAIG
it = ∆x0it β2,s(i) + ∆ηit , where s(i) denotes the two-digit SIC code segment specific

coefficients to which firm i belongs. Based on the coefficients that the authors obtain using

a generalized least squares method, which handles heteroskedasticity and panel-specific au-

tocorrelation, Kesavan and Mani (2013) predict the expected logged inventory growth per

store, E(∆isAIG
it ). The abnormal inventory growth per store for firm i in fiscal year t is then
computed as AIGit = IS AIG − 1 − (exp(E[∆isAIG AIG
it ]) − 1), with ISit = exp(isAIG
it ).

We obtain the estimates of abnormal inventory growth analogously to the above-described

procedure, with the slight adaptation that we do not deflate inventory, COGS, and capital

investment by the number of stores and that we do not include store growth as additional

control variable in the regression equation. We follow this approach because information

regarding the number of stores per retailer is not available for many firms during our sampling

period and would thus significantly decrease the sample size, potentially rendering the sample

unrepresentative. That is why Alan et al. (2014) make a similar adjustment.

In line with Alan et al. (2014), we compute adjusted inventory turnover (AIT ) by fit-

ting cross-sectional regression models for each firm i and year t, controlling for segment-

specific fixed effects (two-digit SIC code), gross margins, capital intensity, and sales sur-

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

prise. Controlling for gross margin (GM ) is important because GM is positively correlated
Accepted Article
with a firm’s service level, product variety, and the quality of products, each of which may

lead to lower inventory turnover. Capital intensity (CI) serves as proxy for firms’ supply

chain and information technology infrastructure, which may facilitate the reduction of safety

stocks. Therefore, inventory turnover should be adjusted for CI. Moreover, sales surprise

(SS) may affect inventory turnover because high sales realizations (compared to the pre-

vious year) may cause an increase in inventory turnover and serves further as proxy for

economic shocks. To compute AIT , we operationalize these variables as follows: for firm
COGSit −LIF Oit +LIF Oi,t−1
i and fiscal year t, inventory turnover is defined as ITitAIT ≡ IN Vit +LIF Oit
, GM
GF Ait + τ =1 (1+d)itτ
τ + d(1+d)4
as GMitAIT ≡ COGSit −LIF Oit +LIF Oi,t−1
, CI as CIitAIT ≡ P4 REN T REN Tit5 , with
T Ait +LIF Oit + τ =1 (1+d)itτ
τ + 4

GF A denoting gross fixed assets, and the discount rate d is again assumed to be d = 8%,

and SS as SSitAIT ≡ SALi,t−1
. Given these variables, we fit the following regression model for

each firm i and year t: ln(ITitAIT ) = Fj[i] + b1 ln(GMitAIT ) + b2 ln(CIitAIT ) + b3 ln(SSitAIT ) + it ,

with Fj[i] being the segment-specific intercept j to which firm i belongs. AIT for firm i in

fiscal year t is then given by the residual (it ) of that regression equation.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Appendix C: Estimation Results after Shifting of the
Accepted Article
Portfolio Formation Date

Table 13 summarizes the estimation results for the zero-cost and quintile portfolios from the

Fama and French (1993) three-factor plus momentum (Carhart 1997) model for DSM IT SAL ,

DSM IDSAL , and DSM P U RSAL , after the shifting of the portfolio formation date from July

31 of year t to June 30 of year t.

Table 13: Fama-French-Carhart four factor regression results for zero-cost and quintile port-
folios using December 31 of t-1 as cutoff date for portfolio formation

Portfolio α RmRf SM B HM L UMD R2

1 (low) 0.82%*** 0.97*** 0.61*** 0.17*** -0.21*** 60.76%
2 0.74%*** 1.20*** 0.56*** 0.37*** -0.25*** 62.45%
3 0.12%** 0.99*** 0.64*** 0.37*** -0.44*** 59.61%
4 -0.11% 1.13*** 0.75*** 0.46*** -0.33*** 63.16%
5 (high) -0.35%*** 1.01*** 1.02*** 0.39*** -0.44*** 59.87%
Zero-cost 0.97%*** 0.01*** -0.29*** -0.16*** 0.15*** 68.51%
1 (low) 0.84%*** 1.04*** 0.62*** 0.26*** -0.22*** 61.11%
2 0.56%*** 1.07*** 0.52*** 0.29*** -0.31*** 60.15%
3 0.35%*** 1.07*** 0.65*** 0.35*** -0.34*** 62.59%
4 -0.27%*** 1.08*** 0.68*** 0.41*** -0.34*** 61.79%
5 (high) -0.21%** 1.05*** 1.10*** 0.42*** -0.44*** 61.22%
Zero-cost 0.93%*** 0.05*** -0.31*** -0.14*** 0.12*** 67.65%
1 (low) 0.35%*** 1.03*** 0.53*** 0.28*** -0.25*** 58.87%
2 0.33%*** 1.04*** 0.57*** 0.21*** -0.34*** 65.85%
3 0.12% 1.10*** 0.68*** 0.38*** -0.34*** 65.92%
4 0.04% 1.03*** 0.72*** 0.42*** -0.34*** 65.61%
5 (high) -0.35%*** 0.96*** 0.84*** 0.31*** -0.16*** 64.88%
Zero-cost 0.51%*** 0.04*** -0.22*** -0.12*** -0.09*** 69.96%
*p < .1, **p < .05, ***p < .01.

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