Anda di halaman 1dari 11


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'siuerpa.iSur au]
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s! teqt pool +noqe pear pue Eg1 e8ed o] oO 'tollnq aeatc pue sdtL,Tc
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pa1- o1l- se8ueqc .

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O¡ Rsk and answer the questions. ? Read the restaurant menu. Read what the frie- -
1 How often do you go to a restaurant? about food in picture b. What do you think the.
2 Whai kind of restaurant do you like? for their main course?
3 3 Do people eat out a lot in your country? Martina Dan
Annie Leo
Ol Wort< in pairs. Look at picture a. Why do you
ihink the restaurant is empiy? Choose an answer. em Watch or listen to Part 2.
1 The restaurant isn't open. 1 Which of your answers in 3a are correct? Cha.;-
2 People think the waiter isn't very nice. wrong answers.
3 lt's very early. 2 Who can't decide what they want to have?
O¡ Oo you sometimes find it difficuli to c-:
restaurant? Why / Why not?
a; §tarters
ez Smoked chicken solod
taf Mixed beon solod
?u Fried fish in lemon souce
ñ Fresh mushroom soup

L: @gU Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your

answers in 1b.
*: }t{ain cüurse
@m Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Are the
Spoghetti with tomoto souce
sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
1 They have a reservation for four people. Egg ond vegetoble pie
2 f hey want a table by the door. Lomb with roost pototoes
3 Annie finds it difficult to choose a table.
Thoi chicken curry

Arriving at a restaurant I think
eat mec-: -

Read the sentences. Who is the waiter * A or B?

A No problem.
B Can we have a table by the window?
A Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
A Yes, of course. This way, please.
B No, we don't. We'd like a table for four.

@m Put the sentences in 2a in the correct

order. Listen and check your answers.

t, O.D Practise the conversation with a partner.

d O.} Cnange what B says in 2a. Use the sentences

I really like
Asian food.
1 We'd like a table outside,
2 Yes, we have a reservation for two people. The name's
Morton. But we're twentv minutes late.


[T USEFIjL LANGUAGE E Pn0nUNC!AT¡(}N st*rd srsaep§

CIrderinE a meal in a restaurant
a AW Listen to the sentences. ln each sentence
? Complete the conversations from Part 2 with the there are two or more word groups. Write lj where
words in the box. you hear the start of a new word group.
1 For my starter ll I'd like raw fish.
have then with l'll like 2 And l'll have vegetable pie for my main course.
3 l'd like chicken salad for my starter.
WAITER What would you like for your starter?
MARTINA l'd 1- the mushroom soup,, @m Listen again. Notice the main stress in
please. each word group.
WAITER And for your main course?
MARTINA have ihe lamb with roast @m Write ll where you hear the start of a new
potatoes. word group. Listen and check.
WAITER And for your starter, sir? For my starter ll l'll have mushroom soup. And then
DAN l'll 3- chicken salad. l'd like chicken curry for my main course. And l'll have
WAITER Chicken salad. some rice with my curry.
4- lamb with roast potatoes.
5- d OI ln pairs, practise saying the order in 5c.
WAITER Would you like rice that?
LEO Yes, please.

fick (/) the two phrases we use when we want to

order food in a restaurant. E CONVERSATICIN SKILLS
t Itnave 3! l'd want Changing wi"rat yoix say
z I r'o rit<e +! t'tt trave
Look at the two sentences from the conversation.
@m Put the words in the correct order to make Underline the phrases Annie uses when she
sentences. Listen and check. wants to change what she wants to say.
1 salad I my lbean / l'd / starter lfor llike 1 ANNIE What about the one on the right?
2 course I l'll I mylspaghetti I for I have I main DAN lf you prefe' ...
3 l'd / rice / chicken / like / with / currv ANNIE Maybe not. The one on the left is fine ...
2 ANNIE OK, for a starter I'll have the f sh. No, wait. I'Ll

have chicken salad.

Om Complete the sentences, Listen and check.

1 l'll have mushroom soup. lVaybe
l'd like the chicken salad.
2 l'd like spaghetti, I think. No, -. l'll have the
vegetable pie.
The only meat I eat
is fish or chicken.
I love ltalian food,
a OlWork in groups of three or four. Use the menu on
but everything on the page 44. Write one more starter and one more main

h You are at a restaurant. Take turns to be the waiter

and the customer. 0rder a meal from the menu. Use
phrases from 4a to help you. Practise changing what
you say when you order.


You can now do the Unit Progress Test.

_*§ :rffP"
. . .:il '+ +J

a O¡ Ask and answer the questions.

1 Which of the dishes in pictures a-d
would You like to eat?
2 Can yoa make anY dishes like these?
3 Who does most of the cooking in your house
you or another Person? WhY?

Gm Four peoPle talk about cooktng'

Listen and ullcdne the correct answers'
Name I Talks aboul
rJake himsetf|': a§oadl Picture al bl cl d
his wife
', bad cook
: Rosie : herself I : agoodl picture alblcld
: her husband : bad cook
Johanna : herself I a good I : picture alblcld
' her father bad cook

loby ntmsett t a goodl I Picture al bl cl d

his mother b¿d cook

H nrnulE¡u
Cre Listen again. Answer the questions'
1 Who alwaYs wants to eat more? fl Read Jake cooks!Who is it for?
2 Who can onlY make one thing? a People who know how io cook very well
3 Who doesn't understand how you can make a really
good b People who want to learn how to cook'

dish from onlY a few things? i

4 Who enioYs their own food?
Think of someone you know who is a good cook'
Make notes.
" Who? " Wh}l? What dishes?

e í)¿ Ask and answer about the good cook you know'
tVho do You know Hieveryone and welcome to my cooking blog'
who is a good cook? l'm not a good cook, but I want to become better'
I just want to learn how to cook simple dishes
MY father - he's a and eat well. I don't want to cook difficult things
great cook. and I don't want to be a famous chef' ln this blog
I want to tell you about the help I get from my
family and friends and the things I try out' So if
you want to be a better cook, but not a chef, ther
maybe I can helP Youl

What does
he make?

He makes fantastic
chicken salad.

Read My food - shared!. What does Jake talk about? Read the recipe for a bean salad. 0nly sentences
a the food he eats 1 and 5 are in the correct order. Put the other
b planning a drnner sentences in the correct order.
I Cook ihe beans in hot water with a litt]e salt.
Read My food - shared!again. Are the sentences true or
I Add salt and pepper and mix everything together.
false? Correct the false sentences. Put lemon and oil on the warm beans - not
1 Jake hopes the blog can help other people plan dinner too much.
for friends. ! Leave the beans until they arewarm.
2 lt's not a good ldea to invite a lot of people for dinner.
@ Place the bean salad in a nice bowl and serve
3 lt's always fun to try a new dish because friends can tell you if to your guests.
t's good or not.
4 Decide the night of the dinner and then tell your friends. Add the words in the box to the sentences in 3c.
5 lt helps to do all the cooking before your friends come.
first after that next then finally
)l Oo you prefer making meals for other people or going
to someone's home for a meal? Why? Fir -.v. cuc r. tht be;e = tt .L - wa .(r

ffi WRITING SKILLS Makixag rhe order elear E wnluuo

ln Jake's blog, the words firsf and next help make the Plan a blog about something you know how to do.
order clear. Underline two more phrases in the blog that . What are good ideas to become better?
also make the order clear. . What's a good order to do things?

Answer the questions. Write your blog. Use My food - shared!to

,,^/hich two phrases can we change with then? help you.
,i/hat punctuation do we use after these phrases?
Swap blogs with another student and check the
order is clear.


Do you like the idca of egoking dinner for friends? Here

are my ideas for planning a d¡nner for friends - I hope
log. you find them useful ,..
¡l-t e/ First, think about how many people you want to invite. Don't
invite too many - I think four people is a good number.
lgs Next, ring or email to invite your friends and all agree on a
bIcg. night that's good for everyone.
/ After that, decide on your menu. Only choose food that you
rif know how to prepare. Don't choose new and difficult dishes
the- +. :á ': - it's just too hard. Your friends know that you are not a chef
:. i
and your house is not a restaurant!
.a:: :.

:.:.- 'e * a6$& Finally, on the day of the dinner, you need a lot of time to
prepare everything - the food and the table. fl-he weekend
is good because you have all day to prepare.) lf everything
is ready before your guests arrive, you can enjoy the dinner
much more.
§ Cooking for friends can be easy and fun. I hope it is for you!


Read the three conversations'

Review and extension Which one matches the Picture?
1A What fruit do You like?
B I like most kinds of fruii, bui
E GRAMMAR not bananas.
2A What vegetables would You like?
Correct the words (1-10) that are wrong. B l'd like Potatoes and carrots,

i There's a very good market near my home' I always go there please.

to buy 1food. Some stalls sell

2vegetableand3fruits' I usually 3A We want to have a PartY.
sonions there because they're very cheap At Would You like to ioin us?
buy potato and

my favourite stall an old lady sells

6butfers, l cream andsegg B Yes, thanks. l'd love to.
from her own farm. There is also a building where they sell
f¡shes and
meat. b Look at the questions in 3a. Which question "' ?

1 is about what B wants now

Underline the correct answers. 2 invites B to go somewhere

I 1 Have we got an I anY onions?

2 How much I manY coffee do You drink?
3 How much I manybananas would you like?
3 is about what B Iikes in general (not iust now)

C Match a-c with similar meaning 1-3 in 3b'

4 Can you buY a I some sPaghetti? I don't like Big Brother. I think it's a terrible programme

I 5 ls there any I many milk in the fridge?

6 How a tot of I much money have you got?
Choose the correct answer. d
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
I'd like trruo lemons, Please.

Match the marked words in 1-4 with meanings a-c

1 | haven't got money, but I can buy a cup of coffee' 1 What's it like to live without the lnternet?
', a some b manY c much 2 fhey haven't got a computer. I couldn't live like that'
,,t ! 2 fhere aren't - bananas" Let's buy some more 3 I eat a lot of fruit, like apples, pears, melons and
? a much b manY c some ba na nas.
i.l' - to be greai
3 The party's going people want to come' 4 She's 20 and she studies Russian, just like me'

rl a much b a lot of c any

4 He's got good books about food and cooking'
a the same as
r1 a some b much c any b for example
how is it
- C
d in that way
rlti E VOCNTULARY I Write a question with /ike for each situation'
Match the words in the box with 1-5. Then add one 1 Invite a friend to the cinema on Friday.
more word to each group. 2 You're in a shop. Ask for some apples.
3 You're a waiter in a café' A customer says 'A coffee,
pear chicken graPe cheese grilled please.'
lam b potato boi led carrot yoghurt 4 Someone is a guest in your home. You want to know
what to cook for him/her.
1 kinds of meat 5 At a party, someone says he/she llves in New York' Ask
2 vegetables himiher about the ciiY.
3 kinds of fruit
4 things which come from milk f Of Ask and answer the questions in 3e with
5 ways of cooking food a partner.

b Look at 1-9. Which are normal (/) and which are

unusual (or impossible) (X)?
1 grilled chicken I 6 fried grapes
2 roasl butter ñ 7 roast lamb
3 boiled egg 8 fried mushrooms
4 grilled rice 9 boiled potatoes
How well did You do in this unit? Write 3, 2,orl
5 fried fish
for each objective.
3=verYWell 2=well 1 = not so well

I CAN.,.
talk about the food I want lf
talk about the food I eat everY daY li
arrive at and order a meal in a restaulant T
write a blog about something I know how to do. ll
E e nRm¡lnn E V0CABULARY ralking about food
Quantiñer§: much,rnany, a lot (ofl a Complete the food phrases with the words in the box.
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
roast jar fried bar bae packet bottle grilled
1 need / oranges i we / how I do I many ?

How many oranqes dowe need?

2 drinks I a I milk/of /she / lot/quite .

3 haven't / much I sorry lgot / money I I'm I I

4 eal I brother I many / little / my / vegetables / doesn't .

5 day I you / fruit I every I do / much / have / how ? 1¿ bag of rice 2 chicken

6 a

/ recipe/ butter I


B few/ for lcan



/tomatoes lyou
I for/ little /this /we

lcoffee / usually/the/ much/

la / buy/salad /the

Complete the conversation with the words in the box.


@M fish L


many much quite a lot a few lot of

hew-mueh a little a lot how many - -

WltL Hi, Sophie. l'm at the supermarket, but I can't find

the shopping list. What do I need to buy?
5 a-ofjam 6 a-of
S0PHIE That's typical of you! chocolate
WILL Sorryl l How much milk do we need?
SOPHIE We need 2-. Can you get two litres,
All right. And eggs?
S0PHIE Just a-. Just buy one box of six.
WILL OK. Do we need 5- vegetables?
SOPHIE Yes, we do. Buy a5-vegetables. You
know my mother's a vegetarian!
7 a-of crisps B a-ofwater
WILL And do we need 7-cheese?
S0PHIE No, we've still got quite 8- in the
fridge, so just buy a little. @EE tisten and complete the sentences.
WILL What about rice? 1 l'd like boileá potatoes, please.
SOPHIE We've only got e- rice in the cupboard, 2 l'd like fish, please.
just one small packet. 3 l'd like vegetables, please.
WILL 0K. I can buy some more, then. 4 l'd like a egg, please.
S0PHIE Right, I think that's everything. See you laterl 5 l'd like a of cola, please.
6 l'd like a of soup, please.
7 l'd like a of tomatoes, please.
8 l'd like a of crisps, please.

Use tl' E US¡TuL LANOUAGE E PnOUUNC¡ATI0N tmord grsup§
;&rriving at au:d ordering a meal in
a re§tailrent ? Match the phrases in the box to make sentences
people use in a restaurant.
á Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Where would you like to sit
or do you need some more time?
maybe not on the left the name can we have and'tffihesteak:
this way those two prefer reservatiorr for six the one
- inside or outside?
fln'', C l'llhave the soup
WAITRESS Good evening. Do you haveat reservalion ?

Go:c PAUI Yes, we have a reservation 2_ people.

with some rice.
WAITRESS Certainly. What's 3_?
Can we have a table for four
PAUI Henderson. ffi
by the window if possible?
WAITRESS Yes, that's fine.
f¡= :, pAUt 4_a table outside, please?
Would you like to order now
lhc , WAITRESS yes, of course. 5_, please.
and the spaghetti for my main.

6- over there are both free.
l'd like the lamb curry
a1: PAUt What do you think? 7- on the right?
Word group 1 Word group 2
§pe3 JENNY l'm not sure. What about the one 8
I' d líke the chicken salad andlhent"he steak-
sfÉ- .-? 1

Tlre i PAUL lf you e-. It's your birthday.


a-. JET{NY Well, 10-. This one,s fine.

fns: 4
b @n Listen and check.

G Tick (/) the correct sentences in the conversation.

Correct the other sentences. (Sometimes there is
@E Listen and check.
more than one possible answer.)
@El Listen to the sentences and tick (/) the
CA 1 I A You are ready to order? stressed words.
Uf{I Areyoureaáyto order?
2 aB Yes, I think so. 1 l'd like the chicken curry, please.
3 E A What do you like for your starter? a @ chicken
4 E B I like the mired bean salad, please. b I curry
5 E A And for your main course? 2 Can we have a table by the window if possible?
.= t-

6 E B I take the chicken curry. af tabte

7 f A You like chips with that? b! window
8 fl B Yes, please. 3 l'd like the mushroom soup for my starter.
9 E A And in your starter, madam? a! mushroom soup
10 f] C I have the fried fish, please. bf starter
11 E A Fried fish in lemon sauce" 4 Would you like to order now?
12 Z C Then l'd have the steak. No, wait. l,ll have the a I order
:'- spaghetti. b!now
e, rs Ia Oh, that's a good idea. Can I change my menu?
.: r+ !n
is In
Yes, of course.
l'll eat the same. Spaghetti with meatballs for my
l'll have the spaghetti for my maln.
! spaghetti
b ! main
iÉ- 6 Where would you like to sit - outside?
d @E!Il Listen and check. a [sit
b f outside


l^ t,.

Read the recipe for Salade Nigoise and tick (/)
the correct answer.
1 E f h s dlsh ls for people who like a lot of meat.
Z I f nls dish is for people who don't eat any meat or fish, Preparation: ¿l lt Ilrtnrl,,r.q
3E Th s dish ls for people who like fish, vegetables and
In§redients: N¡l lris rl.[]11-r!. yaLl ried 80n.. il,rsh l,urp, llsh (ol a
l,il oi iuna). si-ri1lt ltcial,oes. sarll-¡ tllnala,ns, sf it:0 Fr'lnch beans,
4I This dish is for people who don't ike many vegetab es
r, Large lel'riLirtr, al ¡; Ljot, ioul ,q89s and salr- ll¿,-;ll i,;i.i."s.

Read the recipe again. Are the sentences true or Instructions:

fa lse? 1 Flrs:. bcrl l,he eggs, llalaile"q ¡Lrrr1 f lenri: i::,r,-. r,, . .

l,h""y itre co1d.

1 You need to use fresh fish for this sa ad.
2 lt takes less than an hour to make this salad. 2 1'liel. wash lle lel,lLrci: a::i iL-.:il¿J0es ¡r,rir,i ri.., t, : -

3 You can add the eggs, potatoes and beans to the salad
iJ All,,"r itl¿-i, lr1l, lrl"" lel,luce 0t¡ ¿ lat(a pl:.i-- l,rrt- rt,. . -.t-:,.
when they're warm.
Lonal,l,cs, ili¡n, i-,0'"aLocs, l-r,"alis ani i-¡ii-¡:s.
4 You put al the food together on the same plate.
5 You add the French dressing last. 4 Fitiiil¡. prit scme F:ten.::t dressllg (oLye c11,,¡n,.gat ?,ital
llir.,,ql¡riti) a:i 1,h." salad and nix ..'i'".r1/ihinE tog,.ihart

king t§:c *rd*r e}*ar E wntlnc
Read the recipe for a Spanish omelette. Put the ? Look at the pictures of someone makrng a pizza.
instructions in the correct order. Use the information under the pictures to complete
the recrpe. Add your own favourite pizza toppings.
Remember to make the order clear (e.g, First, After

Spanish \ that ... ).


ome ette t ll
pq I

1 lM ix: f lou r, 2 Make: pzzabase 3 Put: tomato

Preparation: about 45 minutes water, o I sauce. cheese

lngredients: F'or this recipe Srou neecl six

eggs, a iarge onion, 500 grams of potatoes,
oiive oil, sait and peppcr.
ll, .r'..,,. 1..,.-::-ffijl ll
I Next, cook all the ingredients together for 4 Add: topprngs (e,g 5 Bake: ten minutes
about 10 rninutes. m ush rooms, peppers .. . )
I Then, fry the onions and potatoes in the
olive oii for 30 minutes, until the potatoes A Pizza
are soft.
I F'inally, turn the omelette over and cook
for 5 more minutes.
I After that, put the onions and potatoes
into a large bowl with thc eggs, salt ancl
pcpper ancl mix erer¡1hing togerlrer'
tr First, cut the onion and potatoes inr,r
small pieces.
Reading and listening extension

3 Read the magazine article. Complete

each sentence with the correct
paragraPh number.
a Paragraph 4 talks about the fruit Rob
§;§.§ss§x §'§& e§§§[
b Paragraph _-- talks about how healthy
It is to eat f ruit and vegetables ertr§§&m§x§tr§§ §«psp
c ParagraPi talks about the
vegetables Rob- grows
d Paragraph talks about how good it
\s for chi\dren to see how we grow food'
- \.ke6rr.t', 1a:, {"1 !.,i
e ParagraPh gives reasons to grow &{&f §\.:' 1#$"i, *;i§i§.§:{,f&§
your own food.
§"W§,e-*-ry,- §.§'%e,§'l¡'ri
b Read the artrc\e aga\n. Are the W
sentences true or false?
1 lt is exPensive to grow Your c\'\,/r'r We all know that itt good for us to eat a 1ot of lresh fruit and
a big famllr'
vegeta bles. vegetables. But it can be expensive, especiall,v if you have
2 You don't need a lot of space lo grow a
I Wh,v not gror,v your or'vn? It's cheap, it's easÍ and it's lunl
You dont
few vegetables.
even need mucir space - a box i¡ the rr-indolr is enough to grow.some
3 Rob Green doesn't llke growing
vegetables because t's hard work
4 He thinks his vegetables are better than I Rob Green has a vegetable garden at his house in Cambridge'
He says'
,it lots of diflerent
vegetables in shoPs. car-r be hard work sometimes, but I love it. I grow
5 He gets apples and oranges f rorr' i"' carrots, onions and beans' It saves me a lot
vegetables, for exampie
c¡f r.t.rc¡ner-, at.rd the vegetables I grou' are better than an1'thing you can
6 He cooks the aPPles he grolvs.
r':\ bu.r-in the
1 Hl-.n:idren*a\ J\o\ or1l '

B His children thlnk that vegetables ¿[ His garden has an apple tree and a pear tlee. I1-re apples arent very
always come from the suPermarket srr eet. but l-re bakes thet.n il-ith bro\\-tl sugar, and the family
eat them tor

u.ith ice crerrm. Rob also grol,s straivberrles, and usually makes
Write about the f ruit and vegetables jars of jan-r each summer. 'I d like to make more] he says' 'The
a tbrr-
you eat. Think about ihese questions: t
onli, problerl is that after the children see the strawberries, there aren
¡ What types of frult and vegetables do mar-r1, leftl'
you eat most often?
. 5 Rob often cooks ¿rnd he says that itt good for then-r
\,ith his chiidren,
What are your favourite vegetables?
. What rs your favourite fruit? to see llüere their foo<1 comes from too. 'Children need to knorv that
. Do you think fruit and vegetables are it doesn t just arrive in packets in the supermarketi
. Where do You get thern frorn?
. Do you grow any fruit or vegetables
yor-rrself or do you know arryone who

Review and extension

Correct the sentences.

l'd like any potatoes and any carrots, please.

E usrrulue irl like *cnre ?el;at"a€.* *r:á *arr:e *arr*L*, pl*ar,a.

2 l'm sorry, I haven't got a blue cheese this week.

a @m Listen to the conversation. Tick (/) the correct 3 Can I have some packet of rice, please?
4 Yes, we've got any eggs in the fridge.
words to complete the sentences.
5 Can you buy a bread at the supermarket?
1 Ev e and Ethan can't go out because ...
6 No, there aren't some mushrooms in the fridge.
a @ of the snow, 7 We need a onion for the salad.
OI tney clon't know where the supermarket is.
B Have we got a milk?
cI ftnan wants to stay at home and eat.
2 Ethan is worried because ...
a I ne doesn't like bread. E VOCNBULARY
O I ne doesn't know how to cook.
c ! ttrey clon't have much food. Correct the sentences.
3 Evle isn't worrled because ,., 1 Can I have roast kitchen and boiled potatoes, pleasel
aI she likes burgers. Can I have raa*f, e:hirken ana bcileC ?oraro**, plea*e?
bI she thinks she can cook a meal. 2 For my starter, l'd like the mushroom soap.
cI she wants to go out for a mea .
3 Would you like braed with your salad?
4 Evie's meai is very unusual because ... 4 l'll have lam curry and rice for my main course.
a! she only uses food she finds in the kitchen. 5 Would you like some vedgetables with your steak? ¡
bI she ikes making unusuaL food. 6 I usually have serial with milk in ihe morning.
cI lt has a starter, main course and a dessert. 7 Do you eat yoghurt with frute? lt's delicious!
8 Would you like a cheese sanwhich?
b Complete the table with the words in the box.
:l lr:a
iirl burgers carrots cheese chocolate
crisps jam onions pasta rice yoghurt
Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f .

1 @ Would you like to go for a coffee?

Evie and Ethan have Evie and Ethan don't have
2 I Wtrat type of food do you like?
3 I Wnat would you like?
4 I Wnat's your sister like?
5 I Wnat k no or m¡src does she like?
6 I ls your srster tike you?
a Yes, she is. We're both very tall and slim.
b She likes rock, pop and lazz.
@E Listen to the conversation again, Put the
sentences in the order they happen in the story. C She's friendly and very popular.
d Yes, l'd love to.
I ftnan doesn't like the sanciwiches very much.
e I like liaiian food.
I ftnan doesn't think they can make a meal from the food
:f l'd like a pizza, please.
they find.
r tr For their starter, they have r ce and cheese soup.
tr Evie and Eihan have to stay inside because of the snow,
f, I They look in their kltchen to see what food they have.

.,\ tr For their main course, they have fried onions w th carrot

'-lt 't¡f-
tr Evie says she wil make a meal for them.
tr For dessert, they have boiled pasta and choco ate sarce.
Think about the food in your kitchen. Wnte about an
,*ü unusual meal you can make with the food you have.
Lry Use much, a lot, manyand a little to say ho''v rnuch
of each food there is.
t ,,.-



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