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Merry Christmas
to you and yours,
and best wishes
for a holiday season
filled with warmth
and love!

Whether Christmas to you represents time off from work, partying with friends, frantic gift shopping for
loved ones, a religious commemoration, or all of the above, this message is for you.
Have you ever trudged through store after store, searching for the perfect gifts for those dear to you? When
finally the presents are all wrapped and under the tree, something still seems to be missing. You're tired. Maybe you
worry about losing your job in today's rumble-tumble economy, and you wonder how you're going to provide for
yourself, or your family, next year. Or perhaps relations with those close to you are strained, and your heart is crying
out for some peace and the simple joys of life.
Wait! You've forgotten about some other gifts--gifts from Someone Who loves you very much; gifts for
your loved ones and gifts for you. These are gifts that can never be found in a store. Though they are invaluable,
they cannot be bought with money. In fact, they are free! The gifts I'm talking about are designed by our Heavenly
Father; they are gifts of love, joy, peace, and happiness.
The reason we celebrate Christmas at all is because God gave us the greatest gift anyone could give--His
Son, Jesus. Though Jesus came into the world as a tiny baby, He brought with Him all of God's wonderful gifts. As
He grew older, He unwrapped these gifts for us, one by one, by teaching us how to love God and each other. Then,
when Jesus died for us, through His death he gave us the greatest gift of all--forgiveness for our sins, eternal life in
Heaven, and peace with God, our Heavenly Father.
Does this sound too good to be true? The world is becoming such a hard, cold place to live, and sometimes
you may feel that God is far away. The wonderful truth is that God loves you greatly and is longing for you to enter
into a loving relationship with Him.All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart, forgive your sins and
give you eternal life. This is why Jesus came to earth, to open up the way back to the Father for us.
Just pray this simple prayer with your family and friends, or on your own, if you prefer:
"Dear Father God, thank You for sending Jesus into the world, to help me find my way back to You. I now
open my heart and ask You, Jesus to come in, to forgive me for all my sins and to give me Your gift of eternal life.
Please change me and become My Friend forever. Help me to love You and to share Your love with others.”

God bless you with the best Christmas ever, as you enjoy your new gifts from Heaven!
To know more about God and His wonderful love for you, please do contact us:

Tel: 07966 470114


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