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English for Professional and Acad Purposes b.

What were the steps you

June 4, 2018 considered in finding the needed
Monday information to our questions?
c. Do you agree with the
I. OBJECTIVES statement “vocal language was a
Determines the structure of a specific development later than gesture or
academic text. CS_11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1 signed language” Why?

II. SUBJECT MATTER 3. Abstraction

a. Topic: Reading Academic Texts Show the picture to the class. Let
b. Materials: Slide Deck, laptop, projector, them analyze the parts of the picture. Let
white board them share their insight about the possible
c. Reference: Critical Reading and Writing things that can happen in case one part
for SHS LM, CG pp. 1, of this structure will be taken out.

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Review

B. Motivation
1. Ask the students to observe people
talking to one another. Tell them to pay
attention to the hand movements of these
people in conversation.
2. Let the students communicate to one
another without using oral language. Find Structure - the arrangement of and
out how long the students can sustain their relations between the parts or
“silent conversation” elements of something complex.

An academic text is a kind of text

C. Presentation that is commonly characterized
1. Activity with being formal, studied,
1. Ask the students to prepare an researched, objective, exact,
outline of the selection. Let them direct, and has the ability to
identify the main headings of the influence its readers.
2. Make the students list the Structure of an academic Text:
evidence that vocal language was 1. Introduction
a development later than gesture 2. Body
or signed language. 3. Conclusion
3. Prepare the following worksheet
indicating the advantages and PURPOSE:
disadvantages of the speech or 1. to inform
vocal language, and of gesture or 2. to argue a specific point
signed language. 3. to persuade

2. Analysis FEATURES:
GUIDE QUESTIONS : 1. Complex – written language had longer
a. How were you able to words, it is lexically more dense and it has
come up with the conclusion that a more varied vocabulary
vocal language was a developed
later than gesture or signed Written texts are shorter and the language
language? has more grammatical complexity,
including more subordinate clauses and
more passives
2. Formal – should avoid, colloquial words years ago. The Cretaceous Period was
and expression the last period of the dinosaurs. It spanned
a time from 138 million to about 65 million
3. Precise – facts are given accurately and
years ago. In this period the continents
fully separated. However, Australia and
4. Objective – Antarctica were still united.
- objective rather than personal
- has fewer words that refer to the
writer or the reader V. ASSIGNMENT
- main emphasis should be on the 1. Assign students to do a
information that you want to give and the research on the origin of
arguments you want to make rather than language.
you 2. Ask them to comment on the
different theories of language
5. Explicit – it is the responsibility of the origin.
writer in English to make it clear to the 3. Let the students discuss other
reader how the various parts of the text developments in
are related communication (e.g., written
language, electronic or
6. Accurate computer-mediated
- uses vocabulary accurately communication).
- most subjects have words with
narrow specific meanings

4. Application
Each group will be given a copy of
passage to read. The group will
identify the text structure by writing
the information in the appropriate
graphic organizer.

Read the passages and on a sheet of
paper, make an appropriate graphic
organizer. Feel free to make changes if

1. The Age of the Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years

ago to 65 million years ago. This era is
broken up into three periods known as the
Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million
years from 250-205 million years ago.
Planet Earth was a very different place
back then. All the continents were united
to form one huge land mass known as
Pangaea. The Jurassic Period was the
second phase. The continents began
shifting apart. The time scale for this
famous period is from 205 to 138 million

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