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Ben Narlock

Mr. Wolfe

Research Project

17 May 2019

The Use of Nuclear Weapons

One weapon could destroy the world or bring some peace to the world. Nuclear

weapons are a hot topic in the modern day, ever since the first atomic weapon was used at the

end of World War 2 in 1945. Then, after that the Cold War set in and the nuclear arms race took

place. After that almost every major nation has some nuclear arsenal. With the topic of the Cold

War the topic of M.A.D.; mutually assured destruction, if one country shoots one of their nuclear

weapons at another country, the receiving nation fires all of their nukes back insuring in both

countries' destruction. Some say is enough to stop countries from starting a total nuclear war.

There are enough nukes in the world today to destroy the earth many times over. In modern

politics many negotiations revolve around the topic of nuclear weapons and who can get their

hands on them. In the hands of terrorists, nuclear weapons could have horrible outcomes

compared to being in the hands of the US or other nations where it is in the hands of

professionals. But with major powers, nuclear weapons can be used to keep other countries in

line and follow by their rules. Thus those keeping nuclear weapons could retain peace by being a

deterrent for other nations from taking negative actions and they could also be used to protect

other nations, but on the downside, if they get into the hands of terrorists, nuclear weapons are

extremely dangerous and a risk to all.


Those in favor of larger nuclear arsenals believe that the super-power nations can use

these nuclear arms as a deterrent from opposing nations acting undesirably. Looking back to the

Cold War; which was probably the closest the world has been to total nuclear war, and with the

threat of nuclear war, “applied effectively, deterrence discourages an adversary from pursuing an

undesirable action”(62). Nuclear war isn't good for any nation, so with a threat of complete

destruction; it could be used as persuasion from another nation doing something undesirable.

Usually, when a nation or group is making threats or demanding something to a world

superpower they're not thinking rationally, but when “deterrence rests on the assumption that

where risk is involved, humans act rationally”(62). As soon as an opposing nation realizes the

costs of their actions they would start to act more rational and change and stop what they're

trying to do. If you can get people to think rationally you can get them to follow safer actions.

All in all a larger nuclear arsenal for major superpowers can help prevent other nations from

starting conflicts or actions with inadequate consequences.

The other view of those in favor of larger nuclear arsenals is that nuclear arms can be

used to protect other nations. As the United States are the main world super-power we use that to

help protect our allies which we can use our nuclear umbrella as a way to protect our allies from

conflict. The US has one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world and they easily have the

“will and the means to use its nuclear weapons, if necessary, to protect [their allies] from

aggression”(1). With their large assortment of nuclear arms, they can easily help their protect

nearby allies from threats. Which it is good to build trust and be a good ally with our nearby

neighbors With many allies in Europe and in NATO who we've been supporting since the Cold

War we started to share our “nuclear strategy and nuclear deployment capability with

NATO”(1). NATO is our biggest allies and we are sharing with them our nuclear strategy which

is very important to our nuclear plans.This is one of the biggest pieces of the American defense

strategy. To wrap it up to the pro side main points is about you can use the large number of

nuclear arms to make the world better by protecting people from danger.

On the con side to large nuclear arsenals; firstly they believe that the problem is nuclear

weapons getting into the wrong hands. After, major catastrophes such as 9/11, many feared what

would happen if “terrorists might get their hands on highly enriched uranium and make a

primitive nuclear device.”(35). In the world today terrorism is already a big deal and that is

without terrorists having nuclear capabilities. Just imagine the destruction they could have if that

became a reality in which they could destroy cities with the press of a button. Another nuclear

threat is another country here in the pacific, North Korea. Ever since the Korean War, they have

been attempting to get their hands on nuclear weapons and now that they do have them it has

“stoked fears across the region and beyond”(1). They have been expanding the capable range on

their missiles; now being able to hit the US. North Korea is dangerous and they’re not following

international law when it comes to nuclear arm, so it impossible to say what they will do with

their nuclear arms and the destruction they will cause. In conclusion, nuclear weapons in the

arms of terrorists or unstable governments put the world in danger of mass destruction.

Lastly, these weapons are completely dangerous and cause mass destruction and great

loss of life. As the US is the only nation to have used a nuclear weapon against another nation;

Japan when attacking the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We know the amount of destruction

they can bring and how truly dangerous they are. Nuclear weapons for years have caused fears of

“apocalyptic anxieties for decades”(1). With one wrong press of a button, the world could be

over. Knowing people are very nervous that everything could be over with one wrong decision.

They are large amounts of sanctions and international laws over nuclear weapons, but the bad

news is “the nuclear nonproliferation and arms control regimes are fraying badly”(1). With the

danger of nuclear arms, they should have better legislation to control these dangerous weapons.

It's not a good sign that the most dangerous weapons the world has. Have some of the worst

regulations over them. To sum up, nuclear weapons are dangerous and the way they are being

taken care of is putting the world in danger.

To wrap it all up; the world is somewhat split on the topic of nuclear arms. Whether

they are used in protecting people and keeping the peace, or the issues we could have if they get

into the wrong hands or how dangerous they really are. With all the recent talks of North Korea

and what they can do with their nuclear weapons, and how we must respond to them. With the

constant threat of conflict and how these nuclear weapons will be involved; with this issue dating

back all the way to the Cold War till the modern day, and probably for the rest of our lives.

These weapons will always be a hot topic because of how powerful they really are. With the

capability of leveling cities with ease, and complete destruction of life. We really need to take a

look together and truly understand how we can use these weapons to benefit our lives, instead of

controlling our lives.


Work Cited:

Colby, Elbridge. "If You Want Peace, Prepare for Nuclear War." Foreign Affairs, Nov. 2018, pp. 25.

SIRS Issues Researcher,

Krepinevich, Jr,Andrew F. "The Eroding Balance of Terror: The Decline of Deterrence." Foreign

Affairs, Jan. 2019, pp. 62. SIRS Issues Researcher,

“North Korea.” Global Zero,


Patrick, Stewart M. “The Lingering Specter of Nuclear War.” Council on Foreign Relations, Council on

Foreign Relations, 2019,

Sagan, Scott D. "Armed and Dangerous." Foreign Affairs, Nov. 2018, pp. 35. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Sonne, Paul. "Mattis Portrays Nuclear Strategy as a Check on Russia." Washington Post, 07 Feb. 2018.

SIRS Issues Researcher,

Vergun, David. “U.S. Nuclear Umbrella Extends to Allies, Partners, Defense Official Sa.” U.S.



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