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Name: Julius M.

Morel Date:
C/Year Level: BT-EET CAI RES # 1

I. Definition of Terms
1.1 History – The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
(as cited in
1.2 Pre-History- The events or conditions leading up to a particular occurrence or phenomenon.
(as cited in
1.3 Culture- The customs,a arts, social institutions, and achievments of a particular nation,
people, or other social group. (as cited in
1.4 Civilization- The process by which the society or place reaches an advanced stage of social
and cultural development and organization. (as cited in www.
1.5 Paganism- A modern religious movement incorporating beliefs or practices from outside the
main world religions, especially nature worship. (as cited in
1.6 Acculturation- Is a process of social, psychological, and cultural change that stems from the
balancing of two cultures while adapting to the prevailing culture of the society. (as cited in
1.7 Ethnocentrism- Is the act of judging another culture based on perceptions that are found in
the values and standards of one’s own culture. (as cited in
1.8 Xenocentrism-Is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else’s culture
rather than of one’s own. Both xenocentrism and ethnocentrism are a subjective take on cultural
relativism. (as cited in
1.9 Nepotism- The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends,
especially by giving them jobs. (as cited in
1.10 Ningas Cogon- Is the attitude when we start something with interest and enthusiasm, then
after a very short time, will lose interest and stop whatever it is we are doing. (as cited in www.
II. DATA RETRIEVAL CHART: Complete the chart…


1. Holy Symbol  A Star inside a Crescent  The dove (symbolic of the
Moon Holy Spirit), the sacrificial
lamb (symbolic of Christ's
sacrifice), the vine
(symbolizing the necessary
connectedness of
the Christian with Christ)
and many others
2. Holy God Allah God the Father, God the Son (Jesus
Christ) and God the Holy Spirit
3. Holy Book The Qur'an Bible
4. Holy War
5. Holy Escape
6. Followers It is the world's second-largest Christianity is the world's biggest
religion with over 1.8 billion religion, with about 2.1
followers or 24% of the world's billion followers worldwide.
7. Place of Worship A mosque is a place of worship for The word church is used to refer to
Muslims a Christian place of worshipby
some Christian denominations,
including Anglicans and Catholics.
8. Prophet Muhammad In Christianity the figures widely
recognised as prophets are those
mentioned as such in the Old
Testament and the New Testament,
which consist of 62 named
9. Days of Fasting  any 6 days in the lunar or  There is a strong biblical
"Islamic" month of Shawwal (the base for fasting, particularly
month after Ramadan (Hijri), during the 40 days of Lent
Fasting on Mondays and leading to the celebration of
Thursdays is desirable if Easter.
possible, the 13th, 14th, and
15th day of each lunar month
(Hijri), the Day of Arafah (9th of
Dhu'I-Hijja in the Islamic (Hijri)
calendar), As often as possible
in the months of Rajab and
Sha'aban before Ramadan, and
First 9 days of Dhu'I-Hijja in the
lunar (Islamic) calendar (but not
for any who are
performing Hajj (the pilgrimage)
10. Day After Fasting
11. Teaching of God
12. Holy City Mecca Jerusalem
13. Leader of Ritwal Imam Priest and Pastor
14. Site of Religion
15. Regional Location Islam is the dominant religion in Christianity is the predominant
Central Asia, Indonesia, Middle religion in Europe, Russia, North
East, North Africa, the Sahel and America, South America, the
some other parts of Asia. The Philippines, East Timor, Southern
diverse Asia-Pacific Africa, Central Africa, East Africa,
region contains the highest and Oceania.
number of Muslims in the world,
easily surpassing the Middle East
and North Africa.

Philippine History
with Constitution

Submitted By: Julius M. Morel

Submitted To: Prof. Jocelyn A. Diano

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